Jan. 27, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
The morning of the trip, Kurt was nearly bouncing off the walls as they drank their coffee.
"Excited?" Blaine chuckled.
"A little.." Kurt giggled breathlessly.
They had taken Eva to Finn the night before. Blaine had a hard time leaving her. They loaded their bags in the cab and were on their way to the airport.
Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand, smiling wide. He wondered where they were going and how long Blaine would be able to hide it.
It wasn't long. They checked their bags and got the tickets.
"You'll just find out at the gate anyway...do you want to know our first destination?" Blaine asked as they got through TSA.
Kurt nodded quickly, the grin he wore all morning seemingly glued to his face.
Blaine smiled, handing Kurt their boarding passes.
Kurt read over them quickly. "BLAINE!" He squealed, jumping into Blaine's arms send wrapping his legs around Blaine's waist as he kissed his cheeks repeatedly.
Blaine giggled. "So Paris was a good choice?"
"Oh my god you are so amazing!" Kurt said, kissing his husband deeply. Blaine grinned as Kurt pulled away. "We're staying by the Eiffel Tower..."
"Blaine! Oh my god!" Kurt squeaked again as Blaine set him down.
"So I did good so far?"
"You did amazing! Oh my god, you're the most amazing husband in the world!" Kurt squealed, kissing Blaine again.
Blaine giggled. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt said, his eyes practically glowing with excitement.
"Are you gonna be able to sleep on the way?" Blaine laughed.
"Probably not.." Kurt said, still smiling.
Blaine shook his head. "You're gonna be so tired."
"Nope!" Kurt giggled, bouncing over to a chair.
"You're adorable," Blaine smiled.
Kurt kicked his boot clad feet, grinning up at his husband. He couldn't believe this! He was going to Paris! And Blaine said they would be shopping! He was so excited!
They heard an announcement that their plane was boarding and Kurt jumped up, pulling Blaine to the line.
Kurt smiled happily as they boarded the plane, Blaine graciously letting Kurt have the window seat.
They took off and started their long flight.
Kurt was talking to Blaine nonstop after they took off, but eventually, he wore himself out, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder as he fell asleep.
Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt's forehead. A couple of hours later, they arrived in Virginia to switch flights. Blaine carefully woke Kurt up. "Baby, we have to get on our other plane."
"Hmm?" Kurt hummed, sitting up.
Blaine smiled sweetly. "We have to switch planes."
Kurt nodded, still not opening his eyes as he nuzzled into Blaine's neck.
"Come on," Blaine said softly. "I’ll get your bag."
"Thank you..." Kurt mumbled.
Blaine stood, grabbing their bag and took Kurt's hand as they made their way to their gate.
Kurt wrapped his arms around one of Blaine's and rested his head on his shoulder as they walked through the airport. "Why am I so sleeepyy?..."
"Because you got so excited this morning and wore yourself out," Blaine explained.
Kurt made a long, groaning noise. "I need coffeeee..."
Blaine giggled. "I know. There's a Starbucks in our concourse. I already looked it up."
"You're amazing.." Kurt sighed, kissing Blaine's shoulder.
"I just know you," Blaine smiled.
Kurt sighed happily, closing his eyes as they walked.
They got their coffee and found their gate, waiting for their next plane to arrive.
"So.." Kurt said, taking a big gulp of his coffee. "How long will it take to get there?
Blaine sighed. "Thirteen hours..."
Kurt raised his eyebrows. "Wow.."
"I know. But it’s worth it," Blaine smiled.
"It is.." Kurt sighed dreamily.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt said softly. "I couldn't ask for a better husband.
Blaine smiled as their plane pulled up. "Almost time."
Kurt felt a little bit of his energy replenish itself as he bounced slightly.
"You're just too cute."
Kurt smiled, squeezing Blaine's hand. "I’m glad you chose Paris...But are you sure it isn't an excuse to hear me speak French all day?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow.
Blaine's eyes grew wide. "Oh my God! I didn't even think of that! This is going to be torture for me...but an amazing kind.."
Kurt giggled, kissing Blaine's cheek. "Don't worry mon amour..I won't be too mean."
Blaine gave a small whimper. "Oh God..."
Kurt laughed lightly. This was going to be fun.
Their plane started boarding and they found their seats. "Are you ready for this?" Blaine asked.
"Yes!" Kurt squealed happily.
Blaine smiled. "I can't wait."
Kurt bounced slightly. This was going to be an amazing month.
They took off and Blaine snuggled up to Kurt.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly, "I love you so much.."
Blaine smiled sweetly. "I love you too, Kurt."
Kurt sighed softly leaning back in his chair and trying to sleep a bit.
They woke up a few hours later as the stewardess walked down the aisles and gave people dinner and drinks.
Kurt smiled. "Our first romantic honeymoon dinner." He giggled, taking a bite of his chicken.
Blaine laughed. "So romantic! I hope you don't get used to it."
"I bet that this is so much better than any cuisine France has to offer.." Kurt joked, laughing lightly.
"You're so right!" Blaine giggled.
They at their airline grade chicken and afterwards, they cuddled under the blanket the stewardess gave them, nose to nose.
Blaine smiled softly. "I love you."
"Not as much as I love you.." Kurt said quietly.
"Lies," Blaine giggled.
"Nope.." Kurt said, looking into Blaine's beautiful honey eyes.
"It's impossible," Blaine said seriously.
"Well what makes you say that?" Kurt asked, teaching his fingers over Blaine's under the blanket.
"I just don't see how someone could love someone more than I love you."
Kurt smiled, pink tingeing his cheeks as the butterflies danced in his stomach.
"I'm so in love with you," Blaine said dreamily.
"Well, I could say the same thing Mr. Hummel." Kurt said quietly, smiling as he gently pressed his lips to Blaine's.
Blaine got all giddy, smiling happily at the name.
"Mmm..How much longer until we land?” Kurt asked, closing his eyes.
"I have no idea." Blaine saw the stewardess and called her over. "Hi, we were just wondering about how much longer it will be before we land."
"About three more hours.." She said pleasantly.
Blaine smiled. "Thank you."
"Good.." Kurt sighed, pulling Blaine back into his arms.
Blaine sighed softly. "Wanna take a nap?"
"Sounds good.." Kurt said, burying his face in Blaine's neck.
They both fell asleep within a few minutes. The two husbands slept until Blaine heard the announcement of their landing.
Kurt shifted a bit, causing Blaine to stir as the announcement repeated itself in French.
Blaine smiled. Kurt would be speaking that soon. This was going to be so amazing.
Kurt woke up, smiling up at Blaine as the sun shone in through their window and onto his pale skin. "Mmm..Good morning.." He said softly.
"Morning," Blaine said, looking at Kurt's beautiful skin.
Kurt closed his eyes again, sighing softly.
"You're so gorgeous," Blaine whispered.
Kurt laughed under his breath. "You're silly.."
"You ready to see Paris?" Blaine smiled excitedly.
Kurt immediately straightened up, smiling. "Yes!"
They got their bags and hailed a cab that took them to the Hotel Athenee Paris.
Kurt walked up to the counter and talked to the woman at the front desk, in French of course, and she gave them their room keys.
They went up to their room and set their bags down. They had a beautiful kitchen and living room. The bathroom was huge. Blaine led Kurt to the bedroom. The bed spread was a gorgeous shade of ivory, the curtains over the headboard and both bedroom sliding doors that led to the balcony were a deep green. Blaine opened the curtains to see the balcony and gasped. He hadn't known it but their room had a beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower.
Kurt gasped loudly soon seeing the structure. "Blaine..." he whispered, his hands hovering over his mouth.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. "It's so beautiful..."
Kurt threw his arms around Blaine's neck. "It’s gorgeous...You...It's...I love you...I love you so much.."
Blaine grinned. This was perfect. "I love you too baby."
Kurt hugged his husband close. "You're so...Amazing isn't even the right word.."
Blaine shrugged. "I just wanted to do something nice."
"Blaine..'Nice' is a serious understatement.." Kurt giggled, leaning back a bit to look at Blaine.
"I thought we weren't getting married...this was me making up for it. But it wound up being our honeymoon," Blaine explained.
"Blaine, you didn't have to make up for anything.." Kurt said, cradling Blaine's face on his hand.
"I just felt bad. Everything just started going opposite of how we planned.."
"Well now everything is going better than we planned." Kurt smiled.
"True," Blaine smiled. "Are you hungry? We can go eat then shopping..."
Kurt smiled wide. "I'm starved."
"Let's go!" Blaine said, grabbing his wallet and camera.
Kurt smiled, linking hands with Blaine as they walked out of the hotel together.
The walked down the street and found a cute little cafe. "How about this?"
"Perfect.." Kurt said happily.
They walked in and Kurt ordered for them before finding a table to sit at.
Kurt sat with Blaine, grabbing his hands across the table. "God, just being here is romantic.." He giggled.
"I know," Blaine sighed. "It’s so amazing."
"So what all do you have planned for us Mon amour?" Kurt smiled, brushing his thumb over Blaine's knuckles.
Blaine blushed lightly as his eyes drifted down. "I really want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower. I know you want to go shopping. There's a spa at the hotel. And oh! There's this Fashion Museum I thought you'd like," Blaine smiled.
Kurt kissed Blaine's hand. "That sounds amazing.."
"So I was thinking shopping today and Eiffel Tower around sunset?"
"Perfect.." Kurt said, smiling as the waitress brought their coffee. "Merci."
Blaine took a sip of his. "I'm so happy, Kurt."
Kurt looked up at his husband. "So am I Blaine.." he said sweetly.
The waitress brought their food to them. They ate and talked about their plans, Blaine still not telling Kurt where else they were going after Paris.
"Well..will you at least tell me if you can speak the language of where we're going?" Kurt asked.
Blaine nodded. "Somewhat in the next one. And yes in the last place."
