Senior Year: New To McKinley Part II
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Senior Year: New To McKinley Part II: Chapter 8

E - Words: 5,873 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
397 0 0 0 0

The next morning Blaine left to go to his mom and they were on the way to her doctor. Blaine was driving and Marissa was smiling happily with her hand over her baby bump.

Blaine looked over and smiled. "You're so cute when you're happy like this. It's nice to see you happy."

"I'm so happy...I'm excited to find out if it's a boy or a girl.." she said sighing happily.

"Which do you want?"

"It really doesn’t matter to me...I'll love them just as much either way." She said, reaching over to grab Blaine's hand.

Blaine smiled as he gave her hand a light squeeze. "Are you nervous?"

"A little..I hope everything is okay.." She sighed.

"It will be. You're doing everything right."

Marissa nodded, staying silent and subconsciously rubbing her tummy as they drove.

They drove up and Blaine walked Marissa inside, getting her checked in and sitting in the waiting room.

The doctor called them back into the room and Marissa lied back on the table and he asked her a few questions before they got started.

Blaine sat down next to his mother, holding her hand as the doctor got her ready.

He spread the gel on her stomach and started looking for the baby. "And there's your baby.." He said smiling as it showed up on the screen.

Marissa gasped and squeezed Blaine's hand. "Can you tell the sex?"

The doctor nodded, moving around a bit more. "It's a boy.." he said and Marissa smiled, tears filling her eyes.

Blaine's breath caught as he started to cry as well. "I'm gonna have a brother," he said happily.

Marissa squeezed Blaine's hand. "He's amazing..." She said quietly.

"And he's perfectly healthy. His heartbeat looks normal...Everything is fine." The doctor said smiling.

"See? I told you," Blaine smiled. "That's so amazing..."

The tears streamed down Marissa's face as she looked at her son on the screen.

Blaine kissed his mom's hand. "He's beautiful..."

"He is.." she smiled, wiping her tears with her free hand.

Blaine didn't take his eyes off the screen as the doctor cleaned off the gel and Marissa got dressed.

The doctor handed Marissa a DVD of the ultrasound and she thanked him before she walked out, hand in hand with Blaine.

Blaine helped Marissa into the car. "Want to celebrate? We can pick up John and I can tell Kurt to meet us somewhere..."

"Yeah.." She said happily.

Marissa pulled out her phone and called john as Blaine called Kurt.

"Hello?" Kurt said happily.

"Hey baby! I'm taking mom and john out to eat. Will you meet us?" Blaine asked.

"Of course! How’s the baby?" Kurt asked.

"Perfect!" Blaine cheered. "Tell you more when we get there."

Kurt smiled. "Where am I going to meet you?"

"Friday's?" Blaine asked.

"Alright baby, I'll see you there, I love you." Kurt said happily.

"I love you too!" Blaine said before hanging up. He looked over to his mom. "Is John ready?"

Marissa nodded, smiling. "Thank you for coming with me Blaine.." She said softly, grabbing his hand again.

"I'm glad I did. I can't wait to tell Kurt!"

"I just can't believe it...I remember the day I went to get my first ultrasound with you..." She smiled, squeezing Blaine's hand again.

Blaine gave a small smile as he continued driving to the apartment.

They pulled up to the apartment and Blaine got up to help Marissa out of the car again. "I'm not that pregnant yet.." She giggled, but accepted Blaine's assistance.

"I promised Kurt I'd take extra care of you," Blaine said seriously.

"Kurt hasn't been letting me do anything for the past two months!" She laughed as Blaine helped her up the stairs to their apartment.

"Because we want that baby to be safe," Blaine said matter-of-fact.

Marissa smiled. "You two are too good to me.."

"We love you."

Marissa's heart swelled. "I love you boys too..." She said softly as they walked into the apartment.

"Just don't forget about us when he gets here..." Blaine said quietly.

"Blaine...I would never forget about you...I love you and Kurt just as much as I love him.." She said seriously, turning her son to face her.

"Yeah." Blaine said, turning to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Blaine?" Marissa asked, concerned at her son's sudden change in attitude.

"Yeah?" Blaine called back, trying to hide his emotions.

"Honey..." She said walking up behind him. "What's wrong?...And don't say you're fine, I know you're not.."

"Nothing...I guess I'm just kind of scared..." Blaine sighed.

"Of what sweet heart?" She asked, ushering sit at the table with her.

"That you'll love him more than me...that he'll be better than I am...maybe...maybe he won't...won’t be gay...."

