July 7, 2013, 5:10 a.m.
July 7, 2013, 5:10 a.m.
"Morning baby.." Blaine said quietly.
"I missed sleeping with you," The taller said, wrapping himself around Blaine.
"I did too.." Blaine said softly. "It's always so cold here when I sleep alone.."
"Well I'm here to warm you now." Sebastian smiled. "Do you always work late?"
"Most of the time.." Blaine said, running his hands up and down Sebastian's back.
Sebastian sighed. "That sucks."
"Yeah..But I'll talk to him. I think I have another event to go to tonight.." Blaine sighed.
"What kind?"
"Some kind of cocktail party. Kurt's debuting his fashion line and it's just a bunch of rich snobs.."
"And you can't bring a date?" Sebastian asked.
"It's work..I would if I could Bas.." Blaine sighed.
"So another late late night tonight?"
"Yeah.." Blaine said quietly.
"Alright.." Sebastian said. If Blaine wasn't going to be home, he'd find someone else to satisfy his needs.
"But as soon as I get back, I promise..I'll take good care of you..." Blaine said slyly.
Sebastian grinned. "I know you will."
Blaine smiled, climbing on top of Sebastian. "So it's expected now?.." He chuckled.
"Well, how could you resist all of this?" Sebastian laughed.
"So you think I can't?.."
"Prove it.."
Sebastian flipped them over and nipped at Blaine's ear. "You sure you want me to?"
"Mhmm.." Blaine grinned. Sebastian leaned down, sucking at Blaine's nipple. Blaine gasped, arching his back. "Seb.."
"Giving in already?"
Sebastian grinned. He knew Blaine was close to giving up. He slid down his boyfriend's body, leaving a trail of kissed up Blaine's hardening member. "Seb.." Blaine gasped. "I-I..Ungh.."
"Yeah babe?" Sebastian asked, licking at the head.
"Oh shit..I-I need you.."
"I thought you could say no."
"Fuck..You know I can't.."
"I know," Sebastian chuckled. "What do you want?"
"Fuck me?.."
Sebastian climbed back up Blaine's body and ground his hips down. Blaine moaned deeply, pulling the taller's hair.
"Fuck babe.." Sebastian groaned as he spread Blaine's legs. Blaine opened them more, biting his lip as Sebastian slicked himself up. He positioned himself and slid into the perfectly tight heat. Blaine cried out, rolling his hips up when his work phone started to ring. "F-Fuck..Is that Kurt?"
Sebastian reached over, not pulling out of Blaine and declined the call. "Sebastian!" Blaine scolded before moaning as the taller thrust quickly. "I-I need to c-call him..ah!"
"Well I'm not stopping." Sebastian said. "Still want to call?"
"Fuck!..Y-Yes, just give me the phone and..Ah! Slow down!" Blaine moaned. Sebastian handed his boyfriend the phone with every intention on letting kurt know what Blaine was doing.
Blaine dialed his number and waited for Kurt to pick up. "Y-You called?"
"I need you to come in." Kurt said.
"W-When?" Blaine gasped, arching his back.
"Like ASAP. And I need coffee."
"I-I might be a little late.." Blaine got out.
"Why?" Kurt asked as sebastian hit his prostate.
Blaine cried out, arching his back. "I-I-I'm exercising!" He said quickly.
Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Well get here as fast as you can."
"Okay..Fuck..I'll be there soon.."
"And don't forget the coffee."
"I won't!" Blaine groaned before hanging up.
Sebastian nipped at Blaine's neck. "Enjoying your workout?"
"Fuck, baby.." Blaine moaned. "More.. I-I have to hurry.."
Sebastian gripped the sheets on either side of his boyfriend's head as he thrust harder. Blaine cried out, rocking his hips to meet Sebastian's. "Ungh, Blaine.." The taller moaned, ramming into that sensitive nub. Blaine clawed down Sebastian's back, screaming his name as he edged closer. Sebastian bit Blaine's neck roughly. "Come babe.. I'm close.."
Blaine nodded, whining as his body tensed and he came between them with a loud cry. Blaine's scream sent Sebastian over the edge, coming deep inside him. Blaine shivered as he felt Sebastian fill him, panting harshly. Sebastian kissed Blaine deeply as he slowly pulled out and laid next to his boyfriend. Blaine took a minute to collect himself before jumping up and wiping himself down to get dressed. "I wish you didn't have to go.."
"I know, me too, but I have work.."
"Let me know when you're coming home?"
"Of course.." Blaine said quickly.
