The New Emily
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The New Emily: Chapter 9

E - Words: 9,252 - Last Updated: Jul 07, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Sep 25, 2012 - Updated: Jul 07, 2013
146 0 0 0 0

The next morning, Kurt watched Blaine make breakfast. "Teach me something."

"Like what?" Blaine smiled.

"How to make something."

"Okay." He smiled as he pulled out a pan.

Kurt got up and walked behind Blaine. "What first?"

Blaine handed Kurt an egg and stood behind him, grabbing his hands.

Kurt bit his lip. "Now what..?"

"Crack it..gently." Blaine smiled.

Kurt slowly cracked the egg and poured it into the bowl. "I did it!"

Blaine chuckled, kissing his neck as they did another. He grabbed a whisk and showed Kurt how to move his wrist to mix the eggs.

"I like this." Kurt grinned.

"Me too.." Blaine said softly. Kurt smiled as they continued. "Okay..Now we have to pour it in the pan."

Kurt nodded, doing as he was told.

Blaine grinned. "See? You're a natural."

"We haven't tried it yet." Kurt chuckled.

"Still." Blaine said softly. Kurt giggled with Blaine as they cooked. Blaine slid the eggs onto the plate. "See?"

"That wasn't so bad."

Blaine kissed his cheek. "I knew you could do it."

"You'll have to show me more." Kurt said.

"I will." Blaine smiled.

"Try it.."

Blaine took a bite and his eyebrows shot up. "Wow.."

"Terrible..?" Kurt asked shyly before pushing his plate away and groaning. "I knew I'd be no good at this."

"Baby, it's great." Blaine smiled.

"Really?" Kurt asked as he perked up.

"It's amazing." Blaine smiled.

Kurt grabbed his plate and took a bite. "Wow.."

"See?" Blaine grinned.

"That's good.."

"You're amazing."

"Thank you."

Blaine leaned over kissing Kurt softly.

"I love you."

"I love you so much.."

They ate breakfast and headed out for a walk. Blaine laced his fingers with Kurt's and smiled. "So..I got a modeling offer.."

"Really? With who?" Kurt asked excitedly.

"No one big. But they saw me in your ad and they called me."

"You're taking it, right?"

"Do you think I should?.." Blaine asked.

"I do." Kurt smiled.

"Okay.." Blaine smiled. "But what if they make me get naked?.." he teased.

"Oh.. I-I don't know.."

"I'm kidding.." Blaine chuckled.

"Oh, good." Kurt sighed.

"You're the only one that gets to see that.." Blaine said, kissing Kurt's cheek.

"And I love seeing that."

Blaine couldn't help but blush. "I love you.." he said softly before he saw the flash of a camera from across the street.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry.."

"It's fine." Blaine said, squeezing Kurt's hand.

They continued walking as pictures were taken.

"This just means I'll have pictures of us." Blaine smiled as his phone rang.

"Director?" Kurt asked.

Blaine nodded, sighing. "I'm sorry..Rachel and I have to practice our love song.."

"It's okay. Want me to come over later?"

"If you're not too busy.."

"I won't be." Kurt said softly.

Blaine gave Kurt a quick kiss. "I love you.."

"I love you too, babe."

Blaine smiled, squeezing Kurt's hand before walking off. Kurt sighed to himself as he walked home. When he got there he saw a small paper bag with a note on it in front of his door. He reached down and picked it up. "Stopped by, but you weren't home. Brought you some muffins! Whole wheat. -Theo."

Kurt smiled as he took the bag and texted his assistant. "Thank you. Just got the muffins."

"Do you like them?" Theo texted.

Kurt bit into one of the muffins before replying. "I do! Where are these from?"

"Just a little bakery by my house"

"You didn't have to do that on your day off. Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Maybe we could go get some lunch?"

"Sure. Blaine's working. I have nothing going on."

"Meet you at noon?"


Kurt smiled, stuffing his phone in his pocket. He got ready and headed out to meet Theo. Theo sat at a table and grinned as he saw Kurt walk in.

"Hey." Kurt smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm great. Also, so are you because you have the best assistant in the world." Theo grinned.

"Okay.. What did you do?" Kurt chuckled nervously.

"I got you a spread in Elle Magazine."

Kurt's eyes went wide. "W-What? How?!”

"I made a few calls." Theo smiled, shrugging.

"What's the article about?"

"Your fashion line." Theo said.

"You are amazing!" Kurt grinned.

Theo grinned wide. "And..They want you on the cover.."

Kurt's mouth dropped. "Okay, now you have to tell me how you arranged this."

"Your name has more pull than you think it does." Theo chuckled.

"Well, thank you."

"You're very welcome." Theo smiled.

Kurt couldn’t stop smiling as they ordered.

“I'm really glad you chose me to work for you.." Theo said softly.

"Me too." Kurt agreed.

They sat, chatting long after they finished their meal.

The next few weeks entailed Kurt spending a lot more time with Theo, even outside of work. Blaine was beginning to get jealous. He barely had time to stop by for lunch these days and this guy got to see him at the drop of a hat. Kurt finally got a random Thursday night to himself. Blaine dropped his plans to spend time with his boyfriend. They had just settled down to watch a movie when Kurt's phone rang.

Blaine sighed softly. "You can answer it."

"Hello?" Kurt answered.

"Hey Mr. Hummel. I saw today was your day off and I was wondering if you were busy."

"I'm with Blaine. What's going on?"

"Oh. Nothing much." Theo said as Blaine rolled his eyes.

"Oh.. Okay.."

"I was just going to ask if you wanted to go out to get a drink or something."

"I'll ask Blaine." Kurt said before turning to his boyfriend. "You want to go for drinks?"

Blaine looked up at him. "Yeah, sure."

"Where?" Kurt asked Theo.

"Anywhere is fine with me."

"Let us get ready. I'll text you."

Theo smiled. "Okay."

Kurt got off the phone and stretched. "We should get ready."

Blaine simply nodded, standing and walking to the bathroom. Kurt headed to his room to change. Blaine couldn't believe this. Their first day together in weeks and he would be there.. When Kurt changed, he knocked on the bathroom door. "You ready, babe?"

