July 15, 2013, 9:52 a.m.
July 15, 2013, 9:52 a.m.
Blaine didn't even try to pull away. "Hey.."
Kurt raised an eyebrow as Blaine didn't resist like he usually did. "Long night?.."
"Something like that," Blaine said in a monotone voice.
"What's wrong?.." Kurt asked quietly, surprised at the concern in his own voice.
"Just.. No sleep," Blaine shrugged.
Kurt nodded, letting Blaine go. This obviously wasn't because of sex. Blaine would've told him. "You wanna ditch and go sleep at the lake?"
Blaine just nodded. He didn't think he should be driving but he really did need to sleep. Kurt smiled walking with Blaine to his bike.
"Need another jacket?" Blaine asked before straddling the bike.
"No, it's okay." Kurt said, getting on behind Blaine and wrapping his arms around him. Blaine started the engine and took off, a bit more careful than he had before. They got to the lake and Blaine quickly got off, walking over to a shady spot and collapsing onto the soft grass. He wrapped his jacket around himself tightly and quickly fell asleep. Kurt pulled his jacket out of his bag and put it on, pulling up the hood and going to sit next to Blaine. He leaned against the tree, pulling out his notebook and beginning to scribble in it.
A little while later, Kurt looked up to see Blaine shivering. His entire body was trembling. It was starting to get colder. The clouds were rolling in too. Kurt stood. There had to be an old blanket or something that some teenagers had left around here. He walked until he saw what looked like a poor attempt at a homemade dug out. Maybe there was something there. He walked over, seeing a duffle bag full of clothes and a bench with a blanket thrown over it. Kurt didn't think too much of it at first. He took the blanket and glanced in the bag. Wait.. Those were Blaine's clothes. What would they be doing here? He looked at them more closely. Those were definitely Blaine's..Was Blaine..Living out here?.. No. That was ridiculous. Maybe he just wanted a place to get away for a night or so. But that was definitely enough clothes for longer. Kurt hugged the blanket to his chest, biting his lip as he saw a couple of snowflakes begin to fall. He quickly walked back over and covered Blaine. There was no way he's survive if he stayed out here in the winter. Kurt watched as Blaine stirred, pulling the blanket closer like it was a lifeline before relaxing with sleep again. How was he supposed to ask Blaine about this? His whole plan was to make the boy fall for him. Not take him into his home. Kurt brought his knees to his chest as a feeling he never knew washed over him. Caring. He couldn't let Blaine stay here. But what could he do? He watched Blaine sleep for hours, eventually falling asleep himself.
Blaine slowly woke up a while later. He was freezing. He looked around and saw Kurt lying without a blanket. But wait.. How did this blanket get on top of Blaine? Blaine was too cold to care. He got the blanket and scooted over to Kurt, desperate for body heat. Kurt hummed quietly in his sleep, shivering lightly as he wrapped his arms around Blaine and pulled him close. Blaine tried to ignore the little feeling of warmth that Kurt’s arms gave him deep inside as he pulled Kurt tight. He tried to ignore the small flutter of his heart as Kurt nuzzled under his jaw, pressing his lips to his neck and sighing softly. Blaine closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep again.
Blaine was the first to wake up. It was about two and Kurt had himself wrapped around Blaine like he was going to float away. Blaine bit his lip. He knew they should be getting up. But Kurt looked so peaceful. Cold, but peaceful. As Blaine shifted a bit, Kurt made a desperate little noise, pulling himself closer to Blaine, eyebrows knitting together in distress. Blaine sighed. Why did he want to stay in Kurt’s arms like this? Kurt hummed happily as he tilted his head up, his lips less than an inch away from Blaine's. Blaine bit his lip, unable to refrain from pressing their lips together. Kurt inhaled softly as his eyes fluttered open. It took him a second to realize that Blaine was kissing him, but he closed them again before returning it, soft and oddly, sweet. Blaine tried to keep the small smile from tugging on his lips. Kurt brought a hand up, cupping Blaine's cheek. He didn't even kiss Sebastian like this. The shorter boy hummed lightly, leaning his cheek into Kurt’s palm. As they both pulled back Kurt planted another small kiss on Blaine's lips, shuddering lightly at the emotion of the moment as he looked into Blaine's tea-colored eyes. Blaine froze as he thought about the blanket. How did Kurt know?
