June 10, 2012, 6:50 p.m.
June 10, 2012, 6:50 p.m.
Kurt had a love-hate relationship with bowling. It wasn't the sport that he hated. It was the smell of overcooked nachos, the disease infested shoes that get more action than a hooker, and the un-sanitized seats that would undoubtedly ruin his pants if he were to sit on them. For some reason, rolling a heavy ball down a greased lane to tip over ten wooden pins was fun. Kurt couldn't explain it.
Plus, he was pretty talented at it. Not nearly as good as Kevin but he was decent, managing to earn a one-fifty average. Kevin bowled somewhere in the three hundreds on a bad day and Andrew was surprisingly decent with his disfigured hands, though he pretended not to be. It was quite adorable in fact. He pretended to lose so that Kevin would have to "re-teach him" every time, standing close behind him while he used his own body to guide his arm in the swing.
Neither Kevin nor Kurt found it necessary to tell him that they'd caught onto his scheme, preferring to let it play out as it was. Andrew felt like he had a bit of power over Kevin (even if it wasn't true) and Kevin got to secretly grope Andrew while no one was watching.
Kurt thought it was cute as hell.
Blaine was a bundle of excitement when Kurt picked him up from work the next day. He was practically radiating and Kurt swore that he was going to join Kevin and Andrew's league if Blaine wanted to, just to see that smile on his face. Kurt waited until he was several blocks away from Blaine's office at a red light before reaching over and kissing the daylights out of Blaine. Only when an impatient driver honked his horn, holding his hand down on it for several seconds, did he pull back and continue driving. Blaine spent the rest of the drive in a blissed-out silence, hand pressed against his swollen lips.
The climb to Kurt's apartment was becoming second nature to Blaine. No longer did he associate home with his lonely apartment. Sure, his eighty old neighbor sometimes came over and kicked his ass at Mario Kart but otherwise he hadn't entertained many guests. It was just a place that held his possessions, easily moveable.
They both changed out of their suits and into more appropriate clothes. Blaine was wearing a blue and green striped sweater vest with a white long-sleeved polo underneath. He'd wanted to add a bowtie to his ensemble but decided that it would be uncomfortable to sweat in. He could roll up his sleeves easy enough but taking off his tie would defeat the purpose of wearing it in the first place. So he reluctantly held off.
Kurt wore a pair of loose fitting jeans, knowing that bowling in tight skinny jeans was one of the worst ideas in the world. In Bowling, as Kevin liked to lecture, you needed to be fluid and somewhat graceful. His impeccable taste would, unfortunately, have to sit back seat to comfort.
Blaine drooled when he saw the cream shirt and dark leather jacket he was wearing, naughty images of Kurt standing over him in nothing but the jacket cropping up. He quickly shooed theses thoughts away, color flooding his cheeks.
"Let's go." Kurt grabbed his keys and wallet, stuffing the leather bifold into the back pockets of his jeans. Blaine eagerly followed him out and down to the car once more. Blaine was too nervous to speak, so they spent the ride in a comfortable silence, the radio playing softly in the background. The bowling alley, Happy-Hour Lanes, was busy when they arrived. Weekends populated a lot of business but the small, cozy atmosphere attracted a lot of people during the weekdays. Especially those who had nothing better to do on a Wednesday night. Kurt was usually not one of them.
Kurt had just gotten their shoes when Andrew came running over to them with a smile so large Kurt was afraid it was going to stick that way. He flashed it at Kurt before hugging a surprised Blaine. It took a few seconds but Blaine quickly realized that Andrew was not going to let him go until he hugged him back. Andrew slowly released him but as he was leaving, he planted a chaste kiss on his cheek. Blaine flushed, shooting Kurt nervous glances. Seeing this, Andrew grabbed Blaine's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, standing so close that their hips were touching.
"Thank you for coming and playing with us tonight, sir." He addressed Kurt politely, no hit of mockery of guile. He respected Kurt too much for that.
"Thank you for inviting us." Kurt replied and Andrew's face lit up, his smile back with full force.
Kurt smirked at the sight of it, sensing that Andrew was up to something. He could see it in his eyes, the mischievous twinkle he got when he was being devious.
