The New Emily
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The New Emily: Chapter 14

E - Words: 6,069 - Last Updated: Jul 07, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Sep 25, 2012 - Updated: Jul 07, 2013
149 0 0 0 0

That weekend Kurt went to pick up his brother and father from the airport. Sadly, Blaine was at dress rehearsal so he couldn't make it. When he saw his father, Kurt ran into his arms. Burt hugged Kurt tightly, grinning wide as he released him. Kurt hugged Finn and couldn't stop smiling until he saw Burt was using a cane.

"Dad.. Why do you need that? You didn't last week."

"Just a little sore, kiddo..Nothing to worry about.." Burt said softly.

"Are you sure?"

"He thinks it's just a pinched nerve in his back. Makes his leg hurt." Finn said.

"I'm fine." Burt assured.

"Okay." Kurt said as they got their bags.

Kurt hailed a cab and Finn raised his eyebrows. "Kurt..Those guys are taking pictures of us.."

"There's always at least one." Kurt sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Guess your ol' dad is gonna be famous too, huh?" Burt chuckled.

"You'll be in the magazines tomorrow. And online in a few hours." Kurt laughed.

Burt smiled, shaking his head as he climbed into the cab. They headed back to Kurt's apartment and got Burt settled in. Kurt treated his family to lunch before going to surprise Rachel. Finn sighed nervously. He hadn't seen Rachel since Thanksgiving.

"Hey, take a deep breath. She'll be so happy to see you." Burt said.

Finn nodded as they walked into the theater. Blaine and Rachel were on stage rehearsing a scene so they took a seat, watching until they were finished. They watched as the two acted out a scene. They were wonderful.

When the scene ended, the director started talking. Blaine looked out and saw Kurt. He grinned as he nudged Rachel. Rachel looked to Blaine in confusion before following his gaze into the seats. She gasped quietly as she saw Finn. Finn couldn't help but smile as he waved. Rachel gave a little wave as their director finished talking to them and dismissed them for the day.

Finn walked to the stage to meet her. "Hey.."

Rachel gave an excited squeal and nearly jumped off of the stage, wrapping her arms around Finn and kissing him deeply.

Finn chuckled. "Surprise."

"Oh my god!" Rachel grinned hugging him and kissing him again. She cupped his face in her hand and sighed. "I missed you so much.."

"I missed you too, Rach."

She grinned before turning to Burt and hugging him. "Mr. Hummel! Wow..What brings you guys up here? She asked as Blaine walked over, hugging them both.

"Kurt called. He wanted me and Finn to come out."

"That's great. How are you feeling?.."

"Tired. But I'm fine." Burt said.

"D-Do you need to sit down? Go back to the apartment?" Kurt asked quickly.

"I'm okay, kid."

Kurt nodded as his boyfriend walked over and kissed him softly.

"Any plans today?" Blaine asked.

"Not really. Dad's back and leg hurt so we're just thinking about having a nice night in." Kurt said softly.

"Sounds good to me." Blaine smiled.

Kurt nodded. He knew his dad wouldn't always say when he was in pain. He needed to keep a close eye on him.. Rachel and Blaine got changed before walking back to the apartment.

"How long are you staying?" Rachel asked Finn.

"As long as Burt is. And that depends on how long Kurt wants him to stay." Finn said as they walked out onto the balcony together.

"Thank you for coming, Finn."

Finn smiled. "As soon as Burt asked me..The first thing I thought of was that I'd get to see you.." He smiled.

Rachel leaned against Finn. "I wish you could stay.."

"Me too.." Finn said softly, kissing her forehead.

"You want to go out tonight?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Finn nodded.

Rachel smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Kiss me."

Finn smiled back, leaning in to kiss her softly. Kurt leaned against Blaine as they watched a college game in the living room. "Can I get you anything, dad?"

"I'm good Kurt.." Burt nodded. "But thank you.."

Kurt nodded as he took Blaine's hand. Blaine squeezed lightly, looking at his boyfriend and smiling.

"So how is living together?" Burt asked, Seamus curled up at his feet.

"I love it." Blaine said.

Kurt nodded. "It's helped me a lot."

"How?" Burt asked, smiling.

"It feels like a home. I have someone I can talk to. Someone who's always there." Kurt said, looking to Blaine.

Blaine smiled shyly. "It is nice to have someone.."

"It also helps since I get to look at this handsome man every day." Kurt grinned, knowing he'd make Blaine blush.

Blaine did just that, chuckling softly. Seamus stood, walking over to Kurt and resting his head on his lap.

"I think someone's jealous." Burt said, smiling.

"Sorry, Seamus. I'm all for Blaine." Kurt giggled as he petted the dog.

"You've warmed up to him.." Blaine smiled as Seamus let out a low, happy noise.

"He's not so scary now." Kurt smiled.