"Well good morning.." Kurt said, a soft smile playing across his lips.
"Morning.." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt stretched, looking at the light dusting of snow around them. Thank god the sun was out again, warming them a bit.
"I really needed that," Blaine said, letting out a loud yawn.
"I bet.." Kurt said, turning to look at Blaine. Blaine avoided Kurt’s gaze and stared up at the clouds. "Hey Blaine?.." Kurt said softly.
"Where do you-" Kurt was cut by his phone. Ugh. Sebastian.
Kurt sighed before answering. "Shouldn't you be in class?"
"Why are you worried about it?" Kurt asked.
"Because you're failing."
"I'd be failing if I was there." Kurt sighed.
Sebastian dripped the subject. He knew he wouldn't win. "What’re you doing?"
"Just hanging out.." Kurt said softly.
"You want a ride today? It's getting cold."
"Yeah.." Kurt said. "I'll meet you there."
"See you baby."
"Bye." Kurt said before hanging up. "Can you give me a ride back to school?.."
Blaine nodded. "You ready now or..?"
"Yeah.." Kurt said standing.
Blaine got up and folded his blanket. "I'll Uhh..I'll be right back.."
"Okay.." Kurt said, biting his lip.
Blaine quickly walked off and put the blanket away before returning. "Alright..Let's go.."
Kurt nodded, but grabbed Blaine's hand, pulling him close and kissing him softly before turning and walking to the bike. Blaine stood there frozen for a moment. What was that..?
"You coming, loser?" Kurt called.
Blaine couldn’t help but smile as he got on the bike and drove them to school. When they pulled up, Kurt groaned internally as he saw Sebastian sitting on a bench. But he looked practically edible in his uniform. Sebastian saw Kurt holding onto Blaine and instant jealousy flew through him. "What the hell is this?"
Kurt got off of the bike and walked over to try and calm Sebastian. "It's nothing, baby.." He said, wrapping his arms around his neck. Sebastian glared at Blaine before looking at his boyfriend. "First he's watching us fuck and now you’re riding his bike. Is that all you’re riding?"
Kurt grit his teeth, trying not to get too angry. "Well if you don’t count you, yes."
Sebastian took a deep breath and sighed. "You ready?"
"Yeah.." Kurt said quietly before turning and giving a little wave to Blaine as Sebastian wrapped an arm around his waist possessively. Blaine nodded a goodbye and drove off. Kurt turned to Sebastian. "Why would you say that?.." He asked. Oh god..He actually felt emotional.
Sebastian shook his head. "It just came out."
Kurt bit his lip, pulling away from Sebastian and walking to the car.
Sebastian followed after his boyfriend. "I’m sorry. I don’t trust him."
Kurt didn't say anything as he leaned against the car door, waiting for Sebastian to unlock the door. Sebastian pulled Kurt close. "Talk to me.."
Kurt looked up at Sebastian. Why did he feel so emotionally drained? And what was clouding his vision? Was that? No, it couldn't be. Kurt looked down, a stray tear sliding down his cheek.
Sebastian gasped. "Babe what’s wrong?"
Kurt just shook his head, burying his face in Sebastian's chest. Sebastian held Kurt close. He had never seen Kurt like this. "Baby.."
"Can we just go to your house?..Please?.." Kurt whispered.
"Of course baby. Come on.."
Kurt nodded, getting in the car. Sebastian sighed as he got in and drove home. What was wrong with Kurt? He never got emotional about anything. They got to the house and went up to Sebastian's room. Sebastian lead Kurt to the bed to sit. "Please tell me what’s wrong.."
Kurt sniffed. He had been silently crying the whole way home. Truthfully, he had no idea why he was. "I-I just..I missed you.."
Sebastian's heart swelled. "I missed you too. Come here.." he said softly, pulling Kurt close.
Kurt nuzzled under Sebastian's jaw, trying to find comfort in his arms. Sebastian kissed Kurt’s forehead. Maybe he really could want more.. Kurt tilted his head up, pressing his lips to Sebastian's. Sebastian gave a small smile. "You know I'm always just a phone call away. I'm always here.."
