Senior Year: New To McKinley Part II
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Senior Year: New To McKinley Part II: Chapter 7

E - Words: 7,852 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
437 0 0 0 0

The next few days of December flew by and it was New Year’s Eve. Blaine and Kurt had a few friends over at his mother's apartment. It was only a few hours before the ball dropped, announcing 2012 and Marissa was in the kitchen, helping cook something. She caught Kurt's eye and he hurried in. "And just what do you think you are doing? When I told you that you were not lifting a finger today I meant it." He said, trying to shoo her out of the Kitchen.

"But Kurt, you haven't let me do anything. And I can't even drink tonight! I'm going crazy!" Marissa protested.

Kurt placed his hand on Marissa's small baby bump. "Get used to it for more than seven more months."

"Ugh! Fine! But what am I supposed to do? Sit in my room and do nothing?" Marissa groaned.

"Go be gorgeous somewhere." He giggled, kissing her cheek before walking to the kitchen and tending to whatever Marissa was trying to moments before.

Marissa sat on a stool. "You're too good to me, Kurt," she giggled. "So...I have a question for you."

"And what would that be?" Kurt asked, flitting around the kitchen, but keeping his eyes on his future Mother-in-law.

" first ultrasound is in a few you think Blaine would go if I asked him to?"

"Oh God, he would love to...I...already know.." Kurt smiled "Did you tell John you wanted Blaine to go instead of him?" He asked, pouring himself a glass of water and sitting on a stool next to her.

"Yeah. He's okay with it. I just didn't know if Blaine wanted to." Marissa said. "How do you know?"

"Because, he adores you and that baby!" Kurt said. "He may still not be a big fan of John yet, but you know how Blaine is with babies.." he said matter-of-factly before sipping his water.

Marissa smiled. "That's true. I just kind of wish it would've happened sooner. I'm scared Blaine won’t be able to really know his brother or sister..."

"I asked him if he wanted to stay in Ohio for a couple of years.." Kurt sighed, resting his chin in his hand." Just for you and the baby...But he's dead-set on New york and college and getting married right after we graduate.”

"He's scared you won’t be able to be on Broadway if you do start as soon as possible. He's looking out for you, Kurt," Marissa said softly. "Blaine doesn't want to take the chance and have you blame him."

"I know, and I love him for it but...There really is only a very slim chance of me getting on Broadway...And I won't blame anyone but myself if I don't make it...I just want him to get the chance to get to know his little brother or sister.." Kurt said, looking up at Marissa.

"I know. But it’s something you two need to work out."

"I'll try to talk to him.." he sighed, grabbing Marissa's hand.

Blaine sat in his room with some of his close friends from Dalton and a few of the glee guys that could make it, Finn, Puck and Mike. And all of them seemed to be complaining about how their girlfriends weren't putting out. (Other than puck).

It was nice to have his friends here. Blaine laughed at all their stories about their girlfriends. They really didn't understand girls.

"Well Blaine, you're sitting here laughing while we're all having to take cold showers!" David laughed, pushing him playfully.

"Maybe I'm just not as stubborn as all of you when it comes to relationships," Blaine teased.

"Stubborn?" Wes asked. "What do you mean by that?"

"Compare your relationship to mine. Who's doing a better job?" Blaine asked.

"You have all underestimated the powers of the gay-lationship!" Puck laughed loudly.

Blaine shook his head. "I can pretty much guess that I've gone farther with Kurt than any of you ever have. Well maybe besides Puck..."

Puck nodded, smiling smugly.

"Well how much further is there to go?" Thad asked.

"With us? I guess a three some. Not so sure about that though. I love what me and Kurt do. Britt did ask to join once though," Blaine giggled.

"And you said no? You're crazy dude.." Puck snorted, his eyebrows raised.

"So what's your secret?" David asked.

"Dude...My brother..." Finn mumbled.

"Shut up Finn, I want to hear this.." Mike said.

"I don't know if I could. But Kurt was the one to say no. And to spare Finn, let's just say I know what I'm doing." Blaine smiled widely.

"Okay, ignoring Finn, How far have you and Kurt gone Anderson?" Puck asked cocking an eyebrow.

"All the way. Repeatedly. What exactly do you want to know?" Blaine asked.

"I want to know if Hummel's a freak!" Puck laughed.

"He wasn't until he met me," Blaine winked at Puck. "He's still hesitant sometimes. But it isn't hard for one of us to get the other to do something."

All of the boys let out a long, "Oooh!", laughing loudly.

"Example?" Puck asked, pointing at Blaine.

"Are you gay?" David asked Puck.

"Hell no, but I'm always game for a good sex story." Puck smirked, waggling his eyebrows.

"Hmm. I got him to let me fuck him in front of Britt. We've both tied each other up and teased the other until we begged." Blaine said like it was no big deal.

"Damn Anderson, I'm impressed.." Puck nodded. Finn just sat there staring at the floor with a red face.

Blaine giggled. "Like I said, I know what I'm doing."

In the living room, Kurt sat with the girls, who were doing some complaining of their own.

"Ugh! Finn just won’t stop!" Rachel complained.

"I've had it up to here with mike!" Tina groaned.

"What are they doing?" Kurt asked.

"They won't stop!" Rachel groaned again.

"Rachel! Stop what?" Kurt said.

"Trying to get is know...have sex," Rachel said the last part quietly.

Kurt couldn't help but chuckle. "What's wrong with that?"

" often do you and Blaine?" Tina asked.

"At least four days out of the week...Sometimes multiple times in one day.." Kurt said simply, taking a sip of his drink.

Tina's mouth dropped.

"And you like that?!" Rachel asked.

"It's sex...It's not supposed to be unpleasant.." Kurt shrugged. "And contrary to popular belief, I don't always bottom. Brittany's my witness." Kurt said, nodding to the blonde, who smiled.

"I love dolphin sex," Brittany smiled.

"So do I Britt.." Kurt smiled. "It's really not as bad as people think.."

"Tell us more!" Britt giggled.

