The New Emily
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The New Emily: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,967 - Last Updated: Jul 07, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Sep 25, 2012 - Updated: Jul 07, 2013
368 0 2 0 0

The next two weeks were a drag. Kurt tried calling Blaine but had no luck. His schedule was chaotic. He needed his old assistant back. For work reasons and personal. Although he hated to admit it but he missed the geeky boy that stumbled over his words and blushed at everything. He was sitting in his office one day and decided to call Rachel and ask if she wanted to meet for lunch, after taking twenty minutes to fumble through his planner to see whether or not he was free.

Rachel had gained an assistant recently and he smiled as he saw the number on the caller ID. "Rachel Berry's phone. This is Blaine. Can I take a message?"

"Blaine?...What are you doing with Rachel's-?...Oh god.." Kurt groaned.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" Blaine asked. Kurt could hear the grin on Blaine's face.

Kurt chuckled darkly as anger raised in him at Blaine's overly pleasant tone. "You're a real piece of work, you know that, Anderson?.."

"I've had some help getting here." Blaine said smugly.

"Put Rachel on the phone. Now."

Blaine chuckled. "Hey Rach. It's Kurt."

"Since when is that little-...Ugh! When did you hire him?!"

"A couple of days ago. He said you didn't need him anymore so I snatched him up." Rachel said happily.

"Oh my god..Ugh..Fine..Just..Do you wanna have a movie night tonight?.." Kurt sighed, defeated.

"I can't tonight. Blaine is helping me plan my party for next weekend."

"Party?..Why wasn't I told?.."

"You should've been. I'm announcing my next show on Saturday."

"Well I wasn't.." Kurt huffed, opening his laptop and scrolling through all of his unopened emails. "Oh..Wait, I was.."

"You need to hire someone," Rachel sighed.

"Yeah, let me write that down and put it on top of the five-foot tall stack of paper on my desk.." Kurt mumbled.

"Kurt, seriously. Didn't you like any of the other kids?" Rachel asked.

"Blaine was the first one I talked to. I didn't interview anyone else." Kurt said.

"Well call and set up interviews. You need it."

Kurt sighed deeply. He didn't want another assistant.. "Alright.."

"If we get done early, I'll come help."

"Please do..And bring cheese cake.."

"Oh honey.." Rachel sighed. "I'll be there at ten."

"See you then.." Kurt said quietly. He groaned when they hung up. How dare Blaine go to Rachel? Of course there was no way he could've stopped him. This sucked. More than sucked. It was just terrible. He went home and curled up on the couch with a tub of ice cream and watched a movie. He felt disgusted at himself for this, but decided he would work it off later..He also couldn't help but notice how amazingly alone he felt.. All he had was Rachel. Who was with Blaine.. Blaine, who used to bring a small amount of light into his life with his nerdiness, and bashfulness..His ability to make sure Kurt's coffee was just right..The little way he would adjust his glasses or have too much in his arms and struggle to keep it all together. His smile..His laugh. Kurt sighed heavily as he took the last big spoonful of ice-cream. He hated to admit to himself that maybe he actually had feelings for Blaine.. Kurt knew there was no maybe. He had feelings for him. He groaned, laying back on the couch. Maybe he would just get a cat or something... Kurt Hummel. Amazing Broadway Star to Man with all the cats. He pulled a throw pillow over his head and sighed, letting sleep take him. He woke up to a loud banging on his door. Kurt groaned as he went to answer it. "What?!"

Rachel's eyes went wide. "Whoa there. I brought cheesecake as a piece offering. May I enter the cave?.." She asked, holding up the food and giving a light giggle.

Kurt rolled his eyes as he stepped aside so she could get in. She walked inside, Blaine trailing after her. Kurt froze. "What is he doing here?"

"He's my assistant Kurt.." Rachel said as Blaine gave a smug smile.

"No shit." Kurt said bitterly. "But I didn't invite him here."

"Oh calm down.." She said, handing the cheesecake.