Kurt nodded, cupping Sebastian's cheek and pressing their foreheads together. This was the most intimate they had ever been. In a sweet not sexy way. Sebastian studied Kurt’s face. He was so beautiful. Kurt looked up into Sebastian's eyes, biting his lip. This was so different. He didn't know how to feel about it.
"What are you thinking?" Sebastian asked.
"I-I don't know.." Kurt whispered.
Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I'm not used to this.."
"To what?"
"Being this..I don't know..Sweet..Emotinal.."
"You don't like it?" Sebastian asked softy.
"I didn't say that..I just..It's different.." Kurt said, pressing his cheek to Sebastian's.
Sebastian nodded. "I know.."
Kurt gave a shaky sigh, kissing along Sebastian's jaw softly.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah.." Kurt said, kissing to Sebastian's lips. "Can we just.." He kissed him deeply. "Please."
Sebastian nodded, pressing his lips to Kurt’s. Kurt wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck, deepening the kiss. Sebastian gasped, moaning against Kurt’s lips. Kurt crawled into Sebastian's lap, desperate for contact.
"Babe.." Sebastian moaned, sitting up and placing his strong hands on his boyfriend's back. Kurt whined lightly. This wasn't like him. He wanted to be held, and kissed softly, and whispered to. He didn't know what had come over him. Sebastian could feel the difference. Had Kurt really started to think about them as a couple? The warbler ran his hands down to Kurt’s hips, slowing the kiss. Kurt placed his hands on the sides of Sebastian's face, melting against him. Sebastian heart raced as Kurt kissed him. He ran his hands lovingly up and down his boyfriend's body. Kurt pulled back, looking up into Sebastian's eyes as he laid him down on the bed, Sebastian hovering over him.
"Is this okay?" Sebastian whispered.
"Yeah.." Kurt said quietly. They slowly undressed each other, hands gliding over silly expanses of skin. Kurt had never taken it slow like this before. It felt kind of good. Really good actually.
Sebastian softly kissed up Kurt's neck, to his ear. "You are so beautiful."
Kurt shivered lightly, his eyes slipping closed.
The warbler ground down onto Kurt slowly. Kurt gasped starting to dig his nails into Sebastian's back but stopping himself to rub across the smooth skin softly. Sebastian moaned in Kurt's ear, kissing down his body. Kurt watched Sebastian closely as he pressed his lips to his skin. Sebastian looked up at Kurt as he continued down, slowly lifting Kurt’s shirt. Kurt arched his back, letting Sebastian pull the clothing off. The taller carefully removed the shirt and moved to Kurt’s pants. Kurt let him remove those as well before he sat up, pulling off the taller's tie slowly. Sebastian straddled Kurt as he worked on his uniform. He couldn't believe this was happening. Kurt kissed Sebastian's chest as he let the white shirt fall into the pool of clothes next to the bed. Sebastian cupped Kurt’s cheek, leaning in and kissing him gingerly. Kurt kissed Sebastian back as his skilled fingers undid Sebastian's belt and pants. The taller kept his lips on Kurt’s as he raised himself and slipped out of his pants. They both got each other out of their boxer briefs and laid down together, kissing slowly. Everything about this was different. Sebastian felt like he was with Kurt for the first time. Granted their actual first time was the night they met in the back of Sebastian's car. But that didn't matter now. This was special. Sebastian could feel it. Kurt looked up at Sebastian, eyes wide with the feelings flowing through him. Sebastian reached over and got the little bottle of lubricant from his nightstand. He sat up on his knees and warmed it in his hands before applying a generous amount onto himself. After setting the bottle aside, the warbler slowly spread Kurt’s thighs and traced over his entrance. Kurt arched his back, his eyes fluttering closed as a gasp escaped. Sebastian slowly pressed in, kissing Kurt’s hip bones as he started to stretch his boyfriend. Kurt whimpered softly. "S-Sebastian.."
"Yes baby?" Sebastian whispered.
"Ungh..Feels good.." Kurt said, just as quietly. Sebastian smiled, trailing kisses up Kurt’s body as he added another long, skilled finger. Kurt moaned, biting his lip as he spread his legs wider and rocked his hips. Sebastian watched with adoring eyes as he brushed over Kurt's prostate. Kurt let out a sharp whine, reaching down to touch Sebastian's face. Sebastian's breathing sped up as he continued his sensual assault.
