July 15, 2013, 9:52 a.m.
July 15, 2013, 9:52 a.m.
"Hello?" Sebastian said softly.
"Hey sexy," Kurt purred.
"Hey baby.." Sebastian smiled. "I hear you dyed your hair.."
"Mhmm, I did. I have another surprise for you too. If you're good," Kurt said slyly. "And you know what I mean by good."
"Hmm..And what would this surprise be?.." Sebastian grinned.
"Something we've never done. Get your sweet ass over here and you'll see," Kurt said, biting his lip as he waited for Sebastian's reply.
"I'll be there soon babe.." Sebastian said slyly.
"Meet me under the bleachers," Kurt got out before hanging up. A while later, Kurt smiled as he saw the Warbler's car pull up. He stood quickly and smoothed down his outfit. He slowly walked over to the car and leaned over the hood, showing himself off in a Cheerios uniform.
Sebastian got out, eyeing Kurt over his sunglasses. "Damn babe..Where'd you get that?.."
Kurt gave a devilish grin. "I have my ways."
Sebastian smiled, standing behind Kurt and looking over his body.
"You like?"
"Indeed.." Sebastian smiled, running a hand down his side.
Kurt shivered. "Let's go someplace.. Warm.."
Sebastian smiled until Kurt turned around. "What's that?.."
"What?" Kurt asked.
"In your nose.."
"A piercing," Kurt said, rolling his eyes. "You don't like it?"
"It looks like a bull ring!" Sebastian said.
Kurt huffed, turning on his heel and starting to walk away.
"Oh my god.." Sebastian groaned.
Kurt heard the groan and turned, furious. "You know, for someone who is dying to have me and only me, you sure do have a lot of insults for me!"
"Kurt, I was just saying..." Sebastian said.
"Just saying what?" Kurt asked, putting his hands on his hips. "And by the way, you know I don't do this shit! But lately, I have been trying more for you. So either you'll get with it and stop or I'll walk away for good."
"What am I stopping Kurt?" Sebastian asked.
"The insults. The making me feel like just a fucking slut." Kurt said before realizing he was saying it out loud and clasped a hand over his mouth.
"How am I making you feel like a slut?.." Sebastian asked, confused.
"Let’s just go." Kurt said, refusing to look up at Sebastian.
"Kurt, No..I'm serious. Tell me." Sebastian said, grabbing Kurt's wrist roughly.
Kurt looked up with wide eyes. "W-When you say things like.. When you asked I-if I was only riding Blaine bike.."
Sebastian let Kurt go, sighing heavily. Kurt just stood there, not knowing what to say.
"Kurt..It's not like you give me any reason to trust you! You're always off with him all the damn time! What am I supposed to think?" Sebastian said.
"That I can talk to other guys without fucking them!" Kurt spat, knowing he was lying when it came to Blaine. But still. "You say shit like that then tell me you love me. Then make me start walking home! Of course I'm going to call someone. I don't know how many times I've had to tell you. Blaine is just.. Blaine. He's not you. Stop worrying about him!"
"I do love you Kurt!..I just..Don't want to lose you.." Sebastian got out.
"But if you feel like you can't trust me and keep throwing this shit in my face, you will lose me. I am trying Sebastian. With anyone else, I'd be like fuck this and leave. But I'm still here.."
"Why are you still here?..What's your reason?.." Sebastian asked.
Kurt swallowed hard. He knew it was mostly sex. And even though Sebastian forgot to take him home, that day did mean something to Kurt. Something that scared the hell out of him. "H-How you made me feel.. The other day.."
"How did I make you feel baby?..” Sebastian asked, grabbing Kurt's hand. He knew Kurt was teetering on the edge of shutting down and walking away, but he wanted to hear this.
Kurt shook his head. "I-I can't describe it.."
Sebastian bit his lip, looking up at Kurt and hoping maybe, somehow it was love. Kurt squeezed Sebastian’s hand. "Do you really think that? That I fuck any guy that talks to me.."
"I-I..I can't help it Kurt..You're just so beautiful..And I'm..Really insecure..I can't help but think those things.." Sebastian said.
