Senior Year: New To McKinley Part II
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Senior Year: New To McKinley Part II: Chapter 2

E - Words: 6,042 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
452 0 0 0 0

A couple of weeks later, Blaine came to school and waited by Kurt for by his locker but he never came.

Blaine walked to his class and pulled out his phone.
"Hey baby. Where are you?"

Blaine waited a bit and Kurt still didn't respond. Blaine started to get worried. Brittany looked over and noted Blaine's expression. "Hey you okay?"

Blaine shook his head. "I'm worried about Kurt. He wasn't at his locker. And he isn't texting me back..."

"That's weird...Maybe Mercedes knows?"

"Maybe. I’ll ask after class."

Brittany nodded, starting to get a little worried herself.

Blaine sat in class, barely paying attention until the bell rang. He ran out of class and found Mercedes. "Hey! Have you heard from Kurt?!"

Mercedes looked up at Blaine. "He didn't tell you?" She asked softly.

"Tell me what? Mercedes, tell me!" Blaine demanded.

"Today is the day his mom died Blaine. He never comes to school today.." Mercedes explained.

"What? Why wouldn't he tell me? Should I go check on him?" Blaine asked with tears in his eyes.

"I don't know why he wouldn't tell you..." Mercedes said looking confused. "I would though."

"Thanks Mercedes!" Blaine said before darting to car and heading to Kurt's house.

He hurried to the door and knocked lightly. It took a minute but Kurt came to the door. He looked like he just woke up, with dark circles under his eyes. “Blaine...What are you doing here?"

"I thought you might need me..." Blaine said softly.

Kurt smiled lightly. "Even when I don't ask you come when I need you..."

"Mercedes told me...I had to check on you. I-I can leave if you want..."

Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand. "No...I need you...I just...didn't want you to be sad today so I didn't tell you…I'm sorry.."

"Don't be," Blaine said pulling Kurt close. "I'm here for you."

Kurt nuzzled between Blaine's neck and shoulder, sighing softly. "Thank you.."

"I'm always here. I love you."

"I love you too..." Kurt whispered, pulling Blaine inside.

"Call your dad. Let him know I'm here. Just making sure you're okay." Blaine said, leading Kurt to the couch.

Kurt sat down and pulled out his phone, calling his father.

Burt answered his phone quickly. "Hey, Kurt. Are you okay?"

"Yeah...Blaine came over to check on me...Is it okay if he stays for a little bit?" Kurt asked quietly.

"That's fine, son. I don't think you should be alone."

Kurt nodded, "Thank you.."

"You're welcome. Call me if you need anything. I love you."

"I will, I love you too.." Kurt said before hanging up.

Blaine gave a soft smile. "Cuddling and Disney movies?"

Kurt nodded, tucking his phone back into his pocket. "That sounds really nice.."

Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek before putting a movie on and settling back on the couch.

Kurt lay back against Blaine, sighing at the contact. He thought he needed to be alone today, but this is what he really needed.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt reassuringly as they watched the movies.

Kurt closed his eyes, listening to the movies as he felt Blaine's chest rising and falling with each breath he took. He sighed softly, scooting back a bit to get closer to the warmth of his fianc�’s body.

Blaine held Kurt closer, bending down to kiss the top of his head.

"Thank you for coming Blaine.And I'm sorry I didn't text you back earlier.."

"I understand Kurt. But you need to know that I'm here. I'm going to marry you. There's nothing you need to hide from me."

Kurt nodded, turning around to nuzzle into the crook of Blaine's neck.

"I love you, okay? Nothing will ever change that." Blaine said seriously.

"I know Blaine...I love you too.."

Blaine smiled as he traced Kurt's ring.

Kurt sighed at the touch. "Can we go lay in my bed please?" He whispered.

"Anything you want," Blaine smiled.

Kurt kissed Blaine's jaw softly before standing and slowly walking up the stairs. Blaine watched his fianc� with sad eyes. He had never seen his fianc� this way. It broke his heart.

Blaine put on a brave face before Kurt could see. They cuddled up in Kurt's bed. "Better?"

"Much.." Kurt said, curling up in a ball against Blaine.

Blaine rubbed small circles on Kurt's back, hoping to calm Kurt.

"Did I ever tell you?...How it happened?" Kurt asked calmly.

Blaine shook his head. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I think you should know.." Kurt said quietly.

Blaine lay there quietly, not wanting to rush Kurt.

Kurt took a deep breath. I was at my grandmother's for the weekend. I was nine..and my mom was supposed to come pick me up that night...But she was late...Really late..My dad came instead, and I kept asking him where my mom was...And he took my grandmother into the room and later they both came out crying..My dad was trying to keep it together for me when he pulled me in his lap and told me that she got in a car accident and she wasn't coming home...That she died..." He took a shaky breath. "It just shocked me..There were no doctors saying she had this long to live..Just..thinking she was alive one second and knowing she was gone the next...Being told I was never going to see my mom again when I was expecting her to pick me up and take me to get ice cream like we always did when she picked me up from my grandmother's.."

