July 15, 2013, 9:52 a.m.
July 15, 2013, 9:52 a.m.
At about midnight, Kurt borrowed Quinn's car and drove to Sebastian's. The warbler stumbled down the stairs and yawned. "Hey babe.. Is something wrong?"
"I want to break up.." He said so quietly, Sebastian almost didn't hear.
Kurt couldn't look at Sebastian. "I'm sorry..I'm so sorry..I just can't do this anymore.."
"Why now...? I-I'm.. I'm not great.. But I'm getting better. Please.." Sebastian pleaded, reaching out for Kurt.
Kurt backed up. "Sebastian..It's..It's not you..I'm just..Fucked up.."
"No you're not baby.. You're not. You're so perfect.."
"Blaine came to see me today.."
Sebastian pulled back. "I told you.. I told you not to do this.."
"I know..I know..I-I just..I'm sorry.."
The taller shook his head. "Don't.. Don't come back.."
"Sebastian.." Kurt whispered. "I don't want this to be ugly.."
"I can't just be your friend.. I love you.."
"I love you too..I just..I love him.." Kurt said, stepping closer to Sebastian.
"Don't." Sebastian whispered. "Just go."
"Sebastian.." Kurt said desperately.
Sebastian wiped away a tear that escaped. "Please.."
"Can I at lease get one last kiss?..Please.." Kurt said softly. Sebastian nodded, not looking up. Kurt stepped up to Sebastian, looking up at him and cupping his cheek. Sebastian closed his eyes as he pressed his lips to Kurt's. Kurt inhaled softly, kissing Sebastian passionately. This would be the last time he felt these lips against his own.. Tears streamed down the Warbler's cheeks as he savored the moment. Kurt let the kiss last until Sebastian pulled away and he wiped the taller's tears.
"You're going to find someone..Someone who deserves you.." Kurt whispered.
Sebastian shook his head. "I don't think so."
"You will..You're amazing..You're getting better..You'll be happy and find an amazing guy.." Kurt said quietly, "And he'll be so lucky.."
"Thanks.." Sebastian whispered. Kurt leaned up, kissing Sebastian again. "I hope youre happy with him.."
"I hope you find someone who makes you happy..."
"One day."
Kurt nodded, hugging Sebastian. "Bye.."
"Bye.." Sebastian whispered, watching Kurt walk away. Kurt found out what motel Blaine was staying at from Quinn, and drive to the run down place.
"What the fuck?" Blaine groaned as he got up and answered the door. "Kurt.."
"I broke up with him.." Kurt said.
Blaine froze for a moment. "How did he take it?"
"Better than I thought he would.." Kurt said quietly.
"Are you okay..?"
"Yeah..I did it for you.." Kurt said softly.
"Don't say that. If it was for me, I don't want this." Blaine said seriously.
"What do you mean?."
"You shouldn't break up with him for me. You should've done it for you."
"It is for me..So I can be with you.." Kurt said seriously.
"Okay.." Blaine said, stepping aside. Kurt stepped inside, turning to look at Blaine. "Does your dad know youre out?"
"Yeah, but he thinks I'm at Q's.."
Blaine nodded, sitting on the rickety bed. Kurt walked over to Blaine, getting on his knees and nuzzling under the shorter's jaw.
"I'm scared.."
"Why?.." Kurt asked, pulling back a bit and looking up at Blaine.
"That I'll get hurt.." Blaine whispered.
"You won't..You won't Blaine.." Kurt said just as quietly.
"Stay with me..?"
Blaine pulled Kurt close, kissing him softly. Kurt returned the kiss, climbing into the shorter's lap. Blaine leaned against the headboard, moaning at the familiar lips. Kurt rolled his body, whimpering softly. "Kurt.." Blaine gasped.
"I missed you so much.."
"Me too.." Blaine whispered as he looked at Kurt. "I.. You're gorgeous.."
"So are you Blaine..I love you so much.." Kurt said quietly.
"I love you too.."
"Can I be inside you?..Please?.."
Blaine closed his eyes as he whimpered softly. "Y-Yes.."
Kurt pulled Blaine close, brushing his lips over Blaine's and moaning quietly. The shorter mewled, arching his back towards Kurt.
"So perfect.." Kurt whispered cupping Blaine's cheek.
"I need you.."
