the coffee artist
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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the coffee artist: Chapter 8

T - Words: 3,418 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Oct 10, 2014 - Updated: Oct 10, 2014
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Author's Notes:

A bigger chapter to celebrate christmas! I hope you all have an amazing one! Im sorry for updating quiet late after the last one. Lifes been bussy with exams but I hope youll all understand.

I hope you like this chapter. Ill try to update as soon as possible! I want to thank everyone who had been following this story and reviewing too. It means the worlds to me! Lots of love xoxo

Blaine was buttoning up his shirt when his phone started beeping on the bed. He took his phone and smiled when he found a message from Kurt.

Almost ready? Just so you know, my dad likes it when people are on time :) Love xoxo

Blaine rolled his eyes and started texting back.

Almost done, I promise I'll be there on time. Love you too xoxo

If he had to admit it, he still was kind of nervous. Meeting Burt had been ok but still, it was Kurt's dad and he didn't want to mess this up.

To top it all off, Kurt's brother was in town with his wife and his daughter and he had seen pictures of that guy in Kurt's apartment and he looked huge! For sure not someone you wanted to get by on the bad side.

He looked at himself once more in the mirror, taking a bowtie from one of the drawers and carefully putting it around his neck. Now he looked ok.

Carefully he placed the few presents he had bought into a big backpack, carefully not to break anything. He looked back once more, making sure he didn't forget anything, before walking out the door.


Blaine made his way up the stairs. He and Kurt had some kind of agreement to keep the door open so Blaine could come in and Blaine would close it once he was inside.

He knocked on the door, before opening it a little and peeking inside. He saw Burt on the couch with a little girl on his lap and the big guy next to him, talking animated about something.

They looked up when they heard the door open and Blaine carefully walked into the room, waving shyly before walking into the kitchen.

Blaine had never seen so many people together in the kitchen. Kurt was standing at the stove, talking about something to Carole and the girl he assumed was Finn's wife.

Blaine walked towards Kurt, carefully looking if he had a knife in his hands, before wrapping his arms around Kurt. “Merry Christmas beautiful,” he whispered in Kurt's ear.

He felt the warmth of Kurt's blush on his cheek. “Blaine,” he shrieked and turned around in Blaine's touch. “What is it with you and scaring me? I didn't hear you come in.”

“It's because I'm a ninja,” said Blaine really seriously which made Kurt burst out in laughter.

“You lucky I like you so much,” said Kurt in a flirty tone.

“Definitely,” was all Blaine said before he stood up his tip toes and kissed Kurt slowly, enjoying the moment. Well, until someone cleared her throat.

Blaine pulled away and turned around, a blush forming on his cheeks. “Euhm, sorry?” was all he could mumble.

He looked back at Kurt and saw he was trying to contain his laughing. “So Rachel, this is Blaine, my boyfriend. Blaine this is Rachel and well, Carole you've met.”

Blaine stepped forward held out his hand for Rachel to shake. Rachel looked down and started giggling. “He sure is a gentleman,” she said before stepping forward and hugging him.

“It's nice to meet you Blaine.”

Blaine smiled. “Same Rachel.”

He then stepped towards Carole, knowing he would get a hug instead of a hand either so he didn't bother stretching out his hand anymore.

“It's nice to see you again Blaine, merry Christmas.”

He looked up with a smile. “Thank you. Merry Christmas!”

Blaine walked back to Kurt and held his hand. “So you mind introducing me to your brother?”

Kurt grinned, a knowing smirk on his face. “Oh gosh, are you scared of Finn Blaine? You haven't even met him!”

And then Kurt started laughing, as well as Carole and Rachel.

Blaine started pouting and looked at Kurt. “But he looks huge and well I'm tiny. Don't laugh at me Kurt.”

When Kurt finally stopped laughing and saw a little hurt in Blaine his eyes, he stepped forward and hugged him tightly. “Ok, let me introduce you. It's kind of appropriate right?”

Blaine just nodded and followed Kurt who leaded him to the living room.

“Finn, there is someone I like you to introduce to.”

