The New Emily
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The New Emily: Chapter 10

E - Words: 4,123 - Last Updated: Jul 07, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Sep 25, 2012 - Updated: Jul 07, 2013
157 0 0 0 0

Carole walked out in the morning and smiled. Kurt was wrapped in a blanket and sleeping against Burt. She was happy that everyone was together again. Carole snuck into the kitchen and started making breakfast.

Blaine woke up to the sound of rustling in the kitchen and got dressed before walking out of the room and seeing Carole. "Moring.." he said softly. "Want any help?"

"Sure." Carole smiled. "What do you and Kurt usually eat?"

"I'll usually just make him some eggs." Blaine said.

"I was thinking of making breakfast pizzas. How does that sound?"

"That sounds delicious. Then if you'd like, we can start on Thanksgiving dinner." Blaine said, smiling at Carole.

Carole nodded. "Would you mind taking me to a grocery store?"

"Not at all." Blaine smiled. They made breakfast and woke up Burt and Kurt.

Kurt smiled up at Blaine. "Hmmm..Thank you.."

"You're welcome."

Kurt kissed him softly before sitting down at the table.

Carole sat next to Burt. "Anything special you want for dinner?"

"Whatever you want to make." Burt smiled.

"Can we try to make it healthier?" Kurt asked.

Burt rolled his eyes. "Kurt, you're supposed to cheat on the holidays."

"But, dad.."

"Well, at least make your cheesy potatoes again. I could eat that whole thing myself."

"I will.." Carole smiled.

"Do you want to go shopping with Carole? Then your dad and I can have some time to talk." Blaine said.

Kurt nodded, smiling. "I'd like that."

They ate breakfast before taking turns in the shower. Kurt and Carole left for the supermarket, leaving Burt and Blaine at home.

"Thank you for coming." Blaine said as they watched a game in the living room.

"I'm happy to, kid." Burt nodded, smiling.

"Do you think.." Blaine chewed on his bottom lip as he thought of how to finish. "Can they get rid of it again?"

"I don't know. But I didn't know last time either."

Blaine nodded. "When do you start treatments?"

"Next month. Not lookin' forward to it.." Burt sighed.

"What's it like?"

"It feels like it's not working..Like it's making me sicker. But hopefully it'll work."

"I hope it does.."

"Me too.." Burt said. "But thank you, Blaine..For making him happy."

"It's not always easy." Blaine chuckled. "But I try."

"How did you two end up together?"

"I was his assistant. I had the biggest crush on him. He called me out on it."

Burt chuckled. "That's good."

"He was so bold. He knows what he wants." Blaine smiled.

"That's a good change." Burt said.

"What do you mean?"

"He used to be pretty timid."

"Really? I can't imagine that."

"He was. Shy and everything." Burt laughed.

"I wish I could see that." Blaine giggled. "What else was he like?"

"Into high school he started to find himself. He joined the football team, cheerios and glee club."

"Football team?" Blaine asked. He made a mental note to ask Kurt about his cheerleading days later.

"He was the kicker. Won them their first game in years." Burt smiled proudly, standing. "He has to have a yearbook around here somewhere."

Blaine got up to help. "I never thought to look."

Blaine walked to the bookshelf and saw four McKinley High yearbooks near the end.

"Here they are." He said as he pulled them down.

Burt smiled, opening one. "This was his freshman year."

They found his picture and Blaine grinned. "He was so cute!"

"He looked so different." Burt chuckled.

"He's so skinny."

"He was short too."

Blaine laughed. "I want to see a football picture."

Burt flipped to a picture of the football team and pointed Kurt out.

Blaine studied the picture. Kurt looked so good in that uniform. "Wow.."

Burt opened the next book and opened to the Cherrios page.

Blaine's mouth dropped. He quickly composed himself when he realized he was with Kurt's dad. Kurt had grown a bit that summer. His arms had toned muscles. His legs were long. Blaine swallowed dryly as he thought of all the moved Kurt could do. He let Blaine go through the rest of the books and Blaine admired how well Kurt had grown in such a short time.

"It's inspiring, really." Blaine said.

"And after that he went to NYADA..And you probably know what happened after that."

"Partially." Blaine nodded.

Kurt walked in with arms full of groceries. "Oh god..You're not.."

Blaine chuckled as he helped take a few bags. "We did."

"Oh god.." Kurt groaned.

