June 30, 2013, 5:05 p.m.
June 30, 2013, 5:05 p.m.
"Hello?" Kurt answered.
"Hey Kurt.." Sebastian smiled.
Kurt rolled his eyes playfully. "Hey Bas. What's up?"
"Just missing you two.."
"Or just horny," Kurt teased.
"Always.." Sebastian chuckled.
"I'm sorry but I was kind of planning on a night with Blaine..Just the two of us.."
"Oh..Are you sure?" Sebastian asked.
"Yeah. We need some time for us."
Sebastian sighed deeply. "Alright.."
"Next time," Kurt promised.
"Is that Sebastian?.." Blaine asked.
"Yeah. He says he misses us," Kurt said to his boyfriend.
"Well why doesn't he come over for a little bit?.."
Kurt’s face fell. "I-I thought you wanted it to be just us this time.."
"I do..If he really wants to come over so badly..He can watch.." Blaine suggested.
Kurt raised an eyebrow before talking to Sebastian. "Do you think you can sit back and watch?"
"You two? Of course.." Sebastian smiled.
"Alright. See you soon," Kurt said.
"Bye babe,." Sebastian said softly before hanging up.
Kurt laid back down with Blaine. "You really think he can do this?"
"I think so.." Blaine said, cupping Kurt's cheek in his hand. "God, you're so gorgeous.."
Kurt bit his lip. "I-I'm still e-enough..right..?"
"Baby..You'll always be more than enough..Why do you ask?.." Blaine said softly.
"I don't know..The way Puck makes you fall apart..I mean..It's really sexy to see..But I was worried..I wouldn't be enough anymore.." Kurt said quietly, looking anywhere but at Blaine.
"Kurt..You're my everything..It's just sex with them..It means nothing to me..When we're together..it's different..We have a connection.." Blaine said.
Kurt nodded. "I love you.."
"I love you too Kurt..More than anything.."
Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine softly. "Will you make love to me when he gets here?"
"Of course.."
Kurt cuddled up to Blaine, sighing softly.
"You're the love of my life.." Blaine said.
"And you're mine. Forever.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt deeply.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine, melting into the kiss.
"I love you so much.." Blaine sighed.
"I love you too.."
Blaine wrapped himself around Kurt until the doorbell rang.
Kurt sighed as he sat up. He walked up the stairs, opening the door and greeting Sebastian.
"Hey.." Sebastian smiled.
Kurt smiled back. "You want a drink or anything?"
"I'm okay.." He said, walking in. He leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Kurt's neck. "Where's Blaine?"
"Downstairs waiting for me. We're serious Sebastian. Just watching. No touching."
"I understand.." Sebastian said softly.
Kurt nodded, turning to lead Sebastian downstairs.
Sebastian walked down the stairs, smiling at Blaine. "Hey gorgeous.."
Blaine blushed. "Hey Bas.."
Sebastian sat back on the couch across from the bed, leaning back and smiling. Kurt climbed back onto the bed and curled up with Blaine. He leaned in, kissing his boyfriend slow and soft, forgetting that Sebastian was watching. Blaine moaned softly, cupping Kurt's cheek. Kurt nuzzled into Blaine's palm, pulling his boyfriend closer. Blaine kissed down to Kurt's neck, pressing soft sweet kisses along the skin. The pale boy's eyes slipped closed, his mouth agape as he gasped. Blaine ran a hand up Kurt's back to his hair, threading his hands through the soft locks. "Oh Blaine.." Kurt whispered, slipping his fingers up his lover's shirt. Blaine breathed out an "I love you" as Kurt pulled his shirt off.
"You're beautiful.."
Sebastian bit his lip, as they slowly undressed each other. Kurt hitched a bare leg over Blaine's as his boyfriend lightly caressed his thigh. Blaine ran his hand up and down Kurt's leg. "So gorgeous.." He said, looking at his boyfriend with admiring eyes.
