When A Skank Plays Games
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When A Skank Plays Games: Chapter 2

E - Words: 6,199 - Last Updated: Jul 15, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Jul 31, 2012 - Updated: Jul 15, 2013
630 0 1 0 0

The next few days were the same, and Blaine had come to accept Kurt's morning visits. No matter where he went, Kurt seemed to find him. But today, he had the perfect hiding spot. The library. He found a little spot in the back and took a seat on a small couch. He leaned back, closing his eyes and hoping for some quiet.
"Did you know frogs can't swallow without blinking?" A higher than usual, male voice said from next to him.

Blaine didn't bother to open his eyes. "I did not."

"Weird.." Kurt said, sitting Indian style with a book in his lap on the couch next to Blaine.

Blaine sighed. "You don't have anyone else to bother?"

"Ugh..Frogs drink water through their skin...That's kinda gross.." Kurt mumbled.

Blaine just shook his head. What was it with this Kurt kid?

"What crawled up your ass?" Kurt said quietly.

"I came in here for a place to be quiet."

"Alright Mr. Grumpy.."

Blaine leaned his head back as he tried to relax. It was quiet for a good five minutes until he felt a weight on his pelvis and opened his eyes to see Kurt straddling him.
"What the hell?" Blaine asked, moving to get Kurt off of him.

"You shouldn't sleep at school." Kurt laughed, tightening his thighs so Blaine couldn't move.

"Jesus, Hummel! Get off!"

"Or what?" Kurt asked, smiling.

Blaine groaned loudly. "Why are you all over me? Go call your fucking boyfriend!"

Kurt rolled his eyes, climbing off of Blaine. Blaine couldn't help but stare as Kurt walked bent over to grab his bag. Those purple jeans were practically painted on. He tore his eyes away as Kurt straightened up. What the fuck was this Skank doing to him?

"I'm gonna go get some breakfast. See you in history." Kurt said simply before walking off.

Blaine watched Kurt’s ass as he left. He really wasn't that bad looking. Well if you didn't look at his hair. Kurt ass though.. Blaine could've swore you could bounce a quarter off it.. He shook his head, laying back on the couch. What the hell was he thinking? That's it, he decided. He was going to have to find some way to get Kurt to leave him alone.

Later that day in history, Kurt took his, now, usual seat next to Blaine. Blaine leaned back against the desk behind him, already not paying attention. He already knew most of what his classes were teaching. Kurt simply wasn't paying attention at all. His iPod blasting in his ear buds as he scribbled furiously in his notebook.

"Class. Today we start on class projects. I will chose your partners for you.." Mr. Eisenberg droned. Most of the students groaned. They hated not being able to choose their own. "Daniel will be with Rachel, Trey will be with Wendy.." He said, his monotone voice echoing down the list. Blaine was getting more and more nervous as the list went down. He wasn't saying his or Kurt's name. It came down to the last four people and Blaine was chewing on his tongue, hoping for one of the other students. At least they'd be scared of him and do all the work. "...Sarah will work with Travis, and Blaine will work with Kurt." He finished.

Blaine glanced over and saw Kurt grinning at him.
"What are you so happy about?"

"Looks like we have a project to do, partner." He said in an overly cheerful tone as he picked at a metal stud on his jacket. Jesus what was up with this kid and metal studs?

"Or one of us could do it," Blaine suggested. He really didn't want to have to hang out after school too.

"Oh come on. That's against the rules." Kurt scoffed facetiously, popping his ear bud back into his ear to tune out whatever Blaine had to say next. Blaine rolled his eyes, laying his head on the desk as he listened to what the project was.

After school, Kurt sat in the library with Blaine, continuing to scribble in that damned notebook.
"So..Post Industrial Revolution society..Exciting stuff.." He said with too much feigned enthusiasm.

"Let's just get this over with," Blaine sighed.

Kurt stared at Blaine like a deer in headlights. He had no idea where to begin. He was failing history. Actually, he was failing all of his classes. Great. Now this was gonna make him look like a dumbass and give Blaine something else to hate.

"Well. Just about everything was affected by this. Why don't we pick one part, for example, James Watt’s steam engine? I can make a three dimensional display. Then we'll explain why he was important and what he did." Blaine said.

Kurt made a small, unintentional pout. "What? Why do you get to do the fun part?"

