July 15, 2013, 9:52 a.m.
July 15, 2013, 9:52 a.m.
"Really?" The redhead smiled.
"Yes," Blaine said softly.
"Why is that?"
Blaine looked down, playing like he was embarrassed. "You make me..happy.."
Kurt smiled, stopping and Grabbing Blaine's other hand as well. "You make me happy too Blaine.."
The shorter leaned in, placing a chaste kiss to Kurt's lips. Kurt blushed, smiling lightly.
"Damn.. You're beautiful.."
"Blaine.." Kurt giggled.
"You're making me blush.."
Blaine grinned. "It's adorable."
Kurt just chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets. "So..I know Christmas isn't until tomorrow..But I got you something.."
"Kurt.. I told you not to.."
"And I did anyway.." Kurt smiled, pulling out a small box. Blaine bit his lip as he slowly took it. He slowly opened the box and his eyes went wide. It was a silver bracelet that looked like it was made of a chain with a charm on it that said, "Blaine & Kurt".
"Kurt.." Blaine said quietly. "I-I can't accept this."
"Yes, you can.." Kurt said, smiling. "I got it for you.."
"You don't understand.. I heard you on the phone with Quinn. I know this is a bet."
Kurt's eyes went wide. "W-What?.."
Blaine looked up at Kurt. "So I lied. I told you I loved you."
Kurt just stared at Blaine. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. The shorter laughed without humor. "What? Are you going to try and say you love me? I don't believe it."
"I..I do.." Kurt whispered.
"Don't. You know.. I really thought it was real. But when I heard you say that.. It doesn't matter. I don't need you. I don't need anything from anyone."
"Blaine..Y-Yes it was a bet, b-but it was stupid..A-And it's different now..I-I..You..You don't love me?.." Kurt asked quietly.
Blaine felt like he was being ripped apart inside. But he couldn't show it. "No."
Tears quickly filled Kurt's eyes as all of the air left his lungs. He felt like he'd been kicked in the chest as he grasped over his heart. "Y-You don't mean that..You don't.."
"Jesus Kurt. You're a much better actor than I thought. You can stop now."
"I'm not acting.." Kurt got out. "I can't believe this is happening.."
"You can't believe it? After what you did?" Blaine asked bitterly.
"I-I never..It's real now Blaine..At lease f-for me.." Kurt whispered, tears flowing down his cheeks.
"I trusted you. I let you in. I'm sorry. But I can't believe what you're saying."
"Blaine..You can't look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me.."
"Just go Kurt. Please.."
Kurt looked down as Blaine handed him the box. "But..But.." He stammered.
"I'll pick up my stuff later."
"Blaine.." Kurt gasped, grabbing his wrist. "Don't do this.."
Blaine pulled back. "I told you. Don't. I don't believe you. End of story. This is over."
Kurt stared at Blaine as the tears streamed down his face. "Blaine.."
"Just fucking go!" Blaine spat angrily, quickly wishing he could take it back.
Kurt drew back, his pain turning to anger as he threw the box at Blaine. "Fuck you!" He got out, his voice breaking before he turned around and stormed off.
Blaine closed his eyes as he forced himself to keep his tears in. He bent down and picked up the gift and couldn't hold back any more. He finally got what he wanted..Kurt hurt just as much as he had..But why did he feel this way? He should've never gotten close to Kurt. He felt as if he needed him. But he didn't..He didn't need anyone. He straightened up, looking down at the box as he wiped his eyes, sniffing lightly. Blaine thumbed over their initials and the pain in his chest increased. He took the bracelet and shoved it in his pocket, dropping the box and walking back to his bike.
Kurt ran across the park and called a cab. It took it a while to get there and by the time it did, Kurt was freezing. He got in and gave the driver the address before sitting back and trying not to make his tears apparent to the man at the wheel. He pulled up to the house about an hour later and walked up to the door. He knocked softly and looked up with tear-filled eyes as Sebastian opened the door.
Sebastian gasped lightly. "Kurt.."
Kurt took a step forward and wrapped himself around Sebastian as he began to sob. God, Sebastian was so warm and familiar and soft and Kurt just felt home again.
The Warbler shut the door and led him inside. "What's wrong..?"
Kurt just shook his head as they sat down. "I'm so sorry..I-I should've listened to y-you.."
"What did he do?" Sebastian asked.
"He was lying..The whole time..He was..Oh god.." Kurt got out.
"Shh.. It's okay Kurt.. I'm here.."
