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eRomance: Chapter 21

M - Words: 3,181 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 55/? - Created: Aug 12, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
280 0 0 0 0





"Ow!" I exclaimed as I rubbed the spot on my face that had just been hit with a pencil. I looked in the direction that the pencil had come from to find Santana smirking at me. "What do you want?"

"I have been trying to get your attention – unsuccessfully – for like five minutes, B. You just keep staring into space with some weird look on your face. I get the appeal of a wake and bake, but Blaine..."

I slapped her arm when she tried to reach out to rub my arm, false sincerity dripping from her every word. "Puh-lease. You know that I don't do drugs."

In reality, I had been daydreaming about my date with Kurt, holding hands with Kurt, Kurt's lips on my cheek... just about Kurt in general. In fact, I had been thinking about him since we parted way last night. I wasn't entirely sure how I had made it home since I was still in a trance when I had left him, but somehow I woke up in my bed this morning with a huge smile on my face. And for once, I wasn't smiling just because it was Friday.

"Whatever," she said, rolling her eyes and inspecting her cuticles as she sat on the corner of my desk. "I tried to call you last night, but you didn't answer me. Please tell me you weren't having date night with your right hand."

I blushed. I appreciated Santana's bluntness, but she still knew how to make me feel uncomfortable from time to time. Plus I can't help that one time,ONE TIME, she had caught me with my pants down – literally – when she had come to my place on a whim and used the spare key I had taped to the top of the light next to my door to let herself in. It was a moment I would never live down, much to my chagrin.

"I was busy," I replied, shoving the thought of Santana catching me ever again into the recesses of my mind.

Her brow arched with curiosity. "Busy."

"Yes." I was suddenly enthralled with the email that had just come through from Clark in order to avoid looking at Santana. Girl knew how to get information out of me about what I was up to, but I was resolved to try to keep this close to the vest for the time being.

"You know you can't hide from me," she snared as she grabbed my chin and forced my eyes to meet hers. "Why are you being so secretive all the sudden?"

"Let go, San," I snapped, forcing my face from her hand and sitting back in my chair. "You don't have to knoweverythingabout me or what I do all the time." My tone had emitted more anger than I wanted it to, but I hated when people grabbed my face like that and she knew it.

"I'm pretty sure myjobas yourbest friendis to understand why you're acting like a dope right now," she retorted, a slight edge in her tone.

"It's not like I'm trying to hide from you. I just need... space right now," I resolved quietly. Santana was my best friend, but I needed to try and emotionally pace myself. Divulging information to her like we were having a slumber party with the girls was not going to help me not blurt out everything that I was thinking about Kurt. I hoped Santana would understand that.

Apparently not.

"Space!" she exclaimed. "Since when, in the entire time we've been friends, have you not talked to me? When did you 'need space' from me?"

My eyes bulged at her tone and the fact that she was practically yelling at me, bringing the attention of everyone in the room toward my cubicle. I slouched in my chair slightly as Santana tapped her heel expectantly, waiting for me to reply. I looked away, causing her to turn and head back toward her cube on the other side of the office.

"San," I said quietly, hoping to calm Santana down a bit and bring the conversation back to a calmer place.

"No, I'm giving you 'space' like you wanted," she said, using air quotes to emphasize her point. I watched her storm off in large strides and looked around to see that the attention that was previously on our very public conversation was now diverted back to their paperwork or computer screens.

What the hell was wrong with Santana?

I pulled up my IM and saw that Santana was still signed online.

Blaine: I promise I'm not trying to lie to you or anything.

** Santana Lopez has signed off. **

I stared at the abandoned chat, befuddled. Sure, Santana was a bitch sometimes and was known to be curt with people but it was very unlike her to yell, especially at me, over something so small.

Something must have been off. I wasn't used to dealing with the emotions of women – thank god for being gay – but I knew my best friend pretty well and something wasn't right.

But she was one of those people who needed time to cool off when they're mad. It was a harsh juxtaposition to the way I handled anger, which was to blurt out what I was feeling and not think twice. I figured I could give her until lunchtime and try to talk to her then. Hopefully the promise of some comfort food on my dime would make her feel a bit better.

As I pulled up the website for OpenTable to try and get a reservation for myself and Santana at her favorite Thai restaurant, I heard a buzzing sound coming from my phone that had been laid on my desktop.

What are you up to Sunday night? –K

I smirked when I saw the message from Kurt, and was thankful to the scheduling gods that I had no plans this weekend as I texted him back.

Hopefully seeing you. ;) –B

If Kurt was allowed to be flirty in text messages, I supposed I was allowed to as well.

You will if you put me on your schedule for 6:30pm Sunday night. I'll send you full details at 6 on Sunday. –K

I glanced at the text confused.

I can't know any sooner? I don't like surprises like you do. –K

Kurt reply came seconds later.