"Well what do you want to know?" Kurt asked, looking around at the shocked girls, and Mercedes, who was just smiling the whole time at how much her best friend had changed when it came to this.

"How does it feel?" Tina asked.

Kurt sighed smiling. "Amazing.."

"How?!" Rachel asks. "Just the thought..."

"Well let's just say boys and girls were are not created equally in that way.." Kurt laughed.

"So what's your favorite position?" Mercedes asked.

Kurt finally blushed. "Well..I..Uh.."

The girls giggled. "Come on. Tell us!"

"Well..." Kurt started. "I-I really...thoroughly enjoy it when he...Puts my legs on his shoulders..." He stammered, blushing furiously.

Brittany stared at Kurt with wide, eyes that expressed something Kurt couldn't read. "I'm so jealous of you Kurt! I swear, if Blaine wasn't a dolphin...."

Kurt blushed more laughing a bit. "Well he is...And he is...Very good at what he does...He knows what he's doing.." he giggled.

"Oh I know!" Brittany laughed. "I've heard the noises you make."

Kurt flushed again as the other glee girls looked at him with wide eyes.

"How loud are you?" Rachel asked. "How loud is Blaine?"

"Have you ever been caught?" Tina piped in.

Kurt held up a hand, signaling them to stop their questions.
"I'm usually not that loud…But it really depends on the position....Blaine is…Always...One of these days I'm going to have to shove something in his mouth to shut him up...And yes...We've been...Walked in on.." Kurt sighed.

The girls giggled. "By who? What happened?"

Kurt rested his chin in his hand. "I can't believe I'm about to tell you all of this.."

"We won’t tell!" Britt said happily.

"The first time was by my dad...I was...Well.." Kurt blushed again.

"You were what?!" Rachel asked on edge.

"I was..." Kurt's cheeks turned beet red as he muttered the next words. "I was giving him a blow job..."

Rachel and Tina gasped. "Oh my God!"

"Yes, I know." Kurt sighed. "Then Finn and my dad walked in on us having sex two different times, and Marissa's boyfriend John walked in on us the day we met him.”

Brittany giggled. "You've been caught a lot!"

"We don't get a lot of time alone.." Kurt shrugged.

"True," Rachel agreed. "So do you think we are all prudes?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with waiting until you're ready for sex...But that doesn't mean you can't do other things.." Kurt said, crossing his legs.

"Like what?" Tina asked.

"Like...Think ladies! You know there're things to do other than sex!" Kurt said, gesturing with his hands.

"Oh god!" Rachel practically screamed. "Really, Kurt?!"

"What?!" Kurt asked. "It doesn’t hurt anyone!"

"But..that's just..." Rachel started.

"I wouldn't even know what to do..." Tina sighed.

"That's why you talk about it...Explore each other…See what you both do and don't like.." Kurt explained.

"Kurt. That would just be awkward to talk to Finn about that and you know it." Rachel complained.

"It's only awkward if you make it awkward.." Kurt said matter-of-factly.

"I guess I could try talking to Mike..." Tina said quietly.

"That's the positive attitude I'm looking for!" Kurt smiled. "God I feel like the...Gay male Dr. Ruth!" He giggled.

"At least you all have someone to talk about it with," Mercedes sighed.

"I'll talk about it with you Mercedes." Brittany smiled.

Mercedes chuckled. "Okay, Britt."

Marissa walked into the living room later, smiling. "Okay every one! Ten minutes to midnight, everyone grab a glass of champagne! I won't tell your parents if you don't"

Everyone rushed around Blaine's mom, taking a glass and thanking her.

Everyone walked into the living room and turned the TV onto the channel that was broadcasting the ball dropping in New York. Kurt walked up to Blaine and smiled. "Well hello stranger.."

"Hi there sexy. How’s your night been?" Blaine beamed.

"Good.." Kurt smiled, looking up at Blaine from under his lashes. "But I missed you.." he said as Blaine wrapped an arm around his waist.

"I missed you too," Blaine said, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck. "You're so beautiful."

Kurt blushed as he kissed Blaine's cheek. "You're sweet..."

"Just telling the truth," Blaine smiled as he rested his head on Kurt's shoulder.

"GET IT ANDERSON! SHOW 'EM HOW IT'S DONE!" Puck called out, causing Kurt to quirk an eyebrow, but not before shooting puck a bitch glare.

"Everything is always about sex with Puck," Blaine sighed.

"What ever would make you say that?" Kurt deadpanned.

Blaine giggled, kissing Kurt's neck. "I love you."

"I love you too..." Kurt smiled, letting Blaine nuzzle under his jaw.

As everyone started the countdown, Blaine pulled back a little, looking at Kurt lovingly.

Kurt looked back into Blaine's eyes, thinking about where they were last year compared to this year.
"Ten! Nine! Eight!"

Blaine leaned closer as they counted down, attaching his lips to Kurt's as everyone yelled excitedly into the new year.

Kurt pulled Blaine closer, deepening the kiss as all of their friends cheered around them and there was a distant sound of popping fireworks.

Blaine moaned into the kiss, lightly pulling Kurt's hair.

Kurt gasped, gripping Blaine's hips tightly as he slipped his tongue into his fianc�'s mouth.

Blaine looked up, making sure no one was looking before pulling Kurt to his room.

Kurt smiled as Blaine locked the door. "Well.." Kurt giggled.

"Shh," Blaine smiled, silencing Kurt with his lips.

Kurt moaned, letting himself fall back onto the bed and pulling Blaine on top of him.

Blaine rolled his body onto Kurt's, moving his lips to his fianc�'s neck.

“Oh god...Blaine..." Kurt gasped, clawing down his back.

Blaine gasped, biting down hard. "What do you want baby?"

"Fuck me...Please fuck me..." Kurt whimpered.

Blaine grinded down onto Kurt. "Do you want me to stretch you?"

"No...Just...Please.." Kurt said quickly.

Blaine lifted Kurt's shirt, throwing it to the floor before moving to Kurt's pants.

Kurt lifted his hips, letting Blaine pull off his jeans.

