June 10, 2012, 6:50 p.m.
June 10, 2012, 6:50 p.m.
For Kurt, three o'clock couldn't have come sooner. He needed an excuse to pop in and see Blaine and now that he had one, the day seemed to creep by at a snail's pace. His poor phone had almost been the victim of Kurt's anxious frustration when he'd glanced at it for the sixth time in twenty minutes. Each time he'd been expecting an hour to have passed by, whereas the truth of the situation was that barely a quarter of an hour had passed.
When it was time, he packed up and left his office in a hurry, speed walking over to the elevators while pulling his phone out to send a quick text to Blaine. He tried to be casual about asking which floor he worked on, wanting to keep his arrival a surprise. His meeting with Mr. Kline was on the top floor but he doubted that Blaine's cubicle would be up with them. Not only because he was technically an intern but because Blaine's father wouldn't want to show favoritism, even if Blaine was a son he remotely liked.
Blaine's text, although answering his question, was laced with unspoken confusion. He was clueless of his Dom's impending arrival and Kurt wanted to keep him that way. Andrew's surprise had been unexpected but his was going to be even more shocking. Kurt couldn't wait to see his face.
Gavin met him at the elevator, handing him the disc of the footage copied from the security cameras. They had a top notch system that was the equivalent of breaking into Fort Knocks. Tampering with it was almost impossible and they'd paid Artie a lot of money to make it that way. After graduating, Artie had moved to Chicago to go to school for a double bachelor in System Security and in Software Applications and Programming. He'd graduated just last year at the top of his class and moved to New York to work for one of the top security companies in the country. He was a whiz with computers and had designed the entire system himself. Hackers had been trying for years to break into the system but so far, Artie (a retired hacker) outsmarted them all. Since he and Kurt had been friends in high school, he'd hooked him up with a killer discount. Last time they'd spoken, Artie had gone back to school part time to get his masters.
"Thank you, Gavin." Kurt said as he tucked the disc in the outside pocket of his satchel, ignoring Gavin's lingering stare that trailed up and down his body. Before yesterday, that look hadn't been as annoying as it was today. Before Blaine, he would have basked in the attention that was being given to him. But now…
"Anything for you, Mr. Hummel," He said, though Kurt knew he meant that literally, not just because it was his job to do so. Truthfully, Kurt was flattered by his flirting. For many months during his dry rut, it had stopped him from falling into a depression, reminding him that he still was an attractive person and people wanted to be with him. After his last sub left him, he'd fallen harder than before, insecurities that he'd thought he'd conquered rearing their ugly heads.
But now that he had Blaine, Gavin might just have to go. He was great worker, headstrong and opportunistic. But unlike Donna Lonng, he wasn't a whore. He reserved himself for one person and worked hard to get who he wanted. And he wanted Kurt. Unfortunately, Kurt knew that too. Training Gavin would be easy. He took orders well and he was loyal, something that Kurt admired in a sub. But they were too alike for him to even consider it. And if Kurt thought he could get him to change, he might have taken him up on the offer. Because there was no way he was going to.
Firing Gavin would bring about another set of problems. Besides the longing glances and attempts to flirt—which really wasn't that bad in comparison to others he could mention—Kurt didn't have a plausible reason to fire him. He never said anything inappropriate. He never tried to use his position for his personal gain, keeping it professional at work. And really, Kurt had never asked him to stop.
Plus, if he was serious, having someone around like Gavin really helped him out when things got hectic around here. He knew exactly when Kurt needed another cup of coffee. He knew when Kurt was going to explode and had the greatest ability to dodge projectiles when that did happen. He took all that kinds of abuse without complaining or quitting and he was amazing under pressure, always knowing what to say. He was the personal assistant of dreams.
He called the elevator with a push of the button and waited patiently for it to arrive. Gavin was still standing there, staring at him. He tried to ignore it but after a slow few seconds, Kurt couldn't ignore it any longer.
"Is there anything else?" he asked and Gavin shook his head.
"Good luck with your meeting." Gavin bid him farewell. He backed away and retreated to his desk before Kurt could say anything more. By that time, the elevator had arrived. He shook his feeling of foreboding off and resolved to put it out of his mind.
The drive to the law office took longer than usual. He cursed at every red light, every stupid driver/pedestrian that got in his way. Though it had only been fifteen minutes since he'd left his office, he felt like it had taken an hour. He arrived outside the law office and pulled into the underground parking, taking his time-stamp from the machine at the entrance. Finding parking spot wasn't all that hard and when he did, he got of the car and straightened his suit jacket, smoothing imaginary wrinkles. He wasn't nervous per say but more… wound up. And he wasn't even meeting with Blaine's father.
He'd never met Beckman Kline before but he'd heard through the grapevine—otherwise known as Adrianna—how much of a condescending ass he was. Kurt had once asked her why she hired them if they were all horrible people but Adrianna had confessed that just because they were asses didn't mean they weren't good at what they did. Anderson and Kline had one of the highest solve rates in the city and people paid through the nose to be represented by them.
He pulled his phone out of his bag and glanced at the time. He still had fifteen minutes till his appointment. He wondered if he should go see Blaine first.
Kurt sighed, a smile breaking out on his face. Just thinking Blaine's name made him happy, happier than he'd been in a long time. He never thought one person would have that kind of power over him. But this man had somehow weaseled his way into Kurt's heart.
After calling him two hours earlier and hearing him sob over the phone, the walls around Kurt's heart had crumbled. He hadn't meant to tell Blaine how he felt like that and the diehard romantic within him wept at the countless ruined opportunities that he could have used to confess his love. But after hearing the man start to degrade himself, Kurt knew that as much as he wanted to save it for another much more romantic time, Blaine needed to hear it more.
Seeing Blaine before his meeting would put a limit on how much time he had to spend with his sub but stopping by after would ensure that he could stay longer. No, Kurt decided. He wanted to take his time when he went and saw Blaine. He'd go see him after his meeting.
With that thought in mind, he locked his car and walked over towards the elevator that would take him to the lobby. From there he checked in with security, a big hulking man with a nice smile, and was given a visitors pass once he'd been cleared through a metal detector and then manually patted down.
Kurt did this all with thinning patience. George was obviously a paranoid man because the only time he went through this much security was when he was at the airport. He was surprised that they hadn't ex-rayed his bag just to make sure he wasn't hiding anything.
Once cleared by security, he made his way to another set of elevators that would take him to the top floor like a man on a mission, barely stopping to take in anything he was seeing or hearing. He could have passed the queen of England and would have never noticed.
Upon reaching the top floor, Kurt approached the secretary's desk and stood in front of it patiently, waiting till she finished her phone call. Upon noticing him out of the corner of her eyes, the woman looked up and stared at him with appalled eyes, judging him within seconds of seeing him. Which of course, in her mind, justified her ungodly time on the telephone.
He knew that his outfit wasn't exactly what normal business men would wear but he wasn't going to sacrifice his remarkable fashion sense just to please the masses. He hadn't in high school and wasn't going to start now. He straightened his dove pin on his lapel with indignant pride.
Five minutes later, Kurt was ready to throw in the towel and start searching for the office himself. But he was saved that endeavor by the secretary—Paula Stineman her name plate said— ending her ridiculously long phone call. She shot him an atrociously fake smile, her eyes as cold as dry ice.
"I'm here to see Mr. Kline. I have a meeting at three." Kurt said, guessing that she wasn't going to extend the common courtesy of asking how she could help him.
"Down the hall and to the left." She said, nose held in the air. He had to admit that her emotionless eyes were menacing but hers paled in comparison to the power his weld. Standing up, she might have seemed more formidable but sitting down like she was now, Kurt towered over her, giving him the more dominant position.
"Thank you." Kurt bowed mockingly, holding an imaginary top hat over his head. She sneered at his back once it was turned but he paid her little attention, putting her and her petty attitude completely out of his mind. Getting mad at her was a waste of his time. She was an insignificant woman who was most likely fucking the boss to keep her job.
He knocked on the appropriately labeled door and waited for the man to summon him. He wasn't disappointed when a few seconds later, the door was swung open and a man Kurt assumed was Beckman Kline started to welcome him.
"Mrs. Tanner—
The voice broke off abruptly, seeing a man standing there instead of the woman he was expecting. Although a man was far from what he would describe Kurt as. After realizing what was at his door, his gracious manners dropped away and he glared at Kurt like he was a bug that had inconvenienced him by smashing into his windshield, and not the fucking car that ran him over.
"And who are you?" he said in revulsion. Mr. Kline was a stout man, with a slightly rounded belly and massive thighs that bulged in his too tight pants. His dark hair line was receding and if that wasn't unfortunate enough, he also had thick side burns and a rather large bald spot in the back he was trying to hide by some sort of spray on hair.
"My name is Kurt Hummel. I'm chief editor for Mystique and I'm here on behalf of Adrianna Tanner. She sends her regrets but could not be here to hand over the tapes." Kurt said anger prickling under the surface. But he refused to sink to the man's level, taking the high road. No matter what this man threw at him, he knew that he could handle it. Lima had prepared him for the worst.
The man was shocked and once he could comprehend the fact that this man was his client, he begrudging allowed him to enter, gesturing over to a chair facing his desk. He didn't offer him anything to drink like he would anyone else but Kurt preferred it that way. He wanted to get this over as quickly as possible. Kurt reached into his bag and took out the disc protected by a plastic sheath.
"The tapes," Kurt held it out to Beckman, "Also, Adrianna would like to push towards suing Ms. Lonng. She damaged some of our assets and was never asked to repay us."
Beckman nodded reluctantly, "What was so important that Adrianna couldn't have come herself?" he had to ask.
Nothing, Kurt wanted to say. Adrianna had no reason not to come. She just wanted to make him suffer.
"It's personal." Kurt said, jaw clenching.
"So personal that she sends her…" he trailed off, trying to come up with the nicest thing he could say to a person like Kurt, "Editor instead?"
"Chief Editor." Kurt reminded him with gritted teeth and then pushed on. "When is the court date set?"