Blaine raised an eyebrow as a smile slowly appeared on his face. Maybe if he played Kurt’s game, this would be a little easier. "Because I am very good with my hands." He said slyly and winked at Kurt before sitting back in his seat. Kurt scoffed, rolling his eyes as he got up to go find a book, but mostly to bite his lip at the way Blaine lowered his voice like that. Blaine laughed lightly. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. After they finished gathering some research they walked out to the parking lot and Kurt lit a cigarette , pulling his jacket tighter around himself. This weather was sucking more and more the colder it got.
"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Kurt smiled.

"Looks like it. You walking?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah.." Kurt said dismissively, rubbing his hands together. Fingerless gloves weren't the best decision today.

Blaine sighed. "It'll be cold but faster. Want a ride?"

Kurt looked up at him, blue eyes wide before a sly smile tugged at his lips. "My hero."

"Whatever. Come on." Blaine said as he led Kurt to his bike. Kurt chuckled to himself taking one more drag before tossing his cigarette and following Blaine. Blaine got on and started the motorcycle before motioning Kurt to get on. Kurt got on behind Blaine, making a show of sliding his arms around Blaine's waist slowly before pressing his palms to his stomach and feeling the abs underneath the thin white fabric of his shirt. Very nice. Blaine was about to back out when a car pulled up behind them.

Kurt turned around, his face losing color as he saw the black Impala. "Hey Sebastian." He said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Get in." Sebastian growled, looking at Blaine with disgust. Kurt bit his lip, climbing off the bike and walking over to Sebastian's car. As soon as Kurt shut the door, Sebastian hit the petal, making the tires screech on the pavement and taking off. "I try to surprise my boyfriend and find him on the back of that bastard's motorcycle."

Kurt gasped as they took off. "What the hell Sebastian?! It's cold, and he offered me a ride so I didn't have to walk!"

"You could’ve died Kurt!"

"Are you fucking serious?!" Kurt yelled.

"Believe it or not, but I actually care about what happens to you."

Kurt sighed, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. "Why are you always so goddamn jealous Sebastian?.."

Sebastian froze. He really didn’t want to talk about this. He wasn't in love with Kurt. But he did love him. Kurt laid back against the seat, looking over at Sebastian expectantly.

"Why don’t you just leave me? You won’t want me if I tell you."

"Sebastian.." Kurt said quietly. He looked down, before turning on the romance to get him to talk. He grabbed free hand, kissing his knuckles. "Talk to me."

"I like what we have. I don’t want to lose this. I see you with someone or hear something and I feel like you'll want more than just me." Sebastian said in barely a whisper.

"Sebastian..I tell you every day baby..I'm yours.." Kurt said softly. God he hated acting mushy like this, but he really didn't like seeing Sebastian upset.

As much as he wanted to believe it, Sebastian didn’t. "I know.."

"What do I have to do to prove it to you?.."

Sebastian sighed deeply. "Kurt, you just want my dick. Not me."

"What are you talking about?.." Kurt scoffed.

"I just don't want you to get tired of me I guess. It's not a big deal. I'll work on it." Sebastian said quickly, wanting to end the discussion.

"Look at me.." Kurt said seriously as they stopped at a red light. The warbler sighed, turning to look at his boyfriend. Kurt bit his lip as he thought about what Q said the other day.
"You're..Fine with where our....relationship..is at..Right?.." He asked slowly.

Sebastian went quiet. If he was being honest, he did want more. But he would never admit that to anyone. He did like what they had. But he did love Kurt. And he sure as hell didn't want to lose what little he had of him. "Of course."

Kurt nodded, turning back to the front.

"You hungry?" Sebastian asked, desperate to change the subject.

"Not really.." Kurt said quietly. He knew Sebastian was lying. He knew Sebastian wanted more. And he felt like the world's biggest dick for ignoring it because of his selfishness and commitment issues.

Sebastian nodded, going silent as he drove to Kurt’s house. When they got there, Kurt turned to Sebastian, kissing him softly. Sebastian forced a smile. "So I'll see you later?"

"Yeah.." Kurt smiled, lingering for a minute. "I really do care.." he said quietly. "About you.."

Sebastian felt his heart swell up. He didn't know if it was true but he hoped it was. "Me too.."

Kurt leaned in again, kissing Sebastian sweetly. Sebastian hummed against Kurt’s lips. Kurt smiled, pulling back and looking up at Sebastian.
"Bye baby," Sebastian said softly. Kurt nodded getting out of the car as a hollow pit formed in his stomach. That got much too serious, too quickly. He knew if they didn't figure this out soon, he'd have to leave Sebastian. And the sex was just too good to end. But was it worth lying to him and breaking his heart? Deep down, Kurt knew the answer to the but he just wasn't ready.

