June 13, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 13, 2015, 7 p.m.
Im a little emotional as this story is nearing its end. I have one more chapter planned for after this, which will be uploaded probably shortly after this one.
I started writing this today and it just kept writing itself. I also wanted the cups to be part of it and I almost forgot in the end but it is in there :) I hope it was worth the wait?
Meanwhile I have one more exam to go on Monday. Im happy to finally be done :) I want to thank each one of you for your patience and please let me know what you think ok? I always like to hear your feedback :) Lots of love xoxo
ps. the song is originally by Ed Sheeran
Ever since that night, it was like life had given them all the luck in the world.
It started the day after that magical evening. Blaine was helping Kurt in the coffee shop as Amber had fallen ill.
Blaine was about to take an order when the man held a business card in front of him.
Blaine had taken it and almost he had squealed when he read the words on the card. Dan Mitchels – Island Musicians.
Blaine had looked up with shock in his face when the man nodded at him. “You better call me. We can find a date to meet and go over the details.”
With those words, the man had turned around and left.
A few customers were looking at him confused as he had to take a moment for his mind to catch up.
When Kurt came back from the backroom and noticed the ever growing line, he looked at Blaine confused.
Blaine could only hold up the small card he had been holding.
Kurt started to read the words and when he understood what all of this was meaning, he started squealing for the whole coffee shop and hugging Blaine so tight that Blaine wasn't even sure how he had managed to keep breathing.
A few days later, he could officially say he was a labeled artist.
They had celebrated that night with a huge party in the coffee shop which many of the regulars attented.
But that wasn't the only thing they had been doing. There had been a lot of wedding stress.
They had taken the time to find the perfect invitations, to create a guest list and to look for all the things they would need.
They had agreed to keep the party small. Just their family and a few friends because that was all they needed.
And that's how they found themselves that night saying goodbye to each other.
“I guess I'll see you tomorrow,” whispered Blaine against Kurt's lips. He really didn't want to go but Kurt was all for tradition.
Kurt nodded but at the same time his lips locked with Blaine's again. It made him question why he had even wanted to be traditional.
Blaine untangled himself carefully from their embrace. “Don't kill pirate overnight ok,” grinned Blaine as he opened the door.
Kurt nodded. “I promise,” he smiled.
They waved at each other one last time before the door closed. Now all they could do was wait.
Blaine opened his eyes while he stretched himself over the length of the bed. A happy sigh escaped his lips as he thought about today.
He sat up slowly and stepped out of the bed, hoping that a shower would make the stress leave his body.
His mind immediately went to Kurt in the shower. What was he doing, was he nervous and hadn't he killed Pirate like he had promised.
A giggle escaped his lips as he thought about all the times Kurt had threatened to give away the cat. It was like pirate always tried to get a raise out of Kurt. The cat enjoyed it way too much.
But at the end of the day, they would always cuddle together on the couch and it would all be forgotten.
Blaine turned off the water and started with his routine. He wanted to look his best today for Kurt.
He put some of the cream on his face that Kurt always used. Second he started shaving himself. He wanted to look smooth today. To end it all, he took his time to take care of his curly hair. While most of the time it looked like a mess, it worked quite alright today.
When he was happy with the way he looked, he stepped back in the main room. His phone was already beeping with incoming messages.
He grinned when he saw one from Kurt though. Good morning Blaine, I had a very lonely night tonight and I can't wait to see you again. Meet you at the altar? Love Kurt ps. Just so you know, Pirate is ok.
Added was a picture of Kurt on the bed looking like he just woke up. Pirate was sprawled over his chest and looking like he had found the most comfortable place to stay.
Blaine started laughing and saved the picture immediately. He loved the cute little family they had become and he couldn't wait for it to grow even more.
He took his time to reply and answered to the message of Cooper, his older brother.
Blaine shook his head as he walked to the closet. While he didn't hear so much of Cooper, he still wanted one member of his family to be at his wedding.
While his parents were quite ok with him, they never understood the life he lived and today should be a happy day.
He had asked them if they had wanted to come but they had told him they rather not. While most people would be shock about that, Blaine just felt relieve that he could spend the day without worries.