Blaine tossed them aside kissing down Kurt's gorgeous body as he reached for the lube.

Kurt tangled his fingers in Blaine's curls, panting heavily.

Blaine sat back, slicking himself up as Kurt watched him with hungry eyes.

Kurt moaned softly at the sight of Blaine pumping himself slowly. "You're so sexy Blaine..."

Blaine moaned at Kurt's words as he slowly pressed himself against Kurt's entrance.

Kurt pulled Blaine closer so they were chest to chest. "Baby...Please..."

Blaine kissed Kurt deeply as he pressed into his fianc�.

Kurt inhaled sharply through his nose as he wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist, rolling his hips up.

Blaine bit down on Kurt's neck to keep quiet as he thrust into Kurt.

Kurt whimpered as Blaine bit him. "Oh god...Fuck.." he gasped.

Blaine moved his lips to Kurt's ear, breathing heavily. "You're so fucking hot, Kurt!" He growled.

Kurt brought his hands up, pulling Blaine's curls roughly. "Blaine...Harder..."

Blaine gasped as he rolled his hips harder, quickening his pace.

Kurt moaned loudly as he felt Blaine's thick member drag across his prostate. He clutched tighter to Blaine as sweat started beading on his neck and forehead.
"Unh! Blaine!"

Blaine slammed into Kurt, moaning against his neck. "Oh God, Kurt!"

Kurt's moans grew louder as he stilled his hips, just letting Blaine thrust into him.
"Oh fuck...Ah! Right there baby!" He gasped, clawing down Blaine's back as he struck the small bundle of nerves inside of him in a particularly amazing way.

Blaine breathed heavily in Kurt's ear, thrusting as hard as he could.

"Blaine!" Kurt got out, gasping and panting harshly. "Baby...You feel so-Unh! So fucking good!'

Blaine gasped. "Kurt! Unnhhg! Cum for me..."

Kurt cried out, inching closer until the tight ball of heat in his stomach burst. He came hard, shooting his cum onto his stomach, and moaning Blaine's name loudly.

Blaine followed close behind Kurt, the sound of his voice making Blaine cum deep inside him. He carefully pulled out, collapsing next to Kurt.

Kurt lay there, catching his breath before he turned on his side, curling up to Blaine's chest. "Happy New Year.." He smiled, letting out a breathy laugh.

Blaine giggled. "Happy New Year, baby."

Kurt pressed a small kiss to Blaine's chest, sighing happily.

"I hate to say it but we should get back out there..."

Kurt mumbled something Blaine couldn't make out into his chest, but it didn't sound happy.

Blaine chuckled, "Come on."

Kurt slowly sat up before going to Blaine's drawer and grabbing a t-shirt and sweatpants.

Blaine walked to his bathroom and cleaned himself up before getting dressed.

Kurt walked over and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. "I love you.."

"I love you too," Blaine smiled. "Oh my, is Kurt Hummel going to let people see him in sweats?"

"I just had amazing sex...I really don't care right now.." Kurt giggled.

Blaine leaned up, kissing Kurt deeply.

Kurt sighed into the kiss, moaning lightly at Blaine's sudden passion.

Blaine smiled. "Let's go attend to our guests."

"Hopefully they didn't notice we were gone.." Kurt sighed as they stepped outside.

Mercedes was the first to spot them, biting her lip to hold back a laugh.

Kurt looked over at her narrowing his eyes as if to say, "I swear, if you say anything..."

Mercedes giggled as she walked up to him. "And you said he was the loud one."

Kurt's face flushed. "I-..Uh..Shh!" He stammered, looking around the room, seeing Blaine had walked off somewhere.

Mercedes chuckled, walking away to find Brittany.

Blaine walked over to the guys smiling. "So what'd I miss?"

"More like what did we miss," Wes laughed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Blaine giggled, but smiled smugly.

"Oh Blaine!" Puck moaned, as all the other boys whooped and hollered.

Blaine shoved Puck playfully as Kurt shot the mohawked boy a look from across the room.

Puck laughed as Kurt glared at him.

"You better watch out, Puck. He can be pretty malicious." Blaine warned.

"I bet.." Puck snorted as Kurt walked over, putting his hands on his hips.

"So what are we talking about?"

"Nothing!" Blaine said quickly.

"Puck?" Kurt asked, biting the inside of his cheek as he looked over at the taller boy.

"We were talking about your moaning," Puck smiled his cocky grin.

Kurt looked at Blaine then back to Puck. "Really now.."

"Kurt...ignore him...please," Blaine pleaded.

"I think you're just jealous that you aren't the one causing them Puckerman." Kurt continued, causing the small group of boys to "Ooooh."

Puck laughed. "Yeah. I so want you Hummel."

"I know you do...Don't think I forgot about that night at the party.." Kurt said matter-of-factly.

"That was spin the bottle!"

"But spin the bottle does not include pulling me on top of you." Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

"That is true.." Mike chimed in. "That was a little heated for spin the bottle."

Blaine stepped between them. "Why does it even matter? You," Blaine said, turning to Kurt. "Are mine," he finished, pulling his fianc� in for a deep, passionate kiss.

Kurt's eyes fluttered closed and he moaned lightly as Blaine pulled him closer.

Blaine tangled his hands in Kurt's hair, deepening the kiss.

Kurt felt like his legs were about to give out as they kissed. Kurt had never seen Blaine like this. So possessive. It was kind of...Sexy.

Blaine backed Kurt against the wall, picking him up and squeezing his ass.

He heard the group of guys behind them give off cat calls as Kurt whimpered, wrapping his legs around Blaine's waist.

Blaine pulled off. "So what were you fighting about?" He smiled.

"I don't...remember.." Kurt panted.

"Good," Blaine said, turning around. "Now does anyone else have something to say?"

"That was hot!" Brittany called from across the room.

Blaine laughed loudly, turning back to Kurt and biting his ear, "Stay the night?"

"Y-yeah.." Kurt whimpered.

"Maybe you can do that thing you promised me..." Blaine whispered.

