The New Emily
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The New Emily: Chapter 5

E - Words: 5,377 - Last Updated: Jul 07, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Sep 25, 2012 - Updated: Jul 07, 2013
187 0 0 0 0

Blaine walked up to Kurt's office, placing a coffee on the newly hired secretary's desk and smiling at her. Now that he'd been promoted to Kurt's PA and his publicist, he didn't have time to sit behind a desk.

He walked past her to look in Kurt's office door and saw that he looked extremely irritated. He pulled a packet of Tylenol out of his pocket and set it on top of the lid of his coffee as he walked in.

"No! I told you that doesn't work for me. Well, rearrange it and call me back!" Kurt snapped before hanging up the phone. Blaine ripped open the packet of medicine and set it next to the coffee on Kurt's desk.

"You're a life saver." Kurt sighed, taking the pills and coffee.

Blaine leaned down, kissing Kurt's temple. "Was that GQ?.."

"Their fucking assistant mixed up the dates for my interview. Then picked out all the wrong colors for the photo shoot. I don't know what the hell they're doing over there."

"I will take care of it." Blaine smiled, adjusting his glasses. "All you have to worry about is getting to the photoshoot..And looking beautiful."

"What would I do without you?" Kurt smiled.

"I've seen what you do without me. Get buried in paperwork and slouch around the house. " Blaine chuckled, grabbing a stack of papers and tucking them under his arm.

"Thank you, baby."

Blaine blushed lightly, adjusting his glasses. "You're welcome."

Kurt stood and kissed his boyfriend. "I have a few calls to make. Then we'll go have dinner."

Blaine smiled, his breath leaving him as Kurt gave him another kiss.

"Come back in fifteen minutes."

"Yes, sir.." Blaine nodded, scurrying out.

Kurt made a few more calls before the assistant from GQ could call back.

After a while Blaine walked in with Kurt's coat. "It's snowing.."

Kurt held up a finger as he listened to the woman on the phone.

"No! Are you blind?! Burnt orange is NOT my color! Well, you tell who ever's job it is! Do I need to come over there and do your fucking job for you?" He yelled into the phone before hanging up and throwing it across the room. Blaine stood there, his arms crossed as Kurt continued to yell. The sight of Blaine just standing there didn't help. "Why aren't you helping?! Ugh, that idiot new girl needs to be replaced!"

"She didn't do anything wrong." Blaine shrugged, picking up the phone.

"Nothing? My article is going to be ruined!"

"The color scheme does not affect the content of the article Kurt."

"It will help either attract people or turn them away."

"Either way you're acting like a child."

Kurt gasped. "I can't believe you right now!"

Blaine sighed. "We're going to miss our reservation."

Kurt growled, muttering under his breath.

"Are you done?"

Kurt's head snapped toward his boyfriend with every intention of yelling some more. But something stopped him. He looked at Blaine. He really was acting like a child. Blaine looked so mature Kurt quickly closed the space between them, crashing their lips together heatedly.

Blaine made an odd "Mmph!" noise in surprise but quickly wrapped his arms around Kurt.

"I want you."

Blaine nodded, fixing his glasses that were knocked out of place by Kurt's kiss. "H-How?.."

"Take me on my desk."

Blaine growled, picking Kurt up and laying him back across the desk, knocking down papers and cups of pens.

"Shit.. Blaine.."

"Want me to fuck you?.." Blaine whispered, pulling his coat off.

"Yes!" Kurt gasped.

Blaine smiled, pulling Kurt's pants down and pulling his member out. Kurt arched his back, whimpering lightly. Blaine spit in his hand and slicked his member up before thrusting into him.


"Fuck..Kurt.." Blaine whispered, slowly working his hips.

"Feels so good." Kurt moaned. Blaine smiled before gripping Kurt's firm thighs and pounding into him. "Fuck me!"

Blaine thrust harder, grunting lowly. Kurt threw his head back as he felt the rough drag of Blaine's thick cock. Blaine reached down, pumping Kurt quickly. He could feel this wouldn't last long.

"Baby.. Oh god!"

Blaine bit his lip, holding back with everything he had. "K-Kurt.."