Carefully he took the suit out of the closet and placed it on the bed. The cover was removed and Blaine took his time putting on each piece.
When the bowtie was tied around his neck and his shoes were on his feet, he walked towards the big mirror in front of the closet.
He was wearing a gray suit with Black piping. A white button-up was beneath it. To top it off, he had taken his time to black with white striped bowtie.
A knock sounded on his door as Blaine was about to put all his stuff back into his suitcase.
Blaine walked towards the door and wasn't surprised that Cooper stood in front of him.
Cooper threw up his arms in the air in that enthusiastic way he always carried himself and was about to go through Blaine's hair but Blaine could stop him just in time.
“Do not touch me Cooper. I've just spend quite some time looking the way I look!”
Cooper started pouting. “But squirt! You look amazing though,” he grinned.
He walked into the room and took a seat on the bed.
Blaine walked towards his suitcase and started packing all his stuff away as he went with Cooper through the time schedule.
When everything was in his bag, he took a small black box out of it again. “If I give you this, can I trust you to keep it safe,” he asked sternly.
“Squirt, you can count on me,” said Cooper as he took the black box greedy. He opened it and looked at the ring inside of it. “Hmm, I would have thought you would have gone for a ring with a little more firework. I know how you can get,” he grinned.
Blaine rolled his eyes. “Common, let's get going. I'd rather not miss my own wedding.”
He draped his suit jacket over his arm and rolled the suitcase behind him.
The key of the room was given back at the reception and before he knew it, he was in a car on his way towards his wedding.
The car stopped in front of central park. Blaine let out a deep breath to get himself to calm down.
“It'll be ok squirt, common, don't let your man waiting for you,” he smiled.
They stepped out of the car and made their way through the park.
It still felt a little strange to get married right here but they both liked the place and Kurt had always found it romantic.
All that Blaine wanted was that it was perfect for Kurt.
They made their way towards the small secured place for them. Some people were already sitting on the chairs by the water and looking around.
Blaine let out a happy sigh. They had decided that the one to first arrive would stand in front of the altar and wait for the other and by the looks of it, he was the first.
It shouldn't have surprised him in any way. Kurt was always the last to get ready.
Rachel started grinning when she saw him arrive. She nudged Finn and they both made their way towards him, hugging him carefully to not do any damage on his suit.
“You look amazing Blaine,” she squealed.
“I hope so. Have you heard anything from Kurt yet,” he wondered.
Rachel nodded. “Yeah, Burt texted me to tell us that they are on their way. Ella actually went with Burt and Carole to get Kurt this morning. She is so excited to be your flower girl,” she smiled.
Blaine started chuckling. “I'm happy she is so excited. I can't wait to see her again, it's been so long.”
It was when Cooper started coughing next to him, that he remembered that was Cooper standing next to him.
“Oh gosh, I'm so rude. Rachel and Finn, this is my brother Cooper,” he smiled.
Amber came running from around the corner with a huge smile on her face. “Blaine, your fiancé has arrived,” she smirked.
Blaine felt his palms go sweaty. He looked up at Cooper, “I guess this is it, right?”
Cooper just nodded and leaded him towards the front.
The priest was already waiting in the front and smiled happily at Blaine. “You guys picked a beautiful date,” he said, obviously to ease his nerves.
“Yeah, I guess it's good luck,” he smiled as he turned again to the back.
It didn't take long before he saw Ella appear. She looked adorable in the white dress she was wearing. A flowers diadem was wrapped around her little head. She looked like a little elfin.
She started skipping towards Blaine as she threw flowers from her little basket everywhere.
She reminded Blaine in that moment so much of Rachel. Both liked the attention a lot but that didn't mean they weren't the sweetest people he had ever met.
When Ella came in the front, she took a red rose out of her little basket and gave it at Blaine.
Blaine frowned but leaned down and wrapped her into a hug. She had grown so much since he had first met her. “Thank you,” he whispered as Ella made her way towards Rachel and took a seat on her lap.
He stood up and brushed the little bit of dirt from his pants. He looked up just in time to see Kurt arrive.
First he saw Burt come around the corner. Carole made her way around him and walked towards her place from the side, not wanting to disturb Blaine's view.
