The New Emily
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The New Emily: Chapter 1

E - Words: 3,673 - Last Updated: Jul 07, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Sep 25, 2012 - Updated: Jul 07, 2013
502 0 4 0 0

Kurt Hummel was one of the biggest Broadway stars. He had climbed the ladder to success faster than any other performer. And to top it all off, he had done it himself. From a small town in Ohio to the big stage in New York. But with all the stress with being at the top, Kurt needed an assistant. Someone who could plan everything and get his coffee. Not that he was too good to do it himself. But just going outside was a hassle with all of the fans and cameras. He talked to one of the teachers at NYADA and told her to tell her students about the job and Kurt could interview them if he saw fit. Kurt knew she would only give him the best of the best, which was why he was confused when Blaine Anderson showed up at his doorstep. The young actor had black hair which was slicked down in a helmet of gel. He wore thick rimmed glasses and was kind of short for what Kurt assumed was his age. And Kurt could barely stand to look at his outfit. He wore a pink bow tie with a black gingham shirt and green suspenders. All topped off with a pair of brown capris. Kurt was thinking about slamming the door in his face simply for this. But the poor thing had stars in his eyes as he stared up at Kurt and extended a shaky hand.
"M-Mr. Hummel..It's an honor to meet you..I-I'm Blaine Anderson.."

Kurt shook his hand and told him to sit. "What makes you think you can be my assistant?"

"Well..I usually stay after class and help my teachers organize..I've had experience taking phone calls for companies, setting up meetings and-.." Blaine went on and on about his qualifications. And Kurt noticed the more this boy talked, the faster he talked.

"Slow down," Kurt instructed. "And you know you'd be getting my coffee and running errands and whatnot for me."

Blaine blushed as he realized he was rambling, as he often tended to do and cleared his throat. "O-Of course." He said, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"And if you mess up, you're gone. No questions asked. I need someone who understands that they don't have a life away from work. If I call you at two in the morning, you will answer and do whatever it is I need."

Blaine nodded quickly. "I-I actually just finished my classes at NYADA..So I'll be free..Always." He said, a bit embarrassed about that.

"Well then. I think I have all that I need. I will be in touch." Kurt said, dismissing him.

Blaine nodded. "Th-thank you.."

Kurt watched Blaine leave, knowing this was the one he wanted. He decided to wait a couple of days before calling the shy young man back he didn't want to seem desperate..And he was in desperate need of a coffee.. He looked up his number and dialed.

Blaine picked up quickly. "Mr. Hummel. Hello!" Blaine said happily.

"Hello, Blaine. I need coffee." Kurt said, getting straight to the point.

"You need..Oh! So I got the job?!" He said excitedly.

"Obviously. And since you know me so well, you should know my coffee order. Be here in ten minutes." Kurt said before hanging up.

Kurt decided to go take a quick shower, when he emerged in a new outfit, Blaine was there, holding a cup. "Grande nonfat mocha?.."

Kurt studied Blaine. What was with his wardrobe? He took the cup and sipped it. "Exactly right."

Blaine smiled a bit smugly, nodding.

"We have tons to do today. Hope you can keep up." Kurt said, strutting to the kitchen.

Blaine followed Kurt, his short legs struggling to keep up. "Like what?"

Kurt sighed before listing his meetings and plans for the day. "And you'll need to forward my calls to your phone."

"I can do that." Blaine said, smiling.

Kurt nodded. "We need to go."

Blaine nodded, pulling his coat back on and following Kurt out of the door and into the busy street.

"First we're going to an interview for Out Magazine. I need you to take notes on all my meetings. Have any questions?"

"No, sir." Blaine said, pushing his glasses up his nose, straggling behind Kurt as he went through the PDA Kurt had given him.

Kurt bit his lip. He kinda liked being called Sir."

They got to the interview and Blaine took the liberty of checking them in and leading Kurt to the correct room. "You have a photo shoot after this in room seven twenty-four." Blaine said quietly. Kurt nodded as he took his seat. He was surprised at how well Blaine was doing so far. Blaine sat on the other side of the room as the interviewer talked to Kurt, typing furiously on the PDA. When the interview was over, Kurt and Blaine headed to the photo shoot. "How do I look?"