"Where's Kevin?" Kurt said, looking around. He was completely ignoring the fact that Andrew was intimately touching his sub without his permission. He wasn't worried about Andrew, not only because he was another sub but he had a sneaking suspicion that this was probably a rouse to get him to agree to do a scene together. It also didn't hurt that it was easy to trust him. Kevin would put a stop to it if it was a problem for him, of which he severely doubted.
"He's at our table. We already added your names." Andrew said, tugging on Blaine's arm, "I'll show you."
Andrew dragged Blaine over to a secluded corner on the far end of the alley. They were far away from the entrance, where most people tended to flock, giving them a small bit of privacy. Kurt followed them, enjoying the sight of the baffled expression on Blaine's face. Kevin stood when they approached and laughed when Andrew didn't stop, tugging Blaine over to the ball rack to get the right weight for him.
"I'm glad you're here. Andrew's been bouncing off the walls in excitement." Kevin said pulling Kurt into a one-armed hug. He quickly let go and followed Kurt over to get his own ball.
"I was wondering. I thought you might have given him a redbull or something." Kurt said chuckling.
"Nope. That stuff will kill your liver." Kevin said shaking his head. He was against energy drinks as a whole, not just the single brand.
"But the amount of alcohol you drink won't?" Kurt asked, smirking.
"That is completely different. I've trained it to stop whining." Kevin replied. He laughed, "I'm glad you came. I was worried you'd bail on us at the last moment and then I'd have to deal with Andrew's moping."
Kurt shrugged, "I was seriously considering it but when I picked Blaine up from work this afternoon and saw how excited he was, I couldn't say no to him. Right now his anxiety is covering it up but as soon as he warms up, I think we'll have two hyper subs on our hands."
Kurt wiped down his seat with a napkin that he'd picked up from the concessions stand on the way over, always thinking about his clothes. Kevin rolled his eyes when he saw what Kurt was doing.
"Those aren't even your nice jeans." He said in mock exasperation.
"I'm not going to ruin my pants, no matter how unfashionable they are. I take pride in my clothes." Kurt replied indignantly.
Kevin shook his head, "Have it your way."
Andrew and Blaine arrived with their selected balls. Andrew had his own personal one, a navy blue ten pounder with a picture of the superman crest on it, opposite of the side with the fingers holes. Blaine was holding a generic one, dark forest green with a large twelve stenciled into the side of it.
They were in the middle of a discussion when they arrived, about the merits of having your own bowling ball and shoes. Blaine looked intrigued at the idea which made Kurt's stomach twist. He was going to have to go shopping and find a good pair of pants for the upcoming nights he was going to spend here.
"I really like it. It looks cool." Blaine said gesturing towards the super ball. Andrew smiled.
"I'll bet you're more of a batman fan." He said, "Most people are but I prefer Superman more."
Blaine shrugged, "I'm not really into either of them."
Andrew gaped at him, unable to believe that what he was saying was possible. And then his eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"You're a Marvel fan aren't you?"
Blaine bit his lip, a smile threatening to emerge, "Guilty as charged."
Andrew made dramatic sputtering noise, flailing his arms around. In response to his reaction, Blaine let out a short giggle, covering his mouth as he watched his friend spaz out. Kurt sighed and shook his head. Of course the man he loved would be a comic book fan. It was as if someone was conspiring against him. Although he had to admit that Blaine had a well rounded character. He was part masculine, liking video games, superheroes and sweaty sports. But Kurt knew he had a softer side to him, the part that enjoyed reading fashion magazines and was sensitive to what people said about him.
"I'll bet Blaine would love a Captain America ball." Kevin said conspiratorially. He was a big Marvel fan himself and both he and Andrew had been locked in an even battle against who was better, DC or Marvel. Kurt had no preference since he wasn't into comic books but he was happy to see Blaine getting along with his friends. Even the movies, while having fun ogling at Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and Jeremy Renner, hadn't inspired any interest in reading their comic book origins.
"I like Iron Man the best. But Captain America is awesome too!" Blaine said, happy to supply the information.
"He has no superpowers. He's a megalomaniac in a metal suit!" Andrew cried, "How is he a superhero?"
"Batman doesn't have any superpowers either. He's an antisocial vigilante." Blaine argued, "He uses grappling hooks and a tricked out car to get around. At least Iron Man can fly!"