Kurt wrapped himself around Sebastian again, burying his face in his neck as he cried. Sebastian let Kurt cry against him. He hated seeing him like this. But he felt so much better that Kurt had come to him. After a while, Kurt finally calmed down, his fingers laced with Sebastian's, while the taller's other hand pet Kurt's hair.
"Can I ask why you came to me..?"
"You were just..The first person that came to mind.." Kurt said quietly.
Sebastian nodded. "I'm glad you came.."
"So am I.." Kurt said, squeezing Sebastian's hand lightly. It felt like none of that ever happened..The slapping..The choking.. It all slipped to the back of his mind.
Sebastian pulled Kurt closer. "I missed you so much.. I'm so sorry for everything.."
"I missed you too.." Kurt whispered, cupping Sebastian's cheek. "And I forgive you.."
"I'm still in therapy.."
"That's good.." Kurt said softly, running the tips of his fingers up and down Sebastian's cheek. Sebastian closed his eyes and hummed softly. Kurt looked up at Sebastian. "I'm sorry I put you through all of this..I should've just listened to you.."
"It's okay, Kurt.."
"But it's not.."
"It's over now. You're here and I'm better.."
Kurt nodded, looking down as he cuddled up to Sebastian between his legs.
"Thank you, Kurt.." Sebastian said quietly.
"Coming here. I'm not sure of what it means.. But I'm glad you did.."
"So am I.." Kurt whispered, looking up at Sebastian.
Sebastian looked into Kurt's puffy, blue eyes, wanting nothing more than to kiss the lips that he had missed for so long. Kurt saw Sebastian's eyes drift to his lips and he bit his bottom one, looking down before back up at the warbler. Sebastian leaned in slightly, keeping his eyes on Kurt. Kurt's cheeks grew pink. He knew he shouldn't have, but he leaned in, pressing his lips to Sebastian's. Sebastian hummed, smiling against Kurt's lips. Kurt wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck, moving his lips with the green-eyed-boy's. "Kurt.." Sebastian whispered between kisses. Kurt gasped softly, deepening the kiss. Sebastian pulled Kurt closer, tangling his hands in the paler's hair. Kurt slowly climbed up Sebastian's body, desperate to feel the love he knew the taller had for him. Sebastian trailed his fingertips down to Kurt's hips, pulling him closer. Kurt gasped softly, straddling his lap and whispering Sebastian's name."Ohh.. I've missed that.." Sebastian said lowly.
Kurt shivered at the sound of Sebastian's voice. He arched his back, moaning softly. "Sebastian.."
"Kurt.. A-Are you okay..? To do this..?"
Kurt nodded quickly. He needed this, to forget Blaine. To feel loved. He needed to feel loved. "Yes baby, please..Please.." He got out desperately.
Sebastian flipped them over, pressing his body to Kurt's. "You're so beautiful.."
Kurt gasped softly, wrapping his legs around Sebastian. "Th-Thank you.."
Sebastian moaned as he slipped his hand under Kurt's shirt. Kurt's back arched. He needed to hear Sebastian say it. Those three words he needed desperately to hear so he didn't slip over the edge. They continued undressing and Sebastian still didn't say it. Kurt, desperate, took matters into his own hands. He needed this. No matter what.
"I love you.." Kurt whispered.
Sebastian stopped. Had he really heard that? Or was it wishful thinking? "What..?"
"I love you.." Kurt said again, running his fingers down Sebastian's jaw. "I've always loved you..I just didn't know how to let myself feel.."
Sebastian eyes filled with tears as he looked back at Kurt. "I love you so much.."
Kurt smiled and sighed in relief at the words. "I love you too.."
The taller kissed down Kurt's neck. "You're so perfect.. I love you baby.."
Kurt closed his eyes moaning softly. "I love you too, Sebastian.." He whispered again.
The taller felt his heart swell up at the younger's words. For so long, he thought he'd never hear them. Thought he had lost Kurt forever. Hearing those words felt like heaven to the Warbler. Kurt leaned up, kissing Sebastian softly. Sebastian placed himself at Kurt's entrance and slowly pushed in. He wanted to go slow. He wanted to make this special for them. Kurt gasped softly, wrapping his arms around Sebastian's neck and rolling his body slightly. "Kurt.." Sebastian moaned as he pressed in all the way. Kurt arched his back, whimpering as he looked up at Sebastian, whose eyes were full of love. The taller kept his eyes on Kurt's as he slowly started to thrust.Kurt moaned, running his hands down Sebastian's back. "Ohh..Sebastian.." he breathed out.
Sebastian kissed Kurt's lips. "So gorgeous.."