"Perfect.." Blaine said softly, before clearing his throat. "Great, amazing."

Kurt chuckled as they found the room. They took Kurt to wardrobe and dressed him in black skinny jeans and painted a few flowing streaks across his chest, arms, and back in grey body paint. "So we'll have you stand over here. Remember we're capturing your strong essence. How powerful you are." the photographer said. Kurt nodded, smiling as he walked over to the white background. Blaine watched on, his cheeks and neck red as his eyes roamed Kurt's elegant yet masculine form. Kurt couldn't help but grin at the feeling of all his dreams coming true. He transformed, pose after pose, eliciting claps and cheers around the room. After a good amount of frames Kurt was done and went back to clean of and change, Blaine scuttling behind him.
"What's next?" Kurt asked.

"You're free until noon, then you have a costume fitting with Desmond Stevens.." Blaine said.

"Okay. Take a break. Meet me at my office at eleven thirty."

"Yes, sir.." Blaine said, blushing more as Kurt started to undress.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Are you watching?"

"N-No of course not..I-I'll just..Go. I'll go." Blaine stammered, hurrying out of the room.

Kurt laughed to himself as he finished. So his assistant had a little crush on him. How cute. This would be fun.

When Kurt got to his office at eleven, Blaine was sitting at Kurt's secretary's desk. "Um..Stacy told me to deliver a message to you.." Blaine said, referring to Kurt's secretary.

"What is it?" Kurt asked.

"She quit.."

Kurt stopped and raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at him. "Excuse me?"

"I-I walked in and she told me to tell you she quit..I just thought I should finish her work..Well..Not her work anymore.." Blaine said, straightening papers.

"She just left. No explanation?"

"She said something about..How she was u-underpaid and under appreciated..?" Blaine said timidly.

Kurt huffed. "Well. Her loss. I shouldn't have hired her in the first place. Wait.. You did her work?"

"Well..Yeah..I-I'm sorry..I didn't know if you wanted me to or not, b-but it looked like she had a lot to do.." Blaine said, standing up.

"No. I just can't believe you did someone else's job.." Kurt said, still in a bit of shock.

Blaine just wrung his fingers together and tilted his head to the side. "I-I just didn't want to leave it.."

Kurt nodded. "I like you."

Blaine blushed. "Thank you, sir.."

"You can say no. But how would you feel about adding some of her responsibilities to you?"

"I wouldn't mind at all.." Blaine grinned.

"Of course you'll get a bit of a raise too." Kurt said, seemingly satisfied.

Blaine's smile grew. "Thank you Mr. Hummel." he said, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Come on. We'll discuss your new responsibilities before the fitting."

Blaine nodded, picking up his bag and PDA. They went over the duties and Kurt told Blaine to let him know if it was too much and he'd get another receptionist. "No, it won't be too much. I can handle it." Blaine said as he typed in the PDA.

"Sounds good. How is my day after the fitting? Can we squeeze in a little lunch?"

Blaine looked up at Kurt for a minute before back down at the planner. "Um..Of course..After that I have to go pick up your suit for dinner with..Oh wow..Rachel Berry." Blaine said, raising his eyebrows. Rachel was a big deal on Broadway as well and an actress Blaine admired almost as Kurt.

"Yes, the Rachel Berry is one of my very best friends," Kurt smiled. "We'll have lunch and if your first day continues going well, I'll introduce you."

"R-Really? Ohmygod, that would be so amazing! I loved the both of you in Spring Awakening! I couldn't believe how you-" Blaine started before rambling on. Kurt leaned back, loving the attention. You know.. The younger was pretty cute.. In a dorky way.. But definitely cute. Blaine finished his minute long speech on how Kurt sang perfectly through the notes when they arrived. "O-Oh I'm sorry..Sometimes I just..Ramble.." Blaine blushed.

"It's okay," Kurt chuckled. "Rachel will love it."

Blaine grinned, unable to hide his giddiness at the thought of meeting the Rachel Berry! He already was working for Kurt Hummel, his idol as a teen. Oh just wait until his mom heard about this! They went to the fitting and everything went well. Kurt was proud of his new assistant and took him out for lunch. "Wow.." Blaine smiled, gazing around the beautiful restaurant. He had obviously never been to one like this before, and Kurt went here nearly every day.