"Yup." Blaine sighed, coming out.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Blaine said softly.

"Are you sure?" Kurt asked, wrapping his arms around Blaine.

Blaine nodded. "I just can't drink much..I have a shoot tomorrow.."

"So then I'll drink and dance with you." Kurt grinned.

Blaine gave a weak smile. "Sounds good.."

"What aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing. There's just a lot on my mind with work.."

"Are you sure?" Kurt asked worriedly.

"Yeah." Blaine said, kissing him.

"I love you.."

"I love you too.."

Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand as they left.

Blaine sighed as they met up with Theo at a local bar. The assistant smiled, waving at them.

"Hey!" Kurt smiled as they walked to the bar.

"Hey guys." Theo said. "Great to see you again, Blaine."

"Yeah. You too." Blaine replied.

"What'll it be boys?"

"Surprise me." Kurt grinned.


"I'm not drinking."

"Awe, come on. One beer."

"I.. I don't know.." Blaine sighed.

"You don't have to baby, It's fine. Theo and I can just drink." Kurt said softly.

That made Blaine very uncomfortable. "Fine."

Kurt nodded, squeezing Blaine's hand. Theo leaned over and flirted with the bartender as he ordered. Kurt laughed lightly as Theo brought their drinks back. "Make a friend?"

"That depends." Theo said with a wicked smile. "Am I your assistant or friend tonight?"

"You're off the clock." Kurt giggled. "I'd say..Friend."

"Then we'll see in half an hour when his shift ends." Theo chuckled.

Blaine shook his head to himself as Kurt laughed.

"You dance?" Theo asked Kurt.

"Of course I dance, who do you think you're talking to?" Kurt grinned.

"Some people are reserved in clubs." Theo shrugged.

"Well I am not." Kurt grinned, sipping his drink.

"Let's go."

Kurt grinned, walking out on the dance floor. Blaine scowled, sitting at the bar. Maybe he'd have that beer now.

"What's up with your boyfriend?" Theo asked as they danced.

"Long week." Kurt sighed, giving a little frown.

"Is he okay?"

"He's been a little off today, but he told me he's fine."

Theo nodded. "Okay then."

Kurt smiled, looking over at Blaine who gave a weak smile and waved. Kurt waved back and gestured for him to come over. Blaine shook his head, but kept smiling. Kurt made a pouty face at his boyfriend. Blaine sighed, standing and walking over. Kurt grinned as he wrapped his arms around Blaine. "Dance with us."

Blaine chuckled lightly as he started to rock his hips slowly. Kurt turned and pressed back against Blaine. Blaine tried to enjoy dancing with his boyfriend, but it was hard to when Theo was intent on dancing so close to Kurt.

"Where's your bartender boyfriend?" Kurt chuckled as Theo stepped closer.

"Dunno." Theo said, looking towards the bar.

"I don't see him up there. Maybe you should go find him." Blaine said, trying to get Theo away.

Theo shrugged. "It's okay..I just got here with you guys." He smiled.

Blaine sighed. "I think I will have a drink now.."

Kurt sighed, kissing Blaine softly. "Okay baby.."

Blaine turned and headed to the bar. He didn't know how he felt about this guy.. Something felt off. He ordered a beer and sipped it slowly as he watched them. Kurt faced his assistant. He didn't seem to be leading Theo on. But he wasn't pushing him away either. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..Blaine should've just gone to work. Blaine pulled out his phone and sent a message to Rachel. "You still rehearsing?"

"Just left." She replied.

"What're you doing?"

"On my way home."

"Okay. Have a good night."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah.. I just don't want to be out."

"I thought you guys were staying in?"

"Until Theo called and wanted to go out with Kurt."

“Do you want me to come get you?”


Blaine told her where he was and sighed as she told him she'd be there soon. Blaine sat at the bar and turned his back to Kurt. Kurt came back and wrapped his arms around Blaine, giggling lightly.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. I miss dancing with you.." Kurt smiled.

"Rachel's on her way." Blaine said.


Blaine shrugged. "I was going to go with her.."

"But..Why?" Kurt asked again.

"You're spending our only night alone with your assistant. Oh wait. No, he's a friend tonight." Blaine said before rolling his eyes.

"Blaine..Are you serious? I asked you to come dance with me.."

"And he's in front of you trying to grind on you!"

"No he wasn't, we were just dancing! Since when are you jealous?!"

"Since we barely see each other. And when we do, you can't even be alone with me!"

"You could've said no.."

"I didn't want you to feel like you couldn't go because I wanted to see you."

Rachel walked up behind Blaine. "Hey, you ready?"

Blaine looked at Kurt for a moment. "Yeah."

Kurt eyed Blaine before sighing deeply. "Bye, then."

"Bye." Blaine said in an almost growl before storming off with Rachel.

Rachel raised an eyebrow. "What was that about?"

"He's acting like I'm being ridiculous! We've barely fucking seen each other since he got an assistant. And the one night we have together, he wants to go for drinks with him! Ugh!" Blaine got out in a breathless rant.

Rachel nodded as they climbed in the car. "Well..You know Kurt..He's always right. Or at least he thinks he is."

"Yeah." Blaine mumbled. Did he really want to deal with this drama?

"But just take some time for you. He'll come to his senses."

"I hope so."

"So do you want me to just take you home?"

Blaine nodded as he looked out the window.

"Hey..Theo is harmless if that's what you're worried about." Rachel said softly.

Blaine closed his eyes and pictured how close Theo was getting to Kurt. "You didn't see them. I wanted to just grab Kurt and show Theo that he's mine. But I know Kurt would think I'm over reacting so I just fucking walked away. I don't trust him."

"Well why didn't you show him?" Rachel asked.

"I thought he'd think I was being ridiculous." Blaine shrugged.

"I'm taking you back."

"What? Why?"

"So you can go show Kurt he's yours." She grinned.

Blaine bit his lip and sat back as Rachel turned around. Rachel drove back to the bar and stopped. "I don't think Theo is trying to steal Kurt. But I still think you should go in there and remind Kurt why he's with you."

