Jan. 27, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Carole stopped Kurt. "What are you looking for? Can I help?"
"My camera..I can't find it anywhere.." Kurt breathed out, exasperated.
"It’s in the living room sweetie," Carole said, trying to calm him.
Kurt nodded his thanks, going to grab it and slipping it into his back pocket.
"Is Finn ready? We have to go," Burt said, walking into the room.
"Finn!" Kurt called walking towards the stairs. "Finn, were leaving!"
Finn tripped over something in his room. "Coming!"
Kurt started toward the door as Finn stumbled down the stairs.
"Wait, wait! Pictures!" Carole said quickly.
Kurt and Finn each quickly slipped on their cap and gown and posed for pictures for Carole.
They all took turns taking pictures of each other before heading to the car when Kurt got a text from Blaine.
"Been here for hours. So nervous : /"
"We're leaving now. And don't worry baby. You're gonna do great.”
"Everything is just so crazy. They didn't even have the chairs in order. I had to go fix them. I swear I could have planned this better."
"It's McKinley. When is anything organized correctly?"
"So true. Fuck! Another emergency. Text me when you get here. I love you."
"I love you too baby." Kurt sighed, putting his phone in his pocket. His hands were shaking he was so nervous.
Blaine ran around in a panic, helping Ms. Pillsbury get everything ready.
"Blaine, if you weren't here..I don't know what I'd do.." She sighed.
"It’s no problem," Blaine smiled. "Is there anything else to be done? I have all the diplomas ready. The pins and whatnot for honors and special clubs are ready. The chairs are in alphabetical order and by high honors, honors, and regular."
"Everything's perfect now thanks to you." She smiled.
"I'm glad to help. Can I go rehearse now?" Blaine asked.
“Of course,” she said as another teacher came up to her asking about something.
Blaine walked behind the stage and found a quiet place to sit down and go over his speech.
A bit later, he got a text from Kurt.
“We’re here : )”
“I’m in the back behind the stage.” Blaine sent back.
"We'll meet you back there." Kurt said. He put his phone away and turned to Burt and Carole. "Well I guess I'll see you guys afterwards."
Carole had been crying since they started pictures.
"I need some of you and Blaine before we leave!"
Burt brought Kurt in for a hug. "Congrats son. I am so proud of you."
Kurt smiled, hugging his father tight. "Thank you dad..."
"Now go back there and get ready to make us all proud," Burt said, trying to hold back the tears.
Kurt nodded as Finn hugged both of them and they started walking back stage.
"Are you nervous?" Finn asked.
"Very..." Kurt said shakily.
Finn stopped Kurt. "Hey. You're gonna be great. You're going to strut across that stage like you own it!"
Kurt smiled. "Thanks Finn..."
"Anytime," Finn smiled. "Go find Blaine. He'll calm you."
Kurt nodded. They made it to the gymnasium and went backstage. Kurt immediately spotted Blaine, walking up to him.
Blaine gave a nervous smile. "Hey babe."
Kurt pulled him into a tight hug. "Hey." He breathed out.
"I don't think I can do this..." Blaine sighed. "I'm gonna mess up..."
Kurt released him. "No. You can do this.." he smiled.
"There's so many people..." Blaine sighed, peaking around the curtain.
Kurt gently guided Blaine away from the curtain, placing his hands on his shoulders. "You're going to do amazing..."
Blaine nodded. "I need you to pay extra attention when I'm up there."
"Of course.." Kurt smiled.
"Good," Blaine said quickly. "Looks like we're lining up...."
Kurt nodded. "Good luck baby.." he said, giving Blaine a quick kiss before putting on his cap and going to get in line.
They started the music and Blaine sighed heavily as they started to walk through the curtains.
The class walked out, the parents and family cheering, and sat in front of the stage.
All the administrators gave their speeches, boring the entire auditorium. Blaine sat in his seat, nervously waiting to go on stage.
"And now I am proud to present to you, the William McKinley class of 2012's valedictorian, Blaine Anderson." Principal Figgins announced.