Blaine couldn't stop the tears that formed in his eyes. He pulled Kurt close. "I'm so sorry baby."

"Don't be.." Kurt said softly. It was nine years ago...I need to get over it.."

"Kurt, that isn't something you get over. You learn to accept it. But the pain doesn't go away. Don't be afraid to let it all out."

Kurt closed his eyes and for the first time in years, he let the tears fall.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here. Just let go." Blaine soothed, rubbing circles on Kurt's back.

Kurt pulled himself closer to Blaine, his shoulders shaking slightly as he cried.

Blaine lay there, telling Kurt it would be okay until his tears slowed.

Kurt nuzzled into Blaine's neck. "I'm sorry.."

"Don't be sorry. You need to let it out." Blaine said softly.

"I love you..." Kurt whispered.

"I love you baby. Don't be afraid to let go on front of me."

"I just...I wish she could have met you.." Kurt said, his voice breaking.

"I know baby. I do too."

"I think that’s what hurts the most...Now that I'm finally happy…She's not here to see it.."

"But maybe she does know. She could be watching over you." Blaine said seriously.

Kurt looked up at Blaine with glossy eyes. "You think so?" He asked softly.

"I do." Blaine smiled.

Kurt cuddled closer to Blaine, sniffing lightly as he let Blaine hold him.

"It’s gonna be okay baby. I promise." Blaine soothed.

"I love you...So much..I love you..."

Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead. "I love you more than anything baby."

Kurt closed his eyes pulling himself against Blaine so their bodies were pressed together. "Thank you.."

"You're welcome. I'm always here, Kurt." Blaine said softly.

Kurt gave Blaine a soft kiss. "You're perfect..."

"I just love you."

"You do it perfectly.." Kurt whispered.

Blaine smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know really.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine nodded. "I wish I could do something. Is there anything you need?"

"Just for you to be here with me..." Kurt said, letting his eyes drift closed.

"I'm not going anywhere. At least, not until your dad tells me to go." Blaine sighed.

"I'm going to ask him if you can stay..." Kurt said calmly.

"Do you think he'll go for it?"

"I hope so...I don't want to sleep alone tonight...I can't.."

Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "In sure he'll make an exception."

Kurt nodded, sighing. "I'm just so glad you came.."

"Me too baby. Me too."

Kurt let Blaine hold him as he stayed silent, breathing slow and steady.

Blaine held Kurt close, letting him relax for a while.

Blaine felt Kurt fall asleep in his arms a few minutes later. He kissed his forehead, sighing softly.

Blaine lay there, holding Kurt when he heard Burt walked in.

Burt walked upstairs and slowly opened the door, seeing Blaine was still awake. "Hey kid..How's he doin'?"

"Better," Blaine smiled lightly. "But I got him to let it all out and sleep some. He'll need to eat when he wakes up. Want me to make dinner?"

"Carole's gonna be home soon...But thank you for being here...For Kurt." Burt said softly.

Blaine nodded. "I was worried. He didn't tell me. I had no idea."

"He said he didn't want you to be upset.." Burt whispered, walking over and brushing a stray hair off of his son's forehead.

"I know. But if we're going to get married, I should know. And it does upset me. But I want to be here for him. I love him more than anything..."

Burt nodded, watching as Kurt stirred slightly, turning over and burying his face in the crook of Blaine's neck.

Blaine smiled and kissed the top of Kurt's head. "He's really something special."

"He is..." Burt smiled. "You know, when you're not here he never shuts up about you.." he chuckled.

Blaine's heart melted. "Really? God, he's adorable."

"He reminds me so much of her.." Burt said, mostly to himself.

Blaine smiled softly. "What was she like?"

Burt sat down in the chair next to the bed and smiled to himself. "She was just like Kurt...Right down to that glare he gives when he's pissed off...He got that from her...I found it amazing though...We found out she was pregnant with Kurt when she was eighteen…I expected her to freak out...We weren't married yet…We didn't even live together.. But she just grabbed my hand...and put it on her stomach and told me…'This just proves that we're always going to be together...This is a gift.'..." He sighed softly, looking at the carpet with a light smile.

Blaine got tears in his eyes and chuckled. "I love that angry look. She sounds perfect, just like him. I don't know how I got so lucky."

"She was…And I'll never know how I got her or an amazing boy like him." Burt sniffed.

Blaine let a tear fall. "I wish I could've met her."

"Me too...She would have loved you.." Burt smiled.

"Really? You think so?" Blaine asked, smiling.

"I know so.." Burt chuckled.