Blaine gave a quick nod. "You're right! I'll call you tomorrow. Thanks, Rach."

"It's what I do." She smiled as he got out and headed inside.

Kurt had just set his drink down when Theo looked up. "Umm.. Kurt..?"

"What?" Kurt asked.

Theo nodded in Blaine's direction as the curly haired man headed their way.

Kurt turned to face Blaine. "I thought you were leaving.."

"Changed my mind." Blaine said as he stepped closer to Kurt.

Kurt eyed Blaine up and down. "Why?"

"Because." Blaine said, lowering his voice and taking Kurt by his hips. "You belong to me and me only. I want everyone in here to see that." He whispered before kissing Kurt heatedly.

Kurt made a muffled noise of surprise before melting into the kiss and gripping Blaine's curls. Blaine moved his hands to Kurt's ass and pressed him against the closest wall. Kurt moaned loudly, pushing back into Blaine's hands. Blaine grinned against Kurt's lips. He'd have to thank Rachel tomorrow.

"Fuck.." Kurt panted as he pulled back.

Blaine chuckled darkly as he kissed Kurt's neck. "You have no idea how much I want to take you home right now. But I won't."

"W-Why?.." Kurt whined.

"Because I want to dance with you. Tease you until your hard and need me." Blaine whispered. "Make you wait. You're so cute when you squirm."

Kurt shuddered with need as Blaine's hands roamed his body. "Blaine.."

A fast pace song came on and Blaine ground his hips on Kurt. Kurt pulled himself closer to Blaine, panting desperately. Blaine licked across Kurt's bottom lip. "Damn baby."

Kurt stared into Blaine's eyes darkly. "I'm yours." He whispered.

"That's right. And tonight, I'll make you my dirty slut."

Kurt moaned in the most obscene way as he arched his back. Blaine turned Kurt around and moved his hips against Kurt's ass.

"A-Ah..Blaine..Fuck me.." Kurt whined.

"Right here?" Blaine chuckled.

Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder. "Yes.."

Blaine ran his hand over the front of Kurt's tight jeans. "You think your fans in here would like that?"

Kurt could barely speak as Blaine touched him. "Fuck..I don't care."

Blaine squeezed lightly. "Fuck.. Such a thick cock in there. I don't know how you hide it."

Kurt growled, thrusting into Blaine's hand. "So hard for you.." he gasped.

"Let's grab a taxi." Blaine said quickly. "Unless you want Theo to drop us off. But I won't keep my hands off of you either way."

Kurt laughed lightly, looking up at Blaine with hooded eyes. "Which would you prefer?.."

"Theo." Blaine chuckled.

Kurt laughed lightly. "Let’s go.."

Blaine grinned as he followed.

Kurt smiled at Theo. "You ready to go?"

"Umm.." Theo said, looking to the guy he was dancing with. The other man nodded. "Yeah. We'll drop you off."

Kurt grinned. "Sounds good.."

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand as they walked to the car. Kurt laughed loudly as Blaine pulled him into the back seat. Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap and kissed him deeply. Kurt moaned against Blaine's mouth, smiling wide. Blaine grabbed Kurt's ass. "You like that?"

"Yes, baby.."

Blaine rubbed over Kurt's pants. Kurt bit his lip as he looked over to see Theo's date kissing his neck softly. He would be okay. Blaine squeezed Kurt's length. "I can't wait to get you home."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Bend you over. Fuck you so hard, you feel it tomorrow."

Kurt moaned deeply. "Yes.."

Blaine thrust up. "Fuck."

Theo chuckled. "Having fun back there, guys?"

Kurt tried to hold in a moan but failed. "Fuck.. I'm sorry, Theo.. it's just.. Oh god, Blaine.."

Theo just laughed, assuring him he was fine.

When they arrived at Kurt's place, Kurt yelled a thank you before hurrying inside. They kissed and fumbled as they made their way up the stairs. Kurt ripped Blaine's shirt open outside of his door and sucked on his collarbone. Blaine tilted his head back. "That's so good."

Kurt growled, biting down hard. Blaine moaned as he thrust his hips forward.

"We're not in my apartment.." Kurt laughed, smiling up at Blaine.

"I know." Blaine panted as they kept moving. Kurt pulled his key out and pushed it into the lock quickly. Blaine closed the door behind them and picked Kurt up, pressing him against the wall. Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaine. "God, you're so fucking hot..."

Blaine bit Kurt's neck roughly as he carried him to the bedroom. "Fucking love your legs around me."

Kurt smiled, tightening his legs around Blaine. Blaine moaned deeply as he took Kurt's shirt off. Kurt helped Blaine before leaning back in to kiss him passionately. Blaine scratched Kurt's back as he laid them down.

"God, I love you.."

"Fuck, I love you too." Blaine got out as he thrust down.

"Blaine..Oh fuck..."

Blaine kept his hips moving. "Beg for my cock."

Kurt arched his back. "Please, baby..I need your cock..I need it in me.."

Blaine moaned as he worked on undressing them.

"I want you to fuck me so hard, Blaine.."

"Get on your hands and knees."

Kurt did as he was told, biting his lip. Blaine admired Kurt's ass for a long minute. "God damn."

Kurt arched his back. "What are you gonna do to me?.."

"Fuck you so hard. Feel my balls slapping you as in thrust in."

Kurt gasped harshly. "Oh fuck yes.." Kurt whimpered. "Please, sir.."

Blaine grinned as he pressed against Kurt's ass.


The need in Kurt's voice made Blaine's cock twitch. He kept Kurt's ass spread as he pushed in. Kurt moaned softly, biting the pillow.

"Oh fuck yeah.."

"Deeper.." Kurt moaned. Blaine let out a growl as he thrust in completely.

"Oh fuck..Blaine..Mmm..Your cock feels so good in me.."

"Keep talking."

"No one..Ever made me feel this good.."

Blaine moved his hips fast. "Kurt.."

Kurt let out a long moan, arching his back. Blaine held onto Kurt's helps as he fucked into him. Kurt threw his head back. "B-Blaine..I-I'm your bitch, baby..Ah!"

"Such a good little bitch." Blaine moaned as he spanked Kurt.

