March 12, 2016, 6 p.m.
March 12, 2016, 6 p.m.
a new chapter. I know I promised a new flash back but it just didnt fit somehow what I was writing. I guess well see what happens next chapter ;) Lots of love xoxo
It was Friday morning. Kurt knew that today would be his last chance to ask Blaine for the Friday night dinner.
The last two days had been no help. He had wanted to ask Blaine, of course he had wanted to do that but he had been scared and it was never the right time.
Kurt mentally slapped himself. Of course Blaine would have planned something else by now. It was Friday night after all. Who hadn't planned something on Friday night.
Slowly he made his way towards his locker. The sight of it made him want to slam his head on it multiple times.
He opened his locker and started replacing the stuff he didn't need with the books he did need to survive his first hour.
A knock on his locker door made him almost jump into his locker, well if that would be possible.
Blaine started chuckling. “Bad conscience Kurt,?”
Kurt let his hand fall on his chest where his heart was beating fast. “Don't ever do that again,” he said threatening.
Blaine started laughing and shook his head. “So how are you,” he asked.
Kurt shrugged. “I'm fine,” he said. “There is actually something I wanted to ask you,” he said shyly. It was now or never.
Blaine turned his head a little as he looked curiously. “Well ask away,” he said as he made a movement with his hand.
“Well I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to Friday night dinner with my dad. He wanted to meet you after I told him you were well the name without a face,” he said.
Blaine's face scrunched up a little. It made Kurt realize how stupid he had been, “Oh gosh, you probably have something planned already and you are probably not interested in a boring dinner. What was I thinking. Of course you would already have something planned that would be so much cooler. Stupid so stupid,” he said more to himself then to Blaine.
Blaine started laughing. “Chill out ok. How late do I need to be there,” he asked.
Kurt felt how a huge smile started to appear on his face. “How about 6 pm? Would that work for you?”
Blaine nodded. “Sure, I'll be there ok.”
Blaine started walking away when Kurt held him back by putting a hand on his arm.
Blaine turned around confused. “Something else,” he asked.
“Well, I need to know if you have any allergies. I wouldn't want you to end up in the hospital,” he grinned.
Blaine shook his head. “Only one person in the world I know that would think about something like that,” he said dramatically. “And no, I don't have any allergies. You can surprise me,” he added with a wink as he turned around and walked away.
It took Kurt a minute to recover from that when he realized he was going to be late. He closed his locker and started running towards his class, hoping he would make it just in time.
Kurt started to feel nervous when he stepped into his house. He hadn't seen Blaine anymore for the rest of the day and somehow that made him feel even more nervous than he already was.
He placed his grocery bags on the kitchen island and his messenger bag was placed neatly next to it.
Kurt decided to first prepare the dinner, a healthy lasagna with a side dish. That would give him enough time to take a shower and change clothes before Blaine would be here.
When he placed the lasagna in the oven, Burt appeared. He took a seat at the kitchen counter and stared reading in the newspaper. Well that was the plan, until Kurt pulled the newspaper out of his hands and looked at his dad pointedly.
“Go change your clothes and take a shower,” said Kurt.
Burt rolled his eyes. “You would think you were the parent,” he mumbled.
Kurt looked at him pointedly until Burt started walking towards his room with his hands in the air, mumbling something to himself which Kurt was sure he didn't want to hear.
It took Kurt half an hour to get showered and change clothes but he was happy when he saw the end result. That and he was just in time for Blaine.
The bell rang as he made his way down the stairs. He was about to run towards the door when Burt came running out of the kitchen, grinning at Kurt as he made it first to the door.
Normally it would have made Kurt roll his eyes but now he didn't know what to think about it.
Burt opened the door and grinned at Blaine. “Hello Blaine,” he said as he held out his hand.
Blaine shook it polity. “Good evening sir,” he said. “Thank you for inviting me.”
Burt shook his head. “It's no problem and you don't need to call me sir. That makes me sound way too old. You can call me Burt,” he smiled as he closed the door behind Blaine.
Blaine grinned at him. “Ok. Thank you Burt.”
Kurt wanted to sigh happily at how this was going when his dad had to make this awkward.
“So you have grown a lot since I last saw you,” grinned Burt.
Kurt really wanted to slap his hand against his head when he heard Blaine laughing. “Well I'd hope so,” he heard Blaine say.
Kurt decided it was time to intervene. “Dinner Is almost ready,” he said as he walked towards the kitchen.
