June 10, 2012, 6:50 p.m.
June 10, 2012, 6:50 p.m.
She was his father’s corporate wife, figuratively and literally. During the day she worked as his secretary, the person who took his calls, shuffled his schedule around and worked on meeting his every need. As of six months ago, she’d received a promotion. Nowadays, her job title extended into his father’s personal life—not that he had much of one in the first place—somehow worming her way into his father’s bed. By night she became his mistress, a secret affair that his father was keeping from his current wife, Blaine’s fourth step-mother since his parent’s nasty divorce.
Blaine suspected that someday she would become his next step-mother, once he got rid of the current one.
“Yes, Paula?” He spoke casually with her, using her first name instead of her formal title. He enjoyed denying her the respect she wanted and felt she so rightly deserved, knowing how much it frustrated her. And he especially loved watching her bite her tongue and push past it, fearful that what she said would somehow get back to his father. She wouldn’t risk the possibility of losing all her luxurious benefits.
Blaine didn’t doubt that she would. His father would never tolerate the disrespect to his name.
But Blaine knew it wasn’t because his dad cared about his feelings. He was an Anderson. And Anderson’s deserved respect, even when they didn’t.
Rubbing his eyes, he yawned and stretched. Paula waited until he was done, grinding her jaw in irritation.
He was sure he was some sort of sight to behold, with his hair ungelled for the first time since he’d started working for his father’s company, his dress shirt wrinkled and bunched at his waist. He’d spent the better part of the last hour bent over his desk, head buried in his folded arms against the hard surface as he fought off the clutches of sleep, glasses askew on the bridge of his nose. He hadn’t slept well last night, it being the fourth night that Kurt hadn’t slept over since they started seeing each other.
It had been a week since the night Kurt spanked him, drilling a newfound trust and devotion in the man that he’d never had before in any of his previous Dom’s. After that embarrassing spectacle that had taught Blaine a valuable lesson, Kurt had returned with the food and then they settled down to watch a movie. Kurt had sat on the couch and he on the floor at the Dom’s feet, clinging to them like a child would. Every so often he would look up at the man who had successfully captured his heart so quickly, a blush coming to his cheeks. Kurt would look down at him and smile, ruffling his curly hair. It amazed Blaine that something so simple made him feel so loved.
They didn’t have sex that night. Kurt had shaken his head kindly when he had inquired and told him that they were just going to sleep. Blaine spent the entire night cuddled up next to Kurt, not sure if he liked it better this way. Sex with Kurt was amazing but just being so close to the other man felt like he was living in an amazing dream that he didn’t want to wake up from.
Never before had an empty bed left him so unsettled, unable to sleep as he tossed and turned for hours, knowing what the problem was but not how to fix it. Kurt had told him that he was going to be very busy the next couple days and was unable to stay over but he didn’t think that it meant he wasn’t going to see him at all.
“Your father requests your presence.” She told him coldly, breaking him from his thoughts.
The one thing that he could say he liked about Paula was that she never tried to bullshit him. She made it clear from the very beginning that if and when she became attached to his father, she wasn’t going to be his mother, something he all too gladly agreed with.
It was something Charlotte, his dads existing wife, failed to understand. Instead, she wanted him to see her as mother-like figure but did not have the persistence to break through his walls. He knew that all of Charlotte’s affections were fake, an act of trying to get him to like her so she could move up the ranks with his father. She wasn't the first to have tried it.
And that knowledge was one of the reasons he never felt submissive towards her. Women in general didn’t make him feel truly submissive but it was even less so with women like Charlotte. He knew their game.
“Understood.” She didn’t leave and he raised an eyebrow curiously.
“You can leave.” He told her but she shook her head.
“He needs you now. I was told to escort you up.” She replied.
He heaved a silent sigh and nodded. Slowly pulling himself to his feet, he grabbed his black suit jacket off the back of his chair and made his way over to the elevator.
His father’s office and those of his partners were all housed on the top floor of the building, like lords looking down over their kingdom. Such a feat was only possible because his father happened to own the entire building. Blaine thought it was super cheesy but it made it easier to avoid confrontation if they only saw each other when his father summoned him.