"Blaine!" Kurt cried out. "Ohhhh..More, baby..Choke me.."

Blaine wrapped his fingers around Kurt's neck and squeezed. "Take me like a fucking whore baby. So sexy."

Kurt let out a low growl of ecstasy. "Fuck! Yes.."

Blaine tightened his grip as he sped up his hips. Kurt was a moaning mess as Blaine thrust into him. He'd never felt this amazing during sex. Blaine knew just what to do. With his free hand, Blaine scratched down Kurt's back, making sure to leave marks.

Kurt rolled his body with Blaine's hand. "O-Oh Blaine! I-I'm gonna come..I-I ah!"

"Come baby. Then turn over." Blaine breathed out. Kurt let go, crying out his lover's name as his body shook with his release. Blaine slowed his thrusts as Kurt came down. Kurt trembled as he whimpered into the pillow. Blaine pulled out and Kurt whined softly before turning over, his chest heaving. Blaine pumped himself quickly. "Talk to me baby, please."

"Shit.." Kurt panted. "Scoot up baby..I-I want it on my face..Please, Blaine."

Blaine straddled Kurt's chest. "Oh my god.."

Kurt moaned as he thought about what was to come. "You gonna come on my face, sir?..All over me?.." he whispered.

Blaine gave a small whine. "Fuck.. Gonna come all over your face."

Kurt smiled. "I want it..I want you to see me covered in it..Covered in your come.." Kurt's eyes rolled back and he bit his lip as a quiet word escaped his perfect lips. Blaine could've almost missed it if he wasn't listening so closely. "Daddy.."

Blaine arched his back and moaned loudly as he came, pumping his seed onto Kurt's face and neck.

Kurt whined, opening his mouth and catching what he could on his tongue.


Kurt licked his lips and smiled as he rubbed up and down Blaine's thighs. "Wow.."

"You look so fucking hot.."

"Help me clean up?.." Kurt giggled. Blaine nodded as he climbed off of Kurt. Kurt stood, grabbing Blaine's hands and leading him to the bathroom. Blaine started the shower and climbed in. The hot water ran down their bodies as Blaine slowly cleaned them off. He loved these moments. He stared into Kurt's eyes lovingly as they showered. Kurt smiled and Blaine saw something new in his eyes. He'd seen him vulnerable, but never so intimately vulnerable. He looked so sincere as he held Blaine close, his hands traveling over smooth expanses of skin. It made Blaine wonder if he'd been hurt before.

Blaine slowly brought his hand up to cup Kurt's cheek. "I'm so in love with you, Kurt Hummel."

Kurt gave a barely noticeable gasp as he looked down before back into Blaine's eyes. "I'm..I'm in love with you too, Blaine.."

Blaine smiled softly as he pressed a kiss to Kurt's lips.

Kurt inhaled deeply, leaning into the kiss before pulling back slightly and resting their foreheads together. "I've never close to someone.."

"I'm glad it's me.." Blaine whispered. "I never thought I'd have this.."

Kurt gave a bashful smile. "Neither did I.." He said quietly.

Blaine turned the water off and they got ready for bed. "So.. Thanksgiving is coming up.."

Kurt sat in front of his vanity, flicking on the light. "It is.."

"Why don't we..go to see your family?"

"No. That's out of the question." Kurt said quickly as he started his skin care routine.


"I'm..We're..You and I are far too busy to fly all the way to Ohio just for a dinner."

"We could make time." Blaine said softly.

"Well, you have your rehearsals and your shoot and I know they're going to want you for a show after that and I have my Elle interview it just won't work out." Kurt blurted quickly.

Blaine looked down. He didn't know why Kurt didn't want to go home. But part of him felt like Kurt didn't want to go with him. "Okay."

Kurt met Blaine's eyes in the mirror and sighed softly. "Look..It has nothing to do with you, Blaine. I'm not ashamed of you..I brag about you all over television and magazines..I just..We're busy."

"Okay." Blaine said again as he climbed into bed.

"Don't you dare, Blaine Anderson." Kurt said, turning in his chair. "You can't use that cute pouty thing against me."

"What are you talking about?" Blaine asked.

Kurt just groaned. "Nothing..Listen..I want to see them." He lied."But, my schedule won't allow it."

"I understand." Blaine said as an idea started to form in his head. "Hurry up and get in bed."

Kurt nodded wiping his face before climbing into bed. Blaine scooted back against Kurt. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, baby." Kurt said softly, pulling Blaine closer.

The next day, Blaine went through his phone. He had to have Kurt's father's number somewhere. He raised his eyebrows as he couldn't find it. He decided to wait until he knew Kurt was at lunch to go into his office and find his address book. Blaine walked into Kurt's building and quickly turned a corner as he saw Theo and Kurt leaving. He let out a sigh of relief as the two left. He walked to Kurt's office and grabbed the spare key from a potted plant before opening the door. He closed it behind him and went straight to Kurt's desk. He rooted through the drawers and finally found Kurt's address book. He sat down and looked through the pages. He didn't have him under 'Dad'..He flipped to the H's and found the only Hummel in the book. This had to be him. Burt Hummel. Blaine jotted down the number and made sure to put everything back in its place.
He left the office and walked down to a caf� before dialing the number. It took a few rings before a man answered.
"Is this Burt Hummel?"

"It is." The gruff voice replied. "Who is this?"

"My name is Blaine Anderson. I'm umm.. I'm dating Kurt."

"I've heard." Burt said.

Blaine knitted his eyebrows together. He didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. "As you know, Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. I thought it could be nice to fly your family out here and surprise Kurt."

"Kurt wants to see us?" Burt asked seriously.

"He does. He said so last night. But he was worried about taking time off of work so he couldn't come there."

Burt hummed in thought. "Well..I guess we should fly up then.."

"Great! How many tickets do you need? I'll take care of everything."

"Just three." Burt said.

"Okay. I'll get it all settled and send you the tickets."

Burt was quiet for a moment. "Thank you, Blaine.."

"You're welcome. This is my cell. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to call."