Kurt batted his eyelashes. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Blaine said quietly, leaning in to kiss Kurt again. Kurt gently ran his nails up and down Blaine's back, moaning softly. Blaine rolled over on top of Kurt, rolling his hips down against him. Kurt gasped, his hands moving to caress Blaine's upper arms, revealing in the feel of the strong muscles. Blaine smiled, purposely tightening the muscles in his biceps as Kurt felt him. "Oh Blaine.." Kurt groaned as a surge of arousal flew through him. Blaine gave a knowing smile, kissing Kurt's neck as his fingers danced over the solid muscle. "You're so perfect..so sexy.." Kurt said quietly.
"So are you Kurt.." Blaine whispered. Kurt rolled his body slightly, his eyes lighting up at Blaine's excitement. Blaine slowly rocked their bodies together, moaning softly.
Sebastian looked on with curious eyes. He had been sure that they weren't serious about him just watching. Then again, he hadn't expected them to make love either. It really was beautiful..Watching the way they moved together. Their contrasts. Blaine's dark hard frame and Kurt's pale lithe one. Watching the two did indeed turn Sebastian on. But there was something about this..Something that made him want to ignore his own needs and admire the love the boys had for each other.
Blaine reached over, grabbing the lube. "Do you want me to stretch you?.."
Kurt nodded, spreading his thighs. "Please.."
Blaine slicked up a finger, reaching down to slip it inside of his lover. Kurt’s body tensed slightly at the intrusion. "Shh.." Blaine soothed, kissing Kurt's cheek. Kurt slowly relaxed, turning his face to kiss Blaine. Blaine kissed Kurt softly as he slowly fingered him, adding a second and third at the appropriate times. Kurt rolled his hips down, working himself on Blaine’s fingers. "Baby..I-I'm ready."
Blaine nodded, pulling out and lining himself up. Kurt looked up at him with eyes full of love and devotion. "I love you.." Blaine said quietly.
"I love you more than anything.."
Blaine slowly eased into Kurt gasping softly. Kurt clutched to Blaine's biceps. "Uhhngg.."
"God..Kurt.." Blaine breathed out.
"K-Kiss me.." Kurt pleaded. Blaine leaned down, kissing Kurt passionately. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, moving his hips with his lover's. Blaine slowly thrust, giving long deep strokes as he held Kurt close. Kurt gave deep panting breathes as his boyfriend slid in and out of him. "Ohhh blaine.."
Kurt's head fell to the pillow, his back arching up as he inched closer. "I love you so much Kurt,." Blaine whispered, kissing across his chest.
"Oh god..I love you baby..I love you so much.."
"Fuck..Fuck.." Blaine whined. Kurt dug his nails into Blaine's back. "Blaine..Blaine I'm close.."
"M-Me too baby.." Blaine whispered as Sebastian watched on.
Sebastian bit his lip, watching as the two boys came undone, crying out each other's names. They laid there, looking into one another's eyes lovingly. Touching and caressing as they basked in the afterglow of their orgasms. Blaine and Kurt looked so peaceful and at ease. It was then that Sebastian realized that he wasn't needed here. In reality, he needed them. He never did relationships. But this time, for once, a part of him wished he had. Sebastian felt lucky enough to be let into their lives. He watched them cuddle and kiss slowly. No, he wasn't needed. He slowly got up and walked up the stairs, leaving unnoticed. Blaine fell asleep in Kurt's arms, breathing softly. Kurt kissed his forehead, falling asleep not too long after.
They didn't hear anything from Sebastian for the next few days and Kurt was starting to get worried. He picked up his phone and dialed his number.
"Hello?" Sebastian answered.
"Hey Bas.."
"Hey.." Sebastian said softly.
"You just left the other night..You haven't called.." Kurt said quietly. "Are you okay..?"
"I'm fine..Just..needed time to think.." Sebastian sighed.
"What about?" Kurt asked, confused.
"How...You and Blaine are together..It made me realize a few things..You guys don't need me..I need you..A-And..I..I really want to know what that feels like..T-To be needed.."
"Oh.." Kurt said. "You'll find someone, Sebastian.."
"Yeah.." Sebastian said, trying to hide the tears in his voice.
"We miss you.."
Sebastian sighed, nodding. "I-I miss you guys too.."
"Do you want to hang out..?"