"I was going to get you a dog when you were younger, but you insisted on a goldfish." Burt said.

"I can see that." Blaine laughed.

"How can you see that?" Kurt giggled.

"You weren't into dogs when you first met mine." Blaine chuckled.

"He's a horse!" Kurt giggled, scratching behind the dog's ears.

"He ran and hid inside of my room." Blaine told Burt.

Burt laughed lightly as Kurt rolled his eyes.

"But he loves you now." Blaine smiled.

Kurt nodded, smiling wide. "He's growing on me.."

"I'm glad to see you so happy, kid." Burt smiled.

Kurt smiled back. "Thank you.." he said softly. "So..Has your doctor said anything else?.."

"I haven't gone since before you came. But he says everything is fine. I'm good." Burt assured.

Kurt nodded. "Good. If you feel anything, we can take you in."

"I'm fine Kurt.." Burt chuckled.

“I'm just making sure."

"I know." Burt said, patting his shoulder. "Just try not worry so much.."

"Okay." Kurt sighed softly.

Burt squeezed his shoulder softly. "Hey. I'm gonna be okay..Okay?.."

Kurt sat up. "You better be." He said with a smile.

Burt chuckled softly, turning back to the tv.

A few hours later, Blaine made dinner. They relaxed after and watched a movie.

"Finn and I are going to go out tonight. Do you two want to come?" Rachel asked.

"Kurt, If you want to go, I'll stay here with your dad." Blaine smiled.

"I don't know.. I feel like I should stay." Kurt said.

"Go have some fun, Kurt. You know Blaine won't let anything happen here." Burt said softly.

Kurt sighed softly. "Okay.."

"It'll be good for you." Finn said.

Kurt nodded. "I just have to change, then we can leave."


Kurt got dressed and kissed Blaine and hugged his father. "I have my phone. Call me if you need me. For anything."

"We will." Blaine said softly.

"Don't worry. Go have fun." Burt smiled.

Kurt nodded. "Okay. I love you guys."

"Love you too." Blaine and Burt said together. Kurt lingered a moment before Rachel grabbed his hand.

Blaine sighed when they left. "I hope he has fun."

"Me too." Burt nodded. "He needs it. I haven't seen him this high strung since high school."

"Is everything really okay so far?" Blaine asked slowly.

"It's not perfect.." Burt sighed. "A little harder than last time.."

Blaine nodded. "Is there anything we can do for you?"

"I just like bein' here with him. With both of you."

"We like it too."

They sat and watched the game for a while until Burt excused himself to the restroom. Blaine smiled to himself. This was going great. A few minutes later, he heard a loud thud. Blaine quickly jumped up and ran to the source of the noise. He knocked on the bathroom door quickly. "Mr. Hummel?! Mr. Hummel, are you okay?!"

Burt groaned. "I just fell.."

Blaine opened the door and quickly helped Burt to his feet. "Are you alright?.."

"I-I think so."

Blaine helped him to the couch. "Do you need anything? I'm gonna call Kurt.."

"No. Let him have his fun. I'll just..lay down.." Burt said.

"A-Are you sure?.." Blaine asked, grabbing Burt's hand and helping him up.

Burt nodded. "Yeah. I'll.. I'll be fine."

Blaine was really worried. “Do you need your medicine? Burt..If you're hurt, please tell me.."

“Yeah, I'll take one. It'll help me sleep too."

Blaine nodded, leading him to the bed before walking to the kitchen and returning with Burt's pain pills. Burt sighed deeply. He hated having to be taken care of. Blaine handed them to him and ran his hand through his hair. “Are you sure you're okay? I can take you to the doctor..I-I can.."

“Blaine.." Burt breathed out. "I'm okay."

"I'm sorry.." Blaine said softly. "I'll see you in the morning..But just..Call me if you need anything."

"I will. Good night."

Blaine walked out and sighed as he closed the door. He really hoped Burt was okay. Blaine went and changed before climbing into bed. He felt terrible. He knew Kurt would be worried now.

Later that night he heard the door open and sat up as Kurt walked into the room. "Have fun, baby?" He smiled.

"Uh, yeah.. How was your night?"

"It was great! How was your night with my dad?"

Kurt's eyes went wide. "He fell? Why didn't you call me?"

"H-He told me not to.." Blaine said softly.

"You should've called me, Blaine!" Kurt said before hurrying to his father's room. "Dad? Dad, are you awake?"

Burt grunted. "Mmph..I am now..What's wrong?"

Kurt rushed to the bed. "Are you okay? Blaine said you fell down. Did you hurt yourself? It's not too late to go to the ER."

"Kurt..I'm fine. I'm just sore..But if you're that worried, make an appointment for tomorrow so your doctor can tell you I'm fine.."

"Okay." Kurt said determinedly. "I'm sorry I woke you. I love you.."

