June 30, 2013, 5:05 p.m.
June 30, 2013, 5:05 p.m.
"Yeah baby?" Blaine asked, looking up from where his head was in Kurt's lap.
"I...umm...had a dream last night.." Kurt said, looking a little conflicted. This was either going to go well or horribly bad. He had to word all of this right. "I want to talk to you about it..."
"What was it about?" Blaine asked as Kurt played with his curls, which were now free from their prison of product since it was the weekend.
"Well...If I tell you...Can you promise to be honest? I know it's just a dream...But there's a reason I'm asking..." Kurt said softly.
"Of course.." Blaine said softly, his eyebrows kneading together nevertheless.
Kurt continued to play with Blaine's curls as he stared off at the wall. "So...We were at this pool party and Sebastian was there...And well...you couldn't keep your eyes off of him and his abs as he kept talking to you...And well before I finish...What do you think about him? And no, this isn't a trick question. I really want to know what you think..."
"Well...I think he's a tool..But, I guess I could say he's attractive..yeah.." Blaine said, wondering where this was going.
"And like when we're with him, he bugs the living hell out of me. But in the dream...Well, it kind of turned me on...the way his eyes roamed your body and how you looked at him...It just...got me thinking..." Kurt said, his hands shaking with nerves.
"Thinking about what?" Blaine asked warily.
"Well...it's not like I want him or anything...But just from like...a sexual point of view...What would you think of adding someone once? Just an idea..."
Blaine's face went blank for a moment, but then it looked like he started to think. "How would we do it?" He said finally.
"Well we'd have to pick someone who'd be up for it..." Kurt said. "And we both know he would be. But I didn't know how comfortable you'd be. If we did though...To make it more intimate for you and I...We could have like either you on top of me or me over you, holding hands and kissing...He'd be behind us, like I guess going back and forth between us...We'd be able to look into each other's eyes...And please don't think I got all the specifics from thinking about him. I've kinda thought about it before...But it was just a celebrity crush and would never happen..."
Blaine nodded, biting his lip and thinking again. "I..I think we could do that.."
Kurt looked down in shock. "Really? You...You want to?"
"Yeah..It could be fun." Blaine smiled.
"Well that was easier than I thought," Kurt giggled. "I really thought you'd tease me for that last part."
"What celebrity Kurt?" Blaine asked grinning.
Kurt blushed fiercely. "Ricky Martin..."
Blaine giggled. "You're so cute..But Ricky Martin is hot.."
Kurt's mouth dropped. "You ass!" he said, slapping Blaine's stomach lightly.
"What? You're the one fantasizing about him!" Blaine laughed.
"You said I was cute and he was hot!" Kurt said, blushing more.
"I'm just kidding baby.." Blaine said, climbing up to sit on Kurt's lap. "You're much hotter..And I bet you could move your hips better too..."
Kurt whimpered. "Oh God...Blaine..."
"And Ricky Martin won’t be fucking me any time soon.." Blaine grinned, leaning down to kiss Kurt.
Kurt gripped Blaine's hips, moaning loudly into the kiss.
"Do you want to fuck me Kurt?" Blaine whispered against his lips.
Kurt thrust his hips up. "Yes.."
Blaine moaned in the most orgasmic way Kurt had ever heard. "Baby..I want you to mark me...So when we're with Sebastian, he knows I'm yours."
Kurt tangled his hands in Blaine's hair, bringing him down so he could suck at that gorgeous olive skin.
"Ah!" Blaine gasped. "Yes...Kuurrt..I want them everywhere..Please.."
Kurt moaned in response, making sure to leave bruises all over Blaine's neck.
Blaine groaned, rolling his body at the pleasure filled pain. "Fuck yes..Kurt.."
Kurt leaned back, pulling Blaine's shirt off and pushing him onto his back before attaching his lips to his chest.
Blaine moaned deep in his throat, writhing as Kurt did his work.