And then slowly but surely, Kurt came into view.
Tears welled up in Blaine's eyes when Kurt came into view. He was wearing a white suit with grey piping and a black tie. Blaine shook his head because something they would get the same ideas, just a little different.
He looked more beautiful than Blaine could ever remember and it took ages for Kurt to appear in front of Blaine.
Burt held out Kurt's hand and gave it to Blaine with a wink and a soft smile before he made his way towards his seat next to Carole in the front.
“Hi,” smiled Kurt as he looked at Blaine through his eyelashes. His eyes taking in everything of Blaine. “They say great minds think alike,” he giggled.
Blaine squeezed his hand and leaded him towards the seat in front of the altar. “I think you look beautiful,” he whispered in Kurt's ear.
Kurt blushed as he looked at Blaine. “I think you look perfect,” he whispered.
Blaine wanted to kiss him so badly in that moment but he didn't know how Kurt could react so he settled for a squeeze of his hand.
The ceremony was short but held a lot of emotion. They had sat together and tried to get personal items into it.
The time arrived for their vows to be said. They had talked about this for a while and decided to write their own words.
Nerves were taking over when Kurt looked at him and took his hand.
“Dear Blaine,” he started as a soft smile played on his lips. “A while ago, there was this guy that walked into my coffee shop and I thought he was the cutest guy I had ever seen. So I'm not that good at flirting so I thought, why don't I draw something for him,” he laughed as he shook his head. “Never in a million years , I could have hoped you would come back. You were my medium drip guy,” he said with a laugh. “I'm so glad you came back after that silly drawing I made because I got to know you and I got to realize that you aren't only the cutest guy ever but you are also the sweetest, the smartest, the most adorable one and gosh I could go on and on forever. I love how every single day, there is still something new I haven't discovered yet. It makes me ask myself every single day how I could get so lucky to find a guy like you. So today I want to promise you that I'll take care of you, that I'll love you in sickness and in health, that I'll make you a medium drip every single morning before you go to work and that I'll love you until eternity,” he said as he kissed Blaine's hand.
Blaine felt a tear fall out of his eye. Kurt looked up at him and wiped the tear from his cheek.
Blaine blinked a couple of times as he tried to clear his eyes. His hands took both of Kurt's again as he looked up right into his eyes. “I have no idea how to even top that so I'm just going to say what I really wanted to say as I forgot half of my speech through yours,” he grinned.
Everyone around them started laughing, a few sounded tearful.
“Dear Kurt, sometimes the best things happen to you when you the least expect them. You were something I expected the least that day I walked into your coffee shop but you became the best thing that could ever happen to me. Sometimes it still feels surreal because our story could easily be one of the fairytales. Those cups, they meant and still mean the world to me because each one of them hold a memory that's so important to me. I still have all of them that are important to me like the one when we first met, my first Kurt and Blaine cup, the cup you made me when we bought pirate,...” He smiled softly as he remembered all those moments. “You made me fall head over heels and head first for you. And while we may not be perfect, we will have our happy ending with our forever as all those fairytales holds.” He took Kurt hand and placed it over his chest. “Since that day I walked into your coffee-shop, you stole a piece of my heart and every day since, you stole more, piece by piece. So today I want to give you my full heart because I trust you to take care of it and because I want you to never forget how much I care for you, how hard you make my heart beat even when you are just in the room and just how much I love you right into this moment and until forever.”
Kurt had tears streaming down his face as he held his hand over Blaine's chest that was beating faster than usually. Blaine did the same Kurt did and started wiping away his tears.
Finn and Cooper walked towards the front with Ella who was holding a cushion with the two rings on it. Much to the relieve of Blaine.
“So Kurt Elisabeth Hummel, do you take Blaine Devon Anderson as your wedded husband,” the priest asked.
Kurt nodded his head softly as the tears kept streaming. “I do,” he said just loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Blaine Devon Anderson, do you take Kurt Elisabeth Hummel as your wedded husband?”
“I do,” smiled Blaine through the tears.
Kurt took a ring from the cushion and carefully placed it on Blaine's finger as a big smile spread on his face.