Kurt smiled, hearing Blaine speak in another language was going to be good. All he'd ever heard was him speak Filipino when on the phone with his grandmother, and his attempts at French in school.
"But you can't laugh if I can't really speak the next one," Blaine said seriously.
"Why would I laugh. I don't know anything other than French..Besides..I'll think it's sexy either way.." Kurt said, giving that flirty grin and raising an eyebrow.
Blaine blushed. "But I'm not as good with any other language like you are with French..."
"Blaine, you can speak Filipino like nobody's business." Kurt smiled, sipping his coffee.
"I guess," Blaine said, giving a little smile.
Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand. "I think you're perfect...No matter what language you speak."
Blaine blushed. "I love you."
"I love you too Blaine.." Kurt said sweetly.
"You ready to go shopping?"
Kurt nodded as Blaine paid for the meal.
They walked out, hand in hand. They went down a few blocks, enjoying the scenery. "See anywhere you want to stop?"
Kurt nodded, smiling as he pulled Blaine into a store.
“Bonjour, Puis-je vous aidez?” A young girl asked.
("Good afternoon. May I help you?")
“Oh, oui. Je me demandais quel Couturier vous portez.” Kurt said smiling.
("Oh, yes, I was wondering, what designers do you carry here?")
The girl smiled. "Alexander McQueen, Alexander Wang, Christian Dior, Armani, Versace, Prada, and Dolce & Gabbana."
Kurt bounced slightly. "Merci!" He grinned before turning and walking off to look through the beautiful clothes.
They were at a store called A La Recherche De Jane. It was a nice store. Blaine thought Kurt was going to go crazy when he saw all of the scarves.
"Oh these are gorgeous!" Kurt said, his fingers ghosting over the beautiful fabric.
Blaine giggled. "I told you that you would need another suitcase."
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's cheek. "Help me pick out some jeans?" He winked.
Blaine nodded. This would be the death of him. But he wasn't complaining.
Kurt smiled wide, squeezing Blaine's hand as they walked towards the jeans.
Blaine helped Kurt pick out some jeans before taking a seat and waiting for Kurt to try on the first pair.
Kurt came out a couple of minutes later in some red jeans that looked like they were painted on.
Blaine held his breath, not able to take his eyes off of Kurt. "How the hell do you even get into those?"
"Easy." Kurt smiled, looking at the jeans in the mirror.
"I couldn't do it," Blaine sighed, his breath hitching when Kurt turned around.
"Why don't you try?" Kurt asked, turning back to Blaine.
"They're too tight. I wouldn't be able to breathe."
"Try!" Kurt giggled, tossing Blaine a pair of black jeans, "These are a bit looser."
Blaine got up and went to try them on. "Kurt...I don't know about this..." he said, looking in the mirror.
"What's wrong?" Kurt asked at the door.
"They're still tight..." Blaine said.
"Come out baby, let me see." Kurt smiled.
Blaine scrunched his nose but walked out, letting Kurt inspect him.
Kurt bit his lip. "You should wear tight jeans more often.." he said. But Blaine looked skeptical.
"But you've seen me trying to get in and out of them. I get clumsy.."
"I take them off for you." Kurt said, smirking.
Blaine tried to hide the shiver that went through him. "True..."
Kurt giggled lightly, kissing Blaine before sauntering back into his dressing room.
Blaine shook his head. Well at least he didn't say it in French. He went back into the room and got back into his jeans. Blaine walked out, holding the skinny jeans, fully intended to buy them.
Kurt tried on a few more pairs, each hugging his body more beautifully than the last. "Which should I get?" Kurt asked, after he changed into his jeans he wore out.
"They all look amazing!" Blaine said. "I can't pick. Get a few of them."
"Are you sure?" Kurt asked, wide eyed. These jeans' prices were way beyond what the normal human being should be willing to pay.
"I'm the one that knew we'd be in Paris. I came prepared," Blaine smiled.
Kurt threw his arms around Blaine. "Thank you baby!"
Blaine giggled. "You're welcome. Did you want to look at anything else?"
Kurt nodded, smiling as he tool Blaine to look through tops and accessories. Some he had never even heard of.
Blaine held what Kurt wanted, smiling to himself as he watched his husband.
He loved how Kurt would dash around the store with that little walk of his, chatting with the saleswoman in French. He would pick up a garment and either make a face, putting it back, or give his hips a small exited wiggle.
He was so happy he could do this for Kurt. He was adorable yet so sexy at the same time. Blaine couldn't have been happier.
Kurt was saying something to the saleswoman when he turned to Blaine. "Oh my god.." he sighed. "I feel like a total gold digger right now.." he said, looking at the piles of clothes in Blaine's arms.
"You can pay me back tonight," Blaine joked, trying not to laugh.
Kurt blushed a brilliant shade of red as the French girl beside him laughed.
"I can understand English Monsieur.." She giggled.
Blaine's eyes went wide. "I was kidding...we're married...it's our honeymoon...I'm sorry," he said quickly.
She laughed again. "Quite alright.. F�licitations on your marriage." She smiled.
"Thanks," Blaine blushed, feeling like a complete idiot.
Kurt reached down, squeezing Blaine's hand.
“Il est trop adorable pour son propre bien.” Kurt said to the French woman, smiling fondly at Blaine.
("He's too adorable for his own good.")
“En effet, il l'est. Vous vez tr�s bien choisi.”
("Indeed, he his. You chose well.”)
Kurt smiled at Blaine again, who just looked confused.
“C'est dans des moments comme maintenant que je suis content qu'il ne parle pas fran�ais.” Kurt laughed.
("These are the moments that I'm glad he can't speak French..")
“J'en suis sur. �tes-vous pr�ts � r�gler votre r�servation?” She asked Kurt.
("I'm sure! Are you two ready to check out?")
Kurt nodded, squeezing Blaine's free hand as they walked to the register.
Blaine paid for the clothes before walking out with quite a few bags. "Did you want to go anywhere else?"
"I think I've put us close enough to bankruptcy for today.." Kurt giggled. "I was actually wondering, if before we went to the Eiffel Tower, if we could go to Jardin des Tuileries.."
"Do you mind going to the hotel first? So we can put the clothes up," Blaine asked.
"That's a good idea." Kurt giggled.
They went back to the hotel and dropped off the bags before heading off to Jardin des Tuileries.
When they arrived, Kurt gasped, his eyes going wide at the beauty. The gardens are filled with dramatic statuary and perfectly symmetrical shrubbery, along with a nearly straight path leading from the Louvre to the Arc de Triomphe. A large ferris wheel could be seen easily from a distance and it was all so gorgeous.
Blaine took Kurt's hand. "It’s beautiful...like you."
Kurt smiled, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck. "You're sweet.." he said softly, fluttering his eyelashes a bit at his husband.
"I just love you," Blaine smiled.
Kurt leaned in, pressing his lips to Blaine's lightly. "I love you too.."
"Which way first?" Blaine asked.
Kurt started walking until they came upon beautiful flowerbeds and an elegant fountain. "That's the Grand Carr� fountain." Kurt smiled. "This place literally was the back yard of a royal family.." His mother told him about this park when he was a boy. She always showed him pictures and told him stories. She wanted to go so badly, but she never got the chance. It was so much more beautiful in real life than in the pictures.
Blaine looked at Kurt. "How do you know all of this?"
Kurt sighed softly, squeezing Blaine's hand. "My mom always wanted to go here..She told me about it when I was younger.."
"I don't know how to explain this..." Blaine said, staring at the ground. "But sometimes when I'm with you...I feel like I can...feel her around..."
"Really?" Kurt asked, smiling softly at a patch of yellow flowers before looking back at Blaine.
Blaine's gaze didn't move. "It's weird but kind of amazing at the same time."
Kurt nodded, contemplating this. No, he didn't believe in the supernatural. But there were points when he may have felt like she was around him..Now was one of those times.
Blaine finally looked up. "Do you ever feel it? Maybe I'm crazy. I never even met her..."
"I don't think you're crazy..And yes..I do feel that sometimes...I feel it right now..." Kurt said softly.
"That's what made me ask you how you knew about this. It's not a lot. But when I feel it, I just, I don't know. It just feels kind of nice. It's like a sad nice. But still good..."
A short, warm breeze blew through the park and Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand. "It is nice.." he said.
Blaine smiled lightly. "This place is amazing."
A single tear rolled down Kurt's cheek, but he wiped it quickly. "Very.." he said, giving a soft smile.
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt softly. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine again. "So much.."
Blaine smiled. "What else did she tell you about?"
"The last king of France lived here, until someone deliberately burned down the building. Romantic right?" Kurt giggled.
"Very," Blaine laughed as they started walking again.
They waked for a couple of hours, exchanging small kisses and embraces until the sun was starting to go down. "Are you ready for the Eiffel Tower?" Kurt smiled.
"It's what I've been waiting for for a few months!" Blaine smiled.
Kurt chuckled, grabbing Blaine's hand as they walked out of the gardens and hailed a taxi. They admired all the scenery along the way. Blaine looked like a little kid on Christmas morning when they pulled up. Kurt smiled up at Blaine as they got out of the taxi and paid the driver. Surprisingly the line wasn't that long. They took pictures from below before it was their turn to get in the elevator. Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand tightly, bouncing slightly the whole way. As the doors opened at the top, Blaine got tears in his eyes. They were really here, looking out at the gorgeous pink and blue night sky. "Oh my God..." They both walked out, the same look of awe on both of their faces as they looked out across the city.
"This is so...beautiful ..." Blaine sighed in amazement.
"It is..." Kurt breathed out, pulling Blaine close as they stood by the railing.
Blaine held Kurt as they looked at the view. "I don't want to leave..."
"Neither do I.." Kurt said quietly, pressing his cheek to Blaine's.
Blaine spotted another tourist couple next to them. "Excuse me," he said politely. "Could you take a picture of us real quick?"