Sebastian curled back up underneath the covers. "Bye babe."
Blaine leaned over, kissing Sebastian before running out. He picked up Kurt's coffee and hurried to the office.
"Sorry I'm late sir.." Blaine sighed.
"You sounded very into your workout.." Kurt said, reaching for his coffee.
"Well...I-I try to stay in shape.."
Kurt looked Blaine up and down. "You do a pretty good job," he said, winking at his assistant.
Blaine blushed, looking down. " Thank you.."
Kurt smiled. "Come sit. I want to see your opinion on these designs."
Blaine nodded, sitting down in front of the desk. Kurt turned the big black book around, revealing his new sketches.
"Oh wow..Those are gorgeous..." Blaine whispered as Kurt handed him the book.
"You really think so?" Kurt asked.
"I do.." Blaine smiled.
"I'm so not ready for this meeting.."
"Why? You're great at talking to people..It's gonna be a hit."
"Thanks," Kurt said softly. "I've always wanted this.."
"Fashion?" Blaine asked, flipping through the designs. Dresses, suits. They were all beautiful.
Kurt nodded. "I used to draw them in high school."
"Well you're gonna be amazing..I wouldn't be surprised if you were running your own fashion company one day.." Blaine said softly.
"You have to say that. You're my assistant.."
"I would say it if I was one of those people at that cocktail party tonight. You and Vivienne are going to be unveiling the designs tonight right?.." Blaine asked.
"Yeah. Hey.. I know you haven't been here since the beginning. But why don't you be a model for us?"
"Yes!" Kurt said excitedly.
"I-I'm not a model..There's no way I could get in front of those people..." Blaine stammered, blushing.
"Why? You're hot!"
Blaine's face turned red and he adjusted his glasses, giving a nervous laugh.
"Please? For me?" Kurt asked.
"I-I don't know.." Blaine said, looking down.
"Why not?"
"There's gonna be a lot of people.." Blaine said timidly.
"You don't have to.."
Blaine looked at Kurt. He was giving him a choice? That made him smile a bit. "As long as you show me how to walk."
Kurt grinned. "Get up!"
Blaine smiled, standing and straightening his bow tie.
"Its all about the hips.." Kurt said as he placed his hands on Blaine's waist. Blaine bit his lip as Kurt moved his hands, shifting Blaine's hips. Kurt moved Blaine, showing him how to walk. Blaine moved a bit awkwardly at first, blushing in embarrassment before he began to get it. "See. You can do it. Keep practicing."
Blaine nodded. "I can't wait to wear your designs." He smiled
"You'll be the sexiest one up there," Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear. Blaine made a small noise in the back of his throat, cheeks pink.
Back at the apartment, Sebastian was searching anything and everything about Kurt Hummel. He found basic things before he found a gossip blog, raising an eyebrow as he read the post.
"Broadway Star gone wild? Kurt Hummel was seen living it up at The Diamond Club last night, With a mystery man. The two seemed quite cozy as they danced on the floor before Hummel took him back to the VIP room. The mystery man is still unknown, but from these photos sent in from an anonymous source, he seems pretty hot! What will Hummel's rumored love interest Chandler Khiel have to say about this?"
Sebastian scrolled down and saw a picture of Blaine in front of Kurt, dancing too close for his liking. So this was working?..Sebastian felt heat bubble up in his chest as he looked through the pictures. This was why Blaine hadn't been calling him back. Well two could play this game. Sebastian grabbed his phone and dialed a number. "Hey babe?..Remember me?.." he said as the other answered.
"Yeah..Can't stop thinking about you.." Sebastian said, his voice low and sultry.
"Want to come over..?"
"How about you come over here about nine?.." Sebastian smiled. "I'm at my boyfriend's apartment and I think it would be so hot to fuck you on his bed, James.."
James moaned into the receiver. "Text me the address."
Sebastian smiled wickedly before hanging up and texting the address.
Back at the office, Kurt and Blaine were working hard on getting everything ready for that night. They called the caterer, the publicists, the guests' people, the press..Everything would go off without a hitch. Kurt ordered dinner for Blaine. He was too nervous to eat. Although he took a few bites to satisfy his assistant. They worked until eight before practicing Blaine's walk. Kurt wanted to go over the evening's events one more time before getting ready. "I'm just going to shower here and head over. Why don't you go home and relax a bit before meeting me here?"