"Blaine...I love you...You're my world and you always have been...I don't love you any less because you're gay, and if he's straight or gay, I'll love him just the same...The only thing that matters to me is of you're being yourself…He's coming into this world, and yes, he's going to need a lot of attention from me...But I will love you two the same..." Marissa said softly, grabbing Blaine's hand.

Blaine looked down at the floor as he tried to hold back the tears that were burning his eyes.

She pulled Blaine into a hug, kissing his curls softly. "What are you thinking?.." she asked quietly.

"About what to do after graduation...Mom...I got a letter today..." Blaine said quietly. "I don't know what to do..."

"What letter?" She asked, pulling away a bit.

"I...Don't make a big deal about it please..." Blaine said quietly. "But...I got into NYU..."

"Blaine...Honey...That's amazing!" She smiled.

"If I go..." Blaine sighed.

"If?" She asked her eyebrows kneading together.

"Kurt and I were talking about staying here..."

"Blaine...Go to New York...It's your dream.." she said softly. "Kurt was talking to me about it too, and you don't need to stay here...That's an amazing school.."

"But I have a baby brother now..." Blaine said quietly. "I can't be a stranger to him..."

"You'll be able to visit Blaine." She said, grabbing Blaine's hand.

"I won't even have time to do anything but homework when I'm there. Plus, I don't know Kurt's plans yet..."

Marissa nodded. "It'll work out hun.." she said softly.

"Yeah. I know. I just gotta figure out what's best."

Marissa hugged Blaine tightly. "I love you sweetie.."

"I love you too," Blaine said, wiping his tears away.

John walked out of the bedroom and poked his head into the kitchen, seeing Blaine wipe his eyes. "Are you okay Blaine?" He asked quietly, walking over.

"I'm alright. Let's go. We have things to celebrate," Blaine smiled.

They all met up at the restaurant and Kurt sat next to Blaine as they all squeezed in the booth together. He grabbed Blaine's hand, squeezing lightly. "So...How’s the baby?" He asked excitedly.

Blaine smiled widely. "He is perfect."

"He?" Kurt smiled. "Oh my god!" He practically squealed. John looked over at Marissa with tears in his eyes and a huge smile on his face. "A boy?" He asked quietly, staring into the woman's eyes with so much love.

Marissa nodded as the tears came back. She cupped John’s cheek and kissed him deeply.

John pulled back, resting his forehead against Marissa's. "I love you so much..."

"I love you too," Marissa smiled. "I'm so happy."

"So am I..." John smiled, kissing her again and wiping her tears with his thumbs before the waiter came and got their drink orders.

Kurt smiled at the couple, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine resisted the urge to roll his eyes and kissed Kurt's forehead. "We got the ultrasound on a disk. I'll show you later."

Kurt smiled up at his fianc�. "Can’t wait." He said, bouncing in his seat a bit. A while later after they ordered the food, Kurt excused himself to go to the restroom.

"So are you going to tell him?" Marissa asked her son.

"Should I?" Blaine asked. "I still haven't made a decision..."

"Tell who what?" John asked, eyebrows kneaded together. "More good news?"

" accepted to NYU..."

"That's great Blaine!" John enthused. "That's an amazing school, you deserve it." He said smiling.

"Thanks.." Blaine said quietly. "But I don't know if I'm going..."

John looked confused and Marissa put her hand over her boyfriend's and looked at him in a 'We'll talk about it later' way.
"Well it's completely your decision whether you want to tell him or not." Marissa said softly, looking at Blaine. Kurt walked up to the booth and got back in next to Blaine, grabbing his hand again.

Blaine sighed, picking up his drink and sipping it slowly.

Kurt looked over at Blaine concernedly. "Are you okay Blaine?" He asked quietly.

Blaine smiled lightly. "I...have something to tell you..."

"What is it?" Kurt asked, a little less worried at Blaine's smile.

"I got my letter from NYU..."

"Really?" Kurt smiled. "What'd they say?" He asked, his voice getting higher in excitement.

Blaine smiled at Kurt's enthusiasm. "I got in."

Kurt let out a high pitched noise, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck and hugging him tight. "Oh my god!" He said happily.

"Don't get too excited yet..." Blaine sighed lightly.

Kurt pulled away slightly. "Blaine...You got accepted into NYU...The school you wanted...We just have to wait until I get my acceptance letter.." he smiled. "Don't be negative about this." He smiled.

"I thought you wanted to stay..." Blaine said, not knowing what to do.

"I do- I..I just.." Kurt stammered before looking around the table. "Let's talk about this later please..." Kurt sighed.

Blaine nodded. "So have you thought of names?"