"I love you too, kid. Get some rest."

"Okay.. Good night." Kurt said. He kissed his father's cheek before going to bed.

Blaine looked up as Kurt walked back in. "Kurt..I'm so sorry..I ran to him as soon as I heard him fall.."

"I'm taking him to a doctor tomorrow." Kurt said as he changed.

"O-Okay..Is he alright?"

"He said he's just sore."

Blaine looked at Kurt. "Are you mad at me?.."


"Well then why won't you look at me?.."

Kurt sighed as he looked up. "What do you want me to say? I shouldn't have left. He's hurt. I should've been here, Blaine."

"Kurt..If you were here or not he could've fallen.."

Kurt shook his head. "He needed me and I wasn't here."

"It's my fault, then..I was here. I told you to go out. And now your dad is hurt because of me.."

"Blaine. Don't do this." Kurt sighed before walking out of the room.

Blaine stood and followed him. "Kurt you're doing the same thing..It's not your fault.."

"What am I doing? He's not your responsibility. He's my dad. I shouldn't have left him."

"Kurt..I'm sorry he got hurt..But you shouldn't beat yourself up over it.."

"It doesn't matter. He's going to the hospital tomorrow." Kurt said dismissively.

"Kurt.." Blaine sighed.

"What, Blaine?"

"Nothing..You won't listen to me anyway.." Blaine said, sitting on the couch.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Not tired.." Blaine said quietly. Kurt nodded slowly. Blaine sighed, tears filling his eyes. He felt his throat tightening as he spoke. "I really am sorry Kurt.." he got out, his voice breaking.

Kurt sighed deeply. "I'm not mad at you, Blaine."

"I should've called you..I..I feel awful.."

Kurt moved to where Blaine was sitting. "You couldn't have stopped it. This is just too hard for me."

"I know..That's why I wanted you to go out tonight and have fun.." Blaine said, wiping his eyes.

"You can't understand how I feel." Kurt whispered. "Growing up.. He was all I had. He stood up for me when this jock threatened me. He.. He fucking ran for Congress so he could make a change. He was everything to me." Kurt's hands were shaking as he spoke. "And I shut him out when he got sick. I didn't even know. All because of a fucking play. I don't deserve to be here with him. I don't deserve a father like him.. I-It should be me.. He doesn't deserve this.."

Blaine knew there was nothing he could say that would give Kurt any comfort. He just pulled him close, holding him in his arms. Kurt leaned against Blaine and let his tears fall. Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead. "We're all gonna get through this..together.."

"W-What if..if he doesn't?" Kurt whispered.

"Shhh..Don't think about that.."

Kurt shuddered as Blaine held him. Blaine laid with Kurt on the couch, letting him cry until they both fell asleep.

In the morning, Burt carefully walked out. He sighed when he saw Kurt's slightly red and puffy eyes. He grabbed his cane and made his way to the kitchen to make the boys some coffee. Blaine awoke at the smell. He sat up slowly and stretched. "Mr. Hummel?"

"Mornin'." Burt called from the kitchen.

Blaine followed Burt's voice. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright. A little sore, but alright." He said. "I'm more worried about Kurt.."

"Did you hear him last night?" Blaine asked quietly.

"No..But I know when he's been crying.."

Blaine nodded. "He's just scared."

"Yeah, I know..Hopefully this appointment will make him feel better.."

"I hope so. Kurt feels so bad that he wasn't there the first time. He doesn't know how to handle it." Blaine said.

Burt poured Blaine a cup of coffee. "I'll try to talk to him.”

After Kurt woke up, they all got dressed and took a cab to the hospital.

"This is really pointless." Burt said.

"Well..It'll make me feel better.." Kurt said, flipping through a magazine as they sat in the waiting room.


The doctor called Burt back and Kurt went with him. Burt explained that he had cancer and that sometimes his legs got weak, which led to the fall. The doctor nodded, taking him to do x-rays and an MRI before leaving them to wait.

“Do you have rehearsals?" Burt asked Blaine.

"Not today." Blaine said softly.

Burt nodded. "I don't want to keep you from anything."

"Oh no, sir..But I'd be here anyway.." Blaine smiled.

"Thanks, kid." Burt said softly. Blaine's eyebrows rose. Burt had never called him that. It made something warm stir inside of him.

About an hour later, the doctor returned and asked Kurt and Burt to return to the room. Kurt swallowed dryly as they sat down with the doctor. The doctor held a file folder in his hand and sighed. "Now..This isn't easy to say..But we've found a tumor developing near your spine.."

Kurt's eyes went wide. "W-What does that mean?"

"It means..If we don't operate, he could suffer nerve damage. The bones of the spine could be shifted, or, worst case scenario, lose the use of his legs.."

"Kurt.. I need to get home to my doctor." Burt said carefully.