Burt thanked Blaine again before hanging up. Blaine smiled to himself. He knew this would be a great surprise for Kurt. Blaine headed back home to search for hotels. To his dismay, he found that all of the hotels in the area were booked for the holidays. Blaine didn't think Kurt would mind his family staying in his big apartment. After all, there was plenty of room.

The day before thanksgiving, Blaine drove to the airport to pick up Kurt's family. When he saw them walked out, Blaine quickly headed over. "Mr. Hummel, it's so nice to meet you."

Burt nodded, shaking his hand. "Same here."

"Mrs. Hummel," Blaine smiled. "Thank you all for coming. Kurt will be so surprised."

"Please, call me Carole.." She smiled. "This is Kurt's brother, Finn."

Blaine shook his hand. "Come on, I'll get your bags."

Blaine felt good about this. Kurt would be so surprised.

They headed to Kurt's place. "When was the last time you were here?" Blaine asked.

"Never been here." Burt said.

"Really?" Blaine asked. "Has Kurt been back at all?"

"No." Finn said, looking around as Blaine used his spare key to let them in. Kurt was at his Elle interview and was scheduled to be home any minute. Blaine showed them where they'd be sleeping. They had just sat in the living room when they heard the door opening. Blaine ran over and greeted his boyfriend. He turned Kurt so his back was to the living room. "How was your interview?"

"Good.." He smiled, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck. "But I'm ready for a night with you.." he said softly, leaning in to kiss him.

Blaine kissed him before pulling away. "Actually.. I have a surprise for you.."

"What's that?" Kurt smiled, biting his lip.

"Umm.. Turn around.."

Kurt turned around and his face dropped. "Oh my god.."

"Hey Kurt.." His father said quietly.

"What are you doing here?.."

Burt looked to Blaine. "Blaine said you wanted to see us."

Kurt looked back to Blaine. "I-I.."

“Aren't you happy?" Blaine asked.

Kurt looked back to his family and quickly ran to his room.

"I knew it. Still too good for us." Finn scoffed.

"Finn. Don't be like that." Carole said.

"What's going on?" Blaine asked.

"After Kurt got famous he pretty much threw us to the side.." Finn said seriously.

"Now that’s not true.." Burt sighed.

"What did happen..?" Blaine asked carefully.

"He just..Got busy..And, well, tension grew between us. It led to fights.." Burt said.

"I didn't know.."

"We haven't heard from him in years.." Carole said softly.

"I-I'll go talk to him.." Blaine knocked on Kurt's door. "Kurt..?"

"What?" Kurt asked, his voice wavering.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute.." Kurt said.

Blaine waited for Kurt to open the door. "Baby.. What's wrong?"

"I-I haven't..Talked to them in years..I..I don't want to see them Blaine..I can't."

"You told me you did want to see them.."

"I lied!" Kurt breathed out before sitting on the bed and resting his face in his hands.

Blaine sighed. "Why'd you stop talking to them?"

“Every time I tried talking to them it was another argument. They didn't understand that I couldn't come out to see them.. Every time I explained it became 'You think you're better than us'.."

"Go out there and work it out. They're your family."

"Don't you think I've tried?" Kurt asked.

"Try again. I'm here. I'll help keep it civil."

"I'm pretty sure Finn hates me.."

"Just talk to him."

Kurt sighed, composing himself.

"Let's go out there." Blaine said softly. Kurt nodded, straightening his suit. Blaine walked out hand in hand with Kurt.

Kurt looked at his family. "Hi.."

"Hey.." Burt said.

Kurt sat down with Blaine. "Well..I..Um.."

"How have you been?" Carole asked.

"Really great actually..You?"

"Good. Keeping these two alive." Carole smiled.

Finn just crossed his arms, sitting back as Kurt nodded slowly.

"What do you do, Mr. Hummel?" Blaine asked.

"I own a tire shop in Lima."

"Nice. What about you, Finn?"

"I help out over there." Finn said.

Blaine nodded as everyone went quiet. "Is anyone hungry?"

"I'll cook." Kurt said quickly.

"Umm babe.. Are you sure?" Blaine asked carefully.


"Let me help you." Carole said.


Blaine tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair. Kurt got up and walked to the kitchen with Carole.

"So.. Anything you want to do while you're here?" Blaine asked.

"I've never been to New York.." Finn said.

"I can arrange a tour if you'd like." Blaine suggested.

"That sounds great." Burt smiled.

Kurt nervously walked around the kitchen, gathering pans and utensils. "So..What should we make?"

"What do you have?" Carole asked.

"Well..I have a lot of ingredients, I just never use them.." Kurt said.

Carole opened the cabinets and rummaged through the fridge. "Well, I'm thinking cheesy potatoes, salad and chicken. Is that okay?"

"That works." Kurt said, giving a weak smile.

Carole's gaze lingered on Kurt for a moment. She sighed quietly before wrapping her arms around her stepson. "I missed you so much, Kurt."

Kurt stiffened before returning the hug. "I missed you too..." He whispered. "I missed you so much ."

Carole had tears in her eyes as she pulled back. "Your father misses you.."

"I-I know..But..He thinks I don't..He thinks I..It just hurts.."

"He just wants to see you, Kurt. For years, it was just the two of you. He didn't know how to handle not seeing you, sweetie."

"There are so many times after that last fight..I wanted to just come home and forget about all of this..But I felt like I couldn't.." Kurt got out.

"You can always come home. Even without warning. We're always going to be there."

"It's just not the same..He told me not to come home..A-And I know he didn't mean it..He was just mad..But it just hurt.."

Carole hugged Kurt again. "I know. He blames himself for you two not talking."

"But it's my fault.." Kurt said quietly, holding back tears.

"It's okay. We're here now. What if Finn, Blaine and I go out tonight. Blaine can show us a few things and you and your dad can talk?"

Kurt looked into her eyes. The thought of being alone with his dad scared him, but he needed to smooth things out.

"He loves you more than anything. Just talk to him."


"Come on. Help me peel these potatoes."

As the two in the kitchen started cooking, they heard the boys cheering in the living room. Carole popped her head around the corner and saw them watching a game on the tv. She smiled softly. "Looks like Blaine won your father over already."

