The Competition
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Competition: Chapter 12

E - Words: 6,553 - Last Updated: Jun 30, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 24/? - Created: May 27, 2012 - Updated: Jun 30, 2013
163 0 0 0 0

Kurt took the day off of school for some retail therapy. He walked around the mall, getting a few new outfits and a couple things for Blaine. He smiled wide as he saw his favorite brand of skinny jeans was on sale. He grabbed one of each color and rushed to the fitting room. He tried on a black pair. They clung to his legs like a second skin. He stepped out of the room to look in the mirror when he saw Puck over his shoulder. Kurt smiled, pretending to ignore him as he admired his ass in the mirror.

Puck bit his lip as he approached. "Damn, Hummel."

"Oh..Hello, Noah.." Kurt said indifferently.

"I've never seen your legs look that good."
Puck said, running his fingertips along Kurt's side.

Kurt smiled. "Well that's saying something, considering you've seen them bare.."

"You know what I mean." Puckerman chucked. "So, what are you and Anderson up to tonight?"

"Well..We didn't have anything planned.." Kurt hummed, looking at Puck in the mirror before he saw a flash of blue and Christian was approaching them.

"O-Oh. Hey, Christian.." Kurt said, looking between the two boys.

"I couldn't help but notice that ass.." He chuckled, grabbing it and squeezing lightly.

"And who the hell are you?" Puck asked.

"I could ask the same of you.."

"So, Christian.. What're you doing here?" Kurt asked, trying to change the subject.

"Just shopping around..It seems like I found what I was looking for.."

"What were you looking for?"

"Well I came for clothes..But I could leave with you.."

"We were just talking about leaving." Puck said possessively.

"Why would he be leaving with you?.."
Christian asked, pulling Kurt close.

"Boys.." Kurt tried to soothe.

Puck glared at Christian. Who was this prick?

"Listen..Blaine and I have had...relations with both of you..Sebastian knows that we've slept with Noah.."

Something dark flashed in Christian's eyes. He turned to Kurt. "Bas and I were hoping you'd come to the game tonight. It's the biggest game of the year."

Kurt looked between Puck and Christian. "W-Well..I.."

Puck raised an eyebrow as he waited for an answer.

"Maybe we could make plans for another time, Puck?.." Kurt asked, linking arms with Christian.

"Fine." Noah sighed before walking off.

Kurt bit his lip and looking over at Christan.

Christian grinned. "Go get your clothes."

Kurt nodded, changing and deciding to buy the black jeans.

"What do you eant to do until Blaine gets out of school?" Christian asked.

"I dunno..Wait..Why aren't you at school? .." Kurt asked, smiling as they walked.

"There's less that two hours before you're supposed to be out of school. I thought I'd look around the mall before surprising you."

Kurt giggled biting his lip as Christian wrapped an arm around him. "Well..I am thoroughly surprised.."

"Good. So, was that a one time thing with that guy?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. I guess, the thought of you with someone besides Bas, Blaine and me makes me want to show you that you're ours." He said lowly.

"Yours?" Kurt practically purred, raising an eyebrow.

Christian licked his lips. "Yes."

Kurt chuckled darkly. "I don't know about that.."

"Oh really?"


Christian stopped and grasped Kurt by his hips. "I think you are."

Kurt gasped, chills rushing through him as a small moan slipped out.

"See?" Christian chuckled.

"That doesn't make me yours.." Kurt tried to defend, hiding his blush.

"Partly mine." Christian said cockily. "You going to wear those pants to the game?"

Kurt smiled. "Maybe."

"You're going to be such a distraction." christian giggled.

"Just keep your eye on the ball and off of my ass.." Kurt grinned.

"I don't know if I can do that."

Kurt blushed, looking down.

"So, what should we do to kill time?"

"You wanna go grab a bite?.."

"Sounds good."

They went to a little cafe and had lunch. Kurt smiled, looking Christian up and down as he drank his water.

"What're you thinking?" Christian asked.

"Don't take this the wrong way...But..You're just really hot.."

"How could I take that wrong?" The jock said as he laughed.

"I don't know.." Kurt chuckled, hiding his blush with his hand.

Christian grinned. "How about we finish up and go makeout in my car?"

Kurt gasped, looking up at Christian. "Sure.." he smiled.

They hurried up and headed to the car. Christian opened the door and Kurt climbed into the back seat, smiling at the jock.

"You are so fucking hot.."

"Get in here.." Kurt smiled, laying back. Christian climbed in and pressed his body to Kurt. Kurt moaned at the solid form above him, pressing him into the seat. Christian grinned as he leaned in for a kiss. Kurt turned his head. "Wait..Won't Seb and Blaine be upset about this?.."