"Oh my god..I-I need you.." Kurt whispered, chest and cheeks tinged pink. Kurt looked so gorgeous all pink and flustered as he waited for Sebastian. The taller drank in the beautiful sight before him as he carefully pulled out and positioned himself between Kurt’s legs. Kurt wrapped his legs around Sebastian's waist, looking up at his boyfriend. Sebastian hovered over Kurt, looking into his deep blue eyes as he slowly sank in. Kurt's mouth dropped open in the slightest. His eyebrows knit together and he made the sweetest, most vulnerable little noise Sebastian ever heard. Sebastian rested his forehead against Kurt’s as he pressed in.
"You feel so.. So good.."
"S-So do you.." Kurt whimpered. Sebastian moaned as he was fully inside Kurt and pressed their lips together. Kurt moved his lips with Sebastian's before tightening his legs around him and urging him to move forward. The warbler slowly rolled his hips as the kiss grew a little more heated. Kurt held onto the bones of Sebastian's shoulder blades, whining softly as the taller thrust, slow and deep, scooting them up the bed a bit with each push of his hips. Sebastian gasped, dipping his head to the crook of Kurt’s neck.
"Sebastian..Ohh.." Kurt panted. He let his head fall back, gasping harshly. Sebastian sped up a little, moaning against Kurt’s skin. Kurt's moans grew closer together as Sebastian kissed him, swallowing the sounds he was emitting.
"Unnhh baby.." Sebastian gasped, biting Kurt’s neck softly.
Kurt arched his back, starting to feel heat gathering in the pit of his stomach. Sebastian angled himself, making sure to hit that spot every time. Kurt cried out, his eyes watering with the intensity of pleasure and his impending orgasm. Sebastian screwed his eyes shut as he listened to Kurt. "Come for me baby.."
A tear slipped down Kurt's cheek as he came, practically screaming Sebastian's name. Sebastian's orgasm hit him hard, Kurt’s screams making it even more intense as he came inside his boyfriend. Kurt took forever to come down, rolling his hips with his mouth agape as another tear escaped. Sebastian left a trail of sloppy kisses at the base of Kurt’s neck. As he came down, he whispered to Kurt, "I love you.."
Kurt inhaled softly, turning to look at Sebastian, wondering if he heard right. "W-What?.."
Sebastian froze. Had he said that out loud? Kurt looked into Sebastian's eyes, his own a mile wide.
"Y-You don't have to.."
Kurt shook his head, grabbing Sebastian's hand and kissing his palm. "I-I don't know what I feel..But..I want to wait until I'm sure..I've never had this.."
Sebastian had tears in his eyes as he looked at Kurt. "I know.. Thank you.."
Kurt pulled Sebastian close. "Please don't cry.."
"I'm not upset.." Sebastian whispered.
"Really," Sebastian said softly.
Kurt nodded, closing his eyes. What was wrong with him? Usually he'd be running right now. Sebastian laid his head on Kurt’s chest and listened to his heart. It was soothing. He had wanted to do this for so long. They laid like that for hours until Kurt's phone rang and Sebastian sighed lightly as Quinn's picture appeared on the screen. Kurt breathed out heavily before answering.
"Where are you?" She sighed.
"I'm with Sebastian..Why? Do you want me over?" Kurt asked.
"Yeah. I want progress on your fucking mission asshole. I haven't seen you in like three days. Get your ass over here." Quinn said harshly, but he knew she was smiling.
"Alright. I'll see you soon Q," Kurt chuckled before hanging up.
Sebastian looked up at Kurt, wrapping his arms around his middle and resting his chin on his chest.
"Q needs to talk,.." Kurt said softly, tracing along Sebastian’s jaw. Sebastian nodded, leaning into the touch and sighing softly as his heart fluttered. Kurt smiled back, trying to hide his confusion. Sebastian sat up, cupping Kurt's cheek and leaning in to kiss him softly, but not before whispering another "I love you.." Against his lips.
Kurt ran his hand through Sebastian’s hand. "Thanks for coming to get me.."
"You're welcome, baby.." Sebastian said softly before climbing off of Kurt and watching him stand and get dressed. "This is the first time you didn't smoke..You know..Afterwards.." Sebastian said quietly.
Kurt stopped and thought about it. "That's weird.. I didn't notice.."
