July 15, 2013, 9:52 a.m.
July 15, 2013, 9:52 a.m.
"Calm? You want me to be calm?! Kurt, you sit there and tell me how you want to be with me. That you're working on us and so am I. Then tell me you're fucking him!? How am I supposed to be calm?!"
"I-I thought you were working on this.." Kurt whimpered, getting a bit worried with how mad his ex was.
Sebastian glared at Kurt. "I was FINE! I was! But for what?! To be all 'It's okay baby. We're okay'? It isn't okay, Kurt!"
"I'm sorry Sebastian..P-Please baby..Just calm down.." Kurt said, walking over to Sebastian and grabbing his hands.
Sebastian's hands shook in Kurt's as he shook his head. "We will settle this today."
"Sebastian..I never wanted this.." Kurt whispered, looking up at the taller and trying to soothe him.
"Then why the fuck did you do it?! You just think you can have whoever you want whenever? You can't just fuck with people like this!"
"I don't think that, Bas! This is just as hard for me.." Kurt got out, tears starting.
"So you're the one getting your heart ripped out every fucking day? Spending hundreds of dollars so this doesn't happen? So I can learn to be calm around my boyfriend that doesn't even want me?!" Sebastian raged.
Kurt's tears came freely. Where was Blaine..? "I-I do want you baby.. Please.."
Sebastian grabbed Kurt by his throat and slammed him into the wall. "Is this what you want?! You sure as hell want Blaine to do it! Is this what you want, Kurt?!" Sebastian yelled, tightening his grip on the shorter's throat. Kurt gasped for air, only to choke as he struggled to get free.
Blaine came into the house and heard a sound he couldn't place. He walked into the living room and saw Sebastian holding Kurt by his throat. Adrenaline flew through Blaine as he pulled the warbler off of Kurt. "What the hell is your problem?! It wasn't enough to hit him?!"
"Oh look who's here Kurt..Well why don't you take over he seemed to love it when you did it!" Sebastian growled, pulling away from Blaine as Kurt gasped for air.
Blaine stepped towards Sebastian. "Oh, he lovedwhen I did it. You're such a fucking pussy, you couldn't do it for him. Couldn't even just be with him. Always knowing you could never make him happy like someone else could."
Sebastian went to lunge at Blaine but Kurt threw himself in front of him. "Stop!" He cried.
Blaine stepped around Kurt. "Still so insecure you can only try to fight your way out? Well, you don't scare me. And there is nothing you can do to keep me away from Kurt."
Sebastian didn't know what feeling was rising inside of him, but he didn't like it. "You shut the hell up Anderson!" he yelled as Kurt tried to pull Blaine away.
"Why? Oh right. You love him right? You are so in love with Kurt. Well, tell me this. When he's upset, do you bring him warm milk? Do you even know it calms him? Do you know his favorite animal is a frog? That he has an insane sort of cute obsession with them? Do you really know anything about Kurt?!" Sebastian looked at Blaine with wide eyes as Blaine continued down the list. "He has the most beautiful singing voice and loves Disney movies more than anything..He's adorable and an amazing cook and He moisturizes every morning and tries to hide it, but it's so..cute.." Blaine ended, looking into Kurt's eyes before he turned to Sebastian. "Now you can't look me dead in the eye and tell me you knew any of that.."
Kurt looked between the two boys as his heart swelled. He couldn't believe Blaine really knew everything about him.
Sebastian tried to fight the tears that were forming in his eyes as he turned to look at Kurt. "Kurt.."
Kurt swallowed hard, not knowing what to say. Did Sebastian even know those things?
"I'm so sorry..Y-You..You deserve so much better.." He whispered.
"He does. He doesn't deserved to be hit or choked. Abused in any way!" Blaine said, keeping his eyes on Kurt. "You know he really thinks you had the right to hit him? The only thing stopping me from kicking your ass is Kurt not wanting his father to know. But if you ever come near him again, especially like this," Blaine said menacingly as he stepped up to Sebastian. "Believe me, you will regret it. Now I suggest you leave."
Sebastian looked down, grabbing Kurt's hand before the tears started to fall. "I'm so sorry.." He whispered before letting their fingers slip apart and walking past Blaine and out of the house.