"Of course," the older woman smiled, taking Blaine's camera and snapping a picture of them.
Blaine took his camera back. "Thank you so much!"
"You're welcome." She said kindly before Blaine turned back to Kurt.
Blaine sighed happily. "Nothing will ever beat this summer."
Kurt nodded in agreement, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw. "I love you so much..."
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "I love you more than anything."
"Kiss me?" Kurt asked softly. Secretly, being kissed in the Eiffel tower was on his bucket list.
Blaine smiled, leaning in and kissing Kurt deeply.
Kurt melted against Blaine, tightening his arms around his neck.
Blaine gave a small moan. This was by far their most romantic kiss.
Kurt slowly pulled away, looking up at Blaine, his heart swelling with love.
Blaine cupped Kurt's cheek as he looked into his blue eyes.
Kurt's heart was racing as they looked at each other for a bit, trying to live in that moment.
Blaine ran his hand behind Kurt's ear, putting a stray hair away.
Kurt blushed at the gesture. This was so perfect. Everything. He was married to the man he was in love with, in Paris, at the top of the Eiffel tower.
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt again. "What so you say, we go get some dinner and relax in our room?"
Kurt smiled, nodding softly, as he gave Blaine one more kiss.
Blaine took a few more pictures before they got back on the elevator.
Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder the whole way. "I love you so much.." he whispered, looking up at his husband.
Blaine smiled sweetly. "I love you too, beautiful."
Kurt giggled giddily at Blaine's words, squeezing his hands.
They got a cab and went back to the hotel. "What are you in the mood for?"
"Anything.." Kurt smiled.
"I'm gonna change really quick," Blaine said, grabbing a few articles of clothing and disappearing into the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came out in the tight jeans they had bought earlier, a sweater that fit his abs in the most amazing way and his curls tamed adorably.
Kurt smiled wide, walking over to his husband. "You look amazing.." He said, wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist.
Blaine blushed. "Really? It’s not too tight?"
"It’s perfect Blaine.." Kurt said, his eyes practically devouring Blaine's body. It took all the willpower he had not to bend Blaine over and take him right then and there.
Blaine smiled. "You ready?"
"Mmhmm.." Kurt said, watching Blaine as they walked out of the door.
Blaine tried swaying his hips as he walked, but failed miserably. He stumbled, running into the wall, his face red with embarrassment.
Kurt held back a giggle, walking up to Blaine and placing his hands on Blaine's hips. "You're cute.."
"Far from it," Blaine grumbled.
"Yes you are.." Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's forehead.
"I tried being 'sexy' and ran into a wall Kurt..."
"You don't have to swing your hips to be sexy.." Kurt giggled.
"You're sexy when you do it. You don't even have to try.." Blaine said, looking down.
"And there are things you do without trying that are incredibly sexy.." Kurt said, rubbing his thumbs over Blaine's hips lightly.
"Like what?" Blaine asked, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Well, I love the way you walk...The way you dance when you're singing...The way you looked when you were putting the bed together...Really whenever you do any kind of manual labor.." Kurt said, biting his lip.
"Really? Why?" Blaine asked, completely clueless.
Kurt looked down at his husband. "Just...Seeing you...Working hard...Getting sweaty...The way your arms look when you're lifting something.." Kurt said, unable to stop his hand from running up the aforementioned body part.
Blaine smiled softly. "Kiss me..."
Kurt leaned in, pressing his lips to Blaine's and moaning softly.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, pressing his body to Kurt's.
Kurt gasped, pressing Blaine against the wall roughly as he gripped his hips.
Blaine let out a sharp whine. "Dinner later?" He breathed out.
"Yeah.." Kurt said before pulling Blaine back to the room.
Blaine panted heavily as they got back inside.
Kurt pressed Blaine against the now closed door, attacking his neck and sucking harshly.
Blaine gasped. "Ohhh God, baby..."
"You're so fucking hot..." Kurt growled, reaching down to palm at Blaine's ass.
Blaine moaned loudly, pushing his ass back into Kurt's hands.
Kurt groaned, squeezing harder as he bit at Blaine's ear.
"Kurrrt..." Blaine whined. "I need you..."
"What do you need baby..Tell me.." Kurt said, pushing his hips into Blaine's
Blaine gave a shaky breath. "I need you inside me...I want you to ahh! Fuck me...fuck me baby..."
Kurt moaned against Blaine's ear. "Where do you want me to fuck you Blaine?.."
"Bend me over the bed...please..."
Kurt picked Blaine up, carrying him to the bedroom.
Blaine attached his lips to Kurt's neck as he was carried.
"Fuck.." Kurt gasped before setting Blaine down.
Blaine turned around, bending down to turn on his iHome. He pressed his back to Kurt, grinding his ass onto his husband.
Kurt smiled before moaning and holding Blaine's hips.
Blaine turned and hooked his leg over Kurt's hip, steadying himself by putting his hands on Kurt's shoulders as he danced on him.
Kurt reached around, gripping Blaine's amazing ass. "Fuck...And you say you're not sexy.."
"I'm not...I just like dancing," Blaine said, biting his lip as Kurt squeezed harder.
"And you're amazingly sexy when you do it..." Kurt said, dipping down to bite Blaine's neck before he could protest.
Blaine's eyes closed, "Oh fuck...so good..."
Kurt hummed, licking over the skin he bit. Fuck, he loved the way Blaine could roll his body like this. He had no idea what he did to Kurt.
Blaine leaned in, growling in Kurt's ear. "Fuck me..."
Kurt quickly turned Blaine around, bending him over and smacking his ass roughly.
Blaine groaned loudly. "Harder..."
Kurt held back a loud moan at the request, slapping Blaine's ass even harder.
Blaine's back arched. "Fuck! Kurt!"
"Tell me how it feels.." Kurt rasped.
"So good...I love the way you spank me!"
"Mmm...Fuck You're so sexy Blaine.." Kurt said, rubbing over Blaine's ass soothingly before reaching around to unbutton the tight jeans.
Blaine whimpered, his body trembling with need.
Kurt pulled of Blaine's pants. "Take off your sweater.." Kurt commanded.
Blaine got up, quickly pulling it over his head and threw it to the floor.
Kurt pulled off his shirt as well before pushing Blaine back down to bend over the bed.
Blaine moaned, turning his head to watch Kurt.
Kurt walked over to their bags, grabbing the lube before returning to Blaine.
"You're so hot," Blaine breathed out, taking in Kurt's body.
Kurt smiled, standing behind Blaine and squeezing his ass again.
Blaine whimpered. "Baby..."
"Yes?" Kurt asked.
"That feels so good...unnhhh..."
Kurt reached down, undoing his jeans and pulling out his member, sighing at the release.
Blaine bit his bottom lip. "You're so big baby.."
Kurt stroked himself slowly, moaning at Blaine's words.
Blaine's breathing sped up as he watched Kurt.
Kurt paced a hand on the small of Blaine's back, using his other hand to slick himself up before holding his length steady and slowly pressing into Blaine.
Blaine let out a strangled moan at the stretch. "Oh God..."
Kurt lout out a long low moan as he pushed deeper into Blaine.
"More please..." Blaine pleaded.
"You want more?" Kurt asked, going even slower.
Blaine let out a sharp whine. "Yes...yes..."
Kurt leaned down, kissing in between Blaine's shoulder blades before quickly sliding into him.
"Ahh!" Blaine cried out. "So big! Ohh!"
Kurt panted heavily, keeping his chest pressed to Blaine's back as he let him adjust.
Blaine let out ragged breaths. "I-I'm okay.”
Kurt kissed Blaine's back again before sitting up and slowly starting to thrust.
Blaine gasped. "Oh Kurt...you make me feel so full..."
Kurt gasped "Fuck..So tight .."
Blaine gripped the bed spread. "Oh my God...fuck me baby...."
Kurt started to speed up, gripping Blaine's hips tighter.
Blaine cried out at the pleasure as he writhed under Kurt.
Kurt moaned deep in his throat. "So..Fucking good.." he gasped, bringing a hand around to squeeze Blaine's ass.
Blaine groaned, shutting hos eyes. "Oh Kurt! Yes!"
Kurt ran his hand up Blaine's back until he reached his head, gripping the gelled down curls.
Blaine arched his back. "Ahh! Harder!"
Kurt pulled harder on Blaine's hair as he slowly picked up speed with his hips.
Blaine panted harshly. "Fuck! Don't stop baby..."
Kurt brought his free hand down harshly against Blaine's already sore ass, causing him to cry out.
Blaine whimpered at the sweet pain. "Kurrrt..."
"Talk to me Blaine.." Kurt panted, spanking him again.
"Ahh! Oh shit! You're so fucking big, Kurt!" Blaine breathed out between pants. "I love the way you fuck me..."
Kurt groans, squeezing Blaine's ass harder as he started to slam into him.
Blaine let out a small scream. "Unnghhh! Oh Kurt! Yes!"
"You like that baby?" Kurt asked through grit teeth.
Blaine rolled his body, pushing himself back. "Yes! Oh! I love it!"
"Fuck!" Kurt moaned, digging his nails into the tan skin before tugging harder on his hair.
"Ahhh! Shit!" Blaine cried out at the pain. "Baby!"
Kurt slowed down a bit. He was being rougher than usual. "Are you okay?" Kurt panted.
Blaine nodded. "Yeah. Not so hard on the hair...feels good but I'm a little dizzy...don't stop though..."
"You sure?" Kurt asked, rubbing up and down Blaine's back
Blaine sighed at the soft touch. "I'm sure." Kurt slowly sped back up. Blaine loved that even when they were in the middle of this, Kurt would slow down to make sure he was alright. Blaine moaned lightly. "You feel so good, Kurt."
Kurt ran his hands up and down Blaine's back before gripping his hips again.
Blaine's hands tightened in the blankets as he pushed his hips back, meeting Kurt's thrusts.
