When A Skank Plays Games
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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When A Skank Plays Games: Chapter 15

E - Words: 3,473 - Last Updated: Jul 15, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Jul 31, 2012 - Updated: Jul 15, 2013
485 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: This is a chapter dedicated to Puck, Quinn, and Rachel. When writing the last chapter, we got an idea for another story. It will be called Lust Can Hurt Love. This chapter below will be the first chapter of the new story. If you're interested, check it out. You won't find it on this site obviously. But I will be posting it on ff net and archiveofourown. :) If you're not really into it, skip to the bottom and read the phone call to get the gist of things and we'll go back to Kurt and Blaine next chapter :D
The next morning, Kurt and Blaine sat with Quinn. They tried to encourage her to talk to Puck. She had her phone out with his number on the screen. "What if he hates me?.."

"He might hate what happened. But he won't hate you. I know Puck." Blaine said softy. Quinn nodded, taking a shaky breath before calling him.

It took a few rings before Noah answered. "Q?"

"Hey, Puck..Are you alone?.."

"On my way home. Finally realized how much you missed me?" Puck teased. Quinn could hear his grin.

Quinn chuckled lightly. "Not exactly. ."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know how to say this.." Quinn whispered.

"Just say it." Puck said.

"You're the one that got me pregnant.."

Noah was quiet for a long time. "W-What..?"

"I-I lied to you...You..You got me pregnant..There wasn't any other guy.."

"Why? Why did you lie?"

"Because..I didn't want to put any pressure on you to be her father..I didn't keep her..She got adopted.." Q said quietly.

"You..I.." Puck felt like his head was spinning. He had to pull over and think. "Why are you telling me now?"

"I..I don't know..but..I felt like you had a right to know.." Quinn said, trying to hold back tears.

"I..have a kid.." Puck whispered to himself.

Quinn looked down.."Yeah..We do.."

"I would've been there, Quinn. I would have helped you."

"I couldn't have taken care of her, Noah..Either way..If you did or didn't know, I wouldn't have kept her.

"I still would've been there, Q. At least for you." Puck said seriously. "You said her.. Do you still see her?"

"Every once in a while.." Quinn said quietly.

"I want to see you."


"Well, now. If you can."

"I can.."

"Meet me at Breadstix. I'll buy you lunch." Puck said softly.

"I'll be there. .Bye.." Quinn said quietly.

Puck hung up and tossed his phone on the passenger's seat. He gripped the steering wheel tightly. It took a lot to really upset the football player. But this.. This struck him to the core. Noah couldn't believe he had a kid. A daughter. How could he not be in her life? He drove to Breadstix, torn between being angry and crying. Puck went inside and got a table, ordering a soda for him and an iced tea for Quinn as he waited for her. A few minutes later, the pink haired girl walked inside.
"Hey," Puck said, giving a small smile.

"Hey.." Q smiled, sitting down.

"So.. A daughter, huh?"

"She's not ours.." Quinn said seriously.

"But you still see her." Puck said.

"Just to check on her.." Quinn said quietly.

"I really want to meet her.."

"I..I'll talk to her mom.."Q said quietly.

"Who did you give her to?"

"Shelby Corcoran.."

"She's single?" Puck asked.

"She is.." Quinn nodded.

"Quinn, she needs a father." Noah said seriously.

"Shelby is doing just fine on her own." Quinn said.

"I grew up without a father. I can't do that to her. Even if we pretend she's not ours. She needs a guy in her life."

"This is why I didn't tell you.."

Puck groaned. "Quinn, just hear me out. Imagine a life without a dad. Think of how much you wouldn't know. What you'd miss out on. Would you trust anyone? Would you constantly need to be with someone to feel loved? I don't want that for her."

"Well what do you want to do? It's not up to me to let you be her father." Quinn said.

"Just talk to Shelby. Explain to her that I actually want to be in her life. If she wants to meet me first, I'm cool with that. Please, Quinn.. You kind of owe it to me."

Quinn felt her neck heat up. "I don't owe you anything Puckerman."

"I asked you if it was mine. You lied to me. I could've been there."