"Mr. Hummel..You shouldn't travel like this. I assure you we have a very skilled team of surgeons.."

Kurt's heart was pounding in his ears as he stared at his hands. He couldn't believe this.. Burt shook his head. "I could never afford a hospital like this."

"I'll pay for it.." Kurt whispered.

"Kurt.. I can't ask you to do that." His father sighed.

"You're not asking me. I'm telling you I will. I don't care..H-How much it costs.."

"How long will this take?" Burt asked.

"The typical hospital stay after surgery to remove a spinal tumor ranges from 5 to 10 days. After that physical rehabilitation is needed after surgery."

"How long before I can go home? I have a business to run." Burt said seriously.

"Then Finn can go home and run it. You're not leaving, Dad.." Kurt said.

"What about Carole?"

"I don't know.." Kurt whispered, tears already filling his eyes.

The doctor cleared his throat. "If we do the surgery soon, you should be able to go home next month.."

"Will this affect the cancer?" Burt asked quietly.

The doctor sighed softly. "I'm sorry Mr. Hummel..It won't..But it should ease your pain.."

Burt nodded slowly. "Thank you."

"I'll leave you two to talk about it..If you decide to have the surgery, my receptionist will schedule you in."


The doctor left and Kurt wrapped his arms around himself.

"I'm sorry, Kurt.."

"You can't control it..But please..I'm begging you..please have the surgery here.."

"I don't really have a choice."

Kurt turned to hug his dad. "I-I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay.."

Kurt felt like everything was falling apart around him as he clutched to Burt. Burt held his son close. "We'll get through it."

"I l-love you.."

"I love you too."

They stayed like that before going to schedule the surgery for that weekend. Kurt felt numb. Keeping his mask on as he went through the motions. Blaine was worried as they came out. "What happened?"

"He has a tumor growing near his spine. He needs surgery." Kurt said blankly.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. He didn't know what to say. There was nothing that could make any of this better.

Kurt held Blaine with weak arms."We should get home.." he said quietly.

Blaine nodded as they walked out. Kurt stared at the ground. This was unreal..

When they got home, Kurt shut himself in his room. Blaine was worried. He'd never seen Kurt like this..He didn't know whether to give him space or comfort him. He looked to Burt. "Are you okay?.." he asked as the older man sat on the couch.

"Not really. I need to call Carole.. And Finn."

Blaine nodded handing him the phone and walking to the bedroom to give him privacy. Kurt was sitting on the bed, his back to Blaine as he stared off. Blaine crawled on the bed and sat behind Kurt, rubbing his back softly. "It's gonna be okay.."

"Blaine.." Kurt whispered weakly.


"Why is this happening?"

"I..I don't know.."

Kurt stayed quiet as he leaned against Blaine.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt and kissed his temple softly. "Whatever you need..I'm here.."

"Thank you.."

Blaine nodded, closing his eyes and resting his head against Kurt's.

After a while, Burt knocked on the bedroom door. Blaine quickly got up and opened it while Kurt didn't move.

"Hey.." Burt said quietly. "Carole wants to come out here. W-We can get a hotel if we need to."

"No.." Kurt said quietly. "You can both stay here."

"Are you okay?" Burt asked.

"Yeah, Dad..It's uh..Just a lot to process.." He said softly, looking over at Burt. "Tell Carole I'll pay for her ticket too."

Burt nodded. "You want to come out here with me?"

Kurt swallowed. "I'll be out in a minute. I just need to change."


Burt left and Kurt stood, running his hands through his hair.

"These are some of the best doctors in New York. He'll get through this."

"They said taking out the tumor would get rid of his back and leg pain..Not his cancer.."

"I know." Blaine sighed. "But he'll hopefully be able to enjoy the time he has once the pain is gone."

Tears filled Kurt's eyes. "The time he has left.."

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. "I'm so sorry.."

Kurt didn't move, a tear slipping down his cheek. "I love you.."

"I love you so much, Kurt." Blaine said softly. "I'm not going anywhere, baby."

Kurt nodded, kissing Blaine's forehead softly. "I-I have to get dressed.." he whispered.

"Okay. I'll be with your dad."

Kurt nodded, watching Blaine leave.

Blaine sighed as he sat with Burt. "When is Carole wanting to come?"

"Day before the surgery." Burt said softly.

"How did Finn take it?"

"I don't know. He's on his way back from Rachel's now."

"You're going to tell him when he gets here?" Blaine asked.

"I told him. All he said was he was on his way." Burt sighed.

Blaine nodded as he sat back.

Burt sighed softly. "Thank you..For being here for him.."

"I love him."

Burt smiled. "He loves you too."

Blaine couldn't help but smile back. "I wish I could make it better."

"I do too..But i've been through so much..My family is really the only thing that keeps me fighting.."