Sebastian nodded, a light smile spreading over his lips. Kurt hummed quietly. They weren't fighting for once. And Sebastian actually looked happy. When Kurt got dressed, Sebastian grabbed his hand and pulled him down for another kiss. "Thank you.."
"For what?"
"This..Earlier.." The taller boy said softly.
"Bas, I.. It felt.." Kurt sighed, looking for the words. "I liked it.."
Sebastian grinned, cupping Kurt's cheek. "Good, baby.."
Kurt giggled. "You looked so sexy in your uniform.."
Sebastian chuckled lightly as he saw the old Kurt starting to come back. "You always say that.." he said, threading a hand through Kurt's hair.
"Because you do. All sexy.. I think the tie is my favorite.."
"I know it is..I can recall several occasions where I've tied you up with it in some way.." Sebastian said playfully, pulling Kurt onto the bed and on top of him again.
Kurt hummed happily. "Good, sexy times."
Sebastian ran his hand down the curve of Kurt's back to his ass, rubbing over it in circles. "Why do you have to go, baby?..Quinn can wait.."
"I haven't seen her in a few days.."
Sebastian nodded, looking up at his boyfriend. "Alright." He said softly.
Kurt didn't move. He wanted to see Quinn. But he was so comfortable. Sebastian leaned up to give Kurt a quick kiss and a sharp smack on his ass, chuckling. "I'll see you later.."
Kurt whined. "Tease."
"You love it.." Sebastian said, squeezing the perfect flesh.
"I do.." Kurt breathed out, closing his eyes and thinking about all the things Sebastian had done to him. Sebastian kissed Kurt's ear softly, nipping at the lobe.
"Baby.." Kurt gasped.
"Hmm?.." Sebastian hummed, kissing up Kurt's tattoo.
"Don’t stop.."
Sebastian traced the stars with his tongue, using both hands squeeze Kurt's ass roughly. Kurt’s back arched as he gave a desperate moan. "I want your mouth.. Please.."
Sebastian nodded, lifting Kurt off of him and kneeling by the edge of the bed. Kurt looked back at Sebastian. Fuck, he was so hot like this. Sebastian pulled Kurt so his legs were hanging down and started to unbutton his pants. Kurt hummed as he lifted his own shirt and traced his pale skin. Sebastian moaned, pulling out Kurt's stiffening member and planting kisses up it slowly.
Kurt reached down to Sebastian’s hair. "Baby..?"
"Hmm?" Sebastian hummed, looking up at his boyfriend.
"I meant.." Kurt said, spreading his legs. "Here.."
Sebastian gave a sly smile. "Turnover.."
Kurt grinned, quickly doing as told.
Sebastian kissed across the pale flesh of Kurt's ass. "So beautiful.." He whispered before leaning up to suck a bruise on the small of Kurt's back.
Kurt groaned loudly. "Ohhh baby.."
Sebastian smiled. With all of the cut off shirts Kurt wore, everyone would see that. He leaned back down, spreading Kurt's cheeks and admiring the tight, pink ring of muscle. Kurt grabbed a pillow as he awaited that amazing tongue. Sebastian circled it lightly with his tongue before slowly pushing in.
"Oh fuck.." Kurt moaned loudly. Sebastian hummed, digging his fingers into Kurt's cheeks as he slid it in deeper. Kurt's breathing sped up as he pressed himself back. The taller sped up, fucking Kurt with his tongue and spreading him wider.
"Sebastian!" Kurt cried out. Fuck, he loved when his boyfriend did this. Sebastian groaned at Kurt's moans as he planted a harsh slap on the back of his thigh, wanting to hear more. Kurt’s back arched as he screamed. "Baby! Fuck!"
Sebastian growled, reaching down to stroke himself as he continued. Kurt's thighs trembled as he spread his legs further. Sebastian moaned lightly, clawing down Kurt's lower back. "Shit! Bas! So fucking good!" Kurt cried out.
Sebastian smiled a bit, swirling his tongue a bit as he moaned loudly against him. Vibrations from Sebastian's moaned flew through Kurt as he edged closer. Sebastian spread Kurt even more, whimpering lightly as he felt himself nearing the edge.
"Ungh baby! I-I'm close.. don't stop.."