Kurt took his time, marking up and down Blaine's chest. He straddled his boyfriend's lap and chuckled. "Yeah, he'll know you're mine."
Blaine looked down to inspect the hickeys when he noticed that Kurt had arranged them to spell out "KURT" Across the lower part of his stomach. It wasn't very big, or neat, but it was dark, and easy to see. "You're so hot baby.." Blaine breathed out.
Kurt smiled, biting his lip as he admired his work. "I love it."
"So do I..." Blaine grinned.
Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine passionately and fiercely.
Blaine moaned against Kurt's lips, rolling his hips up into his boyfriend's.
"I want to fuck you so bad baby.." Kurt whispered hotly.
"Please..I'm yours baby..Fuck me..Please.." Blaine gasped desperately.
Kurt tore his vest and shirt off before working on his jeans. "You're so fucking hot, Blaine.."
Blaine groaned at the relief of being freed from the tight jeans. "Oh god.."
Kurt kissed down Blaine's chest. "Just remember...you're...mine..."
"I'm yours baby...Only yours..I belong to you..." Blaine panted.
Kurt moaned, taking Blaine deep in his throat.
Blaine's hips bucked up, moaning loudly and thanking whatever deity there was that his parents weren't home.
Kurt sucked harder, making Blaine writhe before he pulled off and reached over for the lube. "How do you want me baby?"
"Bend me over...Hands and knees..I want you hard Kurt..So hard..." Blaine whined.
"Turn over," Kurt instructed as he slicked himself up.
Blaine did as he was told while Kurt pulled his jeans the rest of the way off.
Kurt carefully pressed against Blaine's entrance, slowly pressing into him.
"Ngh..." Blaine bore down on Kurt, pushing back a bit to take more of him.
Kurt gripped Blaine's ass as he took him to the hilt. "Holy fuck baby..."
"Kurt..So big..." Blaine groaned. "Move..Please.."
Kurt moaned loudly at Blaine's words as he started moving his hips.
"Oh yes...Kurt...So good.." Blaine panted rolling his body slightly.
Kurt sped up, reaching up to grab Blaine's hair. "Fuck!"
Blaine gasped loudly as Kurt pulled lightly on his curls. "Harder.." he growled.
Shit! Kurt loved when Blaine used that voice. He moaned, slamming into Blaine.
"Fuck! Kurt! O-h god..." Blaine moaned loudly, dropping down onto his elbows as his thighs quivered with pleasure.
Kurt grabbed Blaine's hips, thrusting as hard as he could. "Talk to me baby..."
Blaine rested his forehead on the bed, struggling to form a coherent sentence. "God..Kurt..You're so fucking..Ah! Big..I love the w-way you stretch me..Feels so g-gah! Good.."
Kurt let out a long whine. "Oh fuck Blaine! You're so tight!"
"B-baby..I..I know it's soon but..I'm so close..." Blaine whimpered.
Kurt continued to ram into Blaine, hitting that spot every time. "God! Me too Blaine..."
"Kurt! Oh god..I-I'm- Ahh!" Blaine cried out as he came, his body trembling as his orgasm flowed through him.
Kurt came hard as Blaine's muscles fluttered around him.
Blaine panted, turning his neck so he could look back at Kurt. "I love you.." He said, giving a sated smile.
Kurt leaned down, kissing the small of Blaine's back. "I love you too baby.."
Blaine grinned, one thing was for sure, if Sebastian couldn't satisfy him tonight, Kurt sure as hell would later.
That night as they got in the car to go to the Lima Bean and meet Sebastian for a "cup of coffee" Blaine was a little nervous, and Kurt could tell.
"Baby, it's going to be okay," Kurt smiled, taking his hand. "Want me to do the talking?"
Blaine nodded, squeezing Kurt's hand. "If you don't mind.."
"No at all," Kurt said softly.