"I've never met anyone as strong as you." Blaine said, his voice full of admiration.

"Thanks..I try..I'm just so worried about Kurt.."

"I know. I am too."

"Just try to make sure he's happy for me?.."

Blaine nodded. "I will."

"Good.." Burt smiled.

Blaine nodded as they waited for Kurt.

Kurt came out and sighed. "So. Who's playing?" Kurt asked, seeing a football cameras on.

"Buckeyes." Blaine smiled.

"The best." Burt grinned.

"I wouldn't know." Kurt chuckled, sitting down.

Burt put an arm around Kurt. "At least we're together."

Kurt smiled, leaning against Burt.

"You want to get Carole's tickets ready?"

"Oh! Yeah." Kurt said, grabbing his laptop and getting started.

"Thank you, Kurt. For everything.."

"It's not a problem, Dad.." Kurt smiled as there was a knock on the door. "Blaine, can you get that?.."

Blaine nodded as he went to answer it. He opened the door to see Finn and Rachel. "Don't go in there freaking out.." Blaine said quietly. "Kurt's finally calm..Or at least he's acting like he is.."

Finn nodded. "Okay."

Blaine nodded back, stepping aside to let them in.

Burt turned and smiled softly. "Hey you two."

"Hey.." Rachel said, giving a sad smile.

"Want to watch the game?" Kurt asked.

Finn nodded. "Buckeyes?.." he smiled, sitting on the other side of Kurt.


After Kurt bought Carole's tickets, he ended up browsing vogue dot com to keep himself busy while everyone else watched the game. He felt a little better by being close to his father, but he still had this terrible feeling of dread. For now, he'd distract himself with clothes.

Blaine made dinner for everyone again before most of them retired to the bedrooms. Kurt stayed on the couch, switching between reading and browsing the internet. Anything to keep his mind at work.

Rachel came out to sit with him. "How are you handling all of this?"

"I'm not.." Kurt sighed, still staring at the computer. "I'm ignoring it..Or at least trying to."


"What?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

Rachel sighed. "We're all just worried about you because you're not dealing with it."

Kurt looked up. "I cry and I get told to calm down. I can't get angry, I can't freak out, and now I can't be calm?" He asked, getting frustrated.

"What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with crying. Do you know how much Finn and I have cried? It's ridiculous. But that's how I get it out. I just don't want you to keep it in. But shit, if you don't want our help, fine."

Kurt sighed. "I'm sorry.."

"I know you're going through a lot. We just want to help."

"I just don't know what to do.." Kurt whispered.

"Just be with him while you can." Rachel said softly. Kurt's lip trembled at the words and he pulled himself closer to Rachel. "Hey, it's okay."

"I'm so sorry.." He said quietly. "I don't want to lose him..I don't.."

"I know, sweetie."

Kurt sat with Rachel and cried for a while. He missed being this close to his best friend. When Kurt started to calm down, Rachel kissed his cheek. "Want some ice cream like we used to do?"

Kurt nodded, wiping his eyes. "Wine is good too.." he said chuckling softly.

"I'll grab some." Rachel laughed.

Kurt nodded, smiling. Rachel went to the kitchen to grab a bottle and two glasses.

"Thank you.." Kurt grinned.

"You're welcome. Now, how about we put on Wicked?"

Kurt nodded, "That sounds amazing."

Rachel put the musical in and sat down.

"I love you.." Kurt smiled.

"I love you too, Kurt."

Kurt leaned against her. "How are you and Finn?"

Rachel bit her bottom lip. "Amazing. Kurt.. I'll spare you the details because he's your brother. But it's perfect."

"Oh god.." Kurt chuckled. "Is it bad that I want to know?.."

"No." Rachel giggled. "I've never felt anything like it before. When I first saw him last time he came.. Oh..My..God!"

Kurt laughed before he sipped his wine. "That good?"

"Oh yeah!" Rachel grinned. "He makes me giddy. I still get butterflies when he looks at me. He knows every part of me. I just wish he could live here."

"I wish he could too. I'd love to have everyone here.."

"Me too. Even just when he holds me.. I don't know. I feel like nothing can hurt me."

Kurt smiled, looking at her. "I understand that.."

"We got the good ones. Hot too." Rachel grinned.

"Oh have no idea.."

"I think I do." Rachel smiled.

"Blaine..Oh..He has this..Sexy innocence..And when he wants to, he takes control and just..Oh my god.."

"What's the sexiest thing he's ever done?"

Kurt smiled. "Well..I convinced him to..Record ourselves..He got really into it and it was so amazing.."

Rachel's eyes went wide with excitement. "What? Was it weird?"

"Not at all..It was so hot, Rachel.." Kurt grinned. "I rode him and he loved recording me."

Rachel bit her lip. "I want to try."