"In two days." Beckman said, checking his schedule. This case was already won and both of them knew it. Donna was playing a child's game and there was nothing she could throw at them that would imply that her termination hadn't been her own fault.
"You're sure you want to sue her?" Beckman asked gruffly.
"Will that be a problem?" Kurt asked, raising his eyebrow challengingly. He had thought that things would have gone more smoothly. Finding out this man was an asshole and a raging homophobe had made him insufferable and he couldn't wait to get out. Had Adrianna really set up this meeting knowing what kind of man Beckman Kline was?
"No." Beckman's hackles rose at the condescension he could detect in the freak's tone. "I'll just need a list of damaged articles and one of them for evidence. Also I'll need the dollar amount of how much she cost you and a bid of how much you want to sue her for."
"I'll have my assistant fax everything over." Kurt said already pulling out his phone to do that. He sent the instructions to Gavin and Beckman watched him in annoyance. Kurt glanced up from his phone.
"Is there anything else you need from us for the case?" Kurt asked. He wasn't sure who wanted out of this meeting more, him or Mr. Kline. Both for sadly the same reason; neither of them could stand the other.
"No, this should be sufficient. I will contact Mrs. Tanner if something else should arise. Otherwise, tell her I will see her in court in two days." Beckman stood, prompting Kurt to follow him. He resisted holding a hand out for Kurt to shake, not wanting to catch any nasty diseases and instead held the door open for his… guest to leave through. Kurt wanted to tell him that he'd also be seeing him in court that day as well, since Kurt signed off on her termination papers and was going to testify against her actions, but thought it might be a nice surprise for him.
"I don't get paid enough for this shit." Kurt mumbled as he walked back to the elevator. He needed another coffee.
First things first, Kurt thought as he pushed the button to call the elevator. He was going to visit Blaine and then he was going to send Adrianna a strongly worded text message.
At first Blaine thought that he was experiencing the mysterious and fleeting prowess of a mirage, rendering him dumbstruck. It's true that he wasn't in a desert and he was far from dehydrated but there was no way the person who'd walked up behind him and covered his eyes was Kurt. He had to be dreaming. But he couldn't deny those baby soft hands or the incriminating giggle that could only belong to Kurt.
"Sir?" Blaine asked warily. He hadn't forgotten that he was in a room full of people he worked with, but being with Kurt made everything else seem so insignificant. His heart swelled when he heard the beautiful sound of his Dom's voice.
"Were you expecting anyone else?" Kurt whispered into his ear. His hot breath tickled the lobe, making Blaine squirm. The pressure around in the base of his cock and scrotum grew stronger. His legs twitched restlessly in response to the added stimulation.
"God, you're so hot. Sitting here at your desk, so concentrated on your work. You can't blame me for wanting to jump you." Kurt said. His hands trailed down to the front of Blaine's chest, slipping inside his jacket. The warmth closed around his pectoral muscle as Kurt groped at his breast.
"I was just coming to see how you were doing but you had to be so damn irresistible."
"I want you." Blaine whispered, turning his head to stare at Kurt over his shoulder. As soon as he said it, Kurt stopped touching him, stepping back a few paces. His sudden absence sent Blaine reeling.
"I have to use the bathroom. Take me there." Kurt said, eyes clouded over with lust. He couldn't wait till they got home. He needed release now.
Blaine stood up shakily and glanced around to make sure no one was watching them. It was an unnecessary measure since no one but Amy, who was valiantly pretending to work, was even paying them the slightest bit of attention. When they passed her cubicle, she craned her head up and gave them a saucy wink. Blaine squeaked when Kurt smacked his ass in response, his face turning an unnatural shade of red.
Blaine silently led him to the bathroom he'd used earlier, keeping his head down as he tried not to think about what was going to happen. The bathroom was empty when they arrived and Kurt thanked their good fortune. If there had been someone in there, they would have had to wait for whoever it was to finish. And the sight of two men, hanging around a bathroom while not doing anything, did look mighty suspicious. He checked under all the stalls just to make sure.
Parading him into the nearest stall, Kurt made sure Blaine was standing so he was facing the toilet, staring same tiled wall he'd been looking at two hours ago. Blaine didn't know how Kurt did it but he'd managed to put them into the same stall that he'd hid in before, where he'd confessed his love. Without any preamble, Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist, plastering his front to the man's back. He unbuttoned Blaine's pants, yanking them and his underwear down to the floor once he was done fumbling with the fastening.
Blaine whimpered when Kurt's fingers came in contact with the chastity. He gripped it firmly with one hand dipped the tip of his slim finger into the opening at the bottom to play with his slit. His smooth, rounded nail touched the sensitive nerves at the crown, making his body shiver in response.
"Sir…" Blaine whined, throwing his head back onto Kurt's shoulder. His body was shaking from all the pent up excitement. But no matter how much pleasure he was in, Blaine couldn't get aroused. He felt the pressure inside his abdomen, swirling angrily with no vent to escape from. It was a beautiful kind of torture.
Kurt walked Blaine forwards so he was standing directly over the toilet, the sides of his thighs straddling the porcelain bowl. It felt cool against his fevered skin, hot with impending arousal. Kurt ground his hips into Blaine's buttocks, letting him feel the hardness in his pants against the cleft of his ass. What little control Blaine had over his legs gave out and he started to fall forward. He would have crashed down onto the seat of the toilet if Kurt hadn't been holding him up.
"Brace yourself." Kurt whispered and Blaine did his best to make his legs cooperate, arching forward to place his hands on the back lid of the toilet to hold himself up. His body trembled from the effort and his grip on the back of the toilet tightened when Kurt ran his finger down the curve of his spin, ending up at his round bottom. Kurt gave one of his cheeks a hard pinch, watching as the flushed skin turned white as the blood retreated and then dark red as a bruise started to form. He moaned frantically, head bending down to join his hands, suddenly too heavy to keep upright. Hunched over himself, straddling the toilet, Blaine looked like the picture of debauchery.
"Sorry, couldn't resist." Kurt said shamelessly, "Stand up."
Blaine gradually—and with shaking limbs—stood upright, hands moving to brace himself against the walls to keep vertical.
Without Blaine noticing, Kurt undid a few of the buttons to his own shirt and reached in to pull the key to his chastity out of it. He kneeled down behind Blaine, biting the place where he'd pinched just a moment ago to distract him and expertly unlocked the padlock from behind him. He gently slid Blaine out of the plastic and stroked him a few times before setting the chastity down on the floor next to his pants.
Blaine's cock didn't need any more encouragement. Once it was free from its restraint, it sprung up like a pogo stick in an anti gravity chamber, trickling profusely from the tip. Blaine was moaning so loud that Kurt was surprised that someone hadn't come in to investigate the noise.
"This is your punishment for talking when I said you couldn't." Kurt whispered in his ear. He stood and wrapped his arms back around Blaine, grabbing his erection with one hand. "Remember where we are."
Blaine evidently needed the reminder because at this point, he wasn't even sure which way was up and which way was down. His senses were muddled and it felt like time had stopped in that moment. Everything came back to him in a flash of memory. His father was two floors up, sitting at his desk in his office. And here he was, getting hand job from his boyfriend in the communal bathrooms.
He felt feverish, chills racking his body but Blaine never wanted it to stop. He craved this loss of control, this feeling of totally helplessness that made all his vulnerability and fear a thing of the past. Giving up the control didn't make him weak by any means. He felt strong with Kurt, like he could conquer the world with his Dom by his side.
"Don't make a noise, Blaine." Kurt whispered, "Not a gasp, not a moan. Don't even breathe too loud or someone might hear us."
Blaine's cock twitched and a glob of precum trickled down the sides of his length. Kurt caught it in his hand and used it to lather up Blaine's erection. He stroked him with short, slow caresses, building up his orgasm. He wasn't in any hurry.
"Look at what you do to me. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since this afternoon, after I called you. My assistant had to come remind me of a meeting I had with a designer. He thought I was distracted because I needed another cup of coffee but that wasn't the reason. I had to stop myself from jerking myself off in my own office right there in front of everyone, moaning your name." Kurt said deepening his voice. He would have never done what he was describing, no matter how horny he was but that wasn't the point. He'd thought about it and that was all that mattered.
Blaine had to bite his lip to keep the gasp from escaping. He pictured Kurt in his office, sitting behind an unfamiliar desk, masturbating for everyone to see. Then he imagined being there, watching him while faceless men and woman stared at the pair of them with envious looks.
"Does that make you hot?" Kurt whispered into his ear, simultaneously rubbing his own arousal against Blaine's ass and jerking him off. It was almost Blaine's undoing.
Blaine silently nodded, hands clutched at air as they were braced on the sides of the stall, knees wobbling once again.
The door to the bathroom opened, making Kurt freeze and Blaine's heart stop beating. He couldn't imagine the shame he would feel if someone found him like this but at the same time, he was unexplainably aroused at the idea. His length gushed out another glob of pearly liquid, leaking copious amounts of it onto Kurt's hand.
Kurt's brain short circuited at the implication and as a result, he came so hard that he had trouble muffling the moan by biting the back of Blaine's neck. The fluid soaked his underwear and Blaine could feel the wet patch in the front of his pants. He rubbed back against it wantonly.
It all finally clicked for Kurt, who had been watching Blaine very closely throughout their sessions together from that first night.
Blaine was into voyeur.
But he didn't like watching. He liked being watched. He liked almost getting caught in public places. But most of all, he liked the humiliation of it all. It was his own masochistic kink coming to bite him in the ass.
"Do you wanna cum, Blaine?" Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear, well aware he was risking the two men that had walked into the bathroom overhearing them. They were deep in conversation about a case they were working on but if either Kurt or Blaine made a loud enough sound, it would echo and the two surprise visitors would surely hear them.
Blaine instinctively opened his mouth to reply to a direct question but snapped it shut before he could say anything. Kurt had ordered him not to make a sound. He nodded instead, thrusting his length in and out of Kurt's grip in reply. The contact made a soft, wet sound.