"B-Baby.." Kurt gasped, pushing his hips down. The Warbler sped up slightly as he nipped at Kurt's jaw line. Kurt's moans grew a bit louder, clutching to the muscles in Sebastian's back. "Mmm, Kurt.. Baby.." Sebastian groaned.
"T-Tell me you love me.." Kurt whispered against Sebastian's ear.
"I love you, Kurt. I love you so much.."
Kurt let the words soothe him, tightening his body around Sebastian, "I love you too..God..Sebastian.."
"You feel so good babe.." Sebastian whispered.
"I missed you.." Kurt got out, giving a soft moan that turned into a cry as Sebastian hit his prostate.
Sebastian continued to hit that spot. "I missed you too.."
Kurt threw his head back, gasping sharply as he felt himself getting close. "S-Sebastian..I-I'm..Ah!"
"Me too baby.." Sebastian breathed out against the pale skin. Kurt arched his back, clawing down the pale skin as he cried out, coming hard between them. Sebastian came as Kurt's tight muscles fluttered around him. Kurt slowly came down, panting softly. Sebastian followed, placing lazy kisses against Kurt's neck. Kurt's chest was heaving as he closes his eyes, running his hand up and down Sebastian's back. The taller pulled out and fell next to Kurt, pulling him close. Kurt sighed softly, nuzzling under Sebastian's jaw as his mind immediately went to Blaine. Sebastian closed his eyes. He was so happy to have Kurt back. Kurt looked up at Sebastian, wondering of this was what he really wanted.
"What are you thinking?"
"Just..That..I wish he never came between us.."
"Me too."
Kurt looked down, biting his lip an Sebastian tangled their legs together.
"I never thought you'd be back here.." Sebastian whispered.
Sebastian shook his head.
"Well..I am.."
"Please don't leave.." Sebastian whispered brokenly.
"I won't..I promise.." Kurt said, cupping Sebastian's cheek. Sebastian nodded as he held Kurt tighter. Kurt kissed his chest, closing his eyes. Sebastian sighed quietly, not wanting to let this moment go. "I love you.." Kurt lied.
"I love you too, Kurt.."
"I love hearing that.." Kurt whispered.
Kurt nodded, looking up at Sebastian.
The taller gave a light smile. "Well, I love you."
Kurt hummed softly, kissing Sebastian. It felt good to hear it, but part of him wished it was Blaine saying those words. He missed the shorter boy. He didnt want to go home and see his stuff gone. So he decided to just stay with Sebastian and feel loved..He didn't feel the love back, but it felt nice to have someone that loved him.
Around seven, his phone rang with a call from Burt. "Hello?.." He answered, holding a finger to his lips, signaling for Sebastian to be quiet.
"Hey kid. Where are you?"
"I just..Went to go for a walk.." Kurt said.
"Is Blaine with you? His things are gone." Burt asked worriedly.
"No..I..We..He found somewhere else to stay."
"He..Got a job offer..And..His friends house is closer.." Kurt said, trying not to cry.
"Oh.. Okay.. Are you coming home tonight?"
"Um..I think I might just go stay with Quinn if that's okay." Kurt said quietly.
"Yeah. Just know I'm here if you need to talk, Kurt," Burt said softly.
"Alright, Dad.." Kurt said softly. "I love you.."
"I love you too, son," His father said before hanging up. Kurt sighed, hugging Sebastian close.
"Why'd you lie?" Sebastian asked.
"I don't know.." Kurt sighed. "I guess I just panicked. Sebastian just nodded as he looked at the ceiling. "But we're done..Blaine and I..I promise.."
"I believe you.."
Kurt nodded, running his hand down Sebastian's jaw.
Sebastian turned to face Kurt. "Do you really..love me..?"
Kurt looked up at Sebastian, forcing all the sincerity he could into his words. "I love you, Sebastian.."
"Why now?"
"I don't know..Just coming back..Seeing how much you care..I realized.." Kurt said.
"I'm glad you did.."
"Me too.." Kurt said quietly. Sebsastian smiled, leaning in to kiss Kurt. Kurt hummed against the familiar feel of Sebastian's lips.
