June 10, 2012, 6:50 p.m.
June 10, 2012, 6:50 p.m.
The drunk in the cell next to them stank like cheap beer, mud from the ground he slept on and stale vomit. And though neither of them thought it was possible, he looked even worse the he smelt, his clothes caked in dirt and stained with unidentifiable substances. Kurt honestly didn't know how the thin rags were still hanging on his body; they were so ratty. It was the worst crime of fashion that he had ever seen and that was saying something considering that he remembered how horrid Rachel used to dress in high school.
The man's snores were loud enough to wake the dead and the nutcase sharing a cell with him was amusing himself by throwing a wadded up piece a paper he found in his pocket at the homeless drunk, risking his luck at waking him. Judging by the waft of alcohol coming off him like a bad case of perfume, Kurt doubted that the man was going to wake anytime soon.
Refusing to sit on the bench provided for them in case he caught something from the deranged scum that often visited this place, Kurt stood with his back faced to the bars in front of Blaine, his arms folded tight against his chest. He couldn't stop fidgeting, his face drawn up in an irate scowl. He hated this place and desperately wished that his ride would hurry up and bail them out already.
Blaine sat on the bench that Kurt had refused, silently tapping his foot on the concrete flooring. Surprisingly it was Blaine who was the calm one, even though he figured he had much more to fear from his father finding out about this little escapade. He leaned back against the brick wall, feeling its hard surface on the back of his shoulder blades, and silently took in his surroundings with a curious eye. This was the first time he'd been to jail and it wasn't as terrifying as the TV shows made it out to be. Mostly he was just bored.
The place was over-crowded. Most of the cell blocks were taken by two or three occupants and the noise level was just one notch under intolerable. Blaine guessed that the fine officers of the 123th branch of the N.Y.P.D had been busy tonight, picking up drunks and vandals alike. Unfortunately that included them, who were technically breaking the law.
Blaine had hoped that the officer who'd arrested them would let them go with a warning. But his optimism was crushed the moment she asked them both to step out of the car. Although she was a fangirl at heart and would have liked to let them go just because they were adorable together, she was diligent at her job, straight-laced and believing that if you broke the law, you had to be punished.
At least she'd given them the courtesy of forgoing the handcuffs, he allowed. Blaine didn't know how he would have been able to wear them without thinking about Kurt restraining him to the bed, straining in their hold while Kurt mouth teased him. And that always made for an uncomfortable ride, especially when the object of his affection was sitting so close to him.
"Psst," a voice from the cell to his left (opposite of the drunkard's) called out to them. Blaine turned around to see a teenage boy staring at him expectantly. He was wearing two-inch solid black gages, thick lines of mascara under his swollen eyes and a brown bomber jacket over a black t-shirt with a large skull breathing fire printed on it. His hair was dyed bright neon red and styled into a small Mohawk on the top of his head. The stud in his nose only accented his obvious cry for attention. It was a nasty, childish phase that he had once gone through in his youth, lacking all the makeup and piercings.
Blaine had no idea how long the boy had been here before they had arrived an hour ago but it was the first time either of them noticed him.
"This your first time?" the boy smirked crudely, "Your boyfriend looks anxious. I'll be he'll make good meat in prison. He's pretty enough."
Blaine bristled at the insult, glaring at the boy. He opened his mouth to retort but Kurt cut him off.
"Ignore him, Blaine." Kurt was unaffected by the boy's words. Public indecency and loitering on private property was hardly a capital offense. It was a misdemeanor charge, one that would only require them to pay a hefty fine that was the equivalent of getting a slap on the wrist. There would be no jail time for either of them, not that he was ever worried about it. He just hated the smell of this place and wanted to go home where he could take forty showers to wash the filth from him.
Blaine scowled and turned his glare towards his shoes, hating that Kurt wouldn't let him defend his honor. The little punk deserved to be knocked down a peg or two.
"You're just going to sit there like a pansy and let pretty boy order you around, Blaine?" The boy mocked, "He must be the one with the balls in the relationship."
Normally that wouldn't have bothered Blaine, because he did take orders from Kurt and had long since accepted that about himself. But this boy didn't know about the unique roles in their relationship. He was just making fun of them for the sake of being a shithead punk. And Blaine didn't like it.