I promise, I'll make it worth your while. ;) –K


I smirked as I sent Blaine the last text. High School Kurt would be so taken back by Grown Up Kurt and his flirting abilities. Gone were the awkward exchanges with my high school crushes and in its place was a more confident and forward Kurt Hummel; he was sexy and he knew it. So sexy, in fact, that I had just referred to myself in the third person in my head and had used one of the songs I found super annoying as well. Great. I hated that song more than anything, but when I was in full on flirtation mode, it was the attitude I had adopted. And so far, the attitude hadn't done me wrong.

I may not have had a boyfriend since William, but I had gotten my far share of drinks as a result of my more forward persona. Deep down I was still a total romantic, but the early stages of dating always thrilled me and more so with Blaine since he was so... Blaine; dreamy, sweet, a smile that could brighten the darkest day, and had amazing taste.

I thought I had broken him when I didn't receive a text back right away, but before long my phone dinged with the familiar message tone.

I have no doubts of your abilities, Kurt. See you Sunday. –B

I snickered at his response. Normally our exchanges had been sort of one-sided in the flirtation department - I realized on our date that Blaine was sort of uncomfortable with the attention and it gave me opportunity to make him blush – but now things were becoming almost a two-way, shared dialogue. And I loved it.

I happily tossed my phone to the side as I brought my laptop to its resting place on my thighs as I leaned against my headboard. We had gotten paid today which meant two things; paying bills and online shopping.

I opened up my browser and went to type in my cell phone provider's website when a Skype notification popped up.

Mercedes Jones calling

I gladly clicked accept and waited for my friend's face to fill the screen.



"I said I'd call you this time. So this is me calling you."

I laughed. "That you are. How are you?"

"Oh I'm fine, nothing new to report. I have a gig tonight but that's really it. The more important question is what new things doyouhave to report?" I knew she was talking about Blaine. I could feel myself clamming up and about to reject her unspoken request before she interrupted my thoughts. "Kurt, come on. I helped you figure out his phone number. The least you can do is keep me somewhat informed."

I rolled my eyes, but acquiesced. Besides, it'd be nice to talk to someone about Blaine and even though Lauren knew, I didn't exactly want to rub the whole situation in her face. It'd be weird. Plus, Lauren was no Mercedes Jones; she and I were always gossip whores and Lauren probably couldn't care less.

"Well, I took your advice about texting him first and he and I texted back and forth for awhile that day you and I figured out his phone number. He asked me out for coffee the next day," this statement earning a squeal from Mercedes, "which didn't exactly go as planned."

"What do you mean?" she said, gleeful smile drifting into a facial expression conveying equal parts annoyed and confusion.

"He was late. But it was a total SNAFU situation; he was having a bad morning."

"I guess that's acceptable," she snorted. "I know how much you hate people being late."

"Trust me, I was not thrilled when he was late. But he looked so adorable practically sprinting to meet me that I couldn't help but forgive him," I replied. "But after that coffee date, where I walked him to work, we talked for a couple of days over email and even chatting on the phone once. When I called him he and I scheduled a date for last night."

She gasped. "How did you not start with the date last night!"

"I thought you wanted to hear the whole story!"

"Well duh! But that's exciting!" she exclaimed.

"It was exciting. We went out to this really, really nice Italian restaurant – the food was too good to believe – and we went to the High Line. It was great."

"Really, really nice meaning expensive?" she questioned.

I nodded. "It was really overwhelming because of just how nice the place was. I mean, it wasn't like fifty bucks a person, but it was certainly more expensive than most of the dates I've been on before."

"Well he must have known that you were worth it. He's already far better in my book than anyone else you've told me about."

"He does seem to have that effect on people," I conceded. "Anyway, it went well, we totally held hands," another squeal emitting from my friend's mouth, "and I kissed him on the cheek before I took a cab back to my place."

"Why didn't you go home with him? Or even kiss him on the lips!" she sputtered incredulously.

"Please, Mercedes. You know I'm not that type. I'm very intentional with physical affection. It took me months before I was... intimate in any way with William. But trust me, he's so gorgeous I don't know if I'd last that long if I was still dating Blaine a few months from now. But the kissing, I just... want it to be special."

Mercedes giggled. "You are smitten, Hummel."

I shrugged. "I can't help it. He's a babe."

"That he is," she replied.

I snapped back to look at her through the screen and saw a somewhat astonished Mercedes looking back at me. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I...uh..." she stuttered.


"Okay, okay. So, the other day you might have said his full name." I groaned, afraid of where this was leading. "And I might have Googled him a bit."

"Mercedes! I can't believe..." I cried.

"I know, I know Kurt! And I'm sorry that I'm nosey but I just wanted to see more about this guy who managed to catch your attention. I think he's the first guy you've talked about other than William. And the way you talk about him is already so different than the way you spoke about William." She paused, sheepish gaze cast down knowing how much she had upset me with her actions.

It wasn't that I faulted the girl for being curious. I just wanted her to be on the same playing field of knowing about Blaine that I was. I had withheld looking Blaine up for awhile just because I didn't want to be creepy and know things about me that he hadn't shared. But the fact that Mercedes might know more about Blaine than I did right now hurt a bit.