Paula rode the elevator with him in silence, pulling her blackberry out of her jacket pocket, ignoring him the rest of the way up. She was no doubt doing something important for his father. He sighed and shook his head, trying to even out his breathing. Being summoned by his father made him anxious. He was sure that whatever he had to say wasn't good. It never was.
The ping of the elevator alerted him to the arrival of their floor and Paula stepped out first, heading over to her desk situated right outside the strong maple doors to his father’s office. Blaine took his time, trying to draw it out as long as possible.
Those imposing wooden doors opened before he could get there, his father standing in the open doorway with a fresh scowl on his face.
“Blaine.” He gestured inside with a jerk of his head and Blaine had to choice but to hurry and follow his orders. He could already feel the pull of submission coming over him. Biting his lip, he hurried inside the office, keeping his eyes trained on the floor.
“You were late this morning.”
Blaine sighed and nodded, knowing that there was no way he could lie to his father. Never let it be said that George Alexander Anderson bothered with pleasantries, always getting straight to the point. It was what made him a good lawyer and a right bastard.
At five foot five, he stood just a little bit taller than his son with dark graying black hair that was combed into compliance. Blaine had inherited a lot from the man in the form of genes, with dark Mediterranean features that sent most women swooning. In thirty-five years, Blaine knew he’d look exactly like his father did now.
But in spite of his short stature, George Anderson had a special talent for making anyone who met him feel insecure with his hard hazel eyes that had the capacity for such cruelty. There were nothing like Kurt’s icy blue ones that, in spite of their cold nature, held so much compassion in them.
“And it looks like you slept in your clothes.” Blaine felt his heart rate accelerate as his father stepped closer to him. He refused to look up from the floor.
“I didn’t sleep well last night and woke up late. I didn’t have time to iron my suit.” Blaine mumbled, already knowing that it was an unacceptable answer for his father.
“Excuses,” The man spat back at him. “And look at me when I’m talking to you, instead of standing there quivering like a weakling. How are you going to become a successful lawyer if you can’t look the judge in the eye?”
“I’m sorry, sir.” Blaine hesitantly looked up at his father, feeling his hands start to shake.
“You’ve been distracted these past few days. Don’t think I’m the only one who’s noticed.” His father shook a finger at him with a stern look.
“I can’t keep coming up with excuses for you, Blaine. What you do affects me, which affects this company. If you look bad, I look bad. So for you to come in here every day, looking like you do now, acting like a moping child, reflects how I raised you. Do you know how many college graduates I turned down to get you this internship?”
Blaine nodded silently. This wasn’t the first time they had this conversation, the first time his father had told him what a disappointment he was.
“The senior partners are starting to doubt my judgment, calling favoritism. I knew going into this that they would try and use that against me but these last few days your performance has given them the proper ammunition.” George fumed, running a hand through his hair.
“I haven’t been sleeping well.” Blaine repeated because really that’s all he could say. His father wouldn’t want to hear all about his pining over Kurt, or the fact that without him, he didn’t feel like doing anything.
“Then fix it. Tomorrow I expect you to be here early and ready to work with nicely pressed clothes and a winning attitude. No more of” he waved in the general direction of where Blaine was standing, “This.”
“You’ll come to work and do your job. Prove to them that I made the right choice in giving this internship to you.”
“Yes, sir.” Blaine replied, his gaze dropping to the floor once more.
“Now, go and salvage what’s left of this day.” His father ordered. He walked around his desk and sat in his leather chair, picking up a ball-point pen that was lying on his desk. Blaine took that to mean this conversation was over and he was free to go.
He breezed past Paula’s desk, refusing to look anywhere but the chrome elevator doors that would lead to his freedom. Once the doors were closed, he collapsed against the side wall, holding a hand to his chest.
He felt so small and weak. Like the softest wind would knock him over if given the chance.