Kurt curled up on the floor. He couldn't believe how he already missed Sebastian. But somewhere deep down, Kurt knew it was best that he was gone. He looked up at Blaine, tears streaming down his cheeks. Blaine got on his knees, pulling Kurt close and kissing him softly. "Shh..It's okay..I'm here.."
"H-How.. Y-You know all.. Of that..?" Kurt asked between sobs.
"Because..I pay attention to you and I care.." Blaine whispered, wiping Kurt's tears.
Kurt wrapped himself around Blaine. "Thank you.. Thank you so much, Blaine.."
Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap and held him close, rubbing up and down his back.
"C-Can we go to m-my room..?"
Blaine nodded, picking Kurt up and carrying him downstairs. They cuddled up in bed, Kurt drawing little patterns across Blaine's chest as he tried to calm down.
"It's okay babe.." Blaine whispered.
"T-Thanks Blaine.."
"You're welcome beautiful.." Blaine said softly, wiping Kurt's tears. Kurt gave a weak smile, nuzzling against his neck.
"So..How did you even meet that ass-..Sebastian?..." Blaine asked softly.
"At a party.." Kurt said quietly.
"Really?.." Blaine said softly.
Kurt nodded. "Yeah.. A few months ago. He was a Warbler.. Tall, sexy.. Controlling.. I don't know.. I just.."
"I understand.." Blaine said.
Kurt looked up at Blaine. "Then there's you.."
"What about me?..." Blaine asked quietly.
"I kind of like being taller than you.. You're sweet but.." Kurt paused, biting his lip. "So damn sexy.. And the bike.. Just.. Lord.."
Blaine chuckled a bit, running a hand through his hair. "Well..What were you like before all of this?.."
"What do you mean?"
"Before all the piercings and badass and pink hair.."
"I was made fun of a lot.." Kurt said quietly.
"Why?.." Blaine asked.
"My clothes were a little more..feminine. I didn't hide the fact that I'm gay. I wasn't accepted. Certain.. People.. That you may or may not know used to toss me into the dumpster.."
"Puck?.." Blaine asked quietly.
"It doesn't matter.."
Blaine shook his head. "So why'd you change?.."
"I wanted to not care. To not let people get to me. To be fearless and be able to stand up for myself.." Kurt tried to explain.
"Are you happy like this?.." Blaine asked softly.
Kurt looked up at Blaine as he thought. "I'm happy with you.."
Blaine smiled lightly he thought about the boy lying to him. "I'm happy with you too..But I'd like to see how you used to look."
"Before you were Kurt Hummel, Skank.." Blaine smiled.
"You want me to strip my hair and take my piercings out..?" Kurt asked in disbelief.
"Yeah..Or you could just show me pictures.." Blaine chuckled.
"Oh.. Right.." Kurt said, hiding his blush of embarrassment.
Blaine smiled as Kurt stood up and reached under his bed for a shoebox. He sat cross-legged and looked at Blaine. "No laughing."
Blaine sat up, smiling. "I'll try.."
Kurt rolled his eyes playfully as he opened the box and picked up a few pictures. He handed one to Blaine. "That's me and my mom.."
Blaine looked down at the picture and saw a small chestnut haired boy with a beautiful woman that had matching hair, eyes, and a few of the same features. "Oh wow..She's beautiful.."
"Thank you.. Dad says I look a lot like her.."
"You do.." Blaine said quietly. "You look so cute.." He smiled.
Kurt blushed. "Thanks.."
Blaine smiled at the photo until Kurt handed him another one. It was one of him in their back yard about a year before he met Quinn. He looked so young and innocent.
"Kurt..You look so.." Blaine trailed off.
"So what?" kurt asked defensively.
"Innocent and adorable.." Blaine said smiling.
Kurt pushed blaine softly. "I was. I made all A's at school. I was smart. I had a lot.. But I had no idea.."
"No idea about what?.." Blaine asked.
"How good my life was. Besides being thrown into dumpsters, being slushied and being made fun of, I had a pretty nice life.."
"Why don't you go back to that?..After Christmas break?.." Blaine asked quietly.
"Why?" Kurt asked.
"If you were happier.." Blaine said quietly.