"I don't think I'm really in the mood.." Sebastian said softly.
Kurt swallowed hard. "A-Are you..done? W-With us..?"
"Of course not..I lo-..I really like you and Blaine..I just..Need some time.."
"Okay.." Kurt said quietly, not wanting to push Sebastian. "We'll leave you alone.."
"Tell Blaine I said hey.."
"Y-Yeah. No problem.."
"Bye Kurt.."
"Bye Bas.." Kurt said before hearing Sebastian hang up. He sighed heavily, looking at his phone for a moment.
Blaine called a few minutes later. "Hey baby!"
"Hey.." Kurt said giving a small smile.
"You want to go for some coffee?" Blaine asked.
"I'd love to baby.."
"Are you okay? You sound different.."
"I just talked to Sebastian.."
"Oh?" Blaine asked. "What did he say?"
Kurt sighed before explaining what the taller boy said.
"Then we'll give him time. You're okay, right..?"
"Yeah..I just feel kinda bad.."
"Why?" Blaine asked.
"Because..He..He almost said he loved us..And He sounded like he was gonna cry.."
"Are you serious..? Sebastian? How do you know he almost said love?"
"Well I heard him sound like he was going to..It was just a 'luh' sound then he stopped and said really like.." Kurt said.
"Wow.." Blaine sighed, not knowing how to take that. "What do you think about it..?"
"I think we need to find him a serious boyfriend..He's substituting sex for love..And the both of us for a boyfriend.." Kurt said.
Blaine was quiet. "True. But how..?"
"I don't know..We'll figure it out..We don't have to stop..hanging out with him now..But we will eventually.." Kurt said.
"Okay.." Blaine said softly.
"What are you thinking?.." Kurt asked, biting at his nail.
"That I can't believe he almost said that.."
"Yeah..Me either.." Kurt said quietly. "Why don't we surprise him?..Go get some I've cream and bring over some bad movies?.."
"I think that sounds great," Blaine said softly.
Kurt smiled. "I'll come get you.."
Sebastian heard a knock at the door and sighed. He was only in his boxers, but he didn't care much at the moment. He got up and opened the door, his eyebrow raising. "What are you guys doing here?.."
Kurt raised the bag of movies and ice cream. "Sounded like you needed a friend."
Sebastian felt something in his heart at that. He couldn't put his finger on it.. But it was warm and made him give a slight smile.
"Is that okay?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah..Yeah that's fine.." Sebastian said softly.
Kurt gave a reassuring smile as they stepped in. They laid on the couch, Sebastian between the two boys as they all cuddled up together. "Is this okay?" Blaine asked the taller.
Sebastian nodded. "Why wouldn't it be?.."
"I didn't know if you were a cuddler outside of sex," Blaine giggled lightly.
Sebastian chuckled lightly. "Normally I'm not..But I'll make an exception.."
Kurt smiled, scooting closer. Sebastian smiled softly wrapping an arm around each of the boys. Right now, all of those negative feelings were gone..But after they left, he knew they would be back.. Blaine barely paid attention as he tried to think of someone that would be good for Sebastian. Before long, Sebastian fell asleep with his head on Blaine's stomach. Blaine was stroking his hair when he looked at Kurt. "Did you have anyone in mind?"
"I don't know..You were at Dalton longer than I was..Do you know anyone?.." Kurt asked, gently rubbing up and down Sebastian's side as he slept.
"I don't know. Maybe I can go up to Dalton to see everyone and maybe I’ll run into someone.." Blaine suggested.
"Alright.." Kurt said, smiling as Sebastian nuzzled into Blaine's shirt.
"I’ll go tomorrow after school," Blaine said softly.
Kurt nodded before whispering. "Do you think he really loves us?.."
"I don't know.." Blaine said, biting his lip. "I've never seen him like this."
Kurt sighed softly as Sebastian pulled Blaine a bit closer.
"Its kinda nice..I just hope it isn't hurting him.."
"Me too.." Kurt said quietly.
That Monday, Blaine roamed the halls of Dalton looking for the person he decided would be perfect for Sebastian.