Somehow, he was able to slowly make his way back to his desk, fighting the instinct to crawl underneath it and hide from everyone. But he knew that would be unprofessional and he wasn’t going to give his father another excuse to come find him. He loosened his tie and sat down, not bothering to take off his jacket.
His chest felt tight, like his lungs had a vice around them. He closed his eyes took a deep breath, clenching his hands tightly. Talking with his father always made him feel like this.
A soft vibrating from his trouser pocket made him jump, alerting him to an incoming text message. With trembling hands, he wiped his mouth and then pulled his Smartphone out of his pocket. Upon seeing who had texted him, he smiled and read the simple but authoritative message.
Home at the usual time?
He replied with a firm yes and eagerly waited for a new message to arrive.
'I’m coming over tonight. Be prepared' It read.
And just like that, with a few simple commands, his anxiety was gone, evaporating into thin air. Kurt had the uncanny ability to make all his problems go away.
Blaine clutched his phone to his chest, his smile turning into a wide dopey grin.
Kurt was coming over tonight and he couldn’t wait.
Blaine was kneeling eagerly at his door when Kurt arrived. Stripped of clothes and rank, he waited, still unsure what time Kurt would arrive. At half passed six, Kurt stepped through the door, using the key that Blaine had given him.
Kurt smiled at him and walked over, enveloping the shorter man in tight hug. Blaine turned his head sideways, resting his cheek on the Kurt’s flat stomach, wrapping his arms around the Dom’s thin waste without a moment’s hesitation.
“I missed you.” He said, mumbling his words into Kurt’s stomach.
Kurt laughed, leaning down to kiss the top of Blaine’s curly head. He knew how much Kurt liked his scruff so he’d made sure to leave it ungelled.
Blaine nuzzled Kurt’s stomach in response, closing his eyes as a familiar sense of belonging washed over him.
“Come here.” Kurt pulled him to his feet with surprising strength and kissed him, cupping his cheeks between his hands. Blaine opened his mouth to Kurt’s probing tongue, whimpering as Kurt’s took complete control of the kiss.
“God I missed your mouth.” Kurt pulled away to breath, panting as he laid chaste kisses down Blaine’s jaw and neck.
Blaine’s eyes widened when Kurt pushed him back and dumped him on the couch, climbing on top of him. With both his knees on either side of Blaine’s hips, he pressed his clothed groin into Blaine’s naked one, thrusting against him roughly. Blaine hissed in delicious pain, throwing his head back as Kurt attacked his neck with biting kisses.
After making out for a few minutes, Kurt’s horny frenzy finally settled down, leaving both boys hard and aching. They both lied there, gasping for breath, their eyes closed and foreheads pressed together.
For a while, neither of them said anything, relaxing in the shared company of each other. Everyone once in a while, Kurt would chastely kiss Blaine on the mouth, staying close to breathe each other’s air.
Their moment was interrupted by the soft chirping of Kurt’s cell phone. Grumbling, Kurt rolled off Blaine and struggled to pull it out of his pocket.
“Hello.” He answered the phone, not bothering to check the caller ID.
“Someone’s grumpy tonight.” The melodic tenor of one of his best friends replied to his snippy tone.
Blaine pouted, missing Kurt’s touch after not having it for so long. He crawled over to hug his Dom’s leg, smiling happily when Kurt absent-mindedly reached down and petted his curly head.
“I’m a little busy, Kev. What’s up?”
“With your new boy?” Kevin, Kev to his friends, asked, ignoring Kurt’s impatient question. Glancing down at Blaine, Kurt smirked.
“I’m at his house now and you’re interrupting.”
Kevin laughed, “Interrupting what? Frottage? Or something more? Don’t tell me you’re letting him fuck you yet?”
“Have you called for a reason or can I hang up now?” Kurt asked sarcastically, his thumb already hovering over the end key.
“Hey, wait! I do have to tell you something.” Kevin yelled, knowing he’d pushed Kurt far enough to go through with the threat. “Savannah’s in town.”
“So?” Kurt pulled away from Blaine, leaving the sub sitting in the middle of the room naked and alone. He walked over to the balcony window and opened up the curtains, staring out into the smoggy New York night.