Blaine's heart swelled. "Thanks. It means so, so much to me."

Burt smiled at Blaine. "Just...Thank you for being there for him...Not just today..Always.."

"I love doing it. Anytime." Blaine said softly, looking up at Burt.

Burt stood. "I'll come up and get you two when dinner is ready.."

"Thanks Mr. Hummel."

Burt nodded. "Any time son.." he smiled before walking out.

Blaine felt another tear roll down his cheek. Burt had never called him that before. He felt like he was already officially part of the family.

He laid there for a bit, smiling to himself until he felt Kurt stir again.

Kurt slowly opened his eyes. "Hey baby. How you feelin'?"

Kurt gave a small smile. "Well waking up to see you always helps.."

Blaine leaned down, kissing him softly. "Good."

"Did you sleep?"

Blaine shook his head. "Nope. But I got to talk to your dad for a while."

"What'd he say?" Kurt asked, kissing Blaine's chest sweetly.

"We talked about the things you and your mom have in common. And how lucky we are to have you." Blaine smiled. "He called me son."

Kurt truly smiled for the first time all day. "That's good.."

"I love you, Kurt."

"I love you too Blaine.." Kurt said, cupping Blaine's cheek.

Blaine smiled lovingly. "You don't know how perfect you are."

Kurt blushed lightly. "I look so gross right now."

"You're always beautiful," Blaine said sweetly.

Kurt smiled, giving Blaine a small kiss. They lay like that for a bit and Carole poked her head into the room. "Boys..Dinner is ready.." she smiled.

"Thanks, Carole," Blaine smiled as he stretched.

Kurt arched his back stretching as well before collapsing back onto the bed."Unngghh....I'm not hungry.." He sighed.

"You're eating," Blaine said protectively.

Kurt looked up at Blaine. "Do I have to?"

"Yes," Blaine said, holding out his hand.

Kurt sighed, grabbing Blaine's hand and standing.

They walked downstairs and took their seats at the table before Blaine made a plate for Kurt.

Kurt gave Blaine a small smile. "Thank you.." he said softly.

"You're welcome. Just, try to eat."

Kurt nodded as he grabbed his fork, taking a small bite of his food.

Blaine smiled as he made his own plate.

Kurt didn't eat as much as Blaine would've liked, but at least he ate. Kurt walked over to his father after dinner. "Hey dad?" He asked softly.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering...Can Blaine please stay tonight?...I just can't sleep alone tonight.."

Burt sighed. "You've both taken this well and followed our rules. And I know how much you need him, so...yeah, he can "

"Thank you dad...And I promise you won’t hear anything.." he said before he caught himself. "Not that we'll be doing anything for you to hear, of course.."

Burt chuckled. "Just go before you make me change my mind."

Kurt smiled, hugging his father before walking up the stairs to Blaine who was waiting in the room.

"How'd it go?"

"He said you can stay.." Kurt smiled lightly before cuddling under the sheets.

Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I'm glad."

Kurt smiled pulling Blaine closer and giving a tiny yawn.
"I'm just ready for today to be over.."

"I know baby. It’s almost over."

Kurt nodded, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw.

"You still tired?" Blaine asked.

"Kind of.."

"Do you wanna sleep?"

"Do you?" Kurt asked.

"I'm not. You can if you want."

"Are you sure?" Kurt asked softly.

Blaine kissed Kurt softly, holding him until he thought Kurt was asleep. He sighed lightly as he started to whisper. "I really hope you are watching over Kurt, Mrs. Hummel. You'd be so proud of him. He's the most amazing person I have ever met. You and your husband did a wonderful job with him. He's beautiful, caring, loving, and just everything I could ever ask for and more. I wish I could've met you. Your husband was telling me more about you today. I bet you were perfect and gorgeous just like Kurt." Blaine started to cry as he went on. "I really hope you're listening. I didn't want to break down in front of Kurt. I want to be strong for him. I just hope you cadmium watch over him and your husband and just let them know everything is okay. I've never met you and I didn't know it was possible to love someone you don't know. But Mrs. Hummel, I love you and your whole family."

Blaine brought a hand up and wiped his tears before pulling Kurt close again. He looked down at his fianc� who was still peacefully asleep. "I love you Kurt.." He said softly, planting a feather light kiss on his soft lips. He lay back on his pillow, watching Kurt as he fell asleep.

A few days later after glee club, Rachel stopped everyone before they could leave the choir room. “I have..An announcement!" She chimed, annoyingly chipper.

"Ugh. This better be good and not one of your rantings about wanting solos," Santana sighed.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "No..In honor of the renewal of my relationship with Finn.." more eyes rolled. "I am throwing together a little..suar�..A party, if you will.."

Santana leaned over to Britt. "I don't know about this. Sounds like a train wreck. What do you think?"

“Free booze.." Brittany whispered back. The glee club hummed quietly with questions of who would go.