"He wants a reaction from you. Don't give it to him. Be the bigger person." Kurt said, calming now that he had something to direct his attention away from his situation. Focusing on Blaine and the kid gave him something else to think about.
"How can he be the bigger person when he's barely the size of a hobbit? I'll bet you have to get on your knees to kiss him and you'd have to lay on the ground to blow him." The boy cracked up at his own joke and Blaine flushed in utter shame, the fight leaving him now that the boy had turned his jabs toward him.
Kurt's eyes narrowed but Blaine had ducked his head in time, missing the scathing look that Kurt sent the boy. He heard Kurt move but with his averted eyes, couldn't see how he beckoned the boy closer with one finger, taunting his arrogance and challenging his ego. Thinking that the bars would provide suitable barrier between him and Kurt, he stepped closer.
"You wanna kiss me, pretty boy?" the boy asked, puckering his chapped lips.
Blaine looked up just in time to see Kurt's hand shoot out and grab the lapels of the boy's jacket, yanking him forward so fast that his nose connected with the bars before he could properly defend himself. The boy cried out, hands coming up cover his nose in hopes to staunch the flow of blood. He glared at Kurt through his fingers.
"What the fuck man?!" he sputtered, his voice sounding nasally from the blood clogging his airway, "I was just messing with you."
Kurt drew back a fist fight against his side and with perfect aim, thrust it into the boy's sternum through the bars, sending him stumbling backwards a few feet, the wind knocked out of him.
"I was ok with you insulting me." Kurt said, seeing red. His tone was sharp and lethal, "But then you went too far by attacking him. You think you know fear? You think your one tough mother-fucker because you dress and act the part. Truth is, you're a kid who's going to get himself into some real trouble one of these days and not know how to get yourself out of it. So sit down, shut up and leave us alone. And be thankful that there are bars separating us."
The boy gaped at him wordlessly, blood seeping out of the corners of the hands cupped over his face. Kurt turned away, still seething and locked gazes with his sub. Blaine had a look of complete and utter awe on his face; not believing what had just happened was real. He thought that he had prepared himself for the day he saw Kurt using his self-defense skills that he'd only heard about but he was so very wrong. Nothing could have prepared him for the brief but stunning show of power. And he hadn't even scratched the surface of what he thought Kurt was capable of.
"Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel?" the cop who had escorted them down here stood outside their cell with his keys in hand, "You've made bail."
"You can't let them go!" the boy stood up indignantly from where he'd fallen. He'd ripped the bottom of his shirt and stuffed a small piece of cloth up his nose to soak up the blood. Wiping a streak from his chin with the back of his hand, he said, "Look what that fucker did to me. Arrest him for assault and battery. I think he broke a couple of my ribs."
Kurt rolled his eyes. Sure he'd probably have a couple bruises but it wasn't anything that needed a hospital over.
Officer Brian Muntz raised an unsympathetic eyebrow and shrugged, "Sorry, I didn't see anything. Unless you have some sort of evidence, my hands are tied."
"Look at the security tapes, asswipe." The boy cried, pointing at the state-of-the-art camera taping everyone's moves. Blaine paled, realizing that Kurt could be in even more trouble then he already was, serious trouble. And it was all because of him.
Muntz scratched his head, "System went down about a half an hour ago. IT is working on it so we should be back up any minute now."
"Ask any of them, "The boy was relentless, not knowing when to give up. He swiveled around to point out all the people that would have seen them, "They're all witnesses."
"Shut the fuck up, you winey brat." A random voice from the crowd shouted, "You're disturbing the peace and quiet." It continued sarcastically. None of them truly cared.
Officer Muntz led Kurt and Blaine out of the cell block, ignoring the aggrieved shouts from the boy. The last thing they heard before the door slammed shut was the boy telling them to watch their backs. That he had connections.
"I don't usually condone what I just did but that punk got what he deserved. I would have done the same thing if it had been me in your situation. But be careful next time. You won't always have someone as sympathetic to cover for you." Muntz said handing them two clear plastic bags that held their personal items.