Blaine took a deep breath before standing. Everyone clapped as he walked to the stage. When he got to the podium, he found Kurt and felt a sense of calm as he started to speak.
"Hello fellow graduates. For those of you who don't know me, I’m Blaine Anderson. I would like to thank all of the friends and family who could be here to support us, as well as the faculty and staff of McKinley High for being here today.
We're all going to be receiving diplomas today. While I was thinking about what it means to receive a diploma, I thought why do we work for four years just for this little piece of paper? But there’s more to it than that. It’s not completely about being a graduate of high school. Though, I am proud to say I am graduating from McKinley. We’ve come a long way these past couple of years. There’s a lot to a diploma we don’t really think about. But I would like to discuss these with you all.
To make it this far, we have all put in a lot of effort and work. There are many of us who don’t make it this far. There is a required level of dedication that needed to take place before we can step up here on stage. Committing to our own education is a compelling thing. It’s a promise to ourselves, a healthy respect for ourselves. It shows that we believe in ourselves as well. There isn’t one person in this room that can honestly say they haven’t thought that they would never amount to anything. If so, we wouldn’t have followed our dreams so vivaciously.
But once we receive our diploma, what does it mean? Some of us will hang it up on our wall. Some will put it away for safe keeping. We’ll finally be able to put ‘graduate’ on our resumes. Good luck to everyone on job hunting! But for me, getting my diploma means that I was and still am willing to put time and effort into excelling myself. Because excelling myself will improve conditions for others. And doing that will improve the world. We can all do this, one person at a time.
Our journey starts right here, with the person you see in the mirror, the person you have to live with every day. You have to believe in yourself. You’ll never know how far you can get in life if you don’t believe in yourself. At one point, we have all had to encourage a friend. We get frustrated when they just sit there and doubt themselves. We can’t let ourselves have these same self-doubts either. That's what the diploma represents: the accomplishment of our belief in ourselves.
Often, on this day, we look outside for our heroes. But I see them right here among us. We don’t have to look far for inspiration. We each have the potential to make motivating contributions to others by being true to our values and following our dreams. We have much to be thankful for. Our teachers for putting up with all of us and getting us this far. Our friends for always being there for us. But most importantly, our families. These past four years have propositioned us with tons of ups and downs. But we had our families there along the way."
Blaine paused, looking up to his parents.
"I would like to say thanks to my Mom and Dad. We’ve been through a lot, but without you, I couldn’t have made it this far.”
Blaine’s eyes shifted back to Kurt.
“There is also one other person I would like to thank. Kurt Hummel. Without you, I don’t think I could have survived McKinley. I met you my first day here and you have been my best friend since then. You’ve gotten me through so much. We’ve all had hardships here, but I don’t think anyone has been through what you have. You are the strongest person I know. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.
When you leave here today, celebrate what you have achieved but also, look forward to who you can be and who you can inspire.
And so, Class of 2012, it's time to take that diploma and put it to good use. While we celebrate all we've accomplished today, I hope our hard work this far is only an indication of the help we can provide to the world. Thank you."
Blaine smiled with tears in his eyes as he shook his principal's hand and walked back to his seat. Applause roared through the gymnasium and the class stood, giving Blaine a standing ovation. Blaine blushed, looking out into the crowd and mouthing 'I love you' to Kurt.
Kurt blew a kiss to his fianc� as everyone sat back down and they started calling the names. Blaine was one of the first to be called and for some reason, Coach Sylvester was giving them the diplomas.
Blaine walked across the stage proudly, taking his diploma from the coach. "That was one hell of a speech Eyebrows.." She smiled as he shook her hand.
Blaine smiled. "Thank you Coach."
She nodded at him as he walked off stage, the area where his family was sitting cheering the loudest.
Blaine waved to his mom, who had been recording the whole time, before sitting back down as he waited for Kurt's name.
It took a while but they finally called Kurt. He stood, smiling wide as he walked up to the stage.
Blaine didn't care about the fact he was supposed to remain seated. He stood up, clapping and cheering for his fianc�.