"Well I wouldn't want to be a problem Ms. Berry.." Blaine said sweetly.

"Oh Jesus Christ." Kurt sighed, putting the cheesecake away. "I'm not hungry." He said as he tried to throw away the box of ice cream without Blaine seeing. But he did and raised his eyebrow, shooting Kurt a barely noticeable look. Kurt took a deep breath. "What do you want to do Rachel?"

"Well I brought some numbers from Madame Tibideaux..She got some new students and she thinks they'd be good for the job."

"I thought we were hanging out.."

"Well that too..I just figured we could do that..We'll save it for later. Just let me walk back to the house. I'll get some movies.." She smiled. "Blaine'll keep you company."

"Rachel.. We can use mine.."

"Nonsense. I have Phantom of the Opera. I'll be back.." She said, slipping out of the door.

Kurt chewed on his lip as he sat on the couch. Blaine looked down, leaning against the wall. Kurt glanced over at his ex-assistant. He blushed lightly and looked away as Blaine raised his head. "Blushing now?.." Blaine asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm sure." Blaine scoffed.

"Why are you here?" Kurt asked bitterly.

"Rachel asked me to come." Blaine said simply.

"You didn't have to. You've made it clear you don't want anything to do with me."

"Well I can't say no to my boss it seems.." Blaine hissed.

"Well you didn't have to go to her." Kurt spat back.

"I needed a job that payed the same.." Blaine said. "You said I couldn't. "

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Sure."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I just don't care anymore," Kurt lied.

Blaine rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Why'd you lie to her?"

"About?.." Blaine asked.

"Why you don't work for me.."

"I didn't think it was necessary." Blaine said simply.

Kurt just nodded.

"What am I supposed to tell her?..Kurt fucked me. My boyfriend left because he walked in on us and Kurt said I played him?"

"I never asked for us to be together. It was simple. You never mentioned a boyfriend. Fuck Blaine! I let you fuck me without a condom! How am I supposed to feel?!" Kurt asked as the anger filled him.

"It was your choice not to use the condom! You can't tell me you were expecting a relationship out of this!" Blaine spat.

"No. But I didn't know you were fucking someone else too!"

"Like it would've mattered to you?!" Blaine yelled, walking over to the couch.

"Don't act like you know me! You don't know shit about how I felt when your boyfriend came in! You don't know how I felt laying in my bed! So don't pretend that you do!" Kurt started, his voice getting higher as he said these things out loud for the first time.

"Oh yeah? How did you feel Kurt? Because all I see is a heartless asshole!" Blaine said.

"Then why do you care how I feel?!"

Blaine growled, before climbing into Kurt's lap and kissing him deeply. Kurt whined as he wrapped his arms tightly around Blaine. Blaine made a desperate noise, running his fingers through Kurt's hair. "I missed you so much.." he moaned against his lips.

"Fuck.. Me too.." Kurt groaned. "Stay with me.. Please.."

Blaine nodded quickly, pressing his lips to Kurt's again. Kurt ran his hands up and down Blaine's back, never wanting to let go.
"I-I want to..I want to be with you Kurt.." Blaine said quietly after he pulled back a bit.

Kurt swallowed loudly. He looked up into Blaine's eyes and felt so vulnerable. "Me too.."

"R-Really?..." Blaine whispered.

"Yes.." Kurt said just as quietly.

"Oh, Kurt.." Blaine breathed out, kissing him again before once more, pulling back. I-I never meant anything I said..In the limo or earlier..I-I just..I didn't mean it..I was hurt.."

"I know.." Kurt said quietly.

Blaine ran his hands through Kurt's hair as a tear slipped down his cheek. "I'm so sorry.."

"I am too.. I shouldn't have been like that.."

"It's okay..Just.." Blaine whispered, kissing Kurt again. Kurt turned them and laid down on the couch, his lips never leaving Blaine's. Blaine wrapped his legs around Kurt, moaning softly. "Ohh Blaine.." Kurt sighed happily.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck. "You're so perfect.."