They drove to the Lima Bean, and walked inside, hand in hand seeing Sebastian at a table. He was watching one of the workers as he bent over to wipe down the counter opposite him with those hungry eyes. The same hungry eyes he got when he looked at Blaine.
Kurt smiled as Blaine pulled out a chair for him before sitting next to him. "Never get enough, do you?" Kurt asked.
"Hmm? Oh hey Kurt." Sebastian said, giving that signature sardonic smile. "Didn't notice you..But how could I not notice you?" He said, his eyes flashing as he looked to Blaine.
Kurt rolled his eyes and took Blaine's hand. "I'm so proud to call him mine."
"I would be too.." Sebastian said, his tongue darting out to lick at the corner of his mouth as he thought of all the things he could do to Blaine.
"Anyways. Getting to the point.." Kurt said. "We have a question for you..."
"And that would be?" Sebastian asked not taking his eyes off of Blaine, who shifted a bit under the Warbler's gaze.
"Seriously! Will you stop looking at him like that?" Kurt asked, annoyed.
Sebastian's eyes slowly drifted to Kurt, losing their luster immediately as he turned his head to face the countertenor.
Kurt sighed. "We were wondering...if you'd want to...have sex...with us..."
Sebastian's eyebrows shot up. "Excuse me?"
Kurt looked up. "Would you be interested in fucking the both of us or not?"
Sebastian was a bit thrown off. "Well..Possibly.." He said, regaining a bit of his cockiness.
"Possibly?" Kurt asked. "I thought you were the kind guy who never turned sex down."
"Well I don't, but you'll forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical.."
"Well, we are serious.."
Sebastian grinned, sitting back in his chair.
"You're being awfully quiet Blaine.."
Blaine nodded. "W-we talked about it earlier."
"Well..This is an interesting development..I would just have to say yes..You're too good to pass up..Even if he's involved.." Sebastian said to Blaine.
Kurt bit his lip. "Ass. You're lucky I'm even letting you."
Sebastian chuckled. "When and where?"
"Well my house is empty all weekend. Dad and Carole will be gone and I convinced Finn to leave."
"How about tonight?" Sebastian asked, smirking.
"Fine," Kurt rolled his eyes. "Blaine?"
"That's fine." Blaine nodded, looking down as Sebastian eyed him hungrily.
"Follow us to my house?" Kurt suggested. He was already starting to regret this. Tonight would be all about Sebastian wanting Blaine.
Sebastian nodded, standing as they all walked out and to their cars.
Kurt sighed as he started his car. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah..Just a little nervous.." Blaine said as they pulled out.
"Me too..." Kurt whispered. "For a minute, I forgot how much he hated me.."
"Well hopefully this will settle your differences.." Blaine chuckled.
Kurt laughed. "He'll probably hate me and want you even more."
"I'll make sure that doesn't happen.." Blaine said.
"What do you mean?" Kurt asked.
"You'll see.." Blaine said slyly.
Kurt eyed his boyfriend. "Alright..."
They got to the house, Sebastian pulling in behind them.
Kurt rolled his eyes as Sebastian stared at Blaine's ass. He opened the door and led them downstairs.
"So how are we doing this?" Sebastian asked smirking and crossing his arms.
Kurt explained his idea to him. "Is that fine with you?"
"That's perfect..." Sebastian smiled.
"I'll only do this on one condition.." Blaine spoke up.
Kurt and Sebastian both looked at Blaine.
"What is it?" Kurt asked.
"Sebastian, you have to pay as much attention to Kurt as you do me..."
Kurt looked up, half embarrassed but half touched by Blaine's caring. He looked up at Sebastian, waiting for an answer.
"I never said I wouldn't.." Sebastian said, looking up and down Kurt's body.
Kurt blushed, looking back at Blaine. "So did you want to be on top of me or me over you?"
"You on top of me if that's okay.." Blaine said softly.
"Of course.." Kurt smiled at Blaine. He looked up at Sebastian, not want to say this but he didn't really have a choice. "So...How does this start?"