Sebastian nodded, pressing deeper and moving faster. The muscles in Kurt’s belly tightened as Sebastian sent him over the edge and into a glorious orgasm from just his mouth. Sebastian groaned deeply, as he came into his hand, feeling Kurt's muscles flutter around him. Kurt clutched the pillow tight as he came down slowly. Sebastian pulled out, kissing up Kurt's back when his phone started to ring again. Kurt groaned as he reached for it and answered.
"I'm airy to interrupt you in the middle of what I'm guessing is round seven, but you need to get your ass over here, Hummel." Q groaned.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "If you want your end of this, you'll be patient and let me finish," He growled into the phone.
"Whatever, just hurry up." She sighed.
Kurt hung up and groaned. "I'm sorry baby."
"It's okay.." Sebastian smiled, kissing the back of Kurt's neck.
"She's so impatient."
"It's alright baby.." Sebastian said, giggling.
"What’re you laughing at?" Kurt smiled as he turned over.
"You're just cute.." Sebastian smiled.
Kurt hide his face in Sebastian’s neck. "Am not.."
"You are when you're not trying to act like a badass.." Sebastian said softly.
Kurt pulled back. "What do you mean..?"
"You've been being all sweet..I don't know..It's different..I like it.." Sebastian said.
Kurt just nodded as he sat up. Did Sebastian not like how he usually was?
"Hey.." Sebastian said, noticing he struck a wrong chord. "Baby..I didn't mean.."
"Quinn's waiting.." Kurt said softly.
Sebastian sighed. "Alright.."
Kurt got up and slowly got dressed. Why was he feeling like this? This wasn't him.
Sebastian looked up at Kurt. "Bye baby.."
Kurt looked back at Sebastian with confusion. "Oh.. Umm bye.."
"Aren't you going to Quinn's?.."
Kurt bit back tears. Sebastian wanted him to walk? "Yeah. I-I'll see you later.."
Sebastian laid back on the bed as Kurt walked out, more hurt than angry. He got outside and pulled his jacket on tighter as he started to walk. How could Sebastian do this? Kurt had tried, really tried to have a special time together and his boyfriend was making him walk back to Lima. It was fucking freezing. He lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. He couldn't walk through this. It was half an hour by car. And Sebastian knew his car was in the shop. He pulled his hood up as he stomped down the road. Kurt thought about calling Quinn. But thought better of it. He knew she would have something to say about it to Sebastian. He pulled out his phone, deciding to call Blaine for some reason.
Blaine was huddled up in his poor makeshift home when his phone rang.
"Hey..Can you give me a ride?..I'll give you gas money.." Kurt said quietly.
"Kurt? Where are you?" Blaine asked quickly. Jeez, why did he feel so concerned?
"I was at Sebastian's..I needed a ride to Q's and I guess he wanted me to walk.." Kurt said.
Anger filled Blaine. Why would Sebastian do that? Especially when it's cold? He got the directions from Kurt and hung up, heading to pick him up.
Kurt was walking on the side of the road when he saw Sebastian was calling him. "What?" He answered.
"Baby, oh my god.. I am so sorry. Why didn't you say anything?" Sebastian asked.
"Well with how you were rushing me out I assumed you wanted me to walk."
"No baby. I was thinking about what we did and just.. It felt so great. I forgot I had brought you over. Where are you? I'll come get you."
"It's fine. Blaine is on his way to get me." Kurt said bluntly.
"Anderson?" Sebastian asked. "You have his number?"
"Yeah. I do." Kurt said. "Is something wrong with that?"
Sebastian sighed. "No. I don't want to fight. Please, let me pick you up.."
"He's already on his way." Kurt sighed.
"I’m so sorry, Kurt.." Sebastian whispered.
"It's fine.." Kurt said quietly. "Blaine's here..I gotta go."
Sebastian was about to say something but Kurt hung up.
Blaine took his jacket off and handed it to Kurt. "Hop on.."
Kurt took the jacket and got on, wrapping his arms around Blaine. "Thank you.."
Blaine nodded. "I have to make a quick stop. But where am I going?"
"Just outside of Lima..Where do we have to stop?"
"Gas station. But don't worry about it."
Kurt nodded, holding Blaine tighter as they drove off. They stopped not too far away from Quinn's and Blaine went inside to pay. "You want anything?"