Burt and Blaine followed close behind.
“Lasagna,” grinned Blaine. “It's been way too long since I ate that.”
“Well I hope you are hungry then because I made quite a bit,” smiled Kurt as he looked at Blaine. He was quite surprised to see how Blaine was dressed. He wore some grey pants with green suspenders and a green with white checked dress shirt. It made him look amazing yet it made him look so much different than his school look.
It was when he looked up again and saw Blaine look at him with his eyebrows wiggling and a small smirk on his face that he knew he was busted.
His face turned bright red. Just in time the oven started beeping which gave Kurt a reason to look away.
Burt and Blaine took place at the table while Kurt placed the lasagna on the table. “Take as much as you like,” he smiled.
To his surprise, Blaine could eat a lot for a tiny guy. It was like he hadn't eaten in weeks.
Even Burt looked a little surprised at Kurt. It almost made Kurt laugh.
Conversation flew easily. Nothing too serious was talked about. They found out that Blaine played the guitar, that he had good points at school and that he loved football, which surprised Kurt a little.
Everything was literally going fine until Burt asked Blaine about his family. Kurt really didn't know really what had happened.
Blaine had eaten the last piece of lasagna from his plate and had pushed the plate away with a happy sigh.
Burt looked like he was trying his best not to laugh but he also looked a little worried. “So Blaine, how has your family been,” Burt asked.
Blaine looked up, all the color leaving his face. “I don't have a family anymore,” he said.
Burt looked confused. “How do you mean Blaine?”
And then Blaine just exploded. “I said what I said ok. I don't have a family anymore. It's no one of your business,” he screamed. His face was turning into a dangerous red as he pushed himself away from the table and ran out of the house.
Kurt was in shock. It took him a minute before he had collected himself enough to run out of the house.
He saw how Blaine was placing the helmet over his head and was about to sit on his motor bicycle.
Kurt ran towards him and placed his hands on Blaine's shoulders. “Blaine common don't run away, please,” he begged.
Blaine was shaking his head but Kurt could see some tears slowly fall out of his eyes through the helmet.
Carefully he tried to remove the helmet from Blaine's head and when he succeeded, he realized he had been right.
“Blaine please, don't leave ok, please,” he whispered as he slowly wrapped Blaine into a hug.
And then Blaine broke down. Kurt never thought a guy so though would be breaking down like that on his shoulder.
Kurt tried his best to sooth him. His hand was rubbing circle through the leather jacket Blaine had put on.
“It's ok Blaine. You can stay tonight ok? I really don't want to let you drive when you are like this. Please,” he asked softly.
Blaine nodded his head as he looked up. His eyes red and some tears still evident in them. “I'm sorry,” he whispered.
“It's fine,” said Kurt. “No need to be sorry.”
“But your dad,” started Blaine.
“My dad will understand. You don't need to tell me tonight what is wrong, you don't need to tell my dad too but if you want to, just know that we are here for you ok? We may not have known each other for that long technically but you saved me so many times already Blaine. Maybe it's time I can save you for once,” he whispered.
Blaine let a small smile appear on his face. Kurt smiled back at him and took his hand.
As they walked back inside, Burt was already doing the dishes. “You ok boys,” he asked from the kitchen.
“Yeah, everything's ok dad. Do you mind if Blaine stays the night,” he asked.
Burt looked at the two of them, probably noticing the red eyes Blaine had. “No, it's ok. He can stay in your room, ok. And if there is anything, you know where I am,” he said.
Blaine shyly looked up. “Thank you Burt,” he said as he unlinked his hand with Kurt's. He made his way towards Burt until he stood in front of him. “I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. It's just not really something I like to talk about,” he whispered.
Burt placed a hand on his shoulder. “Don't worry kiddo. When the time is right, you know where to find me or Kurt, ok?”
Kurt watched how Blaine was wrapped into a hug from Burt and if Kurt looked closely, he noticed how Blaine's body shook a little as he was trying not to cry.
When they unwrapped, Blaine walked back to Kurt. Without hesitation, he took hold of Kurt's hand and let Kurt show the way to his room.
Kurt knew it would be a long night for the both of them. It could turn out so many ways. It could be awkward, it could be quiet and maybe he could help Blaine.
It was all up to Blaine now if he trusted Kurt enough. And Kurt hoped he did because there was nothing more he wanted than to help Blaine, just like all the times Kurt had helped Blaine.