Jan. 27, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Kurt had his lit mirror sitting on the counter as he applied his various skin creams. He was swinging his hips and singing under his breath until it got to a certain point in the song where he stopped and sang loudly.
"So, here's a story from A to Z You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully
We got Em in the place who likes it in your face
You got G like MC who likes it on a..
Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady
And as for me, ha you'll see!" He sang, moving his arms animatedly and bouncing around the room.
Blaine giggled, covering his mouth as he waited for the right moment to come out.
Kurt started swinging his hips in the most amazing way as the next part played over the speakers of the iHome.
"Slam ya body down and wind it all around!"
Blaine shivered, jumping into view and singing the chorus.
"If you wannabe my lover, you have got to give! Taking is too easy. But that's the way it is!"
Kurt shrieked, jumping about a foot in the air before throwing his jar of moisturizer at Blaine who dodged it quickly.
"Oh god! Blaine! You scared the shit out of me..." Kurt panted, hand over his heart.
Blaine giggled, walking over to his husband. "That was kind of sexy...the way you move your hips...mmmm...."
Kurt looked up at Blaine. "So I throw a jar of moisturizer at your head and you call me sexy?" He said breathlessly, adjusting his boxer briefs as he stood up straight.
Blaine shrugged. "Your ass distracted me."
Kurt blushed, walking to bend over and pick up the jar. Thank god it was closed.
"I'll never get tired of looking at that..."
"What?" Kurt asked standing.
"You bending over," Blaine said hotly, snaking his hands around Kurt's waist.
Kurt giggled, placing his hands on Blaine's chest. "Blaine.." he smiled, fluttering his eyelashes a bit.
"You're so beautiful," Blaine said sincerely.
Kurt blushed again. "Thank you.."
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt softly. "You’re welcome..."
Kurt smiled, leaning in to press his lips to Blaine's, deepening the kiss a bit.
Blaine moaned, bringing his hands up to cup Kurt's face.
Kurt let out a soft breath, pulling Blaine closer so their bodies were pressed together.
Blaine whimpered, rolling his body against Kurt's.
Kurt gasped, biting Blaine's bottom lip before pulling away slightly. "Fuck me." He whispered.
Blaine picked Kurt up, resting his legs around the shorter's and backing him against the wall.
Kurt moaned at the action, tightening his legs around Blaine as he ran his hands up and down the tan boy's arms.
Blaine moaned loudly. "You're so fucking hot!"
Kurt smiled cockily as he ran his nails down the solid muscle if Blaine's biceps. "Mmm..So are you, baby." He said, his voice low and dark with lust.
Blaine set Kurt down, just long enough to pull off his boxer briefs and grabbing the lube before picking him back up.
Kurt leaned down, biting and sucking at Blaine's jaw and neck. "Fuck me Blaine...Please.." He said breathily, digging his blunt nails into Blaine's shoulders.
Blaine held Kurt with one arm, using the other to slick up his cock and placing it at his entrance. "How much do you want this?" he breathed out.
"More than anything…Please...Blaine...Fuck..." Kurt whimpered.
"How do you want me?" Blaine asked, voice full of lust. He loved watching Kurt squirm.
Kurt's body rolled with need as he tried to push down on Blaine. "Hard…Make me scream.." He panted needily.
Blaine growled deep in his throat, slamming into Kurt hard.
Kurt cried out at the pleasure filled pain. "Oh fuck!"
Blaine bit Kurt's neck. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, don't stop-ah!" Kurt gasped.
Blaine grabbed Kurt's hips, thrusting into Kurt hard. "Kurt! So tight!"
Kurt threw his head back, resting it against the wall as Blaine fucked him "Oh shit! Fuck yes!"
Oh fuck. Kurt was being so loud. Blaine loved it. "Talk to me baby..."
"You feel so amazing baby...Ah! Oh God! I-fuck! Love the way you fill me with your big cock…"Kurt moaned, gasping harshly.
Blaine whined. "That's right baby...take my fucking cock like the little slut you are..."
Kurt shuddered. "Fuck!" He groaned, tightening his legs around his husband.
Blaine rammed into Kurt. "So fucking good!"
Kurt's body jumped slightly with the force of Blaine's thrusts. "Baby...Ah! Harder.."
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt fiercely as he thrust harder.
Kurt moaned loudly against Blaine's lips, breathing heavily though his nose.