"He's got you there, Drew." Kevin said grinning.
Blaine turned to Kurt.
"What about you, sir? Maybe you can settle this. DC or Marvel?" he asked. To which Kevin snorted, bringing his hand up to laugh into it.
"Kurt probably doesn't even know the difference." He said, "I asked him once who Stan Lee was and he guessed that the creator of Marvel was a kung-fu actor."
Kurt pretended to look insulted, "His last name is misleading. Bruce Lee, Jet Li. Stan Lee could have been one of those guys. And besides, I have better things to be doing with my life than read comic books like grown ass children. Can we start the game now?"
Kevin rolled his eyes, while Blaine tried not to laugh at his Dom. Kurt looked so cute, his nose upturned, eyes gleaming and his mouth curled into a small one-sided smile that he was trying hide.
"I'm first." Kevin wiped his hands together gleefully and walked up to the ball return. He picked up a cloth ball from his bag and smacked it around in his hands. White powder leaked from the ball, coating Kevin's hands in a fine layer of it. Once he was sure he had enough chalk on his hands, he grabbed his grey sixteen pound ball from the rack and stood in front of the lane, lining up with the small markers on the floor. He took a second to breathe and ready himself before rapidly walking towards the penalty line. Instead of swinging the ball back behind him like Blaine remembered, he hugged the ball to the side of his torso and flung it sideways. It started to roll into the gutter but at the last second ricocheted towards the pins and knocked them all down.
Andrew got up and cheered from his seat, clapping excitedly. They were far enough away from the crowds that it didn't bother anyone. Blaine looked on in awe. He'd never met anyone that good.
"He's sort of in a league of his own." Kurt told him, rubbing him on the back.
Kevin sat back down with a smug grin.
"You're up next, Kurtie." Kurt scowled at the nickname and swatted at him as he stepped up to take his turn.
Kurt swung a much more traditional ball. He put his fingers in the holes, swinging it backwards and then back up before releasing it towards the pins. The ball rolled in a straight line, hitting the front middle pin just off-center, resulting in a strike.
Blaine was rendered dumbstruck for a second, stunned in amazement. Andrew stealthily elbowed him in the side to snap him out of it and stood up to cheer just as loudly as the other sub had. Kurt smiled gently and took his seat, squeezing Blaine's thigh in thanks.
Andrew's first ball landed in the gutter but Blaine could see he wasn't too distraught about it. His second only hit the farthest pin on the right before landing in the gutter. He turned to Kevin, his lips drawn into a pout but his eyes were shinning in mischief. Kevin opened his arms and Andrew went tumbling into them.
"I'll help you next time, baby." Kevin said holding him close. Over his subs shoulder, Kevin shot Kurt an amused look, one that was returned.
Blaine was thoroughly confused.
"Your turn," Kurt told him. Blaine bit his lip and stood up to grab his ball. He hesitated for a few seconds, staring at the pins in trepidation. The pins were reset into their starting positions and were all staring at him in a mocking manner. Just when he was about to throw the ball, he felt Kurt walk up behind him.
"Do you need any help?" he asked.
Blaine slowly nodded, "I haven't bowled since high school. I used to go out with the Warblers but after I graduated, I never had the time and no one to go with."
"It's ok. Before I met Kevin, I'd never bowled in my life. My dad used to try and make me but it wasn't really my thing. I would just sit and read vogue while my dad played a few games. Who would have guessed that I'd be so good at it?" Kurt shrugged with a small grin.
"Stand here." Kurt grabbed his arms and pulled him over to the marks on the floor. "Think of these arrows as guidelines. Each dot lines up with the arrows on the lane and each arrow lines up with a corresponding pin. The angle of your throw and the speed of your ball will determine how many pins you knock down. I try and keep my ball straight and aim for the edge of the middle pin on either side but Kevin spins his ball so it will curve back and hit the center."
"You sound like you've done a lot of research on this?" Blaine asked, surprised.
Kurt shrugged, "I was curious. But knowing how to do it and doing it are two different things."
Blaine sighed and took his position on the markers, holding his ball aloft. He wasn't arrogant enough to start out with Kevin's technique. Kurt was still standing there after he threw the ball and he turned around before he could see the damage. Kurt's face was impassive to the aftermath.