"Not if we just makeout." Christian said.

Kurt nodded, letting out a slow breath. Okay.."

Christian leaned in slowly. Kurt leaned up, kissing Christian deeply. The jock moaned loudly, pressing their bodies together. Kurt pulled at Christan's shirt, breathing heavily as he opened his mouth for him. Christian delved in, moaning at the feel of Kurt's tongue against him. Kurt rolled his body as he ran his hands up to Christian's hair.

"Kurt.." The jock groaned, running his hands down Kurt's body. Kurt gasped, smiling and biting his lip as he arched into the touches. Christian growled, deepening the kiss as he gripped Kurt's ass. Kurt squeaked lightly pulling Christian's hair as he wrapped his legs around him. The jock ground his hips down and let out a low gutteral noise. Kurt whined, their lips parting with a smack. "Fuck..Do that again.." He demanded.

Christian made the noise again and grinned.

"Oh shit..Shit..We have to stop.." Kurt panted, continuing to kiss and suck at Christian's neck.

"Fuck. I don't want to."

"Neither do I.." Kurt whispered, brushing his nose along Christian's jaw before looking up at him with lust-blown eyes.

"I won't be able to stop if you keep looking at me like that." Christian whispered. "We should go get Blaine."

Kurt nodded, fluttering his lashes and pulling Christian down for another kiss.

"Fuck." The lacrosse player moaned, keeping his lips to Kurt's.

Kurt hummed and turned his head before gasping as Christian started to bite at his neck. "Ohmygod.."

"You're too hot to resist.." Christian whispered against the pale skin.

"Christian..Fuck.." Kurt gasped, feeling the straining in the lacrosse player's jeans. He rocked his hips down, letting out that noise again. Kurt released a harsh moan, throwing his head back. "Ah!"

"I want you so bad.."

"F-Fuck..I-I want you too..But..Oh god, Christian..We..We can't.."

"I know." The taller groaned, slowing down.

Kurt was panting harshly, his cheeks flushed as he kept his grip tight on Christian's shirt.

"Tonight. There's a huge party at my house. Come over."

"After the game?.." Kurt got out, licking his kiss-swollen lips.

"Yes." Christian breathed out.

Kurt smiled, nodding lightly. "We'll be there.."

"Good. Then we'll show you that you don't need that other guy." Christian grinned.

Kurt rolled his eyes playfully. "Let's go get Blaine.."


They drove to McKinley and Kurt smiled as he saw Blaine walking down the sidewalk.

"Hey baby." Kurt called from the car.

Blaine looked up and grinned, walking over to the window. "Hey.."

"Wanna go to the lacrosse game?"

"I would love to.." Blaine smiled, opening the door and climbing in.

Kurt told Blaine about his day and what the plans were for the night as they drove to Dalton. "Does Sebastian know we're coming?"

"I didn't say anything about it." Christian smiled.



"We can surprise him." Kurt said softly.

Blaine nodded, smiling. They pulled into Dalton and Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand before kissing him softly.

"I missed you today." Kurt smiled. "Oh, Christian? Can I change in your car? I want Blaine to see my pants."

"Of course." Christian smiled as he and Blaine got out.

Kurt got into the back and quickly changed. He grinned as he stepped out and twirled. "So?"

Blaine's jaw dropped. "W-wow..Kurt.."

"You like?" Kurt asked as Christian chuckled.

"You..You just look..Wow..Fuck.."

Kurt grinned, linking arms with Blaine. "Thank you."

Blaine shook his head, smiling as they walked out to the field. Sebastian was shirtless as he ran up and down the bleachers, preparing for the game. All three of the boys grinned as they saw him.
"Hey babe!" Christian called.

Sebastian smiled as he ran down to them. "Well, this is a nice surprise." He said, looking Kurt and Blaine up and down. Kurt and Blaine grinned, blushing. "You coming for the party?"

"Totally." Kurt smiled.

Sebastian looked up as he heard their coach blow his whistle. "See you after the game."

Christian grinned, following his boyfriend while Kurt and Blaine walked to the bleachers.

"How'd you run into Christian?" Blaine asked.

"I was at the mall and Puck came up, flirting with me..Christian interrupted." Kurt chuckled.

"How did that go?"

"Puck seemed kind of pissed." Kurt giggled. "But Christian made it very clear that we belong to he and Sebastian."

Blaine bit back a smile. "We do."

Kurt chuckled. "True.."

Blaine laid on the bleachers and set his head in Kurt's lap.

"Boring." Blaine shrugged.

"Well it'll get better now.." Kurt smiled.

"It always is when I see you."

"You're so sweet.." Kurt smiled.

"Just honest."

