Through Different Eyes
Chapter 12: Good Behavior Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Through Different Eyes: Chapter 12: Good Behavior

E - Words: 4,532 - Last Updated: Dec 09, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Oct 24, 2014 - Updated: Oct 24, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Mature Content this chapter.

TDE - Chapter Twelve

Warning: Adult content this chapter

May 2015

Rachel snapped the lock on her bright pink suitcase and rolled it next to the pile of luggage by the door on her very own hotel-quality luggage cart.  Surveying the assembled personal effects, she consulted a list on a sheet of “Rachel Berry, Superstar” stationery.  

“Humidifier.  Check.  Electric foot spa.  Check. Portable hood dryer.  Check.  Manicure set -”

Kurt looked up from from his perch on a stool in the kitchen, where he was working the New York Times Magazine puzzle in pen. “Rachel, you're going on an out of town tour … on a bus,” he called  “You can't take all that.”

“This is all necessary professional equipment to maximize my performance,” Rachel insisted.  “But I'm going to need some help bringing it downstairs … Blaine, could you take the cart down in the elevator and wait downstairs for the cab?  Call me when it gets here?”

Blaine nodded agreeably before opening the door, backing the cart out carefully and maneuvering it down the hall.  Rachel called her thanks out the door and shut it, turning to Kurt.  “Now that he's gone, I was hoping we could talk about Blaine before I go?”

Startled and guilty, Kurt looked up from his crossword puzzle over his glasses.  “Blaine?  Why do you want to talk about him with me?“  He felt beads of sweat start to stand out on his forehead. If Rachel knew already, that would be a relief in a way, but he wasn't prepared for this conversation quite yet.  Rachel hopped up on a stool and set her enormous slouch bag up on the counter.  She started rummaging in it while Kurt laid down his pen and waited nervously for her to continue.

“You're already Blaine's second emergency contact at his school.  But I had these drawn up in case he needs any medical treatment while I'm away.”  She pulled a packet of papers out of her purse, and started rifling through them. “Just show those at the pediatrician's or the emergency room if anything comes up,” she started, laying a stapled-together set of notarized papers on top of Kurt's puzzle.  “I also signed a paper that authorizes you to discuss his schoolwork with his teachers.  There's a conference with his guidance counselor next week, and I couldn't get it moved up.  I'd appreciate it if you went instead.  And he'll need a back-to-school physical this summer before I'm back.  His pediatrician's number and our insurance card are here.”

Kurt froze as Rachel slid paper after paper across the counter at him.  

“And I hope you'll enforce his curfew and other rules around here.”  Kurt looked away, rubbing his hand over his forehead.  Rachel studied him anxiously.   “Kurt?  You got all that?  I'm counting on you to take care of Blaine while I'm away.”  

“I - I don't know about being responsible for him like that, Rachel.   You really should have asked me about this before setting all this legal stuff up.  I'm - - Blaine's friend, not - - not his big brother. ”

“Kurt, that's just not true!  Blaine thinks the world of you, and as far as I'm concerned, you're family!” Rachel insisted, patting his knee dismissively.  “There's nobody I'd trust more with Blaine.  I'm sorry about dumping all this on you at the last minute … I guess I just assumed you'd be okay with it since you've always helped with Blaine before.”

Kurt rubbed his forehead wearily.  “Rachel, picking him up at school a few times when he was sick, or helping him with his homework sometimes is one thing.  Taking him to the pediatrician or going to his parent-teacher conferences is something else.  I don't know if I should be doing this.  Can't all this wait until you get back?”

Rachel shook her head adamantly.  “No, I'm going to be gone all summer and I need somebody here to handle it.  Look, I know it seems overwhelming, but it won't be that bad.  Blaine has a job at the Starlight Diner this summer, that'll keep him busy most of the time once school's out.  And he's really settled down lately, he hasn't acted out for months.  I don't think he'll give you any trouble.”

