Pure Kismet
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Pure Kismet: Chapter 2

E - Words: 4,255 - Last Updated: Jun 10, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 11/? - Created: May 31, 2012 - Updated: Jun 10, 2012
460 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Alright, here's chapter two. I happy to see someone from FF and someone from this site who's never read my story before.
Kurt stayed late at work the next day, pouring over the layout for next month’s release. He was a perfectionist, everyone who had ever known him longer than a couple of days could account to it, but he truthfully had no real reason to stay later then he had to today. This month’s release was already on its way to the printers and next month’s was in the very beginning stages or as he like to call it, the waiting stage. They had to wait for the journalists to finish writing their articles and the photographers to send in their pictures. It was his job as editor-and-chief to make the final decision about what went into the magazine and what didn’t make the cut. Kurt usually liked the feeling of command that this gave him, something that translated to his personal life and connected him to it. But today he was too keyed up to concentrate on work.

He kept glancing at the clock every few minutes, excitement rushing through his veins at the thought of that beautiful man that was waiting for him. But he couldn’t arrive at Blaine’s apartment too early. He hadn’t given Blaine a specific time when he would arrive, so technically he could be as late as he desired. And the later he was, the more Blaine would squirm in anticipation.

His office looked somewhat cold to the untrained eye, a mixture of black and white. The north walls were made of glass, giving him a perfect view of Manhattan. The other four walls were a shade of light grey, modern artwork that had caught his eye hanging on them. His large n-shaped desk was made of white plastic and sitting on top were a few memorable items that gave him the illusion of having a life outside of work. Two picture frames sat on the right side. One was of his friends from home, the few that he had stayed in touch with after high school, and the one was of his family. The chairs across from his desk, the ones reserved for guests, were the same color and material as his desk, adorned with a black cushion on the seat. He sat in his comfortable black swivel chair, leaning his head back against the headrest. Staring at the proofs on his desk was getting dull and he glanced at the clock once more.

Seven o’clock.

Kurt grinned and started gathering up his stuff, shuffling the papers into a neat pile that he could put into his brown leather satchel. He tucked his swivel chair under his desk and shut down his computer that had been sitting idle for the past couple hours. He shut the lights off on his way, walking out of his office with a grin on his face. Only his assistant, Gavin, was there to see it.

Everyone else had left for the night. Gavin waved hyperly as he passed, giving him a wide admiring smile. Without giving the man a second look, he bid him goodnight and walked towards the elevator with a wide gait. His blue Ralph Lauren jacket hung over his shoulder, a single finger hooked on the collar.

Tonight was his second ‘meeting’ with Blaine. But it was going to be different then their first meeting. It had to be. It was the night he would establish the rules of their relationship. And it was just as important as anything else they were going to do.

He pushed the call button, watching as it lit up and waited patiently for the elevator to arrive. It did so slowly, having to travel up forty levels till it got to Kurt’s floor. The indicator lights above the second set of elevator doors flashed green and he stepped closer to the designated doors. They slid open noiselessly and he stepped onto the elevator and pushed the button for the underground parking. The ride down was made in silence and so was the ride home to change and pick up a few necessary items. He wasn’t going to use Blaine’s toys anymore. No, he was going to use his own.

It wasn’t that Blaine didn’t have the right ones. He did. But his own toys were familiar and Blaine was not the one in control. Kurt was.

He took a twenty minute shower, enjoying the warm water as it cascaded down his lithe but muscular body and changed out of his Armani suit and into a pair of tight black skinny jeans that left nothing to the imagination. He slipped on a navy, long sleeve shirt, so thin that it was practically see-through, and a black and blue pinstripe vest.

His hair was spiked chaotically, putting a lot of effort into making it look like he didn’t care about how it looked. He checked himself out in the mirror one last time, smoothing out imaginary crease lines.

Dinner was inconsequential at this point since he planned on eating later with Blaine. Deciding he’d wasted enough time, having spent an hour and a half in total, he picked up his keys and wallet and packed a bag of essentials he would need tonight. And then he left, heading for his car once more.

By the time he got to the apartment, it was close to nine o’clock. He reached up to knock and noticed a sliver of light from a small crack between the door and the frame.