Sebastian smiled, giving a small laugh before pulling Kurt closer to him and kissing him deeply.
Kurt was thrown off guard. He didn't except kissing. But to his surprise, kissing Sebastian wasn't that bad.
Sebastian moaned into the kiss, his hands roaming up and down Kurt's sides when Kurt felt Blaine's lips on the back of his neck and hid hands running around to his chest.
Kurt moaned, pushing his ass back to Blaine and wrapping his arms around Sebastian's neck.
Sebastian kissed down to Kurt's jaw and to his neck before leaning around to kiss Blaine, who inhaled sharply at the contact.
Kurt attached his lips to Sebastian's, his hands roaming down to lift the taller boy's shirt.
Sebastian pulled back, letting Kurt pull off his shirt.
Kurt bit his lip, looking up and down Sebastian's body.
Sebastian grinned, "Like what you see?"
"Yeah.." Kurt whispered, reaching out to touch him.
Sebastian smiled, sighing softly as he leaned back in to kiss Blaine deeply.
Kurt tilted his head, watching Sebastian kiss his boyfriend. "That's really hot..."
Sebastian smiled against Blaine's lips as Blaine whimpered.
Kurt snaked his hands around, squeezing Sebastian's ass as he bit his neck.
"Mmmph..." Sebastian moaned as Blaine turned Kurt's face, kissing him as he started to pull his shirt off.
Kurt gasped, watching Sebastian as his eyes roamed Kurt's body.
Sebastian's hand ran up Kurt's body as his other grabbed Blaine, pulling him to stand next to them so they all had equal access to each other.
Kurt took Blaine's shirt off, bringing a hand up to each of the boy's abs.
They both made small noises as Blaine leaned in to kiss Sebastian's neck. "Fuck.." Sebastian gasped.
Kurt pressed his lips to Sebastian's chest, moving down to kiss and lick at those beautiful abs.
Sebastian moaned softly as he looked down at Kurt before starting to unbutton Blaine's jeans.
Kurt slowly undid Sebastian's jeans, pulling them down and gasping at the sight before him.
Blaine looked down as Kurt gasped. "Holy shit.." He whimpered as Sebastian smiled cockily.
Kurt licked his lips, motioning for Blaine to get down on his knees.
Blaine nodded, kneeling next to Kurt and kissing him softly.
Kurt moaned, taking Sebastian's head into his mouth as Blaine worked up and down the sides of his member.
"Oh shit..." Sebastian moaned as Blaine licked up and down his long shaft. The curly haired boy whined, watching his boyfriend as he sucked at the head.
Kurt stood up, undressing the rest of the way as he watch his boyfriend take Sebastian.
Blaine took Sebastian's length down his throat, leaving Sebastian gasping harshly, treading his fingers through the dark curls.
Kurt leaned up, kissing Sebastian as his hand traveled down to grip his ass.
Sebastian moaned as Blaine took Kurt in his hand, pumping him slowly.
Kurt whimpered lightly, taking Blaine's hair in his hands and pulling off of Sebastian.
Sebastian growled biting Kurt's neck roughly as Blaine started to suck Kurt, pumping Sebastian slowly.
"Fuck!" Kurt moaned, pulling Blaine's hair. He'd definitely have a bruise later.
Blaine whined loudly, looking up at the two.
"You're so hot baby..." Kurt groaned.
Sebastian tugged at Blaine's hair hinting for him to move over to him and Blaine moaned, complying.
Kurt whined at the loss, pulling Sebastian closer and biting his neck, dragging his nails down his back.
"Ooohh...Kurt.." Sebastian moaned, starting to give shallow thrusts into Blaine's mouth.
Kurt growled in Sebastian's ear, pulling Blaine off with a pop before bringing him over to himself.
Blaine moaned, he was loving this.
"Your boyfriend is such a little cockslut Kurt.." Sebastian whispered, running his hands across Kurt's chest and stomach.
