Senior Year: New To McKinley Part II
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Senior Year: New To McKinley Part II: Chapter 4

E - Words: 9,166 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
445 0 0 0 0

The next day Blaine showed up to Kurt's after school and Finn was sitting outside. "I wouldn't go in there If I were you.."

"Why?" Blaine asked.

"Kurt's in one of his moods..." Finn sighed.

Blaine rolled his eyes as he walked inside to find Kurt. "Hey...what's wrong?"

Kurt tore around the corner into the living room. "Finn." He said quickly, walking past Blaine, looking like he really wasn't headed in any particular direction.

"Kurt! Talk to me..." Blaine said, pulling his arm.

Kurt whipped his head around to look at Blaine. Blaine never talked to him or grabbed him like that.

"What is wrong with you? Calm down." Blaine said quickly.

"How am I supposed to "calm down" when Finn is the biggest ass in the world?!" Kurt ranted.

"Woah! What did he do?" Blaine asked.

"He comes up to my room and starts telling me all this...Bullshit, about how only ten percent of people who get together in high school stay together, and I should start "reconsidering my options"."

"What the fuck?!" Blaine practically yelled.


Blaine stormed back out to Finn. "What? So I'm not good enough for Kurt all of a sudden?!"

"No dude! That's not it! You're awesome! I just I-I read it on yahoo and I don't- I didn't mean for it to come out like that!" Finn stammered.

"You know Kurt! How else would he take it? Ugh!" Blaine said, walking back to Kurt. "Baby, it’s going to be okay. I'll always be here. I am marrying you. We are going to have a family and be happy."

Kurt's features softened as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. "Don't be mad at Finn...He's just....Stupid." he sighed.

"I know. But just know it’s us...forever," Blaine said, kidding Kurt's forehead.

Kurt smiled. "I love you..."

"I love you too, Kurt."

Kurt and Blaine walk up the stairs and cuddle up on Kurt's bed, watching a Disney movie.

Blaine felt like something was still off with Kurt. " something bothering you?"

"No.." Kurt said quickly, looking up at Blaine. "I've just been in a bit of a mood all day..."

Blaine felt his phone vibrate. It was Sebastian. He typed a quick reply.
"How you feeling?"

"Alright..Are you busy?"

Kurt eyed the text and couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed. Blaine never text people while they were like this.

"I'm with Kurt. Why?"

"So did I tell you that I got Sebastian into Disney movies? He had never seen one before!"

"Really..." Kurt said, still looking at the TV.

"I just wanted to see you."


"Yeah! I couldn't believe it! I mean who doesn't know what Disney is?!" Blaine said in a rush.

"I haven't the slightest idea.." Kurt sighed.

"Sounds good! "

"Text you when I leave."
Blaine put his phone away and wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist, kissing his neck softly.

Kurt turned his head slowly. "Blaine.."

"What?" Blaine asked.

"What are you doing?"

"Kissing my fianc�?"

Kurt gave a small smile, turning to give Blaine a chaste kiss before looking back to the movie.

"What's wrong?" Blaine asked, running his fingers up Kurt's thigh.

"Nothing..." Kurt said softly.

"Part of being together for the long run is being honest with each other. You're lying to me."

Kurt sighed. "You know how I feel about Sebastian, and yet you're sitting there texting him and talking about him..."

"I'm sorry. He's just vulnerable lately. I'm kind of all he has right now. My phone is away, okay? Just you and me now. I'm sorry baby."

Kurt gave a small nod, cuddling back up against Blaine. "It's okay..." He said softly.

"I love you," Blaine said against Kurt's ear as he trailed back up his fianc�'s thigh.

Kurt looked over at Blaine, resting his forehead against his fianc�'s." I love you too..."

Blaine smiled. "You're so beautiful."

"Thank you baby..." Kurt smiled, running his hand along Blaine's jaw.

Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt softly.

Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine back sweetly.

Blaine ran his hands down Kurt's back to his glorious, firm ass.

Kurt gasped, rolling his hips forward. "Stay the night?" He gasped as Blaine massaged his ass.

Blaine sighed. "I would...I have plans though..."

"With who?" Kurt asked, kissing Blaine's neck softly.

"Umm..." Blaine hesitated. "Sebastian..."

Kurt froze before pulling away from Blaine and standing." What? So you figured you could get a quick fuck before you went off with Sebastian?" Kurt asked sharply, putting his hands on his hips.

"What the hell? No! I always want you. Sorry for happening to have plans tonight. God damn, Kurt!" Blaine yells back.

"Whatever Blaine..." Kurt huffed, crossing his arms and storming out of the room.

"He's just a friend!" Blaine said, following Kurt. "You have friends too! What the hell is your problem? I say I can't stay one night and you turn into this prissy diva!"

Kurt stopped in the middle of the hallway, spinning around on his heel. "Oh I'm a prissy diva now? I'm sorry that I don't like my fianc� spending all this time with his ex! I never said anything when it was Britt or Mercedes!"

"Kurt! Me and him are just friends! He needs a friend. That's all!"

Kurt couldn't hold it in anymore." Do you wanna know why he needs you? Why he and David broke up? Hm? Because when they were having sex, he screamed your name Blaine! Sebastian screamed your name!" Kurt raged. "Do ‘friends’ do that?"

Blaine stumbled backwards, his mouth falling agape. "W-what? No-no..."

"Yes Blaine. He is still in love with you...That's why he's been coming to you..That's why they broke up.."

Blaine backed up against the wall, tears forming in his eyes. "I had no idea..."

Kurt's heart shattered at Blaine's expression. "Oh my God...I shouldn't have.."

Blaine shook his head. "I...I can't...I have to go..." He ran out to his car and let the tears fall before Kurt had a chance to stop him.

Kurt ran out the door, watching as Blaine sped off.

Blaine went back to his house, running up to his room and collapsing on his bed.

He didn't know what to do. How could he be so oblivious?

A few minutes later, Blaine got a call from Sebastian. He answered quickly.
"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"T-tell ye what?" Sebastian asked, caught off-guard.

"That it was my name you screamed while Karofsky fucked you! That it's my fault he got hurt!" Blaine yelled.

"Oh my god..." Sebastian whispered as the fear shot through him.

"Yeah." Blaine said icily. "I feel like a fucking asshole. Dave may not be the nicest guy, but he didn't deserve that. I have to go." Blaine said before hanging up and crying into his pillow. His phone vibrated over and over with calls from Sebastian, but he ignored them all, holding his pillow tightly. He laid there, letting the tears fall until he fell asleep.

He woke up the next morning with a pair of arms around him. He slowly turned to see Kurt behind him, still asleep, looking as if he'd been crying as well.

Blaine turned around, cuddling close to his fianc�.

Kurt stirred slightly, pulling Blaine closer and nuzzling into his hair, still asleep as he did so.

Blaine smiled. Even though he ran out on Kurt, he still came over to be with him.

Kurt inhaled softly, opening his eyes to see Blaine. "Hey beautiful..."

"Hey," Blaine smiled. "When did you get here?"