Kurt bit his lip, looking up at Blaine and nodding lightly.

Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "Can't wait."

Later after everyone left, Kurt and Blaine went to Blaine's room after seeing the rest of the party guests off.

Blaine sighed, jumping onto his bed. "That was an interesting night."

Kurt smiled, climbing on top of Blaine and resting his head on his chest. "It was.."

"I thought you were gonna kill Puck," Blaine giggled.

"I probably would've if you didn't...Step in.." Kurt said, biting his lip at the memory.

"You liked that?" Blaine smiled.

"Yeah..There was just something about you...It was really..Sexy.." Kurt breathed out.

"It felt...I don't even know...but I loved it..."

"Just having you show everyone I was yours like that...It just...Did something to me.." Kurt said closing his eyes.

Blaine gave a small moan. "It was so hard not to do more right then..."

"I kind of wanted you to.." Kurt admitted blushing.

"I wanted to. I just didn't know if you wanted me to since we had just had sex," Blaine explained.

"Yeah.." Kurt giggled:, looking up at Blaine.

Blaine ran his hands down Kurt's sides. "I love your eyes."

Kurt smiled, blushing as he planted a small kiss on Blaine's chest.

"I love you, Kurt."

"I love you too." Kurt said softly.

Blaine smiled, reaching down to take Kurt's hand.

Kurt laced his fingers with Blaine's and brought their hands up so he could Kiss Blaine's.

Blaine smiled lovingly at his fianc�, sighing happily.

Kurt scooted up Blaine's body, giving him a small kiss.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, pulling him closer.

Kurt smiled, deepening the kiss as he placed his hands on Blaine's waist.

Blaine moaned, rolling his hips up to Kurt's.

Kurt gasped, kissing down to Blaine's neck.

Blaine's breathing hitched. "Oh God..."

Kurt sucked at Blaine's pulse point, kissing down to his collar bones and back up the center of his neck.

Blaine clawed down Kurt's back, squirming under him.

Kurt sat up, pulling off his shirt before doing the same with Blaine’s. He leaned down, gently flicking his tongue over Blaine's nipple.

Blaine arched his back as he gasped. "Kurrrttt..."

"What do you want baby?" Kurt whispered, bring his hand down to cup the bulge of Blaine's straining erection.

Blaine shivered. "Bend me over the desk...please..."

Kurt stood, holding out a hand to Blaine to help him off of the bed. As Blaine walked by him on the way to the desk, Kurt slapped his ass, smiling as he saw his fianc� jump a bit at the unexpected touch.

Blaine bit his bottom lip as he turned and looked at Kurt innocently. He ran his fingertips down his own chest, slowing as he reached the small patch of hair just above his jeans.

Kurt swallowed hard and his breathing grew heavier as he watched Blaine's hand trail lower.

Blaine unzipped his jeans and slowly pulled them down, taking his briefs with them before slowly stroking himself.

Kurt's breath caught in his throat as he watched this beautiful boy stroke himself. "Fuck...Blaine.." Kurt whispered, walking closer, but not touching him, as he kept his eyes trained on Blaine's cock.

Blaine smiled as Kurt came closer. "Touch me..."

Kurt obliged, coming even closer and resting his forehead against Blaine's as he slowly started massaging his fianc�'s hips.

Blaine sighed, adding more pressure to himself. "I need you..."

"Tell me how much you need me..." Kurt whispered, licking over his bottom lip.

Blaine gasped. "Oh I need you so bad. It’s all I've been thinking about since earlier..."

Kurt smiled kissing Blaine softly. "Tell me what you've been thinking about.." Kurt said quietly.

Blaine closed his eyes, moaning quietly. "You bent me over this desk, teasing me by only putting the head of your thick cock inside me and taking it back out. You kept doing this until I begged you and you slammed into me, making me cry out in sheer pleasure. You smacked my ass as you fucked me hard and fast, calling me your little slut..."

Kurt moaned, grabbing Blaine's hair and turning him around swiftly so he was bent over the desk.

Blaine gasped. "Ahh! Baby!"

Kurt unzipped his jeans quickly, pulling out his erection and coating it in lube before slowly pressing into Blaine, only pushing enough so the head was inside of him.

Blaine moaned at the stretch. "Oh baby...fuck..."

Kurt moaned quietly at the sight before slowly pulling out of him.

Blaine whined, pushing back.

Kurt smiled, pushing back into Blaine and pulling out again. "You asked for this..."

Blaine groaned. "I know..."

Kurt smiled as he continued teasing Blaine. "Fuck Blaine....You're so tight..."

Blaine rested his chest and head on his desk, moaning every time Kurt pressed in. "Baby...please...I need you..."

"I know baby.." Kurt said darkly, pressing in a bit deeper before pulling out again.

Blaine shivered at Kurt's voice. "God're so hot..."

Kurt didn't know how much more of this he could take as he squeezed Blaine's ass roughly. "Fuck..."

Blaine gasped. "Kurt! Shit, please!"

Kurt slammed into Blaine, forcing him to take all of him.

Blaine cried out at the sudden feeling of being full. "Ahh! Oh God!"

Kurt thrust into Blaine hard, groaning at the tight heat. "Fuck..Talk to me baby.."

Blaine writhed under Kurt as he gasped and moaned. "So...fuck! So good...don't stop baby..."

Kurt brought his hand down hard across Blaine's ass as he slammed into him.

"Ahh!" Blaine screamed loudly. "Fuck! A-again...please..."

Kurt slapped it again, moaning at the way Blaine cried out. "Look at you...Shit..You love taking it like this..Like the slut you are.."

"Fuck, yes! I love...unngh! Being your...oh! Slut!" Blaine moaned, arching his back.

Kurt spanked Blaine harder as he snapped his hips forward.

Blaine's breathing came out in short gasps. "Oh fuck! Baby! I’m...oh! So close..."

Kurt sped up his movements, smacking Blaine's ass again. "Cum for me Blaine.."

Blaine gripped the sides of his desk, screaming Kurt's name as he came hard.

Kurt followed suit filling Blaine deep as he cried out.