"I'm not that kid anymore. I'm not innocent. I'm not smart. I'm failing all my classes.."
"I could help you.." Blaine said. "Either way..I think you're beautiful."
"R-Really?" Kurt asked, fluttering his lashes. "You'd like me like that..?"
"I would.." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt smiled, leaning in to kiss blaine softly. "If you could have one thing in life, what would it be?"
"Why do you ask?.." Blaine said softy.
"Its interesting to know the one thing people want."
"Love.." Blaine whispered. Of course this was a lie, but he wanted to see Kurt's reaction.
Kurt looked into Blaine's beautiful honey eyes. "Me too.."
Blaine smiled, cupping Kurt's cheek and leaning in to kiss him softly.
Kurt laid back down, pulling the shorter boy close. "Blaine..?"
"Yeah?.." Blaine whispered.
"I just.. I really like you.." Kurt said sincerely, his heart speeding up.
"I really like you too Kurt.." Blaine said, lacing fingers with Kurt. Kurt fluttered his lashes, leaning in for another kiss. Blaine pulled Kurt closer, deepening the kiss. The taller gasped, pressing his body to Blaine's. Blaine pulled away, biting his lip as he looked up into Kurt's eyes.
"How are you so perfect..?" Kurt whispered.
"I was just about to ask you the same thing.." Blaine said just as quietly.
"But you're wrong," Kurt said, chuckling lightly.
"No I'm not.." Blaine giggled.
"How so?"
"You're so perfect Kurt.."
"I am nothing that qualifies as perfect," Kurt scoffed.
"You're the one lying.."
"Why would I lie? You're sweet and beautiful..Just amazing.." Blaine smiled. Kurt looked down, trying to hide his blush. How could Blaine really think the things?
"You're everything Kurt.."
Kurt had tears in his eyes as he kissed Blaine. Blaine ran a hand through Kurt's hair, humming softly. Kurt brought a hand up to cup the younger's cheek. He kissed Blaine deeply, silently thanking him for everything. Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips. Maybe he was getting Kurt to fall for him.. Kurt pulled back, biting his lip. "I love that feeling.."
"Me too.." Blaine smiled.
"So.. Have you always been some sort of bad ass?" Kurt giggled.
"Kind of.." Blaine chuckled. Kurt nodded as he looked down. Unwelcome thoughts filled his mind.
"What's wrong?.."
"If I hadn't changed.. You'd be helping Puck throw me into the dumpster and throwing slushies at me.." Kurt said quietly.
"I'm not like that.." Blaine said softly. Kurt nodded, laying his head on Blaine's chest. "I'm serious, Kurt.." Blaine whispered.
"You would've stopped them?" Kurt asked.
"I'm not into the bullying thing.." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt planted a light kiss over Blaine's heart. "I believe you."
"Why'd they stop?.." Blaine asked.
Kurt sighed. "I don't know. I met Q. They saw me with her and it just stopped. I never questioned it."
Blaine nodded, biting his lip. He was new this year so he really didn't know anyone's back story.
"How'd you become friends with them?" Kurt asked.
"Well..It was my first day, and Puck really just took me under his wing.." Blaine said.
"He doesn't like that you're around me, does he?"
"I really don't care.." Blaine said, shrugging. That made Kurt smile as he cuddled back up wit Blaine. Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head, grinning.
"Do you like being here.. With me..?"
"I do.." Blaine whispered.
"Do you like me being here?.." Blaine said quietly.
"I love that you're here." The pale boy said honestly.
Blaine smiled before going quiet. "So what are you going to do?..About Sebastian?"
"What's left to do..?" Kurt asked. Truth be told, he'd miss his ex. Sebastian did have a good heart. His temper just got in the way. Kurt thought about how he would miss having someone love him. But then he looked at Blaine and remembered the things the shorter boy had said to Sebastian. Maybe he could have more with Blaine.
"You're not going back to him are you?.."
Kurt shook his head. "No.. I-I realized something today.."
"What's that?.." Blaine asked.
Kurt looked up into those gorgeous hazel eyes as he cupped Blaine's cheek. "How lucky I am to have you.."
Blaine smiled. "I feel the same way Kurt.."
"Thank you for doing that earlier. I-I was so.. scared.." Kurt whispered.