"About nine...You weren't answering my calls...When I got here you were already asleep, so I just lied down with you.."

"I'm so sorry, Kurt...I shouldn't have left you like that..."

"No, I'm sorry...I..I shouldn't have fought with you..." Kurt said softly.

"Thanks for coming," Blaine said, resting his head against Kurt's chest.

Blaine's phone started vibrating again with a call from Sebastian.

Blaine sighed. "I yelled at him last night...I don't know what to say..."

"Maybe he has something to say..." Kurt said, looking at the phone.

Blaine took a deep breath before answering.

"Blaine! I am so so sorry.." Sebastian said quickly.

Blaine was quiet. He didn't know what to say to that.

"I feel so stupid....I- I just...How was I supposed to tell ye that?" Sebastian sighed.

"I don't know. But since you didn't, I tried defending you when Kurt and I got into a fight."

Sebastian was quiet for a moment. "I never meant for any of this to happen..."

"I know," Blaine said softly.

"I was just going to keep it to me'self...Not tell ye...Not even try anything with ye..I didn't mean to say yer name...I was just goin' to be content bein around ye..."

Blaine sighed. "I like being your friend, Sebastian. But you need to get past that. You're an amazing guy. I just gave my heart away before I met you. I'm scared if you're around me, it will hurt you."

"I'm so sorry Blaine..." Sebastian whispered. "I...I wish I could control it...these..stupid fuckin' feelin's.."

"Stop. I know. I just don't want to hurt you..."

Sebastian stayed quiet. He knew either way this went he'd get hurt.

"I don't know what to do," Blaine said quietly, trying not to cry. "I don't want to lose you."

Sebastian sighed. "I know...I just..I love ye Blaine...It'll just hurt too much..."

Blaine nodded even though Sebastian couldn't see. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be....If anythin' I should be apoligizin'..." Sebastian sniffed.

"I just...I shouldn't have yelled at you..." Blaine said, letting the tears fall as he curled up against Kurt's chest.

Kurt slowly stroked Blaine's curls holding him close.

"I understand why ye did though..." Sebastian said quietly.

"So...what happens now?" Blaine asked.

"I guess I...Try to work things out with Dave..."

"Good luck...he actually seemed happy when he was with you."

"We were..." Sebastian whispered.

"I hope it works out, Sebastian."

"Me to....Thank ye Blaine...I'm sorry 'bout all of this..." Sebastian said quietly.

"It’s okay. It will pass in time..." Blaine sniffed.

Kurt leaned in and kissed Blaine's forehead softly.

"Yeah...Goodbye Blaine...." Sebastian said, barely a whisper.

Blaine teared up again. He could hear the pain in Sebastian’s voice. "Good bye Sebastian..." Blaine said before hanging up and curling up to Kurt's chest.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine, pulling him close and kissing the top of his head.

"I'm so sorry Kurt..." Blaine said through the tears.

"Shh...You didn't do anything baby...It's okay..." Kurt soothed, rubbing circles on Blaine's back.

"I should've known...he said he screamed someone's name...I should've known..."

"You had no way of knowing..." Kurt said softly.

"I just feel so bad...I yelled at you..."

"I yelled too...But it's okay...It's all over now..." Kurt whispered.

Blaine nodded. "Thank you for coming over last night."

"You're welcome baby...Just promise that neither of us will ever leave upset again okay?" Kurt said softly.

"Promise," Blaine smiled.

Kurt smiled back, giving Blaine a small kiss.

"I love you, Kurt."

"I love you too Blaine..."

"How did you know?" Blaine asked.

"How did I know about what?"

"About Sebastian..."

"....David came over and told me..." Kurt said softly.

"Oh.." Blaine said a little confused.

"He said he felt like I should know...He said he didn't want anything else to come between us.."

"I hope it works out for them."

"Me too..." Kurt sighed before giving Blaine's jaw a small kiss.

"Do you think he will forgive Sebastian?"

"With time...I can tell he really loves him..."

Blaine nodded. "Good."

Kurt pulled Blaine closer. "I love you so much..."

Blaine kissed Kurt's neck. "I love you more than you will ever know."

Kurt smiled, rubbing Blaine's back softly.

"Can we just stay like this all day please? I just...I need to be with you..." Blaine asked quietly.

"Of course baby..." Kurt said sweetly.

"Thanks," Blaine sighed happily, nuzzling closer.

Kurt lifted Blaine's chin, pressing their lips together lightly.

Blaine scooted up, wrapping a leg around Kurt's waist.

Kurt smiled against Blaine's lips, running his hand up Blaine's thigh.

Blaine sighed happily as he deepened the kiss.

Kurt brought his hand around to rest on Blaine's ass, rubbing it softly.

Blaine gasped lightly, rolling his hips onto Kurt.

"God...Blaine.." Kurt gasped.

"Yes baby?" Blaine breathed out.

"You're so sexy..." Kurt said softly before biting Blaine's bottom lip.

Blaine let out a small whimper, pulling Kurt on top of him.

Kurt brought his hands up to tangle into Blaine's hair.

"I-is my mom home?" Blaine asked quickly.

"I don't know..." Kurt panted.

"Want me to check?" Blaine groaned.

"Yeah.." Kurt said, rolling off of Blaine.

Blaine sighed as he stumbled out of his room. He walked into the kitchen and saw a man making coffee. "Who the hell are you?!"

The man turned around, looking surprised. "Uh...I'm John..." He said raising his eyebrows. "You must be Blaine!" He said, a smile suddenly spreading over his face. Blaine's eyebrows kneaded together as he took in "John’s appearance. He looked like he just woke up, in nothing more than a pair of sweatpants and his short dark brown hair was sticking out in every direction.

"Why are you in my house? How do you know my name?" Blaine asked harshly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He chuckled. "I'm your mom's boyfriend.."

Blaine's eyebrows furrowed. "Where's my mom?"

"In her room...It was really nice to finally meet you; she's told me so much about you." John smiled. "Yeah, yeah." Blaine waved him off as he walked to his moms room.

"So you couldn't tell me you had a boyfriend? I had to wake up to some stranger in our kitchen?"

Marissa sat up in bed. "I'm sorry...I told him to be quiet...I wanted to introduce you to him today." She smiled.

"Oh well we were introduced," Blaine scoffed before trudging back to his room.

Kurt smiled as Blaine walked back into the room, but it faded as he saw his expression. "You okay baby?"

"My mom is here....with her boyfriend..."

"Boyfriend?" Kurt asked, raising his eyebrows as Blaine sat on the bed.

"I didn't even know she had one..." Blaine sighed.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist. "Well, I think she deserves someone.."

"But really? Have him stay the night without even telling me?"

Kurt shrugged. "That was her choice I guess...Why are you mad about this?"

"I shouldn't have to wake up to some shirtless guy in my kitchen!"

"Shhh...Calm down baby...It's okay..." Kurt tried to soothe.

Blaine collapsed on the bed. "I don't like him."

"Why?" Kurt asked, confused. "Was he rude?"

"No." Blaine huffed.

"Then why don't you like him?" Kurt asked.

