When A Skank Plays Games
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When A Skank Plays Games: Chapter 9

E - Words: 3,900 - Last Updated: Jul 15, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Jul 31, 2012 - Updated: Jul 15, 2013
488 0 1 0 0

Blaine couldn't believe what he just heard. What bet? Was that all Blaine was to Kurt? But the way Kurt took him into his home.. The way he looked at him.. It couldn't be just a bet. Could it..? Blaine quickly walked upstairs, his mind racing. He didn't know what to do. Should he confront Kurt? He shook his head and walked to the kitchen, biting his lip. "What the hell?.." He mumbled to himself. He leaned against the wall. What was he supposed to do about this? After the confusion passed, the pain and betrayal came. Blaine slammed his fist against his leg. Why did he let Kurt do this to him? He was Blaine Anderson. He didn't need anyone. He growled under his breath before gasping as he saw his vision blur. He wasn't crying..He couldn't be. Blaine walked to the entry way and pulled his shoes on, forgetting about a jacket and heading out the door. He needed to drive. Needed to get away to think.

"It was just a stupid bet though.." Kurt said softly into the phone. "I think maybe something came out of it.."

"What do you mean?" Quinn asked.

"I mean..I think I have..Feelings for him.."

"So you're done with Sebastian, right?"

"I don't know..I said I would give him a chance to change.." Kurt said softly.

Quinn sighed. "Jesus Kurt. The fucker hit you!"

"He's willing to change..He's going to go to anger management.." Kurt said softly.


"I'm serious Quinn."

"I don't care. He physically hurt you!"

"And he said he would work to change!" Kurt countered.

"Why do you care about him? You said it was just sex."

"it's not anymore!..He..He told me he loved me Quinn..I just..I care about him and I want to love him.." Kurt said quietly.

"Wanting to love someone won't make you love them," Quinn said seriously.

"I just..I want to give him another chance.." Kurt said in a whisper.

"And Anderson?"

"I..I don't know..I have feelings for him too.." Kurt sighed.

"And he lives with you.." Quinn shook her head.

"I don't know what to do Quinn!.." Kurt got out, tears filling his eyes.

"You want to come over? I can come get you."

"Blaine's here..I don't want to just leave him.."


Kurt sighed, sniffing lightly as the tears came freely.

"I'm here if you want to talk Kurt.."

"I just want to know what's the right choice..Sebastian really loves me and he's trying so hard to change..i care about him so much and i know i could love him...And Blaine..He just wants to make me happy.."

"Does he make you happy?" Quinn asked.

Kurt nodded even though Quinn couldn't see. "Yeah..He does.."

"I feel like there's more of a what if situation with Sebastian."

"What happened before was my fault.." Kurt said quietly.

"What are you talking about?" Quinn asked.

"When..He hit me.."

"Kurt, that wasn't your fault. But i mean.. You think you can love him. But you know Blaine makes you happy.."

"That's why I'm confused.."

"I'm sorry hun.."

Kurt wiped his eyes, wishing all of this would just disappear.

"You'll figure it out.." Quinn said softly.

"Thanks.." Kurt sighed.


"I-I'll call you later..." Kurt said quietly.

"Okay hun," Quinn said before hanging up.

Kurt laid in bed, closing his eyes as the tears continued. He hadn't planned this. Why had he even made the stupid bet? No. He couldn't think like that. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have gotten to know Blaine and he'd be living in the park in the dead of winter. Kurt wiped his eyes and cuddled up to Blaine's pillow. He inhaled Blaine's smell. Something about it relaxed Kurt a little. Kurt hummed softly, hoping Blaine would come down soon to hold him. He waited a while but blaine didnt come. He got up and went upstairs, looking for the other boy. But he was no where to be seen. He called his number but got no answer. Kurt started to get worried, calling again, and again.

Blaine got tired of feeling his phone vibrate and pulled over. "Hello?" he asked, a bit annoyed.