"You should. Just make sure you keep it safe. The last thing I want to see online is Rachel Berry's leaked sex tape.."

"Right?! Or yours!"

"I wouldn't mind." Kurt giggled.

"Are you serious?"

"I don't know..I mean..I kinda like the idea of people seeing Blaine make me feel so good..Knowing that only he can..But I have a feeling that if it really happened I'd freak out.." Kurt chuckled as Blaine leaned against the doorway behind them, listening in.

"Well, you would be the one to look amazing. Not like those trashy ones that get out there. Can I tell you something?"

Kurt smiled as he poured his second glass. "Of course.."

"You know Blaine and I have that kissing scene. We act it out but of course don't like give it our all." Rachel started. "I can't even imagine how good he is. Even when acting, that boy can kiss!"

"Well I can't wait to hear what you have to say on opening night when he really does go for it.." Kurt smiled, winking. "Is he a better kisser than me?"

"I don't know, Kurt. It's been a long time." Rachel giggled.

"If you're suggesting what I think you are, you'll have to get a couple more glasses of wine in me.." Kurt said, giving a flirty smile.

"Drink up, Hummel. I don't hear you protesting."

Kurt giggled loudly, taking a long swig. "Okay, seriously? Because I'm offended you don't remember my majestic kissing skills."

"How could I forget? I love kissing my gays." Rachel laughed.

"You just don't want to hurt Blaine's feelings." Kurt chuckled was Blaine decidedly reveal himself.

"Who's hurting my feelings?"

"Blaine!" Rachel gasped before giggling wildly.

"What are you two giggling about?"

"I'm trying to get Rachel to tell me who the better kisser is between you and I.." Kurt said, his words slightly slurred.

"Oh my god." Rachel said between her laughter.

"Well?" Blaine chuckled.

"Well, Mr. Anderson, we've only stage kissed." Rachel said in a sultry voice.

"I think I'm too sober for this."

"Do it!" Kurt smiled, thankful for the sound-proof walls of his apartment.

"You need to be drunk to kiss me?" Rachel asked before laughing again.

"No, No.." Blaine chuckled. "Fine." He said, leaning over to give her a small peck.

"Ohhh, that was weak.." Kurt snickered.

"Let me see you then." Blaine said to Kurt.

Kurt grinned, dramatically pulling Rachel close so they were chest to chest. "Are you ready for me?" He smiled. Rachel tried to stop her giggling as she nodded. Kurt giggled, cupping her face and looking to Blaine with sultry eyes before kissing her deeply. Rachel gasped. She gripped Kurt's arms as they kissed. Kurt gave a soft moan before pulling away and grinning. "Top that, Anderson.."

Blaine grinned as he pulled her to him. "You sure you're ready?"

Rachel exhaled, still flustered from Kurt's kiss. "I-I think so."

Blaine chuckled darkly. He took hold of her dark hair and kissed her deeply. Rachel whimpered as their mouths moved together, placing her hands on his chest. Kurt reached out and rubbed the small of Blaine's back. "Damn.."

Blaine pulled away, leaving Rachel breathless. Before anyone could speak, Kurt dove back in and kissed his best friend. Rachel made a noise in surprise but wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"Well, shit." Blaine laughed.

Rachel laughed lightly, turning her head. "Kurt.." she breathed out, smiling.

"So, I win?" Kurt asked.

"Sorry, Blaine.." She giggled, holding herself close to Kurt.

Blaine sighed. "Fine. I already knew he was better."

Kurt grinned, leaning over to kiss his boyfriend. Blaine moaned as he deepened the kiss. Kurt gasped before pulling away. "God, this wine really gets to me.." he smiled.

"I love it." Blaine whispered.

Rachel laughed, standing on unsteady feet. "Well. If you boys don't mind, I'm going to wake Finn up so we can..Not sleep." She chuckled, walking away.

"Have fun." Kurt grinned.

"I will!" Rachel said walking to the room.

"That was hot.." Kurt whispered.

"What was?"

"Watching you kiss her..You watching me kiss her.." Kurt said, reaching down to feel between Blaine's legs.

Blaine gasped softly. "You liked that?"

"I loved it..Oh..You're already hard.." Kurt whispered, squeezing his cock through his sleep shorts.

"What did you like about it?"

"Watching how you kissed..You looked so hot..How you moved..How I heard your breathing speed up when I kissed her.."

Blaine bit his lip. "We should go to the room.."

Kurt nodded before Blaine helped him up.

"You're so cute when you drink."

"Cute? I thought I was sexy.." Kurt pouted as Blaine led them to the room.

"You start off cute and cuddly. Then you get a little frisky. Like to tease. You skipped that tonight." Blaine laughed. "But then.. Fuck.."

"Hmm..Describe 'fuck'.." Kurt grinned.