The next day at school, Blaine sat in the library, waiting for Kurt so they could work on their project. He didn't show. That was off..Kurt always bugged him first thing in the morning. He did some of the project on his own for a while but Kurt still didn't show. The last time he saw Kurt was when Sebastian had pulled up and made him get in the car. Had something happened? Wait, why was he worried? He finally had some alone time without that pink-haired little menace. This is what he wanted all this time. But now that he had it, he kind of missed having that Skank around. It was kind of quiet without his stupid constant humming or the annoying scratch of his pencil on that dumb notebook.. Not to mention the should be illegal tight pants he always wore.. Blaine bit his lip as he thought about it. Those long legs filled them so perfectly. He thought about walking in the parking lot and seeing Kurt with his pants down. Suddenly, he wouldn't mind seeing more.. The way he was moaning as Sebastian fucked him on that car. Blaine closed his eyes, trying to remember. Kurt's face tinted pink as he inched closer to his release.. Pushing his ass back for more.. Blaine thought about being the one to make Kurt moan. Leaning back on his bike as Kurt rode him.. Clawing down his chest. Fuck, he probably liked it rough. Hair pulling, name calling, biting, scratching. Blaine felt a moan trying to escape his throat. He grabbed his things and quickly walked off to his locker. This was not the place to think about that. Also, that was not the person to be thinking about. Kurt had a boyfriend. A very possessive one at that. Plus, he was a Skank. It didn't work that way. No matter how hot it would be.. Even though Blaine was positive he could fuck the shit out of Kurt.. It would never work. He looked down the hall and saw him, a black bandana tied as a headband along with a green V-neck worn with too-many chains and necklaces. Blaine looked down and saw black jeans that were so torn; he wondered how they even stayed on. They were tugged down, and the shirt was just short enough to show off his prominent hip-bones, along with the light trail of hair that teasingly slipped under the waistband of the jeans. Blaine found himself walking toward the pale boy like he was a magnet. He walked up to Kurt, confident and with a purpose. But as he got closer, he couldn’t take his eyes off of the intoxicating hip-bones. Before he could control himself, a small, quiet moan escaped his lips, completely betraying him.

Kurt closed his locker, raising an eyebrow and looking over at Blaine. "You okay?.."

"W-What? Yeah. Uhh.." Blaine stammered. "I was just seeing if you were..umm..okay.."

"I'm fine." Kurt said simply, scratching lightly at his tattoo before turning and walking down the hall.

Blaine couldn't help himself. He followed Kurt. "You sure? You didn't show up to work on the project."

"Forgot." Kurt said, which was only half a lie.

"You're not very talkative today.."


Blaine sighed. "See you later Skank."

"Bye.." Kurt said, speeding up his gait to get away from the shorter boy. He didn't want to talk to anyone today. Not even Q. He had too much to think about. He went about his day, still paying very little attention. But in History, he didn't even sit next to Blaine. Blaine couldn't help but have a small amount of worry. Kurt looked miserable. Even more than usual. He had a feeling it was Sebastian. Blaine already knew he was jealous. But how far did his jealousy go? He was going to have to get Kurt alone. Maybe during lunch he would get him to come to the library to work on the project. He tore out a piece of paper and wrote something before folding into a little football and flicking it at Kurt. Kurt felt something hit his shoulder and growled deeply, turning and seeing it was a note.
"Hey sexy meet me at lunch?" It read. Kurt looked up to see Blaine winking at him. Kurt rolled his eyes before writing back, crumbling the note up and throwing the note over his shoulder in Blaine's direction. Blaine chuckled lightly as he picked it up and opened the note. "Sure." was all it read in Kurt's scratchy handwriting. Blaine balled up the paper and tossed it into the trash can. At least Kurt agreed.

At lunch Blaine looked around for Kurt and couldn't find him. He sat at a table for a few minutes before gasping as he heard a voice next to him.
"Am I in trouble?" Kurt asked.

"Why would you be in trouble?" Blaine asked, confused.

"Well with how many questions you were asking this morning, you could've passed for my mother." Kurt said.

"Then why'd you come?"

"Why'd you ask me to?"

"You seem down," Blaine said simply.

"Why do you care?.." Kurt asked.

"Well you've been hanging around me lately. Excuse me for seeing a change in you. Forget I said anything." Blaine said, standing to walk out.

"I'm sorry." Kurt said quietly.