"You never told me you played football."

"Just for a couple of weeks." Kurt said.

"Still." Blaine smiled. "I like the uniform."

"I bet you did." Kurt chuckled as they walked into the kitchen.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. "Maybe you can do a little cheer for me later?"

Kurt blushed, biting his lip. "Maybe.."

Blaine nipped at Kurt's neck before backing away to help with the groceries. Kurt shivered, giving him a look. Blaine winked. "So, what're we having?"

"Traditional thanksgiving." Kurt smiled.

"Can't wait to have one where the family actually talks." Blaine said as he walked back to the living room.

Kurt sighed softly. He felt so different now that his family was here. Kurt helped Carole prepare all of the food. A few hours later, Finn and Rachel showed up with a berry and an apple pie.

Blaine thanked them before Kurt smiled. "Blaine. I'm gonna go change. I got flour all over my shirt. Will you help me pick something out?.."

Blaine nodded before following Kurt. Kurt walked to the room and closed the door behind them.

"What are you thinking about wearing?" Blaine asked as he headed to the closet.

Kurt just chuckled as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. "What do you think?"

"I like that dark blue shirt." Blaine said, rummaging through Kurt's clothes. "Ah. Here it is."

Kurt took the shirt and placed it to the side. "You're so cute.." he hummed.


Kurt just rolled his eyes, pulling Blaine close and kissing him fiercely. Blaine gasped with surprise. He wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck and returned the kiss. Kurt moaned. "You're so fucking innocent.." Kurt growled between kisses.

Blaine let you a small whimper. "Kurt.."

"I want you..I want to fuck you right here..Make you stay quiet so all I hear are those perfect little fucking whimpers.."

Blaine shivered. He loved when Kurt took control like this. "Yes.."

Kurt smiled. "You want it?"

"I need it.." Blaine whispered. "T-Tell me about being a Cheerio."

Kurt laughed lightly. "I could do splits..backbends.."

Blaine closed his eyes and imagined the things Kurt said.

"I was..very flexible.." Kurt said against Blaine's ear.

Blaine pressed his body against Kurt's. "I need you.."

"But dinner is almost ready.." Kurt said softly.

"Kurt Hummel, I swear, if you don't fuck me right now.."

Blaine got out, his voice wavering.

"What are you gonna do, Anderson?" Kurt whispered.

"I will fucking torture you so bad. You won't be getting any until after the new year."

"You wouldn’t..Like you can resist me.." Kurt grinned, looking down at him.

"I could."

Kurt just nodded, giving Blaine a quick kiss before pulling on the dark blue shirt.

"No!" Blaine whimpered. "Baby.."

"We'll see how long you can last." Kurt said smoothly.

Blaine composed himself and grabbed Kurt by the hips. "You think I'll cave before you?"

"I do.."

"I don't think so."

Kurt leaned forward, pressing Blaine against the wall. "We'll see about that.."

Blaine's breathing deepened. "I guess we will."

Kurt bit his lip, feeling over the front of Blaine's pants.

"Giving in already, Hummel?"

"That depends..Are we starting now?"

"If I say no, then you'll say I gave in."

"How do you know?" Kurt giggled against his neck.

Blaine tried to hold back a shiver. "I know you."

"What if I promise I won’t?.." Kurt asked. "I know you want me..You're falling apart right now.."

"Am not." Blaine said, trying to straighten up. "I think you're the one that's dying to fuck me."

"Why don't we call it even?"

Blaine eyes his boyfriend. "I don't know."

Kurt couldn't help the little growl that escaped him.

"I bet you'd become a prissy diva without fucking me." Blaine chuckled. "Maybe we should just call it even."

Kurt straightened up. "I would not!" He said seriously.

Blaine couldn't help but laugh. "I can see it."

Kurt huffed, tucking his shirt in. "Well then. I guess we'll just see who gives in..No masturbating.."

"I barely do that anyways." Blaine shrugged.

Kurt straightened his shirt. "Alright.." he sighed. This was going to be a long month.

"Better get out there. They'll wonder what we're doing."

Kurt nodded, "I just have to go the bathroom."


Blaine walked out, straightening his bowtie.

"Everything okay?" Rachel asked.

"O-Oh yeah." Blaine smiled. "Dinner ready?"


Kurt came out, smiling. "Smells good!"

"Thanks, sweetie." Carole said as she pulled the turkey out of the oven.