"You're always sexy. But you get more confidence than you already have. You know how to make someone fall apart. Sometimes, you just get so..dominant. I love that.."

Kurt smiled, pushing Blaine back on the bed. "You like that?.."

Blaine gave a small whine. "Yes.."

"Pull that big dick out for me..Play with it.."

Blaine did as Kurt said. He loved seeing Kurt like this.

"Mmmm..Is that cock all mine, baby?.." Kurt asked, starting to strip.

Blaine nodded slowly. "All yours."

"What are you gonna do with it?" Kurt smiled.

"That depends." Blaine breathed out.


"Am I fucking you? Or are you fucking me?"

Kurt hummed in thought. "I want you inside me..But I also want you to beg like my bitch.."

Blaine whined. "Yes.."

"What do you suggest we do?.."

"I think you should ride me.. Scratch and choke me a little.." Blaine said quietly.

Kurt moaned, climbing on top of Blaine. "Ohh..You're so smart baby.." he smiled.

Blaine bit his lip as he looked up at Kurt. Kurt undressed Blaine before kissing him deeply and grabbing the lube.

"You're so hot, Kurt.."

Kurt smiled as he reached behind him and slicked up Blaine's member. "Tell me more."

Blaine moaned softly. "I love every curve of your body.. Love watching how you move on top of me."

Kurt moaned softly, sitting up and positioning Blaine.



"Please Kurt." Blaine whined. "I need you."

Kurt moaned, lowering himself and sinking down around him.

"Fuck! Yes.."

Kurt grabbed Blaine's throat as he began to ride him. Blaine let out a strangled moan. He was so turned on.

"Such a good boy.." Kurt whispered, smiling. "Watching me fuck your dick..Mmm..So hard for me..Love feeling that thick cock fill me up."

Blaine's mouth fell open as he tugged on the sheets.

"Ahh..Fuck, Blaine..Tell me something, baby.."

"Y-You feel so fucking good!"

Kurt rolled his body as he clawed down Blaine's chest with his free hand. Blaine let out a long whine. "I-I.. Oh god.."

Kurt loved when Blaine fell apart under him like this. "Fuck me, slut.."

Blaine gripped Kurt's hips as he started to thrust. Kurt moaned, his back dipping as he choked Blaine. Blaine made an obscene moan as he sped up.

"Oh fuck! Right there, yes!"


Kurt trembled over Blaine as he rolled his hips. "Harder!"

As Blaine thrust up, he pulled Kurt's hips down, fucking him as hard as he could. Kurt threw his head back, his mouth hanging open in a silent scream as he came. Blaine moaned deeply as he slowed down for Kurt.

"Oh my god.."

"Damn.." Blaine smiled, giving a small thrust.

Kurt gasped. "Keep going.."

Blaine moaned as he moved his hips. Kurt whined. "I want you to come in me.."

"I will, baby.." Blaine breathed out heavily.

"Shit.." Kurt gasped, rolling his body.

Blaine thrust a bit faster. "You like that, Kurt?"

"Yes, baby.."

"I'm close, baby.."

"Fucking come in me.."

Blaine gave a few quick thrusts before coming hard. Kurt arched his back, rolling his body. "Blaine.."

"Fuck.." Blaine panted with a smile.

Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine softly. "You're so amazing."

"So are you, babe."

Kurt laid down next to him and smiled.

"I love you." Blaine said softly.

"I love you too.."

Blaine held Kurt close from behind.

"So..That made me have an idea.."

"Oh yeah?"

Kurt nodded. "But keep an open mind.."

Blaine sat up. "You said that when you brought up the camera. What are you thinking?"

"Nothing major.." Kurt said.

"Tell me."

"What would you think about.. A threesome?"

"O-Oh.. With who?" Blaine asked nervously.

"Whoever you're comfortable with..Someone neither of us know, or someone you know.."

"How would we do it?"

"How would you be most comfortable?.."

"I-I don't know." Blaine said quickly. "I've never thought if it."

"Think of how hot it will be.." Kurt smiled.

"You want someone else to fuck you?" Blaine asked quietly.

"No..That's your job.." Kurt smiled. "Would you want them to fuck you? Or maybe you top?.."

Blaine shook his head. "No."

Kurt nodded, rubbing over his chest. "Just hands and mouth?.."

"I think I could do that." Blaine said.

Kurt nodded, kissing Blaine softly. "I love you.."

"I love you too."

"Do you really want to do that?.."

Blaine shrugged. "We could try it. But no one is fucking you except me."

Kurt inhaled sharply. "You're amazing.."

Blaine chuckled. "Let's sleep."

Kurt nodded, pulling Blaine closer.

As they settled in, they heard a loud feminine moan from the room next to them.

"Oh my god.." Kurt chuckled into the pillow.

"I can't believe what happened tonight." Blaine laughed.