Marissa smiled. "Well...We both agreed that if it was a boy, we would name him Dillon.." She said, smiling over at John.

"I like it," Blaine smiled.

"So do I.." Kurt smiled squeezing Blaine's hand.

"He'll be perfect," Blaine cooed.

Marissa smiled at Blaine and Kurt, who still both looked like something was bothering them.

After the meal, Kurt decided to drive Blaine back to the apartment so they could talk in his car before he had to go home.

"So...what are you thinking?" Blaine asked.

"Wondering what we're going to do..." Kurt said quietly, keeping his eyes trained on the road.

"What do you want?" Blaine asked, looking at Kurt.

"I...I don't know..." Kurt said quietly. "I'm torn.."

Blaine took Kurt's hand. "We'll figure it out."

"We keep saying that.." Kurt sighed.

"But Kurt, we have to wait for your letter to make a final decision..."

The older boy nodded, still staring straight ahead.

"Hey," Blaine said, kissing Kurt's hand. "It's gonna be okay."

Kurt gave a small smile. "Yeah.."

"Are you okay? Talk to me." Blaine said softly.

"I'm just...This is stressing me out.." he said quietly.

"That's why I didn't want to say anything..." Blaine sighed. "Let’s just wait to see if we get any other offers."

"No, it's fine...We just have to...Just try to work this out.." Kurt said, squeezing Blaine's hand.

"We will. Together," Blaine smiled.

They drove in comfortable silence until they made it to Blaine's house.
"I wish I could stay...But Dad wants me home tonight.." Kurt said quietly.

"Something going on?" Blaine asked.

"He called me while I was in the bathroom and said he had something for me.." Kurt shrugged.

"Call me later tonight?"

"I promise.." Kurt said, leaning over and kissing Blaine softly.

"I love you," Blaine smiled.

"I love you too.." Kurt said against Blaine's lips before kissing him again.

Blaine wrapped his hands in Kurt's hair, deepening the kiss.

Kurt moaned softly as he felt Blaine tug at his hair a bit. "Baby..." Kurt gasped.

"I'm sorry..." Blaine said, pulling back.

"No...come here..." Kurt said, climbing over the center console and into Blaine's lap, leaning down and kissing him again.

Blaine sighed into the kiss, gripping Kurt's hips roughly as he grinded his own up to meet Kurt's.

Kurt moaned pushing his hips down against Blaine. "Fuck.." he whimpered.

"Oh God...Kurt..." Blaine gasped.

Kurt leaned down, sucking at a spot on Blaine's neck.

Blaine moaned loudly. ""

"I want you to fuck me..." Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear.

"H-here?" Blaine asked quietly, moaning at the request.

"Yes...Please...Please baby..." Kurt gaped.

"Do you have any lube?"

Kurt turned slightly and du in the glove box, pulling out a small bottle of lube.

Blaine quickly reached down, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down.

Kurt fumbled with his jeans, quickly pulling them off as well.

Blaine coated himself with the lube. "Do you want my fingers first?"

Kurt shook his head, straddling Blaine again.

Blaine placed himself at Kurt's entrance, gripping his fianc�'s hips as he lowered himself.

Kurt's breath came out in shaky gasps as Blaine filled him. "Ohh...Blaine.." he whispered.

" you feel so good..." Blaine moaned against Kurt's neck.

Kurt reached up, gripping Blaine's curls as he slowly started working his hips. "Blaine...You're so big baby...So..So good.."

Blaine growled at Kurt's words. "Oh God...ride me..."

Kurt obeyed, sitting back a bit and starting to bounce on Blaine's throbbing member, panting harshly. "Unh! Baby!"

Blaine gripped Kurt's hips harder, sliding his hands around to slap Kurt's perfect ass.

Kurt moaned as Blaine brought his hand down on his ass."Ohfuckyes.." he gasped, riding Blaine faster.

"Ahh!" Blaine cried out, bringing his hand down against Kurt again. "Fuck!"

"Blaine...Blaine...Oh fuck..." Kurt moaned, stabilizing himself by putting his hand on the fogged up window.

Blaine pulled the lever to his right, leaning the seat back. "Unnghh! I love when you say my name!"

Kurt moaned loudly, letting his head fall back as he spread his palms on Blaine's chest. "Blaine...Fuck...I love the way you fill me baby! Ah!"

Blaine gasped, closing his eyes as Kurt's muscles tightened around him. "Shit! Kurt! I'm close..."

Kurt nodded, "Me too baby...Please..Fuck..Talk to me.." Kurt whimpered as he bounced even faster.