"He's one article of clothing away from being naked. His hair is a mess. I don't like him."

"He's probably a really nice guy..." Kurt said softly.

Blaine shrugged. "Sure."

"Are you going to give him a chance?" Kurt asked, smiling lightly.

"I don't know yet.."

"Well don't be completely closed minded.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's neck. "For your mom.."

Blaine sighed. "You're right."

"Thank you baby..." Kurt smiled.

Blaine nodded. "Hold me?"

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist. "I love you..." He whispered against Blaine's lips.

Blaine smiled. "I love you too."

Kurt gave Blaine several small kisses. "I wish we were alone..."

"We can just be quiet..." Blaine suggested.

Kurt smiled, "Can I suck you? Please?" He asked softly.

Blaine shivered. "Please..."

Kurt got on top of Blaine, kissing down his jaw and neck.

Blaine moaned lightly, rolling his body up to Kurt's.

"You're so damn sexy Blaine..." Kurt moaned, reaching between them and palming Blaine's growing erection.

"Fuck!" Blaine whispered, gripping the sheets.

Kurt kissed down further before settling between Blaine's legs and unbuttoning Blaine's pants enough to release his member.

Blaine sighed at the release, watching Kurt with eyes full of lust.

Kurt slowly sank over Blaine's length, moaning at the taste of his fianc�..."

Blaine gasped, arching his back as the wet heat surrounded him.

Kurt looked up at Blaine, keeping his tongue pressed against the bottom of his cock as he bobbed his head.

"Oh God...Kurt..." Blaine panted.

Kurt closed his eyes as he hollowed his cheeks out, sucking harder.

Blaine brought his hands up, tangling his fingers in his own hair as he tried to stay quiet.

Kurt licked lightly at the slit, moaning. "You taste so good baby..."

Blaine's breathing increased. "'re so fucking amazing!"

Kurt sank back over Blaine's cock, moaning when the door opened.

"Hey, your mom- Oh my god!" John gasped, causing Kurt to yelp and jump, falling off of the opposite end of the bed."Umm..Ahh..Umm.. Breakfast is ready.." john said quickly, walking out.

Blaine groaned loudly. "Ever heard of knocking?! Fuck!"

Kurt got up, dusting himself off. "Well.."

"Ugh! I really don't like him."

"Blaine, it was an accident…"Kurt said softly, climbing back on top of Blaine and giving him a chaste kiss.

"He should've knocked. Does he not know what privacy is?!" Blaine ranted.

Kurt gave Blaine several more small kisses to quiet him. "Calm down love..."

Blaine sighed. "Okay."

"I love you..." He kissed him again. "Let’s go get some breakfast.."

"I love you too," Blaine said softly as he stood.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine from behind. "Be nice..."

"I’ll try," Blaine said, leaning back against Kurt.

Kurt kissed Blaine's jaw. "Thank you.."

Blaine sighed, "Let’s go."

Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand as they walked out to the kitchen.

Blaine sat down at the table, practically glaring at John.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about that...I-I should have knocked.." John said sheepishly.

"Yeah. You should have." Blaine said without emotion.

Kurt nudged Blaine, shooting him a warning glare.

"Let’s just forget it," Blaine sighed, looking down.

Kurt smiled, looking at Marissa's boyfriend. "Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel, Blaine's fianc�."

"The fashionista!" John said, shaking Kurt's hand. "I've heard wonderful things about you!"

Kurt smiled wide. "And yet I've heard nothing about you!"

Marissa blushed. "I had to make sure he was good enough to meet my two boys first."

Kurt walked into the kitchen to help Marissa. "Blaine's kind of...On the fence about all of this...And by on the fence, I mean he doesn’t like him.." he whispered.

Marissa sighed. "I didn't mean for them to meet like this...I didn't even plan on him staying the night. But know how things go..."

"Yes I do..." Kurt giggled, "So...How was it?" He said, nudging her playfully.

Marissa giggled, blushing more. "Amazing!"

Kurt smiled, looking over at the two, sitting at the table. John looking happy and Blaine looking bitter. "I guess Blaine just.. isn't very good with the idea of you dating again.."

"I know he wants me to be with his father. But I just can't. And John...he makes me happy, Kurt. You know what that feels like." Marissa smiled weakly. "Blaine just doesn't want me to get hurt again."

"He seems like a really great guy...And if he makes you happy, that's the main thing." Kurt smiled, pouring two cups of coffee.

"Will you talk to Blaine? He really is a wonderful man."

Kurt smiled. "I'll try…But you know how he is.."

Marissa nodded. "Just like his father."

"Hard headed." Kurt laughed lightly, mixing in cream and sugar.

"Exactly," Marissa chuckled. "Let’s go in there before it gets too awkward."

Kurt nodded, grabbing the two mugs and walking back to the table. He handed one to Blaine and kissed his cheek softly as he sat down next to him.

Blaine gave Kurt a small smile as he lifted his coffee. "Thanks baby."

Kurt smiled back. "You're welcome..." He said softly. He looked back over at John, who was sipping his coffee Marissa brought him. "So what do you do John?" Kurt asked politely, ignoring Blaine's annoyed look in the corner of his eye.

"I'm a pediatrician," John smiled widely.

"Really?" Kurt said looking over at Blaine. "Isn't that nice Blaine?" He asked, trying to get him involved in the conversation.

"So you like kids?" Blaine asked, rolling his eyes.

"I love kids." John said happily.

"That's really sweet." Kurt smiled.

"Do you have any?" Blaine asked.

"Not yet.." John sighed, "But, I can't wait to."

"How do you feel about my mom having an openly gay son?"

Kurt's head spun towards Blaine, as did Marissa's. "Blaine!" Kurt scolded, But John seemed unfazed. "I think it's great that you can be who you are. I mean, most people couldn't do that...I really don't have any problem with it...You didn't choose it, that's just who you are. And I think it's amazing that you can be open with it. Especially in Ohio." John said, not missing a beat.

Blaine groaned to himself. John seemed perfect. There had to be something wrong. "Ever been in jail?"

"Blaine! That's enough!" Kurt scolded.

"My fianc�'s an atheist, got a problem with that?" Blaine asked quickly.

"Oh my god, excuse us, I am so sorry.." Kurt said quickly, pulling Blaine out of the kitchen.

"What? I'm trying to get to know him." Blaine said quietly.

"You are interrogating him!" Kurt whispered harshly.

"So? He's dating my mom!"

"So you have to question him like he's a criminal?!"

"I have to make sure he isn't!"

"He's a pediatrician!" Kurt whispered, throwing his arms up at how ridiculous his fianc� was being.

"So?!" Blaine whispered back.

"What could he possibly do?! Why are being critical?!" Kurt asked.

"Kurt, my father hit my mom. I'm not going to let it happen from some other guy too!"

"What makes you think he would?! Don't judge him before you get to know him.." Kurt said finally, turning on his heel and strutting back into the kitchen.

Blaine pulled Kurt back. "I didn't think my dad would either. I am getting to know him! That's why I'm asking questions!"