Santana smiled. "I like the way you think."

Blaine turned to Kurt. "What do you think?"

"Do you wanna go? I don't care either way.." Kurt said indifferently, filing his nails.

"I think it'll be funny to see everyone drinking," Blaine giggled.

Kurt smiled. "Well, you won't see me drunk." He chuckled.

"Why not?" Blaine asked.

"A couple of years ago I had a bad experience with alcohol...Not gonna happen again." Kurt explained.

Blaine nodded. "Okay."

"But I can't wait to see you drunk.." Kurt smiled, nudging his fianc�.

"Who said I was drinking?" Blaine giggled.

"We both know you will." Kurt smiled.

"I know," Blaine laughed. "But I won’t get crazy."

"Awe.." Kurt said, feigning a pout.

"You want me to get drunk?"

"I think it would be fun." Kurt smiled, examining his nails.

"We'll see," Blaine smiled.

That Friday, Kurt and Blaine showed up to Rachel's party "Fashionably late", as Kurt put it. And the party had already started. As soon as they walked downstairs into the basement, puck held out two dinks to them. "Sup?" He smiled.

Kurt politely declined his but handed one to Blaine. "Thanks. How’s the party?"

"Just getting started!" Puck smiled, motioning to the dancing crowd of glee clubbers.

"Wanna dance?" Blaine asked.

Kurt smiled, giving a small nod as Blaine grabbed his hand and pulled him to the crowd. They got closer and Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, their bodies moving together.

The more Blaine drank, the closer he got to Kurt grinding their hips together.

Puck kept refreshing everyone's drinks and Blaine lost track of how many he had later in the night. He and Kurt were dancing again, and Kurt had his back to Blaine, grinding that perfect ass back against him.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hips, pressing against his fianc� harder. He leaned in, whispering in Kurt's ear. "You're so sexy baby...and fuck...those jeans..."

Kurt smiled. So Blaine was a horny drunk? "Really?" He giggled.

"Your’s just so perfect!" Blaine practically growled in Kurt's ear.

Kurt gave a soft moan, grinding his ass back harder. "Blaine.."

"Fuck, Kurt!" Blaine gasped, thrusting harder.

Kurt bit his lip. Blaine was practically fucking him in the middle of a crowd of their friends. He felt Blaine reach a hand around to palm at Kurt's crotch as he rocked his now hard cock against Kurt's ass.

" feel so good..." Blaine moaned.

"Oh God..." Kurt moaned. He needed more, he needed Blaine inside of him.

"I want to fuck you so bad..." Blaine groaned.

Kurt let his head fall back on Blaine's shoulder as he panted. "Blaine...I need you.."

Brittany was a few feet away, dancing with puck when she felt a slim hand on her wrist, guiding her away from him.

"Britt. What are you doing?!" Santana demanded.

"Dancing..." Brittany slurred, a bit tipsy and clad only in her bra and shorts. She looked over at Puck who had quickly shrugged it off and moved to a new dance partner.

"You're all over him! What the fuck?!"

"I was dancing with him Santana.." Brittany said, "I didn't know I wasn't allowed to dance with people.."

"You were all over him though!" Santana defended herself.

"What is your problem? You were dancing with Sam.." Brittany said, putting her hands on her hips.

"I just...I don't like seeing you with other people..." Santana said quietly.

"But it's okay if you do it?" Brittany asked.

"I haven't danced with anyone tonight!"

"Then who was dancing with Sam?" Brittany asked softly. "Oh wait...Sam moved.."

Santana chuckled lightly. "I just...I get jealous.."

Brittany felt really angry all of a sudden. "If you're not even brave enough to tell people I'm yours than why should I act like it?.."

Santana started to say something, but suddenly a cry echoed through the room. "SPIN THE BOTTLE!!!! LETS PLAY SPIN, THE BOTTLE....SPINTHEBOTTLE." A very drunk Rachel yelled.

Britt walked away from San and everyone sat in the circle. Rachel asked who wanted to go first and Britt’s hand shot into the air.

Santana shot Brittany a look as everyone else cheered. Brittany reached for the bottle giving it a good spin.

They all waited for the bottle to slow until it finally landed on Blaine.

Blaine was too busy chasing his straw around his cup with his mouth to notice the bottle landed on him, jumping a bit as the teens around him cheered and hooted in approval. Kurt didn't look as amused, especially since his and Blaine's "dance" had been interrupted for this. But, it was Brittany. She and Blaine were best friends; nothing would come out of this but an innocent little kiss. Blaine smiled drunkenly and wobbled a bit as he stood up on his knees crawling to the center of the circle.

Britt met Blaine halfway, wrapping her hands in his hair and kissed him deeply.

The crowd whooped and hollered as they kissed. It was all teeth and tongue and everything a drunk kiss should be.