"Thank you." Kurt told him, gratefully. He'd acted without thinking of the consequences and it was upsetting him more then he let on. It was like the incident in the car all over again. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Never in his life had had done this before. He wasn't impulsive. Reckless was never his middle name. He was responsible. Calculated.
So what had changed?
Blaine was the only thing new in his life but he wasn't his first sub to get threatened. But this was the first time he'd resorted to violence to fix the problem. It was unsettling to think about.
Muntz nodded, handing him a clipboard holding a piece of white paper and pen, "Sign here and you'll both be free men again."
Kurt was silent as he signed the release form, seeing Blaine standing a few feet away from them out of the corner of his eye. Blaine was silent throughout the procedure, brow's furrowed. It wasn't his place to comment but he couldn't help worry about the boy's last words.
"Sir…" Both Kurt and Muntz looked up at his hesitant start, "About what the boy said…" he trailed off uncertainly.
"Oh, don't worry about him." Muntz said assuming that Blaine had been talking to him, "He's teenager crying out for attention from his rich parents. He's been in here more times than I can count and always for small petty crimes. Vandalism and some minor theft mostly. Nothing dangerous. We'll get someone down to look at his nose but I doubt it's going to be anything serious. It had already started to clot even before we left."
Blaine still didn't look convinced so Kurt gently grasped his chin and angled his face so that he could look into his eyes.
"You let me worry about it. I'm the one who hit him, and it's me he'll come after if he tries to. Just put it out of your mind." He told him. But Blaine didn't know how he could when Kurt put it like that. How was he supposed to not worry about someone trying to hurt his Dom.
Officer Muntz, having seen all types of weird shit in his line of work, didn't bat an eye at Kurt's blatant show of management over his sub. He just held his hand out for the clipboard and Kurt gladly handed it to him, appreciative of his silence.
"Don't take this the wrong way. But I hope I never see you again." Kurt said, wrapping an arm around Blaine for comfort.
Muntz grinned, "Likewise." The thirty-five year old beat cop turned away and headed back towards his desk where a pile of paperwork was waiting for him. Before rounding the corner, he turned back and waved happily at them.
Blaine hesitantly waved back at the nice man, trying not to show how anxious he was feeling. He was quiet as Kurt led him out of the station, gnawing on this bottom lip.
"Stop worrying." Kurt told him, "And what have I told you about chewing on your lip."
"Not to." Blaine said with a sigh, "Sorry." Habits were always so hard to break.
Blaine expected to see Kevin and Andrew waiting for them outside. It would have made sense. But Blaine was surprised to that it wasn't the big Dom and lanky sub he was expecting but a slim Hispanic woman with wavy black hair and mocha colored skin. Her hands rested on her hips, foot tapping impatiently. But when she caught sight of the two boys, her scowl turned into a sly smirk.
Kurt threw back his head with an exaggerated groan, pinching the bridge of his nose. Blaine wondered what sort of person this mystery woman had to be to get that sort of reaction.
"Porcelain," She said, ignoring Kurt's response. Her dark eyes flashed with mirth and the sudden image of a devious badger crossed Blaine's mind.
"Satan." Kurt's traded barb was nothing short of exasperated fondness. Despite how he was acting, he cared for this girl.
"I called Finn to come pick us up. After threatening him within an inch of his life, I figured he was the safest option." Kurt said as he led Blaine over to the back door of her car and opened it for him. A blonde haired girl with a wide toothy grin peered around the front seat.
"Kurtie." She squealed happily.
"Hey, Brits." Kurt smiled back, eyes twinkling fondly at the blonde. Blaine noticed that he had no problem with this girl calling him the same nickname he'd smacked Kevin for. They both climbed into the back of the car and buckled their seat belts as Santana walked around the other side to get into the driver's seat.
"We were having dinner with Finn and Rachel when you called." Britney told them, "Santana threatened to cut off Finn's balls if he didn't let her come pick you up. She said she wasn't missing this opportunity since you're such prude."
Blaine was stunned at her words. She had such an innocent aura around her but that likeness was shattered the minute she opened her mouth.
"It's okay. I'll just have to kill Finn later," Kurt told her, appearing to be used to it, "But the better question is, what were you two doing over at Finn and Rachel's so late? It took us an hour to get everything processed before they even let me make a phone call."