Kurt nodded, pulling Blaine's shirt up. Blaine lifted his arms, allowing Kurt to ease it off. Kurt looked down at Blaine, exhaling slowly as he stared in awe. Blaine bit his lip, looking up with eyes full of love.
"Beautiful.." Kurt whispered.
"Not like you.." the younger smiled.
Blaine blushed lightly. "No.."
Kurt giggled, kissing across Blaine's jaw. "Especially when you blush.."
Blaine blushed more."Thank you.."
Kurt pulled off his jacket and slowly pulled his shirt up. Blaine reached up, tracing down the pale stomach. Kurt shivered, closing his eyes as Blaine touched him. He felt down to Kurt's slender hips and moaned softly. Kurt rolled his body, looking down at his lover. Blaine's head fell back. "Ohh.."
"So sexy.." Kurt breathed out. Blaine reached for Kurt's hand and placed it over his growing bulge. Kurt let out a shuddering breath as he started to rub his hand up and down. "Ungh..Blaine.."
"Kurt, please.."
Kurt quickly undressed both of them, laying between Blaine's legs and thrusting down. Blaine gasped sharply, wrapping his legs around Kurt's middle. "Fuck.."
Kurt rolled his body, leaning down to kiss Blaine deeply. Blaine moaned desperately, scratching up Kurt's back. "Do you have lube?" Kurt asked softly.
"My bag.."
Kurt nodded, getting up and digging in Blaine's duffel bag to get the lube. Blaine watched Kurt's lithe body as he came back to the bed. "Do you want my fingers first?.." He asked softly.
"No.." Blaine whispered. Kurt shivered before nodding as he squirted some lube on his hand and began to stroke himself.
"So hot.."
Kurt blushed softly, laying between Blaine's legs again. Blaine bit his lip and batted his lashes as he waited. Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes as he lined up and slowly pushed in. Blaine gasped harshly as his head fell back. Kurt kissed the exposed skin, sucking at a spot as he rolled his hips up, pressing in until he reached the hilt. Blaine gave a low groan. "Ohhh god.. S-So..full.."
"God...You just..So perfect..Blaine.." Kurt breathed out, pressing his ear against Blaine's chest to listen to the thunderous pulsing of his heart. Blaine ran his hands through Kurt's hair, pulling lightly on the natural locks as he got used to the stretch. Kurt gasped lightly, running his palms up and down Blaine's abs, "Ungh..Blaine..." He whispered.
"Kurt.." Blaine moaned, arching up. Kurt slowly began to thrust, moaning softly as he placed his hands on Blaine's hips. Little whimpers escaped Blaine's lips as Kurt slid in and out of him. Kurt moved up to Blaine's face, placing the smaller kisses on his parted lips. He whispered quiet I love you's and ran his hands through his hair, doing everything he could to make Blaine feel as loved as he made Kurt feel. Blaine wrapped his arms around the taller. "I love you.. Ohmygod.. Kurt.."
"I love you too.." Kurt panted, continuing his slow pace, loving every whimper and gasp he drew from Blaine's lips. Blaine looked up into Kurt,s eyes and blushed. He was surprised to be able to see the love they shared. Kurt kissed Blaine's blush, pulling their bodies even closer together as he gave a long, deep thrust into the younger boy. "Ungh! Kurt!" Blaine cried out his lover's name as he hit his prostate. Kurt groaned, aiming for that spot again as Blaine moaned against his ear. "Don't stop.. Oh fuck!"
Kurt began speeding up, hitting Blaine's prostate with every snap of his hips and earning the most delicious sounds and words as Blaine clutched to him tighter. The younger writhed under Kurt, his body shaking more with each thrust inside him. "Baby... I'm close.."
Kurt nodded, grabbing Blaine's wrists and pinning them over his head as he rocked himself harder and faster. Blaine's moans elevated to all out screams as Kurt pushed him closer and closer to the edge. The sounds of skin slapping skin and Blaine's cries of pleasure mixed with the slamming of the headboard against the wall were all too much. Kurt almost couldn't hold on. Blaine arched his back, screaming louder than Kurt thought possible as he came hard between them. Kurt let go, biting his lip to stay quiet and listen to Blaine's moans as he filled him. Blaine clutched to Kurt as he came down, letting out short whimpers and moans. Kurt slowed his thrusts, looking down at Blaine and soaking up his beauty. "Perfect.." Blaine whispered.