"Get anything you'd like," Kurt said.

"Umm..What do you recommend?" Blaine smiled as they were seated.

"I always get the house salad," Kurt said.

"Really? You come to an amazing restaurant like this and only order the salad?" Blaine asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I gotta stay in shape," Kurt said simply.

"I-I think you look great.." Blaine said.


Blaine blushed, looking down.

"What do you like?" Kurt asked.

"Anything really.." Blaine said, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"You should get those tightened."

"Huh?" Blaine asked, looking up.

"Your glasses." Kurt explained. "You keep pushing them up."

"O-Oh..I've never really had the money to get it done.." Blaine admitted sheepishly.

"Well, we'll stop after lunch." Kurt said.

"Really?" Blaine asked in disbelief.

Kurt nodded. "Not a problem."

"Oh wow..Um..I can't make you do that..I-I could just do it when my paycheck comes in o-or when my mom sends some money.." Blaine stammered.

"You didn't even asked, Anderson. And I'm going to do this for you."

"Yes, sir.." Blaine said, blushing lightly. They had lunch, Kurt learning about Blaine's childhood and how he got here. He was surprised to find out Blaine grew up not too far from his hometown. After lunch, they headed to a shop nearby to get Blaine's frames tightened. Of course, Kurt was distracted as soon as he walked in. He browsed through the cases of glasses as the guy behind the counter fixed Blaine's. "Oh! Blaine!" Kurt called.

"Yes Mr. Hummel?" Blaine asked, scurrying to his side.

"These are so you," Kurt said, sliding the Giorgio Armani frames onto Blaine's face and gasping. "You have to get them. They're perfect!"

Blaine looked in a mirror and examined the glasses. They were sleek with wide sides and very stylish. "How much are these?" Blaine asked, looking at the man behind the counter.

"Three sixty-eight," The man replied.

Blaine's eyes went wide for a moment before he took the glasses off, blinking to adjust to the change. He looked over at Kurt, who smiled encouragingly. He didn't have that kind of money..He barely had any at all..But Kurt thought he should get them so badly. He supposed he could use his emergency credit card. This was an emergency after all.. "I'll get them." He said, putting on a smile.

"Good! Look around.. I need to make a call." Kurt said before walking away and pretending to make a call. He walked to the counter and slid his card across to the man. "Don't tell him."

The man winked and smiled, taking the glasses back to put Blaine's prescription in. A few minutes later, the man came out with both pairs, slipping the new ones to Kurt before calling blaine over. "I put the order in. They'll be ready next week. But here's yours for now."

Blaine smiled putting his glasses on and grinning widely. "They're perfect..Thank you Mr. Hummel."

Kurt smiled. "You're welcome. Now come on. Tons to do."

"Yes sir." Blaine said, still smiling as he tagged along behind Kurt down the frosted Manhattan streets.

"Oh shit!" Kurt groaned. "I forgot I have to do something. Will you pick up my suit and meet me at the office?"

"Of course." Blaine said, nodding quickly before checking the planner for an Address. "I'll be there soon." He said before turning on his loafer clad heel and scurrying down the sidewalk. He headed to the cleaners and asked for his boss's suit. They handed it to him in a white box and he peeked inside. It was a beautiful grey velvet, plaid patterned suit, and Blaine's eyes went wide as he looked at the tag. Alexander McQueen..He had to guard this with his life. He closed the box and headed out. Blaine was almost to the office when a slender woman holding a tray of coffee ran into him, spilling the brown liquid all over the inside of the box as it fell open. Blaine tried to reach for it and stumbled, knocking the box over and sending the suit into a puddle of grime-filled slush. "No..Nononono!" Blaine got out, hurrying to pick up the ruined suit. "Ohmygod..I'm dead..I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead.."

"Oh fuck! Fuck! I'm so sorry.." the girl said, picking up the cups. "My boss will kill me.."

"Mine too..This is a four thousand dollar suit.." Blaine sighed, trying to put it back in the box.

The girl's eyes went wide as she grabbed her things and quickly walked away.