Santana gave him a scrupulous look, "We were having a nightcap. What of it? Barbra had the sniffles and manhands freaked out, calling me over. The least they could do was feed us."
After knowing how vicious Santana had been in high school, he was the most surprised by her chosen profession. Nurses were supposed to be kind and compassionate. Santana was none of the above. But the more he thought about it, the more sense it made. Santana did care about people. She just preferred not to show it. And in this sense, she was the nurse who would treat you like a real person, not try and coddle you so much that you wanted to shove her freezing stethoscope down her throat and watch her choke on it.
Britney had chosen a more suitable but still surprising occupation. She was a nail stylist at the salon down the street from where they lived and at first everyone worried about her surrounded by harmful chemicals and sharp objects. But Britney proved to be more dependable then people assumed. Kurt was proud of her.
Kurt wasn't surprised at Santana's willingness to interrupt her night and go over to Rachel's aid. As much as she liked to deny it, she adored Barbra, often going to great lengths to spoil her rotten.
Barbra was his three year old niece. A year after graduating high school, Finn had proposed to longtime girlfriend, Rachel Berry. It had been a happy affair that Kurt had planned in his spare time since Rachel was a good friend of his from glee club and Finn was his only brother. Kurt had put his heart and soul into all the details. Both she and his brother had deserved it.
Finn was in his last year at SUNY to be a athletic trainer while Rachel had quit her mediocre acting career and had conformed to the life of a housewife and stay-at-home mom. She had a part time job teaching underprivileged kids to play the piano to help pay the bills but otherwise let Finn be the breadwinner, something both of them were strangely content with.
If there was one that made Kurt feel better about his failed Broadway career, it was that Rachel hadn't gotten into NYADA either. After reading and re-reading their rejections letters together, they'd both fallen into a slump. Whereas Kurt had chosen another profession, Rachel had stuck her original dream. After two years of waiting tables and no casting call, she finally threw in the towel and put everything she had into raising her one year old daughter.
"I can't believe you thought you were going to get away with it," Santana interrupted, having started the car and pulled the gear shift into drive. "Me? Not come pick you up from your first time being bailed out of jail. Our little baby is growing up, Bit Bit." She said the last part to Britney, wiping an imaginary tear from her eye.
"Puck said the first time you get arrested is when you finally become a man. It's a rite of passage." Britney added, nodding.
"This coming from the same man who went to juvie and cried when one of the other boys ripped out his nipple ring?" Kurt said as one of his eyebrows rose inquisitively.
Santana snorted, "And then pimped out Artie so he wouldn't have to go back." She said.
Kurt laughed, shaking his head. Oh, how he missed hanging out with his old friends sometimes. Britney giggled, holding a hand up in from to her mouth. Blaine stayed silent, feeling out of place. He had no clue what they were talking about. And Kurt was too distracted to explain.
"How was your mugshot? Did you smile?" Santana asked eagerly.
"I looked horrible. If I was wearing something more appropriate, I would have totally rocked it." Kurt said, only half joking.
Santana rolled her eyes, "Only you, Kurt Hummel, would be disappointed about how bad your mugshot photo looks."
"I had the perfect outfit planned out!" Kurt exclaimed, now completely joking. He'd never planned on getting arrested.
Santana stared back at him incredulously.
"You're joking right?" she asked.
Kurt smiled, "I coordinated it perfectly. Luckily, orange happens to be in this season."
"Jeez, Porcelain. What are we going to do with you?" Santana shook her head in mock exasperation.
"Are you going to introduce us to Hottie back there?" Britney interrupted suddenly.
"Yes, don't keep him secret." Santana added looking back at Blaine through the rearview mirror, eyes smoldering. Blaine shifted under their combined gaze, feeling slightly uncomfortable.
"I was hoping you hadn't noticed him." Kurt replied truthfully, "Keep your claws away, Satan."
Santana tutted disapprovingly, "It's too bad you've claimed him already. He looks like amazing threesome material."
Britney nodded in agreement and to Blaine she said, "You're really hot."
Face inflamed, Blaine mumbled a quiet thanks and attempted to blend in with the upholstery.