Kurt smiled. "You made out with her sober." He giggled.

"I walked out and she was telling you how good of a kisser I am. What was I supposed to do when my boyfriend is telling me to show her?" Blaine chuckled.

Kurt chuckled, kissing Blaine softly. "You are an amazing kisser.."

"Apparently not as good as you."

"You're the most amazing kisser I have ever had the pleasure of kissing.."

Blaine shook his head and smiled. "You're crazy."

"No I'm not.." Kurt hummed, hitching his leg over Blaine's hip. "You're sexy.."

"Clearly, you're the sexy one." Blaine said, motioning to Kurt's leg.

Kurt giggled, nipping at Blaine's ear. "Nope.."

Blaine inhaled sharply. "Kurt.."

"What?.." Kurt smiled.

"If you keep teasing me, you'll get me hard again.." Blaine whispered.

"Maybe that's the plan.."

"Can you go again, wine-o?" Blaine giggled.

"I think so.." Kurt said, grinning. Blaine leaned over and kissed Kurt softly. Kurt hummed, cupping Blaine's cheek.

"What do you want?" Blaine whispered.

"I want to suck your cock.." Kurt said, just as quietly. Blaine moaned as he rolled his hips forward. "You want that?.."


Kurt kissed down Blaine's neck, moaning softly. Blaine put his hands behind his head as he watched Kurt. Kurt smiled up at him as he licked over his nipple. "You're so hot, Blaine.."

"Mmm, keep going, Kurt."

Kurt kissed lower, licking over his hips. As Blaine moaned, his abdominal muscles clenched under Kurt's hands.

"Fuck, I love that.." Kurt moaned.

"That's all because of you.. No one has made me feel that with just touching my hips."

Kurt grinned, nipping at the bone.

"Unghh.. Like that.."

Kurt smiled. "I wanna taste you.."

Blaine licked his lips. "God yes.."

Kurt smiled, moving down to Blaine's stiffening member. Blaine raised his head slightly to watch. Kurt sucked the head into his mouth slowly.


Kurt made a happy noise, swirling his tongue around. Blaine moaned as he rolled his hips a little. Kurt smiled, sinking down more.


Kurt pulled off with a pop. "Yes?.."

"Don't stop." Blaine whispered. Kurt chuckled, sinking down again. "Fuck yeah.." Blaine moaned. Kurt moaned as well, sucking Blaine slowly. Blaine let out a growl as he thrust up. Kurt sputtered lightly before looking up at him.

"You look so fucking good.."

Kurt smiled around him as he bobbed his head. Blaine sighed heavily as rolled his body. Kurt was so good at this. Kurt pulled off, swirling his tongue around the head slowly.


"I want you to come all over my face, Blaine.."

"I will, baby. Suck me, Kurt. Show me how much you want my come."

Kurt whined. "Keep talking.." He said before sucking Blaine deep into his throat.

"Ungh! Such a fucking slut for me." Blaine growled. Kurt smiled, moaning softly.

Blaine pulled Kurt's hair roughly. "Are you hard, baby? Show me how much you love my dick."

Kurt reached down, stroking himself as he sucked Blaine.

"Don't come. I'll fucking blow my load all over your beautiful face. But then.. Fuck, Kurt.. I want you to turn for me. I want to taste that ass."

Kurt whined, pulling his hand away.

"Ah.. I'm close. Faster!"

Kurt did as he was told, moaning softly. The muscles in Blaine's stomach tightened as he arched his body and came. Kurt pulled off, letting Blaine's come splatter all over his face.

"Holy shit.."

Kurt moaned softly. "So much.."

"Turn baby."

Kurt nodded, turning so his ass faced Blaine. Blaine moaned as he smacked the soft flesh.


Blaine leaned in and licked at Kurt eagerly. Kurt moaned, closing his eyes. "Ah!"

Blaine spread Kurt wide for more access.

"Fuck, I'm already close.." Kurt panted.

Blaine moaned as he started to pump Kurt. Kurt whispered as he thrust into Blaine's hand. With his free hand, Blaine smacked Kurt's ass again. With that, Kurt came hard, moaning Blaine's name. Blaine licked at Kurt as he came down.


Blaine grinned as he pulled back. "Love doing that."

"I love when you do it.." Kurt smiled.

"Come here."

Kurt turned around, smiling at him warmly. Blaine held him close. "I love you, Kurt."

"I love you too.." Kurt smiled. "I'm gonna go wash up.."


Kurt washed his face in the bathroom before stumbling back to bed.

Blaine chuckled. "Still tipsy?"

"And sleepy.." Kurt giggled, climbing under the blanket.

"Me too. It's been a long day."

"It has.." Kurt whispered, remembering why he was drinking to begin with.

Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek. "Get some sleep."

Kurt cuddled closer to Blaine and hummed. "Night.."



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