Kurt silently took the papers and nodded numbly, thumbing through them.  “Okay, Rachel.  I'll - - I'll make sure that he's okay while you're gone.”

“You're amazing - the most unselfish, wonderful best gay a girl ever had!”  Her phone beeped and she looked at it briefly.  “Blaine says the cab's down there.  Well, I'm off,” she said.  “When I get my Tony, I'll be sure to mention you in my acceptance speech.  Bye ‘Big Brother'.”  She planted a sticky kiss on his cheek and skipped out the door.

~ * ~ *~ * ~ * ~

The next evening, Kurt smiled as Blaine approached the couch with a tray of healthy snacks and drinks.  He admired the view as Blaine bent over to set the food down on the coffee table.  Blaine had an impeccable ass, really.  As edible-looking as any of the snacks Blaine was fussing with.  Kurt tilted his head, mouth watering, and admired its pronounced curve in the tight, vermillion pants that no other human being could have carried off, or would probably even  try to.   Blaine sat down on the couch next to him and offered him a fruit and cheese plate.  

“Thanks, but I'm not hungry,” Kurt said, shifting uncomfortably on the couch.  He was fighting a raging erection, but Blaine seemed oblivious and completely content, flipping through the channels.  Giving in to temptation a little, Kurt reached for Blaine, pulling him close and going for a kiss on the lips.  But Blaine laughed, and kissed him on the cheek lightly.

“How about What Would You Do?” Blaine asked.  Kurt made a face.  “Okay, how about Modern Family?”  Blaine offered.  Kurt sighed in frustration as Blaine kept flipping channels while Kurt tried to distract him with kisses. He supposed this was what hed asked for. After Kurt had given Blaine a few reprimands about keeping all four of their feet on the floor and all four of their hands above the waist early on, Blaine had become a regular Sandra Dee, dutifully keeping things from getting any more heated than would have been acceptable in a 19th century drawing room.  

Kurt knew Blaine was attracted to him.  Even during their innocent makeout sessions he could feel Blaine's breath speed up, his skin grow damp with sweat, and his pulse race, along with Kurt's  own.  And anybody with eyes could see what was happening below the waist for both of them, even right this minute.  Sure, he knew Blaine was just following the rules that Kurt himself had set.  But … good god, can Blaine's birthday get here already?  Before I explode?

Giving up on trying to entice Blaine into another makeout session that would just end  in frustration anyway, Kurt took the remote out of Blaine's hand and muted the TV.  “How about we talk about Saturday?”  

“Okay.  What about it?”

“Well. You know.  Your birthday. The big 1-7.  I'm feeling really generous right now, so it's a good time to let me know what you want.  I'm up for anything you want to do,” Kurt intoned suggestively.

“I - I do want something special, now that you ask.  It's kind of embarrassing, though,” Blaine said, blushing adorably and ducking his head.

Thank God and also Jesus.  “Don't be embarrassed, honey!  You can ask me for anything and I'll make it happen.”  Say a weekend trip and a stay at a hotel … with a hot tub.  Yes, and a king-size bed, and - -

“I want to do something with you we haven't done before, and, well, it's kind of weird.  Don't judge me, okay?”

This sounds promising.  Kurt cleared his throat, finding it a bit dry suddenly.  His voice came out as a croaking whisper, “Tell me, baby.”  He stroked Blaine's neck softly with a gentle hand.  “Go on.”

“I want to go to Six Flags Great Adventure.”

Kurt stared at him.  “- - Six Flags?  Really?”

“I know it's kind of idiotic, but ... “ Blaine looked down.  “I just want to do something silly and fun and … well, I don't know.  I used to go to the amusement park in Cedar Point every year with - - with my dads and Rachel on my birthday.  I know it's stupid, but I want to do that again.  With you.  Please?”

Kurt was surprised and a little disappointed at Blaine's choice, but looking at his boyfriend's pleading face, it made sense that  Blaine wanted to do something childish, something he remembered fondly from a childhood marked too often by tragedy, to celebrate this important birthday.  He couldn't deny him that.  