"Blaine...Fuck..I love you so much..." Kurt panted.
"Mmmm, I love you too.." Blaine breathed out.
Kurt's thrusts started to become more erratic as he massaged Blaine's hips. "B-Blaine...I'm close.."
"Me too baby...fuck!" The curly haired boy groaned.
Kurt sped up a bit more, panting heavily as Blaine's moans grew louder.
Blaine trembled as he felt that familiar pooling in his stomach. He pushed himself back, causing Kurt to hit his prostate in the most amazing way. Blaine cried out, spilling his seed on the covers.
Kurt followed soon after crying out Blaine's name as he filled Blaine deep.
Blaine panted harshly as he collapsed against the bed. "I love you..."
Kurt caught his breath before slowly sliding out of his husband.
Blaine looked up at Kurt, eyes full of love.
Kurt slowly turned Blaine over and climbed on top of him, kissing him soft and slow.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, basking in the feel of his lover's kiss.
Kurt pulled away a bit, planting a couple more small kisses on Blaine's lips.
"You're so amazing," Blaine smiled
"You're more amazing..." Kurt giggled.
Blaine shook his head. "Nu uh, Kurtsie."
"Oh my god. No."
Blaine's smile turned down. "But turtle dove..."
Kurt looked down at Blaine, giving a warning look.
“What is it, cuddle bug?"
Kurt rolled off of Blaine. "Blaine..No..Just no."
Blaine giggled. "Now you understand."
"Oh hush..Blainey.." Kurt laughed.
"I will if you come back..."
Kurt smiled, climbing back on top of Blaine. "I think cuddle bug was the worst."
"That's why I saved it for last," Blaine smiled.
Kurt just giggled, kissing Blaine softly.
"You hungry now?" Blaine asked.
"Very..." Kurt sighed.
Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek. "Let’s clean up and get dressed."
Kurt nodded, standing up and helping Blaine as well.
They finished and left their room, walking down to the elegant hotel restaurant.
Kurt couldn't help but smile a bit as he saw Blaine walking a bit strangely. "I'm sorry if I was too rough." He said softly, squeezing Blaine's hand.
"I liked it," Blaine said quietly.
"Are you sure?..I just want you to know you can always tell me when to slow down or if I'm hurting you.." Kurt saint concernedly.
Blaine nodded. "Of course I don't want that all the time. But I like it. You're so hot. But you know when it gets to be too much."
Kurt gave a small smile, leaning over to kiss the spot behind Blaine's ear. "I love you.." He whispered against the skin.
Blaine felt like his stomach flipped, causing a big grin to spread across his face. "I love you too."
Kurt giggled as he stopped walking so that he could kiss Blaine's beautiful smile.
Blaine kissed Kurt back. He loved being here with his husband.
Kurt sighed softly before pulling away and running his the side of his hand over Blaine's cheek.
“Tu es si extraordinaire..mon beau mari..”
("You are so amazing..My beautiful husband..")
Blaine heart fluttered. He was never sure what Kurt was saying. But that voice made him melt.
Kurt smiled as he saw Blaine's eyes light up a bit.
" Je t'aime.." Kurt sighed, knowing Blaine at least knew what that meant.
Blaine blushed as this most amazing feeling spread through his body. "I love you too."
Kurt leaned down kissing Blaine's blush. "Come on.." he smiled as they started walking again.
They got a table where it wasn't so crowded and ordered their drinks.
"So what do you think so far?"
"Oh my god...It’s amazing Blaine..I don't know how I could ever thank you for this..." Kurt said softly.
"You already did," Blaine smiled. "You married me."
Kurt blushed, reaching across the table to place his hand over Blaine's.
"And there's plenty more," Blaine grinned.
"I love you so much Blaine.." Kurt said, brushing his thumb over Blaine's ring.
Blaine smiled at the gesture. "I love you too baby."
Kurt leaned over the table and gave Blaine a light kiss. "Forever.."
"And ever," Blaine said sweetly.
Kurt smiled, leaning back and looking into his husband's eyes.
"You're so beautiful," Blaine whispered.
Kurt's heart fluttered at Blaine's words. He couldn't believe he was here right now...Married to Blaine...That shy boy that sang Katy Perry in front of the glee club.
Blaine traced a heart on Kurt's palm. "What are you thinking about?"
"The day we met.." Kurt said quietly.
“The day that changed my life," Blaine sighed softly.
Kurt smiled, squeezing Blaine's hand again. "We've come so far..."
"I know," Blaine smiled proudly. "And we have so much more to look forward to."
Kurt sighed happily. "God I love you so much."
"I love you too," Blaine said as their waitress came to take their order.
They ordered their food and had an amazing dinner together. When finished, they went back to the bedroom and ran a warm, bubble bath.
Blaine rested against Kurt's chest, letting the water relax him.
Kurt ran his hands up and down his husband's back, kissing the top of his head.
Blaine sighed softly. "That feels nice."
"Mhmm." Kurt hummed, smiling as he started to massage his back.
Blaine gave a small moan, leaning forward to give Kurt a better canvas.
Kurt rubbed down to the small of Blaine's back, kneading his fingers into the muscle.
Blaine winced a little but started to relax as Kurt worked the muscles.
"You're always so tense.." Kurt said softly.
"It’s probably from the plane ride.."
"Well after we get out, I want you to lay on the bed so I can give you an actual massage." Kurt smiled.
Blaine looked back at Kurt. "Really?"
"Would you like that?" Kurt asked.
"That would be amazing," Blaine smiled.
Kurt nodded, kissing the top of Blaine's head as they slowly washed each other.
They got out and dried off before Kurt instructed Blaine to lie down.
Kurt straddled Blaine's back and put some of the jasmine lotion he used in his hands, rubbing them together to warm them up a bit before placing his hands between Blaine's shoulders and neck, slowly working the tense muscles.
Blaine rested his head against the bed. "Kurt...that feels so good..."
"Good.." Kurt smiled, moving down to his shoulder blades. He pressed his thumbs down, slowly sliding them up to the back of Blaine's neck.
Blaine sighed softly. He was so lucky to have Kurt.
Kurt rubbed the back of Blaine's neck, moving lower before getting to the center of his back. The muscles were the most tense here, he increased the pressure, working out the knots.
"How do you know how to do this so well?" Blaine asked.
Kurt laughed softly. "I don't know..Maybe I'm just a natural masseuse."
Blaine giggled. "Quite possibly."
Kurt scooted back a bit after he got done with the middle and moved his skilled hands down to the small of his husband's back.
Blaine shivered a little. He hasn't admitted it to Kurt. But he loved when Kurt touched him here.
Kurt noticed the small movement, smiling lightly as he pressed deeper into his back.
A small moan escaped Blaine's lips as the pain and tension melted away.
"Feel good?" Kurt asked softly as he applied more pressure.
Blaine sighed softly. "Very."
Kurt moved a bit lower, right above Blaine's ass before running his hands up Blaine's sides and very lightly tracing his nails back down.
Blaine squirmed lightly, giggling a bit. "That tickles!"
Kurt smiled fondly at his husband. "Even when I'm trying to seduce you, you're adorable. "
"Trust me, it’s working. That just tickled," Blaine chuckled.
Kurt giggled lightly, continuing to massage Blaine's lower back.
"You have no idea how good you are with your hands..." Blaine said softly.
"Piano helps.." Kurt smiled.
"Thank God for pianos!"
Kurt chucked softly. "Turn over.." he said sweetly.
Blaine shifted under Kurt. "Were you just using this as a way to get in my pants, Mr. Hummel?"
"Of course not...I have more class than that.." Kurt giggled, raising an eyebrow as he ran his hands across Blaine's chest.
Blaine smiled. "Either way, you get the golden ticket," he said, winking.
"So are you calling you're calling your cock a golden ticket?" Kurt giggled.
"Well no...I meant sex," Blaine laughed.
"Good..I don't think I would be able to handle it if you named your dick.." Kurt laughed.
"But even you have said how pretty it is..." Blaine said, holding back his laughter.
"Fine then. I'll name it Princess Sophia. That's a pretty name." Kurt said, smiling that cocky smile.
"Call it whatever you want. You're the one that likes riding Princess Sophia."
Kurt's hand flew over his face. "Oh my god.." he said, laughing loudly.
Blaine giggled. "You like when Princess Sophia fucks your mouth, don't you?"
"Blaine!" Kurt scolded, still smiling.
"You named it!" Blaine laughed.
"Not seriously! Now you're never going to let me live this down either!"
"This one I will because it sounds like you're with a girl," Blaine said softly.
"And most definitely are not.." Kurt smiled climbing up Blaine's body, keeping his lips an inch from Blaine's.
Blaine shivered. "Not at all."
Kurt smiled, giving bin a soft kiss and biting his bottom lip.
Blaine whimpered lightly. "Oh baby..."
"Yes?" Kurt asked, his voice deep and sultry.
"Will you ride me? Please?" Blaine breathed out.
Kurt kissed Blaine lightly before nodding and planting soft kisses down his neck.
Blaine moaned quietly. "Oh baby..."
“So sexy..." Kurt breathed out against his skin.
Blaine writhed under Kurt. "You're so hot..."
The older smiled cockily, "Look at you..You want me to ride you so bad..."
Blaine whined. "Yes..I want to fill you...please Kurt..."
Kurt shivered, making a small purring sound as he slid his hand between them to wrap his fingers around Blaine's half hard cock.
Blaine gasped. "Oh shit!"
"So big..." Kurt moaned.
Blaine closed his eyes whimpering at Kurt's words.
"I love your cock baby...so thick and long..." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine with that sultry look in his eyes.
Blaine's hands shot up to Kurt's hair, pulling hard. "Baby please..."
Kurt moaned loudly in a sharp whine. "Fuck...harder.."