"He has no right to touch you that way.." Blaine said seriously.
Kurt sighed, looking down. "I know.. But most people wouldn't have gotten involved.."
"I couldn't just let that happen.." Blaine said.
"I just don't understand why.. I know I.. I hurt him. But.." Kurt trailed off as tears sprang to his eyes.
"You didn't deserve that baby.." Blaine whispered, kissing Kurt's forehead. Kurt bit his lip, curling up next to Blaine. "Shh..It's okay.."
"I-I thought he..he was getting better.." Kurt whispered.
"I know.." Blaine soothed.
"I just..I-I feel like I did this.. That I made him this way.."
"He has problems Kurt..That's not your fault.."
"He had always been jealous.." Kurt gasped. "But not like that.."
Blaine bit his lip, nodding.
Kurt pulled back. "I-I'm sorry.." he said as he wiped his tears. "I'm being selfish.."
"How are you being selfish?.." Blaine asked.
"Crying about him.. Not thinking about how it makes you feel.."
"It's okay Kurt..You need to let it out.." Blaine said sincerely.
Kurt glanced at the younger boy. "I don't want to hurt you.."
Blaine didn't say anything and looked down. "It's okay.."
Kurt took Blaine's hand. "No it isn't.."
Blaine looked up into Kurt's eyes, really selling it.."Kurt, there is a moment where you say to yourself – ‘Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you forever.’ "
A new round of tears sprang to Kurt's eyes. "Y-You had that moment..? When..?"
"Right before you and I..Before I bottomed..That was a moment for me..About you..You..Move me, Kurt.." Blaine whispered.
Before he knew it, Kurt slid on top of Blaine. "You.. Are perfect.."
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, looking up at him. "I...I love you.."
Kurt gasped, his body freezing over Blaine's. "Really..?"
"Really.." Blaine said quietly. If he was lying..Why did his heart flutter as he said it?..
Kurt searched Blaine's eyes as he felt a warm, bubbly sensation take his body. "I love you too.."
Blaine gasped, pulling Kurt close and kissing him deeply. Kurt moaned loudly as he kissed back desperately. Blaine ran his hands through Kurt's hair, feeling the smooth locks and the rough shaven sides. He ran his hands down to Kurt's neck, memorizing that before running his hands over every inch of Kurt's body.
"Blaine.." Kurt breathed out, kissing down the olive toned skin. Blaine moaned softly, tracing his fingers down Kurt's tattoo. Kurt's heart was racing as he explored Blaine's body.
"I love you.." Blaine whispered against Kurt's lips.
Kurt gave a small whine. "I love you too, Blaine.."
Blaine placed his hands on either side of Kurt's face. "That sounds so amazing.."
"I love you.." Kurt repeated, smiling wide.
Blaine grinned. "I love you too, Kurt.."
Kurt kissed to Blaine's ear, breathing heavily. "Make love to me.. Please Blaine.."
Blaine nodded, turning his head to kiss Kurt softly before slowly rolling them over. Kurt gasped, his head falling back as his eyes slipped closed. Blaine kissed down Kurt's neck slowly, taking his time as he slowly removed each article of clothing. Kurt blushed as Blaine admired his body. He ran his hands over the olive chest. "You're so beautiful.."
"So are you.." Blaine said quietly as he stripped himself and pressed their bodies together. Kurt leaned in, kissing blaine deeply and wrapping his legs around him. Blaine kissed Kurt back, humming quietly and running a hand through his hair.
"Oohh.." Kurt gasped lightly. Blaine reached for the lube, beginning to slick up his fingers. Kurt kept his eyes trained on Blaine's. His cheeks were tinged pink as his heart raced. He couldn't believe how special he made him feel. Blaine kissed over Kurt's heart as he spread his legs and slowly pushed a finger inside of him. Kurt gasped, his back arching lightly. "Ohhh.."
"Shh.." Blaine soothed, pressing his lips across Kurt's chest. Kurt's breathing sped up, his eyes fluttering and back arching as Blaine brushed against his prostate. Blaine rubbed over the bundle of nerves again, looking up into Kurt's eyes. Kurt bit his lip, his body shaking as he tried to be quiet.
"So beautiful.." Blaine whispered.