Finn stood up and Blaine actually had to swallow because compared to the pictures it looked like he had even grown more, was that  even possible?

“Finn, this is Blaine, my boyfriend. Blaine, this is my brother, Finn.”

Finn looked down to Blaine and started smiling. “You look tiny dude.”

And then he was wrapped into a hug. What did Kurt's family have with hugs anyway, thought Blaine.

Burt stood up and clapped him on the bag. “So do you like football?”

And that's how Blaine found himself with his boyfriends brother, father and niece on the couch during Christmas, watching football.


Kurt screamed from the kitchen that dinner was ready. Everyone stood up and walked towards the table.

Blaine stood a little lonely at the side, not really knowing where to sit down.

He waited until Kurt walked out of the kitchen and tried to cover up his hesitation by asking if he needed any help, but of course Kurt had to decline.

No one really noticed until Finn looked up. “Dude, why don't you sit down?”

“Euhm, I don't really know where Kurt wants me to sit,” he mumbled.

Finn grinned. “You can sit over me. Kurt will probably sit on the corner so he can walk to the kitchen easily if he want something.”

Blaine nodded thankfully to Finn and took a seat.

A little later, they were all enjoying dinner. Small talk was made with everyone before they started talking about little Ella who was sitting in her baby stool, placing her hands happily in her food.

They told them about how Ella was starting to walking around slowly around the house and how she loved coloring on the wall if one of them turned around.

It made Blaine wonder if he ever would have kids of his own. Of course he really wanted kids but it was too soon in their relationship to talk about it.

He looked back at Kurt, who had been looking at Blaine and tried to look away fast before he realized he was caught.

Blaine let go of his knife and stretched out his hand so he could place it over Kurt's. He squeezed it lovely and smiled at Kurt happily. Then he took his knife again and started eating the rest of the food on his plate.

Blaine was the first one to finish his plate. “Kurt that was delicious!”

Kurt started giggling. “Thank you, but you would also need to thank Rachel and Carole as I wasn't the only one who made dinner.”

Blaine looked at them. “Well than, ladies and Kurt, it was delicious!”

Rachel and Carole started giggling, whispering to each other and Kurt just shook his head. He mouthed to Blaine when he looked confused “They love you.”

And then Ella started crying and started to get fussy. Finn and Rachel were still eating so Blaine stood up and looked at Rachel, “May I?”

She nodded and watched as Blaine pulled Ella out of the seat and started slowly singing to her to calm her down. The little girl looked at him first confused before she started smiling. Her little hands were touching Blaine's cheek.

When the song was finished, he took his seat again. “Well hello there little one.”

The girl started saying some things in baby language. It made Blaine laugh.

He looked up to see all eyes on him, it made him a little uneasy.

It was Burt who broke the silence. “Seems like you'll be the perfect dad one day.”

Blaine his cheeks turned pink and he tried to hide it behind the little girl.

Burt seemed to sense his discomfort and changed the subject, much to Blaine's content.


Everyone was finished eating and Kurt stood up to clear the table. Blaine stood up and gave Ella carefully to Finn. The girl was fast asleep and cuddled close in her dad's neck.

Blaine smiled at the sight. He started to help Kurt clear the table and walked with him towards the kitchen.

Kurt turned around from where he was standing and smiled. “Well hello there, what are you doing here? You are a guest. You shouldn't be clearing the table.”

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. “I wanted to help you. You already did so much today. It's the best Christmas I had in a long long time.”

Kurt kissed him. “I'm glad. How about we get back in the living room for presents?”

“With Ella asleep?” asked Blaine, faking shock.

“Well we can open ours first and we can wake her after?”

He took Blaine's hand and asked for everyone to sit on the couch.

Blaine walked towards the door and picked up his big back pack. He walked towards the couch and took the only empty seat.

Kurt walked towards the Christmas tree and started looking through the tons of presents that were placed under it.

Blaine couldn't help laughing when he thought back on how hard they had needed to try to get the tree inside, as Kurt had asked him to help. It had been so difficult to carry the tree up the stairs and they had more times cursed the stupid tree than anything else. Afterwards, they had drunk hot chocolate and just enjoyed the view.