Experimentally, he pushed lightly on the door, not surprised to find that it swung open for him, having not been completely closed. Kurt smirked, knowing that Blaine must have left it open for him so he could enter without having to knock.

Blaine was exactly where he was supposed to be, kneeling at the threshold of the front door. His hazel eyes lit upon sight of the Dom and he whimpered. He was already hard, Kurt could see. His impressive erection saluted the ceiling which made Kurt smirk.

He stepped into the apartment, happy that everything seemed to be the same. It was still very messy, dirty clothes and food wrappers lying about, but Blaine had followed his orders perfectly. He hadn’t asked him to clean, only to be there. It warmed his heart to see the red carpet burns on Blaine’s knees and buttocks, evidence of how long Blaine had been kneeling there.

He didn’t express any of this though. Ignoring Blaine for now, he walked into the living room and over to the coffee table. He swept an arm over the contents, pushing everything onto the floor. Blaine didn’t make a sound of protest, still facing the door. He didn’t even turn around to see what the all the commotion was.

Pushing the table out of the middle of the room, he wiped his hands on the couch cushions and walked over into the kitchen. He hunted around for a garbage bag, opening cabinets and searching the laundry room.

This was all done in nerve-racking silence. Blaine couldn’t see what Kurt was doing until he stepped back into his line of view.

He held out the black industrial size trash bag to him, eyes hardened. “Clean up this mess.”

Blaine didn’t question the order and quickly went about following it, throwing away all the junk that Kurt had pushed onto the floor and the some that cluttered the other parts of the room. Kurt walked over to his DVD shelf and, like he promised himself the night before, examined the titles with curiosity. Most of them were stereotypical action movies like The Fast in the Furious, Die Hard, Lethal Weapon and the sci-fi action Aliens series. Regular shoot-em up movies with knock down drag out fights scenes. Kurt wasn’t entirely surprised after seeing the state of this apartment but was pleased to see some redeeming movies such Rent, Hairspray, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink and The Sound of Music. Kurt was a big fan of Broadway musicals and romantic comedies.

Pulling The Sound of Music off the shelf he opened the case to stare at the DVD hidden inside.

“I was named after Kurt Von Trapp, you know?” Kurt said conversationally. Blaine perked up at the sound of his voice but didn’t stop cleaning, picking up his game controllers and putting them on their charging stations.
“My mother was a big Sound of Music fan. She used to go make me see all the theatre revivals that passed through town but I didn’t mind. I liked going.” Kurt continued, not expecting an answer from Blaine. He hadn’t asked for one.

Kurt sighed wistfully and shut the movie case with a snap. “I miss those days. No, that’s a lie. I miss her.”

Blaine tied the garbage bag off, having finished picking up every bit of trash he could find and sat it down next to his trash can in the kitchen. Returning to the living room, he dropped to his knees in front of Kurt, who had moved on from the movies and over to the bookshelf that he had overlooked last night. He was skimming the titles with his finger, a small smile on his face.

Kurt was often amazed at how much you could tell about a person from looking around their house. Blaine was obviously an avid reader, judging from the amount of novels he could see. There were mostly mystery and Sc-Fi books but what had pleased him the most to see was the containers of Vogue and Runway magazines on the shelf.
He was also a sports fan. He glanced around at all the framed posters of The Buckeyes, Giants, The Mets and The Rangers. Football, Basketball, Baseball and Hockey. He liked it all apparently.

Turning around, Kurt smiled at the sub. He walked over his bag and he opened it, bringing out pair of leather fur-lined cuffs. Blaine’s eyes widened at the sight of them, pre-cum leaking from his engorged penis.

“Turn around.” Kurt told him and Blaine did as was ordered. Kurt cuffed his arms together and helped him stand up, leading him over the couch. Upon sitting down, Kurt pulled Blaine down on the floor in front of him, his legs spread open wide. Blaine could see the outline of Kurt’s package, pressing against the tight confines of his skinny jeans.

“Tell me about yourself, Blaine.” Kurt redirected his attention, a smirk playing on his lips. One of his hands dropped down to rest lightly on the bulge in his jeans and the other went behind Blaine’s head, fingers playing with the curls in the back.

“Your apartment tells me a lot about you but there is still some stuff I want to know. For example, what’s your last name? How old are you? What do you do for a living?” Kurt said while running his hands through Blaine’s unruly curls.

