Senior Year: New To McKinley Part II
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Senior Year: New To McKinley Part II: Chapter 3

E - Words: 4,049 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
418 0 0 0 0

The next day after Blaine got home from school his mom was home early.

"Hey. Why are you home?" Blaine asked.

"Just got off early, I was wondering if you wanted to go dinner with me tonight." She smiled.

Blaine smiled. "I'd love to."

Marissa smiled. "Great."

"I'm gonna take a shower real quick." Blaine said, heading to his room.

"Alright hun..Is Olive Garden okay?" She called.

"It’s only one of my favorites!" Blaine called back.

"Good!" Marissa smiled.

Blaine took a shower and got dressed in his tight, black skinny jeans and a nice red button up.

Blaine trotted down the stairs and Marissa smiled. "You look handsome.." she giggled.

"Thanks!" Blaine smiled. "What's the occasion?"

"No occasion! Just wanted to spend some time with my little boy, she smiled, hugging him close.

"Thanks mom. You ready?"

"Yeah.." she said happily, grabbing her coat as they walked out the door.

Marissa drove them to the restaurant and the hostess sat them at a booth.

They were looking over the menu when Blaine heard a familiar accent. "Hello, My name is Sebastian and I'm your waiter this evenin'."

"Well hey there stranger," Blaine smiled.

"Blaine! How 'bout ye?" Sebastian smiled. "Haven't seen ye since the fair." Sebastian chimed happily.

"I'm good. How are you?" Blaine asked.

"Alright." Sebastian sighed, "It's really good to see you." He smiled.

"It is. I've missed that accent."

Sebastian blushed lightly. Truth be told he still had feelings for Blaine, despite his relationship with Dave, who had been very distant lately.

"We should hang out some time!" Blaine smiled.

Sebastian missed that smile. "Y-yeah.." he nodded. "Can I get ye something to drink?"

"Water please," Blaine said softly.

Marissa ordered her drink, watching as Sebastian walked away. "He still likes you.." she said quietly.

"What are you talking about? He's with Dave." Blaine said simply.

"That doesn't mean he can't still have feelings for you.." She replied, looking at Blaine over the edge of the menu.

"How do you know? We barely talked." Blaine asked, placing his menu down.

Marissa sighed. "I could just tell.."

Blaine shrugged. "I don't see why."

Marissa just rolled her eyes to look back at her menu. Her son could be so oblivious sometimes.

Blaine pushed the thought aside ad he looked over the pastas.

That night Blaine got a text from Sebastian.
"Hey, wanna hang out? "

Blaine had been studying all night and figured he could use a break.
"Yeah! Just no bike."

"Promise. Traded it in for a car months ago lol. Should I come over?"

"Lol good. Yeah. See you soon : )"

Sebastian got to Blaine's house a while later, knocking on the door and letting out a small nervous breath. He usually didn't do this. He knew he shouldn't. It wasn't fair to Dave, and in the end he would get hurt, but being with Blaine made him feel happy...Wanted...Even if it wasn't in a romantic way.

Blaine opened the door with a wide smile. "Hey!" He said happily, pulling Sebastian into a hug.

Sebastian smiled, hugging Blaine tightly. "Hey Blaine!"

"I've missed you..." Blaine said softly.

Sebastian's heart fluttered. "I missed ye too.."

"What do you want to do?" Blaine asked.

"Well, I was wonderin', since ye never got a chance to, if ye could educate me more on them Disney movies." Sebastian said, smiling down at Blaine.

"Yeah. I'd like that," Blaine smiled.

Sebastian grinned as they went to Blaine's room to watch the movie.

"How about The Lion King?"

"Sounds good." Sebastian nodded, slipping out of his coat.

Blaine put the movie on and laid down.

Sebastian lied next to Blaine, swallowing hard.

"This is one of the best!" Blaine said excitedly.

Sebastian gave a small nod as he got comfortable. By the middle of the movie he hadn't realized he let his head rest on Blaine's shoulder.

Once again, Blaine sang along with every song, making Sebastian fall in love with Disney movies.

By the end of the night, Sebastian was enthralled. "I am goin' home, and goin' to buy every Disney movie!" Sebastian said, grinning.

Blaine giggled, "I told you they are amazing!"