"But you don't have to ask him questions like that! You are being so...Ugh!" Kurt growled under his breath before sighing and regaining his poise. "If you're going to ask him questions, let them be normal...Your parents didn't ask me if I've been to jail, or how I felt about sexuality or whatever...Just...Be nice...For me...For your mom...Please?"

Blaine groaned. "Fine." They walked back and sat down. Blaine sighed. "I'm sorry. It’s just been a rough couple of days."

Marissa gave her son a weak smile as she sipped her coffee and Kurt went to go fix them plates.
"It's okay dear..."

"I'm sorry to you too, John. I just don't want my mom getting hurt again. She's everything to me." Blaine said softly.

"It's okay Blaine...I was the exact same way when my mom started dating again.." John smiled. "But I promise.." he said looking at Marissa. "I will take good care of your mom...I really care about her.."

Blaine nodded. "Thank you."

Kurt brought Blaine his plate and sat down next to him. Blaine still looked a bit apprehensive, and Kurt could tell he still wasn't ready to warm up to John, but at least he wasn't being as hostile.

Blaine reached under the table and grabbed Kurt's hand, smiling lightly.

Kurt smiled back, thanking Blaine with his eyes.

Blaine nodded lightly. "How many kids do you want?" he asked in a more polite tone.

John smiled at Blaine." 'Bout two or three, not too many, not too little."

"Boys or girls?" Blaine asked.

"I couldn't care either way as long as I got one little girl."

Blaine smiled. "We want a girl."

"You two are planning on adopting?" John asked. "Or are you using a surrogate?"

Blaine looked at Kurt. "We haven’t talked about it."

Kurt looked at Blaine as well, thinking about it.

"Well I wish you two the best.." John said nicely.

"Thank you," Blaine said sincerely.

Later that day Kurt and Blaine lay in the bed, the windows open, letting the sun warm them while John and Marissa went out to get lunch.

"He's not that bad, huh?" Kurt said softly, his eyes closed.

"He seems too good," Blaine sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"He just seems perfect..."

"But you're perfect." Kurt smiled.

"Nowhere near it," Blaine giggled.

"You're right. You've passed the point of perfect and you are just a dream come true.." Kurt said, slowly opening his eyes to look at Blaine.

Blaine shook his head, smiling as the tears filled his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's hip lovingly. They were both strewn across the bed, Kurt's long lithe limbs overlapping Blaine's slightly shorter ones.

"How'd I get so lucky?" Blaine asked.

"I'm the lucky one.." Kurt smiled, closing his eyes again.

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Well you got your wish..."

"My wish?" Kurt asked, cocking an eyebrow, eyes still closed.

"You wanted us to be alone..."

"So we are.." Kurt said smirking.

"But whatever could we do?" Blaine asked innocently.

"I haven't the slightest idea..."

Blaine traced his fingers up Kurt's thighs. "Well you just think about that," he smiled.

Kurt smiled, looking up at Blaine. "Hmm...Maybe you can help me decide.."

Blaine slowly got up, straddling Kurt. "And just how could I do that?" He asked, grinding down.

Kurt gave a small sigh, arching his back. "Oh...That.."

"What? This...?" Blaine asked, doing it again.

"Yes...Fuck.." Kurt gasped, reaching around to squeeze Blaine's ass.

Blaine moaned. "Baby...please fuck me..."

"Oh god....You want to ride me baby?"

"Fuck yes!" Blaine said, grinding his hips faster.

"You're so hot.." Kurt moaned squeezing him tighter.

"Ahh!" Blaine cried out as his hands traveled up Kurt's shirt.

Kurt whimpered, looking up at Blaine with lust filled eyes.

Blaine pulled off Kurt's shirt before doing the same with his, throwing them to the side.

"God baby..." Kurt gasped, running his hands up Blaine's abs.

Blaine sighed, rocking his hips faster.

"Blaine...Fuck...I need you.." Kurt moaned.

Blaine kissed down Kurt's beautiful, white skin as he quickly pulled his pants off his fianc�.

Kurt mewled lightly, running his hands up his own torso.

Blaine took off the rest of their clothes quickly before straddling Kurt again. "How much do you need me?"

"So bad Blaine...Please.." Kurt panted.

Blaine leaned over and slicked up his own fingers before gently pressing one in.

Kurt watched Blaine, massaging his hips gently as his fianc� fingered himself. "Fuck...Blaine.."

Blaine moaned loudly as he added another finger. "I want you to fill me, baby.."

"I want to Blaine...Fuck, I want to.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine quickly added a third finger, rolling his hips as he moaned. "Oh God! Kurt!"

"Blaine...I need you.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine slowly removed his fingers before slicking up his throbbing fianc�.

Kurt moaned softly as Blaine pumped him, letting his head fall back onto the pillow.

Blaine sat over Kurt, sliding over his member. "Fuck! Baby!"

Kurt dug his fingers into Blaine's hips, ensuring there would be bruises later. "Oh god..."

Blaine gasped as he rolled his hips faster. "Ahh! Fuck me, Kurt!"

Kurt slowly started thrusting up into Blaine, panting roughly.

"Kurt! Fuck! You're so big! Blaine moaned loudly.

Kurt sat up, flipping them over quickly so he was on top of Blaine, pounding into him. "Shit...You love taking me like this don't you? Fuck..."

Blaine let out a loud scream. "Yes! God, yes!"

Kurt leaned back a bit, lifting Blaine's legs onto his shoulders and thrusting harder.

"Ahh! Fuck!" Blaine yelled as Kurt rammed into his prostate. "I...ahh! Love the way you...fuck me!"

"Say you're my slut…God Blaine..." Kurt groaned.

Blaine let out a sharp whine. "I'm your slut! I'm your fucking slut!"

Kurt moaned loudly, gripping Blaine's thighs as he sped up.

"Ahh! Ahh! Kurt! Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Blaine cried out.

Kurt gasped, increasing his efforts as he slammed into his prostate. "Cum for me baby..."

Blaine cried out as loud as he could as he came all over his stomach.

Kurt followed soon after filling Blaine deep as he groaned.

Blaine whispered Kurt's name repeatedly as he came down from his orgasm.

Kurt's thrusts slowed to a stop as he let Blaine's legs slip off his shoulders.

Blaine collapsed on the bed, panting heavily.

Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine languidly.

Blaine smiled as Kurt pulled away. "I swear you just keep getting better."

"I have a lot of practice.." Kurt said, giving a breathy laugh.

"I guess I'm to blame for that?" Blaine giggled.

"I'm not complaining..." Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine again.

"Mmm, good. Because I just don't think I could stay away from that pretty cock," Blaine said, laughing loudly.

Kurt rolled his eyes, pulling out of Blaine and lying next to him on the bed. "When are you going to let that go?" He sighed, but still smiling as he traced small patterns on Blaine's chest.

"Honestly? I don't know if I will. But I really couldn't go long without you."

Kurt smiled. "Neither could I.."

"Hey Kurt?" Blaine asked. "Do you think we'll ever lose that?"

"Lose what baby?" Kurt asked softly, kissing Blaine's shoulder.