“Sure,” he laughed, pulling a thrilled Blaine into his arms and hugging him tight.  “We'll get up early and make a whole day of it.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Prom Night

Kurt was getting worried.

He had rationalized that Blaine was just observing Kurt's own rules to the letter, by not even mentioning sex until after his birthday.  As much as Kurt wanted to take him someplace adult and consummate the relationship as soon as Blaine was legal, he could see the amusement park was important to him.  So Kurt had reigned in his libido and bought the tickets to Six Flags for Blaines birthday. He gamely went on the Human Slingshot ride, the Drop of Doom and the Devil Dive.  He ate Dippin Dots and funnel cake for dinner.  He let Blaine try to win him ugly, musty stuffed animals at the shooting range to his little heart's content. Blaine's contented smile as he dozed off in the car on the way home, his sunburnt face against Kurt's shoulder, made it all worthwhile.   But Kurt had been vaguely unsettled, and more than a little insulted, by Blaines choice of birthday activity. Hed really wanted to give Blaine a very different kind of ride for his birthday than the Tilt-a-Whirl at Great Adventure.

Kurt had assumed that once the birthday was out of the way, Blaine would make his big move shortly thereafter … in fact, if thered been a betting pool, Kurt wouldve picked the square for 12:01 am on Blaines birthday for Blaine to at least bring up the subject.  But he would have lost that bet.   Blaine hadn't mentioned making love at all on his birthday or any day since.

Though Blaine had been fully legal for over a week, Kurt still had some holdover reservation about being the one to move their relationship forward sexually.  Blaine had to instigate the change for Kurt to feel okay about it, given their age difference.  It might be silly, but he felt like it would be wrong, even now, to influence Blaine at all toward sex. So he waited, not-so-patiently, for Blaine to make the first move. And things were moving at a glacier's pace in that department.

Kurt really hoped that Blaine was ready for more after several wonderful, but sexually frustrating, months of dating.  That he was just saving the big moment for prom night, like hed implied after his prom proposal.   But Blaine hadn't mentioned it all night.

It was still a wonderful night; the prom was lovely, a special event that he actually enjoyed and didn't just endure for Blaine's sake.  He and Blaine were the best-dressed people there, bar none, in their fabulous designer tuxedos borrowed from the Vogue vault that he had tailored to perfection himself.   He got on well with Blaines new performing arts friends.  Best of all, he slow danced all night with his boyfriend the way he never had a chance to when he went to high school.  He and Blaine even sang a duet together, bringing the house down with "American Boy."  It felt great to share such a milestone event with his cutie. And to throw caution to the wind and flaunt their relationship publicly for once.

But the night was over now, and ... there was no clichéd limo waiting to take them to a fancy after-prom hotel.  They just took the subway home and walked the few blocks from the subway station to their apartment.  Nothing whatsoever had been said about consummating their relationship.  Or even a quick hand job, to take the edge off.  He'd take anything at this point.

As the door to the loft swung open, Kurt gasped.  The entire loft was alight with dozens of flickering candles, and soft, romantic music was playing.  There was a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket with two flutes beside it on the kitchen table.  The privacy curtains around the bed were drawn back, and a path of white flower petals led up to it.

“How - - how - -”

“A friend of mine,” Blaine said lightly.  “He set it all up according to my detailed instructions while we were out, and I texted him when we were ten minutes away to light everything and put the music on for me." He shut the door and took Kurts coat.


Blaine shrugged and nodded, playing with Kurts tie.

Kurt looked around, impressed. “I never thought I'd thank that arrogant bestie of yours for anything, but … I will have to thank him for this. It looks amazing.”

You look amazing,” Blaine whispered. “Kurt … I …”  The boy looked down shyly, fumbling with Kurt's lapels.  “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Kurt said, turning Blaine's chin up for a kiss.