Blaine sat on an old bed in a run down motel. He sat on the edge and sighed. What had he he gotten himself into? He wondered where Kurt was, and how long he'd last here with the small allowance Burt had given him and he'd saved up. It wouldn't be long. Where would he go next? Maybe he'd start to California and hitchhike after his bike ran out of gas. Right now, all he could do was try not to cry as he thought about Kurt. He couldn't believe he let himself fall for him. He couldn't stay hung up on him. He didn't need anyone. He only needed himself. Nothing else from anyone. Blaine knew what he had to do. He had to swallow these tears and harden his heart. Protect himself from these bullshit feelings. He laid back on the ratty bed and groaned as he heard the sounds of loud, most likely paid for, sex from the next room. It made him miss Kurt's bed. The impossibly soft mattress and comforters.. The fluffy pillows that smelled of Kurt. He would never have that again. He pulled his jacket off and covered himself with it, not chancing using the dingy sheets. He shivered as the rusty radiator rattled and sputtered, barely emitting enough heat to pass as comfortable. He couldn't stop as the tear slipped down his cheek. Blaine curled up, thinking about Kurt. How could he have believed the redhead actually loved him? His parents were right. No one could ever love him. But just that glimmer of hope had shown him how right they had been. He looked at his phone, which laid silent on the dresser. If Kurt really cared, he would've called, or at least text him by now.. But he hadn't. The scary thought that he might've gone back to Sebastian entered his mind. Kurt wouldn't do that. Would he..? After all, he never left him before Blaine had stepped in. But would he really be stupid enough to crawl back to that psycho? The very thought made Blaine sick to his stomach. Maybe he should call.. Or send a text.. Just to be sure.. He sat up, picking his phone up and turning it over in his hand. Blaine bit his lip. He had no say in what Kurt did anymore. But that didn't mean he didn't care about his safety. He text Kurt's phone.
"Where are you."
Kurt opened the text and froze. Why was Blaine texting him? He quickly sent a reply before Sebastian could see.
"Why does it matter? You don't care, remember?"
"Are you with him.."
"I might be. Either way, it's my decision."
"Are you stupid?"
"Well you do know my grades. Maybe I am."
"Kurt, go home."
"And sleep with the memories of you? I'd rather not. At least he loves me."
"And then he beats the shit out of you." Blaine replied.
"Oh right. I forgot. You know everything. Why are you doing this when you clearly don't give a fuck?"
"You're right. Let him beat the fuck out of you. I don't give a shit."
"Okay then." Kurt sent back, fighting to keep his tears in.
"Have a nice life."
"That's funny. Bye Blaine."
Blaine was crying as he set the phone down and his fears were confirmed. How could he have sent Kurt back into Sebastian's arms? He should've just confronted Kurt, let them make up.. Everything would've been okay.. But now it was too late. He couldn't pull Kurt back without him getting hurt again. And that wasn't an option. He had to protect himself. But at what cost? He wiped his eyes, looking up at the ceiling. He just didn't know what to do anymore. He couldn't even go chill with Puck. He couldn't let anyone see him this way. All love sick and pathetic. He had to leave as soon as he could. But for now, he needed to rest. He laid back down, wiping his eyes as he tried to get some sleep.
The next two weeks were hell. Kurt and Blaine didnt speak the rest of Christmas vacation. Once school started, The boys avoided each other at all cost. Sebastian picked Kurt up everyday. Luckily, there hadn't been any slip ups yet. But Kurt wasn't himself anymore. That Friday, after school, Kurt went over to Q's. "I want to strip my hair."
"What?!" She shrieked, her eyes wide.
"I don't want to do a retouch. I want it gone," Kurt said simply.
"Why? You haven't had your hair a natural color in..God, I can't even remember.." Q said quietly.
"I know. But it's what I want."
She sighed. "You're completely sure?.."
"I am. Plus if I'm not, we'll dye it again."
"Alright.." Quinn said before getting the supplies she needed. Kurt sighed to himself as he sat in the mirror. He didn't want this anymore. A few hours later, Quinn ran the blow dryer over Kurt's chestnut brown hair. The shaved sides had mostly grown out, and she evened out the layers, making them look less choppy. Kurt looked at himself and caught a glimpse of the little boy he used to be. He reached up and started taking his piercings out. "Kurt, what the hell?.." Quinn asked, reaching over to stop him.
"What?" Kurt asked, slapping her hand away. "What's so great about this?"
"It's you! It's us!" She hissed. "What the hell has gotten into you?"
"Look at where it's gotten me, Q! I'm broken and lying to Sebastian. God! I can't do this anymore!"
"Well what are you gonna do , Kurt..Huh? Go back to being a nobody? A loser? I don't want that again!" Quinn nearly yelled.
"And I'm not now?!" Kurt screamed back. "What are we? We're the freaks that everyone wants nothing to do with!"
"But no one messes with us! Do you miss the slushies, dumpsters, and being pushed in the halls?..What happened to Skanks for life?.."