Blaine pulled harder, "Sit on my cock, Kurt...you know you need me..."
Kurt moaned again as Blaine pulled. "Oh shit..." he gasped, tightening his hand around Blaine's length a bit.
Blaine cried out. "Fuck! Kurt!"
Kurt's eyes were smoldering as he looked into Blaine's. "I do need you baby...I want you to stretch me.."
"Do you want my fingers?" Blaine asked softly, reaching for the lube.
Kurt shook his head, kissing Blaine's neck. "I want to feel your cock..Please.."
Blaine nodded, slicking himself up. "Come on baby.."
Kurt sat up, positioning himself above Blaine as Blaine grabbed his hips and rubbing his thumbs over the feather tattoos.
"You're so beautiful..."
Kurt sighed softly. "Thank you baby.."
Blaine nodded. "You're welcome.."
Kurt slowly started lowering himself, giving a shaky breath as he felt the stretch.
Blaine gasped, gripping Kurt's hips as he tried not to thrust up.
"No, it's okay..Go.." Kurt panted.
Blaine looked up at Kurt to make sure he was okay before he slowly started moving his hips.
Kurt bit his lip, whimpering lightly at the pain as he rocked his hips.
Blaine moaned, gripping Kurt's hips harder. "Fuck, I love the way you ride me..."
"Oh fuck yes Blaine..." Kurt moaned, lifting himself up and dropping back down.
Blaine growled deep in his throat, thrusting faster.
"Oh god! Blaine!" Kurt cried out. He knew he was going to feel this tomorrow and he loved it.
Blaine's hands traveled up Kurt's body to his neck, pulling him down for a deep kiss.
Kurt moaned deeply, letting Blaine's tongue enter his mouth.
Blaine pulled Kurt's hair, causing him to moan louder.
"Harder..." Kurt whispered. He loved when Blaine pulled his hair. The way the way the way the pain mingled with the pleasure drove him crazy.
Blaine gasped, pulling harder as he sped up his thrusts.
Kurt threw his head back, practically screaming. "Blaine!!"
"Fuck! You're so hot like this! Talk to me.." Blaine growled.
Kurt could barely form a coherent sentence as the words tumbled from his lips. "Blaine! Fuck! I-I..Shit! You feel so amazing!!"
"So fucking sexy..." Blaine breathed out. "I love the way you take me."
Kurt moaned in response, grinding down harder onto Blaine.
Blaine bit Kurt's neck, pulling Kurt's hair harder.
Kurt cried out loudly gripping Blaine's shoulders. "O-oh god!"
The curly haired boy snakes his arms around, gripping his husband's firm ass.
Kurt whined, arching his back. "Unh! Oh shit.."
Blaine gripper harder, feeling Kurt's muscles flutter around him. "I'm so close baby..."
"S-so am I..Fuck!" Kurt whimpered.
Blaine gave a few more hard thrusts, crying out as he came.
Kurt dug his nails into Blaine's skin, tossing his head back as he screamed, cumming between them.
Blaine panted under Kurt, watching as his body arched beautifully.
Kurt's body went limp as he trembled through his orgasm.
Blaine kissed the slender boy softly as they caught their breath.
Kurt placed his hands on either side of Blaine's face, gasping against his lips. "I love you...I love you..."
Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek. "I love you so much beautiful."
Kurt slowly pulled off of Blaine, wincing before collapsing next to him as he nuzzled under Blaine's jaw.
"Are you okay?" Blaine asked sweetly.
"Yeah...Just...Gonna feel that tomorrow.." he said, laughing lightly.
"I'm guessing tomorrow should be spa day? Or do you just want to relax here?"
"Either is fine.." Kurt sighed happily.
"We'll see how you feel in the morning," Blaine said softly.
"You're too good to me.." Kurt said, looking up at his husband.
"I just love you." Blaine smiled.
"I love you too.." Kurt said happily, running his finger across Blaine's jaw line.
"You tired baby?"
"A little..." Kurt said quietly.
"Want to sit outside and look at the Eiffel Tower? If you fall asleep, I’ll bring you inside."
Kurt gave a small nod, smiling up at Blaine.
Blaine carried Kurt out to the balcony. They laid out there on the little sofa, looking out over the view.
"It's so beautiful..." Kurt said quietly, looking over the glittering city.
"I know," Blaine whispered. "It’s amazing."
Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's neck, sighing softly.
They laid like that for a while until Kurt fell asleep against Blaine's chest. He carefully picked his husband up and carried him to bed.
The next morning, Kurt woke up to the smell of coffee. He stood up, groaning a bit at how sore he was as he limped into the kitchen.
Blaine's smile turned down when he saw Kurt. "Oh my God. Are you Okay?"
"Yeah...Sore.." Kurt said, sitting down carefully and wincing a bit.
"You just want to stay here today?"
"Maybe the spa will do me a little good..." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine. "It was worth it though.." he smiled.
Blaine blushed. "Spa sounds good."
Kurt rested his head on the cool table top, and sighing softly.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Blaine asked, concerned.
"I'm perfect.." Kurt smiled.
Blaine was still worried but decided to let it go. "How does a massage and facial sound?"
Blaine smiled. "We'll go whenever you're ready babe."
"Now's fine.." Kurt said, standing and making a small noise.
Blaine frowned. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes baby..I promise .."Kurt said, walking over to Blaine and wrapping his arms around him. "I'll just be walking like a wounded giraffe for a bit.." he giggled.
Blaine gave a small smile. "I'll be careful for now on..."
"Baby...I loved it.." Kurt said softly, kissing Blaine's cheek.
Blaine sighed. "Go get dressed."
Kurt planted a small kiss on Blaine's lips. "Not until you tell me what's wrong."
"You just look so sore..."
"I'm really fine baby...I'll feel better in a little bit..okay?" Kurt said before kissing him before going to get dressed in some comfortable clothes.
"Okay," Blaine said, sipping his coffee as he waited.
Kurt came out, walking a bit strangely but not as bad as earlier.
"You ready?" Blaine smiled, setting his coffee down.
"Yup.." Kurt smiled as Blaine wrapped an arm around his waist so his limp wasn't so obvious.
They went downstairs and Blaine kept his arm around Kurt as they walked to the spa.
They got signed in and they went to a back room to undress for their massages.
They each slid under the covers and waited for their masseuses to walk in.
Two people walked in, a young brunette girl and a tall man, who looked about the same age, with short black hair.
They introduced themselves as Francesca and Jacques.
Kurt smiled at Jacques as he walked over to stand by him and Francesca walked over to Blaine.
Blaine laid his head on the headrest and sighed as Francesca started on his shoulders.
Jacques started on Kurt, who made a small noise of approval.
Kurt kept making small noises. Blaine knew it was a massage but he didn't like that it was another guy doing it. A hot, tanned, and slightly muscular one at that.
"Feels good, no?" Jacques said, smiling down at Kurt as his hands started traveling further down Kurt's back.
Francesca worked around the same pace as Jacques. Blaine looked up and saw Jacques' hands. He tried to take deep breaths to relax himself, but every time Kurt made a noise of approval, Blaine's body tensed up.
"You are very tense..You need to relax Monsieur Hummel.." Francesca said, working a bit harder.
Blaine gave a grunt as he looked back down, trying to drown out all other noises.
Jacques was making small talk with Kurt. Blaine couldn't help but notice the flirty little comments he would make in his thick French accent.
Blaine rolled his eyes. Really? His husband was naked and this guy wanted to flirt? Kurt could be so oblivious sometimes.
Kurt sighed softly. This was so relaxing. All the tenseness and knots that had come out of last night were melting away. He might have to do this more often.
Jacques moved to Kurt's thighs, rubbing more lotion onto his hands before gently massaging dangerously close to where only Blaine should be. Kurt let out a soft moan.
"You like?" Jacques asked, smiling happily.
"That feels amazing..." Kurt breathed out.
Blaine looked up again. He felt like his blood was boiling. He couldn't even enjoy his own massage with Mr. Frenchy over there making Kurt practically melt with pleasure.
The massage couldn't end quickly enough for Blaine, when it did, they thanked their masseuses and put on bathrobes before going to receive their facials.
Blaine didn't say a word as they walked. They sat next to each other, Blaine still not talking.
"Blaine...What's wrong?" Kurt asked softly.
"Nothing." Blaine said curtly. How could Kurt really be that oblivious?
Kurt was a bit taken aback by Blaine's tone. "Blaine.." he said, eyebrows kneaded together.
"Really Kurt? You have no idea?" Blaine asked. "Your masseuse was flirting with you the whole time and all you could do was moan!"
Kurt stared at him. "Blaine..Were you really jealous of my masseuse? "
"I'm not jealous! He was too touchy! 'Oohhh you skin so soft. You like when I touch you here? Oh look my hands are almost to your ass. Do you need massage there? Why don't you just turn over and let me take care of you?'" Blaine said in a horrible fake French accent.
Kurt sighed. "Blaine..He was giving me a massage, yes he was being touchy, it was his job..You're being ridiculous..And yes, jealous."
Blaine threw his hands up. "Yeah. I'm always jealous. Never right. Just always overreacting! I'm going to the room. I need to be alone." Blaine said before storming off. Okay, maybe he was jealous. But if Kurt could see it from Blaine's view, he'd understand.
Kurt watched as Blaine walked out. He made a small frustrated noise. Blaine was right about Shane, but this was completely different. It was the man's damn job to touch him. He decided to stay and finish his facial. Hopefully Blaine would be over it by the time Kurt went back.
Blaine went up to their room and drew up a hot bath before slipping in. He exhaled heavily. Blaine decided, even though he felt he was right, he would drop it whenever Kurt came back. He gave a long sigh before slipping under the water and finally relaxing.
Kurt left the spa feeling refreshed, but couldn't help but feel a bit upset at his husband's behavior. He went back up to the room and walked back to the bathroom, knowing Blaine was most likely taking a bath.
