The New Emily
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The New Emily: Chapter 6

E - Words: 3,063 - Last Updated: Jul 07, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Sep 25, 2012 - Updated: Jul 07, 2013
196 0 0 0 0

A few months later Kurt was sitting in his studio, flustered, angry, and his hair a mess. He couldn't find the right fit for this sweater. He was designing a men's line and this was his first independent line..He had no doubts that it would take off, but it had to be perfect. Blaine walked into the studio, stack of paper in his arms.

"You called?.."

Kurt tilted his head to the side. "Set those down and step back."

Blaine looked confused, but did as he was told. Kurt furrowed his eyebrows. "Take your shirt off."

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Please, do it. I think I have an idea."

Blaine nodded, pulling his shirt off. Kurt studied Blaine. He was just about perfect for this job. Why hadn't he thought of it before? "Have you ever thought of being a model?"

"Umm..No..Not really.."

"Would you be interested?"

"For your line?.."

"Yes." Kurt smiled.

"I-I..I'd love to..But..I've never..I don't know how.."

"We'll show you! So, you'll do it?"

Blaine thought for a moment. "I think so..Y-Yeah." He smiled.

Kurt gave a happy squeal and threw his arms around Blaine. "You're the best!"

Blaine grinned. "Thanks.." he chuckled, adjusting his glasses.

"I'll let them know and we'll do the shoot tomorrow."

"O-Okay.." Blaine said nervously. Kurt kissed Blaine before going back to his desk.

"So..Did you need anything else?"

Kurt shook his head. "No. Thank you."

"Okay." Blaine said, walking up behind him and holding him close.

Kurt hummed quietly. "I love when you hold me."

"Usually you push me away when you're working.." Blaine giggled.

"I know." Kurt said, biting his lip.

"So I assume you're not that busy.." Blaine smiled, rubbing up his thighs.

Kurt looked back at Blaine. "Not that busy.."

Blaine brought his hips forward, pressing his crotch against Kurt's ass. Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek. "Lock the door."

Blaine smiled, locking the door before returning. "You know, I like when you're like this.."

"Like what?"

"So in charge..Even when you bottom."

Kurt pulled Blaine down by his tie. "Like this?"

Blaine swallowed, his eyes wide as he licked his lips. "Y-Yeah...."

Kurt grinned as he leaned in and licked Blaine's bottom lip. Blaine shivered. Kurt's authority over him was obvious. No matter what. "What do you want, Blaine?"

"I wanna...Be inside you.." Blaine whispered, rubbing up and down his thighs.

Kurt hopped onto his desk and wrapped his legs around Blaine. "Oh yeah?"

Blaine nodded, looking at him with his wide honey hazel eyes.

"Leave the tie on." Kurt smiled as he unbuttoned Blaine's shirt.

Blaine bit his lip, grinning. "You're so hot.."

"So, are you, Blaine."

Blaine couldn't help but blush.

"Blaine.. Touch me.."

Blaine ran his hands all over Kurt's body, moaning softly. Kurt reached down to unzip Blaine's pants. Blaine looked down, watching Kurt's hands. Kurt did so slowly, biting his lip as he pulled Blaine's member out. Blaine gasped, already half hard.

Kurt smiled as he pumped Blaine. "So thick."

Blaine moaned softly, rubbing over Kurt's chest and neck. Kurt's head fell back. "I've always been sensitive around my neck."

Blaine let out a shaky moan as he rubbed up and down the pale column, leaning in to kiss it softly.

"Oh, Blaine.."

"So fucking perfect.."

"Keep talking." Kurt whispered as he tightened his hand.

Blaine moaned against the soft skin, "You're just so hot...I come so hard just thinking about you.."

Kurt pulled Blaine closer. "I want you now."

Blaine nodded, reaching down to Kurt's pants. Kurt leaned back and helped Blaine. Blaine spread Kurt's legs and let out a soft noise. He lifted one of them and began kissing down Kurt's calf towards his thigh. Kurt laid back against the desk as he gasped. Blaine nipped along the sensitive skin on his inner thigh. "Your fucking legs.."

"Blaaaiinnee.." Kurt whined. Blaine pulled back before pushing into Kurt.

"Oh my god.." Kurt breathed out, pulling his own hair. Blaine took a deep breath as he began to thrust.

"Yes.. Oh fuck.."