"Blaine!" Kurt cried as he let go.

Blaine groaned in relief as he came hard inside of Kurt. Kurt panted as Blaine pulled out. "Holy shit."

"Fuck.." Blaine smiled. "What triggered that?.."

"I don't know." Kurt giggled. "But now I'm hungry."

"Well hopefully we won't be late.." Blaine said, pulling his clothes on.

"We'll make it if I drive."

Blaine sighed. "Okay. Don't kill us."

"I won't."

Blaine slipped Kurt's coat on him from behind. "Okay let's go."

They made it to the restaurant just in time and had a nice dinner. Kurt drove Blaine home and Blaine looked around before kissing Kurt softly. "Thank you.."

"Thank you." Kurt grinned. "Ill see you tomorrow?"

"If I don't have anything better to do.." Blaine chuckled.

"In the case, I just might have to fire you." Kurt teased.

"You'd never fire me."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhmm." Blaine smiled.

"If I did, I couldn't stare at you all day." Kurt chuckled.

Blaine chuckled, kissing him again. "Goodnight Mr. Hummel.

"Goodnight, Blaine."

Blaine climbed out of the car and walked upstairs to his apartment. He was about to climb in bed when he got a call on his business phone.

He sighed, picking it up. "Hello?"

"Blaine Anderson?"


"This is Daria McCain. Publisist for Chandler Kheil."

"Oh, yes. Hello. How are you?"

"Listen. I'm setting up lunch with you. Tomorrow. Noon. Twenty third street. We'll talk. Set things up. Sound good?"

"What is this about?" Blaine asked.

"Great hon. See you then." She said before hanging up. Blaine scratched his head and sighed. He pulled out his planner and wrote in "Lunch w/ CK Pub." Before climbing into bed. Tomorrow would be a busy day.

The next morning, Blaine woke up late. He had ten minutes to be at Kurt's GQ photoshoot. "Shit!" He yelled jumping up and getting dressed before running out the door, shirt unbuttoned and tie in hand along with his bag. Kurt was pacing back and forth at GQ as he waited for Blaine.

Blaine burst through the doors, struggling to fix the knot in his tie.

"I'm here!" He said before breathlessly checking them in.

"Where were you?" Kurt scolded.

"I'm sorry, I missed my alarm." Blaine sighed, tucking his shirt in as they walked down the hall.

"Is everything in order for today? Can't take any more surprises."

"It should be.." Blaine sighed as he walked into the studio. Blaine groaned before closing the door behind him and blocking Kurt's way.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. Maybe you should wait in the lobby." Blaine said quickly.

"Why?" Kurt asked, already getting angry. Blaine sighed as Kurt pushed past him to see the forest green set.

"Jesus Christ." Kurt groaned. "Whatever. It's better than orange."

Blaine sighed strutting over to the photographer. "Green?!"

"Excuse me?"

"I told you ash blue..Does that look like ash blue to you?" Blaine snapped, his nerves already fried. It was only eight am and he had enough of this day.

"Ash blue doesn't go with this set. You're lucky we're even doing this shoot."

"I'm lucky? You're lucky I don't take him and we walk out those doors!"

The photographer laughed. "And what would your boss do if I walked out?"

"Find a new photographer. Its not hard to point and click. Plenty of people in this city know how." Blaine said seriously. He felt like a giant ass right now and he knew how rude he sounded, but he wasn't in the mood for this.

"Honey, I can make sure no photographer works with him again. I suggest you tell your boss to sit his sweet ass down and let me do my job."

Blaine growled, turning on his heel and going to makeup.

"What happened?" Kurt asked.

"Nothing. Let's just get this over with.."


Kurt got his makeup and hair done before heading to wardrobe. He got dressed in a black and green suit with black sunglasses and sat at the set.

The set looked like an office but everything was painted dark green. The celebrity sighed crossing his legs. "How do you want me?"

"Sit behind the desk."

Kurt did as he was told as the music started and he went into his modeling mode, every move and pose a perfect frame. Blaine watched in the background. How was he so lucky to be with such a beautiful man?

When he was finished Kurt smiled. "That went well, huh?"