"Ahh! Kurt! You're so fucking tight! good...and fuck! You're amazing..." Blaine breathed out, squeezing Kurt's ass.

Kurt's moans grew louder and higher as Blaine pushed him closer to the edge. "Blaine!" He gasped, working himself faster.

"FUCK! Kurt! I'm gonna cum! Holy shit!"

"Cum baby...Fill me..Please..Please.." Kurt panted.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, bringing him down to suck on his pulse point as he came deep inside his fianc�.

Kurt moaned reaching up to pull Blaine's hair as he came between them, his thin frame trembling as his orgasm tore through him.

Blaine gasped and panted as he rode out his orgasm. "Oh"

Kurt slowly stopped moving before leaning down to kiss Blaine languidly.

Blaine sighed into the kiss, smiling as Kurt pulled away.

He looked down, frowning a bit. "I got cum on your jacket.." Kurt said, still trying to catch his breath.

"Shit..." Blaine sighed. "Ill carry it up with that part down."

"I'm sorry baby.." Kurt said softly.

"It's alright. I'll wash it. I just don't want Mom to see."

"Yeah.." Kurt giggled, pulling off of Blaine and climbing back over to his seat to pull his jeans on. He leaned over, kissing Blaine softly. "I love you.."

Blaine smiled. "I love you too."

Kurt gave Blaine a few more small kisses before he got out and walked up to the apartment. Kurt drove home silently and walked inside. Carole practically tackled him as he got in the door.

"Whoa!" Kurt laughed as Carole hugged him.

"A letter came for you!" She smiled.

"From who?" Kurt asked as she released him.

"NYU!!!" she squealed. "Open it!!!"

Kurt smiled, taking the letter and opening it quickly. He kept the paper folded in his hands. His fingers were shaking as his father and Finn walked up to them, smiling expectantly. "Okay.." he sighed, smile a mile wide on his face. &he unfolded the paper and began to read it quickly. His smile dropped as quickly as it had come as he read over the paper again and again.
"After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that you have not been accepted into New York University..."

"What's wrong?" Carole asked quickly.

"I-...I didn't get in..." Kurt said in barely a whisper.

"What?!" Burt practically yelled. "I'm calling them tomorrow!"

"Oh God...hunny I'm so sorry," Carole said, pulling him in for a hug.

Kurt let Carole hug him, burying his face in her shoulder. He didn't understand. He kept his grades up. He had clubs and most recently student council. He didn't understand. Carole let him go as he pulled back.
"Dad.." Kurt said quietly. "Calm down please..It's not good for you to get worked up like this.."

"No, Kurt. You've worked your ass off for this. You deserve to go to that school!" Burt ranted.

Kurt walked over to his father. "We can't change their minds Dad...That's it...I just…didn't work hard enough apparently..."

"You worked harder than anyone. You're so smart. I just...I don't understand..."

"It's okay Dad.." Kurt said, trying to comfort his father as tear stung behind his eyes.

"You deserve to get in! Why are people such idiots?!" Burt said, hugging Kurt. "I'm so sorry, Kurt."

"It's okay Dad..." Kurt said again, letting Burt hold him. "I-I'm gonna go call Blaine.." he said softly.

Burt nodded. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." Kurt said quietly before going up the stairs to his room. He sat down on his bed, staring at the piece of paper he still held in his hand. He pulled out his phone and dialed Blaine's number, still trying to hold back the tears.

Blaine smiled as he saw his phone light up. "Hey baby!"

"Hey..." Kurt sniffed. "What are you doing baby?" He asked, his voice breaking despite his efforts to control it.

"Kurt? What's wrong?" Blaine asked quickly.

"I...I uh..I got my letter from NYU..." Kurt said quietly.

"What it say?" Blaine asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"I...I didn't get in.." he said shakily before starting to cry into the phone.

Blaine sighed, leaning down and resting his head in his hand. "I'm so sorry, baby. You want me to come over?"

Kurt nodded even though Blaine couldn't see. "Please..." He said quietly, sniffing.

Blaine told Kurt he'd be there as soon as he could and got off the phone. He got dressed and headed to the living room. "Hey mom...I'm gonna go see Kurt. He got his letter. He...he didn't get in..."

Marissa's hand flew over her mouth. "Oh god...Is he okay?"

Blaine shook his head. "No. I might be home late...."

Marissa nodded. "Alright honey..I hope he'll be alright.."

"Me too..." Blaine sighed. "I'll see you later."

"Bye sweetheart.." She said softly as her son walked out the door.

Blaine hurried to Kurt's house, knocking and walking in quickly. "Hey...where's Kurt?"