Blaine sighed. He didn't do this. Why did he care? "What's up with you?"

"Just my boyfriend..It's not a big deal.." Kurt said dismissively.

"What do you see in him?" Blaine asked before he realized what he was saying.

Kurt looked up, pulling at the back of his labret with his teeth. He was quiet for a minute. "He's great in bed." He said bluntly.

Blaine nodded. "So what's the problem?"

"He's jealous of everyone.." Kurt growled.

"But if it's just sex why does it matter?"

"I think he wants more.." Kurt said. Why was he telling Blaine this. "Anyway..How's the project coming?"

"Almost done." Blaine shrugged. "It's not very difficult."

Kurt shrugged. "You can say that 'cuzz you're actually smart."

"Yeah okay," Blaine said.

Kurt couldn't help but giggle lightly. "Well you are.."

Blaine shrugged. "I guess."

Kurt rolled his eyes, his playful mood returning. He stood, slapping Blaine's ass as he walked by. "Let's get to work." he smiled, headed to the library. Blaine bit his lip as he thought about returning the favor and followed Kurt. Their sarcastic banter had returned, some spiteful comments thrown back and forth, but nothing too harsh. Every time Kurt stood, bending over the table to grab something, Blaine would catch himself staring at his ass, back, arms, or how his shirt would hang down, showing off his chest, or lower back. They finished faster than expected and Blaine laid back, crossing his ankles and setting them on the table.
"Thanks for the easy A.." Kurt chuckled as the bell to return to class sounded.

"Yup," Blaine said, not moving.

Kurt stood, grabbing his torn messenger bag, his chain bracelets rattling lightly. "Whaddaya say we ditch?.."

"Wasn't planning on going anyway." Blaine shrugged, standing as well.

Kurt grinned, grabbing Blaine's collar. "Ooh, looks like we have a badass on our hands.."

Blaine wanted to grab Kurt by his hips but refrained.
"Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere but here." Kurt sighed, raising an eyebrow and biting at his lip ring.

"Let's go," Blaine grinned.

Kurt let Blaine go, swinging his hips as he walked out of the library. They walked out to the parking lot and Blaine got his motorcycle ready before telling Kurt to get on. Kurt grinned. "You aren't gonna kill me, huh?"

Blaine rolled his eyes. "I’ve had this since I got my license. Don't worry."

Kurt chuckled, climbing on the back and doing the same as yesterday, running his hands over Blaine's sides to his stomach. Blaine squeezed the handles, trying not to show Kurt that what he was doing felt good.
"Let's go.." Kurt said into Blaine's ear, grinning wide. Blaine bit his lip and he backed up and took off towards the main road. Kurt wrapped his arms tighter around Blaine, burying his face in his back to shield his hair from the wind. Once they were on the main road, Blaine sped up. He knew the perfect place for a day like today. Kurt squeezed Blaine tighter, not daring to look up as they swerved around cars. About fifteen minutes later, Blaine started to slow down. He had taken a few back roads and he was sure Kurt had never been here before. This is where Blaine came to escape. He stopped when he reached a secluded part of a gorgeous lake. Kurt smiled as he looked around. "Not bad.." He said, getting off and pulling out a cigarette.

Blaine shrugged. "I spend most of my time here."

"I can see why.."

Blaine took his jacket off and walked closer to the water. He stopped a laid down, resting his head on his hands. Kurt sat down next to Blaine, crossing his legs Indian style. "So do you take all of your boyfriends out here to have sex?"

"I’m not the boyfriend type." Blaine said simply.

Kurt looked over at him. "Why not?"

"What’s the point?"

"Hell if I know.." Kurt sighed, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"I'd rather just fuck."

Kurt smiled. "We have more in common than I thought.."

"What would the others be?" Blaine asked.

"Not sure yet." Kurt said, looking up.

"So why did you start hanging around me? You never answered me."

"I dunno..I just want what I can't have." Kurt teased.

Blaine rolled his eyes. "You’re so cocky."

"Is that a bad thing?" Kurt asked.

Blaine thought for a moment. "I guess not."

Kurt laid back, shivering as the cold grass touched his lower back. It wasn't too cold today. But it was still a bit chilly. The sun felt nice though. Blaine turned onto his side, studying Kurt. Kurt opened an eye, looking over at Blaine and raising an eyebrow in question. Blaine sighed heavily. "Will your boyfriend start shit over this?"

"I dunno..I don't plan on telling him."