Blaine kept his eyes closed as Kurt walked in. He felt like an idiot for blowing up. But he got so jealous hearing another man making Kurt moan.
Kurt sat on the edge of the tub, looking down at his husband. "Baby.."
"I'm sorry..." Blaine whispered.
"It's okay...At least tell me why you blew up like that." Kurt said, running his hand over Blaine's curls.
"I looked up and just seeing his hands under the blanket, touching your thighs...hearing the noises you made...knowing it wasn't me just upset me..." Blaine explained.
"Baby.." Kurt consoled, "It felt good..Not in the way you make me feel though.."
Blaine shrugged, bringing his knees to his chest. "He kept flirting with you and I just I don't know."
Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine's forehead. "Blaine..I may not have noticed it, but I believe you..And if it helps, he's not even my type.."
"How? He was gorgeous...and you do like tan..."
"No he wasn't. He's not my type because he's not you..You're my husband.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine smiled softly. "I love you..."
"I love you too..." Kurt said, cradling Blaine's cheek in his hand.
"I'm sorry for going crazy..."
"Baby..You didn't go crazy...There's going to be worse disagreements in the future and we'll get through them. But right now, I feel all relaxed, and I just want to forget about it okay?" Kurt said softly.
Blaine nodded. "Okay."
Kurt leaned over the tub, kissing Blaine again. "I'll be on the balcony okay? I love you.."
"I love you too," Blaine said softly.
Kurt went out on the balcony and smiled, letting the sun warm his face. He decided now would be the perfect time to a bit of yoga. Since Kurt and Blaine moved in with each other, they noticed small things about each other that they usually weren't around to see. Like Kurt's weekly yoga. He usually saved that for a day when he was alone, but now that he and Blaine would be with each other 24/7 he figured he might as well.
Blaine got out of his bath and got dressed. He smiled when he saw Kurt. He laid down on the bed, not wanting to interrupt.
When Kurt finished he walked back into the room and lay on the bed, pulling Blaine's back to his chest. He felt loose and relaxed and happy.
"How was yoga?" Blaine asked.
"Good..Relaxing..You should do it with me sometime.." Kurt said.
Blaine laughed. "I don't know. I'm not as lithe as you are..."
"Maybe you wouldn't have as many knots in your back.." Kurt said, kissing the back of Blaine's neck.
"I didn't say I wouldn't try. But I just see myself falling a lot."
"You'd do great baby.." Kurt smiled.
Blaine turned, kissing Kurt softly. "Well I guess you're gonna have to teach me."
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine again. "I have no problem with that."
"Just don't laugh if I suck," Blaine giggled.
"I won't.." Kurt said, laughing lightly.
"Hey Kurt?" Blaine said softly. "Can we just stay here today? Just be together?"
"Of course baby.." Kurt said, running his fingers across Blaine's forehead.
Blaine smiled sweetly. He needed a day to just relax and be together as husbands.
Kurt pulled Blaine closer. "I love you Blaine.."
"I love you too, Kurt."
Kurt smiled, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw.
They laid there for a bit, enjoying each other’s company.
Kurt smiled at Blaine. He loved being able to be this way with Blaine, just lying in each other's arms. Moments like these were perfect.
Blaine nuzzled under Kurt's jaw. "Thank you..."
"For what love?" Kurt asked.
"We're in Paris and you don't mind spending a day inside just to be with me."
"I'm happy as long as I'm with you." Kurt smiled.
"I love you so much baby," Blaine said softly.
"I love you too Blaine..." Kurt said, rubbing their noses together lightly as he smiled.
"I do have somewhere I want to take you tomorrow," Blaine said, looking into Kurt's eyes.
"Where would that be?" Kurt asked, gently twirling a finger in one of Blaine's curls.
"You probably know all about it already," Blaine started. "It’s the Paris Fashion Museum."
Kurt gasped. "Oh my god! I've always wanted to go!"
"I figured. I researched each place to try to find something like that."
"You're so amazing Blaine..." Kurt whispered.
"I try," Blaine smiled.
Kurt made a small giddy noise, bouncing a bit.
"You're so cute.."
"No I'm not!" Kurt giggled.
"Yes you are!" Blaine said, turning to tickle Kurt.
"Blaine!" Kurt laughed loudly, squirming against the bed.
Blaine got up straddling Kurt so he couldn't move.
Kurt shot him a mean look, trying not to smile.
Blaine laughed as he continued to tickle Kurt.
Kurt squealed, wriggling under Blaine, but he kept him down.
"Admit it!" Blaine laughed.
"I'm not gonna stop tickling my cuddly wuddly bear," Blaine said in a disgustingly cute voice.
"Oh my god!" Kurt said, trying to push Blaine off but failing miserably.
Blaine laughed. "Come on shnookums. You know what you have to do hubby wubby."
“Fine! Fine! I'm cute!" Kurt laughed.
Blaine stopped, pinning Kurt's hands above his head. "Yes you are," he said, not an inch from Kurt's lips.
Kurt shivered as he felt Blaine's breath ghost over his lips. He swallowed hard, looking up at his husband.
Blaine knew that look but decided to okay dumb. "Are you okay baby?" He asked, his ass gently pressing down against him.
Kurt bit his lip. "Y-yeah..."
“Are you sure?" Blaine asked, licking across Kurt's bottom lip.
Kurt shivered. "O-oh god..."
Blaine smiled, moving to Kurt's ear and sucking the lobe between his teeth. "What is it baby?"
"Fuck..You know what you're doing..." Kurt accused.
"But I don't have a clue," Blaine said, grinding down hard.
Kurt moaned, his head falling back. "Blaine.." He gasped. He could feel himself getting hard against Blaine.
Blaine moved down to Kurt's neck, sucking harshly at the skin as he continued moving his hips.
Kurt's lips quivered as he let out a shaky moan. "Fuck.." he whimpered, his hands straining under Blaine's hold.
Blaine breathed heavily in Kurt's ear. "You like this baby?"
"Yes..Shit.." Kurt panted.
"Mmm, I love teasing you," Blaine said hotly, bringing a hand down to palm Kurt's obvious erection.
Kurt whimpered, thrusting up against Blaine's hand.
"I want you to fuck me," Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear.
Kurt groaned, his toes curling as he turned his head to kiss Blaine fiercely.
Blaine moaned against Kurt's lips. "Is that what you want?," he asked, adding more pressure to Kurt's member.
"Yes..Yes baby.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine smiled, growling in Kurt's ear. "What are you gonna do when I let go of you?"
"Flip you over, put your legs over my shoulders, and fuck you until you can't remember your name.." Kurt said darkly.
Blaine moaned loudly, his body rolling as he quickly let Kurt's arms go.
Kurt moved swiftly, flipping them over and pressing him down into the mattress.
Blaine gasped. "Oh fuck! I love you!"
"I love you too baby.." Kurt said, smiling down at his husband as he pulled off Blaine's boxer briefs.
Blaine sighed at the release. "Oh God..."
Kurt pulled off his own and Blaine's shirt and his pants before reaching over to grab the lube.
Blaine loved that Kurt wasn't taking his time. He needed his husband and he needed him now.
Kurt slicked himself up before lifting Blaine's legs up and putting them on his shoulders.
Blaine shook with need. "You're so sexy..."
Kurt chuckled, lining himself up with Blaine's tight hole.
Blaine gasped. "Please baby...."
Kurt nodded, gripping one of Blaine's thighs and using his other hand to steady his member as he pushed inside.
Blaine took a deep breath, slowly exhaling. "So...big!"
Kurt very slowly, slipped inside of Blaine, gasping.
Blaine's head fell back as he gripped the edges of the bed. "Fuck..."
Kurt stopped when he was all the way inside Blaine, turning his head to kiss his thigh.
Blaine moaned softly. "Y-you can go..."
"Are you sure?" Kurt asked softly.
"Yes," Blaine whispered nodding.
Kurt slowly started rolling his hips, gasping as he felt Blaine clench around him.
Blaine's breathing came out in short gasps. "Oh my God.."
Kurt gripped to Blaine's legs, steadily speeding up.
"You're so thick! Ahh!" Blaine groaned. "So fucking good!"
"Fuck yes...I love how you take me baby.." Kurt panted.
Blaine's hands flew to his hair. "So big! Fuck me Kurt...ahh!"
Kurt started slamming into Blaine, groaning deep in his throat.
Blaine cried out. "Oh shit! Baby! Faster please..."
Kurt sped up, angling himself to hit Blaine's prostate.
Blaine's eyes screwed shut, his body trembling as he writhed. "Fuck! A-again..."
Kurt groaned, scratching down Blaine's thighs as he rolled his hips to brush over that sweet bundle of nerves.
"Unnghhh! Fuck!" Blaine practically screamed, pulling his hair harder.
"Fuck you're so hot...Shit!" Kurt moaned.
Blaine arched his back. "Don't stop! Oh fuck!"
Kurt bent down a bit, ensuring he would hit Blaine's prostate with each thrust.
Blaine panted harshly. "Shit! Fuck baby! I'm gonna cum!"
Kurt let out a deep moan. "So am I baby..Fuck!..Say my name.."
"Kurt!" Blaine moaned loudly, cumming hard. "Oh fuck, kurrrt..."
Kurt followed suit, groaning deeply as he filled Blaine, pushing deep inside of him as his muscles fluttered around him.
Blaine reached up, clutching Kurt's arms as he rode out his orgasm.
Kurt slowly slid in and out of his husband as he calmed down, panting harshly.
"Oh my God," Blaine breathed out. "So amazing..."
Kurt slowly pulled out, letting Blaine's legs fall before lying on top of him, panting heavily.
"Kiss me," Blaine whispered.
Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's in a long, sweet kiss.
Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips.
"I love you.." Kurt whispered.
"I love you too baby..."
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine again.
"You're so amazing."