Kurt looked up, watching as the Dalton team warmed up. Soon enough, the bleachers started to fill.

"Are you hungry baby?.." Kurt asked his boyfriend.

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Yeah. Ill go get us something." Kurt said. Blaine nodded and sat up, keeping their seats. Kurt walked to the concession and bought Blaine a hotdog and himself a bag of chips. He returned, handing Blaine his food. Blaine smiled. "Thanks baby."

Blaine opened his mouth, sliding the first few inches into his mouth and taking a big bite. A guy a couple rows up looked just in time to see Blaine take his second bite, the hot dog slowly going into his mouth. He smiled, his eyes going dark, not unnoticed by Blaine. Blaine raised and eyebrow as he bit. The guy above licked his lips before smiling wide. Blaine blushed deeply and looked away. Kurt looked at Blaine. "What's wrong?.."

"I-I think that guy is watching me eat.."

Kurt turned his attention upwards and found the eyes that were locked on Blaine. The boy chuckled as he licked his lips. Kurt's eyebrows shot up as he smiled devilishly. He got an idea and turned back to Blaine. "Can I have a bite?"

Blaine nodded, handing the hotdog to Kurt. Kurt shook his head and let Blaine hold it as he slowly leaned in. Blaine raised an eyebrow but smiled as he realized what Kurt was doing. The boy above them swallowed dryly as he watched. Blaine leaned in and they both took a slow bite at the same time. He stood, walking down the bleachers and sitting between them. "Hello boys.."

"Hi." Kurt chuckled.

"So what are the chances of the three of us sharing a hotdog?..Or you two sharing mine.." He grinned, his white teeth flashing.

"We're actually here for Sebastian and Christian." Blaine said.

"Please..Those two don't deserve two..Fine young men like yourselves.."

"And you do?" Kurt asked.

"I would like to say so.." He said, gabbing Kurt's hand and kissing it softly. "Joshua Worthington..."

The players were walking out to the field when Sebastian hit Christian's chest to get his attention and point to Kurt and Blaine.
"Kurt Hummel. And this is my boyfriend, Blaine Anderson."

"Blaine Anderson.." He said, kissing Blaine's hand as well. "Charmed."

"What the fuck?.." Christan snapped. Blaine blushed as he looked to Kurt. Kurt looked out on the field and quirked an eyebrow as he saw Sebastian and Christian looking up at them. Kurt smiled, placing his hand on Joshua's thigh.

Sebastian shook his head as the coach blew his whistle and yelled at him to pay attention. Christian mumbled under his breath as he followed his boyfriend into the huddle.

Joshua grinned, placing his hand on Kurt's. "Why don't you two let me take you to a party after this. Make them jealous."

"We actually were already going to a party after this." Blaine said "Are you going to the same?.."

"If you mean Christian's, then yes."

"Well, then yes.." Kurt giggled.

Joshua placed a hand on Blaine's thigh. "Are you okay with that?"

Blaine bit his lip, looking to Kurt before nodding. Kurt grinned, leaning over Joshua to kiss Blaine. Blaine gasped softly, returning the kiss. Joshua's mouth dropped slightly. "Damn.."

Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips before pulling back to look at Joshua. "You could say..Our relationship is"

Joshua raised an eyebrow. "Want to sneak off for a bit?"

Kurt looked at Blaine, raising an eyebrow.

Blaine shrugged. "I-I don't know.."

"We don't have to baby..Sorry Joshua..We really don't know you that well..Maybe tonight?.." Kurt said softly.

"We kind of have an arrangement with Bas and Christian." Blaine said. "What if you took us, danced with us and stuff to make them jealous?"

Joshua sighed. "Alright..Its a shame though..I'd love to have a night with you two.."

"Sorry," Kurt said softly, rubbing Joshua's leg slowly.

"Well.." Blaine said quietly.

"Well?" Kurt asked.

"You know how jealous Bas gets. Remember Noah?" Blaine asked.

"Oh yeah..But that was pretty hot.." Kurt smiled.

Blaine chuckled, looking at Joshua. "How do you feel about watching and being teased?"

Joshua chewed on his bottom lip. "I don't have any objections.."

"Just follow our lead then." Blaine grinned. Josh smiled, nodding wide. Kurt and Blaine cuddled up to him, Kurt swinging his thigh over Joshua's leg.

After the first few plays, Sebastian couldn't stop staring at How Kurt and Blaine were all over that douchebag. Who did he think he was? And now they were losing because he and Christian, the best player on the team, couldn't focus.
They were huddled up with their team. "What the fuck is up with you two?! Stop looking at the crowd and focus!"