"You were perfect." Blaine grinned.

Kurt did his interview quickly and sighed as they walked out. "What's next?"

Blaine went through the day's schedule. "But I have to have lunch with Chandler Kheil's publicist."

Kurt stopped walking and turned to him. "Why?.."

"Not sure. She called last night and said we needed to do lunch."

"Before you make any decisions or anything with her you call me." Kurt said seriously.

"What's wrong?" Blaine asked.

"Nothing, just promise me."

"I promise."

"Okay, good." Kurt said, continuing to walk, snowflakes starting to fall.

"Do you need me to do anything else for you today?" Blaine asked.

"No..Just come to my house after you have lunch.."


Kurt gave Blaine a quick kiss before walking down the street.

Blaine sighed. What the hell was going on? He took a cab to the restaurant and walked in, smiling at the warmth the building held inside. He found the publicist and sat down.

"You must be Blaine." She smiled.

"I am. Nice to meet you."

"So. We both agree that Chandler is on the up and up, correct?.."

"Yes. But I don't see what that has to do with Kurt."

"Kurt Hummel is falling out of the loop after the fashion line. Sure, he's doing interviews here and there, but what is he really doing?" Daria asked.

"We're working on something big." Blaine lied. "What's your point?"

"I think Chandler and Kurt should..Date a bit for the cameras. They have history. The press and the public will eat this up. They'll be Broadway's biggest power couple."

"Oh, I don't know about that.."

"Is that really up to you?" Daria asked sipping her tea.

"I know Kurt. I'll talk to him. But I don't think he'll go for it."

"You have my number." She said, setting the money for her tea on the table and leaving.

Blaine sighed. Today really did suck. He ordered a glass of wine, glad they didn't ask for his ID, and called Kurt.

"Hello?" Kurt answered on the third ring.

"Hey..So I just talked to McCain.."


"And..She wants you and Chandler to date for the cameras..It's ridiculous.."

Kurt thought for a moment. "It's not that ridiculous.."

"It's not?"

"Only for publicity." Kurt said quickly.

"What would that mean..Exactly?"

"In public, we'd pretend to date."

"Like..Kissing and..Holding hands?.."

"Lite kissing."


"Like closed mouth kissed."

"Got it." Blaine said quietly.

"Are you mad?"

"No. I'm fine. Either way, You're going to the Wicked premiere party tonight for Rachel and Chandler is in the cast. So it looks like he'll be your date. I'll set it up. See you tonight." Blaine said before doing something he never dared to do. He hung up on his boss.

Kurt sighed, deciding to shrug it off.

Blaine set everything up before going to pick up Kurt's suit for the party. Today had to have been one of the worst days in his life. Now he had to watch Kurt and Chandler flirt and touch all night.. Kurt was relaxing on the couch when Blaine came in with his suit.

Blaine hung the suit up quietly, "The suit's McQueen.." he said, typing on his PDA before turning to leave.

"Where are you going?" Kurt asked.

"To arrange your car, sir." Blaine deadpanned.



"Come here. Don't be like that."

Blaine sighed, putting his PDA in his pocket and turning to Kurt.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine. "It's only to help my career. You're who I want."

"I know.." Blaine sighed, looking down. "I just..Have to stand there and..Watch him touch you.."

"It won't mean anything. I promise. I'll be wishing it was you all night."

Blaine gave a light smile, leaning against Kurt.

"Come home with me tonight. I'll hold you and tell you how amazing you are." Kurt grinned. Blaine blushed, his smile growing shy.

"God, you're beautiful." Kurt said softly.

Blaine gasped quietly. "I-I.." He laughed nervously. "Well..I-I just.."

Kurt leaned in and kissed Blaine sweetly.

Blaine giggled. "Sorry.."

"Go get ready. Then come get me." Kurt smiled. Blaine nodded, kissing Kurt again.

Kurt watched as Blaine left before grabbing his suit. He wasn't looking forward to a night with Chandler, especially with their given history. He knew Chandler would try to make it real. He changed and smoothed the suit. Blaine had really outdone himself this time. It was the perfect shade and fit. He smiled before his stylist came to do his hair and he was picked up by his driver, Chandler already waiting inside of the limo.