"I'm good.." Kurt said, digging in his pocket and pulled out ten dollars. "Here."
Blaine shook his head and reached into his wallet, pulling out his last twenty and paid.
"Blaine..I said I'd give you gas money.." Kurt said seriously.
"I'm okay," Blaine lied.
"I'm not taking no for an answer." Kurt said, pushing the money into Blaine's pocket.
Blaine sighed. "I don't take money from people."
"Well I'm not people. I'm Kurt." Kurt smiled.
"You're impossible," Blaine smiled. "But thanks.."
Kurt nodded, smiling as they walked back out to the bike and filled it up. Blaine leaned against his bike, biting back shivers as he eyed Kurt. "You okay?"
"Yeah..Here, you look cold.." He said, pulling the jacket off again.
"Keep it until we get to your friend's house." Blaine insisted.
"I have my hoodie. It's fine.." Kurt insisted.
"I'll just put it under the seat if you don't use it." Blaine said, being hardheaded.
"You're impossible.." Kurt groaned, pulling it back on.
"I just know how to get my way," Blaine grinned, pulling Kurt between his legs. Kurt bit his lip, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck. Blaine placed his hands on Kurt’s hips, thumbing over the exposed skin. Kurt gasped. "You do know I'm taken, correct, Mr. Anderson?.." he teased, leaning in closer.
"I do. Just like I know you let me suck you while you were on the phone with said boyfriend." Blaine said smoothly. "Then said you couldn't wait until I fuck you."
Kurt held back a moan, gripping the curls at the nape of Blaine's neck. Blaine pulled Kurt closer as he leaned in to kiss him. Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's, moaning softly. Blaine growled deep in his throat as he squeezed Kurt’s ass.
Kurt whined, pulling back. "Blaine.."
"We're at the gas station.." Kurt giggled.
"Oh don't tell me I'm wasting time on someone conservative," Blaine teased, standing up and putting the pump back.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "The furthest thing from it." He smiled.
Blaine chuckled as he got back on the bike. "You coming?"
Kurt got on behind Blaine, wrapping his arms around him. Kurt told Blaine how to get to Quinn's house. It only took a couple minutes before he was stopping the bike and letting Kurt hop off. Kurt got off and gave Blaine his jacket. "Thank you.." he smiled.
Blaine nodded, wishing they had more time. "Any time.."
Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine deeply. Blaine gasped, returning the kiss heatedly. Kurt moaned softly, cupping Blaine's cheek.
"Well it's about time! What took you so long?" Quinn practically yelled as she came out of the house and saw the two boys. "Oh.."
Kurt pulled away, seeing Quinn and actually blushing. "O-Oh..Hey Q."
"Hey Kurt.. Anderson.." Quinn said, raising an eyebrow.
"Hey Q." Blaine grinned.
"I thought you were with Sebastian!"
"Oh my god. Shut up and go inside." Kurt growled.
Quinn rolled her eyes. "Well hurry up!"
"I'm sorry.." Kurt said softly as Quinn went back inside.
Blaine bit his lip as he looked up at Kurt. "It’s okay.."
"She's just..Ugh.." Kurt chuckled.
"Isn't she your best friend?"
"Yeah, but she's a pain in the ass.." Kurt chuckled.
Blaine smiled. "You going in there to talk about me?"
"Maybe.." Kurt said, leaning in a bit. "Give me something to talk about.." He said slyly.
Blaine ran his hands through Kurt’s hair and kissed him deeply. Moaning against the pale boy's lips, Blaine slowly worked his strong hands down Kurt’s body until he was palming Kurt. Kurt whimpered, pushing his hips into Blaine's hand. "Ohgod.."
Blaine growled deep in his throat as he massaged Kurt over his pants. "Blaine.." Kurt gasped, gripping his shoulders.
"Think she'd be satisfied?" Blaine grinned.
Kurt rolled his eyes lightly. "She might be..But I'm not.." He giggled.
Blaine turned on an innocent face. "B-But Mr. Hummel.. We're out in the open. What if someone sees?"
Kurt pushed at Blaine's shoulder playfully. "Shut up asshole."
Blaine grinned. "What would a certain Skank be in the mood for?"