"He has a way of doing that." Kurt giggled lightly.

"He's very handsome." Carole grinned.

Kurt couldn't help but smile. "He is..I know that he's a bit young, but..I love him.."

"Love, huh?" Carole asked. "Good for you, sweetie."

"Yup..He's the one that hooked me.." Kurt chuckled. "He was my assistant, but there was something about him.."

"He seems genuine. Don't worry about the age. As long as he's legal," Carole laughed.

Kurt laughed along with her. "Not that young."

"If I tell you something, you can't mention it to Burt."

"I won't." Kurt smiled.

"When he got off the phone with Blaine, he broke down into tears. He couldn't believe he was about to get you back into his life.."

Kurt looked around the corner at his father. "Really?"

Carole nodded as she smiled sadly. "You don't know what this means to him."

“I have to thank Blaine.."

Carole bit her lip. "It was so sweet of him to pay our way out here."

"He paid?" Kurt asked. Blaine really cared..

"For everything." Carole said.

Kurt looked to his boyfriend. He was so perfect. As the chicken and potatoes baked, Kurt and Carole joined the boys. Kurt sat next to Blaine and grabbed his hand, squeezing lightly.

Blaine smiled at his boyfriend. "How's dinner coming along?"

"Great. Carole taught me a few things..And she wants you to take her and Finn out. Show them the sights." Kurt said.

"I can do that."

Kurt nodded, squeezing Blaine's hand again. Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist. Kurt looked around before locking eyes with Finn. Guilt filled him. Finn took his leaving the hardest. Kurt quickly looked away. He didn't know how to handle this.

After dinner Blaine pulled on his coat. "Well, that was delicious. But now I think it's time to take our guests on a tour." He smiled.

"Have fun.." Kurt said, trying to not sound so nervous.

Finn and Carole pulled on their coats and followed Blaine out.

"So, Dad?..How about I make some hot chocolate..Hummel family tradition.." Kurt offered.

"I'd like that, kid."

Kurt smiled at the name before heading to the kitchen. He came out with two mugs topped with whipped cream. He handed one to his dad and smiled lightly as he sat down.

"How's the shop?" Kurt asked.

"Good. I'm slowing down a bit, but Finn's helping out." Burt said.

Kurt nodded. "He was always good at that."

"Yeah." Burt nodded, looking at his son.

Kurt was quiet as his mind raced. "I'm really sorry, dad.."

Burt looked up and swallowed. "So am I..I..I didn't mean it when I said you can't come home, Kurt..You can always come home.."

"I know. It just.. It hurt. I-I was too scared to try.." Kurt said, staring at the floor and fidgeting with his hands.

"I just..I got mad. It was always you and me. We couldn't be more different. But we..We always had each other. I couldn't stand not being able to call your name and hear you run up those stairs. To have rant about who went home on those fashion competition shows..I missed you, Kurt.."

Kurt's bottom lip quivered as he locked eyes with his father. "I missed you so much, dad.."

Tears filled Burt's eyes as Kurt stood and leaned down to hug him. Burt held his son close. "I'm so proud of you..."

"Why?" Kurt whispered.

"Are you kiddin'?" Burt grinned. "Look at you..Look at this place..You showed everyone that doubted you, kid."

"And hurt my family while doing so.."

"Hey..The important thing is that we're here now..That I can finally tell you how proud I am to be your dad.."

Kurt felt like a little boy again. He curled up against his father. "I don't want to lose you again.."

Burt sighed softly, wrapping an arm around Kurt. "You won't, kid.."

"Thank you for coming.."

"Thank you for talking to me.." Burt smiled.

Blaine led Carole and Finn down the streets of the city, showing them all of his favorite places.

Carole and Blaine had decided to go out for drinks before heading back.

"Hey Blaine..?" Finn asked.

"Yeah?" Blaine smiled, looking up at him.

"Do you think you could stop by Rachel Berry's place? I-I'd love to see her.."

Blaine nodded. "Yeah, of course. Are you a fan?"

"More of an old friend.." Finn said as Carole suppressed a smile. "I'd like to go alone, if that's okay.."

"Yeah, that's fine." Blaine said. "I'll call to see if she's busy."

Finn nodded as Blaine dialed the number.

She picked up and Blaine smiled. "Hey Rachel. You busy?"

"Just got home. What's up?"

"Just wondering if I could stop by."

"Is everything okay?" Rachel asked.

"Of course. Just wanna hang out."

"Come on over."

"Will do. Bye." Blaine said before hanging up.

"Thank you, Blaine. Is there a umm.. Flower shop around here..?"

"Yeah. Right around the corner."

Blaine showed Finn where the shop was before dropping him off at Rachel's. Finn knocked on the door and took a shaky breath. Rachel opened the door smiling wide until she saw Finn. "Oh..Finn wow..What are you doing here?..Oh wow..Those are beautiful.."

"H-Hey.. These are for you.." Finn said, holding out a bouquet of pink and yellow dahlia flowers.

Rachel took them and smiled. "Wow..Thank you..Come in." She said, turning and letting Finn in. Finn nodded as he followed. Rachel grabbed a vase and put the flowers in it. "They're gorgeous.."

"I saw them and knew you'd love them."

Rachel turned around to face him and smiled before hugging him.

Finn was caught off guard before he hugged her back. "I missed you."

"I missed you too.." She said softly.

"How are you..?"

"I'm great..Are..Are you here with Kurt? I thought you two didn't talk anymore.."

"We don't. Blaine thought it would be nice to surprise Kurt with bringing us here. Apparently, that's not what Kurt wanted. But we're trying.."

"You're still not talking?.." Rachel asked, walking to the kitchen.

"We got here today. Kurt can't even look at me." Finn shrugged. "I can't really say I'm happy or comfortable staying at his place."

"Well..Do you wanna..stay with me?.." Rachel asked slowly.

Finn was quiet as he looked into Rachel's eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah..I mean..Only if you want.."

"I want to.."

She smiled, nodding lightly. "Okay.."

"I didn't think it was possible for you to get more beautiful."

Rachel blushed deeply as she blinked. "You're so sweet.."