"I'm not saying I'll ditch you! But really. Think about it. It didn't stop when you gave me piercings and helped color my hair. It stopped before. When you moved here. And they won't touch me. I know your history. He doesn't want that to get out." Kurt said menacingly. "I wouldn't do that to you. But he doesn't know that."
"Why are you acting like this?.."
"I don't know!" Kurt exclaimed. "I'm tired of hiding who I am. I miss being able to just be me! But I don't even know who I am anymore."
Quinn pulled Kurt into a hug as he burst into tears from being so overwhelmed and exhausted.
"I-I.. I fucked up.." he breathed out as she held him.
"No you didn't..Blaine's an asshole..He always has been." Q said.
Kurt shook his head. "I started this."
"You were there, Q! I made the bet.. I fell for him and didn't tell him.."
Quinn just shook her head, walking over to her bed.
"And now.. I'm stuck.. with Sebastian.." Kurt said quietly.
"You're not stuck.." Q said.
"He loves me.. I need that.."
"You don't need someone to love you..I love you..Your dad loves you.." Q said softly.
"Dad has to love me. And we don't have anyone else." Kurt sighed. "I just felt so..good with Blaine.."
"You don't need to be dating someone to be happy.." Quinn said incredulously.
"I know.."
"Obviously not." Quinn spat.
"Why? Because I want to be with someone that actually makes me happy?!"
"Because you act like you need to be with someone to be happy!"
"Well I'm certainly not happy like this!" Kurt yelled.
Quinn ran her fingers through her hair. "Then break up with him Kurt.." She sighed.
Kurt shook his head. "I can't do that again.."
"Why not?.."
"I've hurt him so much already.."
"And he hasn't hurt you?" Quinn said seriously.
"Not lately.."
"He fucking choked you and slammed you against the wall!"
"Hes been seeing a therapist too," Kurt defended.
Quinn groaned. "Fine, Kurt."
Kurt sighed as he fell back on the bed.
"I just wish I could help you figure this shit out.."
"Me too.."
"You're just so damn hard-headed.." She said, semi-teasingly.
"I know," Kurt said as he held back a smile. "But I know he'll never come back."
"He's not worth it.."
"I just need to know.. If any of it was real.."
"It was in the beginning." Quinn sighed.
"How do you know?"
"He came to me after..After he heard us on the phone.." Quinn said quietly.
"And you didn't tell me?" Kurt said, letting this soak in. "Why?"
"He..He threatened to tell everyone.." Quinn said.
"What the fuck?! And you're talking about 'Skanks for life'? Really Q?" Kurt spat as he stood, hands on his hips.
"Kurt, I couldn't let that get out!"
"What? That you got fucked up at a party and let Puck knock you up? Jesus, Quinn! I know what that means to you. I wouldn't let it get out. But I would have told you!"
Quinn stared at Kurt for a moment. "I panicked! What else was I supposed to do?!"
"Tell me! Not stand by and watch him break my heart! I love him Quinn! I love him! But that obviously means nothing to you! Thanks a lot, Q." Kurt yelled before storming out.
Quinn ran out after the taller. "Kurt, wait!"
"What?!" Kurt screamed, turning on his heel to face her.
"I'm sorry..." She whimpered, tears in her eyes.
"I can't do this! I'm tired of being lied to! I'm going to Sebastian's."
"Kurt, don't!"
"Why? He's all I have left. You've made sure of that."
Quinn looked down, not knowing what to say.
"I'll see you later." Kurt sighed before leaving. Quinn stared after Kurt, tears filling her eyes as he walked off. She knew she fucked up big time. Maybe.. Maybe she could fix it..
Kurt trudged through the snow, walking to Sebastian's house. It was an hour's walk and he was freezing to the bone.
Sebastian's eyes went wide when he saw Kurt. "Baby? Why didnt you call?"
"I..I don't know.." Kurt sighed, letting Sebastian hug him.
"What's wrong..?"
"Quinn knew..Blaine was lying.." Kurt got out, his teeth chattering as Sebastian stroked over the now brunette hair.
Sebastian froze before continuing to run his hands through the soft locks. "And she didn't say anything?"
"N-No..." Kurt whispered, his teeth chattering.
"I'm sorry.."
"I-It's okay.."
"Come on. We'll lay down."
Kurt nodded, walking in with Sebastian. They went up to his room and climbed into bed. "Do you love him..?"
Kurt was quiet for a moment before looking down. "No.."
Sebastian didn't respond. He knew Kurt was lying.