"I don't know..I just-"
"Kurt Hummel, if you don't get your ass in this house right now, I'm calling your boyfriend!" Quinn called.
"Cockblocker." Blaine mumbled.
"It's like it's her job.." Kurt said, leaning in to lick across Blaine's lips.
Blaine hummed as he smiled. "Call if you need a ride home."
"I will.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine before Turning and walking to the house.
Blaine watched Kurt’s hips sway and pulled on his jacket. He inhaled deeply. Mmm. It smelt like Kurt.
"You are the biggest cock block ever.." Kurt hissed as he walked inside.
"Don't you think you've had enough for one night?" Quinn sighed.
"Not from him.." Kurt said as they walked to her room. "I think I'm losing my edge, Q.."
"Why do you say that?" Q asked as she plopped onto her bed.
"I cried today.."
Quinn shook her head. "You what?"
"I know! I just..Got all weird and emotional and I let Sebastian just hold me and it felt..good..Then we kissed and had sex..But it was slow and...sweet I guess..He told me he loved me after and I kissed his fucking hand and told him I had to think about it. It was like I was watching myself do this and just..Ugh." Kurt growled.
Quinn stared at Kurt in disbelief. Neither one of them did the love thing. That's why she never understood why Kurt let Sebastian call him his boyfriend. "What are you going to do?"
"I don't know..I need to do something to get my edge back..I want to dye my hair..And shave the sides..And get a piercing. You'll do it for me. Just like in middle school." Kurt smiled.
Quinn grinned. "Let's go get the dye."
They went to the store, bought some bleach, and after much debate, some fire engine red hair dye. A few hours later, as Kurt ran his hands through the newly red locks and over the buzzed sides, he couldn't help but smile. "I never thought I'd look good with an undercut.."
"I like it." Quinn smiled. "Wait until Blaine sees it!"
Kurt smiled. "Okay. I want you to do my septum.."
Quinn nodded and started to get the stuff she needed.
"So what's up with Blaine? Any progress?"
"Kind of..We've gotten..Closer, I think." Kurt said. "I mean. We definitely want to fuck each other. But I need him to /fall/ for me." Kurt sighed.
"And you don’t feel anything other than wanting to fuck him right?"
"What?..Of course not.." Kurt said quietly.
Quinn eyed her best friend. "That wasn't very convincing.."
"I don't like him." Kurt said sternly.
"What about Sebastian?"
"I dunno.." Kurt sighed.
"So you liked the emotions?" Quinn asked.
"I guess..It was kinda nice..W-Whatever. Just stab my face, okay?" Kurt grunted.
Quinn sighed as she stepped closer and started to pierce Kurt’s nose. Kurt winced, inhaling and exhaling deeply as Quinn pushed the needle through his septum. She finished up and cleaned the area so it wouldn't get infected.
"All done.."
Kurt wiggled his nose, wincing a bit as he turned to see the ring there. "I love it." He smiled.
"Good." Quinn said before going to clean her needle. Kurt admired his reflection before grabbing a stick of eyeliner and drawing across his water line. There. That was the Kurt Hummel he knew.
Quinn sat back on her bed and watched Kurt. "Just like when we met."
"What do you mean?" Kurt asked, smiling.
"Dying out hair. Promising to never fall in love. Not needing anyone but each other. No one can touch us."
Kurt grinned, jumping on the bed next to Quinn and wrapping his arms around her.
Quinn kissed his forehead. "Skanks for life."
"And after that." Kurt smiled.
Quinn sighed, cuddling up next to her best friend.
"Am I crazy for wanting her?"
"I think so." Kurt giggled.
"I just.. I want to I don't know.. Corrupt that miss goody goody attitude," Quinn said, smiling wide at the thought.
"I love you, Q.." Kurt laughed, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it.
Quinn hummed happily. "I love you too Kurt."
Ahh noo Kurt do not listen to Sebastian when he says he loves you! I hope Kirt doesn't do the whole feelings thing with Sebastian again I really hate them together. He should do the feelings thing with Blaine :) I am glad Blaine picked him up. I know Sebastian is his boyfriend and is in this story a lot which is why a part of me doesn't want to keep reading because I hate Kurtbastian and Seblaine storys but I love your writing :/ So ima suck it up and keep going (even though I'm practically ripping out my hair everytime Sebastian and Kurt are together)