"Do you think you'll get tired of sleeping with me? Like do you think you'll regret only being with one person?"

"Of course not...I'm in love with you…I could never want anybody else.." Kurt said sincerely, looking into Blaine's eyes.

Blaine smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too...." Kurt smiled. He got quiet for a moment. "Would... you regret it?.."

"No chance in hell," Blaine smiled.

Kurt grinned, kissing Blaine's chest softly.

"You're too amazing to want anyone else." Blaine smiled. "I do have a question..."

"What would that be?" Kurt asked, looking up at him.

"Can we...use the...plug again?" Blaine asked, blushing.

Kurt smiled. "When? It's at my house still."

"Whenever...I feels good..." Blaine admitted, his blush growing.

"I love watching you when you have it in..." Kurt admitted, grinning as he ran his and over Blaine's chest.

"You tease me so well..." Blaine said, moaning at the memory.

Kurt bit his lip shivering a bit. "It was so hot.."

"What did you like about it?"

"Just watching you fall apart...Teasing you...Being able to make you scream at any second." Kurt sighed.

Blaine got chills. "It’s so fucking good..."

"It is.." Kurt moaned.

Blaine turned, wrapping his arms around Kurt and kissing him deeply.

Kurt moaned into the kiss, his fingers tangling into Blaine's curls.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, slowly letting them drift down.

Kurt kissed Blaine languidly before pulling away, their lips less than an inch apart ."Yeah, I'll never get tired of that.."

Blaine smiled widely. "Me neither baby."

Kurt kissed Blaine again before cuddling up to him.

Blaine smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too..." Kurt said softly.

Blaine sighed. "We should get dressed..."

"But I don't want to..." Kurt pouted.

"Me neither," Blaine said as he pulled the blankets around them.

Kurt cuddled closer, sighing happily.

"I can't wait for Christmas break," Blaine sighed softly.

"Neither can I..." Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's neck lovingly.

"I need a break from school. I want to just lay with you..."

"That sounds amazing..."

"I know.." Blaine said before starting to hum. "Live in my house...I'll be you're shelter.."

"Just pay me back, with one-thousand kisses.." Kurt sang back.

Blaine smiled. "I love you so much, Kurt Hummel."

"I love you too, future Blaine Hummel.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine shivered with excitement. "I love when you call me that."

"I can't wait until its official.." Kurt smiled.

"I will be the happiest person ever."

"So will I..."

Blaine leaned over, kissing Kurt softly. "So...when we are ready...did you want to adopt or how did you want to do it?"

"Well...Like john was saying earlier...With a surrogate...I don't know if anyone in either of our families would want to do that...But I like the idea of it.." Kurt said quietly.

"I'm sure we could find someone. I like the adoption thing. But I'd like to see a little female Blaine or Kurt running around."

"Would you like that?" Kurt asked softly.

"I would," Blaine smiled. "But promise me it won’t be Rachel?"

"Oh god, I swear on everything." Kurt laughed.

Blaine giggled. "Good."

"I think it would be...Nice if we could find someone, like a close relative...Like a cousin or something..." Kurt said.

"Do you have any?" Blaine asked.

"I have a cousin...Jessica...She's already had kids. We're really close. But she lives in California." Kurt sighed.

"I would want to be there watch our baby grow before its born..." Blaine said softly. "Would it be weird to have a family member do it?"

"So would I...And I don't know, but I've seen other families do it so the baby would look like both of them.." Kurt said, cuddling closer.

Blaine nodded. "We'll figure something out."

Kurt nodded, closing his eyes. "I wish we could just lay like this all day.."

"We can today," Blaine said softly.

Kurt smiled, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw. "You're warm.."

Blaine cuddled closer. "That might be because you just fucked my brains out," he giggled.

"I love doing it." Kurt said, laughing lightly.

"It feels so, so good," Blaine smiled, closing guise eyes.

Kurt kissed Blaine's jaw softly. "Why do I have a feeling that when we move in together we won't leave the bed for the first couple of days?"

"Because we won't," Blaine chuckled.

Kurt giggled lightly, kissing up to Blaine's ear and biting lightly.

"I love you.." Blaine shivered. "Fuck baby...I love you too."

Kurt licked lightly at the shell, "I love the sounds you make..."

Blaine gave a small whimper. "Kurrrrttt..."

"Mmm...When you moan my name...It drives me crazy.." Kurt whispered, running his hand down Blaine's happy trail.

"Oh shit! Kurt!" Blaine cried out, squirming beneath him.

Kurt rested his hand right above the base of his fianc�'s stiffening member. "You're so sexy..." He whispered.

Blaine panted heavily, looking up at Kurt with hungry yet innocent eyes.

Kurt bit his lip, looking back at Blaine as he wrapped his fingers around his length.

Blaine gasped. ""

Kurt slowly started working his hand up and down Blaine's half hard cock, kissing his neck softly.

Blaine reached up tangling his hands in Kurt's hair as his moans grew louder.

"You feel so good baby..." Kurt moaned, adding the amount of pressure he knew Blaine loved.

"Ungh! Fuck!" Blaine cried out. " fucking good!"

"Blaine..." Kurt gasped as Blaine pulled his hair harder. "I want you to fuck my mouth..." He whispered in his ear before biting lightly.

Blaine sat up quickly. "Fuck're so hot!"

Kurt smiled before kissing Blaine softly. "I love you.."

"I love you too get on your knees," Blaine smiled darkly.

Kurt held back a moan as he slipped off of the bed and positioned himself on his knees.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hair, pulling him close just out of reach of Blaine's throbbing cock. "Beg for me."

"Oh fuck...Please fuck my mouth baby..I want your cock down my throat.." Kurt pleaded.

Blaine moaned as he brought Kurt closer, an inch away from Blaine. "I'm not sure you want me bad enough."

Kurt panted as he looked up at Blaine with those big, blue, innocent eyes.

Blaine smiled. "I love when you beg for me."

Kurt whimpered. "Blaine..I want you so bad..."

Blaine brought Kurt closer. "Suck my deep, baby."

Kurt moaned before happily sucking Blaine deep into his throat, taking him to the base.

Blaine gasped. "Oh"

Kurt snaked his hands around to Blaine's ass, urging his hips forward.

Blaine moaned loudly. "Kurrrttttt..."

Kurt moaned loudly as Blaine tangled his fingers into his hair and started thrusting slowly.

"'re so fucking good..."

Kurt looked up at Blaine with pleading eyes, begging him to go faster.

Blaine sped up his thrusts, moaning louder as Kurt sucked harder.

Kurt's eyes slipped closed as he happily took Blaine, squeezing his ass harder.

Blaine cried out. "Oh God! Kurt!"

Kurt hummed around Blaine, his own hips jumping forward as he felt Blaine hit the back of his throat.

Blaine tightened his grip in Kurt's hair. "I-unnngghhh! I'm so close!"

Kurt looked back up, locking eyes with Blaine as he hollowed out his cheeks.

Blaine's breathing hitched. "God damn, you're so sexy Kurt..."