Blaine kissed down his jaw and to his neck, sucking the skin into his mouth.
"Oh God...Blaine!" Kurt panted.
Blaine reached around, gripping Kurt's ass as he sped up.
"Unh! Fuck! Oh god baby...Fuck me!" Kurt cried out.
"Say my name...please...say my name.." Blaine pleaded.
"Blaine! You feel so good Blaine! Shit...Blaine!" Kurt practically screamed.
Blaine growled loudly in Kurt's ear. "Fuck! Kurt, I'm close...shit!"
"Me too Baby...Unh! Please fill me.." Kurt gasped.
Blaine panted in Kurt's ear, a sharp whine escaping his kiss swollen lips as he came deep inside Kurt.
Kurt shuddered at the wet heat filling him. He came immediately as Blaine gasped and moaned in his ear.
Blaine pressed open mouthed kisses on Kurt's neck as he tried catching his breath.
Kurt sagged slightly, moaning at the soft kisses on his sweat laced skin.
"Oh my God..." Blaine sighed. "That was amazing..."
"I swear it gets better each time.." Kurt smiled tiredly.
"Agreed," Blaine grinned. "Shower time?"
"Shower time.." Kurt agreed.
Later, as Kurt went grocery shopping, Blaine's phone rang.
It was Brittany.
"Hello beautiful!" Blaine smiled.
"Hello Mr. Hummel! You wanna go look at puppies with me?"
Blaine's smile grew at his new name. "I'd love to! Pick me up in about an hour?"
“Mmkay!" She said happily.
About an hour later, Brittany pulled into the driveway of the small white house, honking twice to get Blaine to come out.
Blaine told Kurt he'd be back soon and went to the car. "Hey!"
"Hey Blaine!" She said, hugging him tight before they pulled out of the driveway.
“So what kind of dog do you want?"
"Something that will fit in my purse.." Brittany giggled.
Blaine chuckled. "Can't wait to see! I love dogs."
"Well I want to go to the Humane Society and look there instead of buying from a pet store." Brittany said.
"That's what I would do. I always wanted one. But we traveled too much while I was growing up."
"Well you can look!" Brittany said smiling at her best friend.
"Only look though," Blaine said.
“Why?" Brittany pouted.
"Because I haven't talked to Kurt about it," Blaine explained.
Brittany nodded, driving a bit further until they pulled in. They walked in and walked to the back of the building where all of the dogs were.
Blaine gasped as he looked at them. They were so cute and so excited.
The younger boy wore a huge smile on his face as they walked through the rows of fenced in cages. Some would jump against the cage, barking excitedly while others would jump about happily, panting with their tails wagging fiercely. His smile would fade slightly when they would pass a cage where the dog would simply lie there, looking sad and alone, but it couldn't be helped.
Blaine stopped when he saw a white Alaskan Malamute. She sat there, wagging her tale and looking up at Blaine with these gorgeous ice blue eyes.
She made a small noise, cocking her head at Blaine and Brittany walked over. "Awee, she's so cute! And big!"
Blaine looked ay Britt with tears in his eyes. "She's beautiful..."
"I think you just fell in love." The worker smiled.
"Me too..." Blaine sighed. "Can I play with her?"
'"Of course." The young man smiled, pulling a key from his belt and unlocking the cage.
"She's a big sweetheart. Good around kids, playful. She hasn't snapped at any of the workers since she's been here."
Blaine smiled, leaning down and petting her. "She's amazing..."
The dog made a happy sound at Blaine's touch, turning her face to lick his hand happily.
Blaine giggled. "You're playful, aren't you?"
The pure white dog jumped up, placing her large paws on Blaine's lower stomach while attempting to lick his face.
Blaine continued to pet her. He looked back at his best friend. "Kurt would die..."
"Kurt would be fine. Get her! Let her be a surprise! He'll lover her..She's so sweet.." Brittany said petting the fluffy dog.
"I don't know...he might get mad..."
"Look at her Blaine!" Brittany pressed.
Blaine looked back. She was so cute. He couldn't say no. "Okay!"
Brittany clapped excitedly as the worker hooked a leash around her neck and took her and Blaine to the back room so they could do the paper work.
"Did you pick one?" Blaine asked Brittany.
Brittany reached into her purse, pulling out a small black Chihuahua. "I'm going to name him Nibbles.."
"He's so cute!" Blaine smiled as he finished the paperwork.