"Sounds good.." Blaine smiled. Maybe he and Sebastian could watch a movie while he waited for Kurt's call. Blaine headed home. He walked in and called for Sebastian. When he didn't hear an answer, Blaine went to his room but stopped outside of the door when he heard moans. He took a deep breath before opening the door and seeing his boyfriend fucking some guy. Sebastian had the other man's legs over his shoulders, slamming into him and growling deep in his throat. "What the fuck?!" Blaine yelled.
Sebastian jumped, turning to Blaine. "Blaine! Um..You're home early.."
"I wanted to surprise my boyfriend. Fuck you, Sebastian. Get your shit and leave." Blaine said, turning on his heel and storming out. He stormed down the hall, tears threatening to spill all the way down the stairs. He needed to get away from Sebastian. And he felt like such a hypocrite, but he couldn't believe Sebastian would do this to him. Blaine had no where to go so he headed back to the office. He walked in slowly and sat behind his desk so Kurt wouldn't noticed. He quickly busied himself with filing, making calls, anything to distract him and keep him busy.
Kurt looked up when he saw the phone blinking that told him Blaine was on the phone. He got up and went to the desk. "You're early.."
"Yeah..Just..Didn't feel like sitting at home.." Blaine said quietly, adjusting his glasses a bit.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing..Just..A little nervous about tonight.." Blaine said, putting on a light smile.
"Do you want to practice?"
"Sure.." He said, standing up.
Kurt put his hands on Blaine's shoulders. "Stand straight. Chest out. Like that. Good." he said, running his hands down to his assistant's hips. Blaine closed his eyes, giving a small gasp as Kurt grabbed his hips. "Don't forget to flaunt that perfect ass," Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear. Blaine moaned as all the frustration and nerves escaped him in that moment and he grabbed Kurt, forcefully bending him over the desk. Kurt gasped and looked back at Blaine. He was so hot like this.
"Get in your office..Now." Blaine said, releasing Kurt, but not before planting a harsh smack on his ass.
"Ah!" Kurt got out before hurrying to his office and clearing his sketches off his desk. Blaine picked Kurt up, laying him across the hardwood before turning him over and squeezing his prefect ass again. "Blaine.." Kurt breathed out.
"Just take it." Blaine growled, not quite sure what came over him, but he liked it. Kurt's body arched at Blaine's tone. Blaine quickly pulled down the back of Kurt's jeans, exposing his creamy white ass. Blaine smacked it again, turning it a shade of pink as he pulled his own member out. Kurt gripped the edges of the desk as he wondered what had come over Blaine. "You have lube?.." Blaine breathed out.
"Bottom drawer.. On the left.. The key is in my pocket.."
Blaine pulled Kurt's key out and opened the drawer. He grabbed the lube and quickly slicked himself up before lining up with Kurt's entrance and slamming into him with a grunt. Kurt cried out louder than Blaine could've imagined. He screamed his assistant's name as the painful pleasure ran through him. Blaine gripped Kurt's hips as he thrust roughly, channeling all of his anger and pain into his motions, trying to forget it all. Kurt had never had it this rough.. this forceful. But there was something about it that, though he'd never admit it, filled his secret role playing rape fantasy. Blaine moaned, bending over Kurt and wrapping a strong rm around his neck before pulling him up, Kurt's back to his chest.
"Blaine.." Kurt whimpered, reaching up and tangling his hands in Blaine's hair.
"Fuck, Kurt..Talk to me."
"Y-You.. Fuck! So fucking hot!"
"You like this?..Blaine growled. "Taking me hard like this?..Fucking say it..Say how much you love having me fuck you like this.." Blaine got out, pushing Kurt down to bend over the table again and knocking more things off.
Without knowing, Kurt hit the intercom button as he let out a loud cry. "Yes! I-I love.. love it.."
"Love what?.." Blaine growled.
"You..fucking me.." Kurt breathed out. "Fuck me, Blaine.."
Blaine complied, thrusting even harder as he grabbed Kurt's hair. Kurt let out a string of obscenities, filling the entire office with his screams as Sebastian walked in. Blaine looked over in surprise, gasping loudly, but not pulling out. "You're home early.." he said bitterly.
"You're going to judge me when you've been lying and fucking him?!" Sebastian asked angrily.
"Oh I'm not judging anything.." Blaine said as he pulled out of Kurt and zipped up his jeans. "Yes, I've been having sex with my boss..But you just gave me the perfect way to tell you and get rid of you..I just don't see why you'd do this.."
"I saw the pictures of you two from last night!" Sebastian yelled, eyeing Kurt up and down. "You think he won't get rid of you when he's bored? Good luck with that."
Blaine cursed himself for the lump in his throat. "And you didn't get bored with me? You cheated on me with three guys!"