Blaine sighed deeply. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't bring this ruined designer suit to his boss. He looked across the street and Saw Bergdorf Goodman..Maybe he could buy a new one.. He walked in and found an employee. "Can you help me? Please?"

"Of course." A man said smiling before eyeing Blaine and pulling a barely noticeable face. "What can I help you with today sir?.."

"I need a suit. For my boss. I have his measurements." Blaine said quickly. The man nodded, leading Blaine to the designer suits. Blaine described his boss in perfect detail. "I need something spectacular.."

"I have just the thing." the salesman said, leading Blaine to the Alexander McQueen and grabbing a blue patterned ombre suit that gradually faded to black with a plaid patter similar to the ruined suit.

"Oh my.." Blaine sighed as he pictured Kurt in it.

"It's perfect for what you're looking for, and is only three thousand five hundred and twenty nine dollars." The salesman smiled. Blaine felt like he was going to faint. He didn't have that.. But he did have an emergency credit card. This was an emergency. His job was at stake. "I'll take it." Blaine said before he could talk himself out of it.

After he bought the suit he practically ran to Kurt's office building, clutching the box to his chest for dear life. Kurt looked up from his desk as the out of breath boy ran in. Blaine looked like a nervous wreck as He carefully placed the box on the table. Kurt opened the box and examined the suit. "This isn't mine."

"I-I know..A girl ran into me, spilled coffee on it and made me drop it in a puddle..B-But I went to Bergdorf and got you a new one..It'll make your eyes pop.."

Kurt pursed his lips. "It better. I had that one made for me."

Blaine swallowed hard. "I am so, so, so, sososo sorry Mr. Hummel.."

Kurt held his hand up, signaling for Blaine to stop. "Go do some filing or something. I have to try this on."

Blaine nodded, hurrying out of the room. Kurt groaned to himself. Why had he let this happen? He got up and started to change into the suit. It actually fit very well..And it did make his eyes pop. Kurt studied himself in his full length mirror. For his first day, Blaine did know a lot about Kurt.. He decided to let this mistake slide. He was about to ask Blaine what he thought of the suit but stopped when he saw Blaine on the phone, looking like a kicked puppy. He turned on the small intercom that connected Blaine's phone to his and listened in.
"Mom I'm sorry..I had to..I just..What else was I supposed to do?.."

"Well what am I supposed to do? I'm struggling as it is but I still do everything I can for you. I don't have this.. Blaine.. You have to return it.." the worried woman said, on the verge of tears.

"Mom, I cant..I-I'll pay it off, somehow..I'll get a job as a waiter or something part time, I'll put off my next year at NYADA.."

Kurt bit his lip. He had to help. After all, it was his suit.

"You will not pull out of school. I-I'll figure something out.."

"Mom, no. I won't put this on you. It was my fault the first suit got ruined. It's my responsibility.." Blaine said seriously.

"I don't care what I have to do. You're not dropping out, Blaine. This is your dream."

"And it can wait mom..Dreams don't always come true..This might..Put me back a couple of weeks..Maybe even a month or two, but I moved out here on my own to get some responsibility and be an adult. Let me."

"I'm proud of you for doing that. But I never went back, Blaine. I'm not letting that happen to you."

Blaine sighed deeply, running a hand over his gelled down hair. "I'll figure it out mom..Okay?.." Blaine said softly. "I love you.."

"I love you too.." His mother said before they hung up. Blaine sighed, reflecting on this for a second or two before busying himself with filing again. Kurt pulled up Blaine's file and took notes of a few things before standing and walking out. Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled. "Looks great.." He said, as if he hadn't just lost a months worth of food and rent.

"You have a good eye." Kurt grinned. "You ready? I called Rachel and told her you were coming."

"O-Oh yes, sir." Blaine said, grabbing his bags and following Kurt out the door. Around that time the sun was starting to go down and the city was lighting up. Blaine smiled up at the lights as they walked. Everything was so beautiful.

"So what is it that you want to do?" Kurt asked. "What dreams do you have?"

"Well..I came here for Broadway..Just like you did.." Blaine said softly.

Kurt nodded. "Why do you keep your hair slicked back?"