"They are..." Sebastian sighed dreamily, subconsciously laying his head back on Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine naturally wrapped his arm around the Irish boy, after all, Blaine was the biggest cuddle-bug.

Sebastian's breathing hitched, but only slightly. It felt so amazing to have Blaine this close again.

Blaine let out a loud yawn. "Does senior year ever get less stressful?"

"It gets even more stressful as the year goes." Sebastian chuckled. "Right now is the easy part.."

Blaine groaned. "I'm gonna die!"

"Yer not gonna die.." Sebastian laughed, looking over at Blaine.

"It's too much! I study like nonstop!"

"Ye just need to relax.."

"The Disney movies help," Blaine giggled.

"Ye'll miss it when ye graduate.." Sebastian sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Why? It sucks!"

"And it also sucks havin' all of this responsibility thrown on ye as soon as ye walk across that stage..Get a job, go to college, move out, pay the bills, be a good boyfriend.." Sebastian said quietly.

"And marriage...and just are you handling it..." Blaine asked.

Whoa, Sebastian didn't know Kurt and Blaine were getting married…That hurt a bit."A'right I 'spose..It's tough..'specially when David still refuses to come out to anyone else.."

"I'm sorry," Blaine sighed. "At least he's leaving us alone now..."

"What do ye men?" Sebastian asked, cocking an eyebrow, still unknowing of Dave's trouble with the boys.

"Oh...I don't know..." Blaine said quietly.

Sebastian sat up. "Don't know what?" He asked, eyebrows kneaded together.

"He used to bully us...I got into an actual fist fight with him once."

"Oh my god..." Sebastian gasped.

"Got some cuts and bruises...but I guess it’s over now," Blaine shrugged.

"Why were ye fightin' in the first place?" Sebastian asked with concerned eyes. Blaine wasn't a violent person..

"He was jealous that I was with Kurt but he wouldn't admit it. I saw him hovering over Kurt at his locker...And it just got to where I couldn't take it..." Blaine explained, shivering at the horrid memory.

Sebastian remained quiet. He didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry. I just...I shouldn't have told you that..." Blaine said quietly.

"It's fine...Let's just...Forget about it..." Sebastian said quietly. After hearing that, he felt he would always be second best to Kurt..

Blaine just nodded. "Thanks for coming over."

"Thank you for letting me come over..." Sebastian said looking up at Blaine.

"Like I said, I missed you."

Sebastian smiled, a light blush gracing his cheeks. "I missed you too.."

"We need to hang out more. Don't disappear again..." Blaine said quietly.

Sebastian nodded, leaning back against the headboard.

"I don't wanna go to school anymore." Blaine groaned.

"Ye'll live.." Sebastian chuckled, reaching over and ruffling Blaine's curls.

"Ugh. I know," Blaine giggled.

Sebastian laughed as his phone rang, he dug it out of his pocket and saw it was Dave. "Hello?" He sighed, throwing Blaine an apologetic look.

"Hey. You wanna come over? My parents went out..." Dave asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm...With a friend.." Sebastian said, standing and mouthing 'be right back' to Blaine as he stepped out of Blaine's room.

"Oh...who?" Dave asked, disappointed.

Sebastian bit his lip."...Blaine.."

"What?! I thought you were over him?" Karofsky said defensively.

"We're just friends Dave." Sebastian sighed, rolling his eyes. Why did Dave even care? He'd been so distant lately, Sebastian wouldn't have been surprised if Dave had forgotten about him.

"Sorry...I just miss you..."

"I miss you too..." Sebastian said softly.

"So...I’ll talk to you later?"

"How long 'till yer parents get home?" The Irish boy asked.

"Not until the morning," Dave said, a little more hopeful.

"I'll come by..." Sebastian smiled.

"Thanks. I can't wait to see you."

"Neither can I...I'll see ye then love..." Sebastian said quietly.

Dave got butterflies. "Can't wait. Bye babe."

"Bye.." Sebastian said blushing. He hung up and walked back into Blaine's room.

"Hey," Blaine smiled.

"Hey...That was Dave...He wants me to come over.." Sebastian said, shrugging on his coat. "Thank ye for havin' me." He said, grinning.