Kurt leaned up, wrapping his arms around Blaine. Blaine pulled Kurt close as he worked his hips. Kurt whined in Blaine's ear. "You're so good.."

"S-So are you..


Blaine gasped before fucking into Kurt faster. Kurt arched his back beautifully. "Yes!"

Blaine kissed across Kurt's chest, panting harshly. Kurt rolled his body with Blaine as his body started to tense.

"You close?.." Blaine whispered. Kurt nodded as he kissed Blaine deeply. Blaine sped up, moaning deeply. Bursts of pleasure flew through Kurt's body like an electric current. "Ahhunnghh! Blaine!"

Blaine bit down on Kurt's neck as he started to come, pounding into Kurt before freezing, rolling his hips slowly. Kurt's entire body shook with Ecstasy as he came between them. Blaine grunted and moaned softly as they came down together.



Blaine kissed along Kurt's bruised neck, panting softly. Kurt breathed out heavily.

"You're beautiful.."

"Let's go home early.."


Kurt smiled warmly as they cleaned up.

"I'll make you dinner.." Blaine smiled.

"That sounds so good."

Blaine giggled. "Come on.."

Kurt linked arms with Blaine as they left. They drove to Blaine's tiny apartment and Blaine began looking through the fridge.

"What're you going to make?" Kurt asked.

"What are you in the mood for?"

"Hmm. I don't know."

"How about spaghetti?" Blaine asked, smiling.

"And salad." Kurt nodded. "Can I help?"

"No. Just relax.." Blaine smiled.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Blaine nodded as he started cooking. Kurt sat back, enjoying watching Blaine. Blaine let the noodles boil before he looked at the clock. "Shit..I'll be right back.."

Kurt raised an eyebrow but didn't question him. Blaine walked out of the apartment before returning. Kurt let out a short scream as he saw a horse of a dog following him in by a leash.

"What the hell is that?!" Kurt asked. The dog was let off of his leash and headed towards Kurt excitedly. Kurt jumped down from his stool and ran to Blaine's bedroom, locking himself inside.

"Kurt!" Blaine laughed as the dog whined. "He's an Irish Wolfhound..His name is Seamus. Come out and say hi."

"No. Nononono.."

Blaine sighed. "Seamus..Go lay down boy."

The dog walked to the living room and laid by the couch.

"Kurt, you can come out now." Blaine chuckled.

"He's going to jump on me!"

"No he won't. He was just excited."

"You never told me you had a dog!" Kurt scolded through the door.

"I just got him. He's really good, I promise." Blaine smiled.

Kurt unlocked the door and slowly peaked out. "Where is he..?"

"Laying by the couch. My neighbor watches him while I'm at work."

Kurt carefully came out and stood behind Blaine. "You go first."

"Are you afraid of him?" Blaine asked as Seamus wagged his tail slowly upon seeing Kurt.

Kurt nodded. "He's huge."

"He's just a big baby." Blaine smiled, walking over to the couch. Kurt stopped at the end of the hallway and watched. Blaine kneeled in front of Seamus and scratched behind his ear. He made a low happy noise, laying down the rest of the way.

"He's pretty old so all he does is lay around anyway." Blaine said, patting the dogs stomach.

Kurt slowly stepped forward. "He's just so big."

"Come pet him." Blaine encouraged. Kurt bit his lip as he slowly walked forward. Seamus started wagging his tail slowly. Kurt stood behind Blaine and carefully bent down. Seamus' ears perked up before he scooted a bit closer. Kurt reached down and started to pet the dog. The dog made a happy noise, nuzzling up into Kurt's hand.

"He's kinda..cute.."

"He's very cute." Blaine said, smiling.

"I just don't like when he gets really excited."

"He likes you."

"Good." Kurt smiled lightly. Seamus turned his head, licking Kurt's hand. Kurt jumped back a little.

"He's kissing you!" Blaine smiled.

"I'd rather have your kisses."

Blaine chuckled, patting Seamus's belly.

"Oh! The food!"

"Shit!" Blaine gasped, running to the kitchen. Kurt screamed when the dog jumped up and followed Blaine.

"It's okay, Kurt.." Blaine chuckled.

"Is it burnt..?" Kurt asked.

"Ummmm...How about pizza?" Blaine chuckled, tossing the burned food.

"Baby, I can't eat that. I have to keep my body." Kurt said seriously.