"Not bad for your first throw." He said which made Blaine turn around. He'd knocked down the far three pins on left side, leaving seven still standing.
"Aim for the space between the middle and pin next to it on the right. That should get you a spare." Kurt advised. Blaine tried but only ended knocking down five more pins, leaving the two on the far right still standing.
Kurt hugged and kissed him anyways.
"Good try." He said wrapping one of his arms around Blaine's waist, walking him back to his chair. Kevin high-fived him on his way up to take his next turn. Once he was seated, Kurt kept his arm around him and Blaine leaned into his side.
They continued like this for rest of the first game, Kevin dominating and Kurt in second place. Blaine was in third but by now, he'd caught on that Andrew was losing on purpose. At first it was upsetting because he was worried that Andrew was letting him win out of pity or that his hands were keeping him from throwing the ball right but once Kurt explained Andrew's scheme, he stopped worrying about it.
After that it was hard not to see the obvious groping that was happening whenever it was Andrew's turn to bowl. Kevin was shamelessly rubbing him through his pants with one hand while the other helped him swing. When they finished their first game, Andrew excused himself to go the bathroom but it was painfully evident that he was going to get rid of the tent in his pants. Kevin leaned back in his chair, hands linked behind his head, looking so smug that Kurt had to roll his eyes.
"You're going to get caught one of these days and were all going to get thrown out." Kurt warned him. Kevin waved his concern away.
"He was asking for it." He said. Kurt didn't disagree with him but it was still a little risqué to be playing this game in such a family friendly environment.
Blaine swallowed, wetting his dry mouth with his saliva. All the chalk that Kevin had been using had dried his mouth out. He turned to Kurt, hand placed on his throat.
"Can I go get a drink?" he asked, motioning towards the drinking fountain near the bathroom.
Kurt nodded, "Do you want anything else besides water?"
Blaine shook his head, not wanting to impose. He stood up and walked away from them. Now that they were alone, Kevin thought this was the perfect opportunity to spill his aching guts.
"I have a confession to make."
Kurt turned back to Kevin, who looked surprisingly guilty.
"I'm listening."
"Andrew was in the room last night when we talked about hooking up." Kevin said candidly. Kurt raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow at the other Dom. Thinking back, it now made a lot of sense.
When he wasn't being groped by Kevin, it seemed like the red haired man was finding every opportunity to casually touch his sub. A supportive squeeze of his shoulders, a soft touch on his shoulder. Blaine was oblivious to the other man's subtle advances, thinking that Andrew was just a tactile person. Both Kurt and Kevin knew that Andrew would have never made a serious advance towards another sub, even if he wasn't claimed, which is why they allowed it.
Kurt smirked, "I take it he likes the idea."
Kevin nodded, grinning, "Oh yea! He was all for it."
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Because you don't want to be. Secretly you want it just as much as him. He's just more willing to show it." Kevin said matter-of-factly, as if nothing else in the world could make more sense.
"Well Blaine wasn't in the room when we talked so he has no idea what's going on." Kurt said in warning. He wanted to bring it up to Blaine, not have him learn about it secondhand.
"That would explain that adorably confused expression he's been wearing all night. I knew he was nervous when Andrew first started touching him, but once he saw you were fine with it, he relaxed."
"Their relationship is evolving. Blaine isn't aware of it yet." Kurt remarked, staring after his sub. Blaine was bent over the drinking fountain, taking gulps of water.
"You might have to spell it out for this one. He does seem to stray towards the oblivious side every now and again." Kevin said, smiling fondly.
Kurt laughed, "Don't I know it.
"And to think, all it took was a simple conversation. One that wasn't even between them." Kevin said, shrugging, "Maybe it is meant to be."
Kurt rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you still believe in that whole soul mate crock. Fate didn't bring us together. We met at a bar, where we were looking for a hookup. Lust and testosterone brought us together."
"You weren't looking for a hookup and you know it." Kevin said knowingly.
"That's a funny place to look for something real. At a bar, where most hookups and one-night-stands are found?" Kurt replied, scathingly.
"Bars attract all kinds of people. Not just assholes and jackasses." Kevin said in argument, "And how can you not believe in a higher power when you look back at how I met Andrew. We have one of the most fantastical real-life love stories this close to a fairytale. I was Andrew's knight in shining armor. I slew his dragon."