Kurt moaned softly, squeezing Blaine harder as he prepared himself to swallow Blaine's cum.

Blaine let out a loud scream as he came deep down Kurt's throat.

Kurt swallowed easily around Blaine as his thrusts slowed.

Blaine moaned Kurt's name as he came down from his orgasm.

Blaine pulled out of Kurt's mouth and Kurt flexed his jaw before licking his lips and smiling up at Blaine. "Damn baby.."

Blaine collapsed. "You're just...fuck..."

Kurt giggled, lying next to Blaine on the soft carpet and kissing him deeply.

Blaine kissed over to Kurt's ear as he lightly pumped Kurt. "What do you want baby?"

"Oh God.." Kurt gasped, his hips rolling up. "I-I'm not gonna last long Blaine.."

Blaine added more pressure. "Talk to me baby."

"That was so hot Blaine...The way you f-Ah! Fucked my mouth...I could have came from just that.."

Blaine smiled. "I love when you suck me like a little cock slut..."

"Oh fuck yes Blaine..I'm your slut!" Kurt gasped.

Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurts neck. "You're so sexy.."

Kurt tilted his head, his hips bucking up as he felt himself inching closer to the edge.

Blaine pumped Kurt faster. "Cum for me..."

Kurt cried out at Blaine's words, his cum shooting on Blaine's hand and his own chest and stomach.

Blaine watched with sated eyes. He pulled his hand away, licking up the cum from his fingers before moving to Kurt's chest.

Kurt gasped as he felt Blaine's tongue drag across his heaving chest. "Oh...Blaine.."

"Yes baby?" Blaine asked as he cleaned Kurt.

"You're just...amazing.." Kurt moaned.

Blaine smiled. "You are too."

They lay like that for a bit before they heard the sound of a front door opening.
"We should get dressed." Kurt said quietly before kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine nodded, getting up and grabbing his clothes.

Kurt stood up and grabbed one of Blaine's hoodies, slipping it over his head and pulling on his sweatpants.

"I love when you wear my clothes."

"I love wearing them.." Kurt smiled, nuzzling under the collar of the hoodie and smiling.

Blaine smiled sweetly. "You're so cute."

Kurt blushed, looking up again. "So..Do you want me to stay the night?"

"I'd love it if you could," Blaine said, pulling Kurt close.

"Why can't I?" Kurt pouted, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.

"You can. I just meant if you didn't have to be home," Blaine explained.

"My dad wanted me to go help him at the shop later, but I can more than likely stay." Kurt smiled.

"Good. I miss spending time with you."

"Why don't you come with me to the shop? I'll only be up there for a couple of hours." Kurt smiles.

"Promise you'll get all greasy?"

"Just the way you like it.." Kurt smiled before kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine moaned. "Of course I’ll go."

Later that afternoon as they pulled up to Burt's shop, Kurt turned to Blaine. "Now you have to promise to behave...My dad is still here." He teased.

"That means you can't tease me," Blaine said knowingly.

"Now why would I ever do a thing like that?" Kurt said, pretending to be offended before slipping out of the car.

"Because you know how easily you can make me fall apart," Blaine laughed.

"I haven't the slightest idea to what you are referring to." Kurt sighed as they walked up to the shop.

Blaine shook his head, knowing Kurt would be up to something.

They walked inside to see Burt's legs hanging out from under a car he was working on.
"Hey Dad. I brought Blaine along if that's okay." Kurt said, grabbing his work clothes from under the counter.

"Yup. That's fine. As long as you actually work!" Burt called back.

"Put Blaine to work if you're so worried about it!" Kurt laughed jokingly.

"I'm sure I have something he can help me with," Burt said, sliding out from under the car.

Blaine looked up in surprise. "Really?" He asked. “I'm not really dressed for any engine work.." he said motioning to his outfit.(That Kurt picked out for him, proudly)

"You'll mostly be handing me things," Burt reassured him.

Blaine nodded as Kurt went to one of the back rooms to change.

Blaine sighed as he turned and followed Burt.

"So, I'm just gonna call somethin out to ya, and you hand it to me. Simple enough." Burt explained, getting under a different car than earlier. The system flowed smoothly for a bit, Burt would call out a tool or part and Blaine would easily pick it out, used to working on cars with his father. Everything went well until Kurt walked out. He was in the same, too tight to be legal, white t-shirt, but this time he was wearing his cover-alls half-way, only pulled up to his waist with the sleeves tied around his hips, keeping it secure. "What do you want me to do Dad?" Kurt called.

Blaine turned around and dropped a wrench. "Oh my God..."

Burt slid out at the clatter of the tool. "You okay kid?" Burt asked, unaware of Kurt's smug smile.

"Umm...yeah..." Blaine stammered, not taking his eyes off Kurt.

Kurt walked over, picking up the dropped wrench and twirling it in his fingers nimbly, ignoring Blaine's stare. "Is there anything in particular you wanted me to do Dad?" Kurt asked, bending down to hand the wrench to his father.

Blaine leaned back, watching Kurt's ass the whole time.

"Go check the oil on the car up front," Burt said to his son.

Kurt nodded, winking at Blaine before strutting off to the car his father was talking about.

Blaine stared after Kurt. Fuck he looked amazing.

It took several times of calling Blaine's name to break the trance. "Blaine!" Burt said firmly.

Blaine shook his head. "Huh?"

"Socket wrench." Burt sighed, sliding back under the car and holding out his hand.

It took Blaine a minute to get back in the rhythm of handing the tools, and listening to Burt while watching Kurt, whose arms looked amazing using that car jack.

Blaine kept up with Burt but still kept stealing glances at his fianc�.

Kurt disappeared under the car, causing Blaine to pout for a bit until he came out from under it, covered in grease and oil and just looking sexy.

"Holy shit..." Blaine moaned a little too loud.

"What was that?" Burt asked, rolling out from under the car.

"Oh...Umm...nothing..." Blaine said quickly.

Burt cocked an eyebrow before returning under the car.

Kurt turned around to see Blaine, cheeks pink, and looking flustered as he clumsily handed tools to Burt. Kurt opened the hood, bending over it, and looking like he was tinkering with something as he swayed his hips to the quiet music that hummed throughout the shop.

Blaine dropped the tool he was holding right next to Burt. He quickly picked it up, blushing even more.

Burt slid out again. "Do you wanna take a break?" He sighed.

"Please..." Blaine said quickly.

"Go ahead." Burt said, sliding back once more.

Blaine quickly walked out past Kurt, sighing as he got outside.

"Be right back Dad, I'm gonna go check on Blaine.." Kurt sighed, walking outside, regretting it immediately. The sun was starting to go down and the fall weather was upon them. He turned the corner and saw Blaine, leaning against the bricks. "Baby?" Kurt said softly.

"God damn Kurt!" Blaine sighed. "You're so fucking sexy!"

Kurt giggled, wiping his hands down his chest. "I'm sorry.."

"I need you..."

"Not right now baby...But I promise...I'll take good care of you tonight.." Kurt said, placing both of his grease covered hands on the wall on either side of Blaine's head, leaning over him and smiling.