Blaine took the other ring and placed it carefully on Kurt's finger. He looked at the ring and couldn't help but feel the warmth spread through him. He took Kurt's hand and placed a kiss on the ring.
“I may announce you husband and husband. You may kiss,” the priest smiled.
Blaine didn't hesitate and cupped the sides of Kurt's face as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Kurt's.
Slowly he let his lips move against Kurt's, trying to drown into the feelings. It was like a million butterflies were going through his body.
One of Kurt's hands found its way in Blaine's hair. The other was placed over Blaine's chest so he could feel Blaine's heart beating.
They kept kissing until they heard people mumbling around them. Blaine pulled away first and started chuckling against Kurt's lips. He took Kurt's hand, made them stand up and turned around.
“WE ARE HUSBANDS,” he screamed and everyone started cheering.
He saw Kurt's cheeks turn red as he started laughing. “I bet you have been dreaming about doing that, haven't you?”
Blaine shrugged, “I might have,” as he leaned forward and kissed those lips once more. “I'm the happiest person in the word right now,” he whispered against Kurt's lips.
They moment was interrupted when Cooper wrapped them in a hug. “Congratz guys,” he smiled.
Blaine couldn't help but chuckle. “Thank you Coop.”
They made their way through the aisle towards the beginning of the park. Everyone could congratulate them at the wedding party.
Their photographer was waiting for them to make some pictures.
They took some pictures by the water and a few pictures with the family so they could always remember this.
The party was moved towards their house. Burt, Carole, Finn and Cooper had gone towards their house to make sure everything was ok.
They both hadn't seen how it looked but were actually glad that they would have the familiarity of home to celebrate.
They walked inside the house to see most guest already in the garden.
Ella was the only one inside, sitting on the couch and rubbing behind Pirate his ear.
“You see that Pirate isn't evil,” grinned Blaine at Kurt who rolled his eyes and leaded him outside.
There were tables placed around the garden. The tables were decorated with white tablecloths and red roses on top of them with petals.
The chairs were wrapped in white covers with a black little bowtie at the end.
The garden was lighted up with fairy lights draped all around them. It looked perfect for Blaine.
He looked at Kurt and saw the same glint into his eyes. This was all they needed.
When people realized they had arrived, they started getting up to hug them and give them congratulations.
They tried to talk with everyone for a moment before being wrapped into another hug.
Their first moment of piece was found when they started with the starters. Everyone took a seat at the table and small talk was exchanged.
Kurt and Blaine held their hands linked the whole time under the table. It didn't make eating more easily but they wanted to stay connected.
After the starters, Burt and Cooper made it their mission to embarrass both of them. Childhood stories were shared and mentions of phone calls around the time they had found each other.
Multiple times, Kurt tried to hide his face in Blaine his shoulder which made Blaine chuckle a little and press a kiss against his cheek.
Dinner was eaten and laughs were shared as the day was slowly turning in the night. The fairy lights were turned on and it gave the garden and even more romantic feeling.
Without Kurt and Blaine realizing it, the DJ they had hired had set up everything in the garden. “I'd like the new husbands to come over for their first dance,” he smiled.
Blaine grinned and took Kurt's hand. This was the only thing that Blaine hadn't wanted Kurt to know yet.
He wrapped his arms tightly around Kurt's waist and buried his face into his shoulder. He slowly started swaying on the music as the first notes and the sound of Blaine's voice filled the garden.
When your looks dont work like they used to before
And I cant sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks
And darling I will be loving you til were 70
And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And Im thinking bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Oh me I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am
Blaine turned his head a little and kissed Kurt slowly as they kept swaying around on the music. It was only then that he noticed how Kurt had started crying again.
So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
Kurt unwrapped one arm from around Blaine's neck and let his hand wander down until it was placed over Blaine's heart. It made Blaine smile against his lips.
Im thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are
When my hairs all but gone and my memory fades
And the crowds dont remember my name
When my hands dont play the strings the same way, mm
I know you will still love me the same
Blaine slowly pulled away from the kiss and started singing along in Kurt's ear.