"This is Blaine. He's my Sub." Kurt outright admitted. Blaine subconsciously relaxed. Not everyone Kurt knew would be part of the same lifestyle and knowing how Kurt liked to keep his life private, he assumed that not a lot of people would know about what he did on his down time. It made thing easier that he didn't have to hide a huge part of himself in front of Kurt's friends. He wouldn't have to watch what he was saying. He could just be himself.
Kurt could have simply said boyfriend and Blaine would have understood and followed his Dom's lead. But now that everything was in the open, there were no pretenses.
"You've always had great taste. This one is no exception." Santana said. Blaine could feel her eyes all over him, like she was slowly undressing him in her mind.
"Retract them." Kurt told her, wrapping a possessive hand around Blaine's thigh, "He's mine."
Kurt's verbal claim sent warmth from his heart to his entire body. He always felt so special with Kurt, like he was someone important.
"Don't get your panties in a bunch. I was just admiring the goods." Santana said though Blaine could tell that she was just teasing him.
Kurt rolled his eyes, "Blaine, this is Santana Lopez and Britney Pierce, her girlfriend. Two very good friends from high school. We were gleemates and decided to move out to New York together after graduation. In a big city full of strangers, it was nice knowing someone familiar."
"And they know about…" Blaine gestured to Kurt and then himself. It was obvious that answer was yes, since Kurt had outright admitted it, but he was still curious.
"Kurt's secret life?" Santana finished for him as she sped along the motorway, swerving in and out of cars. If Blaine though Kurt was in his element when driving, Santana was hell on wheels. Blaine honestly feared for his life at certain points.
"She guessed after seeing me with a couple of my previous subs. Plus it's hard keeping anything like this from Santana. It's a gift of hers. She knew the day I lost my virginity the minute I walked into the room." Kurt explained and Britney shook her head knowingly.
"It wasn't that difficult. Especially after meeting British Wonder. He didn't know how to act like anything but a submissive. He was lucky to have never met Kurt's dad. That would have been an interesting conversation I would have liked to be in the background of. He has a gun cabinet." Santana said, swerving away from oncoming headlights. Blaine heart accelerated to a dangerous level as Santana shook a fist in the air, swearing in Spanish.
The mention of Kurt's dad made Blaine speculate what kind of man he was. Judging from the context of Santana's comment, he was a protective one. Now that he thought about it, beyond the fact that his mother had died, he didn't know much about Kurt's family. He wondered if he was ever going to get the chance to meet them.
"Drop it." Kurt's eyes were hard and unfeeling. It was a warning.
Santana heaved a sigh, shaking her head. She wasn't the least bit intimidated by him and his eyes of steel. Blaine on the other hand involuntarily shivered, averting his gaze. Kurt, sensing his distress, gave his thigh a reassuring squeeze.
Britney smiled softly, her compassionate eyes raking over him like hot coals. He hated the pity most of all.
"Don't worry, Kurtie. This dolphin won't cheat on you. I'm sure of it. His hair is too curly." She said.
Blaine felt Kurt's body tense up and his eyes widened in surprise, jerking around to look at his Dom. He couldn't begin to fathom how someone could do that to Kurt.
Kurt's smile was strained but Blaine could tell he was making an effort for the blonde. Santana watched him with a calculating eye, waiting for something that might or might not happen. Blaine imagined that the dark haired girl with exceedingly protective of Britney and not even Kurt would get away with hurting her, even if his anger was slightly justified. Kurt went to a lot of effort to make sure that the fact of Sibley's infidelity was not known. Only those who were around for that time would have known the truth. Blaine was a little hurt.
He then chastised himself. It was Kurt's choice to tell him or not and forcing the issue would have been very disobedient of him.
"Thanks, Brit." Kurt said softly. Britney, happy in the knowledge that she had comforted her friend, turned back to staring at the front window and started humming tunelessly under her breath, lost in her own little world.
The rest of the ride was spent in silence and soon they were arriving in front of Kurt's apartment building. Santana pulled off onto the shoulder of the road, shifting her suburban into park.
"You'll need to call Finn tonight. He offered to drive you over to get your car from impound tomorrow morning before work." Santana said as Kurt and Blaine started unbuckling their seat restraints.