Blaine pulled away and giggled before leaning back in to give her a chaste kiss.

Neither Santana nor Kurt looked very pleased when the kiss was over, but the rest of the glee club was laughing and cheering, and high-fiving Blaine which only increased Kurt's annoyance.

Britt leaned back and shot Santana a knowing look.

Santana huffed reaching over to grab Brittany's wrist protectively. "No honey, She's mine!" She stated loudly, to no one in particular.

Everyone turned and stared silently.

Santana pulled Brittany closer. "What?" She said threateningly.

Blaine smiled at Britt as everyone else turned back.

It wasn't long before everyone started chatting again and Brittany looked up at Santana. "San.." She whispered.

"Yeah?" San asked quietly.

"I love you..." Brittany said, tearing up.

"I love you, Britt. So much."

Brittany smiled, giving Santana a small soft kiss.

Blaine turned back to Kurt. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah.." Kurt sighed, determined to get over it. It was just spin the bottle.

"I love you," Blaine slurred, leaning over into Kurt's lap.

"I love you too.." Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's head.

"Well!" Puck started. "Who wants a piece of this!?" He smiled, laughing loudly as he reached to spin the bottle.

They all watched as the bottle landed on Kurt, his eyes growing wide.

"You can't be serious..." Kurt said; staring at puck who was smirking cockily.

"Hell yeah," Puck smiled.

Kurt rolled his eyes and helped Blaine off of his lap, reluctantly moving towards Puck.

Puck grabbed Kurt by the hips and immediately stuck his tongue in Kurt's mouth.

Kurt's eyes opened wide in shock as Puck practically pulled Kurt on top of him.

Puck was shocked at how amazing of a kisser Kurt was. He moaned into the kiss, kissing deeper.

The crowd of glee clubbers cheered loudly as the other jocks laughed, trying not to look. Finn just looked at the floor, a brilliant shade of red and Mercedes, Tina, Quinn, Rachel and Lauren cheered Kurt on.

Blaine kneeled, pulling Kurt off of Puck and into a deep, passionate kiss.

Kurt moaned clutching to Blaine as he slipped his tongue into his mouth.

Blaine growled, grinding his hips onto Kurt's.

Britt looked on happily. "Look! Dolphin. Sex!!"

The drunken glee club cheered as Blaine pushed Kurt down, climbing on top of him.

"Dude! Not cool!" Finn protested.

Blaine didn't listen as he grinded down harder.

Kurt moaned loudly against Blaine's lips as he clawed down his lover's back.

"Fuck...Kurt..." Blaine moaned.

"Fuck me Blaine.." Kurt whispered, lost in the heat of the moment.

"Let’s go..." Blaine said with need.

They quickly scrambled off of the floor and up the stairs, the other teens shouting catcalls after them.

"No fair!" Puck called, laughing.

"He's mine!" Blaine called back.

The glee club as well as Kurt laughed as they walked out of the basement and into the closest room, which happened to be a bathroom.

Blaine pushed Kurt against the wall. "That was so fucking sexy!"

"It was?" Kurt breathed out.

"God yes...I'm so fucking hard..."

Kurt gasped as Blaine pushed his arousal against Kurt. "You liked that?"

"I don't know why...but fuck yes!" Blaine breathed out. "I need to be inside you."

Kurt whimpered. "Can we...Can we do that position again?"

"Yeah," Blaine breathed out heavily.

Kurt smiled. "I want you to fuck me as hard as you can Blaine...Make me your slut.." He said, his voice getting deeper.

Blaine laid Kurt down on the floor, quickly tearing Kurt's clothes off.

Kurt's chest heaved as he watched Blaine, writhing against the cold tile.

Blaine stripped for Kurt before placing his fianc�’s legs over his shoulders. "You ready?"

"W-we don't have lube.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine.

"Shit..." Blaine groaned. " you want to wait?"

"No..Shit...Just.." Kurt took his legs down from Blaine's shoulders and quickly kneeled in front of him, sucking him into his mouth.

Blaine moaned loudly. "'re so fucking hot!"

Kurt bobbed his head quickly and sloppily with no real rhythm, just trying to get his fianc�'s cock as wet as possible as soon as possible.

Blaine's breathing increased. "Baby...I need to be inside you..."

Kurt pulled off of Blaine and quickly lied back down. "Now fuck me." He commanded.

Blaine's breathing hitched as he lifted Kurt's legs over his shoulders and pushed in.

Kurt immediately let out a low guttural moan, gripping at the cabinet door next to him.

Blaine gasped as he pressed into Kurt. "Fuck! You feel ... so fucking good!"

"Oh god!..." Kurt decided he really liked drunk Blaine, if this was the outcome.

Blaine panted heavily. "Are you okay?"

"Yes..Just..Oh god please Blaine.."