Burt grinned. "Man, I'm starving."

"Finn, will you cut the turkey?"

"I will." Finn smiled. They all sat down and Finn stood at the end of the table.
"So, I know Kurt doesn't like prayers, so I'll just say..I'm glad we're all here together, thanks to Blaine."

Burt and Carole raised their glasses. "To family."

"To family." The rest of them smiled, before drinking. They ate dinner and shared memories from high school. Blaine sat back and watched. He admired their family. It was everything his wasn't.

Kurt grabbed his hand and smiled. "After dinner..I want to talk to you.."

"Okay." Blaine said softly.

Rachel helped Kurt with the dishes and Kurt sighed. "So..I'm thinking about asking Blaine to move in with me.."

Rachel grinned. "Kurt Hummel is in looovvvveee!!"

Kurt blushed deeply. "Rachel! Hush.."

"I think that's great, Kurt." Rachel smiled. "How are you going to do it?"

"I don't know..I was just gonna ask..Should I do something special?"

Rachel nodded. "I think you should."

"What would you want?" Kurt asked.

Rachel bit her lip. "Not how I asked Finn.."

"You asked Finn?"

"Last night.."

"What happened?"

"He came over. I-I don't know. We.. Messed around. Kurt.. It was amazing." Rachel sighed. "I didn't want him to leave. I told him to stay here with me.."

"And he said no?"

"He said he would but he's taking over the shop for your dad." Rachel said quietly. "I understand."

"Maybe now isn't the best time..But I think you should ask again."

Rachel nodded. "Thanks. Take Blaine out for a walk and ice cream through Central Park. Or go see the skyline like you and I used to do."

Kurt smiled. "Thanks. I will."

"Let me know how it goes."

Kurt hugged her. "I know he loves you."

"Thank you.."

Kurt kissed her forehead. "I'll be back." He walked out into the living room "Blaine, grab your coat."

"What? Why?"

"We're gonna go for a walk."

"Alright.." Blaine said as he got up. Kurt helped Blaine put his coat on before grabbing his hand. Blaine couldn't help but smile as they walked out.

"What do you say to ice cream?" Kurt asked softly. "I know it's already cold, but still."

Blaine chuckled. "Sure."

They walked down the street together, stopping at an ice cream shop with flavors Blaine had never heard of before. "I know these all sound pretty weird, but if you order something different you won't regret it. I like lavender and honey." Kurt smiled.

Blaine made a face. "I don't know about lavender. Kind of gives me a headache. What else do you suggest?"

Kurt nodded, looking over the menu. How about peanut butter with black Hawaiian sea salt?" Kurt asked.

"I'll try that."

Kurt grinned, ordering for them and finding a place for them to sit. Kurt watched Blaine take his first bite with expectant eyes.

"Wow." Blaine said after swallowing. "Not bad."

"Not bad?" Kurt giggled. "It's amazing!"

"How'd you find this place?"

"Back when we first moved to New York, Rachel and I lived in an industrial factory turned loft out in Bushwick." Kurt explained. "It was like negative sixteen degrees out and like ten o'clock at night. Rachel was craving ice cream so we went on this two hour hunt for an open shop, and we found this one."

"In that weather?" Blaine laughed.

"I was ready to kill her until I tasted it." Kurt giggled. "I've been in love ever since."

Blaine smiled. "That's cute."

"I am not cute, Blaine Anderson." Kurt blushed.

"You are very cute." Blaine grinned.

Kurt's cheeks grew even redder as he hid his face with his gloved hand. "Whatever." He smiled.

"So, you like ice cream on cold days. I'll remember that."

Kurt looked at Blaine and saw something in his eyes. No one had ever looked at him like that. Yes, people adored him, but there was something deeper in those whiskey colored eyes. A deeper kind of love that made his heart flutter in his chest.

"Thank you for including me tonight.."

"How could I not? You brought us together and I love you..As far as I'm concerned you're part of the family.."

Blaine couldn't help but smile. "Thank you."

"Thank you.." Kurt smiled, taking his spoon and wiping a bit of his ice cream onto the tip of Blaine's nose. Blaine chuckled as he wiped it off and leaned in for a kiss. Kurt hummed softly, his body filled with radiating love for his boyfriend. He was breathless as Blaine pulled away, cheeks flushed and lashes fluttering. Blaine bit his bottom lip as he took in how beautiful Kurt was.