"Far from it.."

"You're perfect for me.." Blaine whispered.

Kurt teared up. "T-Thank you.."

"You're welcome.." Blaine smiled. Kurt groaned as he heard Rachel knocking on the door. Blaine couldn't help but give a small giggle. "Go let her in.."

Kurt sat them up and went to the door. "Welcome back." He said with a smile.

"You seem in a better mood.." She smiled.

"Well you assistant just asked me out." Kurt said, trying not to squeal.

"Really? Blaine!" She grinned, bouncing.

"Yes ma'am," Blaine said, blushing lightly.

"Ohmygod!" She squealed.

Kurt gave a nervous chuckle as he looked at his best friend.

"Well..Maybe I should just dismiss you for the night Blaine. And maybe I'll just leave you two alone.." She smiled.

"I'll call you tomorrow.." Kurt said as he hugged her.

"Night you two.." She said before walking out.

"So.. Are you hungry?" Kurt asked.

"Come here.." Blaine giggled, laying back on the couch.

Kurt walked over, carefully sitting next to him.

"What's wrong?.." Blaine asked, sitting up.

"Nothing." Kurt said softly as he tried to hide his mid section.

"Kurt..I know when you're lying.." Blaine said softly.

Kurt looked down, biting his lip. "Don't pretend you didn't see."

"What?..Oh..Kurt..The ice cream? Yeah, I saw you had some..Why does it matter?.."

"I'm going to get fat.." Kurt whispered.

"No..Kurt.." Blaine said, pulling Kurt close. You're beautiful..You always will be.."

"You think that..?"

"I know that.." Blaine whispered.

"You're sweet.." Kurt said quietly.

"Im honest, Kurt.." Blaine said, cupping his cheek.

Kurt gave a shy smile before leaning in and kissing Blaine. Blaine sighed softly, wrapping his arms around Kurt. The taller couldn't help but smile against Blaine's lips. Blaine felt the smile and pulled back. "It still feels like I'm dreaming when I kiss you.."

"I feel it too.."

"Really?.." Blaine asked, smiling lightly.

"Yeah," Kurt said, kissing Blaine's cheek. Blaine blushed, adjusting his glasses.

"I've missed that.."


"You're blush," Kurt said as he admired the boy in front of him.

Blaine blushed more. "O-Oh..

"Does it bother you..? My age?" Kurt asked.

"Why would it?..You're the sexiest person alive.." Blaine smiled.

"That's a lie," Kurt chuckled. "And I don't know. I'm twenty-six.."

"I think it's hot.." Blaine admitted, smiling.

Kurt bit his lip. "Really?"

"Really.." Blaine smiled, climbing onto Kurt's lap.

Kurt gasped lightly as he placed his hands on Blaine's hips.

Blaine smiled at the contact. "Plus..You're probably more experienced than I am.." Blaine grinned.

Kurt chuckled. "I know a thing or two."

"Care to teach me?.." Blaine smiled.

"Where did all of this confidence come from? I like it."

"I don't know..I guess you got rid of my innocence after all.." Blaine said.

Kurt nodded. He still felt sort of bad for that.

"I'm actually glad you did.." Blaine said.


"I'm more confident now..That'll help at school..I've started dressing to make my body look good. I'm happier with myself..I..I feel sexy.." Blaine admitted.

"Well you are," Kurt said slyly.

Blaine blushed, giggling softly as he took off his glasses.

"I've never seen eyes so beautiful.."

"You obviously haven't looked in a mirror.." Blaine said.

"Oh whatever," Kurt chuckled.

"Whatever yourself.." Blaine giggled, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck.

Kurt hummed, smiling up at Blaine. "I can't believe you asked me out.."

"Neither can I..But now I have the hottest boyfriend ever.." Blaine purred.

"I wouldn't say the hottest.." Kurt said, licking his lips at Blaine's voice.