The worker handed Blaine her leash and copies of the paper work. "What'd you name her?" Brittany asked.
"Eva!" Blaine grinned. "What do you think?"
"Gorgeous.." Brittany smiled as Eva sat at Blaine's feet.
"I'm scared," Blaine said as they walked to the car.
"Why?" Brittany asked, helping Eva into the back seat.
"Kurt...what if he makes me bring her back?" Blaine said quietly.
"Oh, I don't think he would. I think Kurt might like dogs secretly. She said, placing an exited Nibbles in Blaine's lap.
Blaine played with the small dog. "I hope so."
Brittany pulled away from the building and started back to Blaine and Kurt's. "It'll work out." She smiled.
Blaine smiled. "He'll see how much I love her."
Brittany nodded supportively as they drove. She pulled up to the house and she smiled. "Thanks for coming with me Blaine.."
"Thanks for taking me. I’ll let you know how everything goes..." Blaine said as he got Eva out of the car.
"Alright..Bye Eva!" Brittany waved, setting Nibbles in her lap.
Blaine waved as he walked inside. "Kurt! I'm back!"
Kurt smiled as he heard Blaine's voice. "Hey baby!" He said, coming down the hall and turning the corner. "I'm making some- OH MY GOD!" He squeaked before running back to the bedroom and slamming the door.
Blaine furrowed his eyebrows. "Fuck." He groaned, walking back to their room. "Kurt? Let me in please..."
"What the fuck is that thing?!" Kurt said through the door. Eva trotted up and sat next to Blaine, cocking her head at the sound of Kurt's shrill voice.
"She's a dog," Blaine said simply.
"That's not a dog that's a...Bear!"
"She's an Alaskan Malamute!" Blaine defended. "She won’t bite."
Kurt was silent for a moment and Blaine saw the door crack as Kurt peeked out. Eva wagged her tail at the sight of Kurt.
"She's so big!"
Blaine knelt down, petting her softly. "She's friendly."
Kurt opened the door a bit more. "Why is she in our house?"
Blaine paused, looking down. "I..Umm...I adopted her...."
"What?" Kurt asked opening the door the rest of the way. "What-why? Why would you do something like this without asking me?" Kurt asked, his voice getting higher like it did when he was upset.
"I...I told Britt you'd be mad...but Eva just looked at me...I had to get her..." Blaine said, refusing to look up.
Kurt pinched the bridge of his nose. "Oh my god.."
Eva walked over to Kurt, licking the hand perched on his hip, causing him to jump.
"Please don't be mad at me..." Blaine said quietly.
"I'm not mad at you.." Kurt sighed, looking down at the dog, who was wagging her tail slowly.
"She likes you..."
"What's her name?" Kurt asked, slowly reaching a hand out for her to sniff.
"Eva...short for Evita," Blaine said, finally looking at Kurt. "I thought you'd like it."
Kurt smiled as she started to lick his hand. "Well, she's not an Akita." He giggled.
Blaine smiled. "She's amazing. Look at her eyes."
"They are pretty.." he said as the kind, ice blue eyes looked up at him.
"Want to go with us to get dog food?" Blaine asked.
Kurt bit his lip, scratching between the dog's ears. "I guess I'm stuck with you huh?" He said to her.
Eva licked Kurt's hand.
"Yup!" Blaine smiled. "And I was thinking Finn could watch her while we are gone..."
"How long are we gonna be gone?" Kurt asked, wiping his hand on his sweat pants. "You still haven't told me how much to pack."
"Until the end of July," Blaine said, petting Eva.
"Alright.." Kurt smiled. "Are you hungry?" Kurt asked, looking down at Eva. She barked loudly in response and Kurt jumped behind Blaine.
Blaine giggled. "Let's go get her some food."
"Or she'll eat me.." Kurt mumbled.
"She would never!" Blaine laughed.
Kurt watched as Blaine hooked the leash back up to the large white dog. "I'm sure."
They got in the car and Blaine drove them to the store.
They pulled up to Petsmart and Blaine brought Eva out of the back seat. Kurt looked back and saw the long white hairs all over the back seat. "Oh my god, Blaine.."
"What?" Blaine asked, turning. "Oh...I’ll get a lint roller and stuff..."
Kurt sighed, this dog was going to be the death of him.
They went inside and grabbed a big bag of food before Blaine spotted the toys and ran over to the isle.
Eva bounded with him, grabbing one of the toys on her own and turned to Blaine, wagging her tail.