“Let me show you how much?"  Blaine asked, finally.  “I've been so good, like you told me to, I waited all this time to even bring it up like you wanted.  But … can we …?”

Kurt kissed Blaine on the hand and nodded, his eyes growing misty.  

“I was expecting a hotel room,” Kurt couldnt resist teasing.  He let Blaine unbutton his shirt for him. "And knowing you, a show choir singing backup in the corner."

“I didn't want it to be someplace else.  I wanted it here, where we live together and fell in love,” Blaine admitted.  He paused in the middle of unfastening Kurts cuff links and looked up anxiously.  “But if you want to go someplace else for our first time ---”

Kurt stopped him with a kiss. “No.  It's perfect, you're right.  I love it."  He kissed him again.  "I love you.”  He was surprised to find himself nervous and shaky now that the moment was here.  His hands were trembly and weak, and Blaine had to slide Kurt's shirt off and onto the floor for him.  “I - I need - -”

“What do you need, baby?” Blaine asked, mouthing at Kurt's neck while unbuttoning Kurt's pants for him with deft movements.   

“That,” Kurt whimpered.  “You - - in charge?”  Blaine drew back, a slightly worried, curious half-smile on his face.  He cupped Kurt's cheek tenderly.

“Kurt, it's okay, honey.  What we're doing -- it's not bad, or forbidden.  It's right.  You know that, don't you?”

“I know,” Kurt murmured.  “But the first time, I need you to take the lead. You decide what we do.” He slid his arms around Blaine's neck and hid his face in the crook.  He didn't know why it was so important exactly, but it was, and Blaine nodded, seeming to understand. Kurt groaned in pleasant submission when Blaine  hoisted him up around his waist and kissed him fierce and deep.  Kurt kissed back, hanging on desperately around Blaine's neck and letting himself be carried to the bed and laid down, Blaine climbing up and straddling him, fully dressed and kissing him slow.  

They kissed for a long time, getting lost in it, satisfied to linger on the familiar: Stroking one anothers hair and face gently as they kissed, running their lips from jawline to neck, nuzzling at ears.  There was no need to rush; this time they didn't have to stop.  

But after a time, with a final searching kiss, Blaine pulled away.  He looked into Kurts eyes, his thumb caressing Kurts face.  And Kurt caught his breath at the love shining from Blaines eyes, mingled with desire.  Blaine slid down on the bed, and knelt on the floor between Kurt's dangling legs.  

Kurt sat up and ran his fingers through Blaine's hair.  His pulse was already racing, but still, he forced himself to wait, not to push, to let Blaine set the pace.  Kurt's breath hitched, as Blaine deliberately untied Kurt's shoe and removed it, setting it next to him, then the other neatly by its side. Kurts cock was straining against his pants but he kept watching Blaine slide the socks off, running his hands over Kurts calves.  He stood to pull Kurt's pants and underwear down and off, Kurt lifting his hips up to help, and actually walked away to drape them over a chair.

Finally, Blaine returned to stare down at Kurt,  with darkened eyes flickering over Kurts body hungrily for a moment before he gently guided Kurt to lie down.  He sat beside him on the bed and gave a long, lingering, appreciative appraisal before even reaching to stroke a hand over Kurt's bare chest, fingering the nipples with a feather touch, and then running his palm down Kurt's abdomen.  Kurt's heart pounded almost audibly while he watched Blaine, still fully dressed, explore his body teasingly slow.  Blaine took his time, easing his palm over Kurt's hip and along the crease at Kurt's groin, then back again, circling the skin gently and sending warm, tingling shivers down Kurt's spine.  

“You're so perfect,” Blaine breathed reverently.  His hand came to rest on Kurts erection, cupping it and gently petting it with a fascinated smile.  His fingers loosely curled over it, his thumb lightly brushing the oozing head. He flickered a glance up at Kurt's eyes, so calm, so in control of the situation that Kurt quaked and arched up into Blaines hand. Chuckling, Blaine closed his fist tighter and started firm, but not too tight strokes, as he leaned over and ran his tongue over Kurt's hardened nipple.