Kurt whimpered. "As am I. I just love his."
"Aawwe, you don't love mine?" Sebastian asked, kissing Kurt's ear as Blaine deep throated him.
Kurt moaned. "I wouldn't know. I only had the tip."
"Mmmm...You want more?" Sebastian asked, nibbling at Kurt's lobe.
Kurt nodded. "I want to watch you kiss Blaine as I suck you.."
Blaine took this as his cue to stand, kissing Kurt softly before turning to kiss Sebastian.
Kurt moaned as he watched, dropping to knees and taking Sebastian deep.
Sebastian moaned into Blaine's mouth, biting his bottom lips as he gripped his ass roughly.
Kurt's hands roamed Sebastian's stomach and abs as he sucked harder.
Sebastian growled softly, smacking Blaine's perfect ass, causing him to jump, but still moan.
Kurt moaned around Sebastian, reaching over to pump Blaine slowly.
"Kuuurrrt..." Blaine moaned, tangling his fingers in Sebastian's hair before kissing him fiercely.
Kurt took Sebastian deeper, choking a little at first. He relaxed his throat, using his other hand to grab Sebastian's ass.
Blaine looked down as Sebastian kissed down his neck. Fuck, Sebastian was big, and Kurt took him so well.
Kurt locked eyes with Blaine, looking up at him with eyes full of love and lust.
Blaine moaned at the sight. "Kurt, you're so hot..."
Kurt added a little more pressure to Blaine, sucking Sebastian harder.
"God..I can't wait to fuck the both of you.." Sebastian rasped.
Kurt moaned loudly around Sebastian before pulling off. He stood up and kissed Blaine deeply. "Are you ready?"
Blaine nodded, kissing Kurt again. as Sebastian ran his hands up and down their bodies.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, kissing him deeply.
Sebastian stood behind Blaine, kissing across the back of his shoulders. "Bed..." he mumbled.
Kurt led Blaine to his bed and climbed on top of him.
Sebastian kneeled behind them, palming at Kurt's as and spreading him. "God you're hot..."
Kurt whimpered, leaning down to kiss Blaine.
Sebastian groaned, slapping Kurt's beautiful ass. "Where's the lube." he commanded.
Kurt let out a long moan. "The nightstand drawer.."
Sebastian pulled it out, slicking up both hands before slowly pressing a finger into each of them.
Kurt and Blaine both let out a whine. "Fuck...Sebastian..."
Blaine clung to Kurt, kissing his neck as Sebastian fingered both of them slowly.
Kurt whimpered. "Baby...oh shit..."
"Sebastian..More.." Blaine gasped before the taller added another finger to each of them.
Kurt buried his face in Blaine's neck, rolling his body over his.
"Unh..Kurt.." Blaine gasped, feeling Kurt's member pressing against his own.
"Blaine!" Kurt gasped as Sebastian rubbed over his prostate.
Sebastian grinned as he found the spot inside Kurt, beginning to rub over it repeatedly as Blaine rolled their hips together.
"Sebastian!!!" Kurt cried out, biting Blaine's neck.
Blaine groaned loudly as Sebastian brushed over his prostate as well. "Se-Sebastian..Fuck!"
Kurt bit his lip, looking down at Blaine. "God baby...you're so sexy..."
"I love you Kurt.." Blaine whimpered before kissing Kurt deeply.
Kurt sighed into the kiss, rocking his hips over Blaine. "I love you so much..."
Sebastian added another finger to each of them, licking his lips.
"Talk to us, Sebastian..." Kurt moaned.
Sebastian leaned down, kissing the small of Kurt's back. "God I can't wait to fuck you Kurt..Blaine..God, you're both so fucking sexy and tight..Feel so good around me..." Sebastian said darkly.
Kurt whined. "Fuck Sebastian...I can't wait to feel you..."