"I love you.."
"I love you too.."
Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine slowly. Blaine hummed, smiling against Kurt's lips. Kurt carefully pulled out before laying next to Blaine and cuddling up to him. "I missed you.."
"I missed you so much..I was so miserable without you.."
"Me too.." Blaine whispered, pulling away slightly as his stomach growled.
Kurt looked up at Blaine. "Are you hungry baby?.."
"No. I'm good." Blaine lied. He had only eaten twice since he left Kurt's.
"Babe..Let's go back to the house and I'll make you something.."
"It's okay. I'm sure you don't want your dad knowing you left Q's to see me."
Kurt sighed, nodding. He remembered he had Quinn's car and smiled to himself. He let Blaine fall asleep before going to get some food from a 24/7 diner to-go. He came back, setting out a huge meal of eggs, bacon, steak, toast, some orange juice and sausage. He walked over to Blaine. "Baby..Wake up.."
Blaine groaned. "What..?"
"I got you something.."
Blaine turned over and saw the food. "Kurt.. You didn't have to.."
"I know.." Kurt smiled. "Come on. Up."
Blaine got up, not bothering to get dressed. "It looks so good.."
Kurt smiled, sitting at the small table.
"Thank you.."
"Don't thank me, I wanted to do this.." Kurt said happily. "Go on. Eat." He grinned.
Blaine sat down and made a plate. "So delicious.."
Kurt got a small plate of eggs while Blaine started to eat quickly. He made a second plate and flew through it. "Oh my god.."
Kurt smiled endearingly at Blaine. "Want any more?.." He asked softly.
"Whatever you're not going to eat," Blaine chuckled. Kurt got up and fixed Blaine a plate of the rest of the food, smiling. Blaine ate like he hadn't in months. "Ugh, that was good.."
"I'm glad.." Kurt grinned, rolling his eyes as Blaine burped loudly. "God.."
"Mmm, bacon," Blaine giggled. Kurt laughed, leaning over to kiss Blaine's cheek.
"You're sweet."
"I just love you.." Kurt smiled.
"I love you.."
Kurt ginned, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw. "Lets go back to bed.."
Blaine smiled as they crawled back in and cuddled up to each other.
Kurt kissed Blaine's forehead softly. "Blaine?.."
"Will you..Well..Be my boyfriend?..Officially?.." Kurt smiled.
Blaine's heart started to race. He batted his lashes as he looked into the most gorgeous blue eyes. "Yes.."
Kurt grinned, leaning down to kiss Blaine deeply. Blaine moaned, cupping his cheek. "I love you.." Kurt smiled.
"I love you too.."
Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's jaw, sighing happily. They laid there for a while, Blaine falling asleep in Kurt's arms. Kurt watched Blaine sleep, wondering how he had gotten so lucky with the shorter boy..No matter how much they'd been through...He was happy it ended up this way.
Blaine woke over an hour later. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to fall asleep.."
"It's okay baby.." Kurt smiled, brushing a curl out of Blaine's eye.
"Do you need to get home..?"
"No..I just want to be here with you.."
Kurt kissed Blaine's jaw softly, pulling him close.
Later on, when Blaine was going to check in for another night, Kurt stopped him, asking him to come back home. It took a little convincing but with little effort, Blaine couldn't say no. They got Blaine checked out and packed his things before dropping Q's car off. Kurt thanked her for what she had done and straddled Blaine's bike, holding on tight as the younger drove them home.
Walking into the Hummel house felt like home. Blaine felt happy again. Kurt cooked dinner for his father and Blaine. When Burt got home, he welcomed Blaine back, but made sure to keep and eye on him. He didn't want Kurt getting hurt again. Still, they all laughed and had a family dinner. Kurt couldn't help but notice how Blaine's eyes would light up when they had this time together. He was happy he could give this to Blaine.
After dinner, the teenagers went downstairs and watched a movie. Kurt waited for Burt to go to bed and leaned over to Blaine, nibbling at his ear. "I have a surprise for you.."
Blaine raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? What would that be?"