"Shut it Daniels. Get the stick out of your ass and hustle up and maybe we wouldn't keep losing the ball!" Christian growled.

"You've got to be shitting me! You're too busy staring at those Lima twinks!"

"Hey! Watch your fucking mouth!" Christian snapped.

"Now we've got your attention." Another boy grinned. "Forget about them until your damn party. We can NOT lose this game."

Christian just shook his head, looking over at Sebastian. "We can do this, babe..Come on.."

"Think about how much those two will want you when we win."

Sebastian chuckled. "That's all the motivation I need."

"Alright. We can do this. Let's move!" Christian said energetically. They made it through the game with a major comeback. They won fifteen to seven and celebrated after. Kurt texted Christian, saying they'd meet at the party.

Christian didn't text back, scowling as he saw them leave with Josh.

Sebastian wrapped an arm around Christian. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Why are they all over him?" Christian growled.

"They're probably just exploring their options. I don't like it either. But they'll come back. They did after that Puckerman guy."

"Puckerman..He was trying to get with Kurt at the mall earlier.." Christian said as he walked to the locker room.

"Hmm. He hasn't really tried since I fucked him. Oh, well. They'll be back to us by the end of the night." Sebastian said calmly.

"You what?" Christian asked, spinning on his heel. The sound echoed off of the linoleum in the empty room.

"I fucked him." Sebastian said simply. "It was before you."

Christian just shook his head, pulling his jersey off and walking to the showers.

"Are you seriously jealous right now?" Sebastian asked as he took his clothes off. "You've fucked so many people you couldn't name them all. So have I. But guess what?" He said, stepping into the shower with Christian. "No one has made me want just them. No one makes me feel this. No one can touch me or fuck me like you do."

Christian looked up at Sebastian from under wet lashes. "Really?.." He asked quietly. "No one?..

"No one. I've never wanted to go slow. But I like when we do. Tell anyone and I'll kill you." Sebastian laughed. He looked down and took a deep breath. "I think I really love you.."

Christian gasped, looking at Sebastian with wide eyes.

"I-I.. Oh god! I'm so sorry!" Sebastian said quickly before turning to leave.

Christian grabbed Sebastian' s wrist and stopped him. "I know..You said it the other night When you were falling asleep.." He whispered before capturing Sebastian's lips in a deep kiss. "I love you too.."

Sebastian's heart was racing. He wrapped his arms around Christian's neck and melted into the kiss. Christian pulled away, looking down at Sebastian. The Warbler batted his lashes. "Tomorrow.. Can we do something special..?"

"Like what?.." Christian asked rubbing up and down Sebastian's back.

"I don't know.. Like, you make dinner? We could hangout around your fireplace. Maybe.. Take things slower than we usually do.."

Christian smiled, kissing Sebastian softly. "I'd love that.."

Sebastian blushed as they cleaned up and headed to Christian's place. Most of the lacrosse team followed behind them. They ordered pizza and got the kegs and drinks ready before going upstairs to change and get the music. They came back down, Sebastian on Christian's arm as more people began to show up.

About an hour later, Kurt and Blaine showed up on either side of Joshua. Joshua smiled cockily as he made his way through the crowd, his arms wrapped around each boy's waist. They found a good place and started dancing. Kurt stood in front of the taller, grinding his ass back slowly. Joshua held Kurt by his hips as Blaine pressed his body to him.

"So hot.." Kurt smiled.

"Yes, you are." Joshua whispered, kissing Kurt's neck softly when he saw Christian looking over.

Christian huffed, taking a big sip of his drink. Blaine gave a flirty wave as he got closer to Kurt. Kurt kissed Blaine softly as they danced.

Sebastian had a few drinks in him when he walked up to the boys. "Hey. What're you up to?"

"Dancing." Kurt smiled. "You?.."

"Wondering why you're not with me."

"Oh! This is Josh..We met him at the game.." Kurt said as Josh gave a small wave.

"And?" Sebastian asked. "Why don't you come celebrate with us?"

"Good idea..Why don't you get us a couple of drinks?" Kurt smiled.

The Warbler nodded, turning to go to the kitchen.

Blaine grinned, grabbing Josh's hand. "Let's go upstairs.."

Joshua's eyes flashed with excitement as he followed. Kurt and Blaine walked to Christian's room, smiling back at Josh.
"You two are so hot.."

Blaine chuckled, grabbing the hem of Josh's shirt. Josh lifted his arms and let Blaine pull the shirt off. Blaine hummed in approval, sliding his palms down the taller's abs.

"Like what you see?"

Blaine nodded, looking back at Kurt. Kurt dropped to his knees and unbuttoned Josh's pants. Josh smiled down at Kurt. "Fuck.."

