May 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
May 11, 2015, 7 p.m.
Kurt hurried into the hospital cafeteria, scanning the room and spotting Blaine, waving excitedly from a corner table, with two frozen yogurts on the table in front of him. He frowned and went over to join his boyfriend.
“So this is why you begged me to bring you some street clothes? So you could make an escape?” he scolded. “The nurses are going to have your head.”
Blaine laughed and slid the yogurt over toward Kurt. “I don't care … I wanted to put something on that didn't gape in the back for a change - -”
Kurt smirked. “I dunno. That style had points in its favor,” he teased, happy to see Blaine smiling again and looking so much better. He picked up the spoon Blaine handed him and started in on his frozen yogurt. He closed his eyes blissfully. Raspberry … it was both delicious and a little erotic, since it reminded him of the scent of Blaine's hair. It had been too long since he held Blaine from behind and … He shifted in his chair awkwardly, willing the images back. They were in public.
But it had been forever.
“I was going stir crazy up there,” Blaine admitted. “I want to go home, go back to school, get on with it, you know? It's so boring when you're not here. This is like some big adventure, just coming downstairs for a change. I miss being able to come and go as I please.” He licked his spoon deliberately, his eyes sultry and fixed on Kurt's, his foot sliding over to rub against Kurt's ankle. “And I miss other things too.”
Every part of his body was at attention now. God, it had been so long, and he was so horny … hornier than he ever remembered being. “I — I miss those … things, too,” he admitted, reaching across the table and placing a hand over Blaine's. Their eyes were locked for a moment, before the spoons clattered to the table and Blaine jumped up, dragging Kurt by the hand. “C'mon,” he said hoarsely, pulling Kurt behind him and hurtling out of the cafeteria. They ran down the hallway, and out the front door. “Where's your car?” Blaine asked, breathlessly. “Never mind, I see it,” he answered, and the two of them ran toward it together, giggling.
Heart pounding with excitement, Kurt clicked his key to open the doors to the Navigator, and with a quick look around, climbed into the backseat with Blaine, slamming the door shut behind them and pouncing on his sweetheart, pinning him to the seat. “We're going to be in so much trouble for this,” he moaned, kissing Blaine feverishly and desperately unbuckling belts and snapping open buttons, pulling down underwear in the front and sliding his dick alongside Blaine's, all while staying out of sight below the windows. The last time they'd made love in this car, they'd seemed to … fit … a lot better, he noticed with some fleeting, distant sense of embarrassment. He had put on a bit of a spare tire, and though Blaine had lost weight overall from his morning sickness, his belly was beginning to swell from … from the fetus. It was a little awkward, and their rounded bellies were rubbing against each other as much as … other parts. But it felt so, so good to slot their bodies together, to hold each other again, and Kurt forgot to be shy about his body in a few spine-tingling strokes. They fell into their familiar rhythm, whimpering and moaning loving words as they rutted against each other, kissing frantically and tangling hands in clothes and hair. The car was rocking and the windows steamed up, but there was no time to worry about any passersby who might tap on the window any moment. Too soon, they both climaxed, and lay panting and sweaty, sprawled across the car seat.
Kurt lay catching his breath and listening to Blaine's heartbeat slowing beside him. It felt so right like this, spending time together again, even if it was only the parking lot of the hospital with the spring sunshine pouring in the windows. He pressed a tender little kiss to Blaine's face.
“Missed that so much,” Kurt sighed, as soon as he could speak. “I love you so much. Miss you so much,” he said, tears pricking at his eyes.
“It won't be long now until I get out, I think,” Blaine said lazily, reaching into the compartment between the two front seats for wipes to help clean them both up. “I'm feeling so much better now that I'm almost fifteen weeks. I haven't been sick at all in almost two days. Mom said that would happen once I got into the second trimester.”
Kurt's face fell. “About that,” he ventured, zipping up his pants, “I .. I'm curious about something. Well … I guess I'm wondering why you're so … enthusiastic about having a baby.” He sat up and held out his arms to Blaine, who curled up next to him on the seat, his head on Kurt's shoulder.
“Don't you know?” Blaine asked shyly.
“I honestly don't, but I want to try to understand what you're holding on to this … fetus for. Even if it's your baby, you can't have thought you'd have children for years and years, so why would you go through with this assuming you could?”
Blaine played with the buttons on Kurt's shirt for a moment, then slowly said, “You haven't read the legends my mother researched. But there were five couples who experienced miracle pregnancies because of the shrine. Three of them were gay couples. But all five were true lovers.” He looked up, his eyes shining hopefully. “Like you and me. Soulmates.”
Kurt couldn't think of what to say to that, or exactly where Blaine was going with this. He stroked Blaine's back softly and tried to understand.
Blaine murmured, “I always figured someday you and I would have children … we'd adopt them, or have someone else carry them. And of course we'd love them as much as any straight couple ever loved their biological children. But … this baby …” he put Kurt's hand over his slightly swollen belly and gazed up at him adoringly, “this is a miracle of our love. A miracle only comes along once in a lifetime. I choose to embrace this one,” he whispered. “It's fate.”
Kurt froze. This talk of miracles. Of souls, and fate. He loved Blaine with all his heart, but he believed in what he could see and touch and feel, not crazy ideas and flights of faith. And what Blaine was saying ran against everything he knew to be real.
“Blaine … Blaine, you can't … you can't think this is my child inside you,” he said hoarsely. “Blaine, we're both men. That's … that's impossible. A baby can't happen without an egg, no matter what you wish might be true. What you're saying is impossible.”
Blaine looked hurt.“I don't know how it happened, Kurt! But our love created this baby, I know that! In my heart you're the other father. And what about those ancient love stories - - the legends - -”
“Legends! They're just legends, fables! They're not real. Blaine, please stop living in a fantasy world, for your own sake - - You have to accept that … whatever is happening inside you has nothing to do with me, or with what we feel about each other! Please! Don't keep delaying the inevitable because you're romanticizing all this!”
Blaine's eyes were brimming with tears, his lips a thin line. “You were holding my hand when the baby was conceived fourteen weeks ago. You felt that … that force. I don't know how, but our love and that magic — made a baby. It's ours, Kurt, somehow, I feel that with everything in me - - and that's why I won't let anything take it away. It's meant to be, and I … I want this baby. I couldn't live with myself if I let anything happen, and … it was our only chance to have a baby together that's part of both of us somehow.”
Kurt shook his head in disbelief.
Disappointment written all over his face, Blaine bit his lip and looked away. “Well, you wanted to know why I want this baby. That's why. Because it's ours. Sorry you can't see it.” He tucked in his shirt and swiftly shoved the door open, hopping out and slamming the door forcefully behind him in Kurt's stunned face.