Blaine watched as Kurt's tongue disappeared behind his lips again. "Hmm?..."

"I wouldn't say you have the hottest boyfriend." Kurt repeated.

"But I do.." Blaine said, resting his forehead against Kurt's.

"Nu uh.."

"Prove it.."


"Use your imagination.." Blaine said, licking across Kurt's bottom lip.

"I'm not sure you're ready for that," Kurt whispered. "I'm very creative."

"Try me.." Blaine said darkly. Kurt gripped Blaine's ass and stood, carrying him to his room. Blaine gasped as Kurt lifted him, giggling happily. Kurt laid Blaine out on his bed. "Hmm. I don't know how much you can handle."

"Let's find out.." Blaine grinned, his heart racing.

Kurt headed to his dresser and slipped something into his pocket before straddling Blaine. He ripped the younger's shirt open. "Tell me if it's too much."

Blaine gave an odd noise as buttons flew across the room. "O-Okay.."

Kurt pulled out two bobby pins and carefully placed them on Blaine's nipples as makeshift clamps. Blaine gasped, arching his back and groaning a bit. "Fuck.."

"How do they feel?"

"Hurts..But..K-Kinda good.."

Kurt sucked one of the pink nubs into his mouth, moaning around it.

Blaine groaned, rolling his hips up. "Kuuurttt.."

"Yes Blaine?" Kurt grinned.

"So hot.."

"If you're good, I'll show you another feature in my shower.."

"Oh god..Please.." Blaine moaned, a smile playing on his lips.

"Tell me what you have done." Kurt said as he rocked down.

"W-What do you mean?.." Blaine asked.

"Have you ever used toys? Or been tied up?"

"N-No..I think the most..Adventurous I've gotten..Was bending you over the desk.." Blaine got out.

Kurt moaned at the memory. "That is something I'd like to finish one day.."

"Me too.." Blaine growled.

"How bad do you want me?"

"So bad, Kurt..Fuck..I want anything you want to do to me, I just want you.." Blaine panted.

"Anything?" Kurt asked.


"I want you to strip while I get the shower ready."

Blaine nodded. "Do you want me to leave these?.." Blaine asked, looking down at his nipples.

"Surprise me," Kurt smiled before strutting off.

Blaine whined softly, but decided to leave them on before getting off of the bed and taking off his clothes.

When appeared again, he was naked and leaning against the shower door. "Come here.."

Blaine smiled, walking over to Kurt. Kurt turned Blaine around and tied a blindfold over his eyes. Blaine gasped, placing his hands on the door. "Let me guide you," Kurt said, placing his hands on Blaine's hips and leading him inside. Blaine nodded, sighing softly. Once inside, Kurt took Blaine's hands and ankles and cuffed him. Blaine took a shaky breath, biting his lip.
"Fuck you look good.."

"What are you gonna do to me?.." Blaine whispered.

Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's neck. "You'll see.. Don't worry. Nothing too much."

Blaine shivered, moaning softly. "Oh god.."

Kurt ran his fingertips down Blaine's sides and back up before removing the bobby pins. Blaine gasped, whining at the light sting. Kurt leaned in, kissing and nipping at the sensitive nubs. "Oh God.." Blaine panted again. He was already so hard, precum was starting to leak out of his member.

"You're so sexy," Kurt whispered, kissing and nipping down Blaine's abs.

"Kurt..Fuck..This is so hot.." Blaine panted.

"Talk to me," Kurt said as he dropped to his knees behind Blaine.

"I want you..I-I want you so bad..I..I can't wait for you to show me everything..." Blaine whispered.

"I will, Blaine," Kurt said as he spread him. Blaine gasped harshly as the cool air hit him and the vulnerability of being exposed washed over him. "Can I?" Kurt whispered.


Kurt spread Blaine further, leaning in and licking around his waiting hole.

Blaine whined loudly. "Kurt!.."

Kurt pressed past the tight muscles, moaning at Blaine's voice.