"Where are you?.." Kurt asked.


"Why did you leave without saying anything?..."

"You were busy." Blaine said simply.

"Okay..Well come back..I wanna lay with you.." Kurt said softly.

"I need air."

"Oh.." Kurt said quietly.


"Well..When are you coming back?..I just..Have a lot on my mind and I was hoping we could talk..Alone.." Kurt said.

Blaine sighed. "I guess I'll be there soon."

"Okay..Thank you.." Kurt said softly.

"Mhm. bye.." Blaine said, hanging up before he could call him out about the bet.

Kurt lingered for a moment before putting the phone down. He went upstairs and decided to make Blaine and his father dinner. A little while later, Blaine came back and carefully walked in. Kurt made Chicken Alfredo and was just finishing it as Blaine came in.
"Hi.." Blaine said quietly. "Smells good.."

"Hey." Kurt said, smiling at Blaine and walking over to kiss him. Blaine turned so the kiss landed on his cheek. Kurt pulled back, blinking a few times. "What was that?.."

Blaine shook his head. "I'm just not in the mood.."

"I wasn't trying to..." Kurt said quietly. Blaine bit his lip, looking down at the floor. Kurt sighed. "Anyway..I made dinner.." Kurt said, making a plate for Blaine.

"Thanks.." Blaine said as he sat at the table.

Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek again. "I'm gonna go take a shower.."

"I thought you needed to talk.."

"Well, I'm gonna let you eat, and then we can talk.." Kurt said softly. Blaine nodded as he turned back to his food.

Kurt went to the bathroom and stripped down before examining himself in the mirror. Hr didn't always look like this. Especially now. Pale, thin, and worn from stress. It wasn't like this before he met Q...Before he met Sebastian. Why was he doing this to himself? He continued to study himself. This isn't what his mother would've wanted.. He actually used to care about how he looked..The thought brought back memories..Memories of fear..But of happiness and friends that seemed to care about more than sex and cigarettes.. Why had he put himself through this? Trying to avoid pain and being hurt. Isn't that a part of life? Kurt quickly wiped the tear that escaped. That wasn't him. He could never go back to being hurt again.. He just wanted to be loved. No pain. No hurting others. Was that too much to ask for? He turned on the shower water until it was almost to hot to bear and sat under the stream, curled in a ball and letting himself cry.

After Blaine had finished eating, he went downstairs and saw Kurt was still in the shower. He laid down on the couch, thinking about everything that had happened that day. He glanced up at the bathroom door as he heard the quiet sobs. He raised an eyebrow. Why was Kurt crying? He was the one who was being used..Blaine had an overwhelming feeling of abler at Kurt's selfishness. All he thought about was losing Sebastian..He didn't care about Blaine..He didn't care about anyone but himself..
anger. But hearing him cry, tore at Blaine's heart. He cursed himself for caring. He knew what Kurt was up to and yet he still wanted to hold him. That made Blaine angry with himself. Who was Kurt to make him feel this way?..To make him cry?..He had to find a way to get rid of this pain..But how?.. Maybe he could distance himself from Kurt. Sleep on the couch. Ignore the feelings. No. That wouldn't do much. What if..? No.. But what if he got even? Blaine felt a small grin form at the idea. To make Kurt feel what he felt..Pain..Not physical..But beyond anything he'd felt.. He'd keep his emotions in a safe deep inside him. Make Kurt fall so head over heels for him and let it blow up in his face. He knew just who to go to for this..After a few more minutes he heard the water turn off. Be smiled as kurt appeared. "Hey gorgeous."

"Hey.." Kurt said quietly. His skin was red from the hot water of the shower, but his eyes were red as well from crying.

"Come here," Blaine said softly, opening his arms. Kurt looked over at Blaine. He was being nice now?..Maybe he was just in a bad mood before..He pulled on a pair of boxer briefs and climbed onto Blaine, curling up against him.

"What's wrong?" Blaine asked, rubbing Kurt's back.