Blaine giggled, turning to find more.
Kurt smiled fondly. "You're going to spoil her..."
"You know it!" Blaine smiled. "Don't worry she won't be on the bed."
"Good.." Kurt said, walking up behind Blaine and wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Or any other furniture," Blaine clarified to make Kurt feel better.
Kurt smiled. "Even better."
"Thank you for not getting mad...and sorry for scaring you..."
"You didn't scare me...Your beast of a dog did." Kurt giggled.
"She's not a beast," Blaine laughed.
"There wasn't a smaller dog you wanted?" Kurt asked, walking over to look at the toys.
Blaine shook his head. "Nope. She caught my eye."
Eva jumped up onto Blaine, looking happy at his comment.
Blaine laughed. "You are just too cute!"
She dragged her tongue over his cheek.
"Don't let her lick your mouth Blaine...I'll never kiss you again." Kurt chuckled.
"Well you're no fun," Blaine chuckled.
Kurt tolled his eyes, tossing a toy he was looking at back in the shelf. "I'm plenty of fun."
"I was kidding baby," Blaine said softly. "Trust me, I'd rather kiss you."
Kurt smiled. "Good boy." He giggled, tossing Blaine a bone shaped dog toy.
Blaine shook his head,, dodging the toy. "Let’s get cleaning stuff and we can go."
Kurt kissed his cheek before Eva started pulling Blaine down the aisle.
Blaine laughed as they went to get the final things they needed and went to pay.
"Oh wow.." The cashier smiled. "She's beautiful." She said, looking down at Eva.
"Thank you," Blaine smiled proudly.
She gave Eva one of the treats from the bowl and smiled as she crunched on it happily. After she and Blaine talked for a bit, she rang up their things and they were on their way.
Blaine set up Eva's bed and everything when they got home. "Did you want to start packing?" Blaine asked.
"Good idea!" Kurt smiled, wiggling his hips with excitement.
Blaine blushed as his eyes darted to Kurt's hips. He threw a toy to Eva and went back to their room to pack.
Kurt smiled up at Blaine. "Hey baby!" He said, grabbing three empty suitcases and setting them on the bed.
Blaine's eyes widened. "Three?"
Kurt put his hands on his hips. "Well you didn't expect only one, did you?"
"No...no, it’s okay..."
Kurt walked over to Blaine, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy's neck. "I can't wait to go Blaine...It's going to be so romantic...Just me and you.." Kurt said dreamily, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder.
"Me neither. It'll be amazing," Blaine said softly. "I gotta go figure some stuff out real quick..."
"What stuff?" Kurt asked, looking up at his husband.
"Just money for the trip and whatnot. Luggage, food, shopping..." Blaine explained.
"I'll tone down on my bags if you need Blaine.." Kurt said seriously.
"No. I just have to rearrange some stuff."
"Are you sure?" Kurt asked, moussing Blaine's neck softly.
"Yup," Blaine smiled.
"Alright.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine again before wandering over to his closet.
Blaine walked out to the kitchen, sitting at the little island and started figuring out money situations.
Kurt decided to tone down his luggage despite what Blaine said. He put back two of the suitcases and got another a bit smaller. "I can make this work." He said smiling determinedly. Before he got to work.
Blaine sat in the kitchen working on all the expenses. He finally got it all worked out and he still had extra just in case.
Kurt straddled the suitcase, struggling to pull the zipper closed with one more harsh tug, the zipper slid into place. Kurt smiled wide, throwing his arms up in triumph. "Blaine! Blaine come look!"
Blaine jumped up, thinking something was wrong. He ran to their room. "What? What's wrong?"
"Look! Look! I did it!" Kurt giggled happily, pointing to the suitcase he was sitting on and the small one next to him.
Blaine smiled. "Baby, that's sweet, but it’s gonna bust."
"No! No it’s not." Kurt said, grinning as he got off of the suitcase.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. "I'm proud of you."
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, kissing him. "Thank you baby!"
"Actually...you might want to bring another one...you'll be buying things where we go."
"I will?" Kurt asked.
"Trust me," Blaine said.
Kurt smiled. "You're so amazing.."
"Not really," Blaine blushed.
"Yes really.." Kurt smiled. "You're doing so much baby.." he said, kissing Blaine's neck.
"Kurt, you planned an entire wedding and reception in another state. You're the amazing one," Blaine smiled.