Kurt pulled back. "You do think I'm a slut.."
"No, Kurt..I-I don't, baby-" Sebastian stammered, but Kurt cut him off.
"No! You didn't say you think I'm so beautiful that other guys would want to. You said that I'm so beautiful that I fuck any guy because I can! Tell me how that is not calling me a fucking slut?!"
"Baby please..I didn't mean it like that.." Sebastian said desperately. But he knew Kurt was too angry to listen now.
"Just forget it Sebastian! I'm not in the mood anymore." Kurt said as he turned on his heel.
"Baby, please.." Sebastian got out as Kurt walked away.
"Please what? Please stay so I can tell you how much I love you then call you a slut again? I don't think so."
Sebastian leaned back against his car, taking off his sunglasses and trying to hold back tears as he watched his boyfriend walk away.
Kurt huffed as he walked off. He couldn't believe his boyfriend! He tried to do something for him. He tried to not fight. But it always ended like this. Why was he putting up with it? He walked to the other parking lot where Blaine and his friends usually hung out. They were laughing at something Puck was saying when Blaine looked up and saw Kurt in the Cheerios uniform.
"Damn babe. Wanna show me how flexible you are?" he called out, winking at Kurt.
Kurt didn't smile as he walked up to Blaine. "Can we go somewhere?.." He asked, making the other boys whistle and give catcalls. Blaine shot a look at Puck, making the other guys stop. "Yeah. Come on."
Kurt nodded, grabbing Blaine's hand and rolling his eyes as the other guys continued their teasing.
"What's up with the outfit?" Blaine asked as they walked off to his motorcycle.
"I just..Tried doing something for Sebastian.."
Blaine bit back the sudden feeling of disgust. He couldn't stand thinking about Kurt with Sebastian. "But you're here.."
"We fought..He didn't like my piercing..And then he called me a slut.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine stopped, grabbing Kurt's hand to make him stop as well. "He called you a what?"
"He said..He thinks I'll fuck any guy that talks to me.." Kurt whispered.
"Fuck him. You don't. And you don't need someone that to put you down like that." Blaine said before sighing. "Is the sex really worth hearing him say those things?"
"I don't know.." Kurt shrugged, rubbing at his neck.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don't think those things."
Kurt looked up at Blaine and gave a light smile. "Thank you.." He whispered, tears welling up in his eyes.
Blaine sighed, pulling Kurt into a hug. "Don't listen to him."
Kurt nodded against Blaine's neck, sniffing as he let Blaine hold him. "I'm sorry.."
"For what?"
"Hey.. It's okay," Blaine said softly.
Kurt nodded again. "I just..This feels nice.."
"What do you mean?" Blaine asked.
"I-I don't know..Being held by someone who doesn't think anything bad about me.." Kurt said quietly.
Blaine pressed a soft kiss to Kurt’s neck. "Come on. Let's go to the lake. I’ll start a fire and hold you."
Kurt nodded as they got on the bike and drove to the lake. Blaine quickly got the fire started and pulled a small bench he had found over to it. He pulled Kurt close and held him. Kurt curled up in Blaine's arms, letting the tears slip down his cheeks silently.
"You want to talk about it?"
"I just..He says he loves me..And he's constantly insulting me..And accusing me..He makes me feel like shit..Like I'm nothing.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine rubbed up and down Kurt's sides slowly. "Don't let him do that. You're nothing close to nothing.."
"I'm starting to believe I am.."
"Trust me.." Blaine said quietly. "You're not."
"Why do you think that?..You used to hate me.." Kurt asked, looking up at Blaine with tear filled eyes.
"I didn't know you then." Blaine shrugged, trying to seem like he didn't care as much as he did. "I've spent enough time with you lately to see I was wrong."
Kurt nodded, pressing his forehead into Blaine’s neck.
"Why do you believe him..?"
"Because..He's right.." Kurt said quietly. "I am cheating on him..And I'm sitting here trying to justify it..When the truth is..I'm just a slut.."