"I'm just..Just stressed..About everything.." Kurt said quietly. He could already feel the tightness in his throat of impending tears. Blaine holding him made him feel so good, yet so confused.

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked.

"I...like you a lot..But..Sebastian.."

Blaine felt like Kurt was squeezing his heart for his own pleasure. He pushed the pain deep down and sighed. "Do you need me to leave?"

"No..No..Don't go.." Kurt said quickly, cupping Blaine's cheek.

"But if I'm just confusing you..." Blaine started.

"I need to figure this out on my own..And that doesn't mean kicking you out on the streets.." Kurt whispered, looking into Blaine's eyes.

"I'd be fine.."

"No Blaine.." Kurt said firmly.

Blaine thought about how well Kurt was acting, his blood starting to boil again. He took a deep breath. "I just want you to be happy.."

Kurt teared up, leaning in to kiss Blaine softly.

"You're going to confuse yourself more.."

"Just..Let me..You..You make me feel so good.." Kurt whispered, pressing his lips to Blaine's again. Blaine gasped lightly, kissing Kurt back. The taller wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, kissing him deeply. Blaine lifted up, scooting down and lying with Kurt on top of him. Kurt ran his hands down Blaine's neck to his chest and back up to his cheeks.
"Kurrtt.." Blaine moaned softly.

"Shh.." Kurt soothed, pressing his lips to Blaine's again as he reached down to unzip Blaine's jeans.

"Kurt.. I don't want to confuse you.." Blaine said before Kurt hushed him.

"I just want you.." Kurt whined as Blaine pulled his hands away.

"Okay.." Blaine said as he leaned in. Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's, kissing him desperately. Blaine groaned, rolling his body up.
"Baby.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine looked up at Kurt. "What do you want?"

"I-I want you inside of me.." Kurt said quietly.

The shorter boy ran his hands down kurts sides and to his hips. "You want to ride me, baby?"

Kurt nodded quickly, his body moving with Blaine's touches.

"So hot.." Blaine breathed out. Kurt unzipped Blaine's pants and pulled out his member, stroking him quickly. Blaine's head fell back as he gasped quietly. Kurt moaned softly at the feel of Blaine in his hand, when Blaine heard a car door close.
"Shit! Your dad's home.." He got out as fast as he could. Kurt gasped, quickly getting up and running back into the bathroom. Blaine tucked himself in and sat up, trying to look normal. Burt came down to check on Blaine before going back upstairs to eat and Blaine heard the shower come back on along with quiet moaning. He gasped. That bitch! Kurt was getting off without him? Blaine bit his lip, debating on sneaking into the bathroom. They could make this quick.. Right? That's when Blaine got an even better idea. He slowly crept into the bathroom, making sure Kurt couldn't hear him. Kurt was in the shower, leaning against the wall with his forehead pressed to his arm and two fingers sliding in and out of his ass. Blaine smiled to himself as he got closer. He was right at the shower door when he made a loud 'RWAR' noise and scaring the hell out of the boy in the shower. Kurt cried out, clutching to a bar on the wall and jumping at the noise. The movement made him hit his prostate, eliciting a loud moan. Blaine giggled hysterically as he ran out of the bathroom. Kurt pulled his fingers out and groaned. "Real mature Blaine!!"

Blaine was still laughing as Burt came down the stairs. He looked up, wiping his eyes and smiling. "Hey Mr. H.."

"I heard Kurt scream. What happened?" Burt asked, eyeing blaine.

"Oh, I just scared him.." Blaine laughed. "He's fine."

Burt tried to bite back a smile but failed miserably. Blaine smiled back at the older man as Kurt scolded Blaine through the door. Burt chuckled as he went back upstairs. Kurt huffed and opened the door. "So are you gonna come take care of this or what?.."

Blaine grinned, walking over to the bathroom. Kurt let Blaine in before sauntering back into the shower.
"What if your dad comes back?"

