March 12, 2016, 6 p.m.
March 12, 2016, 6 p.m.
Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! My fingers have been itching to write another flashback and well this kind of came from it! Let me know what you think ;) Lots of love xoxo
Kurt woke up with a giddy smile on his face.
It was a beautiful Monday. Yes, even though he had school!
He had just spend the best weekend ever with his boyfriend and he had totally loved it.
Blaine had actually taken his time to take Kurt on a date on Sunday.
It was that day that he had realized there was one thing no one knew about Blaine. He actually was quite romantic.
Kurt almost started to kicking his legs in the air as he remembered yesterday.
Blaine had arrived around noon at Kurt's house. Kurt had made the mistake to still be in his room when he knew Blaine would arrive on time.
His eyes became comically wide as he ran down the stairs to see his dad smirking at him from where he was holding the door handle in his hands.
“Well, hello Blaine,” he smirked.
Kurt rolled his eyes. Since he had seen them kiss, it had become his dad's mission to make Blaine suffer at least a bit.
It had started that Friday when he had entered the room to see both of them jump apart with swollen lips and red cheeks. Well Kurt had had red cheeks, Blaine had only smirked back.
They were quite the pair.
Burt started laughing, “flowers, you shouldn't have done that,” he smirked as he acted like he swooned.
Kurt heard Blaine laugh at that. “So is Kurt ready,” he asked when he had stopped laughing.
It made Kurt's heart swell a little that Blaine wasn't that awkward around Burt anymore after what had happened.
He knew his dad was still worried about Blaine but somehow he hadn't asked any further anymore.
Then he noticed Blaine's head peaking from the doorway. “Well hello,” he smirked.
Kurt rolled his eyes and made his way towards him. Blaine was already holding the flowers out for him with a proud smile, “these are for you, boyfriend.”
Kurt smiled softly as he took the flowers and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “They are lovely!”
He turned around and gave the flowers to his dad with a strict instruction to put them in water and place them in his room.
His dad had rolled his eyes and made a comment about how he wasn't his slave but Kurt had just thrown the door close and followed Blaine down the stairs.
“So what's the plan,” he wondered as he took Blaine's hand.
“I won't tell you,” smirked Blaine.
They stopped in front of the motor bike which made Kurt frown. “I am not going to sit on that thing.”
Blaine started laughing, “well otherwise we won't go on a date as I refuse to tell you where we are going. You can wear my helmet.”
He held it out for Kurt who still looked doubtful. “But my hair,” he pouted.
Blaine leaned forward and pecked his lips. “Your hair will look just fine. Now put on that helmet and we can go.”
Kurt hesitantly put the helmet on his head and stepped behind Blaine on the motor bike.
He shifted until his chest was meeting Blaine's back and his chin rested on his shoulders.
He only saw Burt look with a frown from the window before they drove out of the street.
The drive hadn't taken to long which somehow even did disappoint Kurt. He liked to sit behind Blaine on his motor bike, even though he would never admit it to him!
They stopped on a parking lot in front of a place Kurt recognized all too well.
Kurt jumped of the motor cycle and pulled the helmet of his head. “What are we doing here?”
Blaine just smiled at him and took his hand as he leaded his boyfriend towards the colorful buildings.
Kurt remembered them all too well. The walls were covered with paintings of rainbows and animals in bright colors.
Blaine leaded him through a small gate as they made their way towards. Blaine leaded him to a place Kurt knew all too well.
Blaine let go of his hand and took a seat on the ground.
Kurt looked hesitantly towards the ground but couldn't ignore the invite when Blaine started patting the ground next to him.
Carefully he took a seat next to Blaine and linked his hand again with Blaine's.
“You remember,” asked Blaine with a soft smile on his face.
Kurt rolled his eyes playfully, “What should I remember, boyfriend?”
Blaine started laughing. “You jerk,” he grinned as he took their linked hands from the ground and pressed a kiss on each of Kurt's knuckles.
“Sometimes it's still so weird to imagine that we met here all these years ago and met again a few years later,” said Blaine softly.
“It must be fate,” smiled Kurt cheekily.
Blaine just looked up at him and leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek. “I guess you must be right.”
Kurt looked away as he felt a blush cover his cheeks.
“So I've kind of been thinking about all of this since you told me and I started to remember.”
Kurt looked curiously at Blaine, “how do you mean?”
“Well, I remembered moments of us together when we were little. Not much but a few,” he shrugged.