"But you said he was okay with you not wanting a relationship. That you can be with whomever you want when you want. If he knew that, he shouldn't be acting this way. He knew going into it." Blaine said.
"That was before he told me he loved me.." Kurt said quietly.
Blaine froze behind Kurt. "And you said..?"
"I told him I didn't know how I felt.."
Blaine just nodded, not knowing what to say. Why did this make him want to hold Kurt tighter? To make all his pain go away and just hold him..
Kurt looked up at Blaine. "I just don't know what to do?.."
"I don't know, Kurt.. I guess do what will make you feel good.." Blaine said quietly, looking at the snow that was starting to fall.
Kurt shivered a bit. “This makes me feel good.."
"What does?"
"B-Being like this with you.."
Blaine couldn't stop the slight smile on his face. "Me too.."
Kurt looked up at Blaine, smiling lightly before lifting his head to kiss him. The curly haired boy let his eyes flutter closed as he pressed their lips together in a sweet, soft kiss. Kurt smiled against Blaine's lips, cupping his cheek. Blaine gasped lightly, leaning into the touch. Kurt pulled back, looking up into Blaine's eyes, making the shorter boy gasp lightly, an odd feeling stirring inside of him. Blaine reached up, tangling his hands in Kurt's hair and pulling him in for a deeper kiss. Kurt moaned deeply, wrapping his arms around Blaine. Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap, needing to be closer. Kurt straddled Blaine, kissing him passionately.
"Kurrtt.." Blaine whimpered against Kurt's lips.
Kurt pulled back, smiling down at Blaine. "Why so eager?.."
"I'm usually not." Blaine breathed out. Kurt giggled lightly, running his thumb over Blaine's cheek. Blaine licked his lips. "I like the outfit.."
"Thanks.." Kurt smiled. "I like the way it makes my hips look.." He grinned.
Blaine's eyes trailed down to Kurt's hips. "I know.. Me too.."
Kurt chuckled lightly. "Why don't we go to your place?..It's getting kind of cold.."
Blaine bit his lip. "I-I don't think that's a good idea.."
"Why not?.." Kurt asked softly.
"Umm.. I uh.. I just don't think.. you'd like it.."
"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with your bedroom." Kurt said. Blaine chewed on the inside of his cheek, not knowing what to say. He couldn't tell Kurt. "Blaine..Where do you live?.." Kurt asked quietly, looking down at Blaine, fearing the worst.
"Here.." Blaine said in barely a whisper.
"What?.." Kurt asked, just as quietly.
Blaine rolled his eyes. "I know you saw my stuff. This is where I live."
"I didn't want to believe it..I just..Thought you had that stuff in case you wanted to stay.." Kurt said.
Blaine just shook his head as he looked down, avoiding Kurt's gaze. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine, holding him close. Blaine shook Kurt off. "Don't.. I don't want pity."
"I don't pity you..I care, Blaine.." Kurt said seriously.
"No one knows.." Blaine whispered.
"I won't tell anyone.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine nodded. "Thank you.."
Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine sweetly. "Let me help you.."
Blaine looked back at Kurt. "H-How?"
Kurt bit his lip. "Do you need anything?.."
"No." Blaine said quickly. He didn't take anything from anyone.
"Blaine.." Kurt sighed.
"If you won't take anything, come stay with me."
"Kurt.. I-I can't do that.." Blaine said quietly.
"It's cold..We're getting close to Christmas break..You won't have anywhere to go without school..You'll die out here Blaine.." Kurt said seriously.
"I know.."
"Then why won't you come stay?..." Kurt asked.
"Like your parents would go for that. It would cause so much drama with your ass of a boyfriend. And I have nothing to give you in return." Blaine listed off his reasons. "It's not like I'd be missed."
"I'd miss you.." Kurt said quietly.
"Because..I care about you..."
"And you have a boyfriend.."
"That doesn't mean I don't care.." Kurt said softly.
"I just.. I don't know.."
"Please.." Kurt said softly, leaning down to kiss Blaine.
"What about Sebastian?" Blaine asked.