Kurt nodded in acknowledgement, opening the car door to get out. As he was sliding out, he suddenly turned back to look at Santana.
"You're not going to tell anyone, are you?" he asked though he should have known the answer already.
Santana smiled mischievously, "Who? Me?"
Kurt groaned, "Great. Looking forward to it."
"Love you too, porcelain." Santana called after him. Kurt turned back and slammed the door shut. She sped off cackling and Kurt flipped the retreating car off.
He then turned to Blaine, "Let's go upstairs and take a shower. We both could use it."
Kurt took his time in the shower, scrubbing both him and Blaine down till there was a thick coat of steam on the mirror. He had no doubt that Santana wasn't going to waste any time telling everyone they knew about what had happened. Luckily he had only told Finn the bare minimum so the most embarrassing part of the night was still a secret.
Thinking about it resulted in some swelling and despite how hard it was on his knees, Blaine was very eager to get down and help him reduce it.
By the time they got out of the shower, his phone had blown up with calls and texts from everyone Kurt had ever known. Most of them were teasing but a couple (like the one from his dad) expressed disappointment. Puck flat-out congratulated him.
After promising Carole that he would get to meet Blaine, Kurt turned off his phone and plugged it into the charger so he could get some peace. He wasn't expecting Kevin to come over announced after hanging up on him an hour later.
"So I heard you're convict now." He asked the minute Kurt opened the door for him.
"I will slam this door in your face." Kurt threat was an empty one, mostly because Andrew was standing behind him.
"Blaine!" He waved when he saw him and Kurt knew he had no choice but to let them in. With a heaving sigh, he turned around and walked back towards the couch. Andrew shut the door behind him and then bounced over to where Blaine was sitting on the floor in the living room, swaddled in a warm blanket. His hair was still wet and curly from the shower and his tan skin slightly dewy.
"Why don't you two go into the bedroom? I have to talk to Kurt." Kevin told them both. The order was candy-coated but it was an order none the less. Blaine made sure that Kurt was ok with it before leaving.
Kevin walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, rooting around for something.
"You're out of beer." He shouted, head still in the fridge. He pulled out the last remaining bottle and walked over to where Kurt was sitting.
"Buy your own. You're the only one who drinks it. You know I hate the stuff." Kurt said. Kevin had left a six pack a while ago and it had been sitting in this fridge ever since. And after every visit, the pack shrunk to its minuscule state.
Kevin grunted and sat down next to him, sipping at his beer.
"So, what do we need to talk about?" Kurt asked, avoiding his gaze.
"You sounded funny on the phone. Thought you might need someone to talk to." Kevin said seriously.
"So you can tease me some more?" Kurt translated, "Besides, it's three in the morning. Couldn't this have waited until tomorrow? I have to go to court and deal with that stupid Donna Lonng bullshit."
"No, it couldn't have. I'm serious now, Kurt. I'm worried."
Kurt shook his head, "Don't be. It's stupid."
"I'll decide that for myself." Kevin replied, "Now out with it before I drink all my beer and have to do this sober."
"I hit a kid today." Kurt said sighing in defeat, "I've just never done that before. "
"Now when you say kid," Kevin asked, "You don't mean five year-old with a lollipop, right?"
Kurt looked at him weird, shaking head. "Of course not" he said, "A seventeen year old punk who thought he was the shit."
"What did he do?" Kevin asked patiently. Kurt may lose his temper fast but he didn't resort to violence. He liked the thrill of threatening them too much.
"He insulted Blaine. Me first but then when he saw how it wasn't getting his desired effect, he changed his target."
"I have no clue what happened." Kurt said, feeling lost, "Before I knew what I was doing I had already hit him. I really could have hurt him. And I don't know what I would have done if those bars hadn't been in the way."
"It wouldn't have got that far." Kevin assured him, "You would have stopped."
"How do you know? That night when those drunk bastards were hassling Andrew, you don't know how hard it was to hold back. I wanted to hurt them."