"He's upstairs.", Carole said softly looking towards the stairs.

Blaine turned, running up the stairs and into Kurt's room. "Hey...come here..." he said softly, sitting on Kurt's bed.

Kurt quickly wrapped himself around Blaine. "I-I'm so sorry..."

"Baby...why are you sorry?" Blaine asked.

"I should have worked harder...I should have...Tried more.." Kurt sobbed.

"You worked as hard as you could. Don't beat yourself up. It’s their loss."

"We..We had to go to school together..." Kurt said quietly, nuzzling under Blaine’s jaw as the tears continued.

"I don't have to go...I told you, I haven't made up mind. We haven't even decided on a state yet." Blaine said, rubbing Kurt's back.

"B-But you got in.." Kurt said looking up at Blaine.

Blaine shrugged. "This isn't about me. It’s about us and our life together."

Kurt sniffed, more tears falling as he pulled himself up to kiss Blaine softly.

Blaine smiled at Kurt. "We will figure it out. Maybe I'll go. Maybe I won’t. Either way, we will get through this together."

Kurt nodded "I love you..." He sniffed.

"I love you too baby," Blaine said, kissing Kurt's forehead.

"Lay with me?" Kurt said quietly.

"Of course," Blaine said, laying down behind Kurt and holding him close.

Kurt grabbed Blaine's hands, holding them close to his chest as he tried to even out his breathing.

"It’s okay baby,' Blaine soothed. "It's gonna be okay."

Kurt nodded, turning around and nuzzling under Blaine's neck.

"You'll get into another school."

"I know...I just...I wanted to go with you.." Kurt whispered. "And what if I don't?"

"We can still go to school together,' Blaine said softly.

"No...Baby..I don't want you to give up NYU."

"But we planned on going to school together..." Blaine quietly.

"I know Blaine...It's just..NYU is a great school...I don't want you to have to give that up for me." Kurt whispered.

"I know..." Blaine sighed. "I don't know what to do.."

"I'm sorry...I shouldv'e tried harder...I-I'm sorry.." Kurt said softly.

"Stop," Blaine said. "It’s not your fault. I'm gonna figure this out."

Kurt nodded, wiping his tears.

"I'm gonna fix this. It will be okay." Blaine reassured.

"This is so hard..." Kurt whispered.

"I know baby. Just relax. I’ll take care it." Blaine said softly. "Do you want to come stay with me? Take a nice bubble bath. I'll make hot chocolate and we can watch your favorite movies."

Kurt nodded lightly. "I love you so much..."

"I love you too baby. Get some stuff together. I’ll go tell your dad," Blaine smiled, leaning down to kiss Kurt softly.

Kurt kissed Blaine back before sitting up. "Alright..." He said before going to get his things together.

Blaine went downstairs and sat down across from Burt, sighing. "Can I talk to you?"

"Of course.." Burt said, sitting up in his chair and nodding to Blaine.

"Can Kurt come back to my place? Mom and John are home. He's blaming himself and I don't want to leave him alone..." Blaine said.

Burt nodded. "He looked pretty torn up...How is he doin'?" He asked, looking truly concerned for his son.

"Not well. I think I know what I'm gonna do though..." Blaine sighed.

"Yeah..Kurt was talking to me about that the other day..About New York or staying here?" Burt asked.

"I'm gonna give up NYU..." Blaine said, looking down.

"Really.." Burt said. "That's a big decision kid..."

Blaine took a deep breath. "I know. I think I know what I'm doing."

Burt nodded. "It takes a big man to make a sacrifice like that Blaine.."

Blaine smiled. "My future with Kurt is worth it."

Burt's heart swelled with love and pride at his future son. He smiled as Kurt walked down the stairs. His smile faded a bit. Kurt looked miserable.

"Hey," Blaine said softly. "You ready?"

Kurt nodded, pulling his coat a little tighter around himself before going to hug his father goodbye.

Burt hugged Kurt tightly. "Call if you need anything."

"Okay.." Kurt said softly. His father released him and Kurt went over to Blaine, linking arms with him as they walked out of the door.

Blaine opened the door for Kurt before heading to the driver's side and climbing in. "How you feeling?"

Kurt sighed. He felt like this was still all his fault. Maybe if he'd joined another club. Took more challenging classes.
"Better now that I'm with you.." He said quietly, giving a weak smile.

Blaine reached over and took Kurt's hand. "I love you, Kurt. No matter what."

Kurt's smile grew slightly. “I love you too Blaine..." He said softly.

Blaine gave Kurt's hand a light squeeze as teenage dream came on his iPod and he started singing to Kurt.