Blaine nodded. He was quiet for a while before rolling over towards Kurt. "Why did you kiss me?"

"Truthfully?..I wanted to piss you off.." Kurt said, closing his eyes.

Blaine scooted a little closer. "Well, it worked.."

"Good.." Kurt smiled, stretching his arms above his head. And there is was again. That small strip of pale skin. Blaine’s eyes drifted down, looking at the gorgeous skin. He licked his lips, following the natural curve of Kurt's body with his eyes. He couldn’t help but wonder how soft the skin was there. He reached out, tracing a finger over Kurt's hip, making Kurt's eyes shoot open. Blaine glanced up, waiting for a reaction. When Kurt didn’t say anything, Blaine rested his hand on the soft flesh.
"What are you.." Kurt trailed off. Blaine leaned in, holding his position to see if Kurt would react. Kurt looked up into Blaine's eyes, holding his breath as the dark haired boy leaned in even closer. Just before their lips touched, Blaine pulled back and laughed loudly. "Oh my god.. You were going to kiss me."

"W-What? You were gonna kiss me!" Kurt huffed, sitting up.

Blaine chuckled. "You’re so defensive."

Kurt growled, turning away from Blaine and taking a long exaggerated drag from his cigarette.

"Oh come on. Don’t be like that."

Kurt said nothing, quietly fuming. Who did Blaine think he was? He was the one playing the games here. Blaine was grinning ear to ear. "So we're even now. Chill."

"Fuck off.." Kurt mumbled.

Blaine laid back, chuckling to himself. Kurt looked over at Blaine, who raised a pierced eyebrow. "Well you never answered my question..What do you have against the Skanks?.."

"You just seem to be looking for trouble or drama. It's not my thing," Blaine shrugged.

"And you don't go looking for trouble?.." Kurt asked, flicking his cigarette butt.

"Point well made. I don't know. I don't need people. Friends. Anything. What's the point? They all let you down. So I don't need anything from anyone. I get what I need and that's that."

"Well what do you 'need'?.." Kurt asked.

Blaine closed his eyes and sighed deeply. "Nothing."

Kurt nodded, laying back and looking up at the clouds. He was quiet for a while before speaking up. "That one looks like a frog.." He said quietly, pointing up.

Blaine couldn't help but laugh. "What is it with you and frogs?"

"I like them..They're cute.." Kurt smiled.

"Who would've known that the Skank has a soft spot for frogs?"

"No one actually..Well..Now you.." Kurt sighed.

"Why aren't you with your boyfriend? Shouldn't he be the one you're opening up to?" Blaine asked.

"I dunno..I guess.." Kurt mumbled. "Why?..You don't enjoy my company, Anderson?" He joked, elbowing the other boy in the ribs.

"I just don't understand you," Blaine said, looking over at Kurt.

"Most don't." Kurt shrugged, lifting his legs so they were together and straight up in the air.

"Nice legs. When do they open?" Blaine joked.

"Twenty-four seven." Kurt winked.

Blaine grinned. "Good to know."

Kurt clicked his heels together before letting the heavy boots fall to the ground with a thud. Blaine felt his phone vibrate. He read the text and groaned.
"What is it?.." Kurt asked.

"Puck asking if I’m off fucking you." Blaine said.

Kurt giggled lightly, rolling over on top of Blaine. "Who says I wouldn't be doing the fucking?"

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "He knows me pretty well."

"What is that supposed to mean?..You think I'm just a bottom bitch?" Kurt challenged.

"Well you didn’t seem to mind being bent over your boyfriend’s car."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I do like getting fucked..But I like doing the fucking too.." He smiled.

"Do you ever fuck your boyfriend?" Blaine asked, biting his lip.

"He's a pretty dominant top..He doesn't like it as much." Kurt said, tracing down the zipper of Blaine's jacket. "But when he's feeling needy he practically begs for it..Well..Literally begs for it."

Blaine stared up at Kurt as the thoughts from earlier came back.

"Why so interested in my sex life Anderson?.."

Blaine flipped them over so he was on top. "Sex is an interesting topic."

Kurt smiled, wrapping his legs around Blaine. "It is indeed.."

Blaine pressed his hips down, seeming accidental and raised an eyebrow at Kurt. "Why are you so open to tell me?"

Kurt held back a gasp as he raised his arms above his head. "I'll tell anyone about sex..It's a universal thing.."