Blaine shook as he rode out his orgasm, collapsing on his desk.

Kurt kissed in between Blaine's shoulder blades, panting heavily.

Blaine tried catching his breath. "Oh my God, Kurt..."

"Yes baby?"

"You're so fucking amazing," Blaine breathed out.

Kurt smiled, pulling out of Blaine before carrying him to the bed.

Blaine cuddled up to Kurt like a little puppy, sighing happily. "I love you, Kurt."

Kurt kissed the top of Blaine's head. "I love you too.." he said pulling the blankets over them.

Blaine smiled. "Good night baby."

"Good night love.."

The next week, Mercedes asked Kurt to go with her to go get a tattoo. He thought about it for a minute and agreed. They pulled up to the tattoo shop and Kurt sighed. "I can't believe you're doing this.."

"Why not? You never wanted one?"

"No, I haven’t. This is gonna be on you forever 'Cedes." Kurt said matter-of-factly.

"Kurt. It’s a small music note on my wrist. I love music. It’s my passion. I'm okay with always having it on my body," Mercedes explained to her best friend.

Kurt nodded as they got out and walked into the shop. It was much cleaner than Kurt expected.

Mercedes went up to the counter and talked to an artist and watched as he drew up a tattoo for her.

Kurt walked around, looking at the pictures of tattoos on the wall when one caught his eye. It was a picture of a girl’s midsection with two feathers going down her hips. It looked so pretty.

Mercedes walked up to Kurt. "I'm getting ready to go get mine. Wanna come?"

Kurt nodded, his eyes lingering on the picture a bit before turning to Mercedes. "Yeah.."

Mercedes took Kurt's hand as they walked to the back room.

Kurt watched intently as Mercedes got the music note on her wrist. She winced lightly, but smiled at it when it was done.
"That's really pretty Mercedes.." Kurt said smiling lightly.

"Thanks! I love it!" She said happily as she went to pay.

Kurt smiled after they bandaged het and she paid. They started to walk out and he stopped to look at the picture again.

Mercedes stopped and looked at the picture. "Oh wow. That's so pretty!"

"Yeah.." Kurt said quietly. "Mercedes...I..I think I want that.."

Mercedes stared at Kurt. "You just said you didn't want one..."

"I know...I just...This one..It's really...I don't know...I want it..." Kurt said looking at his best friend.

"It is pretty hot..." Mercedes agreed. "Wait, did you want it now?"

"I have a good bit of money on me..Yeah...Yeah..Let's do it!" Kurt smiled.

"Really?" Mercedes smiled.

"Yeah.." Kurt said happily, a small thrill going through him at the thought of really doing this. They walked up to the counter as Kurt's heart pounded in his chest. He was really going to do this...Kurt Hummel was getting a tattoo.

About an hour and a half later Kurt walked out with Mercedes, bandages taped over his hips.
"I love it!" Kurt squealed giddily.

"It’s sexy as hell!" Mercedes said, jumping up and down.

Kurt winced as his jeans pressed against the tattoos. He unbuttoned them as they got in the car. He looked down and saw Blaine had text him, asking what he was doing.
"Hey baby! I just went with Mercedes so she could get a tattoo."

"I honestly don't know why people get them. They're kind of tacky.."

"Yeah, I agree. She just wanted me to come."

Kurt's breath caught in his throat and he looked over at Mercedes with wide eyes. "Blaine doesn't like tattoos..."

"Oh God...maybe he'll change his mind when he sees it..." Mercedes said.

"Good because I wouldn't ever get one."

"Oh my god.." Kurt groaned, resting his head on the dashboard.
"Yeah...What are you doing tonight?" Kurt replied not knowing what to say.

"Hoping to see you : )"

"Yeah, sure, I'm on my way home now. I'll see you then?"

"See in a bit"

Kurt sighed, turning to Mercedes again. "He wants to come over! Oh God..Fuck! What am I gonna do?"

"Okay...just...say you don't feel good and don't want to cuddle or anything," Mercedes suggested.

Kurt nodded. "Alright."
When he arrived at his house Blaine was already there, up in his room. Kurt fixed his jeans, wincing as the waistband pressed uncomfortably against his tattoo as he walked up the stairs.

Blaine smiled when Kurt walked in. "Hey baby."

"Hey.." Kurt said softly, laying down on the bed and curling up under the blankets.

"Are you okay?" Blaine asked. He had never seen Kurt like this. Something was off.

"I just..I don't feel good.." Kurt said quietly.

Blaine scooted over a little. "Want me to hold you? Come here."

Kurt just shook his head, "No..I just.." he sighed, nuzzling into his pillow. "My whole body hurts..."

Blaine tilted his head. "What happened?"

"I don't know..I-I just started feeling bad." Kurt said, his eyes closed. He hated lying to Blaine, but he was afraid of how he would react to his tattoo. He knew he couldn't hide it forever.

Blaine looked down. " want me to go?"

"No baby...Of course not.." Kurt said looking up at him.

"I don't know what to've always wanted me to hold you when you're sick.."

Kurt looked up at Blaine as guilt filled his stomach. "You...You can hold me if you want baby.."

"You don't want me to. It's fine..." Blaine said quietly.

Kurt leaned in pressing a small kiss to Blaine's lips. "It might help.." Kurt said grabbing Blaine's hand and pulling it so it was resting over his arm.

Blaine smiled, leaning in to kiss Kurt's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too.." Kurt said, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw.

Blaine ran his hand up and down Kurt's arm. When he slid his hand down to Kurt's hip, he winced. Blaine pulled his hand back quickly. "What happened?"

"Nothing baby. I-I just." Kurt stammered, but Blaine lifted up the covers and carefully lifted Kurt's shirt to see the bandages on his hips.

Blaine gasped. "Oh my God! What happened?!"

"N-nothing!" Kurt said quickly, pulling his shirt back down as if it would make Blaine forget about it.

"Kurt...we don't lie to each other...what happened to you?"

"Nothing happened to me.." Kurt said, looking away as Blaine sat up.