Because of the order Kurt had restrained him with; he hadn’t the time to gel them down, leaving them free to do what they pleased. Kurt had been surprised to see them but did not find them entirely unattractive. In fact, he liked running his hands through them. They were silkier than they first appeared to be.

“My full name is Blaine Anderson. I work at Anderson & Kline, a corporate law firm here in Manhattan. I’m doing my internship at the moment and working to finish my law degree.” Blaine answered diligently, nuzzling into Kurt’s hand. It was so soft, the softest he’d ever felt before. He knew that from last night after Kurt worked him over but it wasn’t enough. He wanted Kurt to touch him even more.

“Have you always wanted to work for your parents?” Kurt asked looking bored with the conversation and Blaine bit his lip worriedly, a nervous habit of his.

“N-no” Blaine gasped mid-word as Kurt pushed Blaine’s knees apart, exposing his low-hanging testicles and erection. He slid a boot-clad foot under the hanging appendages and applied pressure.

Blaine bit his lip again, trying to keep his cries in, forcing them to come out strangled. He struggled to remember what he was going to say next, his brain doing a good impression of mush at the moment.

“I w-wanted to be a musician. But my dad pressured me into moving into the fam-family business.”

“Yes, I can see how easily he would be able to bend you to his will. You do seem to take orders well. Does he know how submissive you truly are?” Kurt asked calmly. He didn’t outwardly appear to notice Blaine’s struggles, slowly rubbing his foot against Blaine’s vulnerable genitalia.

Blaine shook his head, unable to verbally reply.

“No, I didn’t think so. Daddy would be so disappointed to learn what lengths his son would go to please someone. Does he even know you’re gay?”

Blaine nodded, trying to compose himself. “I c-came out in high school. He called it a phase for the longest time and when he realized that I was never going to like girls, we came to a mutual understanding. Sorta like, don’t ask don’t tell. He tolerates it as long as I keep it out of the office and I work towards taking over the family business.”

Blaine groaned when Kurt pushed hard, keeping a constant pressure for a few seconds before slowly releasing.

“He sounds like an ass. My dad was much more understanding.” Kurt didn’t sound conceited about this, like he was trying to rub it in Blaine’s face that his dad was better than his. He merely sounded factual, wanting the other man to know as much about his life as he was learning about him.

“I grew up in a very small homophobic town in Ohio. And my dad is the very description of butch. He owns his own mechanic garage, was the quarterback in high school, voted prom king, watches sports on TV and fishing shows. But despite all this, he was very understanding when I came out after a small stint as the kicker on the football team to pretend I was straight. But he said he already knew. My friends liked to joke that I was born without a closet.” Kurt laughed, still stroking both Blaine’s hair and genitals at the same time. Blaine didn’t know which one he liked more.

“Suffice to say, he doesn’t know about all about my sex life. Learning about this part of my life would surely give him a heart attack and he can’t afford another one of those.”

Blaine looked thrilled about this small kernel of knowledge, his eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas. He opened his mouth to ask a question, thirsty for more information about Kurt only to bite his lip at the last second, sending the Dom a hesitant stare.

“What’s wrong?” Kurt asked, seeing this.

“What part of Ohio?” he asked meekly, unsure if Kurt would allow him to speak freely. He hadn’t said anything against it but nothing about Kurt was predictable.

Realizing what was wrong without Blaine having to fully explain, he just smiled at him, encouraging him to speak.

“Unless I give a direct order, Blaine, feel free to say anything you like.” He said, petting him. “And to answer your question, Lima. Why?” He looked curious.

“I lived in Westerville.” Blaine replied, shocked. It was hard to believe that only a hundred miles had separated them all their pubescent life. And they’d never run into each other before. He remembered passing through Lima once or twice on his way to Columbus with his friends on the weekends.

Kurt had stopped rubbing his foot against him during their talk and when he noticed, pulled his foot away, earning a meek whine in protest from Blaine.

“Go get my bag.” Kurt told him, leaning back against the couch. Blaine looked over at the black duffel bag that Kurt had dropped and slowly shuffled on his knees over to it, ignoring his burning knee caps. Once he reached the bag, he stared down at it forlornly, realizing he was at a loss. His hands, cuffed behind his back, were of no use to him. Glancing back at Kurt, he braced himself for his reaction. But Kurt didn’t give him one, continuing to stare at him with a steely expression on his face, silently waiting for him.