Blaine went to Christian's closet and found a couple of ties before coming back. He took Josh's hands and tied them behind his back. Kurt licked his lips as he felt Josh grow under his hand. "I think someone wants to come play."

Josh looked back at Blaine before down at Kurt. "Yes.."

Kurt undressed Josh the rest of the way. He smiled down at him. "Impressive. Now sit. And don't move."

Josh nodded, sitting down on a comfy looking chair and licking his lips.

Kurt grabbed his phone and sent a text to Christian, telling him to get Sebastian and meet them upstairs. Kurt took Blaine's shirt off before his own and climbed on top of his boyfriend on Christian's giant bed. He moaned as Blaine wrapped his legs around him and kissed his boyfriend deeply. Kurt ground his hips down, smiling. "You like that?..Him watching us?.." he whispered.

"Yes.." Josh breathed out. Kurt chuckled, squeezing Blaine's ass before giving it a harsh smack.

"Ah! Oohhhh.." Blaine moaned, arching his back.

"So fucking sexy.." Kurt growled.
The door open and Christian raised an eyebrow as he saw Josh, then looked over at the boys on his bed.

Kurt smiled as he laid next to Blaine. "Josh here is trying to take us away from you. We thought you might like to punish him."

Sebastian looked over at the bound boy. He was flushed, his blonde hair messy while his nicely sized cock lay hard against his defined stomach.

"You really thought we'd leave you?" Blaine asked with a smirk.

"I suppose this makes up for it.." Sebastian chuckled. He loved that Kurt and Blaine knew how much he loved to dominate guys like this.. Kurt and Blaine got up and closed the door. They both got on their knees, Blaine in front of Sebastian and Kurt in front of Christian. They unbuttoned and unzipped their pants, pulling their cocks out.

Josh hissed lightly, thrusting up. "Fuck.."

Christian grinned. "Wait your turn."

He gave a desperate grunt as Blaine licked and kissed along Sebastian's shaft eagerly. Kurt batted his lashes, looking up at the lacrosse player innocently as he took the head into his mouth. Christian moaned, smiling wide. "That's right..You like that cock?.."

Kurt nodded as he made his way down.

"Fucking suck me.." Christian moaned, rubbing up and down Sebastian's back to his ass.

Sebastian's mouth fell open slightly. "Shit, Blaine.."

Blaine smiled, flicking his tongue over the tip before licking a thick stripe up the underside. Christian ran his fingertips down Kurt's face. "Want me to fuck your mouth?"

Kurt moaned softly, giving a quick nod. The jock held Kurt by his hair and started to thrust. Kurt relaxed his throat, taking Christian easily. Christian thrust in, making Kurt take all of him and holding him there. Kurt's eyebrows kneaded together as a choking sound escaped him and he gagged around Christian's cock.

"Holy shit.." Josh panted, rolling his body.

Christian gave a low growl and let Kurt off to catch his breath. "Fuck, you're so good."

Kurt just moaned,, gripping Christian by the base and licking up his cock.
Sebastian was pulling Blaine's hair as he bobbed up and down, hissing lightly. "Fucking sluts..So cock hungry.."

"Do it again. On your own." Christian said, looking down at Kurt. Kurt nodded, taking Christian into his mouth before forcing himself down, his nose pressing to Christian's lower stomach. "Mmm, shit.."

Kurt held himself there for as long as he could before choking lightly and pulling off.

"Oh my god.." Josh whined. Blaine looked over at Josh and smiled around Sebastian. Sebastian pulled out and slapped his wet cock against Blaine's cheek. "Don't look at him. Look at me."

"Y-Yes sir.." Blaine whispered, kissing the base softly. "I'm sorry.."

Sebastian looked Christian up and down, getting an idea. He walked him over so they were standing in front of Joshua. "Blaine, I want you and Kurt to suck my boyfriend."

Blaine nodded, crawling over to kneel next to Kurt in front of Christian. He smiled, licking up the shaft slowly along with Kurt.

Sebastian stood behind Christian and nipped at his ear. "How does it feel, baby?"

"Fuck..So fucking good.." Christian panted. Sebastian smiled, kissing down Christian's back. Christian gasped softly, looking back at his boyfriend. Sebastian winked at Josh as he spread his boyfriend and licked around his hole. Christian, spread his legs and bent over slightly, placing one hand on the wall for support. "Sh-Shit!"

Sebastian hummed, pressing his tongue past the the tight ring of muscle.

"Oh god..Fuck..Yes, baby..Yes.."