Blaine nodded. "Okay..."

Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine softly.

"I love you..."

"I love you too baby..I'll try to be a little nicer though.." Kurt sighed, leaning back and slipping his thumbs under the waistline of the coveralls, making them ride lower, revealing the "V" of Kurt’s hips and the light trail of hair that disappeared under the coveralls.

"As you show me more of that amazing body..." Blaine whimpered.

Kurt sat up, realizing what he did as he pulled them back up a bit. "Sorry baby.." he blushes.

"It’s okay're just so hot..."

Kurt blushed, smiling. "Come on, let’s go inside, you'll get sick.."

"Okay," Blaine sighed.

Kurt smacked Blaine's ass playfully as they walked inside, smiling at him before returning to his work.

Blaine took a deep breath, sighing before walking back over to Burt. "I'm sorry..."

"It's alright kid.." said Burt who was now at the counter drinking some water. "What's on your mind today? That crap you put in your hair makin' your brain all fuzzy?"

Blaine giggled. "No...your son is just beautiful..."

Burt smiled. "Yeah...I'm glad he found you, son...You should've seen him before he met you...He was miserable.."

Blaine gave a small smile. "He turned my life around."

"You're good for each other.." Burt sighed, smiling at his future son-in-law before taking a swig of his water.

Blaine's smile grew. "Thank you Mr. Hummel."

Burt nodded. "Tell Kurt if he's done you two can go, I'm about to close up." He said, walking off to do just that.

Blaine skipped over to Kurt. "Baby, as soon as you're done, we can leave..."

Kurt looked back at Blaine from the engine he was bent over. "Alright baby, I'll be done soon.." He sighed, wiping his damp forehead with a grease covered hand. He never understood how it could get so damn hot in the shop when it was so cold outside.

Blaine sat back, watching Kurt. He was so damn sexy covered in grease.

"Lock up before you leave Kurt." Burt called, pulling on his jacket. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Kurt raised his hand to indicate he understood. "Bye Dad.." he said before his father walked out. He heard his truck start up and pull away as he continued his work.

Blaine smiled as Kurt bent back over. "You have no idea how hot you are..."

Kurt looked back at Blaine and giggled. "Actually, I do. It's burning up in here.." he sighed as a few drops of sweat trickled down his neck.

"Well you're fucking sexy, if that helps."

Kurt blushed before looking back at the engine. "You're ridiculous...I really don't see the appeal of this but, whatever gets you off.." he giggled.

"So you're saying when we went camping and you saw me all covered in dirt and sweat, you didn't think it was sexy?"

Kurt bit his lip at the memory of the previous summer. Blaine covered in dirt, sweat dripping down his constantly shirtless torso. "That's different.."

"So you're saying when we went camping, and you saw me all covered in dirt and sweat, you didn't think I was sexy? Because if I remember right, you couldn't keep your eyes off me."

Kurt bit his lip at the memory of the previous summer. Blaine covered in dirt, sweat dripping down his constantly shirtless torso.
"That was different..."

"How so?" Blaine asked, smiling as he saw Kurt shiver at the memory.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again...You dirty and sweaty is hot. Me dirty and sweaty is gross." Kurt said, groaning a bit as he had to strain, pulling back on the wrench to loosen something.

"Well I think you all sweaty and greasy is really fucking sexy." Blaine said in a deeper tone.

Kurt yanked the wrench back, finally loosening what he was aiming for before looking back at Blaine and swallowing at his tone. "Yeah?" He muttered stupidly.

Blaine tried not to giggle. He walked up behind Kurt, grabbing his ass softly. "Yes."

Kurt gave a soft moan, letting his head fall forward and hang between his arms, his hands now gripping at the the front of the car.

"How much more do you have to do?" Blaine smiled.

"I'm..Almost done.." Kurt whimpered, pushing his ass back into Blaine's hands.

Blaine gave Kurt a loud smack on his ass. "I'll be waiting..."

Kurt let out a sharp whine that echoed through the empty shop. "Blaine!" He gasped.

"Yes baby?" Blaine asked, walking back to a stool.

"You're an ass.." Kurt groaned, throwing his bitch glare at his fianc� before turning back to his work, which he continued hastily, with frustrated grunts.

Blaine giggled. "And you have an amazing ass."

Kurt couldn't help but let out a small chuckle despite his frustration as he silently continued to work on the car, finishing about ten minutes later and slamming the hood closed with finality.

Blaine was leaning back on the counter, smiling smugly as Kurt turned around.

Kurt wiped his sweat beaded forehead with his arm and grabbed a rag that was really too dirty to wipe off anything and started to attempt to clean his hands, ignoring the cocky look plastered to his fianc�'s face.

"So...What do you want to do now?" Blaine smirked.

Kurt shot Blaine a look as he threw the rag back on the table, realizing it would do no good. He put his hands on his hips and sighed. "Do I really have to say it?"

Blaine nodded. "I don’t know what you're talking about."

Kurt sighed before sauntering over to Blaine and wrapping his arms around his neck. "Fuck me?" He asked as if he were asking to go for a walk.

Blaine smiled. "Strip."

Kurt smiled back before backing up a bit and slowly pulling off his shirt, his fingers and knuckles dragging along his stomach as he pulled the tight, stained shirt off, leaving streaks of grease along the fair skin.

Blaine shivered, his member stiffening instantly.

Kurt quickly kicked off his shoes before slowly untying the sleeves of the coveralls that were wrapped around his waist, giving Blaine those innocent eyes.

"Holy fuck, baby!" Blaine moaned, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling out his half hard cock.

Kurt let out a sharp breath as he saw Blaine release his thick member; he couldn't take his eyes off of it as he unzipped the coveralls more, revealing to Blaine that he had forgone underwear that day.

Blaine sighed heavily, taking his member in his hand and stroking himself softly.

Kurt bit his lip, holding back a moan as he turned around, letting the remaining clothing slip down and off his hips. He liked stripping for Blaine, especially when his fianc� reacted this way.

Blaine pulled off his shirt and kicked off his shoes as he watched Kurt's perfect ass.

Kurt kicked the clothing away before turning to face Blaine. He had plugged in his iPod earlier and a slow song was on.
Perfect. He decided to give Blaine a little lap dance, smiling to himself as he grabbed another chair, motioning for Blaine to sit in it as the stool was much too high for such activities.

Blaine smiled, sitting down and leaning back.

Kurt put his hands on Blaine's shoulders and hovered over him, rolling his hips to the music as he closed his eyes and let his head fall back.

Blaine gasped. "Fuck, baby..."

Kurt smiled looking down at Blaine before turning around and grinding his ass back against him, slowly and only light enough to tease and not give any real friction. He traced his grease blackened hands down his slip sides, leaving another trail.

Blaine panted under Kurt. "You're so fucking sexy.."

Kurt gasped at Blaine's words, sitting on his lap and rolling his hips. He felt Blaine's cock, resting heavily against the small of his back as he leaned back, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder. "Do you want to fuck me baby?" Kurt whispered in his ear.

Blaine moaned. "I want to bend you over the hood of that car and fuck your brains out..."