“So are you baby.."
Blaine smiled, sighing softly.
"How do you feel?" Kurt asked softly, tracing patterns on Blaine's chest.
"Really good," Blaine smiled. "You?"
"Same." Kurt sighed happily.
Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead before letting out a long yawn.
"You're sleepy.." Kurt giggled, nuzzling under Blaine's chin.
"Mmm, yeah," Blaine sighed softly.
"Good night baby..." Kurt smiled.
"Night..." Blaine said before slipping into a deep sleep.
The next morning Blaine awoke to Kurt singing softly in the kitchen and the smell of something delicious. He got up and walked out of the bedroom to the small kitchenette.
" Mais qui �tes vous ? Belle inconnue A corps perdu Je pense � vous C'est en dessous Du pardessus Que l'ind�cence Me m�ne � vous.... Oh..Good morning baby." Kurt said smiling at his husband from the stove.
"Morning," Blaine groaned. "What smells so good?"
" Crepes with salted butter caramel and Chocolat chaud.." Kurt smiled.
"What did I do to deserve you?" Blaine asked, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.
Kurt giggled. "Everything.."
Blaine kissed Kurt's neck. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt grinned, skillfully flipping the crepe in the pan.
"You look like you belong in France," Blaine smiled.
"What makes you say that?" Kurt asked.
"The language. The fashion. Now you're making crepes."
"Well since you were sleeping like a log this morning, I went out to the market and got a few things.." Kurt smiled, placing the crepe on a plate, filling it, folding it up and drizzling the caramel creamed sauce on top.
"That looks delicious!" Blaine sighed.
Kurt poured some of the chocolate beverage into a mug and turned, handing both to his husband, grinning.
"You're so good to me."
"You're my husband and I love you.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's cheek.
"I love you too," Blaine said before taking a bite. "Oh my God! That's it. We're not leaving."
Kurt laughed, fixing his own plate before sitting at the table. "I'll be able to cook like this at home.."
"You're gonna make me fat!" Blaine laughed. "We should get a pool so I can do laps!"
"I'm not going to make you fat!" Kurt giggled, sipping his drink.
"You better not," Blaine laughed.
"Or what?" Kurt smiled, raising an eyebrow.
"I'd hate myself for getting that way. Then you'd blame yourself. It’s a vicious cycle."
Kurt giggled lightly. "Well then I won't ever make you any delicious food, ever, ever again Blaine Hummel.."
"Then I’ll cook," Blaine laughed.
Kurt smiled, resting his chin in his hand as he looked across the table at his husband.
Blaine continued to eat his food. "This is really just oh my God!"
Kurt giggled, letting his head hang down before looking up. "You're really just the cutest."
"How so?" Blaine asked.
"You just are.."
"You're silly," Blaine chuckled, finishing up his meal.
Kurt finished his food as well, taking Blaine's plate and going to wash it.
Blaine stood up, stretching. "Did you want to spend all day at the museum? There's a lot to see."
Kurt smiled up at Blaine. "Yes! I'm so exited!"
Blaine giggled. "I'm gonna take a shower."
"All alone?" Kurt pouted, poking out his bottom lip.
"Since when do you need an invitation?" Blaine asked, smiling.
Kurt smiled, drying his hands and bouncing over to his husband.
They went to the bathroom and Blaine started the water before getting undressed.
Kurt watched his husband as he got undressed. He was so lucky to have him.
"Enjoying the view?" Blaine asked, blushing a little.
"Very much so..." Kurt said, getting undressed himself.
"Good," Blaine giggled, climbing into the shower.
They got in and Kurt immediately grabbed the shampoo to start washing his husband's hair.
Blaine sighed softly. He loved when Kurt washed his curls.
Kurt smiled. "I love your hair.."
Blaine smiled. "Thank you baby."
"I don't see why you gel it down.."
"It’s what I did at Dalton. I thought you liked it..." Blaine said quietly.
"I do..I like it both ways..But I prefer it loose and curly." Kurt said.
Blaine nodded. "I just don't know how that looks with formal outfits."
"Well why don't you try it next time?" Kurt said, rinsing out his hair.
"Okay," Blaine smiled.
Kurt smiled back, kissing Blaine softly. "I love you.."
"I love you too baby."
They finished showering and Kurt put on a robe, immediately going to put on his face mask. Blaine watched as Kurt smeared the green stuff on his face. Blaine dipped his fingers in the stuff, rubbing it between his fingers and smiling before starting to draw patterns on his face with the mask.
Blaine put his iHome on and danced as he tried different patterns. "Hey babe. What do you think?"
Kurt turned to look at his husband and giggled. "What do you think you're doing?"
Blaine shrugged. "It’s a sun and a moon. You don't like it?"
"I'm just wondering why you decided to use my mask.." Kurt sighed, fanning at his own mask to help it dry.
“It was there and seemed fun," Blaine smiled.
"And you wonder why I say you're adorable.." Kurt laughed.
Blaine blushed, skipping off to his suitcase. "What should I wear today?"
"You're the one that looks good in everything." Kurt said, waking over to the new clothes he got the other day.
"Not everything," Blaine said, pulling out a tight fitting black shirt and his red high waters.
"Yes everything.." he looked over at his husband's pants and sighed. "Even those high-waters.."
"I see that face!" Blaine said, throwing them back and digging through his bag.
Kurt walked back over to Blaine and grabbed him by his waist. "Baby..Wear your pants. You know you want to.." he smiled.
"You don't like them." Blaine sighed.
"Yes I do...They're cute.."
"You're lying but I'll wear them." Blaine said, picking them back up.
"I'm not lying!" Kurt said, putting his hand over his heart dramatically.
"Kurt, I know you," Blaine giggled.
"Okay maybe a little, but they make you happy and that's what matters." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's cheek.
Blaine shook his head before slipping them on and looking in the mirror, seeing nothing wrong with them.
Kurt went to his suitcase and pulled out a black and white plaid button up with a yellow tie, a black cardigan, and white skinnies with his yellow and Black Oxfords.
"Now you look amazing!" Blaine said, admiring Kurt's outfit.
Kurt chuckled, setting out the clothes on the bed and going to wash off the face mask.
Blaine got everything he needed and laid on the bed, waiting for Kurt.
Kurt came out, carefully getting dressed as to not wrinkle anything.
Blaine smiled as Kurt finished. "You're so beautiful."
Kurt blushed, smoothing down his cardigan. "Thank you.."
"You're welcome," Blaine said sweetly as they walked out and hailed a cab.
Kurt cuddled up to Blaine in the back of the taxi, smiling happily.
It only took a few minutes to get to the museum. Blaine was in awe as he took in the building.
Kurt's eyes were bright as they darted around. "Oh my god.."
Blaine paid the driver, taking Kurt's hand as they went to get their passes.
"Blaine..This is so amazing!" Kurt enthused.
Blaine smiled. "Let’s go in."
Kurt nodded, linking arms with Blaine as they went inside.
Blaine couldn't believe how beautiful it was.
Kurt was mesmerized by the beautiful clothes, dating back from Victorian times to today.
"What do you think?" Blaine asked quietly.
"That I should've been born in the 1800's so I could wear this.." Kurt giggled, gesturing to a display from that century.
Blaine chuckled. "I'm glad you like it."
Kurt smiled wide as they walked through the museum. "Blaine..I really want to just..Thank you..For everything.."
Blaine stopped, pulling Kurt close. "You're welcome. You deserve it. We deserve it."
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. "What did I do to deserve you?"
"We deserve each other baby."
Kurt smiled widely. "God, I love you.."
"I love you too," Blaine said, kissing Kurt softly.
Kurt sighed as their lips moved together slowly, tightening his arms around Blaine's neck.
Blaine exhaled, deepening the kiss.
Kurt slowly piled away, resting his forehead against Blaine's.
"I love you," Blaine breathed out.
"I love you too.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine smiled, taking Kurt's hand as they walked.
They spent most of the day at the museum, after they finished, they went to a small park, walking together.
Blaine sighed. "I can't believe how beautiful it is here."
"It's gorgeous..." Kurt sighed.
Blaine held Kurt close. "I love you."
Kurt blushed as he looked up at Blaine. The sun was setting and the way the light cast shadows across his features was gorgeous.
"I love you too..."
"We only have a couple more days. Was there anything else you wanted to do?" Blaine asked.
"Just being here with you is amazing.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead. "Well then I guess you don't want to do any more shopping?" He giggled.
"Well I'm afraid if I do, we really will have to live off of ramen noodles. " Kurt laughed.
Blaine rubbed up and down Kurt's back. "I think we'll be alright. I've learned how to budget with mom. We can make it."
Kurt smiled at his husband as they kept on walking. "What if your mom goes into labor before we get back?" Kurt asked after a while.
"I should call her when we get to the hotel. But everything seems on schedule so far," Blaine reassured.
"Good.." Kurt said happily.
"Have you talked to your dad at all?"
"Not yet..I should probably give him a call too.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine nodded, giggling lightly. "He probably thinks you had a heart attack."
Kurt laughed, swinging their conjoined hands. "You're silly.."
"I'm not gonna lie. I was q little worried when you saw the tickets. I can't even imagine how you'll feel for the next part."
"Why were you nervous?" Kurt asked.
"I thought you might go into shock or something. I know how much you love fashion. So I did two places that I knew you would love and somewhere I've been wanting to go," Blaine smiled.
Kurt smiled. "You're amazing.."
Blaine blushed. "I just love making you happy."
"You do every minute of every day.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine's heart melted at Kurt's words. "I love you more than anything baby."
Kurt grinned. "I love you too.." He said, holding Blaine's hand and spinning around so he was close to his husband, his hand wrapped around his waist.
Blaine wrapped his free hand around Kurt's shoulder, swaying softly. "Sing for me..."
"What do you want me to sing?..." Kurt asked, blushing a bit.