Kurt leaned over and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder as he listened to him sing.

Blaine sang to Kurt softly until they got to Blaine's apartment. He got out and opened the door for Kurt, picking him up swiftly and carrying him inside.

Kurt giggled lightly as Blaine carried him inside, burying his face in the crook of his neck and breathing in deeply, loving the smell of his fianc�.

Blaine smiled. He loved Kurt's laugh. He carried him inside, setting him down on the kitchen counter before greeting his mom.

Marissa smiled. "Hey sweetheart." She said giving him a hug.

"Hey mom!" Blaine laughed. "I'm gonna make some hot chocolate and we're gonna watch movies.'

"Sounds good.." she smiled, going to pour herself a glass of water.

Blaine got the milk ready and set the mugs in the microwave before walking over to kiss Kurt softly.

Kurt kissed Blaine back, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Thank you baby.." he said quietly.

Blaine smiled. "I'd do anything for you."

Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's jaw, closing his eyes.
"Well, I'm going to bed...Goodnight you two.." Marissa said, starting towards her bedroom.

"Goodnight," the boys called back.
The microwave went off and Blaine retrieved the mugs and mixed in the chocolate. "Bath or movie first?"

"A bath sounds amazing.." Kurt said, running a hand through his own untamed hair.

Blaine set the glasses in Kurt's hands before picking him up once again and carrying him to the bathroom.

Kurt smiled as Blaine carried him. "You're amazing.."

"You made me this way." Blaine said softly as he got the water ready.

Kurt sat on the bathroom counter, sipping his hot chocolate as he watched Blaine.

As the water ran, Blaine slowly took off his clothes before moving to Kurt. He set both mugs in the edge of the tub and reached to take Kurt's shirt off.

Kurt lifted his arms, letting Blaine slip off the clothing.

Blaine stepped back, looking at Kurt's soft torso. "You are so beautiful..."

Kurt smiled, looking down and blushing as Blaine admired his body.

Blaine moved in, kissing Kurt's neck lovingly as he unbuttoned his jeans.

Kurt sighed, tilting his head back slightly.

Blaine trailed his fingertips down Kurt's back, biting lightly on Kurt's pulse point.

Kurt gasped, trailing his hands up to rub softly at the back of Blaine's neck.

Blaine pulled back and smiled. "Come on, let’s get in."

Kurt nodded, hopping off of the counter and pulling off his jeans.

Blaine slipped into the water, watching Kurt and admiring his amazing body.

Kurt slipped in after Blaine, lying against his chest and planting small kisses over his heart.

Blaine smiled, closing his eyes at the feeling.

"I love you so much...Thank you for being here for me.." Kurt whispered.

"I love you, Kurt," Blaine said softly. "I'll always be here for you."

"So...I think I'm just going to have to apply at a smaller college in New York.." Kurt sighed.

Blaine gave a small smile. "You can go wherever you like baby."

Kurt closed his eyes. "What are you thinking about?"

"You." Blaine smiled, his eyes still closed. "How amazing it is to be loved by you."

Kurt smiled, looking up at Blaine. "I love you.."

"I love you too baby."

Kurt scooted up Blaine's body, kissing him softly.

Blaine smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.

Kurt brushed his tongue along Blaine's bottom lip lightly, placing his hands on either side of his neck.

Blaine gasped. He never got enough of that drunken feeling he got from kissing Kurt.

Kurt took Blaine's gasp as an opportunity to slip his tongue into his mouth.

Blaine moaned as he felt Kurt's tongue enter his mouth.

Kurt bit Blaine's bottom lip lightly pulling back a bit until it slipped out of his teeth.

Blaine let out a sharp whine. "Ohhh baby..."

"I want you inside of me Blaine..." Kurt whispered, looking into Blaine's eyes.

Blaine moaned, leaning back and gripping Kurt's hips.

Kurt leaned down kissing Blaine's neck softly. "I love you..." He gasped, rocking down into Blaine.

Blaine breathed out heavily. "Fuck..."

Kurt reached in between them, grabbing Blaine's member and placing it at his tight entrance.

Blaine gasped as he slowly entered Kurt. "Oh God! I love you baby..."

"I love you too..." Kurt moaned. "Slow...Please.." he panted, working his hips smoothly.

Blaine nodded, moaning loudly. They hadn't taken the time to go slow. Blaine missed this. "Baby..."

Kurt attached his lips to Blaine's, kissing him languidly as Blaine slid in and out of him.

Blaine spread his palms out against Kurt's back, rolling his hips slightly to meet Kurt's movements.