"I love you.."
"I love you too."
Kurt bit his lip. "I-I don't love him Sebastian.."
"So why does it matter so much?"
"Because..H-He told me he did..And..To know it was all a lie.." Kurt whispered. Sebastian just nodded, not knowing what to say. He loved having Kurt back. But not like this.
"Do you want me to just get over this?" Kurt asked, sitting up.
Sebastian sighed. "No. But I do expect honesty."
"What am I not being honest about?!" Kurt said defensively.
"Blaine." Sebastian said simply.
"What about Blaine?"
"You say you don't love him. then act like this."
"I-I..I don't.." Kurt stammered.
"Then why are you getting flustered?"
"Stop what?!" Sebastian asked, starting to get angry.
"Just stop.." Kurt said, looking up at Sebastian as he sat up.
"I'm not doing anything! I didn't say anything!" The taller yelled as he stood. "You're the one that keeps talking about it."
"I'm hurt! I'm upset, but I-I don't..love him! And you don't believe me!" Kurt said.
"But look at it from my point of view. You came to me as soon as he left. Im your second choice!"
"But you had me first, Sebastian.." Kurt said, getting out of bed and walking over to Sebastian, cupping his cheek.
"And you only came back because he left."
"Why can't you just be with me and be happy with that?" Kurt asked, raising his voice.
"How can I be happy with you if you're thinking of him?!" Sebastian yelled. He turned away, trying to control himself. But he couldn't. He was letting Kurt use him. Anger flew through Sebastian. The taller turned, glaring at Kurt as he raised his fist and punched the wall next to Kurt's head. "I can't fucking do this!"
Kurt squeezed his eyes shut as he braced for the impact but it never came. Instead a loud bang and the sound of drywall breaking accompanied Sebastian's swing that was only mere inches from Kurt's head. Kurt was shaking as he looked up at Sebastian, too afraid to move.
"I can't.." Sebastian said in a broken whisper.
"Sebastian.." Kurt said just as quietly.
"I think you love him.. Not me.."
"I-I do love you.." Kurt said, raising a shaky hand to cup Sebastian's cheek.
Sebastian pulled back and shook his head. "Please.. If you're lying.. Just go.."
Kurt didn't move. He needed Sebastian. He needed him to love him. He could learn to love him. Now that he knew what it felt like. He could. He didn't move, tears gathering in his eyes. He would forget about Blaine. About everyone but Sebastian. "I love you.."
"Okay.." Sebastian whispered. "I believe you.."
Kurt nodded, grabbing Sebastian's injured fist and kissing it softly.
"I didn't mean to scare you.. I would never touch you like that again.."
"I know..I know baby.." Kurt said as he looked up and saw tears in Sebastian's eyes. He pulled him close, kissing his cheek softly. Sebastian let out a shaky breath as he let Kurt hold him. "It's okay..I know you won't hurt me.." He said, turning Sebastian's head and kissing him sweetly.
Sebastian gave a small smile. "I should clean this.."
"I'll help you..Then we can take a bath.." Kurt said, giving a shaky sigh.
Kurt's mind was racing as he helped Sebastian patch up his hand and started the water in Sebastian's huge tub. He tried to keep the mood light as they undressed and got in, Kurt leaning back against him. "Well, no more self-service for a while." Kurt giggled, pointing to Sebastian's injured right hand.
Sebastian chuckled. "How ever will I survive?"
"Hmm..I don't have the slightest idea.." Kurt teased, wiggling his hips a bit. Sebastian grinned, leaning forward and kissing Kurt's neck softly. Kurt gave a soft sigh, letting his head fall back.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to how beautiful you are.."
Kurt gave a small smile. "Even with normal, brown hair?.."
Sebastian nodded. "I actually really like it.."
"Really?.." Kurt said softly. "I just..Feel like. It's time for a change..."
"You look a little younger than before. More natural. I like it.."
Kurt nodded, giving a small smile as he reached up and started to take out his piercings without Quinn's interruption. Sebastian watched his boyfriend. He knew he loved Kurt but something was different now. The warbler wasn't sure whether or not it was his boyfriend's new looks. Kurt set the small pieces of metal on the edge of the tub and turned over, looking up at Sebastian. Sebastian continued to smile at Kurt as he wondered why this was different. "What's on your mind?.." Kurt asked.
"Just.." Sebastian sighed as he cupped Kurt's cheek. "How lucky I am."
Kurt tilted his head, leaning against Sebastian's palm. "I love you.." He said softly, leaning in to kiss his chest.