"Is it the humiliation that makes you hot?" Kurt asked redundantly. He wanted Blaine to confirm it, needing him to understand what was going on. "They're standing right out there and I'll bet if they looked hard enough they could see two sets of feet under the stall. How would you like all your co-workers knowing what a slut you are?"
Kurt was doubtful that would happen but anything was possible at this point. He hadn't counted on anyone interrupting them but now that someone had, he was thankful for the disturbance.
Blaine's eyes widened in surprise. He wanted to deny it at first but couldn't make himself push the lie past his chapped lips. He'd always had a thing for dominating men who took the control away from him. But more so, he'd needed a man who would take away his control and use it against him. Most of his Dom's never understood that and Blaine had never bothered to correct them on it. He took what was given to him without complaint, enjoying the times he did like and forcing himself to endure the times he didn't.
This kink of his was something that he'd always been ashamed about. Whenever he masturbated, if he imagined someone watching him, sitting in the corner of the room, maybe even snickering behind his back, it made his orgasms more powerful and the sensation last longer. He always been a little voyeuristic, that side of him warring with his naturally shy nature of exposing his naked body. He never would have willingly participated in a scene like that but was incredibly aroused if someone forced him to.
It was his third Dom that had uncovered this need of his and the only one to ever fully use the knowledge. Kyle had taken him out to eat one night to a nice five star restaurant that supposedly had the best food in New York and the best service to match it. Anyone who was anyone had already tried and twittered about it. Half way through the main course, Kyle had ordered him to get on his hands and knees. Blaine had hesitated for a moment, unsure if he had misheard him. But Kyle repeated the order patiently, his eyes trained on his sub. With a red face, Blaine stood up and crouched into a doggy position right in the middle of the packed restaurant. He kept his eyes on the floor, embarrassed to feel his cock start to harden in his slacks.
That had been the first domino to fall and soon all the others followed. It was almost like someone had put a spot light on him. He felt eyes turn and stare at him in confusion. Kyle wiped his mouth casually with his napkin and stood up, barely glancing at his willing sub. Reaching over, he grabbed Blaine's plate and put it underneath his face.
"Eat. I paid a lot for this shit. And those hands better not come off the floor." He said and then sat back down in his seat to eat his own meal. Many waiters stopped by and casually asked him what he was doing but Blaine never replied to any of them, knowing that it wasn't his place. When they didn't get a response from him, they turned to Kyle but he simply told them that they were doing nothing wrong and if they wanted their tip, they'd best keep their noses out of something that wasn't their business. They complained, calling him a hazard, saying he could trip someone but Kyle argued that anyone who couldn't see him there was blind and if there was a fire, he would personally make sure that Blaine moved so he wouldn't get trampled. The servers finally left them alone after that and chatter resumed. He could hear the couple at the table next to them, gossiping in pseudo-whispers about his actions. He could hear them laughing behind their backs, pointing at him. Blaine knew that Kyle must have heard them but he never once said anything about it. Most pretended that he didn't exist. Others glanced at him in revulsion, glaring at him from across the restaurant.
Blaine had never been more mortified in his life but his mortification sparked something else inside him, something inside his brain that excited him. And it didn't make it any better when Kyle reached down and pet the back of his head, exclaiming "Good Boy," in a loud voice for everyone to hear. By now he was rock hard and Blaine thanked god that Kyle had allowed him to wear loose pants. Maybe this had been his plan along. Blaine did his best to tune all the noise out as he ate every scrap on his plate, bending down to eat with his mouth. That night, Kyle took him home and fucked him into the mattress.
"That opens up so many possibilities." Kurt's excited murmur brought him back to the present and Blaine looked back at him. He shivered at the promise that darkened Kurt's eyes.
"Did you hear that?" One of the men stated, looking around curiously.
"Stop being paranoid, Bill. I didn't hear anything." One of the men scolded the other. Bill glared at his co-worker.
"I could have sworn I heard something." He stared at the only closed stall suspiciously.
"Is anyone in there?" he asked and Blaine felt his heart beating so fast that he was sure it was going to have a stroke. All through this, Kurt hadn't stopped jerking him off, bringing him closer and closer to completion while the men outside got closer and closer to discovering them.
Bill glanced down at the small opening on the bottom and saw the back of Kurt's stylish boots.
"I know you're in there, I can see your feet." Bill said walking closer to the stall. "Are you alright? It sounds like your having a panic attack or somethin'"
Blaine hadn't been aware that he was making any noise, his heart beating so fast that it drowned everything else out. But these men had obviously heard him. Kurt kissed the side of his neck, using his other hand to reaching into Blaine's shirt to administer a sharp twist to one of his nipples. He arched his back, pushing his chest out into Kurt's hand for more.
Blaine could feel it coming, the sensation of a stiff coil tightening inside his gut, getting ready to burst. But he couldn't… not without permission. He looked back at his Dom, seeing the look of hunger on Kurt's face and mouthed a silent plea. Kurt thought about denying him but he didn't want to push their luck. He could save that for later, when they weren't about to get caught fornicating in a public area.
He nodded curtly and that was Blaine's downfall. With a silent cry he shot his load and Kurt, having anticipated it, pointed the stream into the toilet. It splashed against the water, sounding a lot like he was simply urinating.
"I'm good, thanks." Kurt replied, his voice surprisingly even. He'd enjoyed watching Blaine fall apart but he wasn't a young teenager anymore. He didn't have the stamina he once used to. It would take at least ten more minutes to get it up again. "Just a little shy… I didn't think I could go with anyone else in the room."
"Ahhh…" Bill said awkwardly, sharing an uncomfortable look with his friend. This was why you didn't talk in the men's room. It led to awkward moments like this and Bill was kicking himself for even opening his mouth. "Sorry man… didn't mean to disturb you."
"No problem," Kurt told him and let Blaine slump against him. He was close to passing out, but the tingling sensation that his orgasm had left behind was the only thing keeping him conscious. He couldn't even properly hear Kurt's conversation, the words sounding fuzzy over the steady drum of his heartbeat slowing down.
"We'll leave you to it then." Bill said. He and the other man had finished their business at the urinals and were now in the process of washing their hands. They left a few minutes later, resuming their previous conversation. Kurt turned Blaine around and sat him down on the toilet, taking the weight off his shaky legs and Blaine hissed as the cold seat came into contact with his bare skin.
Kurt grabbed some aloe skincare wipes out of his bag and used it to clean Blaine's limp cock, letting his sub relax after such a tiring affair. As soon as he was clean, with the help of some spit, he slid the chastity back on and locked it up. He put the key back around his neck where it belonged and prompted Blaine to stand.
"Come on. We need to hurry before anyone else comes in. I don't think we'll get away with it a second time. Help me pull up your pants." Kurt ordered, still kneeling on the floor in front of him. He pulled the pants up to the middle of his thigh, handing them off to Blaine so he could do the rest. After that, he stood up slowly, knees creaking. The stall hadn't seemed so cramped when they were standing close together but now that they were each fighting for space, the stall was impossibly small.
Once Blaine was decent, Kurt unlocked the stall and walked over to the sinks. He washed his hands thoroughly, cleaning off any of Blaine's semen that he hadn't got with the wipes. Blaine stood nervously behind him, straightening his suit to look presentable.
"That was… I mean…" Blaine searched for the right words but nothing sounded right. Would it be appropriate to thank Kurt? He felt like he was floating and wasn't sure how he was going to return to work feeling like this. He'd be too distracted, surely.
It was then that it occurred to him. He didn't necessarily have to worry about it. Most of his work was done for the day and the little that he did have, could be pushed off until tomorrow. Even his resume was done, which he could say proudly. He could, if he wanted to, get off a little early. And since Kurt was already here, it would be a waste to make him drive somewhere only to make him drive back in two hours to pick him up again. His father wasn't going to be happy but Blaine was slowly realizing that nothing he did was going to make the man happy. And he was just going to have to start living with that.
"Um… I…" Blaine fumbled with his words. Kurt watched him through the mirror, eyebrow raised as he waited for Blaine to put his thoughts in order.
"I'm done for the day. I finished all my work. So if we wanted to…" He trailed off, losing his nerve.
"Leave?" Kurt finished for him as he dried off his hands with a paper towel, pulled from the automatic dispenser.
"Yea, um… my dad wouldn't be happy but…" Blaine gulped, "I'd like to."
Kurt grinned at him, "Go get your stuff."
Blaine ran out of the bathroom, nearly bowling down a man who was walking into the bathroom.
"Geez, you'd think there was a fire in here or something. I've never seen him that excited." The man said to Kurt, strolling over to the urinals and unzipped his pants.
"I don't doubt that," Kurt said feeling victorious. He left the confused man behind and waited for Blaine at the elevator, holding his jacket over his soaked crotch. The squishing was getting to be unbearable and he was glad that they were going home. Together they rode the elevator down, standing so close that their shoulders touched, despite the abundance of room in the box.
Due to Kurt's insistence, they made a quick pit stop at Blaine's apartment, picking up a couple weeks worth of clothes and any other necessities they might need. Blaine was absolutely giddy as he packed a large suitcase full of suits for work and school, and some lounge wear to relax in. Upon arriving at Kurt's apartment, tugging the suitcase behind him and carrying his briefcase with his other hand, Blaine waltzed into the place like it was his own and set his bags down in the entryway. He turned to Kurt with a big smile on his face, waiting for some instruction.
"Leave them here for now. We'll unpack you later." Kurt kissed him and set his satchel down on the dining room table. Without another word, Kurt walked down the hall and into the bedroom. Blaine pursued him like an over excitable puppy looking for praise from his master.
The bedroom was just as he remembered it this morning, the sheets unmade and last night pajamas strewn around.
"Go get me some clothes." Kurt said as he started stripping, throwing his dirty clothes into a nearby hamper. He unpinned his dove and set it down on the night stand, taking a moment to stare forlornly at the abuse he was putting his clothes through. He'd have to wash them tonight if he didn't want them to stain but right now all he cared about was getting out of his crusted pants.
Blaine eagerly ran over to the closet to do as he was told but he opened the door warily, wondering what he should bring back for Kurt to change into. He was even more torn when he saw how many options he had. He stared in amazement at the massive amounts of clothes that Kurt owned, drooling in jealously at some of the luxurious designers. He wasn't as fashion savvy as Kurt but could tell that he had expensive tastes.