Kurt took a few presents and walked back. “So let's do this person to person, I want to see all your faces when you open your presents.” He held out three presents for his dad. “These are for you dad.”

His dad opened them carefully. Kurt had bought him a cap from New York, a flannel shirt and something that looked like a new picture book.

His dad opened the book carefully and looked up at Kurt with tears in his eyes. “Kurt?”

Kurt stood up and hugged his dad. “I know we both miss her very much and how much you hated it that some pictures were starting to fade after all these years of existing. Now you have the ones you like the most together and you'll be able to look at them without being carefully to ruin one.”

His dad smiled at him. “Thank you.”

They watched how Burt looked through some of the pages, with a young woman on it, some with a younger looking man, the woman and a little boy in between. Blaine knew it was Kurt's mom. He had heard stories about her and she looked stunning. Kurt had the same eyes as her and his nose looked just the same.

Burt closed the book and whipped his eyes as subtle as possible, trying to not be noticed by anyone.

Carole decided to give Burt something else to change his mind and took a small packed from her bag. “For you Burt.”

Burt opened it and found a new watch in it. It looked beautiful.

“Thank you Carole,” he said and pecked her lips.

Rachel gave Burt another present, as Finn was laying down and holding the sleeping girl. Inside were tickets to see a football game. Burt grinned as he looked up. “Finn I expect you to go with me.”

Finn grinned. “Sounds good by me.”

Blaine looked through his bag, stood up and walked towards Burt. He held out the present.

Burt looked confused at first before he smiled happily. “You didn't have to get me anything kid.”

“Isn't that what you do around Christmas, give your family presents? I know we've only met a few days ago but you really made me feel like family immediately and I want to thank you for giving me a chance and for accepting me in this family. It means a lot to me,” he said.

Burt looked down at the present and slowly started to unwrap it. Inside was a bottle of something that looked like really old wine. “Kiddo,  you didn't have to do that, this looks really old.”

“It is, but I promise you it will taste amazing,” Blaine said.

He saw Kurt walk to the tree and come back with more presents. Carole got some perfume, some clothes, and a vacation to Paris as Carole has always wanted to go there. It was a present from Finn and Kurt together. Blaine had given Carole new earring he knew she would like after talking with Kurt.

Next up was Rachel. She got some music sheets, a new purse, clothes, a new violin as she apparently played the violin and a new necklace from Finn.

Finn got some football tickets, smirking knowing he would go with Burt anyway, a signed football from one of his favorite players, a present from Kurt and Blaine together, and a few games for his play station as he still had a huge love for those games.

Then it was Kurt's turn. Kurt smiled happily when he got a few clothes from his favorite designer, a pair of boots he had really wanted and a signed album from Lady gaga. Blaine couldn't believe the girl still existed. After all he was a Katy Perry man.

Blaine looked into his bag for the bigger and small present he had left.

He gave Kurt the huge box first.

Kurt looked up and started ripping open the box. Inside was a huge board with Kurt's coffee shop written on it. Kurt looked up at Blaine, happy tears in his eyes.

“Seriously Blaine?” he almost whispered.

“You told me how you had used all your money to buy this place and the stools and tables and products. Now people will know the name when they walk next to it.”

Kurt giggled and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. “Thank you, this is too much.”

“Never when it comes to you. Besides, I have one present left,” he said.

He took Kurt's hand and opened it. Then he took the small black box and laid it in his palm.

“Blaine,” Kurt almost whispered immediately.

“Just open it Kurt,” was all Blaine said.

Kurt opened the box carefully and looked at the silver ring inside it. He looked up at Blaine who smiled.

“It's a promise ring. A promise from me that I'll always be here, that I see myself in five years from now living with you above your coffee shop which is of course still the best in New York,” he said which made Kurt giggle. “It's me promising that I love you and I plan on loving you for the rest of your life. That I plan on spending as much time as possible with you. A promise that I will always threat you right and take care of you. I promise with this ring that no matter how hard things will get, you'll never have to face it alone because I'll be beside you, holding your hand and ready to pull you through it,” he whispered.