"Hello Chandler." Kurt sighed.

"Kurt." Chandler grinned. "You look amazing."

"Thank you." Kurt said, pushing a hair behind his ear. "You look good too. "

Chandler moved a little closer. "I missed you."

"Chandler. Both of us know this is strictly professional." Kurt said holding up a finger.

"You don't miss me? Not even a little?" Chandler asked, leaning in.

Kurt sighed. "Yes. Sometimes. But I'm with someone now."

"So, why did you agree to this?"

"For my career."

"You working on anything?"

"Not..Right now..But I should be soon." Kurt said, crossing his legs and pouring himself a drink.

Chandler nodded. "Maybe we'll work together."

"Maybe.." Kurt sighed, unable to keep the lump in his throat away as he looked at Chandler.

Chandler smiled. "We work so well together."

Kurt sighed softly. "I remember. Fresh out of NYADA and doing our first off-Broadway show.."

"Ah, yes. Those were good times."

Kurt giggled, sipping his drink. "I miss those days.."

"Me too. And look at you now. Even more handsome and talented."

Kurt shook his head, smiling into his drink. "You're always the charmer."

"It's true." Chandler said, placing his hand over Kurt's. Kurt swallowed roughly, looking over at Chandler before pulling his hand away to check his watch.

"So, who's this new guy? And why are you pretending to be with me if you're with him?"

"I'd rather not talk about him if you don't mind. But I told you. Your publicist came to mine and said that I would benefit."

"I have no doubts that you will. But we're going to have to act like a real couple."

"In front of the cameras." Kurt said, his eyebrow twitching.

"You know the cameras are everywhere."

Kurt sighed, nodding.

"Here we go." Chandler grinned as the limo stopped. The door was opened and Kurt put on a smile as the sound of clicking cameras and flashing lights were in the air. The questions flew at them as Chandler stepped out next.

Kurt wrapped his arm around Chandler's and the cameras flashed faster. Blaine was the one that opened the door for him and sighed deeply as he closed it. Kurt winked at him before he and chandler made their way down the aisle. They stopped and talked to a few interviewers.

"Can we get a kiss for the cameras?" She smiled.

"Of course." Chandler said, leaning in to Kurt. Kurt hesitated for less than a second before pressing his lips to Chandler's and cupping his cheek. The crowd cheered and awed as they pulled back. Blaine's heart sank at the sight.

Kurt smiled. "We couldn't be happier."

"What brought you two back together?" A woman asked.

"Well..I came to see Rachel during rehearsals one day, and Chan and I just started talking again. We just..clicked." Kurt smiled.

"Alright no more questions, we have to move on." Blaine said.

Chandler sighed as they were pushed away from the cameras. Blaine sighed, crossing his arms as they walked into the party. Great. Press was everywhere.

A few came over, spitting out question after question. Kurt hurried after Rachel. "Hey!" Kurt smiled.

"What're you doing?" Rachel asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" Kurt asked, ordering a drink.

"With Chandler."

"It's helping my carreer." Kurt said dismissively.

"Hopefully not ruining your relationship."

"Blaine knows what's happening."

"Still." Rachel sighed.

"Listen. This is good for me. Blaine knows what's happening. That's it."


Blaine walked up to the bar and ordered a shot, sighing deeply. He tossed it back and asked for another. Kurt looked over. "You gonna slow down?.."


"Well you're coming home with me and I don't want to have to clean up your puke.." Kurt chuckled.

"I can take care of myself." Blaine said, turning back to the bar.

"Excuse me?.." Kurt asked.

"If you don't want to, I will."

Kurt stared at Blaine with anger in his eyes. Blaine kept his back to Kurt.

"Find your own way home, Anderson.." Kurt spat, grabbing his drink and walking off.

Blaine tried to ignore the hurt he felt as he received another shot. Rachel looked at her friend with hurt in her heart. She rubbed over his shoulder. "I'll give you a ride.."

"Thanks." Blaine said quietly.

"Talk to me.." She said as Kurt wrapped his arms around Chandler.

"I can't do this."