"Anything," Blaine smiled.
Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder and smiled before starting to sing softly.
"I close my eyes and I smile Knowing that everything is alright To the core So close that door Is this happening? My breath is on your hair I'm unaware That you opened the blinds and let the city in God, you held my hand And we stand Just taking in everything..."
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head, swaying to the sound of his husband's angelic voice.
" I can't believe this is happening to me and,
I raised my hand as if to show you that I was yours
That I was so yours for the taking I'm so yours for the taking and Thats when I felt the wind pick up
I grabbed the rail while choking up
These words to say and then you kissed me...I knew from the start
My arms are open wide Your head is on my stomach
And we're, we're trying so hard not to fall asleep.."
Blaine had tears in his eyes. Kurt's voice, Paris, the sun setting. This was perfect.
Kurt looked up into Blaine's eyes.
"And I'll try to sleep to keep you in my dreams
'Till I can bring you home with me I'll try to sleep and when i do
I'll keep you in my...dream..
I knew it from the start
So my arms are open wide
Your head is on my stomach
No...We're not going to sleep
Here we are
On this 18th floor baclony...
We're both flying away...."
Kurt finished softly.
Blaine smiled sweetly. "You're voice moves me..."
Kurt blushed, looking down.
Blaine cupped Kurt's cheek. "You are so beautiful."
Kurt smiled softly, leaning up to kiss Blaine softly.
Blaine smiled, placing Kurt's palm over his heart. "I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with the boy that stole my heart my first day at McKinley..."
Kurt smiled lightly before it faded. "C-can I ask you a question?"
"Of course," Blaine said softly.
"Do you ever...regret..that I'm the only person you've ever been...Not dated..but been with?" Kurt asked, looking down.
Blaine smiled. "I haven't once regretted that. I think it's sweet. And honestly, I love that you are the only one that will ever see and be with me in that way. Why? D-do you?"
"I could never regret that Blaine..It's just..You're so amazing and you could have anyone you wanted..I just don't see why you chose me when..You could..." Kurt broke off, tearing up a bit. "I'm sorry.." he whispered, wiping his eyes.
"Hey," Blaine said softly, wiping Kurt's tears. "You are the one I want always and forever. Kurt...when Britt made me sing that day and I saw you, all I could do was think about how beautiful you are. I had to know you. But I was so scared. Then you introduced yourself to me and I was hooked. I've had the chance to be with someone else. But I didn't want it. No matter how charming or beautiful some other guy is, it doesn't matter to me. I want you."
Kurt looked down. "I'm sorry...I'm being stupid.." he said quietly.
Blaine tilted Kurt's head up so he could look at him. "You're not stupid. You had a question. You can always ask me anything."
Kurt nodded. "I love you..So much.." he said, looking up at his husband.
Blaine presses his lips to Kurt's. "I love you too. That's why I married you. I've loved you since the day we met. Can...can I tell you something?"
Kurt nodded, looking at Blaine expectantly.
Blaine took a deep breath. "When I was with Sebastian...I had fun. But it wasn't anything like this. He didn't even understand my love for Disney movies," Blaine chuckled. "I loved listening to the accent. But it was more of a friendship. I still couldn't get you off my mind. Every time you were near, my eyes were on you. It's always been just you."
Kurt's lip quivered as he tried not to cry. He'd always been too afraid to ask Blaine about his previous relationship with Sebastian. To hear that was such a relief.
Blaine looked at Kurt, his eyes full of love and devotion. "What's wrong baby?"
"I've always wanted to ask about...You and Sebastian...What it was like when you were dating..If you were..happier with him than me..I just..I didn't want you to get upset that I asked.." Kurt said quietly.
"No one makes me happier than you do." Blaine paused, debating on telling Kurt this. "That night...of the crash...he tried taking our relationship forward...I couldn't. I didn't want to. I'll never want anyone else."
Kurt's tears spilled over. Blaine had the chance to sleep with someone else and he didn't..He really did love him.
Blaine wiped Kurt's tears away. "Please tell me those are good tears..."
"They are.." Kurt said, pulling Blaine close.
"I love you, Kurt. I've always been yours. And I always will be." Blaine said softly.
Kurt kissed Blaine passionately. "I love you..I love you so much..." he said in between kisses.
"I love you too baby," Blaine smiled. "Come on, let's go back to the hotel." They went back to their room. Blaine ran a hand up Kurt's arm and cupped his cheek, bringing him on for a deep kiss.
Kurt exhaled softly, kissing Blaine back. This felt so perfect, so natural. He was meant to be with Blaine, forever.
Blaine pulled away for a second, smiling sweetly. "Can I make love to you?"
Kurt nodded softly, his heart melting at Blaine's words. He was so in love with him..
Blaine took his time, slowly undressing Kurt. "You are so beautiful."
Rose tinted Kurt's cheeks as he looked up at Blaine though his eyelashes.
Blaine kissed Kurt's blush before pulling his shirt off.
Kurt ran his hands over Blaine's chest, kissing the dip between his collar bones softly.
Blaine gave a small sigh as he took off his pants and boxers. "I love you..." he whispered.
"I love you too..." Kurt said, kissing up the center of Blaine's neck.
Blaine moaned quietly, backing Kurt up onto the bed.
Kurt lie back on the bed, scooting up so his head was resting on the pillows as Blaine climbed over him.
Blaine kissed down Kurt's chest, gingerly sliding his fingertips down his husband's sides.
Kurt closed his eyes, inhaling softly as he arched his back slightly.
Blaine kissed back up to Kurt's lips. "Do you want my fingers first?"
Kurt nodded lightly, bringing a hand up to set it on Blaine's cheek.
Blaine let out a shaky breath as he reached for the lube.
Kurt leaned up, pressing soft kisses on Blaine's neck and jaw.
Blaine covered his fingers before pressing one at Kurt's entrance. "Are you ready?"
Kurt lay back, looking up at Blaine. "Yes.." he said softly, grabbing his free hand.
Blaine intertwined their fingers together, slowly pressing into Kurt.
Kurt closed his eyes as his lips parted, his head falling back. "Blaine..." he whispered as he felt his husband enter him.
"Are you okay baby?" Blaine asked, curling his finger inside Kurt.
Kurt nodded, moaning softly and shuddering a bit at the pleasure.
Blaine pulled out, adding another finger as he watched Kurt's emotions dance across his face.
Kurt's eyebrows kneaded together as he gasped, his body rolling a a whine escaped his lips, squeezing Blaine's hand.
"I can't get over how gorgeous you are..." Blaine said lovingly.
Kurt started to say something but it was cut off by a sharp moan as Blaine's talented fingers ran over his prostate. "Unh!" He gasped, his free hand running up to his hair and making a trail down to his neck and then his chest.
Blaine breathed out heavily. Watching Kurt touch himself was so sexy. Blaine added a third finger, intentionally ghosting over that sweet bundle of nerves.
Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand tighter, gasping and panting. "B-Blaine..I'm ready..I..Oh god.."
Blaine carefully pulled out, slicking himself up as he steadied himself over Kurt.
Kurt still held onto Blaine's hand while the other drifted to rest on the back of the younger's neck. "I love you..."
"I-I love you too," Blaine said, gasping as he pressed in.
Kurt's eye lashes fluttered as he took in a shaky breath, feeling his lover stretch him.
Blaine stopper once he was all the way in. "Tell me when to go..."
Kurt nodded, pulling Blaine down slightly so their foreheads were touching.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly, waiting for him to get used to the stretch.
"Okay..." Kurt said softly against Blaine's lips.
Blaine slowly rolled his hips, sliding in and out of Kurt. He gasped at the tight heat surrounding him.
Kurt whimpered, wrapping his legs around Blaine's waist.
Blaine cupped Kurt's cheek with his free hand as hie hips moved a little faster.
Kurt nuzzled into Blaine's hand, kissing his palm before moaning softly. "Blaine..Ohh.."
Blaine's breathing hitched. "Oh God..."
Kurt looked up at Blaine and gasped. "Baby...I love you so much.."
Blaine moaned softly. "Ohhh...I love you...I love you too..."
Kurt closed his eyes, moaning softly as he felt Blaine pump in and out of him. He loved this. He knew no one else could make him feel this way.
Blaine placed his hands on either side of Kurt's face. "You're so beautiful...so amazing..."
Kurt looked up into Blaine's eyes with so much love and clutching to his back
Blaine rolls his hips so he would hit Kurt's prostate, moaning as he felt Kurt's muscles flutter.
"Blaine!" Kurt moaned. "Oh god.."
Blaine thrust a little harder, making sure to hit that spot every time.
Kurt's moans started to grow louder as he scratched down his husband's back.
"Ahhh! Kurt!" Blaine cried out.
"B-Blaine...I..I'm close.."
"Me too baby," Blaine moaned, "Cum for me..."
Kurt cried out loudly, screaming Blaine's name as he came hard, his legs shaking as they tightened around Blaine.
Blaine came, shuddering as Kurt tightened around him.
Kurt kissed Blaine deeply, his breathing ragged.
Blaine kissed Kurt back, his hands resting softly on his husband's neck.
"Mmm...I love you.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine smiled. "I love you too."
Kurt kissed Blaine again, gasping as hid husband pulled out.
Blaine laid next to him. "How do you feel?"
"Amazing..In love..Happy.." Kurt said softly, cuddling up to Blaine's chest.
"Good," Blaine said happily.
Kurt smiled, kissing over Blaine's heart softly.
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt’s head. "Good night beautiful."
"Good night Blaine..." Kurt said quietly.
Their last few days in Paris were magical. They spent more time shopping, (Kurt had to ship some clothes back to the states due to how hard it was to fit anything more in his bags), going to caf�s and other famous Paris land marks. They went to the Eiffel tower again on their last night and Kurt thought he wouldn't be able to bear parting with the city of lights, but then the day came for their next destination.