Blaine blushed. "I have..Really, really curly hair.." He said, giving a nervous laugh.

"Is that bad?"

"It's really bad." Blaine admitted.

"It can't be that bad," Kurt chuckled as they arrived at the restaurant.

"It's..Pretty much like an Afro.." Blaine said.

"That's something I'd love to see."

"You never will.." Blaine laughed. Kurt smiled as they walked in and were led to their table where Rachel was waiting. Blaine gasped softly, trying to hide his excitement.

"Rachel, so glad you could take time for an old friend," Kurt chuckled.

"You've been just as busy as I have.." Rachel grinned.

"Well I have a new assistant to help with that," Kurt said before introducing Blaine.

"H-Hi.." Blaine smiled.

"It's nice to meet you. You better take care of my best friend," Rachel laughed as she shook his hand.

"Oh yes ma'am..It's an honor to meet you Ms. Berry.." Blaine said, smiling wide.

"Ooohhh Ms. Berry. I like him," Rachel grinned.

"So do I. Get your own." Kurt chuckled.

"I just might," She giggled. "How do you like it so far?"

"Like what?" Kurt asked.

"Not you. Blaine. Your first day."

"Well." Kurt chuckled.

"O-Oh..It's been busy. Hectic..But nothing I can't handle." Blaine smiled.

"He did ruin my suit," Kurt said, smiling to let Blaine know he's not upset.

"But I see you have a new one." Rachel smiled. "It's amazing."

"Blaine got it for me," Kurt smiled, reminding himself to get a minute alone with Rachel.

"Really? You'd better hold on to him Kurt, I might steal him from you." Rachel giggled.

"I-I had to.. I mean.. I-I didn't have to. B-But I-I did.."

"Blaine, sweetie..Calm down." Rachel said softly. "It's okay."

Blaine nodded as he blushed deeply. Blaine's phone vibrated with a call for Kurt and he excused himself for a moment to answer it, hurrying to the restroom. Kurt looked over at Rachel. "So.. I'm thinking about sending his mother some money to take care of the suit.. He used his emergency card for it.."

Rachel raised her eyebrows. "Kurt, that's so nice."

"Well we went to look at glasses and I could tell he couldn't afford those. I can't let him put that on his mom and worry about school. But I don't know if I should tell him.."

"Why not?" Rachel asked.

Kurt bit his lip. "He doesn't know that I listened in on his call.."

"Kurt.." Rachel hissed.

"He looked worried. I didn't know it was his mom!"

"Well still, just put a lot in his paycheck.." Rachel said.

Kurt nodded. "Okay.."

"But he's really cute isn't he?.." Rachel smiled.

"He is," Kurt said quietly. "And has the biggest crush on me."

"That's adorable.." Rachel smiled. "So..What are you gonna do about it?"

"Nothing. Its just cute to watch."

"Oh come on, you can have fun with it! When was the last time you got laid Kurt Hummel?" Rachel asked, grinning.

Kurt couldn't help but laugh. "It has been a while.."

"Exactly." Rachel said. "Take off those glasses, and those clothes..I'm sure he's hot."

"I'll let you know," Kurt grinned.

"Oh god, you're so bad.." Rachel laughed. "So what're you gonna do?" She asked, sipping her wine.

Kurt thought for a moment. "Not sure yet."

"Well it shouldn't be too hard." Rachel said.

"I know," Kurt smiled as Blaine came back.

"Sorry..Out just called. They're sending you a case of the magazines. You made the cover." Blaine grinned.

"Ohmygod!" Kurt said excitedly.

Rachel squealed, bouncing a bit. "That's amazing!"

"Wait until you see the picture!" Kurt grinned. "What did you think, Blaine?"

Blaine blushed. "I think it's..It's great.."

"I bet it's hot." Rachel smiled as she looked at Blaine.

Blaine's cheeks got redder as he looked down.

"I think this calls for a celebration. You free tonight, Rach?"

"Well I did have a date with some cheesecake, but I can skip." Rachel smiled.

"Good. Stay the night. We'll drink and stuff."

"Will do." Rachel said, grinning.


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Gosh! I love this story so much!! Seems like I'm into famous!Kurt :D

Are you ever going to continue come live with me?