"I love you too.."
Kurt rested his head on the solid muscle and listened to his boyfriend's heartbeat. He wondered how long he could keep this up, and then he remembered, he had to for as long as Sebastian wanted him.
Blaine sat outside of his motel a few days later, looking to see how much money he had left and how far that would get him. He had about one-hindered and fifty..Not much, but it would have to do. He shoved the money in his pocket, swung his bag over his shoulder, and straddled the bike when a car pulled up, honking at him. It was Quinn.
He rolled his eyes as he sat and waited for her to get out. "What?"
"Where are you going?.." She asked, walking over to him.
"For a ride."
"Kurt needs you." Quinn said, crossing her arms.
"Yeah, well.. Too late for that." Blaine said bitterly. He didn't want to talk about this.
"He loves you..And you can't look me dead in the face and tell me you don't love him too.." Q said seriously.
"Love is for pansies." Blaine said simply.
"Really?.." Quinn scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Look at me."
"What?" He asked again as he turned his eyes to her.
"Do you love Kurt?"
"It doesn't matter now. It's over. He used me. I used him. End of story."
"Why are you such a fucking idiot!?" Q groaned.
Blaine glared at her. "I don't trust him."
"He was over at my house last night, bawling his eyes out about how he fucked up and he wishes he could have you back. He's not the Kurt you knew Blaine. He's this depressed..Sad, normal thing now that you hate him." Quinn said accusingly. "He's with Sebastian and he's miserable.."
Blaine looked down. "I can't believe he really went back."
"He's dependent! He needs someone to feel loved and now he hates himself for it. He calls me every night crying Blaine..He misses you..He needs you.."
"So you want me to go and be with someone I don't trust or anything because he needs to think someone loves him?" Blaine asked stubbornly.
"No, I want you to go to someone that you share a true love with because he's dying without you.." Quinn said softly.
"He won't want me back." Blaine said quietly. "If he saw me, it would just hurt him."
"Are you not listening to anything I was saying? He wants you Blaine. He fucking loves you..But he thinks you hate him." Quinn said, sighing deeply.
"Well I don't! If I hate anyone, it's myself, okay?! Happy now? Jesus."
"No, I won't be happy until you go to Kurt and get him!"
"I'm not going to Sebastian's." Blaine sighed.
"He's not at Sebastian's he's at my house. I told him I was going to get some cigarettes." Quinn said, her hands on her hips.
"I don't know, Q.."
"Blaine..He needs you...And I know you need him too.." Quinn said softly.
Blaine shook his head. "Im no good for him. I don't have anywhere to stay. I don't have money. I can't do things for him.."
"He didn't need any of that when you two were together..And he won't..As long as he has you Blaine.."
"But as you said, he's back with Sebastian.."
"Get him back! Are you that much of a pussy?" Q groaned. "Yes, Sebastian has a shitload of money, but that's not what Kurt wants! He wants love! Real, true love..And I know you two have that..Because when he was with you..That was the happiest I'd ever seen him.."
Blaine bit his lip. Maybe he could get Kurt back. "Hes at your house?"
"Yeah.." Quinn said softly.
"Okay.. I'll follow you.." Blaine said as his heartbeat sped up.
Quinn smiled triumphantly, climbing into her car and pulling off as Blaine started his bike and trailed behind her. As they pulled into the driveway, Blaine's heart raced. What was he going to say? What if Kurt didn't really want to see him? Or if it was just another joke..? Quinn got out and walked inside with Blaine, telling him to wait in the living room as she walked to the back.
"Hey.." Kurt said quietly as Quinn came in.
"Hey, come in the living room. I got you something," Q said. Kurt stood, walking with Quinn before he froze. "Blaine?..."
Blaine felt like his heart would beat out of his chest. "Hey.."
Kurt smoothed down his hair as he looked between Quinn and Blaine. "W-What?..."
"You changed your hair.." Blaine said, feeling stupid for stating the obvious.
Quinn slowly walked out of the room and Kurt looked down. "Yeah.." He said softly. He looked so different from when Blaine last saw him. His piercings were gone, his hair was styled into a neat coif, and he was wearing a white off the shoulder sweater with black skinny jeans and brown loafers.
"I umm.. I like this look.." blaine said as he kept his eyes on Kurt and tentatively took a step forward.
"Thanks.." Kurt said, giving a small smile. He looked up at Blaine who was much thinner than he was the last time they were together.
"I'm sorry.." Blaine whispered. "I didn't mean any of what I said.."
"You didn't?...You said..You.." Kurt got out, his voice tight.