"B-Blaine!" Kurt got out in a loud whisper.
"I know baby.." Blaine breathed out.
"I-I need you.. Please.."
"Just wait.." Blaine said, adding another finger. Kurt whined loudly as his back arched more. Blaine watched Kurt intently before slipping one more in. Kurt's hand flew into Blaine's hair, pulling as he tried not to scream.
"Baby.." Blaine groaned.
"Please.. Please Blaine.." Kurt gasped. Blaine nodded, pulling out and slicking himself up. Kurt watched blaine, biting his lip. "So perfect.."
Blaine leaned down, kissing Kurt before he pushed in.
Kurt breathed out harshly. "Oh god.. I-I love you.."
"I love you too.." Blaine whispered, pressing in to the hilt.
"Unnhh baby.." Kurt moaned, rolling his body. Blaine began to pull out slowly, wrapping his arms around Kurt. Kurt clutched to Blaine as they moved together. Blaine kissed Kurt deeply, rolling his hips faster. The pale boy clawed down Blaine's back, moaning loudly as they kissed.
"Fuck..Kurt.." Blaine whispered. He'd never done it like this..Soft and slow..He kind if liked it. Little gasps of pleasure escaped Kurt as Blaine slid in and out of him. He felt a feeling he couldn't place as he looked into the shorter's eyes. A slight burning. But a good one. Passion? Kurt didn't know. He hadn't felt anything like this. Like how Blaine made him feel. But he was so happy to have it. Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes..The feeling intense as they locked their gaze. He almost had to look away but continued as he cupped Kurt's cheek. Kurt's breathing became deeper as they moved faster, their bodies moving together as they fit perfectly together. Kurt wanted to moan, wanted to tell Blaine once more that he loved him. But the moment they were sharing was too precious to interrupt with words. A silent connection forming between the panting boys. Blaine felt something blurring his vision as he looked down at the beautiful boy beneath him. A tear slipped down his cheek and he gasped. Why was he crying?.. Kurt gave a sweet smile as he leaned up to kiss Blaine's tear away. Blaine squeezed his eyes shut. He shouldn't feel this way.. The redhead slowly ran his hands down Blaine's sides, exploring his body and wanting to memorize this special moment. Blaine leaned down, pressing their lips together again and speeding up.
"Blaine!" Kurt cried out loudly. Blaine pushed his tongue into Kurt's mouth, kissing him deeply as the passion between them grew hotter and more intense. Kurt felt the familiar heat pooling in the pit of his stomach as wave after wave of pleasure spread through him.
Blaine felt Kurt was close and thrust harder, breathing heavily through his nose and ramming into his prostate. Kurt broke the kiss, his orgasm making him quiver and shake as he came. Blaine slammed into Kurt before giving one more thrust and clutching desperately to Kurt as he filled him. Kurt whimpered as he clutched for anything to hold onto. His hands found Blaine's biceps, lingering on the firm muscles as his breathing returned to normal. Blaine slowly thrust in and out of Kurt before pulling out and kissing the older boy deeply. Kurt hummed satisfied. "Blaine..?"
"Yeah?.." Blaine whispered.
Kurt placed his hand over Blaine's racing heart. "I love you.."
Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled. "I love you too.."
Thank you!!
Ugh! This was soooo good! Please just let Bllaine realize this is all legit DX
Thank you!!!
sigh...... such a good chapter.
If you are going to write another chapter (which you need to) GET IT UP. I love this story, I read it because of the Badboy!Blaine but you made the Skank!Kurt amazing. I really love this! Please carry on with it xo
We have six stories. So it does take time to get them up. We are working on it though.
Just wait sweetie :)
I can't believe that Blaine made that deal with Quinn, now we know that he doesn't actually love kurt. I feel like crying!
god i am so sick of sebastian. he keeps luring kurt in, making him feel like nothing - that's the best description of an abusive relationship i've seen. the hurting, anger, then begging for forgiveness and false sweetness.i wanna punch him, tbh.but blaine... sigh. they're both so stupid. kurt's madly in love with him, blaine's madly in love with him back, and now they're both gonna find out each betted on the other; i can smell angst and heartbreak.just wake the fuck up and talk it all out, will ya? no lies. just love.