Kurt moaned softly against Blaine's lips before pulling away to kiss at his ear, his breathing heavy and slow.

Blaine panted. "Kuurrrtt...that good..."

Kurt sucked the lobe into his mouth, sucking softly as his thumbs traced along Blaine's jaw.

Blaine's breathing sped up. "'re so amazing..."

Blaine jerked his hips up slightly so he brushed over Kurt's prostate, making him whine in the most amazing way against his ear.

Blaine writhed under Kurt. "Holy fuck...I love you...I love you so much, Kurt..."

"I love you too...Fuck Blaine...Just..A little faster baby..." Kurt panted.

Blaine nodded, rolling his hips faster.

Kurt moaned louder against Blaine's jaw. "O-oh god..Blaine..."

"" Blaine growled deep in his throat. "Say my name..."

Kurt whimpered at the command. "Blaine.." he moaned. "Blaine...Fuck..Blaineee..."

Blaine gasped, sliding back more as he got closer to his orgasm.

Kurt whined loudly, working his hips faster as he felt Blaine pushing him closer and closer to the edge.

Blaine angled himself to hit Kurt's prostate as his moans grew louder.

"Blaine...Oh god..I'm close..." Kurt panted gripping his fianc�'s shoulder's tightly.

"Me too, Kurt...just hold on a little longer.. " Blaine breathed out.

Kurt nodded, burying his face in Blaine's neck as he panted heavily.

Blaine thrust a little harder. "Fuck baby...I'm gonna cum .."

"Cum baby..Fill me.." Kurt moaned.

Blaine gripped Kurt's hips as his hips jerked, cumming deep inside him.

Kurt gasped as he felt the wet heat inside of him. "B-Blaine!" He cried out, cumming hard.

Blaine clung to Kurt's back, panting harshly as he rode out his orgasm.

They kissed deeply and showered each other with 'I love you's and 'you're amazing's’ before washing off, getting out and lying down in Blaine's bed to watch a movie.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Blaine asked.

"Let's watch RENT.." Kurt smiled, snuggling up under the blankets and smiling contently as he nuzzled into Blaine's pillow.

Blaine smiled as he put the movie in and curled up with Kurt.

Kurt rolled up in a small ball and nuzzled under Blaine's jaw. He wasn't so much watching the movie as he was trying to comfort himself with his fianc�'s warmth and scent, as he was still upset from earlier.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. "How are you doing baby?"

"Thinking too much..." Kurt said quietly.

"About what?" Blaine asked.

"NYU...Here..New York..Money..The baby.." Kurt sighed.

"Would you prefer to stay here for a while?" Blaine asked quietly.

"I don't want you to not be able to go to school Blaine..." Kurt said quietly.

"I can go here," Blaine said, holding Kurt closer.

Kurt looked up at Blaine. "Blaine...A-Are you saying...?"

"What?" Blaine asked.

"Do you want to stay in Ohio?" Kurt asked softly.

"I wouldn't mind.."

"How long would you be willing to stay?" Kurt asked as Blaine grabbed the remote, pausing the movie because he could tell this was going to be a serious talk.

"I don't know. As long as we need to." Blaine said softly.

Kurt nodded. "Does...Does that mean we have to wait to get married?"

"Not really. We could go and get married then come back." Blaine said. "Or did you want to wait?"

"No...Like I've said before, I can't wait to marry you.." Kurt smiled.

"Good. I don't want to wait." Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt's forehead. "But I would give up NYU for you and my baby brother."

Kurt cuddled closer to Blaine. "You are so amazing..."

"I try," Blaine smiled. "Is that what you wanted to?"

"I still wasn't sure.." Kurt said softly. "But Ohio for a couple of years, then New York seems like the best choice right now.."

Blaine nodded. "Okay."

"How do you feel about it?" Kurt asked, looking up at Blaine.

Blaine shrugged. "I'll do anything I have to do for us."

"But....Will you be happy?" Kurt asked carefully.

Blaine hugged Kurt close. "I'm happy with you."

Kurt nodded, still a bit concerned.

Blaine lifted Kurt's chin and looked into his eyes lovingly. "You're all I need."

Kurt gave a small smile."I love you..."

Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I love you too baby."

Kurt nuzzled against Blaine's chest, giving a small yawn.

Blaine rubbed Kurt's back. "Go to sleep, beautiful."

Kurt nodded, closing his eyes. "I love you so much.."

Blaine smiled. "I love you too."

Kurt sighed happily, falling asleep in Blaine's arms.

Blaine waited until he knew Kurt was sleeping. He carefully got up and made himself some hot chocolate, taking it out to the balcony and curling up with a blanket. Blaine sat there, thinking about everything as he slowly let the tears fall.