"I love you.." Kurt whispered.

"I love you too." Blaine said before finishing his ice cream. Kurt finished his before Kurt took him to walk around and look at the Christmas lights that were already strewn about the park.

"This is my favorite time of year." Blaine said. "It's magical. So beautiful."

"I never really liked the holidays..They were always too sad for me. But it's different now."

"Why's that?"

"I have you.." Kurt said softly. Blaine blushed as he looked away. "Blaine..I-I want to ask you something.."

"What is it?"

Kurt sighed softly before a small smile played on his lips. His face went serious again as he slowly sank down to one knee.

Blaine's eyes went wide. "Please tell me you're tying your shoe.."

Kurt held back a smile as he grabbed Blaine's hand.
"Blaine Anderson..I love you..I want to wake up every day with you next to me, and fall asleep in your arms..You..I feel like you're my one true love.."

Tears filled Blaine's eyes. This was so perfect.. So romantic. But he wasn't ready for marriage. "K-Kurt.."

"So..Blaine.." Kurt started, reaching into his pocket. "Will you..move in with me?" He pulled out a key, holding it up to his boyfriend.

Blaine's mouth dropped as he stepped back. "You asshole!" He yelled with a smile. Kurt laughed loudly before standing and pulling Blaine close. "I can't believe you just did that." Blaine said, shaking his head.

"So, will you or won't you?" Kurt chuckled.

Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes and nodded. "I will.."

Kurt's smile grew wider as he picked Blaine up and spun him around before kissing him deeply. Blaine giggled into the kiss as he was set down. "You know.. Living together will make this bet much more interesting."

"Very true.." Kurt laughed lowly. "But maybe..We can take back that no masturbation rule?"

"I don't think so." Blaine grinned.

"Seriously?" Kurt whimpered.


Kurt pouted. "I'm letting you bring your dog in my home!"

"And that's the equivalent to masturbating?"

Kurt just sighed deeply. "Fine. I'm gonna die." He chuckled.

"Unless you give in."

"I'm a very driven person." Kurt giggled.

"Until you get so sexually frustrated.. You'll see me changing or just out of the shower. See my ass. You won't be able to resist anymore." Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear. Kurt couldn't help the tremor that ran through him as he gripped Blaine's shoulders. Blaine nipped at Kurt's ear. "I'll make you want to dominate my ass in the dirtiest ways. You won't last, baby."

Kurt stared at Blaine with dark eyes. He couldn't think straight enough to provide a response. But he wasn't going to give up.

"Let's get home." Blaine chuckled darkly. "We'll see if Finn can help us move my stuff tomorrow."

"Sounds good.." Kurt got out. Blaine grinned as he took Kurt's hand and lead them home.

The next day, Finn helped Blaine move his stuff in before Kurt, Rachel, and Blaine took Kurt's family to the airport.

"I-I don't want you to go.." Rachel whispered against Finn's chest.

"I'll be back." Finn said just as quietly. "You can come see me too. Come for Christmas. Bring your dads."

Rachel nodded, leaning up to kiss him slowly.

"I love you, Rachel."

"I love you so much.."

Finn wiped a tear from Rachel's cheek.

"Finn.. We have to go."

Finn nodded , kissing her forehead before walking away with his family. Kurt took a deep breath as they boarded. He would be okay. He had Carole and Finn..

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. "You'll be in Ohio in three weeks. It's okay."

Kurt nodded. "I know..Let's go home.." he said sweetly.

Over the next few days, Kurt seemed on edge. Not for anything serious of course, but because of Blaine's constant teasing. This bet was driving him crazy. He came home and Blaine had just got out of the shower. "Oh. Hey babe." Blaine grinned as he dried off.

"Hey.." Kurt said, trying to keep from staring at Blaine. Seamus barked happily, glad Kurt was home. Blaine grabbed a bottle of lotion and bent over to rub it onto his legs. Kurt began to dress down into something comfortable, and he couldn't stop staring at his boyfriend's ass. It was just there. Begging to be slapped and bitten and bruised by Kurt's hip bones as he fucked into him mercilessly. Kurt quickly cleared his throat as he looked away. He couldn't lose this.

"Kurt? Will you help me with my back?"