"Beg for me...Both of you.." Sebastian demanded, speeding up his fingers.
"Unnghh, Sebastian please...Please fuck us..." Blaine panted.
"Oh God...I want you to fill us...Please...I want that huge cock stretching us and...ahh! making us scream..." Kurt moaned loudly.
Sebastian growled deep in his throat, pulling his fingers out of them and pulling Blaine up a bit, positioning himself at his entrance.
Blaine gasped and Kurt knew. He looked down at his boyfriend, watching as the emotions danced across his face as Sebastian pushed in.
"Oh...Fuck..Sebastian.." Blaine got out both each breath as Sebastian ran his free hand up and down Kurt's back.
Kurt licked his lips. "You're so beautiful, Blaine.."
Blaine leaned up, kissing Kurt deeply as Sebastian pushed in all of the way. "Fuck..Blaine..." Sebastian groaned.
Blaine whimpered into the kiss. Kurt reached up, pulling his curls lightly.
Sebastian clawed down Kurt's back as he slowly started rolling his hips. "So fucking tight.." He whispered.
Kurt threw his head back, "Fuck..."
Blaine rolled his hips up, keeping his contact with Kurt as much as he could as Sebastian sped up.
Kurt kissed Blaine's forehead. "Tell me how it feels.."
"So good..Fuck..He's..He's big.." Blaine gasped, blushing a bit as he said this to Kurt.
Kurt moaned, kissing Blaine deeply.
Sebastian thrust into Blaine a few more times before slowly pulling out, and placing himself at Kurt's waiting hole.
Kurt licked his lips, looking into Blaine's eyes as he waited.
Sebastian slowly pushed into Kurt, moaning softly as he felt the tight warmth. "Damn Kurt.."
Kurt breathed out heavily. "Holy shit, Sebastian!"
Sebastian chuckled cockily. "Fuck, you like that Kurt?" He asked as Blaine kissed and sucked on the paler boy's neck.
Kurt whined, "Yes...Oh my God..."
"Talk to me Kurt.." Blaine whispered hotly, kissing his ear as Sebastian started to thrust.
Kurt let out a low growl. "Fuck...Blaine....He's so big...so ahh! So good..."
Sebastian moaned deeply as Blaine addressed him. "Fuck him harder..He likes it hard.."
Kurt balled his fists in the sheets, leaning down to breathe heavily in Blaine's ear as Sebastian started moving faster.
Sebastian slapped Kurt's ass hard, panting harshly as he started to slam into him.
"AH! FUCK!" Kurt screamed, biting Blaine's ear. "Fuck! Sebastian!"
"Oh my god.." Sebastian moaned. "You really do like it hard, don't you?" He asked as Blaine grinded his hips into Kurt's.
"Yes! Oh fuck!" Kurt groaned, kissing Blaine fiercely.
Blaine moaned, kissing Kurt back as Sebastian pulled out of Kurt and pushed back into Blaine.
Kurt smiled as Blaine jumped a little, causing his hips to thrust up against him. "Oh God, Blaine..."
"Fuck..This is..So hot.." Blaine panted as Sebastian thrust harder intro Blaine.
Kurt nodded. "I'm so glad you agreed to it..."
Blaine started to say something but cried out instead, his eyes screwing shut.
"You're so beautiful, baby," Kurt said softly, kissing Blaine's neck.
"K-Kurt...Aahh.." Blaine moaned louder as Sebastian thrust harder.
Kurt bit Blaine's neck, watching as the pleasure went through him.
Sebastian went back and forth between them, his orgasm building with each thrust until he pulled out, cumming in long ropes on Kurt's back, moaning loudly. "Shit..Now will one of you please fuck me?" Sebastian panted.
"If it’s okay with Blaine, I'll let him fuck you if you suck me..." Kurt said carefully.
They both nodded as Kurt climbed off of Blaine and Sebastian got on his hands and knees. Blaine grabbed the lube, kneeling behind Sebastian as he slicked himself up.