"You're always welcome. I'm glad you traded the bike by the way." Blaine said softly.

"Well, I couldn't be gettin' into any more wrecks." Sebastian shrugged.

"I'm still sorry for that..." Blaine almost whispered.

"It wasn't yer fault." Sebastian said sincerely, looking into Blaine's eyes.

"We shouldn't have been out. But I asked you to take me..."

"It wasn't yer fault..I don't, and I will never blame ye for that.."

Blaine sighed. "I just feel like it was..."

Sebastian pulled Blaine into a hug. "Yer so hard on yourself.."

"It's what I do," Blaine groaned.

"Well you shouldn't.." Sebastian sighed, reluctantly releasing Blaine.

Blaine nodded. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be...Look at ye...Yer amazin' Blaine...Learn how to see you the way I do.." Sebastian smiled before walking out.

Blaine watched as Sebastian walked away, thinking the Irish boy was just being nice.

Sebastian made a quick gait to his car, scolding himself for saying that to Blaine in a quick slew of under-his-breath curses. He was so stupid. He has a boyfriend. Blaine has a fianc�. He needed to get his head out of the clouds and get back to reality.

Dave sat in his room, waiting nervously for his boyfriend.

He pulled up soon and Dave walked to the door as he heard Sebastian knock.

"Hey babe," Dave smiled. "Sorry I haven't really been around lately."

Sebastian walked in, smiling up at his boyfriend as he removed his jacket. "It's a'right...I've missed ye though.."

"I missed you too. Thank you for coming. I really needed to see you..."

Sebastian gave Dave a small kiss ."Well ye have me here.." he giggled.

"Yes I do..." Dave said, pulling Sebastian close. "I...I want to talk to you...about something..."

Sebastian wrapped his arms around Dave's neck. "What is it, love?" He said softly, looking up at him with those shining green eyes.

"I...I think I'm ready..." Dave said nervously.

"Ready? Ready for wha-...Oh.." Sebastian gasped.

"I-if you want...If you don't...I-I understand...."

Sebastian kissed Dave with passion. "David...I want to.." he smiled.

"Really?" Dave said with a small smile. "I want you to be my first."

Sebastian's heart swelled, and a lump formed in his throat at the same time. He loved that Dave wanted him to be his first man, but, at the same time, he couldn't stop thinking about Blaine. No, he needed to focus on his boyfriend and make this special for him. He started kissing his neck softly. "I would love to.."

Dave let a tear fall from his eye. "Let’s go up to my room...."

Sebastian nodded, grabbing Dave’s hand as they ascended the stairs.

Dave shut the door behind them and pulled Sebastian in for a deep kiss.

Sebastian wrapped his arms around Dave's strong neck, moaning softly as he slipped his tongue into the Irish boy's mouth.

"H-how do you want to do this?" Dave breathed out.

"I'll bottom for ye...It'll be easier.." Sebastian said, tracing a hand down his boyfriend's cheek.

Dave nodded. "I-I'm nervous..."

"Don't be...I'm here..." Sebastian soothed before kissing him softly.

Dave smiled before taking off his shirt and moving to remove Sebastian's. " you want to be in?"

Sebastian watched as Dave fingered the hem of his shirt. "It doesn't matter to me..I just want this to be special for ye.."

"I want to make you feel good. I-I love you..."

Sebastian looked up at Dave and tears quickly gathered in his eyes. They hadn't said that to each other yet. He did love Dave. He really did. But he was in love with Blaine. He looked into Dave's eyes, as if searching for something. "I love you too David..."

Dave wiped the tears from Sebastian's eyes before lifting the Irish boy's shirt over his head.

Sebastian let his boyfriend remove his shirt before kissing him softly, letting his hands explore.

Dave trailed his hands down Sebastian's chest, fumbling as he got to his boyfriend's jeans.

Sebastian kissed Dave's neck soothingly, trying to relax him.

Dave unbuttoned Sebastian's jeans and slowly pulled them down. He placed his hands on his boyfriend's hips, trailing his hands down to his ass.

Sebastian let out a small moan, nipping at Dave's pulse point as he reached between them, unzipping the taller boy's jeans.

Dave's breathing hitched. "Oh God...that feels so good..."