Figuring that Kurt wanted to feel comfortable, he discarded the idea of bringing him anything but a pair a sweats and a t-shirt. Underwear was essential but Blaine was strangely reluctant to grab a pair. He assumed it was because he was hoping that later tonight, if he was good, Kurt would allow Blaine to touch and taste him again. Underwear would be one more layer of clothes that would have to come off.
Not wanting to seem annoyingly persistent, he grudgingly grabbed a white pair of briefs with a sigh and turned around to see Kurt standing naked, waiting for him. Part of the Dom was cautious about trusting Blaine with his wardrobe but the bigger part of him was disgusted by the feeling of his own semen caked to his genitals.
God, he needed a shower. Kurt took the clothes from Blaine and kissed his forehead in gratitude.
"I'm going to go take a quick shower." He said and disappeared into the bathroom.
Blaine shook his head to break himself out of his lust induced daze, not being about to form a coherent thought upon seeing Kurt's nude form. He changed out of his suit and into something comfy as well, foregoing underwear on his part. Kurt would never know unless something happened and hoped his eagerness paid off.
He grabbed all the dirty clothes from the floor and hamper, pausing to sniff the crotch on Kurt's pants for a moment. He practically inhaled Kurt's scent, closing his eyes as he let the smell overwhelm him. It was something he'd never done for any of his other Dom's but Kurt was different. He smelled glorious. Blaine was sure that no one could come close to smelling as good.
When he was done with his pervish actions, he carried the load of clothes to the laundry room and separated them into piles. Living without a nanny or a housekeeper had done wonders to his life. He'd learned how to take care of himself. Remembering to clean his apartment wasn't his strong suit but he was very good at washing his clothes. He had to be in order to dress in the nice suits he wore to work.
But still he was hesitant. He knew how much Kurt cared about his clothes and he didn't want to ruin anything important. So he decided to wait for some guidance, even though he wanted to do everything in his power to make Kurt's life easier for him.
Walking into the living room, he pulled out his resume from his briefcase and stared at it in trepidation. He scanned the list of names, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth. He'd been with a lot of Dom's over the years. Too many in his opinion and he didn't want Kurt to think he was some kind of whore. But he could always say that he'd been searching for the right Dom (which was technically true but still a half-lie) and he hadn't found Kurt yet. That sounded just cheesy and romantic enough to distract him, hopefully. He set the paper down on the couch beside him and waited patiently for Kurt to finish his shower.
The sound of light footsteps alerted him to his Dom's presence and he looked up to see Kurt drying his hair with a towel, biting on an unused q-tip. Tucked underneath his other arm were the dirty sheets from this morning's activities, wrapped up in a ball. Without asking, Blaine stood up and took the sheets from him, lightening Kurt's load.
Kurt smiled gratefully, and bundled the towel around his neck and shoulders. His hair was sticking up in several different directions from being tussled by the towel. Blaine had trouble breathing for a second, the pressure on his chastity growing to outrageous levels.
"Go put them in the laundry room. I'll have to wash them tonight. I'm assuming that's what you did with the clothes." Kurt said and Blaine nodded, biting back a whine.
"I didn't wash them though. I didn't want to ruin anything." He said, shakily but Kurt didn't seem to notice Blaine's predicament, using the q-tip to dry the water in his ears. He just smiled proudly at the sub, glad that Blaine hadn't gone ahead and washed them without his consent. His clothes were very important to him and it was heartwarming to know that Blaine knew that much.
When Blaine returned from dropping off the dirty sheets, he took a deep breath and walked over to where Kurt was sitting on the couch, looking over his resume that he'd left sitting there. He gulped and kneeled before him at his feet.
"Five Dom's in eight years." Kurt said absently, lost in his thoughts. Blaine's heart dropped.
"I know it's a lot sir," he started, "But I…" He couldn't do it. He couldn't lie, no matter how close to the truth it was.
"You think five is a lot?" Kurt asked and for the first time, Blaine saw some of his insecurities show.
"… yes…" Blaine said, not sure if it was trick question or not.
Kurt laughed, setting Blaine's resume back down. But his laugh wasn't lighthearted or humorous. It was a sardonic laugh, filled with contempt aimed at himself.
"Then you're not going to like how many subs I've had in the last six years. I even started later than you and spent one of those years as a sub myself." He said and Blaine braced himself.
"How many have you had?" He dared to ask. Kurt stood up and walked over to his bag. He grabbed his paper out one of his file folders and wordlessly handed it to Blaine. He sat back down on the couch, hand thrown over his eyes.
"Twelve." Kurt replied with a deep sigh, waiting for Blaine's reaction.
"Technically, you're my sixth Dom." Blaine said, looking up from the paper. Kurt was very experienced and the list of the different scenes he'd participated in was extensive. That both reassured and frightened him. How could he compete with all that experience?
His initial reaction upon seeing the list of names was raging jealousy but Blaine remembered what Kurt had said when they'd talked to each other last week. How he had told him about his trouble finding a sub that would stick around. Most of the subs hadn't stayed very long.
His jealousy turned into sorrow and sympathy. It was no wonder Kurt had so many abandonment issues. He'd meant his last statement to be a sort of consolation but in reality it only sounded pathetic. He'd had half as many Dom's than Kurt had subs.
Kurt laughed miserably and it almost sounded like he wanted to cry.
"You're my thirteenth."
"I don't care." Blaine said adamantly. The paper in his hands slipped from his fingers and fluttered to the floor, disregarded. He crawled closer and laid his body down in Kurt's lap, his head resting right over Kurt's groin, Kurt's knees jutting into his stomach.
"You have me for as long as you want me," He breathed.
"Hey," Kurt chided him, ignoring his own misery to comfort Blaine, "I'm never saying goodbye to you, remember?" He rubbed circles into Blaine's back.
"Tell me about them? Please?" Blaine implored, his body relaxing under Kurt's warm hands. He wanted to know why these men were so stupid. Why would they leave Kurt?
Kurt sighed deeply, debating on whether he wanted to ruin such a good night with his depressing tale. But in the end, he realized that they'd have to talk about it sooner or later and it would be selfish of him to leave Blaine in the lurch, never explaining anything about his own past but expecting Blaine to spill his guts about his own. It was his right but it was also a dick move.
With that in mind, he started in on the conversation that he knew might affect how Blaine acted around him with a heavy heart.
"My first sub was a man named Philip Donnelley. We met at college about three months after Charlie and I broke up. We didn't last long because he desperately wanted to be topped and I just wasn't into it. I tried my best but I couldn't give him what he truly wanted, so we went our separate ways." Kurt said, skipping over a lot of the unnecessary details. He didn't mention the fact that it had only lasted a few weeks and that Phillip had been hard to handle, always rebelling and lashing out. At the end of that relationship, he'd been torn on being happy or sad that it was over.
Blaine was well aware that there were gaps in his story but wasn't about to push Kurt on something that he was uncomfortable talking about. He could feel the tension in Kurt's body and hear it in his voice. Kurt wasn't enjoying talking about this but was opening up anyway. Blaine felt privileged.
"And then there was Dane, Dane Lawson. I met him through Charlie. Dane was Charlie's sub after we broke up and they'd been going out for a couple months. But then he got an amazing job offer that involved moving to L.A. He took it of course because it was an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that he couldn't pass up but he felt horrible about abandoning Dane. He introduced us so I could sorta 'adopt' him, I guess." He said.
Kurt smiled, "Dane and I, we got along great and with Charlie's blessing, we decided to give a relationship a try," Kurt's smile slowly dropped, "We didn't last long,"
"Dane, in the small amount of time serving Charlie, had fallen in love with him and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't compete with that. When he realized what was wrong, he apologized profusely and then moved to L.A to be with the Dom he loved. I don't blame him and even went to their wedding last year." Kurt explained.
Kurt paused, lost in thought. Blaine waited patiently for him, adjusting the weight off his slowly numbing feet. Kurt took a few seconds but it wasn't long before he was opening up, spilling secrets that he'd never told anyone before.
"Dane was a sweet man, but very adventurous. He's one of the subs that helped me gain a lot of experience in some of the more physical scenes." He said.
"Did you love him?" Blaine asked, although the question he really wanted to ask was if he'd let Dane top him or not.
"In a way, I guess," Kurt said, shrugging, "But not in the way that mattered. He was a lot of my firsts."
"Who was next?" Blaine asked, not sure he wanted Kurt to go into any more detail than that. Even though he was curious, the idea of hearing how intimately these men had been with Kurt made his stomach knot up.
Kurt smiled fondly, "Sibley Owens." he said with such warmth that it made Blaine's heart ache, "I did love him."
"He was British and god did I love hearing him babble whenever we made love." Kurt swooned at the memory. Blaine's eyes welled up with involuntary tears and he was suddenly glad that he was turned away from Kurt so the Dom couldn't see his face.
"But things didn't work out. We left on bad terms." Kurt sounded sad and reluctant to go into any more detail. Blaine clutched at his pant leg with a near silent whimper.
Kurt didn't need any encouragement to continue this time, "My next three subs were all one night stands. Tim, Carter and Barney. I picked them up at a club like you but they decided that they didn't want to stick around afterwards. This was all in a two year period and I was busy with school and my internship at Vogue so I didn't really have time for a serious relationship anyway." He tried to sound like each of those men hadn't hurt him. But Blaine knew the truth. They'd each left their mark and if they ever ran into any of them, Blaine didn't know if he could hold himself back from speaking his mind. Kurt deserved so much better than those scum bags.
"And then for my last semester in college, I studied abroad in France and met Anton. He was wild! I had thought Dane was adventurous but he barely held a candle to this guy. He wanted to try anything and everything under the sun. Blood, pain, electrical, bondage, discipline, rape… We had a lot of fun those couple of months. But it ended as soon as I came back to graduate." Kurt said and for a minute Blaine's mind was blown.