With a sigh, Blaine leaned down, widening his legs to keep his balance and picked the handle of the bag with his teeth. He broke out into a cold sweat and slowly straightened back up, the bag lighter then he first thought.

Shuffling back over to Kurt, he deposited the bag into the Dom’s lap, earning himself a kiss with lots of tongue. He moaned into the kiss, closing his eyes as Kurt ravished his mouth.

With a firm grip, Kurt pulled him by the waist closer to him, so one of his knees smashed against Blaine’s cock. He whimpered, rubbing himself against Kurt’s knee harder, loving the raw burn it caused.

“You remember the safe words?” Kurt asked pulling away from Blaine’s mouth.

Blaine nodded, eyes closed in pleasure as he rode Kurt’s knee.

Kurt grabbed him by the chin, forcing Blaine to look him in the eye. “Answer me.”

“Yes, I remember.”

Kurt smiled, loosening his grip on Blaine’s face.

“Good. Because we’re going to try something different today.”

Blaine really hoped that meant he’d earned the right to fuck Kurt. God, it was all he wanted.

“I need to know what are you’re into, Blaine. Pain? Humiliation? Voyeur? What are your limits?”

“I want to please you.” Blaine reached up and kissed Kurt’s neck, slowly rolling his hips harder. “Anything you want.”

Kurt pushed him away, “That’s not what I asked, Blaine.”

He stood, pushing Blaine away so hard he ended up on the floor. With skill that could only come from experience, Blaine brought himself to his knees without the use of his hands, looking at Kurt nervously. Kurt didn’t look at him as he leaned over and unzipped his bag that he’d moved over off his lap onto the couch.

Blaine waited in anticipation. His eyes widened at the cock ring that was pulled out. It was smaller than the one he’d been threatened with last night. A war waged within him, his body and mind remembering the absolute pleasure and the pain that had accompanied it.

“Please.” He begged, but wasn’t even sure what he was begging for.

Without saying anything, Kurt walked over and stroked Blaine’s half-hard cock before sliding the metal ring down to the base of his erection. Blaine winced at the tightness.

“Get down.” Kurt didn’t wait for him to comply, pushing him down to the floor, his face pressed into the carpet, ass upturned to the ceiling. He turned his head sideways so he could breathe properly, his heart beating fast within his chest.

“We’ll have to get you tested first chance we get.” Kurt said, more to himself then anything. Blaine felt Kurt move away from him but with his head turned away from him, he couldn't see what he was doing.

“Judging from last night, you like at least a little bit of pain. But I need to know how much you can take. And when we were in the club and I unzipped your pants, were you really ok with me exposing you to all those strangers? These are things I need to know Blaine. You need to trust that I will not push you past what you tell me your limits are. Safe words are smart precautions but I prefer not to make you use them at all.” Kurt said running a finger down Blaine’s exposed vertebrae till it met with the crack of his ass.

“I just want to please you. I trust you.” Blaine replied, lost to the sensations of Kurt’s dominating will.

“We just met last night, Blaine. How can you know that you can trust me with something like this?” Kurt leaned down to whisper this into Blaine’s ear.

“But I feel like I’ve known you longer…. like I’ve been looking for you forever.” Blaine replied truthfully, trying to express what he was feeling. He’d never felt his way towards anyone before and never anything so quickly.

Kurt looked thoughtful at this, wondering the same thing. Blaine’s trust was something he felt had to be earned, just like Blaine had to earn the right to go any farther than second base with him. Trust was something to be learned with time but with Blaine, it was something instinctual. It was like they were truly made for each other. Kurt realized he’d been silent for too long, pondering his similar feelings and the sub had grown anxious, wondering if he’d done something wrong.

Blaine didn’t fear punishment from Kurt. He feared indifference. He would have rather felt the sting of his paddle then the ache of his rejection. And Blaine knew deep down that that if Kurt were to leave and never acknowledge him again, he would never recover from it.
Blaine gasped in surprise when Kurt slapped his ass hard, the taut skin turning white for a brief second and then a fiery red. He bit his lip to keep the cry from escaping his throat.