Sebastian smiled as he removed Dave's jeans and slowly pulled him to the bed.

Dave climbed on top of Sebastian, kissing him softly as his fingers slipped under his boyfriend's boxers.

Sebastian gave a soft moan, lifting his hips encouragingly.

Dave slipped the boxers off of the Irish boy, gasping at the beautiful sight before him.

Sebastian looked up at Dave as he admired him, tracing small patterns on his arms.

"You're gorgeous.." Dave whispered, leaning down to kiss Sebastian.

Sebastian gasped against Dave's lips, rolling his hips up as his hands trailed down his boyfriend's back.

Dave breathed out heavily as he sat up on his knees, reaching over for a condom and lube from his nightstand.

Sebastian watched Dave intently as he slipped the condom on with shaking hands. This was it. He was going to have sex with Sebastian.. His boyfriend..

He slicked up his hard member generously. Dave looked down at Sebastian. "Are you ready?"

Sebastian nodded lightly, wrapping his legs around Dave's waist and leaning up to kiss him softly.

Dave took a deep breath before placing himself at Sebastian's entrance. He slowly pushed in, gasping as the tight heat surrounded him.

Sebastian moaned at the stretch. It had been so long. He dug his nails into Dave's back for a minute before giving him the okay.

Dave slowly started to thrust in and out of Sebastian. "Oh my"

Sebastian tightened his legs around Dave's waist, panting harshly. "Ah!" He gasped.

"Fuck...Sebastian, I love you..." Dave moaned, thrusting faster.

"I-Unh! I love you too..." The Irish boy moaned, clutching to Dave as he rolled his hips with him.

"Shit! You're fucking tight!" Dave cried out.

Sebastian moaned loudly, bringing his hands up to Dave's hair, and pulling lightly. He couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like if his fingers were tangled in curls.

Dave moaned loudly. "Baby...fuck!"

The Irish boy whimpered, rolling his hips up as the mental image he was building in his head grew more elaborate. Tan skin, covered in sweat. A slim, yet muscular body hovering over him, rocking into him, making him moan and writhe against the sheets.

Dave thrust faster, slamming into Sebastian's prostate.


Dave stopped immediately, pulling out quickly and scooting to the edge of the bed with tears in his eyes.

Sebastian gasped, realizing what he said. "Dave, No! Love! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Dave grabbed his boxers, pulled them on and ran to his bathroom. How could he be so stupid? He should've known Sebastian still wanted Blaine.

Sebastian quickly yanked on a pair of sweatpants and ran to the bathroom door. "Dave...."

"You told me you loved me!" Dave said through his tears.

"I do! I love ye Dave..." Sebastian said desperately.

"Then why where you screaming his name?!"

"I don't know....Love...I'm so sorry..." Sebastian whispered.

Dave was quiet. He felt like an idiot.

Sebastian rested his head against the door, kneading his eyebrows together. How could he be so stupid?

Dave sucked in a deep breath before opening the door and going back to his room. He got dressed quickly, ignoring Sebastian.

Sebastian walked after Dave. "Love...I'm sorry...."

"Stop!" Dave yelled. "You don't love me..."

"I do! I love ye Dave! I just fucked up!" Sebastian yelled back.

"I thought this was special..." Dave said, sitting down as the tears came back. "I'm always second compared him..."

Sebastian reached for his hand but Dave flinched away, looking angry again.

"Why? Why did you agree to tonight if you were just going to imagine him?!" Dave said in a rage.

Sebastian stayed quiet. He hadn't intended to think of Blaine. "There's...nothin' I can say to fix this...."

"I have to go..." Dave said quietly as he grabbed his jacket.

"Dave, no wait, Dave please!" Sebastian begged grabbing his arm before he could pull on the jacket.

"Why? You want him! Obviously you wanted it to be him on top of you! And I saw it. But you denied it...why would you hurt me like this?" Dave asked, fighting tears.

"David...I didn't...I.." Sebastian stammered. "I love ye..."

"I can't believe that...I want to...I love you...but I just can't believe that you love me..." Dave said, refusing to look at Sebastian.

Sebastian sniffed as he tried to hide his tears. "I-I do..."

"This was supposed to be special...I want to be okay with all this. You made me feel like it was okay to be myself and I thought I was getting ready to come out...but now...I just...I just want to hide..."