Studying abroad meant that he must have had to learn the language, even to a small degree. That meant that Kurt knew how to speak French. Was there anything this man couldn't do? He was amazingly gorgeous, could cook like a gourmet chef (from what he'd tasted of the leftovers), could defend himself in a fight, spoke the language of love and was one of the most compassionate and honest men he'd ever met. Blaine tightened his hold on Kurt. He was never letting this remarkable man go if he could help it.
Kurt, not noticing his sub's plight, continued with his story.
"After I graduated and got my dream job at Vogue, there was Harrison. He was a fellow reporter that started around the same time I did and we went through orientation together. He was a switch and for a short few months, I was too. We took turns dominating, playing around a little bit. It was the first and last time I reverted back into a submissive state and I can say that I didn't go down very smoothly," Kurt smirked at that particular memory, amusement sparkling in his eyes. Harrison had never been able to get him into true subspace, the air of dominance always hiding underneath the guise that he put up. And it had been entertaining watching him try.
"It was… pleasurable most of the time but we never bonded emotionally, although it was not for lack of trying on my part. Harrison just didn't seem interested in forging anything beyond sexual in our relationship. I thought I would be able to wear him down after awhile, even going as far as to agree to the suggestion of bringing in his on and off partner, Marvin, to do a couple scenes. Which was fun but the whole affair was suddenly over when Harrison got a promotion and moved to Boston, leaving both me and Marvin without any warning. Harrison had always hated fashion journalism and wanted to work on the hard-hitting news but this was the only job that he could get. He jumped ship at the first opportunity, even if it took him away from his friends and family." He said.
Kurt let out a long sigh, "I guess I should have expected it because Harrison had told me from the beginning that we were just doing this for fun, nothing serious. But I let my romantic side delude me into thinking that he actually cared for either of us."
"Harrison was Marvin's anchor. He kept him grounded. But when he left, Marvin fell back into his old life of drugs and alcohol. I tried to help him since he didn't really know what to do without a Dom's guidance. We only lasted four months before he found someone else. He was a hardcore druggie, into meth and heroine. Had been since he was a teenager but Harrison had tempered it somehow. I wouldn't allow him to do any of that shit. Finally he got sick of it and went out to find himself a Dom that would let him ruin his body with harmful drugs."
He remembered going to pick up Marvin to go out, only to find him flying high on whatever drug he happened to be into that week. Kurt raided his house five or six times looking for his stash and once he found it, disposed of the paraphernalia. He'd enrolled Marvin into programs that did nothing to help and tried to get him back on track, to start a new life but Marvin hated the restrictions and rebelled. It was hard to watch him deteriorate but Marvin had forced his hand when he willing left and attached himself to a new Dom. Kurt didn't have the energy to fight for him anymore. So he let him go.
His normally steel blue eyes were swirling, a storm of regret, betrayal and resentment brewing. Memory lane wasn't as fun as it used to be and right now, he'd give anything to be done with his side of the story. Blaine had a bad feeling that the skeletons in Kurt's closet ran deeper than most and airing them out was not going to be easy. Not for Kurt to tell or Blaine to hear but it had to be done.
"Two months after Marvin ditched me, I bumped into my next sub, Darryl, at a sandwich shop. I was out getting lunch, wasn't watching where I was going and suddenly I had been dropped into a gay Rom-Com. He was sweet and offered to buy me my lunch, where we spent an enjoyable hour and a half talking and flirting with each other. When my break was over, we both went back to work with each other's numbers programmed into our phones and the very next day, he called me." Kurt said with a condescending lilt to his tone. Blaine was puzzled by this new piece of information. Darryl sounded like the perfect top. He also sounded very dominant. And Kurt, by that time, was confident that he was a Dom himself. What had attracted him?
"Darryl was this big buff African-American cop that loved to be bound and gagged on his down time. But because he was still in the closet, we had a very limited relationship. He wanted it to all be secret and I obliged him for a while because I figured I could coax him out of the closet. But when his cop buddies got suspicious he went out and picked the most buxom girl he could find and married her as quickly as he could. Last time I ran into him, he was fighting a custody battle for his son because he and his partner got caught screwing in the back of their squad car, his very male partner. Which is what I assumed would happen." Kurt said, grinning.
Their breakup had been a messy one, especially when Kurt wouldn't agree to be his squeeze on the side. Daryl had wanted the best of both worlds. The illusion that he was straight, the house, the wife, the kids but he also wanted what his body so desperately desired, a man to tie him down and do wicked things to it. Kurt wasn't ok with that arrangement and Daryl had taken that personally.
Blaine grinned smugly. He felt like the man had got what was coming to him. Daryl shouldn't have taken advantage of Kurt like that.
"Let see, who am I missing? Phillip, Dane, Sibley, Tim, Carter, Barney, Anton, Harrison, Marvin, Darryl…" Blaine looked up to see Kurt counting the names off on his fingers, "Oh, Toby. I always forget him for some reason."
Blaine shot him a curious look, which prompted him to go on.
"Toby wasn't very special. We were only together for about a week, I think... He was very flirty and very hard to control. And since he got bored easily, I wasn't very surprised when I came over to his house to find it vacant. He didn't even leave a note." Kurt shrugged. Honestly, Toby was the only one of his subs that hadn't made a lasting impression, hence the reason why he always forgot about him. They'd met at a club and that was really all that Kurt could remember. Kurt hadn't been the least bit sad about his disappearance.
"And last but not least, is Mark. I met him two years after I got back from overseas and he was my second longest relationship, lasting all of eight months. He was the life of the party sort of person and loved to be the center of attention. Don't get me wrong, l like to go out and have fun, obviously or we never would have met. But he wanted to go out every night to the newest rager and it got very tiring. So we broke it off. It's been a year since Mark and I split." Kurt finished, hands falling down to rub circles onto Blaine's back. It served to relax them both.
Blaine had heard about Mark from Andrew at lunch and from the little Andrew had spoke about him, Blaine could assume that he hadn't made a good impression on either him or Kevin.
"They're all dumbasses." Blaine mumbled without thinking. It was the first time in his life he's said something so negative about someone.
"What?" Kurt laughed, sure that he must have misheard him. Blaine blushed to his roots.
"I didn't mean to say that out loud." He mumbled.
"I gathered." Kurt replied, "What do you mean?"
"They're all dumbasses for leaving you. I wish I'd found you sooner so you wouldn't have had to go through all that but since that's impossible, I'm not going to repeat their mistakes." Blaine said determinedly. Kurt's eyes misted but he quickly got a hold of his emotions before they ran away from him.
"Come here." Kurt tugged him up into his lap, making it so both Blaine's knees were straddled on either side of his thighs. Without any warning, he wrapped his arms around Blaine's torso, pulling him into a hug that conveyed all his emotions, his open vulnerability that only two other people had ever had the privilege to see. His dad and Kevin being the only two to ever see what was beneath his bitch front.
"Thank you." Kurt whispered against the subs shoulder, his face buried in the fabric of Blaine's shirt. Blaine held Kurt just as tightly, hoping to comfort him in any way possible. He once again, marveled at how well their bodies fit against the other. They were so attuned to each other at such an early stage.
They stayed like that for quite a while, neither of them speaking. Their breathing synchronized, their heartbeats fighting to match to each others. It was the closest Kurt had ever come to tranquility in his entire life and he was hesitant to disrupt it.
The grandfather clock in the corner chimed at the coming of the next hour and Kurt glanced towards it. It was five o'clock, around the time he would need to start supper. But first they needed to finish their discussion. Kurt had finished his story but now it was Blaine's turn. His would be considerably shorter but that didn't dissuade Kurt from wanting to hear it.
Peeking down at Blaine, his heart swelled at the sight of him. He was half awake, so relaxed in Kurt's arms that he'd almost fallen asleep laying on top of him. His eyes were partially open, hazel irises misted over with the coming of sleep.
"Blaine," Kurt whispered into his ear, rubbing his back, "Wake up, sweetie."
"Mmm'up." Blaine mumbled, eyes opening ever so slightly. His head lolled to the side, ending up on Kurt's shoulder.
Kurt leaned down and kissed him, hoping it would encourage him to wake up. He smiled into the kiss when he felt Blaine slowly responding. Blaine loved the sensation of Kurt's soft lips against his own and without thinking, shifted his body so he could get a better angle. Their cocks accidently brushed against one another and Kurt jolted at the hard plastic through the layers of clothing Blaine was wearing. But Blaine, used to the sensation, slowly lifted his heavy from where it had been contentedly resting on Kurt's shoulder for last couple minutes.
Kurt laughed at the sleepy look on Blaine's face. It made him look more like a child then anything, doubled by the fact that his curls were coming loose at his temples.
"Scoot back." Kurt said softly. Blaine yawned and moved further back on Kurt's lap, the curve of the buttocks resting on Kurt's knees. Kurt pulled Blaine's pants down and smirked when he saw that the sub wasn't wearing any underwear. Looking up at Blaine, he raised an eyebrow in amusement.
"Excited, are we?"
Blaine blushed harder then he thought was possible. When he dressed for the evening, he done so in the hope that something like this would happen but now that it was actually going too, he was embarrassed at his nerve.
Kurt shook his head wryly and turned to stare down at the chastity for a few seconds. Without saying anything, Kurt took out the key from under his t-shirt and unlocked the padlock. He slid the device off and threw it aside him on the couch.
"You don't need that anymore, not tonight at least." Kurt said cradling Blaine's dick in his hands lovingly. Blaine felt those soft hands on the most sensitive part of his body and leant forward, hands clutching at the back of the couch on either side of his head.
"Tell me about your old Dom's?" Kurt asked suddenly, as if this was just a normal conversation and Kurt wasn't gently fondling Blaine's cock, smoothing back the skin with his silky hands. Every nerve felt like it was on fire and it wasn't long before Blaine had a stiff erection. But Kurt didn't quicken his pace, gently caressing him like he was the most fragile thing in the world.
"N-now?" Blaine asked shakily. Kurt nodded, and skillfully leant down to place a chaste kiss against the head of Blaine's cock.
"Who was your first?" Kurt asked when he sat back up, his voice eerily calm.