"You were this annoying..strangely hot skank who wouldn't stop following me. But i got to know you and I.. Kurt.. I love you.. I was real for me. Then.. I-I heard you.. It wasn't real.. What was I suppose to do..?" Blaine said, wrapping his arms around himself.
"Confront me..Talk to me?..D-Don't just..Make the lie even worse! It was real for me too Blaine..It..I.." Kurt got out.
"It fucking hurt! I couldn't believe I let you hurt me. So I tried to pretend it wasn't real for me.. See how far you'd take it.."
"I stopped lying after that day..When we skipped..And went to go sleep at the lake.."
"I had no way of knowing. All I knew was that the first time I really let someone in.. It was a joke. It confirmed everything that I've been told my entire life... Maybe I'm not meant to be loved.. At least I can't let myself down.." Blaine got out, already sharing more than he wanted to. He looked anywhere but at Kurt. All he wanted was to be wrapped up in the taller's arms. But he couldn't.
"You are loved.." Kurt whispered.
"How do I know the joke is over? How do I know you love me..?"
"Because Blaine..I..I can't explain how miserable I am without you..I just..Sebastian loves me..But..With you..I felt something so perfect and special..I just.. I-I love you so much.." Kurt said, his voice breaking and getting higher as he spoke.
Blaine reached into his back pocket. Kurt noticed how baggy his pants were. He pulled out the gift Kurt had gotten him. "I-I missed you.."
Kurt looked down at the bracelet and started to cry. "You still have it?.."
"I told you.. I didn't mean any of that. It was..is..all I have left.." Blaine whispered.
Kurt looked up at Blaine. "Blaine.."
"I love you.." Kurt said wrapping his arms around Blaine.
Blaine swallowed audibly, biting his trembling lip. "I love you.."
Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine deeply. The shorter boy gasped, melting into the kiss. Kurt slipped his tongue into Blaine's mouth, moaning deeply as he pulled lightly on the dark curls. Blaine mewled as he wrapped his arms around Kurt. He had missed this so much. Kurt pulled back, looking up at Blaine as he rested their foreheads together.
"Forgive me..?" Blaine said through his light panting.
"Yes..Yes, always..."
Blaine nodded, leaning in and resting his head on Kurt's shoulder. Kurt held Blaine, kissing his temple. Blaine closed his eyes, trying to relax a bit.
"I'm so sorry Blaine.." Kurt whispered.
"It's okay.."
"No, it's not..I just..I shouldn't have used you..I shouldn't have..I'm so sorry.."
"Me too.." Blaine whispered.
"I love you.."
Blaine looked up into Kurt's beautiful blue eyes. "I love you too.."
Kurt grinned. "Can we go back to my house?.."
"Yeah.. I-I just have to be back around eight.."
"Why?.." Kurt asked softly.
"I have to check in again.. So my things aren't thrown out.." Blaine explained.
"You're coming home with me.." Kurt said. "We'll go pick up your stuff."
"I-I don't know.."
"Why?" The taller asked softly.
"I just feel bad.."
"Why would you feel bad?.."
"I don't have a job yet. I barely have any money. I don't want to eat all your food. I just.. I don't know.."
"Blaine..Come stay with me..Please.."
"What would your dad think..?"
"He just thinks you went to stay with a friend because you gotta job interview and they were closer.."
"And what about your dickhead boyfriend?" Blaine asked as he pulled away.
Kurt looked down. "Oh..I-I..He doesn't have to know.."
Blaine scoffed as he stared at Kurt. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
Kurt looked at Blaine, his eyes wide. "I don't know what to do..I thought I lost you.."
"You don't love him! You just stood here and said how much you want me. Well you can't have both." Blaine said, turning to walk out.
"Blaine, wait!"
"Why?! You obviously don't want to leave him."
"I'm afraid to.." Kurt admitted.
"I fucking told you not to go back! But you did. Now you're choosing him."
"No I'm not..I don't want to.." Kurt whimpered.
"I can't do this again. I'll be at the motel." blaine said before slamming the door.
im just gonna go and jump off a cliff now ok bye :/
Wait for it... Wait for it.. x) Soon my dear
Omgg my emotions are all over the place. My heart was ripped out with this chapter. One minute I'm like 'They can be happy' the next I'm screamaing at my computer cause Kurt went back to that bastard then I'm like 'Hell yeah Blaine went to get his man back' and Kurt pulls this shit. (Sorry for annoying reviews :) I just love your writing,)
Lmao! Not annoying at all. I love reviews!