Quinn just looked down, sighing quietly.

"I'm sorry.. I just.. I feel like there's a part of me missing. A part I didn't know I had."

"I'll take you.."

"Thank you," Puck said softly. They ate lunch and after climbed into Quinn's car to head to Shelby's. On the way there, Puck couldn't help himself. He looked over at Quinn and grinned. "You know, you're kinda sexy when you're mad."

Q raised an eyebrow. "Whatever.."

"Come on, Q. You've got to admit that night was pretty awesome."

"It was okay."

It was Puck's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Just okay?"

"Cocky are we?"

"I just know what I'm doing when it comes to chicks."

"Okay..You were actually amazing.." Quinn smiled.

Puck couldn't wipe the goofy grin off his face. "You were too. Amazing body too."

Quinn blushed. "Shut up.." she giggled. Puck chuckled as they pulled into the apartment complex. Quinn got out of the car and led puck up to the right apartment. She knocked, looking up at Puck. Noah was nervous but put on a smile for Q as Shelby answered the door.

"Quinn..Hey..And..Are you Noah?..Quinn told me about you.."

"I am." Puck said softly. "I'm sorry we didn't call.. Quinn just told me.."

"Oh..So you want to see her?.."

"I would love that."

Shelby nodded, leading them into the nursery. A year old baby girl with blonde hair was sitting in the crib, playing with a teddy bear.

"Hey Beth.." Quinn smiled. Puck gasped softly. His eyes watered as he saw his daughter for the first time. Beth looked up at Puck with wide hazel eyes that matched his own. "She's so beautiful.. Looks just like you." Puck said quietly, glancing at Quinn before back at Beth.

Quinn smiled as Shelby picked Beth up. "You want to hold her?.."


Shelby handed Beth to Puck. Puck gently cradled the baby close to his chest.
"Wow.." He whispered as his heart melted. He had just found out about his daughter. One look was all it took. At that moment, he knew that he would do anything it took to keep Beth safe and happy. Quinn chewed on her bottom lip nervously as Shelby smiled.
"She's perfect." Puck said quietly.

"She is..She likes you.." Shelby smiled.

Puck brought a hand up and let her hold onto his finger with her tiny hands.
"Is she happy here?"

"Very.." Shelby said. "It's a little hard on my own, but I can handle it.."

"Would it be okay if I came around some? To see her? I can help out.." Puck asked, a little too hopeful.

"I don't see why not..I could use a little bit of help.." Shelby smiled.

Quinn stood there, frozen. There was a part of here that longed for this life. She would never admit it willingly. But she had pictured it. Herself and Puck, raising their daughter. Together. The pink haired girl knew it wasn't possible. She couldn't give Beth the life Shelby could. She also knew Beth couldn't have two mothers. She'd always be the one that gave her up. But now.. Puck was going to be there. Beth would have a mother and a father but not know Quinn. It made Q's heart break as she watched Puck hold Beth. She turned around, looking at the nice apartment. In the next room, there were pictures on the entertainment stand. One stood out. It was of a baby girl. One that wasn't Beth. She was beautiful. Something about the picture stuck with Quinn. But she tried to shrug it off, assuming it was a picture of Shelby as a baby or maybe a niece.

Puck looked over at Quinn, smiling as he kissed Beth's cheek. The baby girl cooed, looking up with her big brown eyes and giggling.

"Well..I...I think I need to get back.." Quinn said. Puck nodded, handing Beth back to Shelby. He gave her his number and thanked her before he left with Quinn.

Quinn got in the car and sighed deeply, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. "Are you okay?" Puck asked.

"Yeah..She looks like you.."

"And you," Puck smiled. "I can't even describe this feeling.. She's just.. perfect."

Quinn nodded again as she pulled out driving down the road. They rode in silence until they got back to the restaurant for Puck's car. Noah got out and opened Quinn's door. They stood in the cold for a few minutes. "Quinn, what happened to you? I know you've been through a lot. But you just look like you're...hiding."

"I...I like the way I am...I'm happy now.." Quinn said, lighting a cigarette.