"H-his n-name was W-Wesley." Blaine started to say, eyes squinting as he started dripping onto Kurt's shirt. Slicking his hand up in it, Kurt stroked him with one hand and reached behind him with the other to caress Blaine's butt cheeks.
"Take your time. We have all night." Kurt told him, not stopping his actions. Blaine let out a throaty moan, thrusting down lightly.
"Ah, ah, don't be greedy." Kurt moved his hands to his hips, holding him still.
"Don't move, just feel." Kurt said and Blaine thought he was going to die from the amount of pleasure coursing through his system. It only got worse when Kurt resumed touching him, talented hands touching and groping him.
"You're first Dom?" Kurt patiently reminded him.
"Wesley M-Montgomery. In High School. J-junior year…" Blaine said. His sentences were fragmented, his speech halted. He was unable to control it.
"How did he find out what you were?" Kurt asked evenly.
"P-please sir… I can't… Ah…." Blaine eyes were rolled back into his head so far that Kurt could only see the whites of his eyes. But Kurt didn't stop, slowly driving Blaine to the edge of his control.
"Sir, I'm going to—
He couldn't finish, coming so hard onto Kurt's chest. Kurt made a clicking sound with his mouth, staring down at his shirt with disdain. He would have to change again.
Blaine, who had fallen over Kurt in panting mess, wasn't able to think beyond trying to catch his breath. He hissed when Kurt took hold of his sensitive cock and gently stroked him a couple times. The pain brought Blaine back to his senses, and he realized what had happened. He'd cum without Kurt's permission.
Or had he…? Kurt knew he was close and continued what he was doing. Was that a sort of unspoken permission?
"Sir, I'm sorry. I couldn't stop it!" He said, just in case Kurt was mad at him.
"I didn't tell you to stop." Kurt said, appeasing Blaine's worry. Reprimanding Blaine wasn't his main concern right now. Right now, he just wanted Blaine to relax and enjoy their time together. Because in the next coming weeks, Blaine was going to be under immense pressure and Kurt wanted him to enjoy the short peace while it lasted.
Kurt continued stroking him till he got used to the oversensitivity and blood started flowing to his length again.
"Tell me about Wesley." Kurt commanded and took his hands away before he brought Blaine to inarticulacy again.
"He was…" Blaine paused, unsure of how to put it nicely. "Very neurotic. We were in the Warblers together. I was the lead soloist and he was on the council— see, we didn't have a choir direction but three students who were voted onto the council and took charge of everyone. Wesley was the head council leader, the one who wielded the gavel. He was a natural born leader and Dominant."
"How did you guys get together?" Kurt repeated his question.
Blaine flushed, looking away. "He walked in on me watching porn."
Kurt starting laughing so hard that Blaine was afraid he was going to knock him off his lap.
"Oh my god, really?"
"Yea…" Blaine nodded sheepishly, refusing to meet Kurt's eye.
"What happened then?"
"Along with being in the Warblers with me, he was also my roommate. When I first transferred, he took me under his wing to make sure I was fitting in alright. That night, he was supposed to be out with his girlfriend—which I found out later, didn't really exist— so I wasn't expecting him to walk in on me. I didn't hear him come in and he didn't tell me he was in the room at first, silently watching me masturbate for a while."
"You must have been watching some pretty revealing porn." Kurt mentioned and Blaine nodded, even redder.
"I think I've always known, even back then, that I was a little submissive. I always found watching porn with dominating themes the hottest."
"So what did he do?" Kurt asked, engrossed in the story.
"He walked over, making sure to make as much noise as possible. I stood up from my bed and was in the beginning stages of a panic attack. But before I could say anything, he slammed me against a wall and fucked me with so much enthusiasm that I passed out. I woke up the next day and couldn't walk. After that he started weaning me into a more submissive role but honestly we didn't do much research on what we were doing. It was mostly just guessing on our parts, doing what we felt was right." Blaine said, shrugging.
"Did you guys last long?" Kurt asked, face unreadable.
"Two years. We graduated the same year and went to the same undergrad school but he was on the fast track medical program. He transferred down to John's Hopkins and we tried the whole long distance thing but it didn't work out. I mean… It was only a two day drive from Baltimore to New York but we were both too busy with our respective courses and we grew apart. The split was mutual and he's still a good friend." Blaine said.
Kurt didn't know how he felt about that. On one hand, Kurt didn't want to deny Blaine any of his friendships, knowing how little of them he had. But how could he except that one of Blaine's closest friends was an old Dom? It made his hackles rise just thinking about it.
Blaine sensed that something he said had upset his Dom. He moved closer, nuzzling his nose into the crook of Kurt's neck.
"We don't see each other very often and only really talk on the phone. He moved to San Francisco to work at a hospital there three years ago." He attempted to console him.
"I see." Kurt said, feeling less territorial now that he knew his potential competition lived across the country.
"I only want you." Blaine whispered against Kurt's skin. Heat seared where Blaine's breath touched Kurt's skin and all his blood flooded south. Blaine felt the reaction in Kurt's pants and rubbed his half hard cock against the growing bulge.
"I wanna taste you." Blaine rutted mindlessly. Kurt had a hard time denying him his request. He pushed Blaine away, just far enough so that they couldn't touch intimately anymore.
"Please, sir." Blaine tried to beg but Kurt shut him down.
"Tell me whose next."
Blaine took a deep breath, sucking the air through his nose and holding it in his lungs for a few seconds. Once he was sure that he wasn't going to debased himself anymore, he let it go, the carbon dioxide filtering back out through his mouth.
"Eli." Blaine said, still achingly hard but trying to ignore it. "I met him in my sophomore year of college, about six months after Wesley and I broke up. I knew what I was by then, knew what I craved, so I researched a few clubs that catered to my needs and went there to learn. Eli spotted me from the crowd that first night and took me home. We were together for a year before he got bored of me, I guess."
"I should have seen it coming. We never moved in together because he said he wanted his own space. Looking back, I assume that he never meant to keep me long. But he was the one who taught me the basics and put me through some very tame scenes to get me used to it. I think if I had been a more experienced sub he might have wanted to stay with me. He wasn't very happy that he had to teach me the ropes."
"That should never be the problem." Kurt growled, shaking his head angrily.
Blaine nodded casually, not really agreeing but not disagreeing.
"And then?"
"Patrick." Blaine breathed, a shudder going through his body. Kurt took this as a sign that this was the first Dom to create some of the tension in Blaine's life.
"I was still new but not so much that I wasn't completely naïve anymore." Blaine said, "Patrick approached me at another club and we danced for a while. He seemed intent on showing me off and that never changed throughout the course of our relationship. I was more of a trophy for him. He got bored of me even quicker than Eli when he found a new trophy. Our relationship only lasted five months."
Kurt said nothing, rubbing Blaine's arms in comfort.
"He was very… physical when it came to scenes. He liked flogging, whips, and a lot of different types of bondage techniques. He was also into electrical play."
"I… pain isn't something I hate but he loved to inflict it. I think he was more suited to a sub that was more into pain play, which is why we didn't last long. I kept using my safe word too often."
Kurt nodded, "It was smart to get out of that relationship." On both parts. It was responsible of Patrick to find another sub when he realized that Blaine was never going to enjoy the same things as him and smart of Blaine to get himself out of that situation.
"Kyle was my next Dom." Blaine said Kurt was surprised to see a small smile on his face.
"He was my longest relationship, spanning almost four years." Blaine said. Kyle was one of his strictest Doms but at the same time, the only one besides Kurt who really understood him.
"He… wasn't mean per say. He was firm, not letting me get away with too much. But he never pushed me beyond my limits." Blaine said, "I loved him and I took pride in knowing that he was my Dom. I was comfortable with our relationship."
"What happened?" Kurt asked and the smile slipped from Blaine's face.
"One day I came home and out of the blue, he told me that we were breaking up and he was moving out. His stuff was all packed and his key was sitting on the counter. The next thing I know, he's moving to Boston to pursue a whole different career but the thing is… Kyle loved New York. He never wanted to leave, even swore that they'd have to tie him up, and carry him out kicking and screaming." Blaine said, wrapping his arms around himself.
"For the longest time, I never understood what happened and then… almost a year later, I overheard my father talking to Kyle on the phone," Blaine shivered and Kurt had a feeling he wasn't going to like this one bit.
"My father blackmailed him into leaving, with what I never found out. But Kyle, sick of his life in Boston, wanted to come back. His life was here, his friends and his family. My father let him come back on the condition that he never spoke to me ever again and Kyle met those conditions. I ran into him at club some months later and he avoided me like the plague."
Kurt's blood was boiling. That bastard! He had sabotaged Blaine's happiness because of his own selfish beliefs. Kurt was glad that he was nowhere near Blaine's father at this exact moment. He might have tried to kill him otherwise.
"My father never found out about the type of relationship we had but it was understood that Kyle was my boyfriend, even if I never came out and told him." Tears formed in his eyes, clouding those hazel irises that Kurt loved so much.
"I overhead him tell my dad I was just a passing fancy… that he really didn't like guys and was just experimenting before settling down with a wife. What utter bullshit. His new boyfriend can attest to that!" Blaine cried.
Kurt honestly couldn't tell which man he hated more. The man who continually bullied Blaine his entire life or the man who ripped Blaine's heart out, ground it into minced meat and then gave it back to him.
"They don't matter, Blaine." Kurt caressed the sub's face, brushing a small lock of hair off of his face and cradling his cheek. "They are so insignificant that it's a waste to even think about them."
Blaine gave him an insecure smile, eyes brimming with tears. In response Kurt kissed him, hoping to alleviate some of the pain that was lingering. Blaine sighed into the kiss, opening his mouth so Kurt could have total access. The kiss didn't make the pain go away but it sure did help dull it. Kurt took advantage of his open mouth, tongue slithering inside while his hand moved to the side of Blaine's neck to help angle his head for further access.
At first Blaine meekly attempted to battle for control of the kiss but before long, he let Kurt have complete power over him. It felt right, sitting there, letting Kurt devour him.