"It was coincidence that that asshole started working at same restaurant as you and that you happened on them while taking out the trash. Nothing more. I'm not saying that I'm not glad it happened and that the piece of shit didn't get what was coming for him but it was all just a case of random luck." Kurt said adamantly. He was a strict non-believer of anything to do with reincarnation, soul mates or the supernatural to begin with. He believed in tangible facts.
Kevin was a devote believer in god so it made sense that he believed in soul mates and fate. But for Kurt, it was puzzling. He thought believing in an omnipotent being that judged your actions and gave you a hard-to-read instruction manual was almost the same thing as believing Santa Claus existed. But he kept his opinion to himself. To keep his sanity, there were two subjects that they were not allowed to discuss, politics and religion. It was safer if they both just respected each other's opinions and never tried to change them either way.
"Let's agree to disagree." Kevin said and Kurt let the subject drop.
Blaine got back from the fountain first, sitting down next to Kurt. Smiling at him, Kurt wrapped his arm around his shoulders and Blaine leaned into him happily. They separated when Andrew returned. Kurt shook his head at his glazed eyes, still loopy from his release minutes before. Blaine, having known what he was doing, blushed a deep color a red and refused to look at him. Andrew ignored his behavior and laid his head down on Blaine's shoulder.
"I'm hungry." He said, pouting at Kevin. "Can we get some cheese fries?"
Kurt's face pinched at the thought of fried potato sticks slathered with greasy cheese getting anywhere near him. Not only would it stain his clothes but he imagined how much caloric intake he would have to exercise off.
The sound of Blaine's stomach growling settled the argument. Kurt sighed and stood up.
"What would you like to eat?" he asked the flustered sub.
"Um…" he said, playing with his hands in his lap. "I don't know."
"No cheese fries, they'll go straight to your hips. Although with the amount of grease they use in the place, I'll be surprised if there's anything remotely good for you here. Even the Caesar Salad has grease in it." He said. Now that he was Blaine's Dom, he could control his diet. And he wanted his sub to eat healthy.
"Please." Andrew begged Kevin, sticking out his bottom lip.
Kevin seemed to be having an internal debate, pursing his lips in thought. Kurt had been surprised to learn Kevin was just as strict about food as himself. Being a chef, he knew about the kinds of foods that were good for your body and the kinds of foods that had no nutritional value whatsoever. And like Kurt, he believed in only eating the foods that would benefit you. Most nights, he kept Andrew to a strict dietary regiment, since his boy loved to snack, but on special nights he would allow his sub to splurge.
"I don't know. I let you have cake last night." Kevin hedged but Kurt knew that it was as good as getting a yes. Kevin was always sure of his decisions. If it had been a no, he would have said so immediately and nothing short of a nuclear disaster would change his mind. Hesitance meant that he was seriously considering it.
"Please. Please. Just a small plate." Andrew said, his lips curling into a victorious smile. He leaned up and kissed Kevin chastely.
"Alright, but we'll go on a run tomorrow to burn it off." Kevin finally gave in and Kurt shook his head.
Blaine was torn. A plate of cheese fries sounded really good right now. And having to endure the sight of Andrew enjoying a plate would be close to torture. His stomach rumbled again at the thought of food, making his curl his arm around it in the hopes that it would quiet down if he hugged it tight enough. Perhaps if he followed Andrew's tactic and begged hard enough, he could end up with a reward of cheesy proportions.
"A small side of cheese fries but that's it." Kurt caved at the force of Blaine's puppy dog eyes. He wanted to be firm in his management of Blaine's diet but saying no to that face was nearly impossible. He was doomed the moment Blaine figured it out.
Andrew and Blaine grinned conspiratorially at each other and both stood up, linking arms. Kevin and Kurt groaned upon the sight.
"He has an ally! They're in cahoots against us." Kevin bemoaned playfully as he stood up as well. Kurt smirked.
"Don't fool yourself. Andrew's always been wrapped around your little finger." Kurt said, joining them. They moved as a pack towards the concession stand, Kevin leading as the alpha and Kurt right behind him. Andrew and Blaine followed them with small grins on their faces.
"I'm not the only one. I didn't see you putting up much of a protest as soon as he whipped the puppy dog eyes out. And he hasn't even been here that long." Kevin said and Kurt grimaced, realizing that had just heard everything.
