March 12, 2016, 6 p.m.
March 12, 2016, 6 p.m.
Another chapter today. Hope you like it :) Let me know! Lots of love xoxo
Kurt looked at the door of the principal office. His mouth slightly open. It couldn't be right.
He shook his head and made his way out of the secretary, nodding politely at the woman behind the desk.
No, he thought as he shook his head. It couldn't be that this guy was the Blaine. There were other Blaine's on this planet.
He made his way towards his class, the thoughts running through his head. When he walked into his class, he had made up his mind, this couldn't be the Blaine.
The teacher looked him impatiently and moved his hand towards the class. “Take a seat mister Hummel.”
Kurt walked rapidity to his desk in the front of the class room. He tried to focus but as usual there was no way he'd be able to.
The jocks behind him were crumbling paper and throwing it at his back. While you may think that's bad, Kurt was already used to it. And hey, it could be worse right? Like that time they decided to spit first on the paper and then throw it at his back.
A shiver went down his back as he remember how dirty he felt afterwards.
He tried to zone out like usually. Staring at the black board in front of him but not focusing on the voices and the writing.
He let out a happy sigh when the bell finally signaled the end of the class. He could study the subject later.
His books were neatly stored in his bag as he made his way to his next class.
He walked through the dull halls, one more corner and he was at his destination. A feeling of being watched was slowly crawling up his back. He knew it was strange thinking something like that in a full hallway but still it was something he was feeling every time.
He knew what was coming when his back his the lockers painfully. The metal of the locks scraping over his back, no doubt leaving wounds and bruises for the rest of the week.
A painful hiss left his mouth when the jock lifted him of the ground. His feet not even touching it anymore.
He looked up, wanting to see who it was this time. He wasn't even surprised when his face was so close to Karofsky's.
“Fairy, get out of my way,” the jock spitted in his face.
“I have just as many rights as you have to be here,” Kurt said determined. He wasn't afraid. Not after all the things he had been through. Not anymore.
Karofsky's face turned an angry shade of red. Another hand punched against his eye. “Hummel, don't talk to us like that.”
It was then that he noticed the others surrounding them. Amizio smirked at him. “Not much left to say, do you? You are nothing Hummel. Nothing!”
Kurt kept silence, not wanting to have another punch. This one would already be hard to explain to his dad.
His thoughts couldn't have been more wrong when a fist collided with his stomach. Kurt let out a shout and bit his lip painfully. He already tasted the blood gushing out of the wound.
“Talk to me. I dare you!” said Karofsky threatening in his face. “You always tell us you aren't afraid of us. Prove it!”
Kurt kept his mouth shut. There really was no win in this situation. If he said something they didn't like, he'd get punched. If he kept his mouth shut, he'd get punched.
Karofsky lifted his fist and it was just about to collide with his face when a voice shouted in the hallway.
“Get away from him!” the voice said. It sounded familiar in Kurt's head and he was sure he would have remembered it. He would if Karofsky's had stopped his punch halfway. Now he only felt more dizzy then ever from the punch on his nose.
Karofsky started laughing and let go of Kurt. He fell on the ground, hitting his head in the progress.
“Well well, who do we have here?” Karofsky asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. The other's following his lead.
Kurt heard how his savor walked closer. “I'm the new kid and I'm not going to let this happen in these hallways.”
Kurt knew this wouldn't end well. “And who do you think you are? These are my hallways,” shouted Karofsky.
“Not anymore. Let me introduce myself. I'm the new kid, the new badass and the new leader in this school and this is not going to happen again! If I see you make one more bad move, I'll get you kicked out of the place. You understand?” the voice said threatening.
Kurt kept quiet, hoping they'd forget about him.
He heard the others mumble something and their footsteps slowly fade away.
The guy kneeled beside him. “You ok Kurt? Answer me please.”
Kurt didn't feel like speaking, his voice slowly slipping away. “Thank you,” he whispered and the lights went out.
His eyes slowly blinked open. A white wall meeting his eyes. And then a face, a worried face. The face of his dad. “Kiddo, you ok,” he asked worriedly.
Kurt nodded. He wanted to speak but his voice just didn't come through. “It's ok Kurt. It may take a bit for you to talk again. You were out for two days. You hit your head pretty well. If it wasn't for this Blaine kid,” Burt whispered, his eyes going teary. “I just can't think about it.”