Kurt smiled devilishly and got up to press play on his iPod doc and leaned against the wall. He arched his back and gave Blaine his best bedroom eyes as he waited for the music and strutted over to the small couch, his back facing Blaine. Beyonce's Dance For You came on as the taller sat on the edge of the table in front of the couch and felt up his torso. He sang and turned his body as he reached his hips again.
"I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you, yes..
Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you.
Wanna show you how much I will forever be true.." Kurt sang as he rolled his body from side to side. He stood again, turning to his boyfriend and dancing, still letting his hands roam his own body and loving how Blaine's eyes grew darker as his body roll turned into a pop.
As the hook started, Kurt walked teasingly close Blaine, just out of his reach.
"Loving you is really all that's on my mind.
And I can't help but to think about it day and night,
I wanna make that body rock.
Sit back and watch!
Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body
Boy I like it when you watch me, ah
Tonight it's going down
I'll be rocking on my babe, rocking, rocking on my babe,
Swirlin' on my babe, swirlin', swirlin' on my babe
Baby let me put my body on your body
Promise not to tell nobody
'Cause it's 'bout to go down!" Kurt had his hands on the side of the couch and pretended to be grinding down on Blaine as he sang the chorus. He climbed onto the bed next to the curly haired boy and ran his fingertips along his shoulders and down his back before turning so Blaine could watch him pop his ass towards him in the sexiest way the shorter could ever imagine.
"That's why I'm all into you
'Cause I can recognize that you know that
That's why I'm backing this thing back
Pop-popping this thing back
Drop, drop, drop-dropping this thing back.."
Blaine reached out for Kurt and the older gave a Cheshire grin as he climbed back off the bed and stood in front of him, doing the exact choreography from the video.
"Sit back and watch!
Me pop it, pop it, p-p-p-p-pop it for you baby
Drop it, drop it, drop it, drop it for you baby
Watch it, watch it, watch it, watch me throw it baby
Wanna make that body rock
Sit back and watch!"
As the last few words played from the speakers, Kurt pulled Blaine off the bed and pressed his back to the younger's chest. He ground his hips back, gasping with excitement as he felt the familiar bulge he loved so much. Kurt reached up, tangling his fingers in Blaine's curls and pulling lightly as his boyfriend grabbed his hips tighter.
"Fuck Kurt..I didn't know you could fucking move like that.." Blaine growled, running his hands all over Kurt's body, greedily pulling on his clothes as he rolled his rock hard member against Kurt's ass.
Kurt's breathing sped up. "I've been practicing for you.."
Blaine turned them around, bending Kurt over the edge of the bed and thrusting against him again. "Move your ass..L-Like you did..That popping thing.." Blaine whispered desperately, his voice dark and deep. Kurt arched his back and started dancing for Blaine, popping back against his boyfriend. Blaine gave a choked moan as he got even harder against Kurt's ass. He ran his hands to the small of Kurt's back, practically dry humping the taller.
"Blaine.." Kurt moaned loudly. "I want you.. Like that morning.."
Blaine nodded, beginning to rip Kurt's clothes off and then his own before bending down and tracing his tongue around Kurt's hole. Kurt's head fell back as he let out an intoxicating moan.
"So fucking sexy.." Blaine growled before pressing his tongue inside.
"Unh! Oh god.."
Blaine moaned deeply, tasting Kurt and sliding his tongue in and out before pulling out and instructing Kurt to lay on the bed. Kurt quickly did as he was told. He lay there, naked and exposed to his lover as he awaited what would be the best orgasm he had ever had. Blaine looked almost animalistic as his eyes roamed Kurt's body. He grabbed the lube and slicked himself up as he climbed on the bed and knelt in front of Kurt. Kurt placed his ankles on Blaine's shoulders. "You're so fucking sexy.."
Blaine grabbed Kurt's ankles and began pushing forward, looking down as Kurt became more exposed. Kurt gasped, loving the way Blaine admired him. Blaine moaned as Kurt pulled his legs back, getting his ankles behind his head. He grabbed his member, tracing the tip of the head around Kurt's waiting hole.
"Please.. Blaine please.."
"Beg for me, bitch.." Blaine growled.
"Unh, Blaine.. I want to be your slut.. Please.." Kurt pleaded. Blaine couldn't take it, he positioned himself and slowly pushed in, moaning deeply.
"Ohmygod.. So fucking big.." Kurt groaned, biting his lip. Blaine looked up at Kurt's face, loving how beautiful he looked as Blaine pushed in deeper.
