the coffee artist
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the coffee artist: Chapter 12

T - Words: 2,227 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Oct 10, 2014 - Updated: Oct 10, 2014
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Author's Notes:

A new chapter for all of you :) Meet pirate! Hope you enjoyed and Ill see you for another chapter ;) Lots of love xoxo

ps. dont hesitate to leave a review. I love reading them! :)

Ever since they added concerts to the coffee shop, Kurt had gotten much more customers. It was like a mad house especially the Friday nights were Blaine would do a little concert. Most customers had started to run into regulars and business was just going great.

While the concerts were good for Kurt's coffee shop, it was also good for Blaine. Slowly he started to get a fanbase. Most of them were girls who desperately wanted his attention which was a little awkward with Kurt being so close by.

His friends from college had also started to come around more frequently to support him and to just hang out.

Blaine was happy with his life, although one thing seemed to be missing in his life.

It was a Saturday evening when Kurt and Blaine were cuddling on the couch that he decided to approach the topic. “Kurt, baby, can we talk for a bit?”

Kurt turned his head from where it was laying on his chest. “What's wrong?” he asked.

“I just wanted to ask you something,” Blaine mumbled while he was playing with the strings of Kurt's hoodie.

“I listen,” said Kurt, looking at Blaine carefully.

“I just wondered, have you ever thought of having a cat or a dog?” Blaine mumbled.

“A dog or a cat?” said Kurt confused.

“Well yeah,” said Blaine quietly.

“Now you have to explain to me, Blaine,” said Kurt. He lifted his hand up and cupped Blaine's cheek carefully so they were eye to eye. “Do you want a dog or a cat?”

“Well, it does sometimes get lonely you know. Since the concerts, the coffee shop has been busier and I see you even less. I thought it may be fun to have something  around to cuddle with and spend time when you are still working,” said Blaine.

“Is it bothering you that I have to work more? I can always hire someone more you know,” grinned Kurt.

“I don't want you to do that unless you really need someone else. I know the shop has been your life for quite some time now and I would never take that away from you,” said Blaine as he pressed a kiss against the palm of Kurt's hand. “I just thought it would be nice.”

Kurt nodded. “I don't think it's such a bad idea.”

Blaine looked up immediately. His eyes started to shine with happiness. “Really?” he almost screamed.

Kurt started laughing. “Of course you can. But we go chose it together ok? And no dog, a cat.”

Blaine started pouting. “I always wanted a dog.”

Kurt shook his head. “No way Blaine. A cat needs no walking out which is much more practically.”

Blaine nodded in agreement. “Ok, as long as we can get a pet.”

“Guess we can go looking after one on Monday?” said Kurt before he felt Blaine his lips press against his.

“I can't wait,” whispered Blaine all while preparing kisses against Kurt's face.


Kurt and Blaine walked into the shelter. The evening before, they had looked up some places where they could buy or adopt a kitten in New York.

The shelter they were walking to seemed to most promising, according to the site.

Blaine walked a little faster and opened the door for Kurt and made a little bent which made Kurt giggle as he walked through the door.

They entered a small room with a desk and an young girl. “Good afternoon  sirs, what can I do for you?”

Blaine grinned widely. “We want to adopt a kitten,” he said really enthusiastically.

Kurt saw how the girl her eyebrow rose as she tried to hide a chuckle. “Of course you do, how about we take a look to the kittens we have right now. Do you have any preference?”

Blaine started thinking. “I don't really think I have. I guess we'll see.”

Kurt nodded as he took Blaine's hand. They followed the girl through a few hallways which held also some dogs.

Kurt noticed how Blaine was looking at all the dogs and Kurt knew that it would be difficult for him to pick one kitten later on.

They were leaded into a room with little kittens and toys for them to play with. The girl opened the gate and let them walk in before closing the gate again.

“These are the kittens we have right now. Each one of them has been checked by a vet and are all confirmed to be healthy,” she said.

Kurt saw Blaine's eyes light up like Christmas as he looked at all the kittens. Some started walking towards Blaine as if they were waiting to being pet.

Blaine went to sit down on his knees and tried to pet as many kittens. “Hey you, you look adorable don't you.”, “You look like you want to be pet.”, “Come here, I won't bite”, were a few of the things Kurt heard Blaine say.

He shook his head as he watched Blaine play with the kittens.

It was that moment that a little kitten in the corner caught his eye. Slowly he walked over and sat down on his knees, holding out his hand for the kitten so the kitten wouldn't be afraid.

The little kitten slowly made its way towards Kurt's hand and started to rub his head against it. “Hey you little one, you look adorable, don't you? Why aren't you playing with the others?”

The kitten started purring as Kurt petted his head. “Aren't you a cutie.”

He felt someone sit beside him and two arms being wrapped around his waist. Blaine's head found its usual place between his head and shoulder. “Looks like you made a little friend without me,” pouted Blaine.

“Well you made a whole lot of friends over there so I decided to make one of my own. Isn't it a cutie?” he asked as he turned his head.

Blaine looked down at the little kitten and held out his hand. The kitten gave him a lick.

“He's perfect,” grinned Blaine as he pressed a kiss against Kurt's cheek.

They waved over the girl and asked her if they could adopt this one. The girl nodded and told them to take the kitten with them.

Blaine reached out and held the kitten in his arms. “I guess you'll be a Anderson-Hummel since today.”

Kurt turned around and looked straight in Blaine's eyes. “What did you just say?”