"I don't care about him..I just want you to be safe.."
"And your parents?"
"I'll explain.." Kurt said quietly.
Blaine sighed deeply. "This is all too much to think about.."
"Then don't think about it..Just come with me.." Kurt said, climbing off of Blaine and holding his hand out.
"Kurt.. I don't have money or anything to give you for this.."
"I don't care Blaine..Please.." Kurt whispered as the snow got heavier.
"You haven't even asked.."
"Blaine Anderson.." Kurt sighed.
Blaine couldn't stop the slight smile that played on his lips. "Yeah?"
"Get your ass up and drive us home.." Kurt smiled, walking over to Blaine's setup and picking up his bag of clothes.
"You're ridiculous," Blaine giggled.
"Let's go." Kurt smiled. They pulled up to the house and walked inside, Kurt walking into his father's office. "Hey dad?.."
Burt looked up and smiled. "Get kid. How was school?"
"Good..I have a question." He said slowly.
Mr. Hummel set his pen down and sat back. "What is it?"
"My..Friend, Blaine...He needs a place to stay." Kurt said softly.
"This kid, Blaine.. Is he uh.. gay?" Burt asked carefully.
"Yeah..But you know I'm with Bas dad.." Kurt said softly. Burt knew Sebastian well, and he didn't like him one bit.
Burt huffed. "Where're this kid's parents?"
"I don't know..I think he got kicked out.." Kurt said.
That made Burt raise an eyebrow. The last thing he needed was Kurt hanging out with a trouble maker. "Do you know why?"
"I'm not sure..I didn't want to pry." Kurt said softly. He acted very innocent in front of his father, and his father was very protective of him. If he only knew half of the things Kurt did.,
"I don't know Kurt.. I don't know anything about him.." Burt sighed.
"He's in the living room! You can talk to him." Kurt grinned, surprised his father hadn't commented on his new piercing yet.
"Alright.. Bring him in.."
Kurt nodded, walking out. He found Blaine and grabbed his hand. "Okay. My dad wants to talk to you. To him, I'm a virgin, I don't smoke, and I'm good, okay? Don't tell him you smoke, act like a well-rounded citizen and be polite. Yes sir, no sir and all that jazz." Kurt said as he pulled Blaine down the hall.
"W-What? You've got to be kidding. This will never work.." Blaine whispered.
"Just come on." Kurt said, opening the door. "Dad." He smiled. "This is Blaine..Blaine, this is my dad, Burt Hummel." He grinned.
"H-Hi.. It's.. nice to meet you, Mr. Hummel.." Blaine stammered.
Burt eyed Blaine. Eyebrow piercing..Leather jacket..He looked like bad news. But then again, Kurt had piercings as well and he was a good kid. "Kurt, can you give us a minute, son?"
"No problem," Kurt said softly before walking out and pressing his ear to the door.
"How do you and Kurt know each other?" Burt asked as Blaine sat carefully.
Blaine couldn't stop the small chuckle that escaped him. "He started following me around one day."
"Really?" Burt asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I still don't know why. But I'm glad he did. You've raised a great son, sir.."
"So you two are only friends, correct?" Burt asked.
Blaine bit his lip as he thought about how he wanted to answer that. "Mr. Hummel, if I tell you something, will you not tell Kurt?"
"Of course.." Burt said, leaning back in his chair.
"It's been a few years since I had someone that I'd come close to calling a friend." Blaine said quietly. "I don't know why he started talking to me. But he's the first person I can actually call a friend."
Burt nodded, a light smile spreading across his features. "Why do you need a place to stay?.."
Blaine froze in his seat. "I-I don't.. Kurt just.. He insisted that I came. I can figure something out.."
"Blaine..I'm not saying you can't..I'm only asking why you can't go back home.." Burt said softly.
"I left..I'm better on my own." Blaine shrugged, really not wanting to bring up his parents.
Burt sighed, knowing Blaine was holding out on him. He nodded. "Well..You can stay in Kurt's room..The couch pulls out into a bed." Burt said softly.