"Shut up." Kurt said, glaring at him. He didn't see Blaine's shy smile aimed at his back, nor Andrew's mischievous smirk as he nudged Blaine's side. They were up to something.
Standing in front of the window in his office, George stared at the darkening skyline in a contemplative silence. The buildings surrounding the law firm casted large shadows from the setting sun, encasing the room in a shroud of darkness. The lamp on his desk was hardly adequate to illuminate the entire room but George liked watching the sunset like this. The sky was alight in a myriad of colors, red, orange, and yellow that would slowly transform into blue and purple. It was almost as if the atmosphere was on fire.
The rest of the building was dark, everyone having gone home already. Besides the janitorial staff and a few night watch security guards, he was the only one left. Even his secretary had gone on without him, much to her disgruntlement.
Without turning away from the window, George reached over dialed a number on the telephone, setting it on speaker. He waited patiently through the ringing, silently drumming his fingers on his folded arms.
"Little late isn't it, George?" A disembodied voice filled the room, "I was just about to go home and have a late dinner with Karen."
"Did you get the information I requested?" George didn't bother with pleasantries, getting down to business. His tone sounded disinterested but the person on the other line knew better. George would have never asked for this information if it wasn't important. Any stalling on his part would only enrage George further and in all honesty, that was the last thing he wanted. George was not only a powerful ally but a devastating enemy.
"Yes." The man chuckled, "Had a bit of trouble getting around the legal system but I guess that it comes with the territory now that I'm deputy chief." The voice now sounded smug.
"Don't forget who appointed you that position, Alan." George replied. There was an underlying threat hidden away in his words.
Alan Davis was the current Deputy Chief of the police department but only because George had bribed and swindled him into the position. In reality Alan knew that this was not for his benefit. No, it was to help George get some powerful contacts that would be in debt to him. He also knew that a circuit judge, a couple of senators, and a man from the DA also lived out of George Anderson's pocket. Alan had no doubt that as easily he got him the position, he could just as easily take it away and appoint someone else.
There was an awkward cough on the other line, "Of course. I'd never forget. My wife appreciates the pay raise and I'd do anything to keep the missus happy."
George didn't reply, prompting the man to clear his throat and continue.
"The man's name is Andrew Quinn. He's a twenty-five year old student at NYU, majoring in Classic Literature and minoring in Creative Writing. Average grades, not horrible but nothing spectacular. He pays his taxes and works one day a week at the campus bookstore but it seems his tuition is privately paid by a benefactor by the name of Kevin Ward. He and Mr. Quinn are listed as living at the same residence, leading me to believe that their relationship is more personal than professional."
"I see." George said, letting the information sink in. Blaine went to NYU, as much as it pained him to admit. It must have been where they met.
"Mr. Quinn doesn't have a criminal record although he is in the system. A couple years ago he got involved in a domestic abuse case with his partner, a mister Scott Harris, who is now serving twenty-five years in a maximum security prison charged with attempted rape and attempted murder separately. Mr. Quinn has records of hospital visits spanning three years that was collected as evidence. The judge presiding over the case treated this like any other spousal abuse case even though Mr. Quinn and Mr. Harris were neither married nor a traditional couple. Police report show that Mr. Ward was a part of the initial investigation. Witness reports say he saved Mr. Quinn from a brutal beating and potential death. This was their first meeting."
"Are there any records of my son pertaining to Mr. Quinn or Mr. Ward?" George asked.
"So this is what all the fuss is all about," Alan said jovially, finally getting George to admit to something, "Blaine hanging out with people he shouldn't be."
George was deadly silent, a thick silence that carried a lot of unspoken rage and irritation. Alan wasn't stupid. He knew he made a mistake the moment he opened his mouth. The fact of Blaine being gay wasn't a secret (being rich made tabloids just as interested in his life as much as any celebrity) but considering it was the bane of George's existence, it wasn't something that George wanted thrown back in his face.
Alan cleared his throat uneasily, "No, none at all. Not financially or through any police record. Though I have them both listed as attending NYU. But other than that, I'd assume they're strangers."
"Let me know if that changes," George said, effectively ending the conversation. Richard knew when he was being dismissed.