"Do what?"

"He's fucking insane!" Blaine sighed. "His temper is out of control. Even for the smallest things. And now he expects me to watch him be all over Chandler then go home with him? No!"

"That's Kurt.." Rachel sighed.

"I-I don't deserve this."

"Tell him.."

Blaine shook his head. "His career is more important."

"No its not."

"He thinks so."

Rachel sighed. "Kurt needs a reality check. He's used to getting his way and he doesn't like it when that doesn't happen."

Blaine nodded. "I just don't know how to show him I want him."

"What do you mean?.." Rachel asked softly.

"If I try to talk to him, he won't see where I'm coming from. He'll just see this as a way to help him."

Rachel stirred her drink thoughtfully. "Then assert yourself."


Rachel sighed, "Well..He's twenty-six and you're nineteen..But. You just have to stand up to him. You have before. Tell him you won't deal with it.


"You want me to drive you to his house?"

"Please." Blaine said softly.

"C'mon. Let's sneak out of here, hit a couple of bars and then I'll drop you off." Rachel smiled.

"Thank you." Blaine said, looking to Kurt one last time. Kurt pressed his lips to Chandler's cheek, smiling wide.

"Let's go."

Rachel nodded, grabbing her clutch as they sneaked out the back. Blaine was giggling and having a good time by the second bar.

"You are just adorable." Rachel smiled.

"Am not." Blaine laughed.

"Yes you are! Especially with those little bowties and your glasses.." She giggled. "Kurt doesn't know what he has. But don't worry. I'm not hitting on you."

"I hope not." Blaine chuckled. "I hope he sees what he has waiting for him.."

"What'll be waiting for him? You naked with rose petals?" She laughed.

"Oh my god."

Rachel smiled, taking a sip of her drink.

"I don't know how I'm going to do it." Blaine sighed.

"Just speak from your heart." Rachel said.

Blaine nodded. "You think he'll be there soon?"

"Most likely. The party ended half an hour ago.."

"Okay." Blaine said nervously.

"C'mon." Rachel sighed, paying the bar tender. Blaine was shaking with nerves as she dropped him off.

"Night Blaine..Call me if you need anything okay?"

"I will. Thanks again."

"You're welcome.." she smiled before driving away.

Blaine rushed up the stairs and knocked on the door.

Kurt opened the door, his eyes red and puffy. He immediately straightened up. "What do you want?"

Blaine walked past Kurt. "I want to talk to you. I've let a lot of people use me and take advantage of how nice and understand I can be. But I'm done! I want you, Kurt. But I will not be someone you have to hide. Either you want me or this stunt with Chandler. I know your career is important. And I won't get in the way of that. But I won't compromise my feelings." he said with much more confidence that he thought he had. Kurt crossed his arms, opening his mouth to say something but nothing came out. His bottom lip quivered and tears filled his eyes. Blaine's shoulders dropped. "You're choosing him."

"No..I'm not.." Kurt said, attempting to sound bitter but only sounding broken.


"I've been sitting here crying all night..Over you.."

"Why? Because I didn't come to your house for one night?"

Kurt sniffed, quickly wiping his eyes. "I..I had dinner..And.." Kurt stiffened. "It doesn't even matter. " He said seriously, walking past Blaine.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand. "What happened?"

"Nothing.." Kurt said, pulling away. His voice broke as he walked to his room.

"Kurt, talk to me." Blaine said as he followed.

"I never act like this with anyone!" Kurt got out. "I-I want you to be happy! I don't just care about myself anymore..I hurt tonight..It scares me..I'm terrified.."

"Why? Why is it so hard to give in and feel love?" Blaine asked. Kurt froze at the word, staring at Blaine.



"Yeah.." Blaine said quietly. "I mean, I can't say I'm in love with you. But I know I want to be with you. Not while you're pretending with him though."

"I told him I wanted out on the way home..Then I came in..Threw everything away..A-And just cried.."

"Threw what away?"

"Wine..Roses.." Kurt whispered looking down. "But like i said it doesn't matter." Kurt said quickly, his walls flying up.

"Y-You brought me those..?"