Kurt moved down to suck on Christian's balls as Blaine took his length. Christian threw his head back, groaning and whimpering as the pleaaure flew through him. Sebastian looked over at Josh and moaned as he licked deeper.
Josh rolled his hips up, moaning softly as a drop of precome dripped down onto his stomach.
Sebastian smiled as he pulled back and smacked his boyfriend's ass. Christian hissed, biting his lip and arching his back.
"Like a Greek God," Sebastian whispered. Christian just chuckled, thrusting into Blaine's mouth. Blaine sucked eagerly, bobbing his head in time with Christian's thrusts.

Josh arched his back. "Fuck..Please.."

"Please what?" Sebastian asked.

"I just need something..Anything..Shit.." He panted, his head falling back as he fucked up into the air, desperate for friction.

"Hmm. Do you think he deserves it?" Sebastian asked Christian.

"I don't know.." Christian hummed, pulling Blaine off of his cock.

"Me neither." Sebastian chuckled.

"What did you plan on doing to our boys?.." Christian asked.

"Bending them over.. Fucking both of them.."

Kurt couldn't help the small moan that slipped out as he ran his hand up and down Christian's leg.

"You want him?" Christian asked. Kurt looked over at Blaine, who bit his lip and nodded.

"You want him more than us?" Sebastian asked.

"N-No sir." Kurt said quickly.

"Good." Sebastian grinned. He turned his head as he heard Blaine gasp then moan. Blaine looked up at Sebastian with innocent eyes.

"What was that?"

"I-I was just thinking.."

"About?.." Sebastian asked as Christian wrapped his arms around him from behind.

Blaine blushed deeply. "Y-You and Christian.. A-At the same time.."

"Christian and I doing what at the same time?.."

"Fucking me.."

Christian growled in Sebastian's ear, tightening his arms around him.

"Oh fuck.." Sebastian moaned. "What about you Kurt?"

"I-I don't know sir.."

"Want to watch first?" Christian asked, running his fingers through Kurt's hair. Kurt leaned into the touch, humming and nodding softly. Christian smiled. "Want to keep him entertained?"

Kurt nodded again, biting his lip.

"Come here, Blaine." Christian purred. Blaine stood, blushing lightly. Christian smiled, pulling Blaine close and kissing him deeply. Blaine gasped harshly, wrapping his arms around the taller's neck.

Sebastian kissed Blaine's neck. "You want to feel both of us? Fucking into that tight little hole?"

"Oh yes..Fuck yes.." Blaine whimpered.

Christian moaned, reaching down to pull off Blaine's pants. "Gonna feel so good."

"I want you both so bad..Shit.."

They got undressed and Christian laid on the bed. "Sit on my lap, facing Sebastian."

Blaine did as he was told as Kurt sat on the arm of the chair Josh was writhing against.

Josh looked up at Kurt. "Fuck.. Give mew something. Please."

Kurt rubbed across his chest and down his abs. " I don't know.." he smiled.

"I want those lips wrapped around my cock.."

Kurt leaned down, pressing a feather-light kiss to his mouth.
"These lips?.."

"Mmm, yes."

"You're gonna get me in touble.." Kurt whispered, kissing down Josh's neck.

"Nu uh. They said you could come to me. You know you want to suck me."

"I do?.." Kurt said innocently.

Josh nodded. "Kurt.."

"What makes you think that?.." Kurt whispered, sitting on his lap.

"Why else would you have brought me up here?" Josh smiled, leaning in to try and bite Kurt's neck.

Kurt placed his hand on Josh's chest, holding him down. "Well, mostly to get them riled up.." Kurt said, looking over his shoulder and watching as Blaine was being fingered by both of the other boys. The blue eyed boy looked back at Josh. "But you have been hard for a while.." he purred, pushing his clothed ass back against Josh's throbbing erection.

Josh gave a low growl. "Fuck.."

Kurt smiled, leaning down to kiss Josh deeply, pulling on the blond locks. Kurt hummed before pulling away and kissing down Josh's chest.
Blaine looked over and watched. His back arched and he let out a long groan of pleasure. Sebastian smiled, slipping a third finger into Blaine as he looked back at Kurt and Josh. "You gonna suck him, babe?.."

"Do you want me to?" Kurt asked innocently, batting his lashes at the Warbler.

"If you think he deserves it.." Sebastian nodded. Kurt grinned, turning back to Josh.
Blaine whined, watching his boyfriend with lust-filled eyes.

Josh licked his lips. "Come on.. I need it.."

"Someone's impatient.." Kurt hummed.

"Just want you.."

Kurt chuckled, gripping the base of Josh's leaking member.

Josh gasped harshly. "Fuck yes."

"Sensitive.." Kurt whispered, giving the head a small lick.


Kurt pumped Josh a few times before sucking him into his mouth.