"Kurt, you're bleeding. Something happened..."

Kurt sat up and pulled down his jeans a bit, his hands shaking as he peeled off both of the bandages slowly, revealing the two simple, yet detailed feathers on his hips the skin was still irritated and red because it was fresh.

Blaine gasped. "Kurt! What the hell?! Why would you do that to your body? You were perfect...those...those hips....why?"

"Blaine I...I'm sorry..I just thought it was...I thought.." Kurt stuttered.

"You said they were tacky! So now you're lying to me? Going behind my back and getting tattoos?!" Blaine yelled.

Kurt looked away, pulling his shirt back down before standing. "Last time I checked it's my body Blaine.." Kurt said before walking out and hurrying down the stairs as Blaine's words echoed through his head."You were perfect.." tears quickly gathered in his eyes as he tried to get outside, but Burt was in the living room.

"Kurt, what's with all the yelling?" He asked his son before he could reach the door.

Fuck. He was dead. His father was going to find out and he was going to kill him.
"Nothing..Don't worry about it Dad…” Kurt sniffed.

Blaine ran up behind Kurt. "I didn't mean it like's agreed with me earlier then I come over and you show me this? What am I supposed to think? You lied to me."

Kurt started to speak, but Burt cut in.
"Blaine, what's going on?"

"Why don't you show him, Kurt?" Blaine asked. "I'm sure he will agree with me."

Kurt's heart thundered in his chest as he looked between his father and fianc�. He swallowed hard. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He looked at his father, who was now standing and he felt cornered. There was nothing he could do. He reached down to the hem of his shirt with trembling hands and lifted it slowly.

Burt tried to control his temper. "That better be temporary. Tell me this is some kind of dumb joke..."

Blaine threw his hands in the air. "Kurt! You take such good care of your skin, your beautiful, soft skin. Why would you do this?"

Kurt pulled his shirt back down quickly, swallowing as he looked down at the floor.

"What were you thinking?" Burt asked, getting angrier. "You know how your mother felt about tattoos. What do you think she'd say, huh?"

Kurt looked up at Burt. "I don't know what'd she'd say....But...I thought it was pretty, and I don't think it's trashy..." He said sheepishly.

"It isn't trashy. It’s just..." Burt looked at his son and teared up for the first time in a long time. "When I look at you...I still see that little boy that used to chase his mom around and say he wanted to be just like her when he grew up. And now look at have a tattoo. You're engaged. It's just hard to let go of that little boy and know he's grown up..."

Kurt looked down again. "I'm sorry Dad...." He said quietly.

Burt sighed, wiping his tears as he pulled Kurt into a hug. "Don't be sorry. It's your body. And you're right, it isn't trashy. I just can't believe how fast you grew up."

Kurt wrapped his arms around his father nuzzling under his jaw. "I'll never be too grown up for you Dad.." Kurt said softly.

Burt kissed the top of Kurt's head. "I love you Kurt." He looked up for a minute. "Where's Blaine?"

"I love you too..And I'll go look.." Kurt said, ascending the stairs.

Blaine was sitting on Kurt's bed, bent over with his head in his hands.

Kurt walked over to Blaine, sitting next to him. "Baby?"

"I'm sorry, Kurt. I didn't mean you're not perfect anymore. I was shocked. C-can I see it again?" Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded, lifting his shirt again to reveal the two perfectly placed feathers.

Blaine sighed quietly, lifting his hands to lightly trace the tattoos.

Kurt hissed very lightly and Blaine pulled back. "No..It’s okay, it’s just still kind of sore.."

"It’s cute," Blaine whispered, softly kissing each wing.

Kurt laid back on the bed, smiling. "Cute?"

“No...I just...didn't want to admit how much I do like it..."

Kurt snorted. "I thought tattoos were tacky?"

"Bit your hips are very sexy.."

Kurt looked down at Blaine. "I'm sorry I lied about it..." He said quietly.

Blaine laid down next to Kurt. "It’s okay. I'm sure my texts didn't help. And you know how much I love your hips...I was just shocked." He paused, looking down at the feathers. "But the way they're placed, it’s like a whole new level of"

Kurt blushed, looking at Blaine. "So you don't hate it?"

"Of course not! Like you said, you didn't get anything tacky," Blaine said, kissing Kurt's cheek. "It almost looks like they were made for your hips.."

Kurt smiled. "I'm glad you like it.." he said softly. "But my jeans pressing against it hurts.." he complained trying to push the waistband down more.

Blaine's breath hitched. God he loved that gorgeous, lean yet slightly muscular body.

Kurt looked up at Blaine. "Thank you..For being so understanding.."

laine smiled. "I love you. Something like this wouldn't change that."

"I love you too.." Kurt smiled. "Ugh! This is driving me crazy." He groaned, reaching down to unbutton and unzip his jeans.

Blaine's heart raced as he watched Kurt. "You're so beautiful."

Kurt blushed, looking back up at Blaine. "Thank you.."

"Can I do anything to make you feel better?" Blaine asked.

Kurt thought for a moment. "It felt good when you kissed it.."

Blaine smiled, leaning down to plant feather light kisses on each of Kurt's hips.

Kurt sighed softly, closing his eyes. "That feels so good..."

"I love doing it," Blaine said softly, sliding his tongue across one of the feathers.

Kurt moaned softly. "Blaine..." It stung and felt good at the same time and it was just amazing.

"Yes baby?" Blaine asked, doing it again.

"That...Oh my god..." Kurt breathed out.

"You're so hot baby," Blaine whispered darkly against Kurt's skin.

Kurt moaned, raising his hips up a little as he felt himself starting to get hard.

Blaine moaned as he kissed to the center of Kurt's jeans.

Kurt's breathing became labored as he looked down at Blaine.

"Would you be okay?" Blaine asked, not wanting to hurt Kurt.

"Yeah..Yeah, I'll be okay.." Kurt panted.

"What do you want?" Blaine breathed out.

"Will you suck me baby? Please?" Kurt asked quietly reaching down to run a hand through Blaine's curls lovingly.