"Indeed it is," Blaine agreed, dropping down so they were face to face. Kurt tightened his legs around Blaine, trying to keep his breathing steady as his back arched a bit. Blaine's entire body felt like it was on fire. Desire flew through him as Kurt arched his body. He stared into Kurt’s eyes, his hot breath ghosting over Kurt's lips. Kurt couldn't help the quiet little moan that escaped him as Blaine's hands ran down to his exposed lower back, blunt nails digging into the smooth skin. That little noise was the most intoxicating sound Blaine had ever heard. He couldn't take it anymore. He bent down, pressing his lips to Kurt's. Kurt gasped harshly, his back arching even higher off of the grass as his hands flew to the black curls, pulling hard. Blaine moaned into the kiss, rocking his hips down hard. Kurt gave an obscene moan, throwing his head back and rolling his body with Blaine's, whining and groaning loudly. Blaine felt like his head was swimming. Sure he had kissed other guys before. But this.. This was so much hotter. He kissed down Kurt's neck, licking up his tattoo and nipping at his earlobe. Dear god. The noises coming from the pink-haired boy's mouth were positively sinful. Blaine ran his hands up Kurt’s shirt and dug his nails down the pale skin. He needed to hear more.

"Blaine.." Kurt purred, rolling his body in a wave that followed Blaine's hands. The way his name slipped from those pearl-pink lips went straight to his cock. Blaine ground his hips down harshly. "If we don't stop, I will fuck the shit out of you, Hummel.."

Kurt gasped, growling deep in his throat. "God I want your fucking cock inside of me.."

Blaine kissed back down Kurt's neck, reaching down and tearing Kurt's shirt off. Kurt's chest was heaving, the pale skin flushed pink as he quickly pulled off all of the necklaces. Blaine reached Kurt's nipple, biting harshly at the nub as Kurt's phone rang. Kurt's hand flopped around in the grass, grabbing his phone and hitting the ignore button before tossing it a few feet away. "Holy fucking shit.." He moaned, grabbing Blaine's curls. Blaine grinned as Kurt fell apart beneath him. He licked his way to the pale boy's other nipple and sucked the skin into his talented mouth.
"A-Ah!" Kurt got out, arching his body. "Fuck..I bet your cock is huge.." He smiled, biting his lip and panting heavily.

"Why don't you look?" Blaine asked, grinding down onto him. Kurt made that delicious noise again, reaching down between them to undo Blaine's jeans. Blaine rolled them over so Kurt was on top and gave his best Cheshire grin. The phone started ringing again as Kurt kneeled between Blaine's legs, unzipping the jeans and pulling out his prize. "Jesus Christ.." Kurt moaned, staring at this perfect specimen of manhood laid before him. He was thick, and long, but not too long. It was a beautiful cock if he'd ever seen one. Thick, throbbing veins traveling up to the head that was leaking a bit of precum. All nestled in a neatly trimmed thatch of dark hair.
Blaine bit his lip as Kurt admired him. "Like what you see babe?" Kurt nodded, leaning down to lick at the head lightly, and give Blaine his sex eyes as the annoying tune of his phone continued to play. Blaine ignored the phone, moaning loudly at the tease of Kurt’s tongue. Kurt gathered the small amount of precum on the tip of his tongue and brought it back into his mouth, moaning at the taste.
"Fuck Kurt.." Blaine panted as the phone stopped then started again. "Jesus! Will he fucking stop?!"

Kurt sighed heavily, sucking the head into his mouth and pulling off with a pop before crawling over to answer the phone.
"Hello?" He panted.

"Hey babe.. Umm are you okay?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah..Y-Yeah..Of course.." Kurt got out.

"What are you doing? I've been trying to call.."

"I-I'm sorry..I'm just..I went home early and I'm just laying in bed.." Kurt breathed before looking over at Blaine. "Thinking about you fucking me.."

Blaine grinned as he got on his knees and flicked his tongue across Kurt’s nipple.

"Oh yeah?" Sebastian asked. "How?"

"Ungh..Oh..Fuck..So hard baby..Y-You know..Like when I'm really desperate for you and you call me your bitch.." Kurt whimpered.

Sebastian moaned. "Shit baby. Should I come over or you want this now?"

Blaines eyes flashed as he looked up at Kurt and mouthed, "I'll make you my bitch."

"I-I want it now.." Kurt groaned, gripping Blaine's hair.

"Such a desperate bitch. Who do you belong to?" Sebastian growled as Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hand and placed it on his dick.

"Y-You, sir.." Kurt gasped, wrapping his fingers around Blaine's thick length and pumping slowly.