"Yeah." Kurt said, walking to his room to change.

"I'm sorry, Kurt. I-I couldn't watch you and him together. It hurt. So, Rachel offered to take me home.."

"It's fine." Kurt nodded, taking his suit off.

"Do you want me to leave..?" Blaine asked quietly. Kurt ran a hand through his hair and his eyebrows knit together. He turned to Blaine and rested his forehead on the younger's shoulder. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. "Let me stay. I'll hold you all night. We can watch whatever you want. Even one of those style marathons. I don't care. Then I'll make you breakfast. We'll take the day off.."

Kurt nodded, his shoulders shaking lightly. Blaine kissed Kurt's neck. "It's okay, baby."

"O-oh.." Kurt exhaled, melting against Blaine and pulling him closer. "N-No one's ever called me that.." He whispered.

"You like it?"

"Yes..Oh, yes.."

"Come on, baby. Lets get into bed." Blaine said before slipping out of his suit. "Can I get you anything to drink? Are you hungry?"

Kurt shook his head, pulling Blaine into the bed and holding him close. Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "You want me to sing for you?"

"Please.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine held Kurt tighter as he closed his eyes and started to sing softly.

"Tonight when the darkness comes

Why don't we treat it like a friend

Then we'll both be glad to see the night

And we'll be hoping

It's never going to end

So don't be afraid of what the night-time may bring

You must understand that you can dream of anything

So fall into sleep

Peaceful and deep

And may this journey help you fly

When you can't hold out much longer

Don't you cry

When the darkness is getting stronger

Sleep like a child

Peaceful and deep

And when you lay you down

I pray your soul to keep

Sleep like a child

Peaceful and deep

And I when you lay you down

I pray your soul to keep.."

Kurt held himself close to Blaine as his eyelids grew heavy.

"You won't be alone

For I will not be denied

Under the darkest of skies

I'm gonna be by your side

So fall into sleep

Peaceful and deep

And may this journey help you fly

When you can't hold out much longer

Don't you cry

When the darkness is getting stronger

Sleep like a child

Peaceful and deep

And when you lay you down

I pray your soul to keep

Sleep like a child

Peaceful and deep

And I when you lay you down

I pray your soul to keep

Well I know

I can see it in your eyes

You're tired of fighting everyday

Trying to struggle through the night

Yes I know that it's hard to carry on

So just lay down your head

And in your dreams you will be strong

Sleep like a child

Peaceful and deep

And when you lay you down

I pray your soul to keep

Oh like a child

Peaceful and deep

Sleep like a child

Peaceful and deep

And I when you lay you down

I pray your soul to keep.." Blaine finished the song and smiled lightly at the peaceful sound of Kurt's light snoring. This was all Kurt needed..He'd been alone for far too long. Blaine was happy he could do this for Kurt. The Broadway star was so used to being strong and building up the thick walls around himself. He'd forgotten how to let anyone in. But now he could. Maybe this would help him relax and get his next job. Blaine held him close until eventually he fell asleep as well.

The next morning, Kurt woke up in a panic when he felt that Blaine wasn't in the bed. His breathing slowed when he smelt something delicious coming from the kitchen. He got up and slowly walked to the kitchen. "Blaine?.."

"Good morning, beautiful." Blaine smiled.

Kurt blushed. "Morning.."

"I'm making waffles and bacon. I made a trip to the store before you could wake up."

Kurt gave a light smile. "Thank you.." He said before straightening up. "Do we..I..have anything important to do today?.."

Blaine shook his head. "I cleared your schedule."

"I have a whole day without anything to do?..Dear god I'm gonna go crazy.." Kurt said, sitting at the table. "Did you get-?" He started as Blaine set a cup of coffee in front of him. "You did."

"I know my boss." Blaine chuckled. "You won't go crazy. We aren't going to stay here all day."

"What are we doing?" Kurt asked, sipping his coffee.

"I was thinking retail therapy with Rachel?"

Kurt gave a smile over the rim of his cup. "Actualy..I think it might be nice to..Umm.Spend a day in with you..It's cold..And..Y-Yeah.."

"Really?" Blaine asked shyly.