"Whatever Blaine. Don't come crying to me when your boss has enough of you."
"Exactly because you know I'm right, Sebastian. Get your shit out of my apartment." Blaine hissed.
Sebastian growled under his breath as he turned and left.
Kurt stood up straight, hands on his hips as he looked at Blaine. "You have a boyfriend?"
Blaine bit his lip. "W-well..I did.."
Kurt sighed heavily. "I need to get ready."
Blaine nodded quickly, looking down. Kurt turned and walked into the bathroom that was connected to his office. Blaine sat down, sighing deeply and resting his head in his hands. Once Kurt was showered and dressed, he composed himself and went to Blaine's desk. "You better make damn sure that bastard doesn't let this get out. Be ready in half an hour."
"Y-Yes, Mr. Hummel."
Kurt went back to his office and got his things together. Blaine just slipped on a coat and walked behind Kurt, his head down as he tried to figure out what the taller was thinking. Kurt didn't say a word as they walked out to his limo. Blaine couldn't describe what he was feeling as he got in next to Kurt. Shame, anger, pain and longing. It all felt like too much. They rode in silence, Kurt not knowing what to feel. "Mr. Hummel?.." Blaine said quietly.
"I'm sorry..About..All of that.."
"Do you know how easily this can ruin me?" Kurt asked, still looking forward. Blaine looked down, shaking his head. "I can see it now. 'Kurt Hummel seduces new assistant into cheating on his boyfriend.'"
"That won't happen." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt looked at Blaine. "How do you know? One word from him and my life is ruined."
"He wouldn't do that.." Blaine said, trying to convince himself more than anyone.
Kurt laughed humorlessly. "You'd be surprised."
Blaine sighed. "I don't know how to fix this.."
"You can't." Kurt said simply.
"I really am sorry Mr. Hummel..I-I just walked in on him with someone..And..I-I don't know..." Blaine said in barely a whisper.
"Well maybe I shouldn't have started this." Kurt said, turning to the window.
"Well then why did you?" Blaine spat bitterly.
"It was a fucking joke. Trying to get you out of that damn shell. But you wanted to."
Blaine went quiet, staring at Kurt. "A-A joke?.."
"I told you to suck me. I laughed. It was a joke. But you wanted to so you know the rest." Kurt said simply.
"So..You..don't want me?.." Blaine whispered.
"Don't put words into my mouth."
"Well that's what it sounds like."
"It started that way."
Blaine just shook his head. "I can't believe you.."
"Me? You can't believe me. That's funny."
"What do you mean by that?" Blaine asked, looking over at Kurt.
Kurt turned back to his assistant. "Yes, it started as a joke. It changed.. But you are the one that was playing me."
"I was playing you..So what you've developed feelings all of a sudden? Don't act like you cared about me for a second, Kurt. You didn't even ask if I had a boyfriend." Blaine spat.
"You don't know shit about how I do or don't feel! And a decent person wouldn't cheat!"
"So first I'm too innocent and now I'm indecent?..You know what? They were right about you.." Blaine said crossing his arms.
"Everyone. They said you were a selfish asshole that only cared about himself. I stood up for you...When you paid for that suit and my glasses..But now I see it was only for your gain. You have to play with people because you're so damn bitter.." Blaine said, fire in his eyes.
Kurt composed himself so Blaine couldn't see his pain. "So what? You going to quit now? You won't find anything better than this."
"You know what? I might not. But it'd be better then working for you. I lost my boyfriend and got used as a fuck toy every day. I'd be better off as a waiter than having to run after your every whim. I can't believe I based my goals and dreams on someone like you.." Blaine got out of the limo as it stopped at a stoplight. "You're gonna end up alone, Kurt Hummel..And when you do, I hope you're happy." He took his work phone and placed it on the seat. "Good luck buying your own fucking coffee.." he mumbled before slamming the door and hurrying down the road.
Kurt swallowed audibly. He leaned back in his seat, cursing himself as the tears came. He couldn't believe he was actually crying..He looked out the window as Blaine disappeared in the distance and the tears grew stronger. "Oh god..." He whimpered, hugging himself. Kurt curled in on himself. How could he go in like this? He had to. He was Kurt Hummel. He wouldn't let this get to him. He took a deep breath and wiped his face before trying to control his nerves. He poured himself a drink and chugged it down, wiping another stray tear that fell. Kurt took a few minutes, making sure he was fine before heading inside and having a very successful night.
Omg, this is fantastic!! I love this story!!
Thank you so much!