Blaine looked up, completely shocked. "J-Just like that?"
"I'm not one to leave someone out on the street..Especially when it's this cold.." Burt said.
"Thank you, Mr. Hummel.. I-Is there anything I can do?" Blaine asked. "Around the house or anything..?"
"Oh no, son. If there is, you and Kurt will do it together." Burt said, standing and grunting.
Blaine nodded, standing as well. "Thank you, sir.."
Burt smiled, wrapping his arm around Blaine and leading him out of the office. "It's not a problem."
Blaine looked at Kurt with wide eyes as they walked out. He wasn't used to this.
Kurt smiled. "So he can stay?.."
"I think you knew the answer before you got here," Burt chuckled. "He sleeps on your couch, Kurt."
"Alright." Kurt grinned before hugging his father tightly.
Blaine stood awkwardly against the wall. Was he really moving in with a Skank?
"Come on Blaine.." Kurt smiled, leading him to his bedroom. Blaine nodded, following Kurt. They walked down the stairs and Blaine looked around.
"I have my own bathroom down here, so you can take a shower if you want.." Kurt said. "I'll start washing some of these clothes for you."
"Kurt..?" Blaine asked quietly.
"Yeah?.." Kurt said, turning to Blaine.
Blaine looked so vulnerable as Kurt looked at him. "Why are you doing this for me..?"
"Because I care about you and it's fucking freezing outside." Kurt said simply, grabbing Blaine's bag.
Blaine swallowed hard. He couldn't believe they took him in so fast. And without wanting anything in return. It didn't make sense to Blaine.
"I'm gonna go wash your clothes. Go wash your ass." Kurt giggled, walking upstairs.
He walked into the bathroom and his eyebrows shot up in surprise. There were all kinds of jars and creams, soaps and scrubs. It looked like a fucking Bath and Body Works. Curiosity got the best of him as he leaned down and looked through all the different products. When he got to the salt scrubs, he opened a few to smell them. One was a nice citrus smell. He picked that one and picked two bottles, what he hoped was shampoo and conditioner. But he wasn't positive since they were in French. He undressed and got into the huge shower, turning it on and letting the water heat up. He stood under the stream and moaned. If felt amazing to have a hot shower. It had been a while since he had a real shower. He had forgotten how good it felt. He just stood under the hot water smiling to himself as it ran over him before beginning to wash his hair and body. When he got out, he grabbed a towel and ran it over his hair. Blaine tied it low around his waist and slowly walked back to Kurt’s room.
Kurt was folding some of Blaine's clothes when he saw Blaine. He bit his lip. "Hey sexy.."
"Hi.." Blaine said softly.
"You alright?" Kurt asked.
Blaine nodded. "That shower was probably the best I've ever had.."
"My aunt always sends me all that fancy shit.." Kurt lied, shrugging.
"I like whatever I used.."
Kurt smiled, walking over to Blaine and handing him some clothes to sleep in and kissed his cheek. "Mmm..You smell like oranges."
"It's my favorite.." Blaine admitted. He turned, setting the clothes on the couch and pulling the shirt on first. But when he bent to grab the pajama pants, his towel fell to the floor, leaving his bare ass for Kurt to see.
Kurt's eyes went wide. "Oh wow.." He caught himself saying out loud. Blaine had an amazing, perfectly round ass.
Blaine blushed, quickly pulling the pants on. "I-I didn't mean to.."
"I know..But you have a really nice ass, Blaine.." Kurt grinned, biting his lip.
"Thanks.." Blaine chuckled, bending over and towel drying his black curls.
Kurt watched as Blaine bent over. "Do you ever bottom?.." he asked simply.
Blaine froze still. "I haven't in a long time."
"Just asking.." Kurt said softly, making Blaine relax again. "Why not in a long time?" He asked softly.
"Because I hadn't been fucking anyone that I wanted to fuck me." Blaine said as he stood back up.
Kurt nodded, watching Blaine and deciding not to press him further.
"So.. What does your dad do? And how the hell does he know so little about you?" Blaine asked, carefully sitting on the edge of the couch.