"We have to finish." Kurt mumbled when he pulled away for air, "No more distractions."
He sounded like he was trying to convince himself just as much as he was trying to command Blaine.
"Who's next?" Kurt asked breathlessly.
"He-Henry," Blaine said, panting. He took a few deep breathes, running the tip of his tongue over his puffy lips. He could feel them swelling, moistened from saliva cooling on the bruised flesh.
"And what happened with Henry?" Kurt asked, his breathing now back to normal. He eyed Blaine's pouty lips proudly.
Blaine shrugged, "He wanted to get married."
Kurt's eyes darkened, "And your father wouldn't have let you." He said knowingly.
"He didn't even know about that relationship. I made sure of it. After Kyle…" Blaine trailed off miserably, "I didn't want him to sabotage anything else I cared about so I kept it a secret from him. At first Henry allowed this but we were together for a long time and he thought it was the next natural progression in our relationship. Except… I couldn't marry him without exposing our relationship. My dad would have found out about any elopement, since I would have had to file for a marriage license and by law inform the company of any tax changes." And his change of address, since most married couples tended to live at the same residence. Honestly Blaine couldn't have kept the marriage a secret for long and not to the standard that Henry would have found acceptable. It wouldn't have been fair to him.
"He was pissed the night I told him and I guess he'd had enough because he told me that I had to choose. Being with him or pleasing my father. I let him walk away." Blaine said sadly. He looked up at Kurt imploringly.
"I regret that decision every single day of my life." He said, or had up until now. Now he just hoped that he could stop himself from repeating past mistakes.
"Cole was my last relationship and also my shortest. We only lasted a few months." Blaine continued before he could think about it too hard.
Cole was the definition of a rebound relationship. A week after Henry had left, Blaine had gone out and got himself shit-faced drunk, trying to drown his pain in alcohol. Cole had seen him dancing on the floor of a seedy club and proceeded to take him home and claim him in every way possible. But their relationship had never grown beyond an extended one-night stand.
"We were never really suited for each other and I was still too busy pining for Henry to be great boyfriend material. The split wasn't as upsetting as I expected it to be." Blaine explained truthfully, "Plus, he wasn't the best in bed. He was a selfish lover, taking what he wanted but never giving anything in return. One time he fell asleep right after he was done and he hadn't even pulled out yet. I thought that only happened on TV."
Kurt looked at him oddly after that. Blaine couldn't decipher what it was supposed to mean.
"Do you like being on bottom?" Kurt asked unexpectedly. This was a loaded question and both of them knew it. Kurt was a bottom, he'd made that clear from the very beginning and if Blaine was going to have a problem with the positions, it was potentially a deal breaker. But Blaine wasn't worried. He honestly didn't have a preference either way. He liked both positions but had never really had the chance to explore each side equally.
"I'm versatile." Blaine finally responded, figuring this was the safest answer.
"Have you ever topped before?" Kurt asked. He needed to know how much experience Blaine had before allowing him to top.
"Yes… but it's been a while." he replied, ears burning a bright shade of red. "Wes let me sometimes. He saved it for special occasions but it was generally used strictly as a reward."
"But no one after?" Kurt asked, wanting clarification. Blaine nodded silently. Kurt was a rarity. Most Dom's wanted to top, liking the feeling of control they got from it. But Kurt had learned through experimentation that topping didn't always equal dominating. He found that you could still be in charge from the receiving position.
"If you had to choose a favorite, which one would go for?" Kurt asked, relentlessly. Blaine thought it wasn't likely that Kurt was going to let this topic go until he was sure Blaine was fine with it.
"I dunno." Blaine mumbled, shrugging, "I like both. I've bottomed a lot more then I've topped but I don't necessarily like one more than the other."
"So you don't mind that I am exclusively a bottom?" Kurt asked, "You won't regret it?"
Blaine shook his head, "Of course not!" he exclaimed, and then in a lower voice muttered, "I'm happy to switch it up."
Kurt nodded, satisfied with his answer. He wasn't going to tell Blaine that he was going to follow Wesley's policy and save switching positions for when Blaine was really good and deserved a reward. Or maybe on his birthday when Kurt was feeling generous.
And today was very special. Blaine might not think it was important but he'd taken a big step in freeing himself from his father's clutches. He willingly left his job early, even knowing that his father would be angry with him. And that deserved a reward.
Kurt placed both his hands on the back of Blaine's thighs and lifted him up so all his weight was back on his knees, not idly sitting in Kurt's lap. Blaine, startled at the sudden change, held onto Kurt's shoulders so he wouldn't fall over. Kurt allowed him this, letting him get his balance back and then once he was stable, he gently pushed him onto the couch next to him.
"S-sir…?" Blaine asked in bemusement when Kurt stood up without another word.
"Stay here. I'll be right back." Kurt told him and walked away, down the hall and into the playroom. Blaine watched him silently, wondering what was going to happen. It wasn't long before Kurt was back, holding a long rectangular item sheathed in a black cloth and a bottle of lube. Blaine eyed the covered item carefully, knowing that it could be anything.
Kurt sat back down on the couch and set the item down on the other side of him.
"Get on the floor, on your knees." Kurt said decisively. Blaine dived head first to the floor, hands reached out to stop him from crashing and kneeled obediently. He looked back up at Kurt, awaiting more instructions and watched as Kurt open the cloth bag, pulling out a medium size blue dildo. It wasn't very wide but impossibly long with a base on the bottom of it to keep it upright.
Blaine stared at it in shock, his eyes open wide. Kurt lathered it up with the lube that he'd brought and set it on the floor. After that he dropped the lube near Blaine's knees.
"Prepare yourself. How much it's going to hurt will depend on how well you do it. Either way, you'll be sitting on that." Kurt told him, sitting back and spreading his legs.
Blaine picked up the lube and spread a liberal amount on two of his fingers. He stripped his sweatpants all the way off, pushing them aside and brought his slick fingers up towards his opening. He stretched himself silently, aware of the fact that Kurt was watching him. He could feel those eyes on him, stripping him bare.
His fingers felt strange inside of him, after going so long without having touched himself. His body belonged to Kurt and as far as he was concerned, he had to ask permission before pleasuring it. Once he got used to the slight sting, he added another finger, stretching himself even further.
"I'm ready." Blaine told his Dom. The dildo wasn't very wide. He could handle it.
"Put it in yourself." Kurt said in that same self-assured tone. Blaine crawled towards the dildo, hovering over it. He positioned the head of the plastic at his opening and pushed his body down onto the shaft, gritting his teeth at the onslaught of pain. Blaine continued pushing the toy further inside of him until it was only three fourths of the way out, panting and moaning in both pleasure and pain, hands quivering.
Kurt could see that he wasn't all the way in and reached out, placing his hands down on Blaine's shoulders and aided him the rest of the way. Blaine cried out, reaching up to take hold of Kurt's arms to steady himself, eyes clamped shut. He felt the head prod his prostate and he whimpered, his cock achingly hard.
Kurt was getting better at understanding what Blaine needed without him asking for it. He knew when Blaine needed comforting. He also knew when he needed more. And this was one of those times.
Kurt helped him up the first time, aware that Blaine was still getting used to the stretch. But he didn't bring him up far enough to pull him off the toy, only enough to let him feel the burn when gravity pushed him back down to the ground. As soon as he had a good rhythm, Kurt let him go so that Blaine could pleasure himself as fast or as slow as he wanted to.
Blaine moved leisurely but it felt amazing all the same. This position allowed the toy to reach dark depths within a person and was in fact one of Kurt's favorite positions. He loved riding a good, hard cock. And watching Blaine's face as he rode up and down on the toy was turning him on.
Kurt groaned when Blaine sat up on his knees, widening his legs so he could get more leverage on his thrusts. The look of rapture on Blaine's face, the cry he let slip from his mouth, told him which gland he'd hit on that last thrust. Finally, when Blaine thought he was going to burst, Kurt cupped his cheek, distracting him from his task.
"What do you want?" Kurt asked him. Blaine glanced down at the obvious bulge in Kurt's sweatpants, licking his lips. He'd been anxious for this all day and now that he was able to, he wanted nothing more than to suck Kurt off till he milked him of his juices while Kurt hand-fucked him with the dildo in his ass. Kurt followed his gaze and smirked. He put his hands in his pants, wrapping his slim fingers around his shaft.
"This?" Kurt asked, stroking himself a few times for emphasis, "What do you want me to do with it?"
Blaine licked his lips one more time, "I wanna… suck you while you…" he trailed off, not able to say it. He was too embarrassed.
Kurt quickened his pumps, pleasuring himself until he started leaking fluid. He wiped a smear on the length of his finger and brought it up for Blaine to see. The semi-clear fluid glistened underneath the light of the room, taunting Blaine.
Blaine crawled back over towards Kurt, clenching his ass so the dildo stayed inside of him. He situated himself kneeling between Kurt's open legs, bringing his face closer to Kurt's offered finger. Blaine wrapped his lips around the digit and hungrily sucked it clean. His tongue curled around the knuckle, slurping the extra saliva he'd created in the process.
It tasted even better than this morning and now that he'd had his fix, he couldn't get enough of it. Blaine whined in displeasure when Kurt pulled his finger free, his lips arched into a pout.
Kurt chuckled, shaking head.
"Don't you want the real thing?" he asked and Blaine nodded rapidly. Kurt slid his pants down to his ankles, exposing his hard length and Blaine leaned forwards, swallowing him in one go. Thoroughly distracted by Kurt's taste on his tongue, he wasn't expecting Kurt to reach over and grip the base of the dildo, pulling it out part way. Kurt slammed it back into his body, nailing his prostate on the first plunge.
Blaine jerked and as a result, the organ in his mouth was forced farther down his throat. Breathing through his nose, he thrust back on the dildo invading his ass while he trying not to choke on the assailant plowing his mouth.
"Fuck yes," Kurt swore as Blaine swirled his tongue around his inflamed flesh, reminding Kurt just how talented he was with his mouth. "God, that mouth. You're such a natural at this."