"Of course I do," Kevin looked a little insulted, "It's how I feel all the time. As hard as you were holding back that night, I was worse. If you hadn't of stepped in and taken control of the situation, I would have killed them. It's what you do when the ones you love are threatened. Most people don't have the ability to do what they really want to when they get protective over their loved ones but for us, for those who have the ability. It's a struggle to stop yourself."
"Sometimes I'm so scared that I'm going to release that side of myself around Andrew and have him see how violent I can get. And that's the last thing I want after what he went through. It's the same thing with Blaine. Since they day you blew up at him, you want to desensitize him that angry, bitter side of yourself but the truth is. You can't. It's a part of you and they're going to see it someday."
"Does Andrew know?" Kurt asked and Kevin nodded.
"We've talked about it. I want there to be no secrets between us."
At the mention of secrets, a twisting feeling of guilt stabbed him in the gut. He wasn't planning on keeping what had happened between him and Sibley from Blaine for long. It was just never the right time. Now he wished he had sat him down, or at least told him when they were going over resumes.
Now that it was out, there was nothing he could do to put the snakes back into the can.
"Britney told Blaine about Sibley before I could." Kurt admitted, looking away.
"What did he say?" Kevin asked, choosing not to pass judgment either way. Kurt didn't need that right now.
"Nothing. Not that he really had a chance. There was no time. She dropped us off and we took a shower. Then I was fielding calls from everyone short of the president and now you came over. We never really stopped to talk." Kurt replied, running a hand through his damp hair. He yawned.
"Maybe that's what you need to do. Before the moment slips away." Kevin said.
"I will… when you go home. I can't do it if you're watching over my shoulder." He stole the bottle of beer away from Kevin's hand and choked a few gulps down.
"Gross." Kurt said, wiping his mouth and handing it back.
Kevin chuckled, "Slow down. That's no way to appreciate good beer."
Kurt, after careful consideration, snatched the beer back and took another gulp.
"I need this more than you."
"Shows what you know." Kevin said, "I could always use a good buzz."
In the bedroom, Blaine and Andrew were sitting on the bed so close that their knees were touching. Andrew, anticipating that Blaine just needed him to listen, was quiet.
"So why are you here?" Blaine asked him. He had a feeling it wasn't just to tease Kurt about getting arrested.
"I don't really know. Sir just said that Kurt really needed someone to talk to." Andrew replied truthfully, though he could take a guess.
"Is it bad?" Blaine asked, worriedly.
"I don't think so. We weren't in a hurry getting here so I don't think it's urgent. Just Dom's business that us lowly subs have no need of knowing." Andrew teased.
Blaine grinned. It was nice having someone to talk to.
"I saw him hit someone today. In jail," He clarified. He wasn't expecting Andrew to be excited about this.
"Isn't he amazing? I haven't seen him actually hurt someone but he will sometimes go to the gym and kick the hell out of the practice dummies. And when my master is in the mood, they will sometimes spar." He said quickly.
"It was kind of scary," Blaine admitted. Andrew's grin was infectious. "But so cool at the same time."
"Don't let it worry you," Andrew said, "Kurt is a rational person. Maybe that is what they're talking about."
Blaine nodded, smiling. He should have known. "Your right,"
"Of course I am." Andrew said turning up his nose at the mere thought of being wrong, "I'm always right."
Blaine laughed, some of the worry vanishing like magic.
After Kevin and Andrew left, Kurt sat him down and they had a long talk. About what happened tonight. About Sibley. Everything was bared out in the open, leaving both of them happy about where they both stood. Right before going to bed, Blaine reminded Kurt about calling this mysterious Finn and later found out that Finn was his step-brother and friend from high school. Finally at three-thirty in the morning, they both fell into an exhausted sleep.
Kurt skipped going to his office the next morning, dressing in the most normal (boring) suit he owned and headed straight to the courthouse. He'd kept Adrianna informed of the entire venture and met her outside the doors. Upon arrival, she fussed with his suit, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles.
"I'm glad you're not too tired after last night." She said, covertly letting him know that she had found out about his arrest.
"It was an accident. I got a little overzealous. Won't happen again." He was confident about that. Next time he would be more careful.
Adrianna smiled, "I remember being young, Kurt. Getting caught having sex in the back seat of my car wasn't the worst thing I've ever done. Just be careful. You're playing with fire and I don't want you to get burned."