"Of course," He said, "I'll keep a search running on him."
George hung up without another word, with the simple press of a button. The sun had set minutes before but still he stood, staring at the skyline as if it could give him all the answers. Why was his son such a disappointment and how he could be fixed. The camps that he'd wanted to send him too were bad for his image. The press would strangle him if they ever caught wind of his involvement in them, what with all the pro-gay sponsorship in the news today.
It was a pity. He'd done so much for his son. Tried to raise him right and give him countless opportunities but still the ungrateful boy spat on his generosity.
"Perhaps I'm thinking about it too hard. I'll just have to get rid of this new problem like I did the last one." George said to himself. The light from his desk lamp illuminated a mirror image on the dark glass, making it look like he was talking to an alternate version of himself against the twinkling lights of the city.
"Mr. Harris has only served a portion of his sentence but I'm sure I could get him out early on a technicality. I wonder how Mr. Quinn would feel about that?" George said. The image in the glass looked positively evil and he often admired on how it affected others. Take Alan for instance. The fool had illusions of one day becoming his friend but George Anderson didn't have friends. Only pawns.
Alan was a pawn. Beckman was a pawn. Even his wife and Paula were simply pawns. Blaine was perhaps the biggest pawn of all, one that he was not going to lose. The boy may be almost useless but he was still the only son he had. He cursed all his wives for not giving him any other options. Most of them had been well past their baby-making prime and the ones who weren't too old, never spawned anything.
If he believed in a higher power, he might have thought that god was working against him.
Kurt walked out of the bowling alley, arm wrapped around his sub. Both he and Blaine waved at Kevin and Andrew, watching as the pair stumbled to their own car together. No alcohol had been consumed by any of them but they were all drunk on life, happy with the night's events.
When they got to the car, Kurt helped Blaine into the front seat and then walked around to his own and got into the car, buckling his seatbelt.
"Did you have fun?" Kurt looked over at Blaine, who was still grinning like an idiot.
Blaine nodded enthusiastically, "Best night of my life."
"Even better than last night." Kurt leaned over and whispered into his ear, his voice taking on a lustful undertone. Blaine ducked his head, attempting to conceal his rosy cheeks.
"Only by a little bit." He mumbled, starting to get hard by just thinking about it.
Kurt grinned, angling Blaine's face towards his own and put their foreheads together. When he spoke, Blaine could taste the words on his lips.
"Do you want to do something really naughty, Blaine?" Kurt asked and lightly licked his lips, moistening them. Consequently his tongue swiped over Blaine's open mouth, his lips parted just enough to let air get passed to fill his starving lungs. Kurt's warm breathe caressed the soft flesh of his lips and Blaine gasped, fisting the material covering his thigh.
He couldn't speak, vocal cords paralyzed, only nodding his head in reply. It was all Kurt needed. He surged forward, kissing Blaine hard.
The parking lot was almost empty since the bowling alley had closed. Most of the patrons had left hours ago but they were one of the remaining few who stayed out all night. It was now midnight. Blaine had to work in the morning but he wasn't complaining. He'd had so much fun that it was worth the exhaustion he was going to feel tomorrow
Not when Kurt kissed him like that, like he was devouring him. Blaine moaned when Kurt found the button to his jeans, unzipping and pulling him out of his underwear. He pulled away from Kurt's mouth, needing to breathe so badly.
The night air was chilly and their heated breathing created a nice steam inside the car, fogging up the windows. Kurt leaned over and pulled the seat lever, lowering the back of Blaine's seat down. Now at a better angle, Blaine thrust up into his Dom's hand, hands gripping the sides of his seat.
Kurt stroked him expertly, knowing the exact amount of drag and pull that drove Blaine delirious with pleasure. Watched Blaine lose control was one of his favorite pass times. He loved seeing him go mad with the desperate need, the all consuming fire that lit his blood on fire.
"That's it, Blaine." Kurt said. It was hardly louder than a whisper but it was the only thing Blaine could hear, "If only Kevin could see how well-behaved you being right now. Andrew would probably be jealous." He planted the suggestion subliminally, hoping that Blaine would take it well. If things went according to plan, he'd start taking steps towards getting him ready for a multiplayer scene.
Blaine cried out, thrashing around in his seat. He was slow close now, the thought of his new friend seeing him like this only magnifying the pleasure he was feeling.