Blaine pulled Kurt's jeans off, tossing them to the side before pressing little kisses up Kurt's thighs.

Kurt moaned softly before he rid himself of his shirt. "I love you Blaine..." He gasped.

Blaine smiled at him sweetly. "I love you too," he said, lightly licking across the slit.

Kurt bit his lip as he propped himself up on his elbows, watching Blaine intently.

Blaine looked up at Kurt with his innocent, honey eyes as he sucked the head into his mouth.

Kurt gasped as Blaine sucked lightly on the head. "Blaine...Fuck.."

Blaine moaned around Kurt, taking him deeper.

Kurt reached down, tugging Blaine's hair lightly as he held back a moan.

Blaine hummed as Kurt hit the back of his throat.

Kurt couldn't hold back anymore as he felt the vibrations travel through him. He let out a sharp cry before turning his head into the pillow and letting out his moans as he pulled Blaine's hair harder.

The harder Kurt pulled, the more Blaine hummed. He sped up his movements sucking harder.

"Oh god...Fuck...Baby...You're so amazing..." Kurt gasped, his hips thrusting up slightly.

Blaine closed his eyes as he hallowed his cheeks, reaching under Kurt to grab his ass.

Kurt arched his back, panting harshly as he breathed out Blaine's name. "Blaine...I'm gonna cum...Unh! I'm gonna- Oh fuck.."

Blaine squeezed Kurt's ass harder, waiting to taste that sweet cum.

Kurt breathed in sharply, his back arching of the bed as he came in Blaine's mouth, stuttering incoherencies.

Blaine eagerly swallowed around Kurt, making sure to get every drop.

Kurt fell back on the bed, his chest heaving as he came down.

Blaine kissed up Kurt's body. "God, I love you."

"I love you much.." Kurt breathed out before kissing him deeply.

Blaine smiled into the kiss, letting Kurt taste himself.

Kurt moaned softly before reaching down to pull Blaine's shirt over his head.

Blaine sighed happily, looking at Kurt with loving eyes.

"I love you..." Kurt said softly, placing his hand on Blaine's cheek.

"I love you too," Blaine whispered softly.

Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine softly. "What do you want baby?"

"Y-your mouth...please..."

Kurt kissed him again before rolling them over so he was on top of Blaine. He kissed his neck softly. "You're so beautiful.." he whispered.

Blaine blushed. "So are you..."

Kurt slowly kissed down Blaine's chest to his hips, tracing the skin above the waistband of his jeans with his tongue.

Blaine sucked in a deep breath. "Shit...Kurt!"

"Shhh..My dad's downstairs.." Kurt said softly as he unbuttoned Blaine's jeans.

Blaine nodded, tangling his hands in his own hair.

Kurt pulled off Blaine's jeans, kissing his hips softly.

Blaine gasped. "Baby.."

Kurt positioned himself between Blaine's legs and planted light kisses up the underside of his member.

Blaine pulled on his hair, moaning into the pillow.

Kurt licked a firm line up Blaine's length before flicking his tongue over the slit.

Blaine gasped. "Holy shit..."

"Does that feel good baby?" Kurt asked darkly before sucking on the head.

Blaine sucked in a deep breath. "God yes!"

Kurt sank down lower, slowly taking Blaine until he had all of him.

Blaine gripped the sides of the bed. "Oh my good..."

Kurt looked up at Blaine and reached up, grabbing one of his hands and placing it in his hair, pulling off only long enough to mumble "Pull," before sinking back down.

Blaine gasped, pulling Kurt's hair hard.

Kurt moaned loudly around Blaine, hallowing out his cheeks as he sucked harder.

Blaine bit the pillow as he let out a sharp whine, pulling Kurt's hair with both hands. "Baby...oh fuck!"

Kurt pulled up, rolling his tongue around the head as he moaned softly.

Blaine arched his back. "Shit! Baby...I'm so...unghhh! So close."

Kurt sank down again, taking Blaine as much as he could and moaning around him.

Blaine's breathing sped up. "Baby...oh god...Kurt!"

Kurt looked up at Blaine, locking eyes with him as he bobbed his head faster.

Blaine's breath came out in short gasps of air as he threw his head back and came deep in Kurt's throat.

Kurt hummed happily as he swallowed around Blaine, sucking him softly as his fianc� rode out his orgasm.

Blaine's body went limp, collapsing onto the bed and panting heavily.

Kurt pulled off of Blaine, kissing back up his body and laying on top of him. "I love you.." he smiled.

Blaine smiled with tired eyes. "I love you too baby."

Kurt leaned down planting several soft kisses on Blaine's lips as he trailed his fingers down his jaw.

Blaine rested his fingers in Kurt's hair, kissing him deeply.

Kurt sighed softly as he lay down next to Blaine keeping their lips attached.

Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"I love you..." Kurt said again.

Blaine looked at Kurt happily. "I love you too."

Kurt traced his thumb down the bridge of Blaine's nose. "You are so beautiful.."

Blaine blushed, tilting his head down and looking at Kurt from under his lashes.

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's forehead softly.

Blaine's blush deepened. "I love you."

"I love you too.." Kurt smiled. "Why can't we stop saying that?" He said giggling.

Blaine laughed. "Because we're in love."

Kurt's heart fluttered in his chest as he looked at Blaine. "We always will be..."

"Forever," Blaine smiled.

Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine softly. "I'll never say goodbye to you."

Blaine got tears in his eyes as he pulled Kurt closer.

Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's jaw. "So you still want to marry me even though I'm a tattooed freak?" He said giggling.

"A beautiful, tattooed freak," Blaine chuckled.

Kurt smiled, "Next thing you know I'll have black hair, piercings, and a leather jacket."

"Oh dear God..." Blaine sighed. "Just no penis piercings."

Kurt's face flushed red faster than Blaine had ever seen. "People do that?!" He said, shocked.

Blaine threw his head back as he laughed. "Yes, people do that."

"Oh my- No! Why would you-? What? No!" Kurt stammered, blushing hard.