"Mmmm..." Kurt moaned before gasping. "Do it baby...Please.."

Blaine picked Kurt up and set him down by the car. "Help me with my skinny jeans."

Kurt turned around and quickly yanked down Blaine's jeans and underwear, smearing some grease on them and Blaine's hips and thighs in the process.

Blaine gasped. "Do you have lube?"

Kurt grabbed the discarded coveralls and pulled a small bottle of lube out of the pocket, smirking.

Blaine shook his head. "Always prepared."

"Always.." Kurt giggled, placing the bottle in Blaine's hand before bending over the hood of the red Accura, resting on his elbows.

Blaine quickly slicked himself up. "God damn, you're perfect.."

Kurt shook his head but said nothing as he rested his forehead against the cool metal, waiting for Blaine to fill him.

Blaine placed himself at Kurt's entrance. "How much do you want me?"

"So bad baby...I want you to fill me...I won't you to fuck me so hard I won't remember my fucking name.." Kurt paned as his grease marked form writhed in front of Blaine.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hips, slamming into him as hard as he could. Blaine gasped. "You like that baby?"

"Aaah! Fuck yes!" Kurt cried out, throwing his head back.

Blaine grabbed Kurt by his hair, thrusting into him faster.

"Oh fuck! Blaine! Fuck me!" Kurt practically screamed, his back curving downward as Blaine pulled his hair harder, giving it to Kurt the way he knew he loved it, rough and fast.

Blaine fucked Kurt harder, crying out as Kurt tightened his muscles around his throbbing member.

"Oh God...Blaine..Blaine!" Kurt practically screamed, rocking his hips back to meet his fianc�'s thrusts.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's ass roughly, ramming into Kurt's prostate as he cried out.

"Baby..Fuck! T-talk to me-Ah!" Kurt got out before resting his cheek against the hood.

"God! You're so fucking tight! I love seeing you like this! Unnghh!" Blaine moaned loudly. "Baby! Fuck! You're so hot!"

Kurt gasped and moaned, making some of the most obscene noises Blaine had ever heard. But fuck, if it didn't turn him on.

"Holy shit! Those noises!" Blaine cried out.

Kurt moaned loudly before gritting his teeth together and groaning deep in his throat. They hadn't had a chance to really be loud in a while and it felt good to be able to let go.

"Oh God! Baby! Scream for me, Kurt!"

Kurt did just that, screaming Blaine's name as he fucked him harder with each thrust.

Blaine let out a deep growl. "Fuck, Kurt! I'm close!"

"Fill me Blaine! Ah...I..I need your cum!" Kurt whimpered, looking back at him.

Blaine saw those innocent eyes and came immediately, screaming Kurt's name.

Kurt's entire body shook as his orgasm hit him like a train. He trembled beneath his fianc�, breathing heavily in short wavering breaths.

Blaine's thrusts slowed as he filled his future husband. "Baby...I love you so much..."

"I love you too Blaine...More than anything..." Kurt panted. They kissed for a minute before cleaning up and heading back to Blaine's apartment. They showered together and watched a movie in Blaine's room while Marissa and John went out to dinner. They heard the adults come in later that night as they were still watching the movie when Kurt cocked an eyebrow, turning his ear to the wall.
"Do you hear that?..." He whispered.

Blaine shook his head. "Hear what?"

Kurt grabbed the remote and paused the movie keeping his ear in the same direction until he heard the small noise again. "That..." He said quickly.

Blaine's eyes went wide, his mouth agape. "No..."

Kurt's mouth went into an open mouthed smile. He gasped and slapped a hand over his own mouth as a very audible moan slipped through the wall. "Oh my god!" Kurt squeaked, holding back a laugh.

"Ew ew ew!" Blaine whined. "This can't be happening!"

Kurt bit his lip to keep from laughing. "You're acting like a thirteen year old girl!" He whispered, letting out a laugh as an even louder moan erupted from Marissa's room and Blaine jumped lightly, looking like there was no more good in the world.

Blaine grabbed his pillow and covered his ears. "Fuck my life..."

Kurt couldn't help but laugh again as he watched Blaine, the moans now too loud to ignore. "How do you think she felt when it was us?" Kurt said, giggling.

"I know I won’t do it again! God! Gross!" Blaine groaned.

"It's not gross!..Well..Kind of...But your mom has needs too Blaine!" Kurt teased.

"But I don't need to hear it!"

Kurt laughed again until there was a bang on the wall. "Holy shit! What are they doing in there; they really must be goin at it!" Kurt whispered, teasing Blaine more.

"Kurt! If you don't shut up, I’m going to abstain!" Blaine said, getting upset.

"Now I know where you get being so loud from." Kurt continued.

"Oh my God! Kurt!" Blaine whined. "No more sex for Kurt!"

Kurt's mouth opened wide in shock. "What?!"

"I told you I would abstain. You kept going. No more sex." Blaine said firmly.

Kurt stared at Blaine before an evil grin slid over his face. "That's okay..It sounds like your mom is getting enough for the both of us." Kurt finished with a laugh, unable to resist as he dodged a pillow Blaine threw at him.

"Kurt! Ugh!" Blaine sighed, getting up and storming out of his room.

Kurt let his giggles die down before following Blaine who had walked outside to the mini balcony through the back door.

Blaine sighed, putting his head in his hands.

Kurt walked up behind Blaine wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing the center of his back. "I'm sorry baby..." Kurt whispered, "I was just playing.."

Blaine took a deep breath. "I just...I really don't like him now..."

"Why?...Well...I kind of understand..But still..Why?” Kurt asked softly.

"Do you hear what he's doing to my mom?!" Blaine groaned. He knew Kurt was right. But this was his mom and he had the right to protect her. Right?

"She heard us and she didn't hate me..." Kurt rationalized, shivering a bit from the cold.

Blaine turned around, wrapping his arms around Kurt. "I know..."

Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "So really....No sex?"

"No sex," Blaine giggled.

"Seriously?" Kurt pouted.

"I did warn you."

"I thought that was just to get me to stop.." Kurt said, poking out his bottom lip.

"I was serious.."

"Baby.." Kurt whined.

"What?" Blaine asked.

Kurt leaned in, pushing Blaine lightly against the railing and kissing his neck softly.

Blaine knew what Kurt was doing. He thought he'd have a little fun with it. "Ohh...Kurt..."

Kurt smiled to himself, biting down lightly on Blaine's pulse point and reaching down to massage his ass.

Blaine moaned. ""

"You're so hot Blaine..." Kurt whispered, licking his ear.

" are you baby..." Blaine said before pulling away. "Too bad I'm abstaining," he giggled, walking to the kitchen.

Kurt watched Blaine with an incredulous look on his face as he walked back inside. Kurt followed. "That was just rude." Kurt muttered under his breath.

"Oh, like you've never teased me?" Blaine laughed.

Kurt stayed quiet, wearing his bitch glare as he poured himself a glass of water.

"I loove youuuu," Blaine chuckled.

"I love you too.." Kurt mumbled as he stalked off to the bedroom.


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