"Dave...No, ye're amazing...Ye...Ye're the best thing that's ever happened to me.." Sebastian whispered.

"How can you say that when you want perfect Blaine Anderson?" Dave asked, his voice shaking.

"I made a mistake...Love...I'm sorry..."

"But you haven't once denied loving him..."

"....I...I can't lie to you..."

"Exactly. I'm sorry...I just can't be with someone that wants someone else..." Dave said, taking a shaky breath.

"B-But, I'm with you...And I love you!" Sebastian said as the tears spilt over.

"If you could have him, who would you choose?"

Sebastian remained quiet, looking away as he cried quietly.

"It would be him, wouldn't it?" Dave asked softly.

Sebastian couldn't look at Dave. "I can't answer that..."

"Why not?" Dave asked quietly.

"Don't make me...Please.."

"If you could've said me, I might've stayed. But I just can't...I won't be enough for you..."

"Dave...No...I..I don't want to lose you!" Sebastian said, holding back a sob.

"But I'm not what you want. You just told me that..."

"I don't know what I want!" Sebastian cried out, burying his face in his hands.

Dave sat down. "Look. Take time to think about it. But I honestly think you want him...I'll never measure up to him. I don't know why I try..."

"I'm so sorry...I'm such a bloody eejit...Ugh.." Sebastian sighed, resting his forehead against the doorframe.

Dave took a deep breath. "Come here," he said softly. "You can't help who you love. Just think about it okay?"

Sebastian sat in Dave's lap. “I really do...Love you.." Sebastian whispered.

Dave nodded. "You just need to figure out who you love more. You can love multiple people. But in the end, you're only going to be in love with one person."

"Sebastian looked up at Dave." Thank you...For understanding..."

Dave shrugged. "What else can I do? Let's take a have things you need to figure out. And I just really need to go for a drive right now..."

Sebastian nodded, giving Dave a small kiss before standing and going to get dressed.

"I'll...see you around?" Dave said quietly.

"Yeah.." Sebastian nodded before pulling on his shirt, trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry." Dave whispered before walking out and heading to his car.

Sebastian sat on the bed and buried his face in his hands, breaking down. He couldn't believe he did that to Dave... He quickly pulled out his phone and called the only person he could think of...Blaine..

Blaine was lying in bed when he got the call. "Hey Sebastian," Blaine answered.

"I'm sorry..I didn't know who else to call...I- D-David broke up with me..." Sebastian gasped.

"Oh my God...are you okay?"

"I just...I don't know what to do..." Sebastian sighed, his voice breaking.

"Come back over. I'm here for you," Blaine said softly.

Sebastian felt so stupid for agreeing and doing just that. He pulled up to Blaine's house later, texting him to let him know he was there rather than knocking.

Blaine met him at the door, pulling him into a tight hug. "What happened?"

Sebastian melted into Blaine's arms, crying softly. "It was all my fault..."

Blaine led Sebastian to his room. "How?"

"We..." Sebastian didn't know how to put this. "We...were...having sex...and it was his first time with a boy and...God...I'm such an eejit...I said someone else’s name..."

Blaine gasped. "Who's name?"

"I...I'd rather not say..." Sebastian said quietly, wiping his eyes.

Blaine was confused. Why wouldn't he say? "It’s going to be okay..."

Sebastian rest his face in his hands. "God, I'm so fucking stupid...That person would never even look in my direction, let alone love me back...And I do love Dave...I really do..."

"Sebastian, anyone would be lucky to be with you."

Sebastian looked up at Blaine with sad eyes, wishing he could say what he was thinking.

"I'm so sorry Sebastian. I wish I could make it better," Blaine said, wrapping his arms around the sad Irish boy.

Sebastian nuzzled against Blaine's neck. He knew he shouldn’t have, but being in Blaine's arms felt too good.

"You want to stay? Mom will make me sleeping the couch. But at least you won’t be alone."


"I do have school in the morning. But you can stay." Blaine said with a small smile.

"Thank ye so much..." Sebastian sniffed.

"You're welcome," Blaine smiled.