"You don't look happy." Puck said, his eyes burning with sincerity.

"Well its better than taking shit every day..No one messes with me now.."

"I just don't understand. This pink hair.. the piercings.. It's not you. I liked the girl you were."

"Well I'm not that girl anymore. I'm not sweet perfect Quinn Fabray!..This is who I am now.."

"Just know, you don't have to hide with me." Puck sad softly, stepping closer.

"I have nothing to hide.."

"Really?" Puck asked. "You could be something, Quinn. I know what you're capable of."

"You don't know anything about me other than what I look like naked.." Quinn said bitterly.

"I know more than you think." Puck said, taking Quinn's hands. "You were the captain of the cheerleaders at your other school. You did everything you could to please your parents. You were a major bitch and tormented anyone who got in your way. You hid in your uniform and perfect hair. Until you got pregnant. I don't know what happened then. But you have a weakness for hot guys and girls that are some kind of Hispanic. You love the color red and sweet iced tea is your favorite. You think I didn't pay attention to you. I knew you. This.. This isn't you."

Quinn swallowed hard. "H-How did you know?.."

"I listened to you that night. I've seen you around school. I pay attention. I'm smarter than people think," Puck said, squeezing her hand lightly. Quinn looked down at their hands, tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. But I am now. If you'll let me in.."

Quinn sniffed. "You have no idea...How long I've waited to hear that..."

"It's true," Puck said as he leaned in a little.

Quinn looked into Puck's eyes, "Puck.." She whispered. Noah gave a small smile as he leaned in further. Quin gave a small, desperate noise as she leaned in a bit more, their lips brushing.
"Quinn," Noah moaned quietly before kissing her deeply. Quinn gasped shakily before wrapping her arms around the taller's neck. They kissed for a couple minutes before Puck pulled away, smiling wide. Quinn still had her eyes closed, leaning in for more. Puck couldn't resist, leaning in again. Quinn moaned deeply, pulling on Puck's mohawk and slipping her leg between his. Puck pressed her against her car as he growled deep in his throat. The shorter made a small noise in the back of her throat clutching to his leather jacket as their tongues danced. Puck picked Quinn up, wrapping her legs around his waist and deepening the kiss. "Puck.." Quinn panted, her chest heaving.

Puck pulled back, studying Quinn with lust-blown eyes.

"My house.." Quinn whispered.

"Meet you there." Puck said as he set her down. Quinn nodded, biting her lip. They got in their cars and raced to Quinn's. Quinn got there first, hurrying to her room to freshen up. Puck came in two minutes after and grabbed her by the waist. "You're so fucking sexy, Q."

Quinn moaned softly, kissing along Puck's jaw. "I want you.." She whispered shakily.

Puck pulled his shirt off and reached for hers. "You're sure?"

She nodded quickly, clawing down Puck's perfect chest.

"Fuck.." He whispered, pulling Quinn's shirt off before her pants. "Still just as hot."

She smiled, reaching back to unhook her bra, slowly letting it slip off of her shoulders. Puck undressed the rest of the way. He picked Quinn up and tossed her on the bed. The football player ripped her lace panties off and spread her legs, admiring her. He leaned in, licking up her slit.

"Ungh..Oh my god..Noah.." Quinn whined, arching her back. Puck spread her pink lips and licked firmly at her clit. Q moaned loudly, her hips rolling up into Puck's mouth. The jock licked and sucked, knowing just how to drive Quinn crazy. "P-Puck!..Oh fuck..Ohgod.." She groaned. Her chest was heaving as she pulled and twisted her own nipples lightly.

"Gonna make you come with just my mouth," Puck breathed out before lapping at her and moving his head just right to drive her closer. Quinn was shaking at this point. Her toes curled as she grasped at the strip of hair on Puck's head. She was so close she could feel her thighs quivering as the heat built inside of her. Puck moved his expert tongue, flicking it across her clit and making her come wildly. Quinn practically screamed as she came, rolling her body and her back arching off of the bed.
Puck grinned, waiting until her breathing slowed slightly. He waited for her to think they were done before starting to lick at her again. Quinn gasped harshly as puck licked at her sensitive clit again. "Noah!"