Joshua's eyes rolled back as he moaned deeply. "Fuck.. Kurt.."

Kurt bobbed his head slowly, sucking and licking in all of the right ways. Josh struggled in his ties. He wanted so badly to reach out and pull Kurt's hair. Kurt smiled around him as he struggled, pulling off and pumping him slowly.
"Oh shit.." Josh groaned. "D-Do what you did to Christian.."

Kurt nodded, sucking Josh deep into his throat, taking him to the base.

Josh thrust up, making Kurt sputter. "Fuck! Choke on my fucking dick.."

Kurt held himself down as long as he could. Before pulling off and gasping for air.

"Holy shit.." Josh panted. Kurt cleared his throat, humming softly.

"Oh my god.. Kurt.." Blaine moaned from the bed.

Kurt looked over at his boyfriend, who was already filled with Christian's cock. "Fuck, baby.."

Sebastian slowly slid two fingers inside Blaine. "You're gonna be so sore tomorrow..:

Blaine whined. "Oh fuck..I want it..I want it.."

"Have you done this before, baby?" Christian asked Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded, "Kurt and I did this to him."

Blaine gasped sharply as Sebastian added a third finger.

"So fucking tight.." Christian smiled.

Blaine blushed deeply. "Kurt.. Bring him to the bed.."

Kurt nodded, standing and pulling Josh up. They laid on the bed and Kurt climbed on top of Josh. Josh thrust up, panting softly.

"Tell us what to do, Blaine.."

"Sh-Shit..I..I want you to ride him.."

Kurt rolled his hips down. "I bet you like it fast. Don't you?"

Josh moaned deeply. "Fuck, yes.."

Kurt grinned as he took his pants off. Josh moaned at the sight of Kurt's naked body. "Kurt.."


"You're so fucking hot.."

"Mmmm. Thank you." Kurt smiled, reaching behind him to pump his leaking cock. Josh gave an obscene moan, his back arching.
Blaine reached over, pinching his boyfriend's nipple. Kurt gasped, his hips rolling forward before he leaned over to kiss Blaine deeply.
"God damn.. You two are hot.."

Kurt chuckled as Sebastian pulled his fingers out of Blaine, making him gasp.

"I-I'm ready.."

Sebastian nodded, kneeling in front of Blaine before slowly pushing in.


"Fuck..Oh god." Christian panted.

"How do you feel?" Kurt whispered in a low voice.

"Fucking..Full.." Blaine panted.

"Tell us when you're ready."

Blaine nodded, looking down as Kurt put a condom on Josh. He positioned himself and sank down. Josh growled, thrusting up into Kurt. "Ungh!"

"So tight. Fucking ride me.."

Kurt rolled his hips fast, his hands exploring his own chest.

Blaine whined. "Fuck me..Please.."

Sebastian groaned as he started to thrust. Blaine let his head fall back, moaning loudly.

"You love taking us like a fucking slut, don't you?" Christian growled.

"Yes..Ohmygod yes!"

"Touch me.." Kurt whispered, untying
Josh's hands. Josh sat up, gripping Kurt's waist and kissing across his chest.

"Mmm, Josh.."

"Fucking sexy.." Josh panted, smacking Kurt's ass.

"Ah!" Kurt gasped.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck as he spread his thighs wide, holding them apart.

"Holy shit.." Sebastian moaned.

"S-So much.."

Josh brought a hand up and placed it around Kurt's neck. "Faster."

Kurt gasped, giving a loud moan as he bounced on Josh's cock faster. Josh moaned as his head fell back. "Slap me.. Please.."

"Slap you?.." Kurt grinned, clawing down Josh's chest. "Fuck, you're kinky.."

Josh nodded as he looked to the slender boy. Kurt ran his hand over Josh's cheek, moaning softly.

"Do it." Josh grinned. Kurt brought his hand down across Josh's face, growling lightly. Josh gasped before starting to pant. "Again."

Kurt growled, doing it again, a bit harder. "Fuck..You fucking like that?.."

"Fuckyes.." Josh moaned. Kurt placed his hand on Josh's neck, squeezing roughly. Josh let out a strangled growl as he fucked up into Kurt.

Blaine watched, moaning deeply. "S-Sebastian..."

"Fuck, you feel good," Sebastian breathed out. His eyes rolled back at the feel of himself sliding against Christian. Christian grabbed Blaine's hips, holding him still as he fucked into him.
Kurt reached over and grabbed Blaine's hand. "Ungh! Oh, fuck!"

Blaine laced their fingers together, squeezing lightly as his moans started to get louder.


"Fuck..I'm so close.." the youngest boy moaned.

"Come babe." Christian groaned.