Kurt was sitting in his room when he heard a small 'tick' on his window; he raised an eyebrow before standing.
Another 'tick'. He walked over drawing his curtains and opened his window to see Karofsky standing in his yard. "What are you doing here?" Kurt whispered harshly.

Dave had tears in his eyes. "Can I please talk to you...?"

Kurt's eyebrows kneaded together at the jock's tone. He looked down at him for a moment before grabbing a coat, climbing out of his window and nimbly dropping off the lower level of the roof and onto the crisp grass.

"I'm have no reason to trust me...but I didn't know where to go..."

Kurt crossed his arms, looking up at Karofsky. There was something in his eyes...Pain..."What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"I told Sebastian I love him...I’m so fucking stupid! I don't even want to say it....but you deserve to know. I don't want this to get in the way of you and two deserve each other..."

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Dave...What happened?"

Karofsky took a deep breath. "I thought I was ready to go all the way with him...he told me he loved me too. the middle of it ...he...he...oh God..." Dave choked on a sob, turning so Kurt didn't see the tears.

Kurt placed a hand on Dave's shoulder. "What did he do?" He asked, a little bit of panic in his voice.

"He...screamed Blaine's name..." Dave said quietly, letting the tears fall.

Kurt stood completely still with wide eyes. He thought Sebastian was over Blaine. And Blaine said they were hanging out earlier...Kurt felt sick.

"I'm so sorry, Kurt," Dave said through his tears. "I just don't want him to come between the two of deserve Blaine and he deserves you. I put you through too much. I can't let this come between you two..."

"Thank you for telling me..." Kurt said in a small voice. "And I am sorry.."

"Its not you're fault...I'm just going to give up...I'll never measure up to how great Blaine is..."

"Dave..don't say that...You will find someone who loves you for you...You just need to find your confidence.." Kurt said, lifting Dave's chin.

"’s just hard...the first time I gave myself to a guy, he's dreaming of the guy I used to be jealous of..."

"I know...You deserve better than that.." Kurt said sincerely.

"Thank you, Kurt. You're an amazing guy. Blaine's lucky." Dave said, giving a small smile.

Kurt smiled back. "Thanks...I would ask you to come inside...But everyone but Finn's asleep.." he said softly.

Dave nodded. " to Blaine. And I really hope it doesn't hurt the two of you."

"I'll talk to him..Thank you David.." Kurt said, pulling him into a hug.

Dave hugged Kurt back. "Good luck, Kurt."

"You too..." Kurt said softly.

"Thanks again," Dave said before walking to his car.

Kurt had a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach as he walked inside, and up the stairs to his room. He removed his coat and sat on his bed, quickly calling Blaine.

Blaine heard the familiar ringtone and excused himself, walking out to the living room. "Hey baby."

"Hey, I have to talk to you about something...Are you busy?" Kurt asked.

"Well...Sebastian is here. He's going through a hard time. But what's up?" Blaine asked.

Kurt froze with his mouth open before speaking again. "Is...Is he staying the night?" Kurt asked, It was almost midnight, there was no way he would only be there for a visit.

"Yeah. I'm letting him use my room. I'm sleeping on the couch. Why?"

"I-" Kurt didn't want to completely out Sebastian, but he really didn't like that he was staying with Blaine. Especially when he was having sexual fantasies about his fianc�. "I can't say I'm one hundred percent comfortable with that..."

"Why not?" Blaine asked defensively. "Do you not trust me?"

"Of course I trust you...It's just...He's your ex.. And you can't tell me you would be happy if I invited Silas over for an impromptu sleepover." Kurt said

"I didn't invite him. Dave broke up with him. He's in my room crying. There's nothing to worry about."

Kurt sighed. "I just....Fine..."

"Kurt...why are you being like this. You act like he's after me. I'm yours and only you." Blaine said, a little annoyed.

"I know...Just..I don't...I know.." Kurt said quietly.

"Baby, nothing is going to happen. Okay?" Blaine said reassuringly. "We won’t even be in the same room."

Kurt sighed again. "Alright..."

"I love you, Kurt."

"I love you too Blaine..." Kurt said quietly. "Do you want to come over after school tomorrow?"

"Of course," Blaine smiled. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay baby...I love you..."

"I love you too. Good night," Blaine said sweetly before hanging up.


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