Blaine pulled out almost completely before slamming back into Kurt, crying out as the tight heat surrounded him.

"BLAINE!!" Kurt screamed as Blaine rammed right into his prostate.

Blaine continued thrusting into Kurt harder. "Fuck! Oh God!"

"Oh! Blaine! Don't stop! Don't fucking stop!" Kurt moaned, arching his back.

Blaine slammed into Kurt repeatedly. "Damn! You're so fucking tight! God I love you!"

"I love you..Fuck! I love you!" Kurt gasped. "I love the way you fuck me! So Ah! Amazing.”

"You love taking me like a little slut, don't you?!" Blaine growled.

"Oh fuck yes Blaine! I'm your fucking slut! Ahh!"

Blaine cried out in pleasure. "Fuck! Tell me how my cock feels inside you."

"So good Blaine! You're so big baby...Ah!" Kurt whimpered, crossing his ankles behind Blaine's neck.

"Shit! I...I'm so close!" Blaine screamed, thrusting as hard and fast ad he could.

Kurt cries grew louder, higher and closer together until they just merged into one loud scream as he came, shooting his cum onto himself as Blaine continued to fuck him mercilessly.

Blaine gave a few more thrusts before he came deep inside his fianc�, screaming Kurt's name.

Kurt let out small broken moans and whimpers as he felt Blaine fill him. He whispered Blaine's name repeatedly, gasping as Blaine slowed his thrusts.

Blaine collapsed against Kurt, panting heavily. "Holy shit, baby..."

"That was....The most...Oh my god.." Kurt panted.

Blaine giggled. "And now it’s time for the walk of shame."

Kurt laughed lightly. "We weren't that loud.."

"You got pretty loud..." Blaine told Kurt.

"Oh hush, you're drunk." Kurt giggled before pulling Blaine down for a kiss.

Blaine chuckled as he pulled out if Kurt and got up to wash them off.

Kurt helped Blaine, who was stumbling a bit as they got dressed.

"You ready to go back out there?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah...They probably have the music up loud enough that they didn't hear anything.." Kurt said, wrapping a hand around Blaine's waist to keep him steady as they walked out of the bathroom.

Blaine smiled as Kurt held him. They took a deep breath before walking back down the stairs.

Everyone's eyes immediately shot up to them as they walked down. "Hey guys.." Kurt said, giving a small nervous laugh, the music much too quiet for his comfort.

Puck laughed. "Hey little slut!"

Kurt flushed red and the entire glee club, excluding Finn and including Blaine, roared with laughter. "Oh my god.." Kurt groaned.

"Told you that you were loud..." Blaine giggled.

"Don't be mad it wasn't you Noah.." Kurt quipped, sitting in Blaine's lap.

"Not mad. I got to make out with you."

"So Puck likes guys now?" Brittany asked, confused.

"No. But Kurt can definitely kiss!" Puck admitted.

"Oh I know that." Brittany said simply as Kurt giggled, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw lovingly.

Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I love you."

I love you too.." Kurt whispered before kissing Blaine languidly.

"So what'd we miss?" Blaine giggled.

"Not much but shots!" Mercedes smiled, holding one out to Blaine.

Blaine took it and downed it quickly before smiling back at Kurt.

Kurt giggled and watched as Blaine shivered from the alcohol. "I'm gonna have to carry you home aren't I?"

"Mhmm, my big strong man," Blaine giggled.

Kurt rolled his eyes. The night continued with every possible drinking game imaginable, and some they made up. By the end of the night, approximately four AM, Blaine could barely stand.

Blaine stumbled over to Finn, leaning against him as he slurred. "It’s so cool that you and Kurt are brothers. BROTHERS!... you're so tall..."

Finn, who had decided not to drink, just laughed. "You havin' fun dude?"

"Best party ever!!" Blaine said loudly.

Kurt walked over to Blaine, smiling. "Come on baby, it's time to go home."

“What? Why? Can I go to your bed?" Blaine asked in a hurry.

"Yes, come on its late." Kurt said, wrapping an arm around Blaine's waist and saying goodbye to everyone before starting up the stairs.

Blaine stumbled a lot but Kurt made sure he didn't fall. "Heyyy kuurrtttt...."

"Yes?" Kurt asked as they made it outside.

"I looovvveee you!"

"I love you too..." Kurt smiled, helping Blaine into the passenger seat.

"You were so hot tonight..."

"You are such a horny drunk.." Kurt giggled before closing Blaine's door and walking over to the driver's seat.

"I can't help that you're just so fucking sexy," Blaine said in a deeper tone.

Kurt slipped on his seatbelt, blushing. "That's just the alcohol talking.."

"No, no. I know what I'm talking about!"

Kurt laughed lightly. "Okay Blaine.."

Blaine leaned over, placing his head on Kurt's shoulder and falling asleep as they rode home.