Kurt gasped at the sudden aching pleasure, jerking up.  He sat up and hiked over to lean against Blaine, propping his head against Blaines, looking down at his cock in Blaines hand.  “I love you so much,” he whispered, eyes half-lidded with pleasure at the long-awaited intimacy.

“Love you more,” Blaine murmured, between tiny kisses to Kurt's lips.  Kurt's head lolled on Blaine's shoulder, savoring this closeness.  Kurt groaned, squeezing his eyes shut and listening to Blaine's breath getting faster while Blaine, with surprising expertise, slowly and deliberately jerked him off.  

When Kurt could barely stand the buildup another moment, Blaine suddenly slid down to kneel on the floor in front of Kurt. He gently moved Kurts legs apart and kissed his belly, nuzzling his face in like an affectionate, playful kitten.  Letting out a contented sigh, he suddenly swallowed Kurt's hard length fully in one fluid, effortless motion.  Kurt let out a surprised moan as his erection hit the back of Blaine's throat.  He realized anew that Blaine was no shy, inexperienced boy.  He was a man, one who knew very well how to give pleasure and who got off on doing it.

Blaine's pace was no longer leisurely or slow. He griped Kurt's hips firmly, guiding Kurt to thrust up into his mouth.  Kurt stroked Blaine's hair, whispering hoarse words of love and encouragement.  He watched in awe as Blaine's mouth filled and stretched around his dick, Blaines head moved steadily up and down between his legs.

The pressure started building inside him, until Kurt cried out - - the wet, tight heat, Blaine's tongue licking along his length while he sucked him off, was too good, too fast - - “I'm - - I'm going to - - Blaine,” he whined, “I'm coming - -” and Blaine abruptly  pulled off, heaving and flushed, and backed away from the bed again just when Kurt was about to climax.  

Kurt gasped heavily and watched as Blaine stripped off his jacket and shirt, flinging them across the room.  He opened his pants, just enough to pull his cock free, and started stroking himself while he rummaged in the night stand, so comfortable with his own body that it made Kurt dizzy with desire.  Finally Blaine tossed a bottle on the bed, kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks, and dropped his pants.   Kurt hiked himself up on the bed, against the pillows, and eagerly watched Blaine as he picked up the bottle and carefully slicked up his own cock and moved toward the bed.  

“W- wait,” Kurt gasped  just as Blaine was starting to clamber up on the bed.  Kurt hardly believing he was saying it.  “I want to look at you,” he explained breathlessly. Blaine's face took on a surprised, then pleased look.  Teasingly, and with brazen confidence, he placed one foot on the bed and made “jazz hands” at his crotch level, announcing “Ta-da!” Rolling his eyes, Kurt laughed out loud, kicking out with his foot at Blaine's leg.  “C'mere and let me really look at you, you little brat,” he smiled lovingly.  “I've waited forever for a glimpse of your bare ass, let me enjoy it.”

Mischievous eyes still twinkling, Blaine knelt on the bed between Kurt's parted legs, the teasing, silly look fading to pure love and worship, and Kurt reached out a hand to touch his face tenderly, then ran a hand down Blaine's toned shoulders, admiring.  He skimmed Blaine's slim waist, then over and through the masculine trail of hair leading downward, enjoying Blaine's shiver and moan at his touch.  “Not laughing anymore, are you, wise guy?” he murmured as he stroked his fingers teasingly over the straining erection jutting out underneath it.  “God, you're so beautiful, Blaine,” he praised, looking back up into Blaine's eyes adoringly.  “Everything I've dreamed you would be.”  He slid both hands around and rested them on Blaine's pert, pronounced ass, and drew him closer gently.  It was time to end the waiting and dreaming, and to come together and love each other.  