He groaned as he slid a finger inside of her, using her first orgasm as a lubrication.
"Ohfuck..Noah...Noah...Oh god.." She panted. Puck sucked her lick harder, nibbling on the sensitive bundle of nerves as he crooked his finger to hit her g-spot. Q let out a high squeal, almost clamping her thighs around Puck's head. Puck grinned to himself, speeding up his movements.
"Shit..Ah..Ah! Puck! I'm gonna..Holy shit! Unh!"

Puck added another finger, rubbing over that spot deep inside Quinn. Quinn let her mouth fall open in a silent scream as her muscles clamped down around Puck and she hit her second orgasm, drawing deep moans and gasps from her swollen lips.
Puck pulled back, letting her catch her breath. He positioned himself between her thighs and grabbed a condom from his pants pocket on the floor. He slowly rolled it on and took hold of himself at the base. The tanned jock ran the tip of his hard cock up and down her slick slit, teasing her as she came down.
"Puh...Puck...I..." Quinn panted, pushing her hips down. Puck growled as he quickly slid inside of her. He groaned at the wet heat. She was even tighter from her previous orgasms. "Holy shit!"

Quinn gasped deeply, pink high in her cheeks as she grabbed at her breasts. Puck place his hands on either side of her head and started thrusting, rough and fast. Quinn spread her legs wide, panting and moaning. "Fuck yes! Ah! Fuck me, Noah!"

The athlete breathed out Quinn's name. "Fuck.. Gonna make you..come two more times before me.."

"Fuck!" She whimpered, pulling his head down into a deep kiss as he slammed into her. Puck moved his tongue with hers in a sloppy kiss, thrusting harder at the perfect angle. Quinn pulled away, crying out as Puck made her tremble. She pushed his head down, whining as her pink nipple brushed over his lips. "Please.."
Puck sucked at the hardened nub, bringing a hand down to pinch the other. Quinn moaned puck's name, rolling her hips with his before she felt a shot of heat flash through her and she was coming again, her juices leaking down her thighs and onto the sheets. Puck pulled back, gritting his teeth as Quinn's muscles tightened around him. He didn't wait long before attaching his lips to Quinn's supple breasts and thrusting into her again. "Puuuck..." Quinn whined, her breath labored.

"So fucking tight!" Puck hissed. Quinn wrapped her arms and legs around him, pressing their bodies together as the pink haired girl moaned in his ear. Puck shivered. That had always been one of the things that turned him on most. "Quinn.." He gasped, his hips giving erratic thrusts.

Quinn nibbled on his earlobe, panting harshly. "Come..Come in me.." She whispered. Puck gave a low grunt as he gave a few more thrusts before coming hard inside of the panting girl. Quinn collapsed under puck, her chest heaving as she rolled her hips, helping him come down. Puck kissed along Quinn's flushed neck. "Shit, Q.."

"You...just...Fucking amazing. ."

The taller grinned, kissing her and biting her bottom lip. "Let's shower."

"Okay..But I'm just gonna say..I don't think I can come again..So if you get hard.." She trailed off, giggling.

"Then you could always show me how good you are with your mouth," Puck said lowly as he pulled out. He got up and was about to pull the condom off when he stopped. There was a rip at the tip, just big enough for him to see. He bit his lip and quickly tore it off, deciding it would be better to not freak Quinn out. He threw it in the trash and followed Quinn to the bathroom.
Q looked back at him and smiled as she started the shower. "I might have to take you up on that.." She smiled that innocent little smile. Puck grinned as they stepped in.
They took their time washing each other. Quinn reached down to wash Puck's upper thighs and reached down more, brushing her fingers over his balls. Puck moaned quietly, looking down with dark eyes.
"You're so sexy.." Quinn whispered against his lips.

"Can't wait to see those lips stretched around me."