He saw the door crack and John poked his head out. "Blaine?...What are you doing out here by yourself?" He said softly.

Blaine sniffed, wiping his tears away. "Nothing. Just...thinking."

John sat across from Blaine, looking over at him. He'd been living with Blaine for more than two months and he still felt like he barely knew him. "Do you...Do you want to talk about it?"

Blaine just shook his head. "Thanks though..."

John nodded. He didn't want to push the younger boy. "Alright...I'll see you in the morning Blaine.." he said, standing and walking inside.

In all honesty, Blaine did want to talk. He just didn't want to be talked out of his decision. It tore him apart to know what he was giving up. But it was what he had to do. Blaine would go his life letting Kurt feel bad about himself because Blaine went to NYU. He wanted to be equal and happy with his fianc�.

John walked back to the bedroom, crawling back into bed and wrapping his arms around Marissa. He felt her stir and look back at him.

"Hey," she smiled up at him. "Where'd you go?"

"I went to go get some water and I saw Blaine was outside...He was crying.." John said softly.

Marissa sat up. "Is he okay? What's wrong?"

"I tried asking him.." John said sitting up as well and sitting back against the headboard. "He said he didn't want to talk about it..." He sighed.

Marissa kissed John's forehead. "I’m sorry...I wish I could get him to open up to you. I just don't know how."

"So do I...I understand how he feels though...When my mom started dating, I couldn't stand any of the guys she brought home...I just...I want him to know I won't hurt you.." he said cupping her cheek in his hand. "I love you.."

"He'd probably open up to you if you asked him.." John said quietly.

Marissa nodded. "I'll be right back."
She got out of bed and grabbed her robe before walking out to Blaine and sitting down.
"Hey hunny. What's going on?"

Blaine hurriedly wiped his tears again, looking down. "Nothing..I just couldn't sleep.."

Marissa put her hand on Blaine's knee. "Baby, talk to me."

Blaine looked up at his mother slowly. "I decided what I want to do..."

The older woman kneaded her eyebrows. "What is that?"

"I'm giving up NYU.."

Marissa gasped. "But’s your dream. You always wanted to go. Don't let me hold you back."

"I know...But Mom...Kurt didn't get in and...I don't want to not know Dillon...I want him to know his big brother...And Kurt worked so hard...I don't want him to feel bad about himself for the rest of our life together because I went to the school that he wanted to go to...I just...Mom...This is so hard.." Blaine spilled out, letting the tears come as he spoke.

Marissa pulled her son close. "I'm so sorry, Blaine. Do what you want. I'll always support you. I just want you to be happy."

Blaine buried his face in his mother's robe as he cried, clutching to her tightly.

"Shh," she soothed, rubbing his back. "It’s gonna be okay. Everything will work out."

"I'm so sorry mom...I-I'm so sorry..." He gasped.

"Hey," she said, lifting his chin. "You have nothing to be sorry about. You're the most loveable and caring person, Blaine."

Blaine reached up, wiping his eyes. "I just...I want everyone to be happy...I need everyone to be happy.."

"Blaine, I am happy. The only thing that could make me happier is if you really gave John a chance. He's trying, Blaine. But more importantly, you can't keep everyone happy. You have to focus on you."

Blaine looked up at Marissa. "I-I'll try...But when you o-or Kurt are upset, I feel like it's my fault and I have to make it better…I try to focus on me, but I feel selfish.." he stammered, trying to control his tears.

"It’s okay, hunny. I know. You deserve to be happy too, okay?"

Blaine nodded, hugging her again as his tears slowly stopped.

Marissa kissed the top of her son's head. "I love you, Blaine."

"I love you too Mom..." Blaine said quietly before she released him. He sat back in his chair wiping his eyes again.

"You gonna be okay?" She asked softly.

Blaine nodded, standing. "Thank you mom...I didn't realize how much I needed to talk.." He sniffed, gathering up the blanket.

Marissa smiled. "Anytime Blaine l. I'm always here."

Blaine gave a weak smile. "I'm gonna go to bed...Night mom.."

"Good night, sweetie."
Marissa watched as Blaine left before going back to her room. She climbed into bed and sighed.

John pulled his girlfriend close. "Hey...Did you talk to him?" He asked, truly concerned.

"Yeah," she said, scooting closer. "He's worrying about me, Kurt, the baby, everyone but himself. It's really getting to him."

John nodded. "I hope he'll figure everything out.." he sighed, kissing Marissa's forehead softly.

"He will. He always does," Marissa said quietly.


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