Kurt felt around the bed and found his hand, squeezing it in a comforting way. A small smile on his lips was his way of trying to tell Burt that it wasn't his fault.
Burt let his hand go over his eyes, trying to ditch the tears. “I should get a doctor and the kid that has been waiting outside to come in.”
Kurt's eyes got big, wondering who was waiting.
Burt left the room, closing the door silently. It didn't take long before the door opened again.
Kurt looked up and was met with dark curly hair and amber eyes. “Hi,” Blaine said shyly from the doorway. “You mind if I come in.”
Kurt tried to shake his head, which wasn't easy with all the tubes surrounding him.
Blaine made his way towards the bed and took a seat on the side of the bed. “I'm sorry I didn't come in earlier,” he said in a low voice. “I'm just glad you are ok. You have no idea how scared I was when your eyes closed and you didn't react anymore. I thought I had lost you,” he said as his voice grew thicker.
Kurt wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault either when a doctor walked into the room with Burt.
“Welcome back mister Hummel,” said the young looking doctor. “I'm glad to see you decided to join us again. Let's see if everything is ok and if we can remove this awful tubed, shall we?”
Kurt nodded his head a little. The doctor smiled at him, that must be good sign, thought Kurt.
He went through small tests that tried to determine if he had any damage after his black out and the hits his head had taken.
The doctor smiled happily while he was writing on the board he was holding. “Seems like you'll be soon ok. You do have a concussion so you need to rest and we'll keep you for at least one more day to make sure you are ok. How does that sound?” he asked as he looked over his glasses.
Kurt tried to smile at him but even that wasn't possible.
The doctor started laughing. “Let's get these tubes removed. You should drink some water afterwards to clear your throat.”
Kurt almost let out a finally sigh when the tubes were removed. He drank some water, to make his throat feel less soar.
When he felt like his throat could handle it, he turned to Burt. “It's not your fault and you know it,” he said to him raspy.
“Kiddo,” Burt sighed. “I can't let you go back there. Not if they are going to treat you that way! I'm not letting you get hurt again. I can't lose you.”
“I'm not letting myself get chased away,” said Kurt determined.
Burt sighed and shook his head. He was about to add something when a third voice mingled itself in the discussion.
“I'm not letting him get hurt again,” Blaine said. “That school has too chance and no one should have to go through that, but I promise you mister Hummel that I won't let this happen as long as I'm in that school,” he said.
“Blaine, I can't count on you always being there when these guys are there,” said Burt.
“Even if I'm not there, I'll make sure they'll never touch him again. You can trust me on my word,” he said determined.
Kurt looked hopefully at Burt.
Burt sighed and threw his hands up in frustration. “You know I can't say no to you when you have your mind set on something,” he said to Kurt. “But if anything happens again, how small it even is, you're out of that school and you need to tell me! I need you to being able to trust me, ok kiddo?”
Kurt nodded and smiled thankfully at Blaine.
Blaine smiled back at him. “As much as I'd love to stay, I really have to go now. But I'll visit you again tomorrow ok Kurt?”
Kurt nodded at him. Blaine smiled and turned away walking towards the door.
“Blaine,” Kurt said so quietly that he wasn't even sure if Blaine heard it.
“Yes,” he asked as he turned around.
He let the words thank you softly fall from his lips.
“You never have to thank me Kurt,” Blaine said softly. His hand waving once more and then he was gone.
Kurt let his eyes close a moment. This guy had saved him. He should do something to thank him.
Burt couched next to him. “So kiddo, who is this guy?”
Kurt opened his eyes slowly. “He's a new kid on our school. I don't know much about him. Only that his name is Blaine and that he saved my life.”
Burt snorted. “Tell me something you haven't told me before. How come you are always saved by guys who are living on this planet called Blaine?” he said as he chuckled under his breath.
“You think this could be the Blaine,” asked Kurt.
Burt looked at him. “I didn't even think about that,” he said. “But what are the chances kiddo. I think it's just a coincidence.”
Kurt nodded his head, his heart slowly sinking. Maybe his dad was right, what were the chances after all?
His eyes slowly started to fall close, his mind slowly slipping away.
“I guess it's time for me to go. I see you tomorrow kiddo,” he heard his dad ask.
“Tomorrow,” whispered Kurt. The last thing on his mind were the words that were slowly repeating themselves. What were the chances?