Kurt pulled up to the house, and tried to wake up Blaine, failing miserably. He was passed out. He wound up, as he predicted earlier, having to carry Blaine inside and up the stairs.

Once Blaine was in the bed, he stirred, pulling Kurt close to him and kissing his neck.

Kurt smiled, wrapping his arms around Blaine.

" smell Kurt..."

"What else would I smell like?" Kurt chuckled.

"You just have this’s delicious..." Blaine sighed, biting down lightly.

Kurt made a small noise, sliding his hands down to the small of Blaine's back.

Blaine moved his lips to Kurt's ear, sucking the lobe between his teeth as he growled.

Kurt whimpered. "Baby...Y-you're drunk..I-I..Unh...."

"I want you to fuck me..." Blaine whispered. "I'll be quiet."

"I just don’t want to take advantage of you right now and-" but Blaine cut him off.

"You've fucked me before..." Blaine pulled away. "You don't have to..."

"No, baby, I want to, I just...I don't know...I overthink things, I'm sorry, come here.."

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Blaine whispered.

"I'll never not want to Blaine..."You just have to be quiet okay?"

Blaine nodded, still not moving.

Kurt pulled Blaine closer. “I love you..."

"I love you too..."

"I'm sorry..."

"You didn't do anything wrong," Blaine sighed.

"I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't want to do that with you.." Kurt said softly.

"Kiss me..."

Kurt obliged, leaning in to kiss him and bringing a hand up to wrap in Blaine's unruly curls.

Blaine breathed heavily, bringing his hands to Kurt's hips as they deepened the kiss.

Kurt moaned at the feeling of Blaine's hands on his hips rolling them lightly.

Blaine broke the kiss, breathing heavily. "Baby..."

Kurt kissed Blaine's neck, nipping at the skin. "Yes?"

“ good..." Blaine moaned lightly.

Kurt smiled, sucking at Blaine's pulse point lightly.

Blaine tangled his hands in Kurt's hair, moaning softly.

Kurt slid his hands under Blaine's shirt, moaning at the feel of the muscle beneath his fingers. "Fuck, you're perfect..." Kurt whispered.

Blaine shivered. "Baby...oh God.."

Kurt kissed down to Blaine's collar bone as he lifted Blaine's shirt a little more, clawing down Blaine's abs.

"Ahh!" Blaine gave a soft cry. "So...fuck...again..."

Kurt moaned softly, running his hands up Blaine's sides before roughly running his nails down Blaine's stomach again.

Blaine arched his back. "I need you.."

"I know baby..." Kurt whispered, lifting Blaine's shirt off.

Blaine lifted up ad Kurt undressed him, reattaching his lips to Kurt's chest.

Kurt gave a soft sigh, arching his back. "Baby..."

"You're so hot!" Blaine whispered hotly.

"Blaine...." Kurt gasped as his fianc� licked over his nipple lightly.

Blaine kissed back up to Kurt's neck. "Please baby..."

Kurt leaned down, capturing Blaine's lips in a heated kiss as he unbuttoned and unzipped Blaine's jeans.

Blaine's breath hitched. "Kurrttt.."

Kurt slowly pulled of Blaine's jeans and stared kissing down Blaine's chest.

Blaine breathed heavily as Kurt explored lower.

Kurt licked down Blaine’s stomach, kissing across the abs he couldn't get enough of, moaning as his hands slid over the defined muscles of Blaine’s hips.

"Fuck..." Blaine breathed out, his head falling back.

"You're so beautiful Blaine..." Kurt gasped, his tongue grazing over Blaine's navel.

Blaine moaned into the pillow. "Thank you baby..."

Kurt kissed down the trail of hair to the base of Blaine's member licking light circles around it.

"Oh God..." Blaine moaned, arching his back more.

Kurt dragged his tongue up Blaine's shaft, moaning lightly.

Blaine bit down on the pillow, doing everything he could to keep quiet.

Kurt licked the slit lightly before spreading Blaine's legs more and planting wet kisses on his inner thighs.

"Oh my God" Blaine mumbled into the pillow.

Kurt licked small circles and sucked at a patch of skin, leaving a light bruise before he nipped at it lightly.

"Kurrrtt..." Blaine moaned loudly.

"Shhh.." Kurt soothed, kissing back up to Blaine's neck.

Blaine writhed under Kurt. "Fuck...sorry...I just...fuck..."

"I know baby..." He whispered, licking the shell of Blaine's ear.

Blaine gasped, bringing his hands up to tangle in Kurt's hair.

"Mmm...I love teasing you Blaine...You're so sexy..." Kurt purred.

"Oh are you, Kurt...unnghh..." Blaine breathed out.

Kurt rolled his hips down, breathing Blaine's name heavily in his ear.