“Well he'll be an Anderson-Hummel like we are. Well we aren't yet officially but one day we'll be,” said Blaine, his eyes never leaving Kurt's.

“I like that,” smiled Kurt before following the girl further.


On the way home, they stopped to get all the necessity's for the little kitten. They bought some toys for the kitten, food, a litter and a cushion where it could sit on.

Once home, they lay down on the couch. The little kitten placed carefully in between them.

“I thought we could call him pirate,” said Blaine as he rubbed the kitten's black belly.

“No Blaine, just no,” said Kurt.

“But Kuuurt, look at him. He is all white except his black paws, black belly, little black nose and one black eye. He looks like a pirate,” whined Blaine.

Kurt looked at the Kitten more carefully and noticed what Blaine was talking about.

He sighed loudly. “But pirate is so pirate,” he whined.

The cat placed her little paw over Kurt's mouth. Blaine looked at first a little shocked before he started laughing really loudly. “I think pirate agrees with me, don't you? Our little Pirate Anderson-Hummel.”

Kurt looked at him, looking like he wanted to argument over this. “Ok fine, you get what you want. Now you better install pirate because I need to get down. The shop is another hour open and I don't want to leave Amber another hour alone in the shop.”

Blaine nodded and leaned forward to steal a last kiss. “Have fun babe,” he whispered against Kurt lips. “Love you.”

Kurt pressed a last kiss against his lips. “Love you too. Don't pamper pirate too much.”

Blaine wanted to say he wouldn't but Kurt was already out of the door.


Kurt made his way upstairs. It had been a long hour with tons of costumers. Amber and him had needed to work extra fast to get through all the orders and had even needed to work half an hour longer.

Then they had needed to clean everything up and check if everything was still in stock.

When everything was finished, Kurt had said goodbye to Amber and thanked her for a long time for all the work she had done for him today.

Kurt stepped into the living room. It smells delicious in here, was the first thought in his mind. He made his way to the kitchen to see Blaine behind the stove.

He sneaked up behind Blaine and wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist. “Now what is smelling so delicious? “he asked while pressing kisses against Blaine's neck.

“That would be gratin potatoes with some beef,” said Blaine with a smile.

“Gosh you better tell me dinner is almost ready because I'm starving and it just smells delicious,” whined Kurt.

Blaine started chuckling. “Five more minutes, how about you keep pirate busy?”

Kurt cringed a little at the name but went into the living room to search for pirate.

He found him all cuddled up on the couch.

Kurt carefully picked him off the couch and placed him on his lap. The cat opened an eye and looked at him suspicious.

“Hi pirate, you looked like you could use some company,” he smiled as he started petting the cat behind its ear. The car purred in contentment.

Just like Blaine had promised, he came walking out of the kitchen with two filled plated after five minutes.

“Time for dinner babe,” Blaine said as he walked back into the kitchen.

He came back with a little cat food bowl. “Pirate, I have something for you too.”

He waved the food bowl in front of pirate's nose before placing it on the ground. The kitten stretched its legs as it made its way towards the bowl and digging in happily.

Blaine held out his hand and leaded Kurt to the table. He held out the chair for Kurt and took place on the other side. His ankle linked with Kurt's under the table. “Thank you for today.” Blaine said sincerely. “You have no idea how much it means to me.”

Kurt took his hand over the table. “I would do anything for you Blaine. I guess this just the beginning of a little family.”

Blaine smiled at him. “I guess it is. I can't wait though for it to expand.”

Kurt shook his head and started laughing. “Give it at least another two years Anderson.”

Blaine chuckled. “I think I can.”

They enjoyed dinner and the rest of the evening, cuddled up on the couch with little pirate. It was something neither of them voiced but both knew they could get used to.


Blaine ran down the stairs. A long row was already waiting in the coffee shop. “I need to leave Kurt,” screamed Blaine towards Kurt.

Kurt gave a little wave and pointed towards the cup of coffee he had placed for Blaine on the corner. “Have you given pirate food?” he screamed.

“Yes I have Kurt but I really need to get going. Have a good idea!” screamed Blaine.

“You too Blaine,” screamed Kurt and with a last wave, Blaine was out of the shop.


Amber leaned against the counter. “So you weren't kidding when you said that Blaine had given your kitten the name pirate,” she said, looking like she wanted to start chuckling.

Kurt looked at her channeling. “No I wasn't kidding but well, I guess I can get used to it. He does look like a pirate,” grinned Kurt.

Amber smiled at him. “Well I can't wait to meet him.”

Kurt nodded. “We can arrange that.”

Just when Kurt was about to suggest they could go upstairs, as it was finally silent in the shop, a whole group of tourists entered the shop.

Amber sighed and looked at Kurt frustrated. “I swear, someone placed an arrow to show all these tourists our coffee shop which isn't even so close to all those touristy activities.”

Kurt started chuckling. “Who knows. Let's find out later. Now let's work!”

Amber groaned but went back to work just like Kurt.


Blaine was sitting in his class, which was extremely boring. He sighed and took his cup of coffee. He took a sip of his coffee.

He placed the cup back on his desk and was about to start writing when the girl next of him started giggling.

Blaine looked up at her and saw her looking at the cup.

Blaine rolled his eyes fondly, knowing that his boyfriend had decided to leave another message for him.

He turned the cup and was met by the both of them sitting over each other. In the middle lay Pirate. Kurt and Blaine where both tickling his belly.

Above was written. “The start of our little family, Pirate Anderson-Hummel”, the date and a little heart.


Blaine shook his head fondly. He hoped they would never change.


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