"Yeah." Kurt said before downing the rest of his coffee.

"Okay." Blaine smiled, refilling Kurt's cup. Kurt smiled, grabbing Blaine's hand and gently pulling him down for a kiss. "I'm so glad I came here last night."

"So am I.." Kurt said softly. Blaine kissed him again before making their plates.

After breakfast Kurt walked over to his boyfriend and kissed him deeply. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, melting against him. Kurt smiled against Blaine's lips. "You're so beautiful."

Blaine blushed. "Not compared to you.."

"Listen to your boss.." Kurt chuckled.

Blaine bit his lip. "It's kind of hot that you're my boss.."

"It's hot that you're my assistant.."

Blaine couldn't stop the small whimper that escaped him. Kurt pulled Blaine closer by his hips. "You're so innocent.."

"Does it make you want to..ruin me?" He asked lowly.

Kurt growled, pushing Blaine against the counter. "More than you know.."

"Tell me.." Blaine gasped.

"I want to fuck you so hard..God..I want you to where it hurts to walk..And then I'm just gonna watch you work..And ill know I'm the reason you're limping.."

Blaine gripped Kurt's shirt. "Oh god, yes.."

Kurt leaned down, biting Blaine's neck.


"So sexy.."

Blaine tilted his head, giving Kurt more room. Kurt sucked a harsh bruise onto Blaine's neck, moaning deeply.


"You like that?.." Kurt grinned.

"I-I do.."

Kurt gripped Blaine's ass, releasing a dark moan.

"Do that again."

Kurt did as Blaine asked, nibbling on his ear. Blaine let out a long whine, pulling Kurt closer.

"How do you want me?.." Kurt whispered.

"On my back.. My legs over your shoulders.."

Kurt nodded, picking Blaine up and carrying him to the great room. Blaine kissed along Kurt's jaw as he was carried. Kurt gently laid him down on the floor as the music from his record player filled the room. Blaine closed his eyes and hummed.

"You're beautiful.."

"Thank you.."

Kurt leaned down to kiss Blaine and it became much sweeter than he anticipated. Blaine melted against Kurt. Kurt slowly undressed Blaine, gasping quietly.



"I want you.."

Kurt nodded, leaning down to kiss Blaine deeply. Blaine moaned, wrapping his legs around Kurt. Kurt pulled his boxers down and let his hands roam over Blaine's body. Blaine gave a soft moan at the touch.


"Thank you."

Kurt smiled, positioning himself at Blaine's entrance. Blaine gasped as Kurt pushed in. "Ohhh.."

Kurt grunted quietly, rolling his hips. Blaine reached up and tangled his hands in his messy curls. Kurt moaned deeply, speeding up his thrusts. "Blaine.."

"Kurt.. Please talk to me."

Kurt kissed up Blaine's neck. "Fuck..You're so tight baby..Feel so good."

Blaine moaned, tilting his head back. Kurt bit down on the skin, moaning loudly.


"Scream for me baby.."

Blaine pulled his hair lightly. "Oh god!"

Kurt sped up even more. "Fuck..So sexy..Taking me.."

"Kurt.. Yes.."

Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's in a searing kiss as he fucked into him. Blaine whimpered, tightening his legs around him.

"I-I want you to come with me.."

Blaine nodded, moving in time with his boyfriend. Kurt kissed down his neck. "Fuck..Baby..Yes.."

"Oh my god.."

"I'm so close.."

"Me too!"

Kurt sped up, moaning against Blaine's lips. Blaine's body tensed before arching beautifully. Kurt filled him as they came togethe, panting harshly.


Kurt kissed to Blaine's lips and smiled lightly. "Thank you.."

"For what..?"

"Applying to be my assistant.." Kurt whispered.

"Thank you for choosing me." Blaine giggled.

"You were the only one I interviewed.." Kurt laughed.

"Really? Wow.. I must've made some impression." Blaine said, trailing his fingers over Kurt's chest.

Kurt smiled, laying next to Blaine. "I knew I wanted you.."

"I'm glad."

Kurt's smile grew. "So..What do you want to do?"

"Anything." Blaine said softly.

Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "Let's take a bath.."


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