"I get it, you were curious. I am too. But you should have asked or something."

"You would have said no."

I chuckled. "You're right. I would have said no. But there's a reason that I haven't talked to people about him yet."

"You mean you haven't told Wes?"

I shook my head. "Not really. I mean, he knows that I went out on a date with a guy – the same guy – for coffee and dinner last night. But I don't want to introduce him to Wes until he's willing to put up with Wes' level of insanity."

"I can understand that," Mercedes agreed.

"So, back to the matter at hand. I can't let your P.I. work go to waste I suppose," I said, mischievous glint in my eye. "What exactly did you find out?"

Mercedes gave a hearty laugh. "I knew you were curious, Hummel! But leave it to me to do all of your dirty work for you."

"Spill, Jones."

"Okay, okay. The first place I looked, obviously, was Facebook but no results for the correct Blaine Anderson. He did, however, have a Twitter account." She had piqued my interest with that note. "He doesn't follow many people, mostly bands and a few other people who live in Ohio."

"Ohio?" I questioned.

She shrugged. "Yeah. I don't know why. Maybe they're in bands he has signed?"

"That could be it. So what kinds of stuff does he say?"

"Why don't you just look for yourself?"

I sighed. "Because then it'd be like cheating or something."

She snorted. "How is it cheating? It's not like it's another guy or something."

"Not like that," I said, shaking my head. "Like, I want to get to know him based on what he says to me. Not by scouting for information online."

"I see what you mean. But his Twitter is public. So, if he is willing to share his tweets with the world, why wouldn't he be willing to share those things with you?"

I laughed. "You just want to see me crack, Mercedes."

"You caught me!" she replied, feigning surprise. "Not really, I just think you're being sort of unrealistic about looking him up. He found you by being online. Why not reciprocate a little bit?"

"I guess." I paused to think about the potential repercussions of looking up information about Blaine. I wanted to give him privacy in what he did online, but I was curious. "Okay, I think I'll just look at his Twitter account and nothing else. If you find anything else about him online... or if you have already," I said, correcting my previous statement when I saw the guilty face pinned on my friend. "Just keep those extra things you Googled to yourself, deal?"

"I'd shake on it if we were there," she agreed.

"So, what's his Twitter name?"

"Here, I'll send it to you over chat." She copied something from her browser with the click of the mouse, and soon a chat bubble within Skype popped up with Blaine's Twitter account.

"I want to know what his obsession is with warblers. It's his email address too," I noted when I read his Twitter handle; warbler_blaine.

"Maybe he's a bird watcher?" she suggested.

I snorted. "That's the lamest thing I've ever heard, Mercedes."

"But if Blaine liked it, I bet you'd think it was adorable," she retorted, causing me to blush slightly. She noticed the shift in my skin tone and started laughing riotously.

"Shut up," I murmured as I clicked on the link Mercedes had supplied. His background image was a black and white photograph of the Brooklyn Bridge and his profile picture was one of him (obviously taken on his computer's webcam) in black and white looking off-screen with giant headphones on. It was a contrast to the more buttoned-up appearance I had seen him in – the hint of a band t-shirt's collar just barely visible at the bottom of the image – but there was so much I didn't know about Blaine that I didn't know, perhaps this was just another thing.

After a few seconds of staring at Blaine's photo, I heard Mercedes clearing her throat through my laptop speakers. "Oh, uh, sorry Mercedes. I forgot you were still on with me."

"Obviously. Please don't let me distract you," she said. I clicked back to the video screen and saw her smiling face greeting me. "I should probably go anyway. But I'll call you again soon and we'll have to have a full-on recap okay?"

"Fine, fine," I said, pretending to be annoyed with my best friend but secretly thankful I could confide in her about Blaine. "We'll chat later."

"Ciao!" she replied with a wave.

"Mwah!" I said, blowing her a kiss through the screen.

As soon as Mercedes closed out of our chat, I resumed perusing Blaine's Twitter page. He had a total of 42 tweets, which made me believe that he either had just started his Twitter account or he rarely went on there. He was only following 37 people and mentally reminded myself to check through his friends later and see who he'd be friends with from Ohio.

But I really wanted to get to the meat of what I was there for; what Blaine had written.

His last tweet was from last night and the three words it contained made my heart swoon.

warbler_blaine : Best night ever.

Based on the timestamp, it had been tweeted around the time I had gotten home last night. The only reason I knew is because I had checked the clock last night to be sure that Wes would be deep in his REM cycle before I had let out an excited yelp and done a happy dance the second I was in the privacy of my own room. To know that Blaine was as happy as I was post-date was exhilarating.

With the satisfaction that he had enjoyed our second date and had tweeted about it, it made me get to work planning our own date night for Sunday. I opened up my email tab, found the contact I was looking for, and typed the email I'd been thinking about since I asked Blaine about his Sunday plans.

If he thought Thursday was good, I hoped he would think Sunday was even better.


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