Finn reached out and ran his fingers over her blush. Rachel gave a small gasp, closing her eyes as she leaned into the touch. Finn's heart was racing as he stepped forward. The brunette looked up at him before leaning in slowly. Finn gasped softly as he closed the space between them. Rachel wrapped her arms around Finn's neck, pulling him closer. Finn moaned deep in his throat as he grabbed her slender waist. Rachel gasped against Finn's mouth as she was lifted. She wrapped her legs around him, moaning softly.

"Rachel.." Finn breathed out against her kiss swollen lips. Rachel pulled away slightly, looking into his eyes.

"I've never stopped loving you.." Finn whispered.

"I love you so much.." Rachel said just as quietly. Finn moved his hands to Rachel's ass as he kissed her passionately. Rachel moaned deeply, opening her mouth to him. Finn lost himself in the kiss. He set her down on the kitchen counter, his lips not leaving Rachel's as he reached for the hem of his shirt. Rachel began to unbutton her shirt quickly, hands fumbling over the tiny buttons. Finn pulled his shirt off and ripped Rachel's shirt off, sending the rest of the buttons flying across the room. Rachel gasped harshly, her breathing heavy as she pulled Finn down for a fierce kiss.

Two hours later, Finn and Rachel were lying on the kitchen floor. Their naked, sweating bodies were tangled around each other as they breathed heavily. Rachel smiled wide before kissing Finn slowly.

Finn ran his hands up and down Rachel's sides. "Wow.."

Rachel just giggled, hiding her face playfully.

"Nu uh." Finn grinned. "Let me see your perfect face."

Rachel looked up at him, a blissful smile spread across her features. "That was amazing.."

"I don't think it could get better than that."

She rubbed across his chest slowly. "Will you stay?.." She asked after a while.

"I don't want to be anywhere else." Finn said softly. "Will you take me to get my stuff?"

Rachel nodded. "But..I mean..Will you stay..With me.." She said slowly.

"I thought I was.."

"Tonight you are..But..What happens after you go back to Ohio?.."

"You want to date me? While I'm in Ohio?"

"I want you to stay here..In New York.."

Finn went quiet. "I want to. There's just one thing stopping me.."

Rachel's eyebrows knit together. "I-Is there someone else?.."

"What? God, no! It's umm.." Finn sat up and ran his hands through his hair. "I-I’m not supposed to say anything.. Kurt doesn't know yet.."

Rachel sat up as well. "What is it?.."

Rachel drove Finn to Kurt's place. When they walked in, Blaine and Carole were already there.

Blaine smiled as he saw Rachel. "Hey! I didn't expect you back so soon."

"I'm gonna stay with Rachel.." Finn said as Kurt eyed them.

Burt smiled. "Rachel. Look at you, all grown up, kiddo."

"Burt.." Rachel smiled sadly as she hugged him tight. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too. How have you been?"

"I'm good. How are you?" Rachel asked before glancing at Kurt.

"I'm great. Are you comin' to dinner tomorrow night? It's thanksgiving."

"I'd love to. What should I bring?"

"Don't worry about it. Kurt's a cook now." Burt chuckled, looking to his son.

"I try." Kurt laughed. "So.. Finn is staying with you..?"

"Yeah..We' again.." She said softly.

"Oh." Kurt said before turning away.

"Kurt..I..I need to talk to you." Finn said.

"About what? The fact that you've been here all day and have talked to my best friend more than me?"

"Do you really want to do this in front of everyone?"

"Do what? I think we can all see who you really care about."

Finn gave a humorless laugh. "Do you want to know why we were trying to get you to come back to Ohio so badly? We had to tell you something. Something Burt didn't want to say over the phone. We wanted you there so we could get through this together..As a family."

"What are you talking about, Finn?" Kurt groaned.

"Burt has cancer!" Finn yelled. "It started a few years ago. They got rid of it for a while and now it's back. Last month it showed up again.."

Kurt froze. He felt like all the air had left the room he reached out for something to hold onto as he started to hyperventilate. "You..What? N-No.."

"Kurt..Kurt calm down.." Burt said, grabbing his shoulders.

Kurt shook his head as tears streamed down his cheeks. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I wanted to tell you myself..At the right time..Please..Kurt.."

Kurt wrapped his arms around his father. "You can't.. You can't be sick.."

"Hey..I beat it before..This won't slow me down.."

Kurt clutched to his father as everyone slowly left the room.

"I'm gonna be okay.."

Kurt pulled back and wiped his face. "You need rest. Move here. I'll take care of you."

"Kurt..I can't. I have the tire shop.."

"You can sell it. You can't handle the stress, dad."

Burt sighed. "Kurt. No.."

"Why?" Kurt pleaded.

"Because I want to work. I want to provide for Carole. I'm fine."

"Maybe I can take a break. I can help you."

"Only if you can Kurt..But I don't want you making a big deal out of this.."

"Dad.. You're sick. It is a big deal.."

Burt sighed deeply. "I've dealt with this before .."

"You should've told me."

"I didn't want to tell you over the phone.."

"But what if.. If you had.."

"I didn't.." Burt said seriously.

"I know.. But if Blaine hadn't called you.. Dad.. I can't lose you.."

"You're not gonna lose me, Kurt.." Burt said softly. "I would love if you came home for a while..But you don't have to.."

"I'm coming." Kurt insisted.

Burt couldn't help but smile. "Alright.."

"I'm sorry."

"No..Don't be sorry, Kurt..It's okay."

"I love you so much, dad."

"I love you too.." Burt said softly.

Kurt sighed as everyone came back in.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hummel." Blaine said.

"Don't be. I'm okay." Burt said, patting him on the back.

"We're going to get going.." Finn said as he casually snaked his arm around Rachel's hips.

Kurt nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Okay..Finn..I'm really sorry.."

"It's okay.."

Rachel nudged Finn forward a bit, giving him a look. Finn sighed but couldn't help but smile. Rachel always felt at home with them. Finn stepped forward and hugged Kurt. Kurt clutched to his brother, holding back tears. "I'm so so sorry.."

"Shh, it's okay."

Kurt nodded. "I missed you so much.."