"I'd make you so proud." Blaine panted, mindlessly rutting into Kurt's hand. If Kurt ever performed in front of another Dom, he would strive to be the perfect sub. He wanted others to see how proud he was to be Kurt's.
"I can see you now. Wriggling and writhing as Andrew took you into his mouth, me watching the entire time. Would you like that Blaine? How would it feel to lose control while I watched, my eyes never leaving you." Kurt whispered into his ear, leaning over the consol to get to him.
"I would… feel so good." Blaine moaned. None of his other Dom's had shared him with anyone else. But this wasn't sharing, not exactly. Kurt wasn't taking him to a club and letting just anyone have their way with him. This was Andrew, another sub that he wanted to do a scene with. Kurt trusted Kevin, making him trust Andrew by default, and he trusted Kurt with his body, his heart, even his life. And by the way his body was reacting, he wasn't as against it as he would have liked to believe.
"Good." Kurt smiled and bit the lobe of Blaine's ear, sucking on the soft piece of cartilage.
"Go ahead." He said softly.
Blaine lost it at Kurt's permission, erupting in powerful strings of cum that shot up and stuck to the roof of the car. The ones that weren't strong enough, landed in high arches on his chest, some of it even landing on his face. Blaine unconsciously licked his lips, drawing the bitter liquid into his mouth.
"Such a mess you made." Kurt said in amusement. Blaine looked up at the dripping pool of semen on the roof, wondering what he was going to have to do to clean it up. He had no doubt that Kurt was going to make him. Last time, he made him lick it clean. If he was going to do the same for this instance, it was going to get very uncomfortable and most likely end up with a crick in his neck.
"I'm sorry." Blaine said tiredly. He wasn't really, not for the reason he should be. He wasn't sorry he made the mess but just sorry that it would be an inconvenience for Kurt. No one wanted to drive around with that and the smell would undoubtedly start to stink.
"You're not done." Kurt said, though he wasn't talking about the roof. Blaine looked over at Kurt's lap, seeing the way Kurt was palming himself through his jeans. Kurt hadn't finished and that wasn't acceptable. Blaine slowly sat up and tucked his limp cock back into his pants so it wouldn't get in the way.
Blaine helped him with his pants and soon he had Kurt in his mouth, sucking him off. The middle consol dug awkwardly into his stomach but he gave it his all. Starting at the head, he paid special attention to the slit with his tongue and the suction made Kurt grab onto his hair and push him down to the base. He licked around him, swallowing convulsively so that every section of Kurt's cock was stimulated.
"Oh my god," Kurt shouted, throwing his head back, "Blaine!"
Blaine knew he was close now, the quivering in his thighs giving him away. When Kurt came, Blaine swallowed every drop. It was still as tasty as he remembered. With a loud, wet pop, Blaine pulled back and lay back down on his seat. His body felt boneless. He was about to say something, his mouth opening to thank Kurt for the amount of pleasure given to him but the sound of knocking on the misted window startled them both.
Kurt quickly buttoned his pants and rolled the window down. A flashlight shinned in his face and it didn't take a genius to figure out that they'd been caught. Kurt brought his hand up to shade his eyes from the beam of light and whoever it was aimed the light down, away from Kurt's face so he could see. He was dismayed to see a female cop dressed in an officer's uniform standing outside, staring at them with a disapproving frown.
"Hello boys," She said, moving the light over to look at a wide-eyed Blaine trembling in the passenger's seat. Kurt cursed under his breath and leaned his head back against the head rest, closing his eyes. He had a feeling this wasn't going to end well.
I loved this chapter! I know nothing about bowling but, as is usual with your work,it was really well written and I especially enjoyed the glimpses into future story lines
ugh! I hate Blaine's conniving, hateful father! Please don't let Andrew get hurt again! ....curious about the woman police officer? it would be awesome if it turned out to be Santana! haha!
You are really close. But no. The police officer is not Santana.
i said it on fanfiction and i'll say it here... UPDATE UPDATE UPDAAAATE!!!!!!! there are so few power!bottom stories in the glee fandom, much less klaine... We NEEEEED you!!!!
oh shit!!!!they'd been caught!!! i loved this fic! say you want to update it, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!