Kurt grinned against Blaine's neck. "I still want to do something for you.."
"What do you mean?" Blaine asked. "You've done so much."
Kurt nibbled at Blaine's pulse point. "I just really want to suck you..."
Blaine trembled. "I-I'd love that..."
Kurt smiled. "Mmm..Thank you baby..."
Blaine leaned in kissing Kurt deeply.
Kurt moaned into the kiss, tangling his fingers into Blaine's hair.
Blaine let his hands drift to Kurt's waist, tracing small patterns on the exposed skin.
Kurt gasped, kissing down Blaine's neck.
Blaine moaned softly, pressing his body to Kurt's.
Kurt continued kissing down to Blaine's collar bone before lowering himself down to his knees.
Blaine watched with innocent eyes. "You're so beautiful..."
"Thank you baby.." Kurt said, kissing over the bulge in Blaine's jeans.
Blaine gasped. "Oh baby..."
"Yes?" Kurt said, smiling up at Blaine.
"You're just...I want you..." Blaine breathed out.
Kurt slowly undid Blaine's jeans kissing his hip lightly as he did so.
Blaine brought his hands forward, letting his fingers tangle in Kurt's hair as he let out a small sigh.
Kurt pulled out Blaine's member from his boxers before slowly flicking his tongue over the slit.
Blaine gasped, pulling Kurt's hair lightly. "Mmm Kurt..."
Kurt moaned softly at the tug as started sucking lightly at the tip as he wrapped his hand around the base.
Blaine's head fell back. "Oh my God..."
Kurt hummed around Blaine, slowly taking him deeper with each Bob of his head.
Blaine gasped. "Fuck, baby...you're so amazing..."
Kurt looked up at Blaine, blue meeting hazel as he hollowed out his cheeks.
Blaine moaned loudly, tugging on Kurt's hair. "Baby..."
Kurt pulled off, pressing open mouthed kisses up the shaft.
Blaine gave a small whimper. "Please...I need you..."
Kurt smiled against Blaine's cock. "Fuck my mouth.." Kurt whispered, looking up at him.
Blaine growled deep in his throat as he gripped Kurt's hair, sliding his hard cock closer to his husband's lips.
Kurt darted his tongue out, licking lightly at the head.
Blaine smiled at Kurt's eagerness as he brought himself closer, letting the head slide into his husband's mouth.
Kurt's eyes rolled back in his head before slipping closed. "Mmmm.." he moaned.
Blaine slowly let Kurt take all of him. "You're such a good little cock slut..."
Kurt whimpered, nodding lightly as he felt Blaine hit the back of his throat.
Blaine worked his hips slowly in and out of the wet heat of Kurt's mouth.
Kurt moaned around Blaine, kneading his eyebrows together as he relaxed his throat.
Kurt was so good at this. Blaine slowly increased the speed of his hips, thrusting a little deeper into Kurt's throat.
Kurt loved the way Blaine fucked his mouth. He swore he could cum just from this.
Blaine moaned loudly. "You want me to fuck that pretty little mouth harder?" He asked, his voice full of lust as he pulled out.
Kurt made a desperate noise as Blaine slipped out from between his swollen lips. "Yes! Please Blaine...Please fuck my mouth harder.."
Blaine smiled darkly as he entered Kurt's mouth, thrusting faster this time.
Kurt's eyes screwed shut as he felt Blaine grip his hair tightly. Fuck this was hot. He was on edge just from the feeling of Blaine's cock sliding in and out of his throat.
Blaine groaned loudly. "You're so sexy...the way you take my cock..."
Kurt moaned loudly, looking up at Blaine as he took him.
Blaine could feel that familiar feeling in his stomach start as Kurt sucked harder. "Fuck...yes....you feel so good baby..."
Kurt couldn't believe how hot this was making him, he felt himself getting closer as Blaine's hips went faster.
Blaine cried out as he thrust harder, cumming hard.
As soon as Kurt tasted Blaine's cum, he let out a sharp noise, gripping Blaine's hips as he came in his sweatpants.
Blaine trembled, placing his hands against the wall to steady himself as he felt Kurt's blunt nails against his skin.
Kurt bobbed his head slowly, swallowing Blaine's cum easily.
Blaine panted harshly, falling to his knees as Kurt let him slip out.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly, panting as he pulled him close.
Blaine sighed happily as their lips parted. "Want me to take care of you?"