Cause honey your soul can never grow old, its evergreen
Baby your smiles forever in my mind and memory
Im thinking bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe its all part of a plan
Ill just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that youll understand
But baby now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
Im thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are, oh
So baby now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart
Im thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are
Oh maybe we found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are
They kept swaying although the music had ended until Burt placed a hand on Blaine's shoulder. “You think I can steal my son for a bit?”
Blaine nodded and placed one last kiss on Kurt's lips. He looked around a bit to see everyone dancing, except a very young lady.
He sneaked towards Ella and knelt in front of her. “May I have this dance,” he grinned as he held out his hand.
The girl started giggling but nodded shyly as she took his hand.
Blaine held out his arms and wrapped her into a tight hug. He tilted her off the ground and placed her on his hips as he started dancing circles with her.
She was giggling the whole time as he sang along with the voice and danced with her through the crowd.
People were smiling as they saw them make their way through the crowd. That was until Kurt stood in front of them.
“Ella, you aren't stealing my husband, are you,” he grinned.
The girl shook her head with her eyes wide as Kurt wrapped himself around the two of them. “I might just join you two.”
It's how they started dancing with the three of them, giggling along with Ella.
They didn't notice how several people had stopped dancing and were just looking at them dancing around, realizing they would be great parents one day.
They only interrupted the couple when the wedding cake had arrived. They posed for a few pictures as Blaine stood behind Kurt and wrapped an arm around his waist as they cut into the cake.
Their family and friends were taking pictures from everywhere when Blaine unwrapped himself from Kurt. “So I might have one more thing I have to do before you can all taste the cake. You all have to wait a minute,” he grinned as he walked back into the house.
Amber and Mitch followed close behind him as they walked into the garage. “You think he'll like this,” he asked them again.
“Yes, I think he'll find it romantic,” Amber grinned as they took the two boxes towards the garden.
Kurt frowned when he saw them appear, and so did most guests.
He gave Amber a sign to put the box at the end of the table as he walked towards Kurt with the other.
When he was in front of Kurt, he placed it on the ground and opened it. “I wanted tonight to hold something that is important to me,” he smiled softly as he opened the lit. “So I could only think of one thing.”
The lit opened and most people started leaning forward to see what in the box.
He grinned when he heard people awhing as he took the first cup out of the box. He gave it to Kurt with a shy smile on his face. “I want to have a cup for every moment that is important for me so I thought I made one for everybody in here so they have a reminder of the evening and well something that hits close to home for us.”
He saw Kurt turn the cup with trembling hands as he looked over the cup. On the cup was written
Blaine and Kurt
Husband and husband until forever.
Under the words was the first drawing ever made by Kurt of the both of them. The only difference was that Blaine had drawn a bowtie over his shirt and Kurt was now wearing a tie.
It made Kurt chuckle. “You are perfect, you know that,” he whispered as he leaned forward and kissed him slowly.
Blaine untangled himself and turned back to the crowd. “You can all take a cup and well a piece of our wedding cake on your way back to your place.”
They partied until late at night, never wanting this evening to end.
The last guests left the house at 5 am in the morning, wishing them the best.
Blaine waved at them one last time before he closed the door and went looking for Kurt.
He found him standing by the window, looking at the now dark garden.
Blaine wrapped his arms around him and leaned his chin on Kurt's shoulder. “So, how does it feel to be an Anderson-Hummel,” he smiled as he nibbled on Kurt's ear.
Kurt let his head fall against Blaine's shoulder. “I'd say it's great. Although I'm tired as hell and I'm really glad that we don't have to clean up the garden tomorrow.”
Blaine started chuckling. “So how about I get you to our bed for our first night as husbands,” he whispered in Kurt's ear.
“Like you'll ever let me sleep,” smirked Kurt.
Blaine started laughing, “maybe at ten am.”
He turned Kurt around in his arms and leaned his temple against Kurt's. His eyes meeting Kurt's. “I love you,” he whispered.
The corners of Kurt's lips turned up, “I love you too,” he whispered back.
Blaine just smiled softly and took his hand as he leaded Kurt up the stairs.
Today was the start of their forever and while he didn't know what their forever held, he knew it would be worth it because he would have Kurt through all of it.