“Don’t try and hold it in, Blaine. I want to hear your cries.” Kurt smacked him again, eliciting another cry from the dark haired man, one that he didn’t try to stop.

His legs wobbled, threatening to send him to the floor as Kurt continued assaulting his ass, slapping him with equal pressure each time. Once Blaine had gotten comfortable with one spot, he’d move onto another, renewing the pain all over again.

Tears fell from Blaine’s eyes but he refused to say anything. He knew what Kurt was trying to do. He was trying to force him to admit he had limits.

“You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you?” Kurt growled, growing frustrated. He smacked Blaine harder than before, earning a pained whimper.

Blaine closed his eyes, trying to ignore the pain that was quickly enveloping his body. Every smack sent spikes of white hot pain from his burning, over-sensitized skin.

“Y-Yellow.” Blaine finally cried softly, pushed past what he could stand.

“Please, stop.” He whispered shamefully. He buried his face into the carpet, feeling like a failure. He wanted to please Kurt so bad but he couldn’t take anymore.

“I’m sorry.” Blaine slumped. He knew that Kurt had to be disgusted by him, by what a horrible sub he was, and that any minute he was going to walk out that door and never come back.

“Oh, you silly man.” Kurt gently caressed Blaine’s stinging skin, kissing the red, tender patches. Blaine’s erection had wilted, though the cock ring that Kurt had placed on him stayed in place. Even flaccid, Blaine’s penis was very large.

“You don’t get it.” Kurt told him, shaking his head with a sad sigh. “Your previous masters must have taken advantage of the fact that you would stop at nothing to please them. But they never considered you, did they?”

“I’m a good boy.” Blaine sobbed, shaking from the exertion of his cries.

“Of course you are.” Kurt consoled him. He had no doubt that Blaine tried his very best in everything he did. The way he sacrificed his future to work for a father that he was sure didn’t really love and accept him told Kurt a lot about who Blaine was as a person. He was a genuinely kind soul, always thinking of others before himself.

Kurt needed him to see that just because he was submissive, his own pleasure mattered just as much as his.

“I want to know what makes you feel good,” Kurt told him, making Blaine look up at him through wet lashes. “You pleased me just by admitting when you couldn’t take anymore.”

“I did?” Blaine asked, with child-like wide eyes. They were still wet from his tears. But Kurt could see that Blaine was starting to understand.

“Very much so.” Kurt smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Now I think you could use a shower and some good food in your belly.”

Blaine’s stomach growled at the mention of food which made the man flush and Kurt chuckle. Without a word, Kurt grabbed his hand and helped him up, ignoring the lines of pain around Blaine’s eyes when he flexed his gluteus muscles.

“Go take a shower and I’ll go run and get us food.” Kurt pushed him towards the bedroom, grabbing his keys out of his bag. Blaine tried not to whimper at the loss of contact, missing the warmth of Kurt’s hand in his.

“Don’t worry,” Kurt assured him when Blaine reached out and grabbed for him, doubt in his eyes that Kurt was really going to return, “I’ll be right back. I passed a good looking Thai place on the way. Do you like Thai food?” he asked.

Blaine shrugged, “Never really tried it before. I stick to comfort foods, burgers and such.”

“Well, that’s one more thing that’s going to change around here.” Kurt told him, shaking his head with mirth. “I don’t eat out much, mostly because everything is full of fatty calories that would damage my body. But tonight’s special.”

“You cook?” Blaine asked, his eyes wide. It was just another thing he loved about Kurt. He was so open. So honest.

“Yes and I’m very good at it. My mom taught me when I was really young.” Kurt smiled at him, reminiscent about his past. He liked thinking about her. And it was the only way to keep her memories safe.

“Go take a shower.” Kurt ordered, “I want to see you on your knees when I get back.”

Blaine nodded happily and limped into the bedroom, heading for the connected bathroom. He heard the door close behind Kurt but ignored the small bit of fear he had left. Kurt said he would come back.

And he trusted Kurt. More than he trusted anyone it seemed.

End Notes: I just want to clarify that Blaine was not raped. Taken advantage of, yes, but he consented to each and every one of his previous relationships and enjoyed a lot of them. There are a lot of people who look at BDSM and only see the harnesses, whippings and violence that comes along with it. But it's more than just a Dom taking a sub's control away and forcing them to do sordid acts.


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