"He's a mechanic..And I try to act good for him. It's just us and I don't wanna have him hate me." Kurt said, laying back with his head in Blaine's lap.
"Your dad loves you.." Blaine said quietly. "He'd never hate you.."
"If he knew about everything I've done he would.." Kurt said softly.
"Somehow I don't believe that."
"Well..I guess disappointment is worse.." Kurt shrugged, looking up at Blaine.
"But you'd still be loved." Blaine said seriously. "Is your dad divorced?"
"Um..No..My mom died a while back." Kurt said quietly.
Blaine's hand found Kurt’s and he laced their fingers together. "I'm sorry.. I didn't know.."
"It's alright.." Kurt said softly, pulling Blaine's hand up and playing with his fingers.
"And your dad? He's okay with you being gay?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah..He's always known really..When I was little I was just the gayest kid ever.." Kurt laughed.
"I would've liked to see that," Blaine said, giving a genuine smile.
Kurt chuckled lightly. "Whatever.."
Blaine watched as Kurt still played with his fingers. Just sitting here with him, made Blaine feel.. Happy for the first time in years. Kurt held his left hand against Blaine's so their fingers were lined up. "My fingers are longer.." He smiled.
"You're taller too," Blaine chuckled.
"Short stuff." Kurt teased, grinning up at Blaine.
"Well you seem to enjoy this short stuff," Blaine smiled back.
Kurt giggled, looking up at Blaine, his blue eyes shining with amusement. "Maybe.."
"Well you certainly enjoy my ass," Blaine said, not taking his eyes off Kurt's.
"It's hot.." He grinned.
Blaine couldn't help but laugh. "Oh lord.. This will be interesting.."
"What?" Kurt asked, smiling.
"Me staying with you.."
"Well, let your payment be letting me stare at your ass." Kurt said.
"You can stare all you want babe. Wait.. Why didn't your dad question your outfit?" Blaine asked, looking at the cheerio uniform Kurt was still wearing.
"Oh..Oh god..Um..In tenth grade, I was a Cheerio.." Kurt sighed.
Blaine's eyes lit up. "No fucking way.. You have to show me something!"
"Seriously?.." Kurt groaned, but still smiling.
Kurt sighed and stood. "What do you want me to show you?"
"Hmm I don't know. I've never really watched the Cheerios." Blaine said. Kurt sighed, clearing the floor before slowly bending backwards, placing his hands on the floor, and lifting his legs into a handstand. Blaine gasped, biting his lip. Kurt let one leg stretch and fall back before bringing the other down and standing. Blaine kept his eyes trained on Kurt as he thought of all the ways he could fuck him. Kurt saw Blaine's eyes start to darken as he slowly dropped down into the splits and smiled.
"I can put my legs behind my head too.." Kurt giggled slyly.
"You'll be the death of me.." Blaine laughed.
Kurt chuckled lightly, standing. "Happy?" He smiled.
Kurt looked over at Blaine, whose eyes were darker than usual. "I can tell.." He smiled.
"Come here.." Blaine whispered. Kurt walked over to Blaine, swaying his hips as he chewed on his labret. Blaine reached out, tracing over Kurt’s hips. Kurt gasped lightly, looking down at the younger boy.
"So sexy.."
Kurt smiled, biting his lip. "Glad you think so.."
Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap and smiled up at him. Kurt grinned, leaning down to kiss Blaine deeply. Blaine rolled his body up as he moaned.
"Blaine.." Kurt gasped, pulling back. "My Dad's here.."
"Can't we make out?" Blaine rasped.
"Hmm..Yeah.." Kurt grinned before leaning back down and kissing Blaine again. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt as their lips moved together. Kurt slipped his tongue into Blaine's mouth, gasping at the feeling of the tongue ring sliding past his lips. Blaine gripped Kurt’s hips, growling deep in his throat. Kurt whined, kissing Blaine deeper and clutching to him. Blaine pulled back, gasping and letting his head fall back. "Bite me.."
Kurt kissed down Blaine's jaw to his neck, licking at the skin lightly before biting down.