Blaine laughed harder. "I was joking! But people really get those."

"W-why would anyone want to-?" Kurt stuttered before burying his face in the pillow.

Blaine reached over to the table and searched for a picture. "Kurt, baby, look."

Kurt looked up seeing that Blaine had pulled up a picture on his phone of someone's penis with a ring through it.
"Blaine! Oh my god!" Kurt squealed, his face growing even redder as he covered his head with the blankets.

Blaine laughed so hard that he almost fell off the bed. "Kurt, it’s not like I'm going to do it."

Kurt started going off on a rant, but it was muffled by the blanket and pillow.

"Okay, okay. My phone is away. Come here," Blaine said softly.

Kurt peeked out from under the blanket.

"See? It’s gone. Just us."

Kurt pulled the blanket back down and cuddled up next to his fianc�. "Please swear you will never do that. Ever."

"I promise on everything."

"Good...Because those people have mothers and god knows what they would think because if my child did that I don't even know what I would do.." Kurt said quickly.

Blaine giggled. "I agree, baby."

Kurt sighed softly, closing his eyes as his hands drifted down to trace the sore skin of his tattoo.

Blaine watched Kurt. "Did it hurt?"

"Yeah, it hurt. But it wasn't really a bad pain..I don't know how to explain it..It actually felt kind of good.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine thought about that. "Does that mean you're gonna go get more?"

Kurt was quiet for a bit. "I don't think so..I think this is enough.."

Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek. "Well this one is beautiful."

"Thank you baby..." Kurt said smiling.

"You're welcome," Blaine said softly.

Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's neck kissing it softly. "So do you have any secret tattoos I should know about?"

Blaine laughed. "No. I'm kind of actually scared of getting one."

"I was, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Kurt said, closing his eyes.

Blaine nodded. "Its just not for me.'

Kurt smiled as he felt Blaine's hand trail down to trace his thumb over one of the feathers lightly.

Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "You're so beautiful."

Kurt blushed. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that..."

"Get used to what?" Blaine asked.

"You telling me I'm beautiful..." Kurt said quietly.

Blaine cupped Kurt's cheek. "Well you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

Kurt looked up at Blaine with tear filled eyes. "You take my breath away..." He whispered.

Blaine wiped away Kurt's tears and smiled. "You're adorable."

"I just...I can't believe how amazing you are.." Kurt sighed.

"You're silly," Blaine blushed.

Kurt rested his forehead against Blaine's. "You're amazing Blaine...Everything about you..I can't even describe the things you make me feel..Just being around you..I feel happier than I've ever been. You do something to me Blaine...I'm so in love with you..." He said as tears spilled over again.

Blaine tried to hold back the tears as he wiped away Kurt's. "Baby, I feel the same way. I love you so much. You're perfect."

Kurt leaned in, kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, pulling him closer.

Kurt sighed softly, running his hands down Blaine's sides as he deepened the kiss. He pulled away slightly. "I can't wait to marry you..."

"Me neither," Blaine smiled. "I'm the luckiest person."

Kurt smiled, giving Blaine a small kiss. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something..Your mom and I were talking about it at the party..." Kurt said carefully.

"What is it baby?"

"I know you don't want to...But..I was wondering about if you would maybe possibly...consider our options of staying in Ohio for a couple of years...For your mom..She really wants you to get to know your little brother or sister.."

"What?" Blaine pulled back. "But...your getting married...what about all that? What about school?"

"I know, I want all of those things too Blaine..I just...I think we should be realistic..If we do all of that..You could be a stranger in the baby's life..School takes a while to get through, and if I do start a career on Broadway...No one knows how long the shows would run..I just...I don't want your little brother or sister to not know you..." Kurt said softly, grabbing Blaine's hands.

"But Kurt...I mean I do want to be here for that. But what it we wait too long? I just...I can't have you resent me for waiting..." Blaine said as the tears came.

Kurt pulled Blaine close. "Blaine....I could never...never resent you..For anything..But this is still all up to you.."

"It isn't. It’s our life, Kurt. We have to decide this..." Blaine said, getting more upset. It wasn't just up to him. This affected Kurt too.

Kurt detected Blaine was starting to get upset. "I know that baby..Please, I don't want to turn this into a fight.."

"Me neither. But this isn't just up to me. Is this what you want?"

Kurt was quiet as he thought. "Of course I want what we planned..But..I also want to stay with the baby..I-I'm really torn.."

"So am I." Blaine sighed. "I want to be here for my family. But I want the wedding and to help make your dreams come true..."

Kurt sighed. "Why is this so hard?..."

"Because things worth fighting for are never easy," Blaine said, curling up to Kurt. "I guess we can just keep our options open. I mean we haven't even gotten acceptance letters yet..."

"True..." Kurt sighed. "We'll get through this baby.." he. said softly.

Blaine nuzzled against Kurt's chest. "I love you.."

"I love you too.." Kurt said softly. Blaine nuzzled under Kurt's jaw when his phone vibrated. He grabbed it off of the table and saw his mother's number flash across the screen.

Blaine answered quickly. "Hey mom. What's up?"

"Hey sweetie, are you staying with Kurt tonight?" She asked, sounding exited.

"I was planning on it. Why? What's going on?" Blaine asked.

"Well I need you home before eleven tomorrow, I have a favor to ask."

"Sure. What is it?"

"I want you to come with me for my ultrasound."

"Okay," Blaine smiled. "I'll be home."

"Alright hun, I'll see you tomorrow." She said happily.

"Love you, mom."

"I love you too sweet heart." She said before Blaine hung up, smiling.

"I gotta be home by eleven tomorrow," Blaine told Kurt.

"What for?" Kurt asked as Blaine cuddled back up to him.

"Mom wants me to go to her ultrasound appointment."

"That’s great baby..It's about time to see if it’s a boy or a girl." Kurt smiled.

"I know," Blaine said happily. "I can't wait."

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's forehead before giving a small yawn.

Blaine kissed Kurt's chest. "Good night beautiful."

"Good night baby..." Kurt said softly before they both drifted off to sleep.


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