Blaine bit his lip, tears swimming in his eyes as he leaned forward to kiss Kurts open mouth, his face, his neck, his mouth again, bringing them back to a hazy, love-drunk pace. He slipped his hand into Kurt's, smearing it with lube, and then lowered himself down, their hips lining up together as they  started to rock and slide back and forth.  Kurt could finally feel Blaine everywhere, feel his breathing, his heart pounding crazily, his hardened nipples scraping pleasantly against Kurt's chest. “Love you,” Kurt moaned, pulling back to look into his angels eyes.  

Blaine gasped “I love you” in return before placing their slippery hands around their both their cocks.  “So much,” Blaine gasped, thrusting his hips back and forth into the tight circle of their joined hands.  Their cocks slid against each other, perfect and slow and electric.  

Kurt's eyes never left Blaine's.  He drew his knees up alongside Blaine's hips and rocked in time, so slow and gentle at first, building up to  hard and fast and desperate.  Landing his flailing free hand on the curve of Blaine's ass, he pulled on it desperately to urge him on, while trying to hold on as long as he could to the pleasure and the intimacy between them.  As he continued his rocking motions against Blaines hips, he hung on tighter with every jerk of his hips under Blaines, every delicious slide of their dicks against each other, every sharp intake of breath, every cry and moan they drew from each other.  

When building pleasure started nearing its peak, Blaine rested his forehead against Kurt's, his face filmed with sweat, his breath coming faster.  Kurt closed his eyes, body thrashing with the force and sensation of their movements against each other, trying desperately to retain some amount of self-control. The thought of the neighbors was all that inhibited him from screaming the way he really wanted to. So good, so good, but we can't let them hear us,  have to be quiet -  -  oh God please - - he thought with a deep moan that sounded like it came from someone else.  

Blaine was clearly unconcerned about being heard, as his moans had become more like shouts. All hope of keeping the noise down was lost when the bed began slamming against the wall over and over as they moved against each other desperately, rocking the bed,  until Blaines entire body stiffened and jerked above his, and  Blaine came with a moan, spilling hot and wet over their linked hands.   The sight and sound of Blaine's orgasm was too much, and Kurt involuntarily wailed Blaine's name to the heavens before he followed after, held tight and safe in Blaines arms as he finally let go.  It didn't matter.  Right now all he cared about was riding out the waves of pleasure as Blaine lazily jerked him through his release.  If there were consequences to be had later, so be it.

Loving Blaine had been worth it.

~ * ~

At six in the morning, Kurt stirred and blinked awake in the rosy dawning light.  He was achy and sore in the best way; they had made love over and over again, exploring each other and loving each other until they were exhausted.  He stretched lazily, looking down at Blaine curled against his shoulder, gently stroking Kurt's chest with his knuckles.  “Hey,” he whispered.  “What woke you up?”  He planted a kiss on the top of Blaine's head.

Blaines eyes were dazed and blinking.  “I never even went to sleep.”

Kurt sat up at that.  “Oh, no ...  Blaine … wasnt it good for you last night?  Did I do something wrong and not realize?”

“Silly." Blaine murmured, rubbing his face against Kurts shoulder like a sleepy kitten.  “I'm still awake because I'm so happy. I want to keep feeling you next to me and remembering everything.”  He yawned and stretched his toned, olive-skinned arms above his head before dropping them around Kurt. “I just feel so safe. Happy.  Safer and happier than I've felt since I was five years old.”  He pressed a soft kiss to Kurt's bare collarbone and snuggled up. Kurt felt such relief and tenderness that he had to breathe deeply before he could speak.

“You can go to sleep, honey.  Hopefully, I'll make you feel safe and happy every day.  I want to.”

Blaine smiled drowsily, eyelids dropping. “Hold me while I fall asleep?”

Kurt pulled him close and cuddled him until his breathing evened out, treasuring this moment of pure joy and watching its source sleeping peacefully beside him.


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