"Unhh Kurt.." Blaine moaned quietly.
Kurt smiled, kissing back to Blaine's lips. "You're so hot.."
"So are you.." Blaine whispered, pressing their lips together. Kurt tangled his hands in Blaine's hair, pulling lightly. Blaine mewled, deepening the kiss. They ended up laying down, Blaine on top of Kurt as things became more heated.
"When does your dad go to bed?" Blaine whispered.
Kurt looked up. It was only seven-thirty. "Usually at nine.." He said, kissing Blaine's neck.
"Fuck.. I want you.." Blaine whined in Kurt’s ear.
Kurt gasped, clawing down Blaine's back. "I-I want you too.."
Blaine stilled, hearing footsteps at the top of the stairs and quickly sat up straight.
Kurt rolled off of the bed and stood up just as his father came into view. "Hey kid..Sebastian's here.." Burt sighed.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Thanks dad.."
Burt nodded, climbing back up the stairs. Kurt was about to head up the stairs when Sebastian started coming down.
"Hi." Kurt said as if he didn't want Sebastian there.
Sebastian was holding a bouquet of flowers, looking down. "Can we talk..Please?.."
Kurt wanted to melt into Sebastian’s arms. He brought his favorite flowers. But Blaine was right. He couldn't let his boyfriend do this. He looked back at Blaine and bit his lip. "Uhh.. I have company.."
Sebastian looked over at Blaine and his blood started to boil. "Why is he on your bed?.."
"Not that it's your business. He's staying here." Kurt said curtly.
"Why?.." Sebastian asked, not taking his eyes off of Blaine.
"Sebastian. Let's go upstairs." Kurt said seriously.
"No. Why the hell are you here?" Sebastian asked, his voice threatening.
"Like Kurt said, it's none of your business," Blaine said, smiling at Sebastian to piss him off. Sebastian started to step forward but Kurt placed his hands on his chest.
"Please baby. Don't do this." Kurt said quickly. "I'm with you."
"Then tell me why the fuck he's staying here!" Sebastian growled.
Burt appeared behind Sebastian. "You know the rules in my house. Quit that screaming and cursing or get out."
Sebastian sighed, looking up at his boyfriend's father. "I'm sorry, sir.."
"And I invited Blaine to stay here. He is welcome to stay as long as he wants." Burt said, glaring down as Sebastian.
Sebastian said nothing, looking over at Blaine before handing Kurt the flowers and turning towards the door.
Kurt groaned before following Sebastian.
"Baby wait!"
Sebastian walked out into the front yard before turning. "What Kurt?"
"He needs a place to stay. How would you feel if you were sleeping in this weather?" Kurt snapped before grabbing Sebastian’s hands. "He’s not sleeping in my bed. He isn't watching me change or anything." Kurt placed Sebastian’s right hand over his heart. "I don't know if I'm even capable of love.. But I am yours, Bas.. Think of the other day.. I've never done that.. And I'd like to again.. With you.."
Sebastian looked down at Kurt. "I'm sorry.."
Kurt lifted his hand to cup Sebastian's cheek. "Please trust me, baby. You're a sexy, lacrosse playing, Warbler that loves me. How could I ruin that?"
Sebastian leaned down, kissing Kurt softly.
"Tomorrow's Friday. Why don't we go back to your place and make up?" Kurt asked softly, knowing just how to calm Sebastian down.
Sebastian nodded. "And I'm sorry about earlier today baby..I'm an asshole..I'll love you no matter how many piercings you have..And I'm trying to learn to trust better..I swear.."
Kurt laid his head against Sebastian's chest. He was positive he felt something for his boyfriend. But it wasn't love. There was just something about knowing someone loved him that was very addicting. "I forgive you. Thank you for the flowers."
"You're welcome...I love you so much, baby.." The taller whispered, holding Kurt close.
Kurt gave a soft sigh. "I know Bas.."
Sebastian tilted Kurt's head up, kissing him softly.
Kurt hummed against Sebastian’s lips. "I'll see you tomorrow baby."