"I missed you too." Finn said. They pulled away and Kurt wiped his eyes.

"We'll see you tomorrow." Rachel smiled.

Blaine looked at his boyfriend. He was so used to seeing him in control of his emotions. He'd seen so much vulnerability in him today. It was a whole new side of him.

Kurt sighed deeply as he sat down. "I need a drink."

"I'll pour you some wine." Blaine said softly.

"Thank you, baby."

Blaine nodded, walking to the kitchen.

"Carole? Mr. Hummel, do you want a glass?"

"Please." Carole smiled.

"I'll take a beer if you got it." Burt said.

"Coming right up."

“So..Maybe I can come down for Christmas?..I'll bring Rachel. Blaine too of he isn't too busy.."

"We'd love that, Kurt."

"Don't put up the tree without me.." Kurt said, giving a sad smile.

Burt chuckled. "I won't."

Blaine brought out their drinks and sat next to Kurt, smiling.

"How long have you two been together?" Burt asked.

"Well..A few months." Blaine said.

"Still new? Or pretty serious?"

Blaine took Kurt's hand, smiling lightly.

"He's a keeper." Kurt said.

Blaine blushed lightly. "Good." He giggled.

"What do you do, Blaine?" Carole asked.

"I'm in a musical..Well, we're still in the rehearsal stages, but it's coming together."

"Oh wow."

"It's actually my first show..I'm kinda scared." Blaine said.

"He's perfect for the role. He'll blow everyone away." Kurt said proudly.

"You're so young." Carole smiled. "That's amazing."

"Thank you." Blaine said, blushing lightly.

"I'm proud of him.." Kurt smiled. "Hopefully there's a Tony in his future."

"Oh, I don't know about that." Blaine said.

"I wouldn't doubt it." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's hand.

Carole looked over at her husband and squeezed his hand. She was so happy to see her family together again.

Burt grinned. "Well, I think we should turn in for the night."

Kurt nodded. "Goodnight."

Burt hugged his son before they went to the guest room.

Blaine looked over at Kurt. "So..You're not mad at me?"

Kurt shook his head. "I'm just ready for bed.. It's emotional day.."

Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand. "I understand..Do you want me to start a bath for you?.."

"I'd like that."

Blaine nodded, kissing Kurt softly.

"Thank you, Blaine. For everything.."

"You don't have to thank me.." Blaine said sweetly. He kissed Kurt's forehead before he could respond and walked to the bathroom. Kurt sighed before drinking the rest of his wine. Blaine filled up the giant tub with Kurt's favorite bubble bath and smiled. "It's ready!" He called.

Kurt followed Blaine's voice. "Care to join me?"

"I'd love to.."

Kurt smiled as he closed the door. They undressed and Kurt slid into the tub to rest against Blaine's chest. Kurt ran his fingertips along Blaine's legs. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my family.."

"I'm sorry..I just thought it'd be a nice surprise.." Blaine said quietly.

"It sure was a surprise." Kurt said. "But if it weren't for you.. I could've lost my dad permanently without saying bye.."

Blaine rested his lips against Kurt's temple. "I'm so sorry.."

"Why? Because of you, I have them again."

"Yeah..But..I'm just sorry he's sick.."

"Yeah.." Kurt whispered.

"I'll be here for you..If you need to talk..Yell..Anything.."

Tears stung Kurt's eyes as he nodded.

Blaine held Kurt close. "You know..I don't know your dad..But he seems strong."

"He is.." Kurt said weakly. Blaine's face fell. Kurt already sounded so defeated. Kurt wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. "I should get to bed."

Blaine sighed softly. "Hey..I think you need to talk about it.."

"I don't know what to say.."

Blaine pulled Kurt a bit closer. "I just want to help you.."

"My dad is dying, Blaine." Kurt whimpered as he let his tears out. Blaine turned Kurt around, holding him to his chest. Kurt's body trembled as he let his emotions go.

"It's okay.." Blaine said softly. Kurt's breathing started to slow down as he let Blaine hold him. Blaine rubbed up and down his back. Kurt let out a long yawn.

"Come on baby.." Blaine said softly. He stood, climbing out of the tub before drying Kurt off and carrying him to bed. Kurt curled up to his pillow. He felt numb.

Blaine held Kurt close from behind. "I love you, Kurt.."

"I love you too."

Blaine gave a soft sigh. He wished he could do something..anything..

Kurt tossed and turned all night. He couldn't believe the news about his father. Questions filled his head. How long did he have? What if he wasn't there when it happened? At almost three in the morning he climbed out of bed. He'd never felt so weak..So not in control..He walked out on the balcony and sat down, staring over the city..This city destroyed him..Ripped him from his family.. And now he was losing the one thing he could never live without. He stood up and leaned against the railing before letting out a loud angry scream at the glittering city. Tears filled his eyes as his chest heaved and he yelled again. "I hate you!" He growled before beginning to sob and slowly sinking to his knees.

Burt was awoken by the loud noise. He grunted as he got out of bed. "Kurt?" He mumbled as he walked out.

Kurt looked up at his father and quickly wiped his eyes, standing. "I-I'm sorry..I just..I was.."

"Come here." Burt sighed and held his arms out. Kurt stood and nearly ran into his father's arms. "It's okay, kid." Burt soothed, trying to hide his own tears. He hated seeing his son so upset.

"Please don't go.."

"I have to go home at some point."

"No.." Kurt whimpered.


"I'm so sorry.."

"We're together now." Burt said softly. "It's okay."

"For how long?.." Kurt whispered.

"A few days."

Kurt nodded, closing his eyes.

"Then give it a few weeks and you'll come for christmas." Burt said as he rubbed Kurt's back. "You have a lot of presents.."

"I do?"

Burt nodded. "I bought you stuff every year.."

Kurt teared up more. "I-I got you presents too.."

"I guess we're more alike than we thought." Burt chuckled. He kissed the top of Kurt's head. "Come on inside. We can either go back to bed. Or you can make me watch one of your music movie things."

“Musical?" Kurt giggled.

"Yeah." Burt laughed.

"Let's do that.."


Kurt smiled lightly, leading his dad to the living room.


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