Blaine sighed before smirking. "I'll help you burn those calories later.."

"Do you realize how many calories that is? Are you sure you're up for this?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I'm more than up for it Mr. Hummel."

Kurt bit his lip. "Get a veggie delight for me."

"No problem." Blaine smiled, grabbing the phone and ordering. Kurt sat on the couch and crossed his legs. Blaine cleaned up while Seamus walked over to Kurt. Kurt eyed him suspiciously. He slowed down but came closer and sat, resting his head on Kurt's thigh. Kurt sighed. "You just want to be loved, don't you?"

The dog whined, scooting closer. Kurt leaned down and petted him. The old dog's tail wagged slowly as Blaine walked in. "Getting along?"

Kurt nodded. "Come here.."

Blaine walked over, smiling. Kurt pulled Blaine into his lap. "I could really use a kiss right now."

Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt sweetly. Kurt shook his head as he pressed their lips together. Blaine pulled away, giving a teasing smile.

"You don't want me?" Kurt pouted.

"Of course I want you..You're Kurt Hummel.." Blaine smiled, rubbing over his shoulders and up his neck slowly. Kurt hummed as his eyes slipped close. Blaine massaged Kurt's neck and shoulders, devouring each inch of exposed skin with his eyes.

"That feels so good, Blaine."

"You're tense.."

"I've been under stress at work." Kurt sighed.

"I know.." Blaine said softly. Kurt ran his hands along Blaine's sides lovingly.

"Tomorrow I'll be doing all the work."

"I can't wait to see you in my clothes."

Blaine blushed, smiling.

"You'll look so fucking good."

A tiny gasp escaped the younger. "Really?.."

Kurt nodded as he squeezed Blaine's hips.

Blaine whined, closing his eyes. Kurt kissed his neck and moaned.

"K-Kurt .."

Kurt bit down as there was a knock at the front door.

Blaine groaned. "Fuck.."

"Ugh." Kurt sighed as Blaine climbed off. Blaine opened the door and paid for the pizza. Kurt bit his lip when he smelt it. He hadn't had pizza since college. Blaine brought it in and smiled. "Let's eat."

"God, that smells good!"

Blaine made a plate for Kurt and brought it to him.

"Thank you." Kurt smiled.

"You're welcome." He smiled. Kurt moaned as he took a bite. "Good?"

"Mmm. Yes. But it's going to go straight to my thighs. Why is it so good?"

"A few pieces won't be bad." Blaine said. Kurt flipped through the television channels until he found a Tabitha's Takeover marathon. By the end of the second episode, he had eaten half the pizza.

Blaine rubbed his own stomach slowly. "Okay I'm full."

"God me too."

Blaine got up to clean, tossing Seamus a pizza crust which he accepted happily. Kurt laid down on the couch and relaxed as he waited for Blaine. Blaine came back, smiling.

"Lay with me."

Blaine did as he was told, sighing happily. Kurt smiled, kissing the top of Blaine's head.

"I thought you wanted to fuck me.." Blaine hummed playfully.

"Im too full."

"I know baby.." Blaine said, smiling.

"But don't worry." Kurt said lowly. "I have plans for you."

"Hmm..What would those be?.."

"You'll see."

"But I want to know.."

"Hmm.. I don't know." Kurt teased. Blaine pouted, fluttering his lashes. Kurt rubbed over Blaine's ass. "I want to bend you over so bad."

Blaine gasped quietly. "Y-Yeah?.."

"Yeah." Kurt grinned.

Blaine arched his back, taking a short breath. "Mr. Hummel..."

"I love when you call me that." Kurt whispered.

"M-Me too.." Blaine blushed, looking at Kurt through his glasses.

Kurt carefully took Blaine's glasses and set them on the table. "It's so hard not to touch you at work."

"I get so hot when you get that tone to your voice..A-And you just..Tell me what to do.."

"Mmm, that's good to know."

"I-I just love how..You know I'll do it..Without question.."

"Do what?"

"Whatever you tell me to do.."

Kurt trailed his hand up Blaine's back and pulled on his hair. "Because you're mine."

Blaine gasped, letting out a sharp whine.

"You like that, Blaine?"

"Y-Yes, sir.." He stammered. Kurt rested his thigh between Blaine's and slowly rocked his hips.

Blaine's breaths were shaky as he trembled from the simple act, pink high in his cheeks.