Blaine wondered what his father would say if he were in the room. After sputtering and nearly dying from a heart attack, he no doubt would have been disgusted to learn how good Blaine was at this… at how much he loved sucking dick.
Kurt came first, arching up into Blaine's throat as hot liquid ruptured from the tip. Blaine swallowed it all and the taste combined with a particularly hard thrust of the dildo against his prostate set off his own orgasm. Clenching his ass around the toy inside him, he squeezed it out onto the floor. Kurt watched it bounce, having let it go at the opportune moment.
Blaine licked him clean, running the flat side of his tongue up from the bottom of Kurt's cock, flicking the tip of it against the tip to catch any extra fluid he'd missed. Kurt allowed him to do this, ignoring the slight sting each lick caused.
"Now you need a shower." Kurt said but the grin on his face belittled any real annoyance Blaine thought that's how he might have been feeling about the mess they'd made.
"Sorry, sir," Blaine said but he didn't sound very sorry at all. In fact, he sounded a little smug.
"You don't sound very sorry." Kurt said mock grumpily. He nudged Blaine away from him and stood up, reaching down to pull up his pants.
"I'm not." Blaine replied honestly, grinning cheekily.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Go wash off while I start dinner. When you're done, go clean up the mess you made on my couch."
Blaine nodded and stood up. Naked from the waist down, Blaine slinked away, heading towards the master bathroom. Kurt smiled and went to go wash his hands, picking up the forgotten toy on the floor to clean as well. He left it by the sink when he was done.
By the time Blaine was done with his shower, Kurt had changed his shirt and was putting out plates for them to eat on. But before he went and sat down, he grabbed a rag from the kitchen and went to clean up their activities from earlier, just like he was told to do. When he approached the couch, his heart sank when he saw that cum that they'd left was partially dry and sure to stain the fabric. With slumped shoulders he went to go tell Kurt the news. He had a feeling that Kurt wasn't going to be happy.
When he told Kurt the problem, he was surprised when Kurt smiled and grabbed the rag from his hands. He walked Blaine into the kitchen and wet the rag. He squeezed it till all the excess water was rung out and handed Blaine the damp rag.
"Always make sure the rag is damp, not soaking wet or you'll get water wrings on the couch. It's microfiber. It can take a little semen as long as you clean it up before it dries all the way." Kurt said. Blaine, feeling better about the problem, walked over and wiped the couch clean. It was nice knowing that Kurt had everything under control. He could relax and let his Dom take care of everything.
After dinner they washed the dishes together and unpacked Blaine's bag, moving him into the bedroom. Blaine hung up some of his clothes, liking the look of them next to Kurt's, no matter how much they paled in comparison to the upscale designers. Once that was done, they settled down on the couch to watch another movie. Blaine liked the stagnant vibe. There was no sense of urgency to go out and search for something that was sitting right next to him. He felt whole.
Near the end of the movie, Kurt's cell phone rang. He sat up, dislodging Blaine from where he was laying on his chest and walked over towards his satchel he'd hung up on the coat rack. Fishing it out of the side pocket, he checked the caller ID and rolled his eyes.
"How's Blaine doing?" Kevin asked, first thing.
"Hello to you to." Kurt said and then sighed, "He's doing better."
"Andrew wants me to thank you. He really appreciated being able to have lunch with Blaine today." Kevin said with gratitude in his tone. Kurt knew that Kevin was trying to thank him as well. Andrew was the most important person in his life and after seeing how happy Kurt had made him, was grateful to his friend for putting it there.
"You're welcome." Kurt said, walking over to where his sub was lazily sprawled on the couch. The movie was paused and Blaine was silently watching him, waiting for him to return. He kissed Blaine on the head and said, "I'm going to take this call outside. Watch the movie without me and yell if you need something."
He stepped out into the hall, pacing a few steps away from his door.
"I think it was good, not just for Andrew but for Blaine as well." Kurt said, once he was away from where Blaine could overhear him.
"I think so too." Kevin said happily. He laughed, "You know, I was surprised at how quickly Andrew took to Blaine. It took at least five outings before he got used to Mark."
"He sensed a kindred spirit." Kurt said.
"I don't think that's the whole reason," Kevin disagreed, "It was definitely part of it but I think that it's more than that."
"What do you mean?" Kurt asked.
"Because of the type of violence Andrew was exposed to, it left him with a sort of bullshit meter. He could sense Mark and all the others were being dishonest to you. None of them ever really loved you."
"I told Blaine about them today." Kurt said, leaning up against the wall. He would probably end up needing the support.
"All of them? You told him everything?" Kevin probed curiously.
"The parts that mattered,"
"I'm guessing you left Sibley out of the equation." Kevin said with a sigh of discontent.
"No, I told him… I told him we left on bad terms."
Kevin snorted, "Understatement of the century. God, he was a prick."
"I loved that prick." Kurt protested in a quiet voice.
"Yeah… I know." Kevin sounded defeated by Kurt's subdued tone. "He just didn't love you."
Out of all his subs, Sibley had been the one to do the most damage. It was almost a year into their relationship when Kurt found out that he was sleeping with someone else. They're relationship ended quickly after that, Kurt too hurt to continue being his Dom and Sibley, who was finally honest with himself for the first time in his life.
"You should tell Blaine." Kevin advised, "It will make you feel better."
"No." Kurt said shaking his head, "Not tonight at least. I need time to decompress. Going over it all took a lot out of me."
"I understand. But don't let it fester for too long. Let Blaine heal you." Kevin said, "I have no doubt that he can."
"I met him last week." Kurt reminded him.
"Yea but he's got Andrew on his side and I trust his judgment of character." Kevin said assuredly.
"Alright, you win." Kurt said in defeat.
"Speaking of Andrew, I was thinking." Kevin said, sounding hopeful.
"I'm listening."
"I think tomorrow night we should all go bowling together. I really want to foster whatever's happening between Andrew and Blaine. I think having each other around will really help both of them."
"You think so?" Kurt asked.
"Oh, I know so. You've done wonders with Andrew, you really have. But at the end of the day, you are a Dom. And he'll treat you like a Dom, no matter how close you get. But he doesn't have that pretense with Blaine. He can just be himself and talk about what it's like to be a sub with someone he can connect to. He can't do that with either of us. Having someone around that you trust and can talk to will be beneficial them both."
Like us, Kurt thought. He could talk to Kevin to a lot of things that he could never talk to Blaine about. Because as much as he would try to, Blaine wouldn't understand. But Kevin does and it was why they both leaned on each other when the other needed it.
"Ok, I see your point." Kurt said, "But tell me that this just isn't because you think watching them make out would be hot."
Kevin laughed, "Hey, you're the one who said it, not me."
"But you were thinking it."
"You can't deny that doing a scene together would be hot as hell."
Kurt smirked, "No, I can't. But I have one condition."
"Blaine is on the bottom."
Kevin laughed again, "Deal."
They both dissolved into childish giggles and Kurt leaned his head back on the wall.
After they both caught their breath back, Kevin cleared his throat.
"So we're on for tomorrow, yea?" he asked.
"Bowling, really?" Kurt complained.
"I know you secretly love it." Kevin said, "Why else would you come out with me all the time?"
Kevin and Andrew had enrolled in a gay couples bowling league and had been trying for years to get Kurt to come join him. Kurt had always given the same excuse every time. Since he wasn't known to have the most stable relationships, he'd told Kevin that he couldn't always promised he'd be part of a couple and bowling alone while watching other people having fun with their significant other wasn't his idea of fun. But now that he had Blaine, Kevin was no doubt going to try even harder. Inviting him to bowling tomorrow was just the first move. He was going to try and corrupt Blaine, knowing that if Blaine wanted to, Kurt would do it.
"Pity," Kurt replied but both of them could tell it was a lie.
"Nice try." Kevin said smirking, "Come out with us."
"Alright." Kurt conceded, "I will come and participate in a barbaric sport made for lazy men who don't want to exercise."
"Hey!"Kevin protested and Kurt could picture him patting his gut, "Bowling takes skill, strategy, hand-eye coordination, dexterity and strength."
"Yeah. Yeah. Tell it to someone who cares." Kurt said with a grin on his face.
"Good night Kurt." Kevin said. He wasn't offended in the least, "See you tomorrow."
"Bye." Kurt said and hung up the phone.
Kurt sighed and closed his eyes, breathing through is nose for a few seconds. Returning to the apartment, he saw that Blaine had curled up on the couch and was dozing. The movie was playing in the background but Blaine had lost interest in it. At the sound of the door shutting and locking, Blaine lifted his head up and looked for Kurt.
"Hey, baby." Kurt said walking over to turn off the TV. Blaine yawned and sat up.
"Who was that?" he asked.
"Kevin. He wanted to make some plans for us to hang out tomorrow."
A smile broke out on Blaine's face, "Will Andrew be there?" he asked excitedly.
Kurt laughed at the expression on Blaine's face. Blaine was such a little kid sometimes, perking up at the mention of a play date with one of his friends.
"Of course. We're all going bowling."
Blaine's excitement grew, erasing any bit of drowsiness he'd been experiencing, "Neat. I've never been bowling."
Kurt looked envious, "Lucky. Kevin's been dragging me out for years."
"Then you must like it." Blaine sounded so sure of himself.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're not the sort of person to go out and do things that you don't want to. You might at first to please your friends but if you truly don't like it, you won't entertain it for long."
"Yea… well…" Kurt had no idea what to counter with.
"Just get to bed. I'll join you in a bit." He said pointing towards the bedroom. Blaine shot him smug grin and took off towards the bedroom. Kurt shut off all the lights and found Blaine lying under the blankets.
Blaine felt Kurt lay down beside him and wrap his arms around his waist. He snuggled closer, feeling the warmth of Kurt's body radiating in the chilly bed. He thought back to this afternoon, feeling like his whole world was crumbling. But Kurt had acted as the glue that kept the pieces from falling apart. He'd never felt so safe and secure with one person.
"Goodnight, Blaine." Kurt mumbled.
"Goodnight, sir." Blaine replied groggily. He was already half-asleep. You could hear it in his voice.
The next morning, Blaine woke up ready to face the world.