Quinn grabbed Puck's long, thick cock and began to pump him. Puck leaned back against the shower wall and closed his eyes. Quinn sank down to her knees, flicking her tongue up the slit.
"Ohh.." Puck moaned, running a hand through her wet hair. Quinn hummed, teasing the head with her tongue. Puck's eyes fluttered open. He looked down, watching Q. She smiled up at him before sucking the head into her mouth. Puck gasped, biting his lip. "Quinn.."
She sank down, taking most of him down her throat. The jock moaned loudly. Most girls he got with were afraid to use too much suction. But Quinn's mouth was perfect. She bobbed her head, moaning loudly as he slid in and out of her mouth. Puck admired her beautiful curves as she took more of him. Q swallowed around him, giving him an innocent look as she took him to the hilt.
"Ungh, Fuck.."
She pulled off, pumping him quickly and kissing up and down his shaft. Puck brought his hips forward, thrusting slowly into her palm. "So big.." Quinn moaned.

Puck could stop the cocky grin that spread across his face. "You're so good."

Quinn licked up his length slowly before taking him into her mouth again. Puck tightened his hands in her pink hair as he felt his muscles in the put of his stomach start to coil. She sped up, moaning and humming as she gripped his hips. "Q.. Shit.. I'm gonna come.."
Quinn smiled around him, bobbing her head faster. Puck pulled on her hair, thrusting into her mouth and releasing himself in Quinn's throat. The shorter girl swallowed around him, moaning softly. Puck groaned as he came down. He lifted Quinn and kissed at her neck. "I've never had head that damn good."

Q smiled. "I'm assuming that's a big deal.."

"It is," Puck grinned as they washed off. They got dressed and Puck looked to Quinn. "We should hang out sometime."

She nodded, smiling lightly. "I'd like that.."

Puck pulled her close for a deep, passionate kiss. "I'll call you."

Quinn nodded again, squeezing his shoulders lightly. "Okay.."

He kissed her again before leaving. Q's head spun as she plopped down onto her bed. She closed her eyes and saw Rachel. Guilt immediately took over her. She had just told her girlfriend there was nothing to worry about with Puck. Quinn sighed, grabbing her phone and calling Kurt.

"Hello?" He answered.

"I fucked up.."

"Q..What are you talking about?.." Kurt asked.

"I... I slept with Noah."

"You didn't.."

"He just left.."


"She's going to hate me.." Quinn whispered.

"Only if you hide it from her.." Kurt said quietly. "I can't judge.."

"I'm not going to hide it. I-I can't.. But Kurt.. Fuck.. We went to see Beth and it brought back all of that. I wanted to take her and run off with Puck. But now.. I'm so confused.. I want Rachel. I want to be with Rachel. But today.."

"Just..Take a deep breath okay?..Relax.." Kurt said.

Quinn did as Kurt said. "I'm so nervous.."

"Listen..Do you want to be with Puck or Rachel?.."

Quinn thought for a moment. What she wanted with Puck was an illusion. She'd never be completely happy with him. Yes, the sex would be great. But there will always be a part of her that resented him for what happened. "I want Rachel."

Kurt nodded. "Well go talk to her.."

"Okay.. I'll call you after.." She got off the phone and decided not to call Rachel. She grabbed her jacket and drove to her girlfriend's house instead. When she got there, Rachel was outside, walking to check the mail. She got out and slowly walked over to her girlfriend. "Hey.."

"Hey." Rachel smiled. "I love this unexpected visit thing..Very romantic."

Quinn tried to force a smile. "Can we go somewhere and talk?"

"Of course. " She said, leading Quinn inside and to her room.

"This is harder than I thought it would be.." Quinn said quietly, staring at the floor.

"What...Are...Are you breaking up with me?..?.."

Quinn's head shot up. "No, baby.. No. But you might break up with me.."

"I'd never break up with you.." Rachel said, stepping closer to Quinn and wrapping her arms around her neck.

"Rachel.. I care about you. So much.. I never.. I-I..." Quinn stopped, fighting her tears.


"I cheated on you.."


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Well damn! Is Quinn gonna get pregnant again? So not everybody knew she was pregnant? How did she hide it?

She was at a different school.