Blaine rocked his hips faster, before letting his head fall back on Christian's shoulder and coming hard. Sebastian slowed his thrusts as Blaine came down. Blaine melted between them, panting harshly.
Chritsian and Sebastian slowly pulled out. "Baby.. I want you to fuck me.."

Christian nodded, gently laying Blaine down before pulling Sebastian into his lap. The Warbler smiled as he rolled his hips.
"So fucking hot.." Christian whispered as Kurt's moans grew higher and louder.
Blaine got on his knees and kissed Kurt's neck. "You're so sexy."

"Fuck!" Kurt whimpered, arching his back.

"Talk to me, Baby."

"So fucking good..Ungh! Josh!..Baby..Blaine..Spank me.."

Blaine moaned as he brought his hand down on Kurt's perfect ass.

"Ah!" Kurt cried, clawing down Josh's chest.

"Kurt..I'm close.."

"Come in me..Fucking come in my slutty little hole.." Kurt growled, bouncing faster. Blaine gasped at Kurt's words. He never thought something so dirty could be so damn sexy. Josh gripped Blaine's ass, pushing a finger into his open hole before he arched up, giving a pornographically obscene moan as he came, his legs twitching slightly. Blaine gave a low groan as he kissed Kurt. "Come baby.."

Kurt rocked his hips once more before coming across Josh's chest.

"Fuck.." Sebastian whispered as he let Christian slide into him. Christian wrapped his strong arms around Sebastian's waist with every intention of plowing into him until he looked up. Dear god..Sebastian looked so beautiful from this angle..So perfect.. He ran his palms up and down Sebastian's side as he gave slow, smooth thrusts into him. Sebastian fluttered his lashes as he looked at his boyfriend.
"You're stunning.." Christian whispered.

Sebastian blushed lightly, forgetting about everyone else. "I love you.."

"I love you too.." Christian whispered, kissing Sebastian's chest.

Kurt and Blaine gasped, huge grins spreading across their faces. They held a finger to their lips and motioned for Josh to get his clothes and head back downstairs with them.

Christian laid them down and rolled over so he was on top of Sebastian, panting lightly. "I love you.." He whispered, loving how he felt as the words left his lips. His voice was weak and a bit teary as he pressed his forehead to his lover's.

"I love you so much," Sebastian said quietly, his eyes full of admiration. Christian tried to hold back, but finally let go, a tear slipping down his cheek as he wrapped his arms around Sebastian. The Warbler cupped Christian's cheek and wiped the tear away. "Make love to me.."

Christian nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to Sebastian's lips as he slowly rolled his body. Sebastian let out broken whimpers as he clutched to Christian. Christian breathed in Sebastian's ear. "Sebastian..You..Perfect..So..I" He whispered.

Sebastian's breathing hitched. "R-Really?.."

"So much.." Christian whimpered. "I love you..I love you so much..I love you.."

"Oh, Christian.." Sebastian whispered. "I-I love you too.."

Christian kissed Sebastian passionately as he thrust into him deeper. Sebastian held onto Christian's arms as his orgasm slowly started to build. Christian pulled back a bit, watching Sebastian as he sped up a bit more. Sebastian looked up with hooded eyes as his breathing increased.
"So beautiful.." Christian panted.

"Christian.." Sebastian gasped. Christian ran his hands down Sebastian's sides to his thighs as he felt the heat pooling at the base if his spine.
of** Sebastian cupped Christian's cheek. "I'm so close.."

"So am I..Come with me.." Christian whispered, pressing his lips to Sebastian's. He wanted to press his body to him. To touch every inch of his beautiful body. Sebastian moaned and whimpered as his muscles tightened and he spilled himself between them. Christian gave one more deep thrust into Sebastian, coming inside of him and panting lightly as he continued to press kisses to his lips.
"" Sebastian breathed out between kisses.

"I love you too, Sebastian.." Christian whispered. Sebastian clutched to his boyfriend as he sighed happily. They laid like that for a while, Christian inside of Sebastian, wrapped around him while they exchanged lazy kisses.

Suddenly the door burst open and a couple came in, making out fiercely, the girl attempting to rip the guy's shirt off.

"Hey!" Christian yelled. "A little busy here!"

The guy looked up. "Oh, my bad, bro." He chuckled before pulling the girl, who looked rather pissed, out of the room.
Sebastian giggled, cupping Christian' s face in his hands. "Do you even know that guy?.."

"No." Christian laughed. Sebastian just smiled, running his hands over Christian's jaw, cheeks and forehead. He brushed a few stray hairs away and sighed happily.

"I've never felt this before.." Christian whispered.

"Neither have I.." Sebastian said softly. Christian smiled as he laid down and pulled Sebastian close.


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