“So I thought we could meet up. You, your boy, Andrew, Savannah and her new flavor of the week.”
“I don’t know.” He glanced back at Blaine, who was staring at him with wide begging eyes.
“It’ll give you a perfect opportunity to see how your boy behaves in public. And plus, don’t you wanna show him off. I’m sure he’s a beaut. You’ve got impeccable taste.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere. Where?” He was never going to admit how much the idea of showing Blaine off turned him on.
“Satan’s Fire.”
Kurt grinned, “Perfect.”
“You think an hour will give you enough time to primp?” Kevin asked.
“Fuck you.” Kurt replied and hung up. He turned to Blaine.
“Change of plans. We’re going out.” Blaine’s eyes widened in shock but he followed obediently when Kurt strolled into his bedroom and over to his closet.
With his hands on his hips and his brow furrowed, Kurt stared at all of Blaine’s clothing with a look of contempt on his face.
“I can’t believe he only gave me an hour. If I’d known about this beforehand I would have ordered something more appropriate. Nothing in here looks like it will work.” Kurt muttered to himself, pushing clothes aside. Blaine’s wardrobe was decidedly bland, suits for work, jeans, t-shirts and sweats for home. He had a small redeeming section of dress shirts for clubbing but nothing that was appropriate for tonight.
“I’m definitely going to have to take you shopping. This is atrocious.” Kurt mumbled to himself, grimacing at Blaine’s horrible taste in clothes.
“Ooh, what do we have here?” Kurt kneeled down and pulled out a black trunk box Blaine had stored underneath all his hanging clothes.
Blaine watched as he unlocked it, smiling upon seeing the contents.
“It’ll do.” Kurt said and then stared up at Blaine with a half curious, half amused look.
“I don’t think I’ve ever met a Sub that is this prepared with his own supplies? Are you really a switch in disguise?” Kurt asked but Blaine could hear from his tone that he was mocking him, reminding him of how they had first met.
He blushed at the memory, but knew that it was true. Normally the Dom held all the toys.
“One of my old Dom’s.” Blaine replied, knowing that Kurt expected an answer despite how blithe the comment was made. “He preferred keeping everything over here and when we broke up, he left it all behind.”
“Hmm…” Kurt replied, his eyes darkening possessively. “For tonight, they’ll do. Tomorrow we’re going to burn all of this and buy you some new stuff.”
Blaine nodded, smiling. That one sentence made his entire world light up. Kurt wouldn’t invest so much into him if he was planning on throwing him out in a few weeks. Buying him his own set of supplies marked long time ownership.
Kurt pulled out a black mesh shirt and tight leather pants that was folded near the bottom.
“Put these on.” He handed the outfit to him. Blaine noted the lack of underwear but said nothing as he unfolded the clothes and pulled them on. The pants were infused with a built-in cod jockstrap that held his genitals but was still thin and tight enough to see the outline of his erection. The jockstrap was removable, held in place by a few snap buttons.
“Good. Now this.” Kurt helped him put on the chest harness. The harness was held together by a metal ring in the middle of his pectoral muscles. Four leather straps wrapped around each of his shoulders and sides, buckling in the back.
“I’m almost tempted to use the nipple clamps, but we’ll save those for later.” Kurt grinned and slapped his ass, making Blaine yelp. His softening erection hardened at the idea.
Kurt stepped back to take in the final view and nodded in satisfaction.
“Not perfect but good on short notice.” He said and turned around, walking out of the bedroom. Blaine followed obediently.
Grabbing his car keys that he’d thrown on the counter, Kurt pulled him by the ring on the harness out of the apartment, pausing to let Blaine lock his apartment up.
“Let’s go. We have to stop by my place so I can change.” Kurt told him casually.
Blaine’s heart stopped beating for a few seconds, unable to comprehend anything past what Kurt had just said.
Kurt was going to let him go to his apartment.
To anyone else, that would have been nothing. But to Blaine, it meant that Kurt was starting to trust him. It meant he was one step closer to becoming Kurt’s permanent sub.