Blaine shivered, his hands scratching down Kurt's back. "Please..."

"Please what?..." Kurt whispered, pushing his hips down harder.

"Ahh!" Blaine whimpered. "Fuck me..."

"Beg for me baby..." Kurt said, biting at Blaine's ear.

"Oh God Kurt...please....I need to feel your big cock inside me..." Blaine pleaded. "Fuck, I need you to fuck me..."

Kurt smiled kissing down Blaine's neck as he reached into the drawer, grabbing the lube.

"You're so fucking good, so good..."

Kurt slicked up his fingers and slowly pressed one inside of Blaine.

Blaine shook beneath Kurt. "A-another...please..."

Kurt slowly fingered Blaine. "Patience..." He said in a deep voice.

A small whimper escaped Blaine's lips. "Your voice...fuck..."

Kurt smiled, "You like my voice baby?"

"So damn sexy.." Blaine breathed out heavily.

Kurt chuckled darkly, nipping at Blaine's neck as he pushed his finger deeper.

"Kurrtttt...." Blaine whined.

"You want me?" Kurt asked, slipping in another finger.

"Ahh! Yes!" Blaine said, squirming for Kurt.

"You need my cock in you?" Kurt smiled.

"Yes baby...oh God, I need it..."

Kurt gave a low, moan as he added a third finger.

Blaine shook with need as he arched his back. "Please fuck me...."

"I will baby...Fuck I love hearing you say that.." Kurt moaned.

"Fuck me Kurt," Blaine writhed. "Please fuck me..."

Kurt pulled his fingers out of Blaine, planting sloppy wet kisses on his neck as he slicked himself up.

Blaine watched with hungry eyes as he moaned softly.

Kurt placed himself at Blaine's entrance.

Blaine's breathing hitched. "Kurt you're so beautiful."

"So are you baby.." Kurt panted, pushing into Blaine.

Blaine gripped the sides of the bed, trying not to cry out at the feeling of Kurt.

Kurt sat still for a moment, kissing Blaine's cheeks. "Are you okay?"

Blaine nodded. " amazing..."

Kurt slowly started rocking his hips, panting harshly.

Blaine's breath came out in short gasps. "Baby..."

"You feel so good baby..." Kurt moaned.

Blaine turned his face to the pillow as he let out a loud groan.

Kurt turned Blaine's head back, kissing him deeply as he started thrusting faster.

Blaine wrapped his legs around Kurt's waist as he moaned against his fianc�s lips.

Kurt shivered as he felt Blaine pull him closer. He slipped his tongue in his mouth moaning at the taste of him.

Blaine moved his hips with Kurt's as he deepened the kiss.

Kurt sped up his movements, digging his nails into Blaine's hips.

"Fuck, Kurt!" Blaine moaned into Kurt's shoulder.

Kurt placed his lips against Blaine's temple as he thrust into his fianc�. "Blaine...Oh god.." he whispered.

"Unngh! Fuck me baby..." Blaine breathed out.

Kurt gripped to Blaine tighter and thrust harder into him, angling himself to hit Blaine's prostate.

Blaine dragged his nails down Kurt's back, holding his breath as the pleasure rolled through him.

He felt Kurt reach own and grip his ass, squeezing harshly.

Blaine couldn't keep quiet. He turned his head into the pillow and cried out Kurt's name.

Kurt panted harshly as he sped up, squeezing Blaine tightly. "Blaine..I...I'm gonna..."

"Fuck! Me too!" Blaine moaned just before he came all over his own stomach.

Kurt moaned at the sight before he came inside of Blaine, groaning as he bit his lip.

Blaine panted heavily, pulling Kurt down for a kiss as they rode out their orgasms.

Kurt slowly rolled his hips as he came down. He broke the kiss before pulling out and kissing down Blaine's chest to his stomach, dragging his tongue across the hot skin, moaning at the taste of his cum.

Blaine watched with eager eyes. "Baby, you're so hot!"

Kurt licked up the last of it, kissing back up to Blaine's lips.

Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips, moaning at the taste.

Kurt pulled away. "I love you..."

Blaine smiled lovingly. "I love you too."

Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's jaw, sighing happily.

"I can't wait to marry you."

Kurt smiled. "Neither can I..."

Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead. "Did you have fun tonight?”

"I did...And you've sobered up considerably.." Kurt giggled.

"I have you to thank for that," Blaine giggled. "Who would've ever thought that in one night, I'd kiss Britt and you'd kiss Puck?"

"Remind me to slap him for that.." Kurt sighed.

"Why? It was just a game," Blaine laughed.

"I know, but you're the only one I let kiss me like that." Kurt smiled.

"I love you," Blaine smiled.

"I love you too..." Kurt said before kissing Blaine softly.

"Good night baby."

"Good night beautiful.."

Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt one more time before falling asleep.


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