"Blaine.." Kurt whimpered at the amazing stretch.
Blaine pressed in all the way. "Fuck you're tight.." He whispered.
"Shit.. Blaine.. So good.." Kurt breathed out.
"Can you be quiet babe?.." Blaine whispered.
Kurt nodded. "Yes.."
Blaine nodded back, stabilizing himself before starting to slam into Kurt. Kurt's eyes screwed shut. He closed his mouth, biting down to keep from screaming. Blaine panted and groaned, gripping Kurt's thighs as he hammered into Kurt's prostate with every thrust. Kurt struggled to grab a pillow. When he did, he bit down and let out a loud moan. Blaine gave a cocky grin. He loved that he could make Kurt fall apart like this. Kurt screamed into the pillow as wave after wave of pleasure rushed through him. Blaine bit his lip. "Fuck..You really like it like this.."
Kurt's head fell back. "Blaine.. Fuck me.."
Blaine moaned quietly, thrusting faster and harder. Kurt turned his head into the pillow, letting out another loud moan. "Kurt..Fuck, baby..So-Ungh..Hot.." Blaine panted.
"B-Bite me.. Please.." Kurt breathed out. Blaine smiled, giving small, teasing nibbles on the back of Kurt's thigh.
Kurt gasped harshly. "Fuck.. Fuck Blaine!"
Blaine bit down on the pale flesh, thrusting so hard Kurt began to scoot up the mattress a bit. Kurt tangled his fingers in Blaine's dark curls. "So close.."
"Come for me babe.." Blaine groaned. Blaine could tell Kurt's orgasm would be big by the way he was writhing and whimpering beneath him. He smiled, bringing a hand up and pulling his hair roughly. Kurt's body trembled and shook as he came hard between them, screaming Blaine's name into the pillow. Blaine continued thrusting, making Kurt's orgasm last even longer. "Oh god..Baby.." Blaine gasped.
"Blaine.. Oh Blaaaiinnee..." Kurt whined as he started to come down.
Blaine slowed to a stop. He pulled out of the spent boy and smiled as he straddled Kurt's waist, still rock hard. "That was so hot..."
Kurt reached down and started to stroke Blaine. "Fucking amazing.."
Blaine gasped, giving a broken moan. "Fuck..Kurt.."
"You're so sexy.."
Blaine was already so close. "F-Faster..Please babe.."
Kurt sped up, tightening hid grip. Blaine's moans grew higher and he arched his back a bit before his eyebrows kneaded together and he came hard, whimpering Kurt's name as his come painted Kurt's stomach and chest, mingling with his own. Kurt hummed, smiling up at blaine. Blaine leaned down, licking up Kurt's chest and moaning at the taste of their come. "Oh my fucking god.. You're the sexiest person ever.."
Blaine smiled, licking up some more and leaning in to kiss Kurt. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, deepening the kiss. Blaine got up, getting things to clean up and gently wiped Kurt down before cuddling up to him.
"I really am sorry for everything.." Kurt whispered as he played with Blaine's curls.
"I forgive you baby..All of that doesn't matter anymore.." Blaine said.
Kurt placed Blaine's hand over his heart. "I'm completely yours."
"And I'm yours.." Blaine whispered, kissing Kurt's cheek.
"I love you so much.."
"I love you too Kurt..You saved me.."
"You did too," Kurt smiled.
"How?.." Blaine asked.
"I would still be with Sebastian. Making him jealous.. He wouldn't be in therapy and working on anger. I'd be the one he took it out on.."
"Well..We saved each other.." Blaine whispered, smiling up at Kurt.
"And I'm the luckiest guy to have such an amazing and sexy boyfriend."
"You're the sexy one.." Blaine giggled.
"Nope," Kurt grinned. Blaine just rolled his eyes, kissing Kurt's nose and giggling lightly.
"Goodnight baby.."
"Goodnight.." Blaine said sweetly before pulling Kurt close and falling asleep in his arms.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS THANK YOU! I am super happy now. So Burt knew they were dating or they liked each other? Because he said he didn't want Kurt getting hurt again. Are they gonna officially tell him? I loved it! I'm kinda scared there is something bad coming but I am just gonna keep reading and hoping it's all love and happy times.