They drove in silence, Kurt’s warm hand lying on Blaine’s thigh as he drove one handed. Every so often he would squeeze and the warmth of his hand transferred to his leg and traveled straight to his dick, making him whimper.
Kurt pretended not to hear him.
Ten minutes into the drive, Kurt pulled into the underground parking for his building and parked. Blaine followed him to the elevator and watched as Kurt punched in a code for it to move. He pressed the fourth floor button and the doors closed with a soft whish.
But unlike the elevator at the office, the anxiety he felt as the elevator ascended floors made his stomach tingle in excitement.
Kurt pulled him down the hallway at the arrived floor, headless of anyone who could have been watching them. Blaine didn’t feel as exposed when Kurt was around.
When Kurt stopped in front of his door, the butterflies in his stomach turned to lead bricks and he broke out in a cold sweat. Just by looking around he could tell that the whole building was nicer than his, more expensive and of high quality. Even the door was better than his flimsy one.
“Don’t look like I’m leading you into a lion’s den to be eaten. Relax.” Kurt told him, having been subtly watching Blaine the entire time. He unlocked his apartment and turned the handle on the door, getting ready to open it.
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous.” Blaine lied, not wanting to look like he was weak and pathetic. He never wanted Kurt to know how much he intimidated and made him feel safe at the same time.
Kurt froze, turning back to look at Blaine with suspicious eyes. He’d always had a knack at knowing when he was being lied to. It helped weed out the bad guys when dealing with his lifestyle.
“Don’t ever lie to me, Blaine.” He said. His voice was firm. “I’ve been nothing but honest with you since the beginning and I expect the same courtesy from you.”
It was a warning. Blaine gulped, casting his gaze to the floor in shame, tears gathering in his eyes.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered, sniffling.
Kurt sighed and pulled him into the apartment, doing nothing to absolve Blaine of his guilt. Leading him over the couch, he left him there to go change, closing the bedroom door behind him.
Blaine kept his gaze trained on the floor, his curiosity kept at bay by the look of disappointment he’d seen in Kurt’s eyes.
Biting his lip, he clenched his hands into fists, berating himself silently. Kurt was right. He should have never lied; no matter how uncomfortable it made him feel.
He was so caught up in his silent persecution, he never noticed Kurt had finished dressing and had rejoined him on the couch. When he did, he sank to the floor at Kurt’s feet, pressing his forehead to the floor, begging for forgiveness in the only way he knew how.
“You’re going to bite a hole in your lip if you keep doing that,” Kurt softy lifting his head up with a finder under his chin. Blaine released his bottom lip immediately, feeling the metallic sting on his tongue.
“I’m sorry.” Blaine repeated and Kurt leaned down and kissed him softly on the mouth, making Blaine moan as he made contact with his split lip.
“I forgive you this time. But don’t let it happen again.” Kurt said softly and Blaine nodded vigorously.
Shaking his head, Kurt stood up, giving Blaine a good view of his outfit. He wore sinfully tight skinny jeans that framed his slim legs and ass perfectly. To match the outfit, he wore a white dress shirt with a black button up leather vest and a blood red bow tie. His hair was still immaculately styled.
Blaine couldn’t stop staring, all the blood draining to his cock as Kurt spun in place, showing off his outfit.
“What do you think?” Kurt asked, well aware of Blaine’s predicament.
“Eurggg.” Blaine’s brain short circuited as Kurt giggled and pulled a fedora off an old fashioned hat rack standing near the hallway leading towards the bedrooms and put it on his head. The hat was grey with a black stripe sewn around the base and a red feather sticking out of it. It matched his bow tie perfectly.
“I usually don’t wear hats after I’ve styled my hair but his outfit calls for one. I’m sure I have enough hairspray in to keep it tame.” Kurt said pouting his lips as he admired himself in a mirror hanging on the wall.
Kurt glanced at the analog clock that was hanging on the other side of the room in the mirror.
“Oh, we should get going. Kevin should be there by now.” He said. Blaine was tempted to ask where they were going but refrained, not wanting to upset Kurt again.