Kurt swallowed. "Of course." He said softly. Blaine handed Kurt the bottle and stood in front of him. Kurt poured the lotion onto his hand unsteadily. They were shaking so badly lately, he just blamed it on stress from work. He warmed it in his hands before starting to spread it over Blaine's back. Blaine sighed and let his head fall back. "Your hands always feel so good on me."

Kurt inhaled slowly as he watched the way Blaine's muscles relaxed under his fingers. Blaine let a small moan escape his lips. Kurt gasped. The noise sent all of his blood rushing south.

"Okay, it's all rubbed in." Kurt said quickly, drying his hands on a towel.

"Thank you." Blaine smiled as he took what was on his hands and rubbed over his ass.

Kurt swallowed. "I-I'm gonna go start on dinner."


Kurt hurried to the kitchen. Blaine was going to be the death of him. He poured himself a glass of wine before gathering a few random ingredients. Blaine pulled on a pair of sweat pants and headed to the kitchen. "Need some help?"

"No, I've got it.." Kurt said as he started to chop some carrots. Kurt's hand was unsteady as he tried to slice them into matchstick thin pieces. He felt himself getting more and more frustrated with each mistake.

"Babe.. Are you sure I can't help?" Blaine asked.

"I can do it, I did it when I was watching the fucking show, but Rachel Ray is a fucking bitch!" He growled.

"Hey." Blaine said seriously. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. It’s just..long day. I'm a little high strung." He sighed, setting the knife down and taking a long drink of his wine.

“Go relax. I'll cook."

Kurt nodded, rubbing over the side of his face. "Okay.." he said before finishing his glass and pouring another.

Blaine bit his lip. Maybe he should cool it for a while. He kissed Kurt's cheek. "It's okay."

Kurt leaned against Blaine, rubbing over his chest slowly. "Thank you.."

"Just relax."

Kurt nodded and started walking to the couch, but not before devouring Blaine's body with his eyes. Blaine took a look at the food they had and decided to make chicken noodle soup. Kurt watched his boyfriend cook and he actually couldn't believe watching him do this was turning him on. Blaine moved around the kitchen expertly. As the soup sat on the stove, Blaine sat on the couch with his boyfriend. Kurt sat with his legs crossed. He wanted Blaine and he wanted him now, but he wanted to win the bet as well.

Blaine smiled softly at Kurt. "How's work?"

"Long..They have me designing again..I feel completely uninspired." Kurt said softly.

"You'll get it. You always do."

Kurt nodded, leaning over to kiss Blaine softly. Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips. He bit Kurt's bottom lip and pulled back. Kurt couldn't help the deep moan that escaped him at the simple action. "Fuck.."

Blaine chuckled softly. "Sorry.."

Kurt gripped Blaine's thigh tightly before releasing it. "You..You're gonna kill me.."

"You can end this right now." Blaine reminded Kurt.

"I know..But I won't." Kurt said.


Blaine said. "What if we just make out?"

Kurt bit his lip. "Okay.." He said softly.

Blaine climbed into Kurt's lap and looked down at him with hooded eyes. Kurt rubbed up Blaine's sides. He could already feel himself getting hard as he pulled Blaine down for a heated kiss. Blaine moaned deeply, bringing his hands up to pull Kurt's hair. Kurt gasped, shoving his tongue into Blaine's mouth and pulling him closer. Blaine rolled his hips down. He wanted more but he couldn't give in. Kurt growled deep in his throat, his hands moving down to Blaine's ass.


"Blaine..I can't take it anymore..I need to fuck you..I need it.."

"Are you giving in?"

"Yes.." Kurt moaned, kissing up Blaine's neck.

Blaine gasped. "Fuck. Let me turn the stove off. Go to the bedroom."

Kurt nodded, letting Blaine climb off of him and hurrying to the bedroom Blaine turned the stove off and scurried to the room. "How do you want me?"

"Hands and knees." Kurt said darkly.

Blaine gasped, removing his sweatpants and climbing onto the bed. Kurt stood behind Blaine and gripped his ass roughly before planting a harsh smack.

"Ah! Shit!"

"Fuck, that's so good, baby..So good.."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm gonna fuck you..So hard..God, I've been going crazy without you..How you've been teasing me."

"I'm surprised you've lasted this long."

Kurt leaned down, licking across Blaine's hole.

"Oh fuck yes.."

Kurt pulled his pants down before slicking himself up.

"Baby.." Blaine whined.

"You want me?.." Kurt whispered.