Kurt blushed. "Y-you already did.."
Blaine looked at Kurt, confusedly. "How?"
"I...I came.."
"Really?" Blaine asked, not giving Kurt a chance to respond. He leaning in kissing Kurt fiercely. "That's so hot."
Kurt gasped against Blaine's lips. This was the second time Blaine got worked up over things like this.
"Very," Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt softly.
Kurt kissed Blaine back for a moment. "Why?" He asked, looking up at Blaine, cheeks flushed pink.
"I can't really explain it..." Blaine said. "Think of it this way. Say you're grinding on me or something and it made me cum in my pants, would you find it hot that you did that to me without actually touching me?"
Kurt nodded, holding Blaine's hand.
"And trust me, if you tried...you could do it..." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt let out a light smile and giggled, kissing Blaine's cheek.
Blaine blushed a little. "I love you..."
"I love you too...Lets go lie down.." Kurt said standing. He felt the wetness in his pants and shivered, pulling a face. "Okay, ew, I have to change first."
Blaine laughed. "I'll be in bed."
Kurt grabbed some new underwear and walked off to the bathroom, cleaning up and changing before returning to the bedroom to see Eva sitting by the bed, looking expectantly at Kurt.
Blaine called her over to his side of the bed, petting her so she'd lay down.
Kurt climbed into bed, cuddling up to Blaine and smiling wide. They lay there for a bit and Kurt opens one eye as he hears a small whimper. He sees Eva, her crystal blue eyes peering at him over the edge of the bed as she let out another small whine.
Kurt sighed. "Fine, come on.." he said, patting the bed.
Kurt climbed into bed, cuddling up to Blaine and smiling wide. They lay there for a bit and Kurt opens one eye as he hears a small whimper. He sees Eva, her crystal blue eyes peering at him over the edge of the bed as she let out another small whine.
Kurt sighed. "Fine, come on.." he said, patting the bed.
Blaine looked shocked but giggled as she tried to lick his face.
"Come on Eva, calm down."
Kurt sputtered as Eva tried to lick him as well. "Down!" He laughed as she plopped down between them.
Blaine wrapped his arms around the dog, petting her stomach. "What changed your mind?"
"She reminds me of you..I guess it's just since Britt always calls you a puppy.." Kurt said, scratching under her chin.
"Never thought I'd seriously get compared to an actual dog," Blaine said, laughing lightly.
"You're both cute.." Kurt giggled.
"Didn't you call her a beast?"
She's just big..." Kurt smiled. "I guess I can try to warm up to her."
"It looks like you already have," Blaine giggled.
Kurt laughed. "Not enough to let her on the couch.."
"But we have sex on the bed and she's getting fur on it!"
"Oh.." Kurt said, kneading his eyebrows together. "Good point.."
"You can't kick her off now. I'll wash it tomorrow then put her bed in here. I really don't want to wind up having sex and her be right there trying to lick me," Blaine said, shivering at the thought.
Kurt couldn't hold back the loud laugh that escaped his lips. "Blaine!"
"What?!" Blaine asked. "I'm being serious! That's gross!"
Kurt giggled as Eva rolled over to face Blaine, licking his face before he could protest.
Blaine groaned, but pet her anyways.
Kurt smiled fondly at the two. "I love you Blaine.." he said quietly.
"I love you too," Blaine said happily. "Hey Kurt?"
"Yeas baby?" Kurt asked, petting up and down Eva's side.
"Will you lay behind me. I'm used to holding each other..."
Kurt nodded. "I was hoping you would ask.." He said, smiling as he coined over both of them and cuddled behind Blaine.
Blaine smiled, "Thank you.."
"You're welcome baby.." Kurt said, kissing the back of his husband's neck.
Blaine gave a soft sigh. "I love you Mr. Hummel."
"I love you too Mr. Hummel.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine giggled as he wiggled happily.
"You're so cute.." Kurt smiled.
"Nooooo," Blaine chuckled.
"Yes! Or do you want me to start with pet names again?"
"No!" Blaine said quickly. "I believe you!"
Kurt laughed, nipping at Blaine's ear playfully. "I'll have to remember that.
"Oh lord," Blaine said, shivering at the touch.
Kurt muzzled against the back if Blaine's neck, sighing happily.
"Goodnight baby..."
"Goodnight Blaine..I love you.."
"I love you too baby," Blaine said before drifting to sleep.