Kurt walked over to the small side table and opened the drawer. He pulled out a wrist wallet and deposited his essentials into it before snapping it around his wrist. He glanced down, something in the drawer catching his attention and he giggled.
“I have just the thing to complete your outfit.” He said pulling out a chain leash with a leather loop to hold on to. Clipping it to the ring on Blaine’s harness, Kurt smiled.
“There. Now I won’t lose you.” He stuck his hand through the loop and pulled Blaine towards the door, not waiting for his reaction. Kurt held his leash in full view as they walked away from Kurt’s apartment, not caring who saw. He barely reacted when a woman stuck her head out, eyes bugged out at the sight of them. Kurt waved, blowing her a kiss and she slammed her door shut. Smiling, Kurt rolled his eyes.
“Don’t worry. She’s always hated me.” He tried to reassure Blaine and it worked for the most part.
He kept staring out the window the entire drive, savoring the feel of Kurt’s possessive hand on his thigh.
Satan’s Fire was a fetish club, Blaine remembered. A private one. Only members were allowed inside the doors and to become a member came with a hefty price. Blaine never saw the point of paying so much to get in when there were so many free clubs around. But tonight, it looked like he was in for a treat.
After seeing Kurt’s apartment, Blaine wasn’t surprised that Kurt was a regular member to a club like this. Which made him wonder about Kevin? How did he know him? Did they work together? Were they former lovers?
He didn’t feel brave enough to ask.
Kurt pulled up in front of the valet and he got out, handing the keys to a studly man dressed in a devils costume. Another similarly dressed valet approached Blaine’s door but wasn’t stupid enough to try and help Blaine out. It was his Dom’s job, not his. Kurt tipped him generously for that, pushing the money inside the waist of the man’s tight red leather pants. The man gave him a sultry grin and stepped away to go help someone else.
Blaine eyes widened at the sight and he bit his lip, an unfamiliar feeling coursing through his veins. Kurt wasn’t supposed to look at anyone else like that. He shook the thought away, chiding himself for being jealous. Kurt was the Dom. He could do whatever he wanted.
“Come on.” Kurt helped him out, leading him towards the doorway by the leash. The bouncer grinned at Kurt when he saw him and unclipped the red partition rope, letting them by without any fuss.
Kurt was obviously well known around here.
“Hey, Porcelain.”
“Noah.” Kurt smiled at his old Glee mate, glad to see the return of the Mohawk. Puck was one of the three people from his old life that knew about his alternative lifestyle. At first Kurt had been nervous, randomly running into the straightest boy he’d ever met, working as the new bouncer for one of the clubs he frequented. Puck had immediately recognized him and after some obligatory teasing, agreed to keep this part of his life secret from everyone else.
“Busy tonight?” Kurt paused to chat.
“Nah, it’s only a Wednesday night. I swear I’m going to fall asleep out here.” Noah sighed, shaking his head. Kurt laughed at his put out expression, his blue eyes twinkling.
“How’s Sirena?” Kurt asked. Puck rolled his eyes.
“Pregnant. I swear that little alien inside of her is making her crazy. One minute she’s horny as hell, wanting to have loud kinky sex. The next minute she’s yelling at me because I got the wrong kind of mayonnaise when I went grocery shopping and then won’t speak to me for the rest of the night. And then she’s puking all over the place.”
“And you wonder why I stick with men.” Kurt nudged Blaine, putting him into the spotlight.
“This your new man?” Noah asked with a grunt, eyeing him. “You sure he’s gay? He has caterpillar eyebrows.”
Kurt grinned conspiratorially and leaned over, kissing Blaine’s temple, just to the side of Blaine’s triangular eyebrows. “Oh, I’m sure.”
Puck didn’t look convinced but shrugged, “Alright, if you sure. Have fun, Kurt.” A small line had formed behind them and Kurt figured if they stayed any longer, they were going to get Puck into trouble.
Kurt smiled warmly at his old friend and pulled Blaine inside.
Im so happy you moved this story to this site. I thought it would just be gone. :) Update Soon.
Thanks. :)