"Fuck. You're lucky I can't tease you right now.." Kurt moaned before pushing in.

Blaine threw his head back. "Ungh!"

"Oooohhh.." Kurt moaned. "Fuck, Blaine.."

"You feel so good inside me.."

Kurt growled deeply. "Press your face into the mattress.."

Blaine moaned and did as he was told. Kurt ran his hands up Blaine’s back before pounding into him. Blaine cried out into the pillow.

"Take me.."


Kurt growled, biting down on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine whimpered as he backed up to Kurt.

"Fuck yourself on my cock.." Kurt panted. Blaine gripped the sheets as he worked his ass back. "That's right baby..Mmm..Talk to me.."

"Ungh.. You're so big.."

"I love you..Ah.."

"Love you too."

Kurt thrust faster, moaning deeply.

"Fuck me!"

Kurt rolled his hips, reaching down to grab Blaine's curls.

Blaine moaned. "Yes."

"Such a hot slut for me.." Kurt growled.

"Mmm Kurt."

"Say it.."

"I'm your slut." Blaine whimpered.

"Louder!" Kurt commanded, pulling Blaine's hair.

"I'm your slut!" Blaine cried out.

“Ungh..That's right baby..You deserve to be punished. Teasing me all week like the little whore you are.."

Blaine writhed in front of Kurt. "Punish me, baby.."

Kurt moaned. "I will..But not tonight..Tonight..I'm fucking you until you can't say anything but my name.."

Blaine reached down and cupped his balls. "Fuck.."

Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled it away quickly. "Did I say you could touch yourself?.." he asked, slowing his hips.

"Do you want me to last long?" Blaine asked as he whined. "Don't stop.."

Kurt moaned deeply, watching Blaine with dark eyes.


Kurt chuckled as he sped back up. Blaine panted heavily as wave after wave of pleasure flew through his body.

"God..Blaine.." Kurt groaned.

A tear slipped down Blaine's cheek. "Kurt.."

Kurt pulled Blaine up so his back was to Kurt's chest.

"You fucking..good.."

"I-I'm close.."

Blaine leaned back against Kurt. "Me too.."

Kurt reached down, stroking Blaine quickly. Blaine tangled his fingered in his dark curls as his orgasm built. Kurt moaned in Blaine's ear as he thrust into him a few more times and came. Blaine fell apart against Kurt. He had gone longer without sex. But not being with Kurt was torturous. His orgasm hit him hard, sending thick ropes of come across the bed. Kurt gasped slowly working in and out of Blaine as they came down. Blaine's entire body shook with pleasure as he breathed heavily against Kurt's neck.

"I love you.."

"I love you too.."

Kurt smiled. "I'm actually glad I lost.."

"Why is that?" Blaine giggled.

"Because..This made up for it.." Kurt said, pulling Blaine down with him onto the mattress.

"So true.."

Kurt giggled, hugging him close.

"You're perfect." Blaine whispered.

"No.." Kurt sighed. "You are..Thank you for agreeing to move in with me..It..It seems more like home now..Kinda.”

"Kinda?" Blaine asked quietly.

"More than when you weren't here..Its just..Big. Doesn't really seem like a home."

"I love it here."

“Really?" Kurt smiled.

Blaine nodded.

"Thank you.."

"What for?"

"Just..Being you."

Blaine smiled sweetly. "Just hold me."

Kurt pulled Blaine close and kissed the top of his head. "Did you really think I was going to propose that night?" Kurt chuckled.

"I did.."

"What would you have said? Hypothetically." Kurt smiled.

"I'm not ready." Blaine said slowly. "But when I think about marriage.. I can only picture it with you."

Kurt felt something stir inside of him at that. "Me..Me too.."

Blaine looked up at his boyfriend. "You'd really marry me..?"

"Yes.." Kurt said quietly.

"I love you, Kurt."

“I love you too.."

Blaine smiled as he snuggled closer to Kurt.

"You're perfect.."

"So are you, babe."

"Even though I turn into a total bitch without sex?"

"We know how to avoid that." Blaine chuckled.

Kurt blushed lightly. "I'm sorry about that.."

"I was waiting for it."


Blaine couldn't help but smile. "Going without that ass sucks."

Kurt laughed, burying his face in Blaine's neck.

"Get some sleep. We need to start planning the trip to Ohio tomorrow."

"Alright.." Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine softly.


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