Blaine ran into Wes in the hall. He figured Wes may have seen him. "Hey!"
"Hey Blaine." Wes grinned. "What are you doing here?"
"Well..I wanted to see Christian. But I've been missing the Warblers too."
"We miss you too..And Christian is at lacrosse practice. I just got done talking to him like, five minutes ago." Wes said.
"Thanks Wes! I'll come back to see you guys when I'm done," Blaine grinned before heading to find Christian. He ran to the lacrosse field and saw Christian there. Of course he was one of the few without a shirt.. Blaine stopped for a moment and couldn't help but admire his body. Yes. That would be perfect for Bas. "Hey Christian!" Blaine called, running over to him.
Christian looked up, brushing his black, sweat drenched hair out of his dark blue eyes. Blaine never understood how someone could have dark blue eyes, but Christian did. And he had to admit. Christian was hot.
"Anderson?" Christian said, quirking an eyebrow in question.
"Yeah," Blaine said, smiling. "I was just wondering..Are you seeing anyone..?"
"Not this week..Why?..You interested?.." Christian asked, giving a cocky grin and looking Blaine up and down.
"I'm still with Kurt," Blaine said. "But we were wondering if you'd go out to dinner with us and a friend.."
"Are you trying to hook me up with someone?" Christian asked, grabbing a towel and starting back to the locker room.
"Yeah..But I mean if it doesn't work, then it doesn't work. But if it helps, he is hot.."
"Well that depends on your definition of hot." Christian said as they walked inside.
"Well, I think you're hot," Blaine said slyly.
Christian raised an eyebrow and gave a crooked grin. "Really now?.."
Blaine nodded. "Yeah..."
"You're not so bad yourself.." Christian winked.
"Thanks.." Blaine said blushing a deep red. "So what do you say about dinner..?"
Christian began to undress, making Blaine blush more. "I don't know.." He sighed.
"Please..Trust me..He's a good time.." Blaine said, trying not to look at Christian.
Christian grabbed his towel, starting toward the showers. "Alright..When?"
"How about Friday night?" Blaine asked.
"Sounds good." Christian said, Turing to face Blaine. "Call me with the time and place?"
"Sure thing. Thank you, Christian.."
"No problem." Christian smiled, stepping into the shower and turning it on.
"See you later.." Blaine said, turning to head to see the warblers practice.
Blaine's face lit up as he saw his old friends. "Hey everyone."
"What were you doing going to talk to Christian?..He's a total jerk.." Ryker asked.
"Oh its nothing.." Blaine said, looking anywhere but at Sebastian.
The warblers looked around at each other giving skeptical looks.
"I just thought I'd come by and see you all.." Blaine said, trying to distract them.
"We miss you man." David smiled.
"Me too," Blaine said softly. "How’s it going? Sebastian living up to my supposed legend?" He chuckled.
The club laughed lightly. "I wouldn't say that.." Sebastian said.
"Why not?" Blaine asked.
"Because you're like ten times better than me." Sebastian chuckled.
"Sebastian Smythe being humble?" Wes smiled.
"I'm nowhere near that," Blaine giggled.
Sebastian just shook his head, smiling.
Blaine sat back and watched the warblers practice. When it was over he caught up with most of them and headed to find Sebastian. He saw him packing his things and hurried over by him.
"Hey Bas. How you feeling?" Blaine asked.
"Good actually.." Sebastian smiled.
"Good," Blaine said a bit nervously. "There um...I want to talk to you.."
"What about?"
"Well..Kurt has this..thing..And well, I don't know how to go about doing something like this. But then again..Kurt said you didn't want to do anything for a while..So I was wondering if you could at least help me plan it.."
"What is it?" Sebastian asked, sounding interested.
Blaine looked around, making sure no one could see before explaining what he wanted to do for his boyfriend.
Sebastian grinned wide. "Just tell me when.."
Blaine gasped. "You'll really help me..?"
"Of course..it sounds..Very hot.." Sebastian said, grinning wide.
Blaine bit his lip. "Want to get coffee and work it out?"
"Sounds good.." Sebastian said, grabbing his bag and standing.