“Will you tell me?”
Blaine just smiled at him as he looked in the distance, before he started telling about what he remembered.
Blaine walked around the playground with a few of his friends.
They were playing tag and running around the playground.
Blaine was the tag and running behind his friends when he saw the boy he had a tea party with sitting on the edge of the sandbox, looking around and looking very lonely.
Blaine ran towards him and touched his arm with a huge smile on his face.
The boy looked confused. “What are you doing,” he asked as he looked up at Blaine with huge blue eyes.
“We are playing tag and I just tagged you,” he grinned before he ran away with a huge smile on his face, looking behind him to where the boy was looking confused.
At first, Blaine thought he didn't want to play and he was just about to play further with his other friends when the boy stood up and started running towards Blaine as he clearly was the only one he knew who was playing.
Blaine felt a little stupid about not telling him who the other kids were playing.
Blaine started screaming as he tried to run away from the giggling boy following him.
He ran between the other kids on the playground but frowned when he was met with a wall.
He turned around to see the boy giggling.
Blaine couldn't help but pout a little. “How about I first tell you who the other ones are playing and then you can decide to tag me,” Blaine said sweetly.
The boy looked confused but started giggling again. “I'll see when you tag them later,” he said as he tagged Blaine and started running away from Blaine who was chasing him.
What the boy hadn't seen was the girls who were playing rope skipping with a huge jumping rope.
He was just looking behind him to see Blaine laugh as he ran behind the boy. And then his foot stuck behind the jumping rope and he fell face first on the ground.
Blaine ran towards him, worry on his face evident. “Are you ok,” he asked as he kneeled on the ground where the boy was laying with his face to the ground.
The boy looked up at him with a tear running down his cheek. He tried to sit up with Blaine's help when Blaine noticed the cut in his jeans and the scratch on his knee. It wasn't bleeding though.
Blaine leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his knee. “Does it feel better,” he asked as he looked up at the boy with his bright amber eyes.
The boy nodded as he wiped his tears away. He frowned at the cut in his jeans. “My jeans,” he said softly.
Blaine took his hand and helped him up. “I like it,” he said as he leaded Kurt towards the edge of the sand box.
He took a seat with the boy next to him.
They spent the rest of their break together, sitting on the edge of the sandbox, chatting as they watched the others run around.
Kurt started giggling when Blaine ended the story. “I wish I remembered that one,” he said softly.
Blaine looked at him sweetly. “I'm just glad I got to meet you twice in my life.”
“How about we make it not 3,” smirked Kurt. “I'd like to keep you this time.”
Blaine held out his hand for a handshake as Kurt shook it playfully. “We have a deal.”
They spend the rest of their afternoon sitting on the ground by the playground, talking about everything and nothing and sometimes just enjoying each other's company.
Later that evening, they had stopped by a pizzeria and ordered one large pizza, which Blaine insisted to pay with the little money he had.
Blaine had taken him towards their park where they had eaten there pizza.
With a little hour spare, Blaine had taken a seat against a tree. Kurt had taken a seat between his legs as Blaine had wrapped his arms around Kurt.
Together they had watched the stars and the moon, being held warm by the other.
To Kurt it had been the perfect evening.
Kurt stepped out of his bed and made his way towards his bathroom.
When he was sure he looked perfect, he made his way down the stairs to get some breakfast.
His dad grinned at him from his seat at the kitchen table. “So how was your date kiddo?”
Kurt grinned happily and started telling all about it while eating his bottle of fruit.
When it was empty, he took a look on the clock and started taking his bag.
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his dad balding head. “See you tonight?”
His dad nodded. “Yeah, have a good day today kiddo.”
Kurt waved as he made his way out to door to only hear his dad shout behind him “and kiddo, just so you know, I was right. You just had to tell him.”
Kurt shook his head and opened the door, only to be met with a Blaine who was obviously about to knock.
“Well hello,” Blaine smiled. “I thought I'd pick you up today.”
Kurt looked at him suspiciously. “I'm not getting on that thing again, Blaine. Yesterday was one time thing.”
Blaine grinned. “You know you love the motor bike, baby. No need to deny it.”
In the end Kurt had given in and taken a seat behind Blaine on the motor bike as he held him closely.
His mind was going a million miles an hour as he thought about what the others would think when they saw him arrive with Blaine on his motor bike.
But when they turned up at McKinley he realized all of that didn't matter because he liked Blaine and somehow he liked him back.
Yeah everything would be ok.