Sebastian nodded, staring to turn, but stopping. "Wait..What do you mean he's sleeping in in this weather?.."
Kurt bit his lip. "I found his stuff in a park. It's too cold for anyone to be out here at night.."
"What? Is he living out there?.." Sebastian asked, looking towards the house.
Kurt nodded. "This is so he doesn't get sick or die. I couldn't let anyone live out there. Not when there was something I could do."
Sebastian simply nodded, looking back at Kurt. "I'll see you tomorrow baby.."
"Goodnight.." Kurt said before heading back inside.
Burt looked at Kurt. "What was that about?"
"He gets worried if I'm around another guy. He's insecure," Kurt shrugged.
"You don't need that Kurt.." Burt sighed.
"He loves me, dad.."
Burt looked over at Kurt and sighed. "Don't let that be the only reason you stay with him if you're unhappy.."
"I don't know what I want.." Kurt admitted. "But I like knowing someone loves me.."
"Kurt..Are you truly happy with this kid?.."
Kurt sighed and went to sit on the couch with his father. "I'm scared dad.."
"Of what?.." Burt asked.
Kurt looked up with tears in his eyes. "What if no one loves me..?"
"Kurt..You're such a sweet, amazing boy..Anyone would be crazy not to love you.." Burt said softly.
Kurt bit his lip. There was so much his father didn't know. "And it's not like there’s many openly gay guys out there. I just want to be loved.." he got out, curling up with his father.
"You are loved Kurt..And you will be in the way you want..By the right person." Burt said quietly.
"How do you know..?" Kurt asked in barely a whisper.
"Because I'm your dad..And I'm always right.." Burt smiled.
Kurt couldn't fight the smile spreading across his face. "Thanks dad.. I'm going to make some warm milk. You want any?"
"I'm good..I'm gonna start getting ready for bed. Gotta get up early. Ask Blaine if he wants some." Burt smiled.
"Thanks again for letting him stay," Kurt said softly.
"You're welcome.." Burt said softly.
Kurt gave his dad a hug before heading to the kitchen and making two cups of milk and going downstairs. Blaine was curled up on the bed, cuddled up to Kurt's pillow. Kurt smiled softly, setting the cups on the nightstand and sitting next to Blaine. "Sorry about that. I brought you something to drink."
"It's okay..What is it?.."
"Warm milk.."
"Warm milk?" Blaine asked, raising an eyebrow.
"It's delicious," Kurt insisted.
Blaine chuckled as Kurt handed him the mug.
"Drink," Kurt smiled as he lifted his to his lips.
Blaine took a sip and smiled. "Ohmygod.."
"Amazing right?" Kurt asked with excited eyes.
"It's good.." Blaine chuckled.
Kurt smiled as he finished his and got up to change. Blaine slowly drank his drink, watching Kurt from the bed. Kurt got into his pajamas quickly and climbed back onto the bed, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt nuzzling into his neck. "You're warm.." He said softly. "And your bed is amazing.."
"You can sleep here if you want," Kurt said.
"Are you sure?.." Blaine asked, sitting up. "The couch feels awesome too, and I don't want to get you in trouble.."
"If we hear my dad, one of us will get up and go to the couch until he leaves," Kurt said softly. "Plus, you deserve a night on a real bed after sleeping on that bench."
Blaine smiled lightly, his heart swelling a bit as he nodded, laying back down. Kurt pulled the covers over them and curled himself around Blaine after turning the lights off. Blaine sighed happily as he sank into the soft mattress..This was the most amazing thing he'd ever felt. Or maybe he'd just forgotten what a real bed felt like.
Kurt leaned up, kissing Blaine softly. "Goodnight Blaine.."
"G'night.." Blaine mumbled, quickly falling asleep.
Ugh I fucken hate Sebastian. I wish Kurt would leave him. I was hating Sebastian so much I forgot to ask why Blaine was living out at the lake. Will we get his story? I am glad Kurt had him go love with him. I love Burt and am glad he told Sebastian to stop yelling and being like but mostly for defending Blaine and telling him he invited him :)