Kurt rolled his hips down harder, grinding their clothed erections together. Blaine whined, his lips parting as desperate breaths escaped him. He couldn't take this. Kurt had this amazing effect on him. "M-Mr. Hummel..I-I'm gonna..A-Ah.."

Kurt sped up. He couldn't stop. Hearing Blaine so close from just this turned him on to no end.

Blaine let out a cry as he clutched to Kurt. "F-Fuck!" He dug his nails into Kurt's back as he fell over the edge, thrusting against Kurt's thigh before freezing with a deep grunt. "O-Ohmygod..Shit.."

Kurt growled deep in his throat. "You have no idea how sexy that was."

Blaine's face was red. "I-I'm so sorry.." He panted.

"Did you hear me?" Kurt asked, kissing Blaine's neck. "That was kinda hot.."

"I know you think that..It's just..Embarrassing.."

"Don't be embarrassed." Kurt said softly.

"You're just...So sexy.."

"So are you. I bet you could do that to me too."

"You do?.." Blaine whispered. Kurt nodded. "I-I don't know.." Blaine blushed.


"I just..I don't think I could make anyone feel the way you make me feel.."


Blaine took a slow breath, kissing up Kurt's neck. Kurt leaned his head back, letting Blaine take control. Blaine moaned against the skin as he thrust down against Kurt. Kurt gasped sharply as he wrapped his legs around Blaine. Blaine moaned in Kurt's ear, nibbling on the lobe. Kurt arched his back. "Yes.."

Blaine pulled back, looking down at Kurt as they worked their bodies together.


Blaine rubbed over Kurt's throat as he ground his hips down harder.

Kurt whimpered under Blaine. "Oh god.."

Blaine gasped quietly, watching Kurt in awe. He still felt like he was in a dream and he would wake up any second.

"Kurt.." Blaine moaned, resting his hand on Kurt's neck.

"Blaine, baby.." Kurt whined, rocking his hips up. Blaine licked his lips. He was already getting hard again. Blaine moved his hand to Kurt's hair as he sped up.

Kurt's breathing sped up. "Fuck.. Yes.. Ohmygod!"

The younger moaned softly, bringing both hands up to pull on the gorgeous chestnut tresses as he buried his face in Kurt's neck, listening to the gorgeous moans and whimpers. Kurt began to shake beneath his assistant. "A-Almost there.."

Blaine doubled his efforts. He wanted this. To make Kurt fall apart beneath him and come undone from just being close to him, and having that barely-there friction between them.

"Come..Come for me, Kurt..Just for me.." Blaine growled in his ear.

The tone of Blaine's voice was just what Kurt needed to send him over the edge. He clutched to Blaine as he let go. Blaine looked down at his lover as he helped him ride out his orgasm. "Fuck.." he whispered.

"Blaine.." Kurt breathed out. Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt sweetly. Kurt let the kiss linger as he rubbed up and down Blaine's back. Blaine smiled as he pulled away.

"You make me feel so young.."

"You are young.."

"Not as young as you."

"I'm not gonna be a teenager much longer..But you're only seven years older.." Blaine said, kissing Kurt again before sitting up and undressing.

Kurt did the same. "I know. You think you'll ever get bored of that?"

"Bored of what?" Blaine asked, padding over to the kitchen and stepping over a snoring Seamus.

"Being with an older man."

"You're saying that like you're forty." Blaine said, running a rag under warm water.

Kurt shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I just worry about that.."

"I'll never get tired of you..I worry you'll get tired of me..With all of the famous guys you've dated. I know you could find someone better." Blaine said softly, walking over to the couch and gently wiping Kurt clean.

"You think the fame makes them better? It's not like that. I love where I live and what I have. But I also love being here with you. It's not all about the money and fame, baby."

"I know..It's just easy to say when you have it.." Blaine sighed, looking up at Kurt. "I just think that you could have some actor that could take such good care of you..And I can't anything for you really..All of my money goes to school so I don't really have that much to keep for myself after rent..I just want to be special for you.."

Kurt pulled Blaine close and cupped his cheek. "You are special. You want me. Not my money."

Blaine sighed softly, closing his eyes and leaning into the touch.

"Come on. Lets go lay down."

"Okay.." Blaine said softly.

They climbed into bed and held each other. "Are you excited about tomorrow?"

"Nervous." Blaine admitted.

"You'll be perfect." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's cheek.


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