"Then make it quick.." Kurt said over his shoulder before stepping under the stream of hot water. Blaine was about to protest as he thought of himself being wet also but shrugged. He stripped quickly and stepped in. Kurt smiled, resting his elbows on the built in chair and looking back at Blaine. Blaine moaned quietly as he ran his hands over Kurt's ass. Kurt hummed softly, his damp, red hair falling over one eye. Blaine didn't waste any time. He positioned himself behind kurt and pushed in. Kurt gave a small squeak, already stretched a bit from earlier. He groaned softly as Blaine ran his hand over the rough shaved sides of his head. "F-Fuck that feels good."
Blaine continued the motion as he began to thrust. Kurt panted harshly, whimpering a bit as he tried to find something to hold on to. "Fuck Kurt.."

"Fuck me Blaine..Oh god..Harder.." Kurt whined. Blaine pulled on Kurts hair as he thrust harder. Kurt gave a loud cry, pressing his hands against the wall.
"Kurt..Quiet.." Blaine breathed out.

"I-I can't.." Kurt groaned.

"Sound so sexy.." blaine moaned, aiming for Kurt's prostate.

Kurt sat up, leaning against Blaine's chest, grabbing his hand and placing it on his throat. "I-If I get loud.." Kurt whimpered. Blaine gasped. Sex with Kurt was so hot. But the redhead kept finding ways to surprise him. Kurt moaned, rolling his hips back faster. "Jesus Christ.." Blaine groaned, repeatedly slamming into Kurt's sweet spot. Kurt cried out, reaching back to pull Blaine's hair as he whined loudly. Blaine tightened his hand around Kurt's throat to keep him quiet. Kurt gasped, tightening his hand in Blaine's hair as the sensation sent a shot of arousal through him.
"Shit Kurt.. Im so close.."

Kurt rasped, placing his hand over Blaine's and squeezing, making him grip the pale column tighter. Blaine kept the firm grip as he brought kurt closer to the edge. Kurt writhed against Blaine as the strength of Blaine's hand on his neck and the constricting his air made him try to scream, but with no avail. he tightened, coming hard as he choked and gasped for air. Blaine moaned kurts name as he filled the taller and letting go of his throat. Kurt gasped harshly, almost collapsing back against Blaine. The shorter kissed along Kurt's neck, softly rubbing up and down his sides.
"Ohmygod.." Kurt got out.

"Damn babe.."

"That was so hot.." Kurt rasped. Sebastian would never do that with Kurt because he was worried about hurting him. It was a bit ironic now..But every time he would put Sebastian's hand on his throat he would shy away and say it wasn't safe.

"It was.. It wasn't too much though, right?" Blaine asked, cupping Kurt's cheek.

Kurt shook his head, panting heavily. "So good.."

Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt. "You're so perfect."

Kurt blushed, looking up at Blaine from under his damp lashes.

"We need to get dressed.."

"You're right.." Kurt whispered, kissing Blaine's cheek before turning off the water. They got out and dried off before getting dressed and cuddling in Kurts bed. Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's jaw, sighing happily. "Goodnight.."

"Night.." Blaine whispered. Kurt kissed him softly before humming quietly and drifting to sleep.

After school the next day, Kurt called Sebastian.

Sebastian lit up a bit as he saw Kurt's name and answered. "H-Hello?.."

"Hey Bas.." Kurt said softly.

"Hey babe..What's up?.."

"I miss you. Do you want to hang out for a bit?"

"Really?..Yeah..I miss you too babe..I'm at home.." Sebastian smiled.

"My car isn't fixed yet. Can you come get me..?" Kurt asked.

"Of course..I'll be in there in a minute.." Sebastian said softly.