"That's right baby," Sebastian purred. "You want my cock, don't you? Beg for me."

"I want your cock..I want it inside of me..Pounding into me..Making me scream. I want bruises on my ass from your hip bones.." Kurt whimpered, looking into Blaine's eyes. Blaine gripped Kurt’s hips, doing everything he could to be silent. He bent down, biting at the pale flesh of Kurt’s hip.

"Shit Kurt.. I'm so fucking hard.." Sebastian moaned into the phone.

"I want you to slap me with your cock..Fuck..I'm such a dirty fucking whore for you.." Kurt gasped.

"Think of me laying you on my car.. Your ankles around my neck as I slam into that tight ass."

Kurt moaned loudly, looking down at Blaine who was sucking lightly at his hipbone.

"Feel me inside you.. Stretching you and fucking you rough.. Just how you like you.." Sebastian breathed out.

"Oh..Fuck me Sir.." Kurt panted, rolling his hips up into Blaine's mouth. Blaine snaked his hands around Kurt’s body, into his tight pants and squeezed his oh-so-perfect ass.

Kurt arched his body off of the grass, whimpering. "Oh god..Feels so good.."

"Mmm baby. So sexy.. Watching myself sliding in and out of you.. Fuck.."

Kurt gasped, almost moaning Blaine's name, but catching himself as he pulled his own hair. Blaine reached for the button on Kurt’s pants, looking up at him for permission. Kurt nodded, biting his lip as He listened to Sebastian's moans.

Sebastian pumped himself harder. "Baby talk to me..Let me hear you.."

Blaine quickly pulled Kurt’s member out and grinned. He was the perfect size, according to Blaine's standards. He was long and beautiful. Blaine looked up at Kurt as he sucked the head into his mouth. Kurt sucked in a sharp breath, his bones seemed to vibrate as he dawned on the facts that, 1: Holy shit, Blaine had a tongue ring he somehow hadn't noticed earlier, and 2: he was really fucking talented with said tongue.
"Oh my fucking god..So good..Baby..I-I..Ungh.." Kurt rasped, unable to form a coherent sentence. Blaine hummed happily around Kurt as he took him to the hilt without problem.

"What are you doing, Kurt? Tell me.." Sebastian breathed out.

"I-I'm stroking myself baby..Th-Thinking about you..Dominating me.." Kurt whimpered, pulling Blaine's hair.

"Fuck I wish I could see you.. Falling apart from thinking about me.. Uunnhhh Kurt baby.."

Kurt let out a harsh moan, writhing on the grass as Blaine sucked harder. "Sebastian..I'm so close.."

"Me too baby. Come for me.. Let me hear," Sebastian got out, on the verge of his own orgasm. Kurt felt the hot coil of heat in his stomach snap as Blaine deep throated him once more, making him practically scream as he came down the shorter boy's throat. Blaine swallowed around Kurt, drinking in his intoxicating moans as Sebastian let go on the other end. Kurt collapsed, boneless beneath Blaine as he tried to catch his breath and reflexively reaching for a cigarette. Sebastian grinned as he lay down. "So hot.."

"Fuck.." Kurt whispered as Blaine kissed across his hipbones. Blaine smiled devilishly at Kurt as the pale boy came down
"Damn..Sebastian.." Kurt got out.

Sebastian chuckled. "Agreed. I should get home and clean my car though.."

"Mmkay.." Kurt hummed. "Bye baby."

Blaine chuckled. "Well that was interesting. But I do believe we're forgetting something."

"What's that?.." Kurt asked, looking down at Blaine. Blaine raised an eyebrow as he grinded down onto Kurt. Kurt gasped, flipping them over and kissing down Blaine's neck. Blaine closed his eyes, his head tipping back as Kurt nipped at his throat.
"That was so hot.." Kurt whispered.

"Mmm, I know. You taste..uhh so good.." Blaine moaned. "So loud.."

Kurt gasped, climbing Down Blaine's body to his throbbing member, eagerly taking him down his throat. Blaine moaned loudly. "Shit.."

Kurt growled as he took Blaine deeper, tracing the veins with his tongue. Blaine reached down and pulled the pink hair. Kurt looked up at Blaine as he started to suck harder. "Kurt.." Blaine groaned loudly, thrusting up into the heat. Kurt gasped at the way Blaine moaned his name, which increased suction, making Blaine tremble. Blaine gasped, pulling harder. Kurt was so good with his mouth. He could already feel that tightening in the pit of his stomach. Kurt bobbed his head faster, running his hands up under Blaine's shirt and clawing down his abs. Blaine arched up off the ground and cried out. "Kurrtt.."