Kurt looked at him with tears in his eyes. “You are perfect, you know that?”

Blaine shrugged. “No one is, but I'll try to be my best to be close to perfect for you because that's all that matters to me.”

He takes Kurt hand and slips the ring around Kurt's finger. Then he held up Kurt's hand and pressed a kiss on the ring. It was all Kurt needed to attack Blaine in a monster hug and kiss him slowly.

When they pulled apart, they saw Carole and Rachel look at them with tears in their eyes. Burt and Finn looked at Blaine and smiled to him. Kurt was looking at his ring when Burt mouthed at Blaine, “thank you for making him happy.” Blaine only nodded and wrapped his arm a little tighter around Kurt.

“Guess there is one person left before we wake up the little one.”

Kurt stood up and walked towards the tree, taking one huge present. Blaine shook his head. “Kurt you didn't have to buy me anything.”

Kurt smirked. “Isn't that what they all say when they secretly wanted something?”

Blaine shook his head again. “I'm not going to try and argue that.”

Kurt insisted that he was the last one to give Blaine his present. To his surprise the other's had bought him presents to. From Burt and Carole he got a few bowties. He also got two flight tickets from all of them together so he could come visit them with Kurt in Ohio. Then Kurt held up his present.

Blaine started opening it carefully and found a guitar case inside. He started smiling already because Kurt had known that his old one was close to the end of its years. Kurt started laughing. “Blaine open the case.”

Blaine frowned but opened it anyway and sucked in a deep breath when he saw the beautiful black guitar inside. In the corner he found two coffee cups with a small heart above it and the words If I had it my way, I'd wake up every day with you by my side.

Blaine took the guitar out of the case and noticed something hanging on a string. He looked at it and found a key and looked confused at Kurt.

“I mean it you know, I wouldn't mind waking up with you by my side,” Kurt whispered. A blush formed on his cheek. “I guess it's my way of asking if you would like to live with me?”

Blaine looked first dumbstruck before he lay the guitar in the case and jumped on Kurt. “I wouldn't want anything else. I love you.” And then he pressed kisses all over Kurt's face, ignoring the laughs from Kurt's family.


It was late at evening when Burt, Carole, Finn, Rachel and sleeping Ella decided to get to their hotel. They would leave tomorrow afternoon and Kurt knew he wouldn't see them until they went to Ohio again.

Blaine watched how Kurt hugged everyone  tightly and more specially his dad. He was hugged to and patted on the back before the left the house.

Kurt started to clean up the cups of coffee when Blaine took his stuff.

Kurt walked out of the kitchen and pouted. “You're not staying?”

Blaine playfully let his finger go over Kurt's pouty lips. “I would love to but I have to study tomorrow.”

Kurt nodded understanding. “So you're really going to move in with me?”

“Yes,” said Blaine. “But I want to wait until after my exams. That way we can figure out how we are going to do this, make some arrangements and I can say up my rent.”

Kurt nodded. He held out a cup of coffee for Blaine. “Here, so you stay warm until you're home. It's snowing.”

Blaine kissed Kurt one last time before he walked out of the door, giddy when he used his new key, not able to believe that this was really happening.


Blaine walked through the door of his tiny apartment. He placed his now half empty cup of coffee on the table and started to change his clothes. He drank the rest of his coffee, looking out of the window when a little drawing caught his eyes in the mirroring window.

He turned around and smiled when he saw three little drawings. The first one was of him holding the little Ella while she was asleep. Above was written: One day I want to have my family with you.

Next to it was a drawing of Blaine with his new guitar written above it: You better play a song for me on it :)

Blaine started laughing when he read it. Then he turned the cup another bid and saw a picture of himself Kissing the ring on Kurt's hand. Above was written: I promise with this ring that no matter how hard things will get, you'll never have to face it alone because I'll be beside you, holding your hand and ready to pull you through it, as long as we both shall live. A small heart was drawn on next to it and the date under the cup. Under all the drawings was written one last message. Our first Christmas together.


Blaine felt a huge smile form on his face. He placed the cup next to him and turned down the light. He fell asleep just like that, smiling happily about another perfect day.


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