Kurt stood in front of Sebastian, wrapping his hands in his hair. "God, you're hot..."
Sebastian moaned, trying to get at Kurt's cock as Blaine started to finger him.
Kurt stepped forward, letting just the head slip into Sebastian's mouth.
Sebastian closed his eyes, sighing happily as he sucked at the head, running the tip of his tongue over the slit and jumping as Blaine added another finger.
Kurt moaned, his eyes going back and forth from his boyfriend to Sebastian's mouth.
Sebastian moaned wantonly as Blaine sped up his fingers and looked up at Kurt.
Kurt stepped closer, letting Sebastian take him whole.
Sebastian moaned around Kurt, his body shivering with pleasure as Blaine added another finger.
"Such a good little slut.." Blaine growled.
Kurt let out a small whine, licking his lips as Blaine talked to Sebastian.
"You like that?" Blaine asked, pressing against his prostate. Sebastian whimpered loudly, nodding as he bobbed his head faster.
Kurt pulled on Sebastian's hair. "Fuck, you're good at that..."
Sebastian looked up at Kurt before his eyes rolled back, squeezing them shut as Kurt looked up and saw Blaine pushing into him.
Kurt bit his lip as he watched Blaine disappear into Sebastian. "Blaine..."
Blaine looked up and got chills as he watched Sebastian suck Kurt. "Fuck you're so sexy Kurt.."
Kurt gasped, "Shit...Blaine...So are you..."
Blaine slowly started to thrust into Sebastian, causing him to cry out around Kurt.
Kurt let out a long, low moan. "Shit, Sebastian..."
Sebastian pulled off for a moment. "Fuck my mouth...Please.."
Kurt growled deep in his throat, gripping Sebastian's hair and thrusting into him.
Sebastian whined needily as Kurt and Blaine both rammed into him in both directions. Fuck, he was in heaven.
Kurt moved his hips faster. "Damn, Sebastian...You look so fucking hot like this.."
Blaine brought his hand down on Sebastian's ass, causing him to moan loudly as he looked up at Kurt.
Kurt looked up at Blaine with lustful eyes. This was so much better than he imagined.
"Baby...I'm so close.." Blaine gasped.
"Me too Blaine..." Kurt moaned. "You ready to taste me, Sebastian?" He growled.
Sebastian nodded fiercely, relaxing his throat as Blaine pulled out, pumping himself quickly.
Kurt sped up, pulling his hair harder as he came in long streaks down Sebastian's throat.
Sebastian moaned loudly, swallowing around Kurt as Blaine came on his lower back, panting harshly.
Kurt breathed out heavily as Sebastian swallowed all of him. He reached out for Blaine, pulling him in for a deep kiss.
Blaine kissed Kurt back, moaning against his lips as the kiss became les heated. "I love you.." Blaine sighed happily.
Kurt gave Blaine a sated smiled. "I love you too."
Sebastian collapsed on the bed, panting harshly. "Fuck.."
Kurt chuckled. "Looks like we wore you out."
Sebastian chuckled. "Just a little.."
"Only a little?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow at the panting boy.
"Okay..A lot.." He admitted smiling.
Kurt couldn't help but giggle. Maybe things would turn around.
They got up and got dressed before Sebastian was on his way out. "Maybe we can do this again sometime?" He asked, smirking.
Kurt shrugged. "I wouldn't mind. Blaine?"
"Maybe.." Blaine smiled.
"Well, I’ll see you boys soon..Hopefully sooner than later.." Sebastian smiled, and with that he was gone.
I loved the new chapter, I can't wait for the next one. However I am not a fan of Puck..but the other stuff is great!
oh my goodness..once again..wow....
Wow just wow can't wait to read more. I love sweet kind sabastin I like where this is going. I like the fact that Kurt is comfortable with his body. Are you planning any angst like the couples falling in love with one of the others and testing the strength if the realationship?