"Okay." Kurt said before hanging up. He looked over at Blaine. "I'm going out for a bit. You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be alright..." Blaine said, switching the TV to a Buckeyes game. Kurt grabbed a jacket and kissed Blaine's cheek before heading upstairs and waiting for his ex. A few minutes later Sebastian pulled into the yard and honked his horn. Kurt looked in the mirror, making sure his bruised neck was covered with makeup properly before stepping outside. Sebastian leaned over, opening the door for Kurt. Kurt got in, smiling lightly at Sebastian. "Hey.." He said softly.

"Hey," Sebastian said, smiling wide. "I missed you.."

"I missed you too.." Kurt said, leaning over to give him a light kiss.

The warbler hummed. "What do you want to do?"

"Whatever you want..I just wanted to spend a little time with you.."

"Are you hungry?" Sebastian asked, looking at how thin Kurt looked.

"Not really..But I could maybe eat a little something.." Kurt said softly, rubbing his hands together to ward off the slight cold. Sebastian nodded, backing out of the driveway and taking Kurt to a little diner. They went inside and Kurt ordered a water and salad, smiling across the table at Sebastian as he bit at his lip ring.

"How have you been?" Sebastian asked, swirling his straw around his cup.

"Good..Tired..Stressed too..But good..You?.." Kurt asked softly.

"I went to see a therapist yesterday.."

"Really?.." Kurt said quietly, looking up at Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded, looking down. "It wasn't easy.. But I'm trying.."

"What happened?..If you don't mind me asking.." Kurt asked.

"It's just hard to talk about everything.. How she can see so much in little things I do. It's hard to explain. Like how I'm overprotective because I don't want to lose you. But by acting how I do, I'm pushing you away. And it's not you that I'm ever really upset with. It's me.." Sebastian explained.

"Why is that?.." Kurt asked, grabbing Sebastian's hand.

Sebastian swallowed hard. "My insecurities. You're so beautiful.. so perfect. I couldn't lose you. You were all I had.. A-And I ruined it.. Because I.. I-I'm just a fuck up, Kurt.."

Kurt grabbed both of Sebastian's hands. "You didn't ruin anything.."

"I hurt you.." Sebastian said in barely a whisper.

"And I'm giving you another chance..I just..Need time.." Kurt said softly.

"I don't understand why.. I-I'm not complaining. I just don't deserve it.."

"I care about you..And I want to love you..But you have to love yourself first.." Kurt said. Sebastian bit his lip. How could he love himself? His own parents acted as if he didn't even exist. Kurt brought Sebastian's hands up, kissing his knuckles.

"Thank you, Kurt.." Sebastian said, looking up with tears in his eyes.

"You're welcome.." Kurt said, picking up a napkin and dabbing at Sebastian's eyes. Sebastian studied Kurt. He didn't understand how this had all happened. He thought about his therapy session and about how he hoped he could be with Kurt again. He was about to say something when something caught his eye. Sebastian tilted his head, examining Kurt's neck.

"What's wrong baby?.." Kurt asked softly.

"Come here.." Sebastian said, leaning in. Kurt smiled, leaning in and expecting a kiss. Instead, Sebastian tilted kurts chin up. There was a pink hand print on Kurts neck. Kurt gasped, pulling away as he realized what Sebastian saw.
"What is that?" Sebastian asked forcefully as he clenched his fists.

"It's nothing baby..I-I was just..It's nothing.." Kurt said quickly.

"He did that, didn't he?" Sebastian growled, his eyes growing dark. Kurt didn't say anything and bit his lip, looking down. Sebastian got up quickly, his chair falling back at the sudden movement. He turned on his heel, headed for the door and determined to find Blaine.

"Sebastian!" Kurt yelled, going after him.

Sebastian got in the car ad started it. He looked over as Kurt slid into the passenger's seat. The warbler's eyes were menacing. "Where is he?"

"H-He should be at home..B-But Sebastian..I-It's not what you think.." Kurt said timidly.

"I made a mistake Kurt! I'm not going to sit back and let some asshole hurt you again!"