"Whatever happens, I'll make sure the company isn't involved." Kurt said thinking that was what she meant.
She smacked him upside the head in response, "Not that. I do care about you, Kurt. And seeing George twist you around isn't my idea of fun."
Kurt took both her hands in his, stopping her nervous fussing, "Don't be. I know what I'm doing."
Despite his assurance, she still looked worried. "I don't think you do." She said.
Kurt's reply was cut short as Donna and her lawyer arrived. Donna was dressed in a low cut, red sparkling dress with a plunging neckline and six inch heels. It was unethical to wear that sort of attire in a court room but both of them knew that Donna didn't care. She dressed like she was going to the bar everywhere she went.
Adrianna on the other hand was wearing a long sleeved, black and white striped dress that dropped down to the middle of her thigh. The stripes were an inch thick and converged at the pinched waistline, giving her the flair of exotic but still wholly professional. A complete opposite of Donna.
"Chester Hackney, of Hackney and Aulander, at your service." Her lawyer was a slick haired, weasel-like man with a thin face and shrunken cheek bones. He wiped his hand on his cheap suit of excess sweat before offering it to Adrianna to shake. Kurt kept his hands in his pocket to lessen his chance of getting the same offer.
"I just moisturized my hands. You understand." Adrianna's smile was armed and the man wasn't stupid enough to ignore it. She was giving him a way out without embarrassing him.
"Of course, wouldn't want to ruin anything." He said taking back his hand, clamping it around his black leather briefcase. He looked at Kurt briefly but guessed that he would get the same reaction and he might not be so generous.
"Shall we?" he gestured to the court room doors. They still had a few minutes but Beckman hadn't arrived yet.
"We'll wait." Adrianna said and that was the end of it. She turned away and glanced at her watch. If Beckman didn't show, they were going to lose this case for sure. Though she didn't look it, she was secretly worried. Kurt could tell.
"I heard you're trying so sue me, "Donna cut in, having no sense of self-preservation, "What a ridiculous notion."
Chester shook his head, trying to get her to be quiet but she continued on without even noticing him. He was a spineless sort of man who let Donna just walk all over him. Knowing how she operated, Kurt was almost sure that Donna had used sex as a way to make him take her case pro-bono.
"I believe we should wait for the judge to start hashing out our grievances." Adrianna said smiling diplomatically. Just as Donna opened her mouth to say something incriminating, George Anderson walked around the corner.
Everyone but Donna stared at him in shock. Adrianna and Kurt, because they weren't expecting him, and Chester, because of his reputation. George Anderson was a shark in the courtroom and everyone knew it. He had a sour feeling this case was as good as lost.
Adrianna was the first to react, walking over to get some information. This wasn't supposed to happen. Beckman handled their account. It was a mutual decision on both their parts, since neither of them could keep personal feelings out of their dealings with each other. And that made bad business.
From across the room their eyes met. Kurt felt all the air leave his lungs. Blaine's father was in the same room as him and he had no idea what to do. He had always thought that when he met George that he would be able to keep his head but that was on his terms. George had effectively changed the situation so he was now the one with the advantage. And right now, there was nothing Kurt could do about it.
"I was expecting Beckman." Adrianna said, forcing George to look away from Kurt and at her.
"Things changed. Beckman had urgent business to attend to." George said. His suit was stiff ironed, not a wrinkle in sight and his face was set in an expressionless mask. But his eyes. They were the worst. They seared into him, burning him from the inside out.
Kurt had to give it to him. The rumors were true. He was as intimidating as everyone said and it was no wonder Blaine fell victim to this man. Kurt had a hard time not buckling but he tried to convince himself that it was because their meeting was unexpected and out of his control. Because if otherwise, the battle to win Blaine was over before it ever really started. Kurt was going to lose.
The door to the court room opened and the bailiff stuck his head out.
"Are we ready?" he asked the entire group. George was the first to step forward, all business. Adrianna shot Kurt a worried glance before following him into the court room. Kurt was the last one to enter, heart beating wildly in his chest.
"Shit." He muttered under his breath. He was up shit creek without a paddle.