Kurt gripped Blaine's hips, smiling and humming around the thick member. The curly haired boy was so close. "Kurt..I-I'm gonna.. Ohh.."

Kurt moaned softly, deep throating Blaine as he waited for the familiar feel of cum. Blaine came undone, crying out as he spilled his seed deep inside Kurt’s throat. Kurt moaned, swallowing everything Blaine gave him. Blaine kept his eyes closed as he came down and relaxed against the grass. Kurt pulled off, resting his cheek on Blaine's hip. Blaine gave a quiet hum, running his hands down to his abs. Kurt looked up, watching Blaine as a cool breeze went by. Making Blaine fall for him might be easier than he thought. Blaine stayed laying there, still and relaxed. Kurt sat up, smiling as he pulled his shirt on and carefully put his necklaces back on. Blaine pulled his pants back on and grabbed his jacket. Today wasn't so bad. Kurt leaned in, pressing his lips to Blaine's in a deep kiss. "I look forward to you actually fucking me.."

"Told you I’d be doing the fucking," Blaine smirked. Kurt grinned, diving onto Blaine and knocking him back on the grass. He gave a sly smile, biting Blaine's lip and pulling back a bit. Blaine gave a small moan. "Mm feisty."

Kurt chuckled, smiling smugly.

"Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you."

"What is 'it' exactly?" Kurt asked.

"Cheating on your boyfriend. I thought you were all talk." Blaine shrugged.

Kurt rolled his. "I don't like labels..He wanted one..I fuck who I want."

"That's how it should be."

Kurt rolled his eyes, smiling as he straddled Blaine's lap.

"You seem to really like this position," Blaine chuckled.

Kurt rolled his body, biting his lip. "It's fun..Watching the other person fall apart beneath you.."

"Babe, I’d be making you fall apart," Blaine grinned.

"So cocky.." Kurt said, leaning back a bit.

"I think I have a right to be." Blaine said, placing his hands on Kurt’s hips.

"Mmm..You do.." Kurt said, biting his lip.

"If you're really lucky, I'll show you why." Blaine said before winking.

Kurt chuckled, leaning down to nip at Blaine's earlobe. "I don't have to be good, do I?.."

Blaine forced back a shiver. "Fuck no."

"Good.." Kurt whispered, sucking at the small patch of skin behind Blaine's ear.

Blaine scratched down Kurt's back. "That's good.."

Kurt moaned against the skin, dipping his back. Blaine turned his head, capturing Kurt’s lips in another kiss. Kurt hummed softly as he felt the kiss grow slower and more languid. The shorter boy rested his hands on Kurt’s hips as they made out. Kurt hadn't had a decent make out session in a while. Damn, Anderson was great with that tongue of his. Somehow they both ended up on their sides, legs tangled together as they kissed. Blaine refused to really think about it. But something about this kind of felt good. Kurt pulled back, smiling as Blaine chased after his lips with his own.
"Tease," Blaine whispered, chuckling. Kurt giggled, pressing his lips to Blaine's once more before standing.

"You ready?" Blaine asked. It was starting to get dark.

"Yeah." Kurt said, stretching his arms above his head. Blaine smiled, sitting up and tracing over the small teeth-mark bruises on Kurt's hips.

"I always leave my mark," Blaine said, admiring his work. He grinned as he felt the goose bumps raise on Kurt's skin. He licked up the trail of bruises before standing and taking his shirt off. He handed it to Kurt. "It’s gonna be cold."

Kurt bit his lip, staring at Blaine's body in awe. His chest was broad and defined. A light smattering of hair dusted across his pectorals and a trail down the beautifully sculpted abs. And oh dear god..He had a V.

"Admiring the view?" Blaine grinned cockily. Kurt nodded blankly, wanting nothing more than to get on his knees and trace every ridge of muscle with his tongue. Blaine bit his lip as he pulled on his leather jacket. He loved how Kurt was staring at him like he was sex on a stick. That leather jacket was icing on the cake. "You have no fucking idea how hot you are.." Kurt said before pulling Blaine's shirt on.

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "Right back at you, Skank."


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Omggg I loved it! I want Kurt and Blaine together I love how you made them in this story. Sebastian needs to go some where else. I know they don't do the whole boyfriend thing and it's just about sex to them but it seems like they like each other. I hope Kurt says fuck the bet and they fall for each other.