"But Sebastian.." Kurt started. The taller didn't listen as he drove off and sped to the house. Sebastian came to a stop in the street at Kurt's and got out. Luckily Burt wasn't home. He walked right in, storming the house to find Blaine.

"Sebastian..Sebastian!" Kurt yelled.

When the warbler was convinced Blaine wasn't home, he turned to Kurt. "What?!"

"He didn't hurt me!.." Kurt said before taking a step back at the look in Sebastian's eyes.

"Then why the fuck is there a bruise on your neck?! Explain that, Kurt!"

Kurt swallowed hard, flinching at Sebastian's harsh tone. "D-Do you remember..When we would have sex..And I would try to get you to choke me?.."

Sebastian took a minute to think. Wait.. He let Anderson do that? "What the fuck, Kurt?! You're telling me you want to love me. That you just need time to think. But you're just fucking him?! What? Want to get your fill of him then come running back to me? This isn't a game, Kurt!"

"I-I'm sorry..I didn't..I'm sorry.." Kurt whimpered.

"You didn't what? You didn't think I'd find out? Jesus fucking Christ, Kurt!"

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen.." Kurt whispered, gasping as Sebastian took a step towards him.

"Well it did. Call him. Now. Its time we settle this." Sebastian growled.

Kurt nodded, grabbing his phone and quickly dialing Blaine.

Blaine stood in Q's room, staring down at her. "I know about the bet."

"What?..How'd you find out?" she asked, flicking her cigarette.

"Doesn't matter. I want a new deal."

"Oh yeah?..So Blaine Anderson wants something from a skank?..What's in it for me?.." Quinn deadpanned.

"What was Kurt giving you if you won?" Blaine asked.

"He was gonna try to hook me up with Rachel Berry.."

"If you help me get what I want, you will get your date. It'll be the best damn date you can dream of. I'll make it happen. I'll even make sure she wants it."

Quinn's eyes lit up momentarily. "And if I don't?..."

Blaine put his hands on either side of Quinn, their faces inches apart. "I'll tell everyone about how you disappointed your daddy. How you're no longer his little girl. How he kicked you out after letting some guy knock you up in the back of his car. You think Rachel would even think about you then?"

"H-How did you know that?.." Quinn asked, looking up at Blaine.

"I know a lot of things. You going to help me or not?"

Quinn looked down, biting her lip. "What do you want?.."

"I want to make Kurt think I am so head over heels for him. Think he's winning your little bet. I want him to see what it's like for someone to pretend. And don't worry. If you keep this a secret, yours is safe with me and Kurt won't even have to know you knew." Blaine said, eyeing Q up and down.

"Well..What do you want me to do?.." Quinn asked.

"Play along with your bet with him. Help him think he's winning. Don't give him any kind of hint that this isn't real. Or you'll never get a chance with Berry."

Quinn sighed. She didn't want to hurt Kurt..But she wanted a chance with Rachel..With something more than a one night stand. "Okay.."

Blaine's phone rang with a call from Kurt. "Speak of the devil," He grinned as he answered.

"B-Blaine..Where are you?.." Kurt asked quietly.

"Q's. Why? What's wrong babe?"

Quinn looked up at Blaine with narrow eyes as she watched him lie to her best friend.

"Sebastian's here..He..He wants to talk to you.." Kurt said, his eyes darting over to the angry boy across the room from him.

Blaine's face hardened at the mention of Kurt's ex. "I'm on my way."

"Okay.." Kurt said softly. "Please hurry.." He added under his breath.

Blaine hung up and practically ran out of the door, leaving Quinn behind.


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WTF Blaine made a bet with Q? What about... I'm just gonna sit here and cry for awhile. Kurt likes Blaine but likes Sebastian, Blaine likes Kurt but is hurt over the bet, Blaine cares about Kurt so I know his bet was just cause he was mad. Why is this all happening? You're making me go crazy (Yeah it's just a story but damn I live for these :D It's gonna all fall into place. In the mean time I wish Blaine would beat the shit out of Sebastian.