"God! Fuck!" Blaine growled.

Kurt pressed in as deep as he could, curling his tongue up.

"Holy shit.." Blaine moaned. "Kurt..Oh fuck.."

Kurt smiled, continuing to tease Blaine.

"I need you.."

Kurt pulled back and stood. "Fuck, you taste good Blaine.."

Blaine whined at the words, arching his back. Kurt stroked himself quickly, getting himself ready before positioning himself at Blaine's entrance. Blaine arched his back, pushing back towards Kurt. Kurt moaned as he pressed in. "Oh fuck, Blaine.."

"Aah!" Blaine cried out, tightening himself a bit.

Kurt groaned loudly, pressing in all the way.

"W-Wait..Wait.." Blaine whimpered.

Kurt stopped. "Are you okay..?"

"You're just so big.." Blaine moaned. Kurt gasped loudly as he squeezed Blaine's hips.

"It's almost too much..But..So good.." Blaine whispered.

"Just tell me when.."

Blaine nodded, pressing his face against the wall before panting out an "Okay.."

Kurt slowly started to pull out, ignoring every instinct to thrust back into that amazingly tight heat. Blaine moaned softly, rolling his body and attempting to push back for more. "So eager.." Kurt breathed out.

"You feel so good.." Blaine whined.

Kurt breathed out a shaky breath. "It's so hard not to fuck you.."

"I want you to.."

"Are you ready?" Kurt whispered.

"I-I think.." Blaine said quietly. Kurt nodded as he started slowly. Blaine gave a deep moan, rolling his body. "Oohh..Kurt.."

"Shit.." Kurt panted. Blaine looked so damn good like this.

"Kurt..More please..Make me take you..Please.." Blaine whispered. The taller grinned, gripping Blaine's hips and thrusting faster. Blaine cried out, gripping his hands into fists as he took Kurt. "Ohmygod! Kurt-Ah!"

"So tight.." Kurt growled deep in his throat.

"Fuck me! Yes! Oh god, Kurrrrt.." Blaine groaned, letting his head fall back.

Kurt thrust harder, slamming against the shorter's prostate. Blaine let out the loudest scream Kurt had heard yet as he came, panting obscenities before his mouth opened in a silent scream, only fragments of noise escaping. Kurt gasped as he felt blaines muscles fluttering around him. His thrusts became erratic as his own orgasm hit. Blaine gasped, working his sated body with Kurt's as the taller filled him. Kurt stilled inside Blaine, just holding him close. Blaine hummed happily, resting his head against the wall. Kurt kissed Blaine's neck before slowly pulling out and releasing him. Blaine pulled his blindfold off before turning around and kissing Kurt softly. "What did you think..?" Kurt asked as he pulled back.

"So amazing..." Blaine smiled, wrapping his arms around Kurt and nuzzling into his neck.

"Come on.. Let's relax in the hot tub.."

Blaine nodded, Kurt helping him to the hot tub. His legs were still a bit shaky as they climbed in. Kurt straddled Blaine, laying his head against his neck. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, sighing happily as he let the warm water and Kurt's body relax him.

"Thank you.." Kurt whispered.


"Coming over.. Being my boyfriend.."

Blaine smiled, his cheeks pinking a bit. "Thank you.."

Kurt kissed Blaine's blush. Blaine giggled lightly, pressing his cheek against Kurt's. "I missed you so much.." Kurt whispered.

"I missed you too..I'm so sorry, Kurt.."

"You were right.."

"I was wrong.."


"By not telling you about Sebastian..By acting like you were in the wrong.." Blaine said quietly.

"Well I was your boss.." Kurt said.

"That doesn't mean anything..I could've said no.." Blaine said softly.

"I'm glad you didn't.."

"Me too.." Blaine smiled. Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine softly.


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Thank you! I needed this. They are together now, kurt and blaine, i'm happy again! #imstillsadfortheirbrokeup! x

Gah! Me too! that was so emotional! Thanks honey!