Kurt blushed wildly as Blaine stood up and cheered for him. He blew a kiss to him before walking up to Sue and taking his diploma.
"Porcelain," she smiled. "Congratulations."
"Thank you Coach..That means alot." He smiled before walking the rest of the way and waving to his family. Kurt sat back down and waited for everyone to finish, clapping when it got to someone he knew.
Blaine cheered loudly as Brittany bounced across the stage. She grabbed her diploma and grabbed the microphone from principal Figgins. "I LOVE YOU BLAINE!" She cheered before giving a stunned Figgins the microphone, and walking offstage, her hands raised above her head in triumph.
Blaine blushed. He was on the end of the aisle and gave her a hug.
She hugged him tightly. "I wouldn't be walking across this stage if it wasn't for you." It was true. Blaine had helped her in all of her classes. She passed. And it was all because of him.
"It’s my pleasure. I love you too Britt." Blaine smiled, kissing her cheek.
"Love you too!" She said before quickly returning to her seat. They clapped as the last few rows walked the stage before traditionally throwing their caps in the air. They all filed backstage again and Kurt quickly ran over to Blaine, throwing himself at his fianc� and wrapping his arms around his neck.
Blaine giggled, kissing Kurt quickly. "Hey there graduate."
"You were amazing!" Kurt squealed, hugging Blaine tight.
"Really? Oh my God I was so nervous!" Blaine said quickly.
"I love you..." Kurt said softly.
Blaine smiled. "I love you too baby."
They walked around, giving tear filled goodbyes and promised to stay in touch. They walked out into the hallway and saw their parents waiting for them.
Marissa and Carole squealed when they saw the boys, tears in their eyes.
Kurt hugged Carole and Blaine did the same with Marissa. Both smiling wide.
Marissa told Blaine how well he did on his speech and said how proud she was.
"Thanks mom. I can't believe it. We graduated..."
"I know.." She sniffed. "I can't believe it..You grew up so fast.."
Blaine wiped away her tears with his thumb. "I love you momma."
"I love you too.." she said pulling him close again.
Finn walked out and Carole nearly tackled him as Kurt went to hug his father.
"I'm so proud of you!!" She said loudly, hugging Finn tightly.
"Mom, it's okay." He said, trying to calm her down.
"You're just...oh I'm just so proud of you boys!" Carole said, her tears slowing.
Kurt smiled at his step mother before turning back to Burt.
"You're being awful quiet Dad.."
Burt smiled weakly. "Your mother would be so proud."
Kurt hugged Burt close. "She's watching.." he said softly.
Burt nodded, trying to hold the tears in. "I know. I'm so proud of you Kurt."
"Thank you..I love you Dad.." Kurt said quietly. They hugged for a bit longer until they parted. "I have a surprise for you and Blaine back at the house.” Burt said, smiling.
"What?" Kurt asked, looking at his father.
"You'll see.." he said, patting Kurt's back.
"Okay," Kurt said, eyeing his father.
They all went back to the Hummel-Hudson household and Burt took Kurt and Blaine into the living room.
"What's going on?" Blaine asked.
Marissa and John smiled knowingly Carole brought out a box wrapped in wrapping paper. Kurt raised an eyebrow as she handed it to them. They opened it slowly to see it was a coffee maker.
"No offense Dad..But why did you give us a coffee maker?"
"House warming gift.." he smiled.
Blaine stared, confused. "We don't have a house..."
Burt dug in his pocket before tossing a set of keys to Blaine.
Blaine shook his head. "What? No...this is a lot...oh my God..."
The adults all smiled at the two. "It's nothing fancy, and you still have to pay rent..But we figured it would be a good starter home." Burt said.
Blaine jumped up, hugging Burt tightly. "Thank you so much...this...this is amazing..."
Burt hugged him back tightly. "You're welcome kid..It was your mom and John too..We all pitched in."
“I don't know how to thank you all..." Blaine said before looking back at Kurt.
Kurt was completely motionless except for the tears slipping down his cheeks.
"Are you okay?" Blaine asked, taking his hands.
"I can't...I can't believe it.." He gasped.
"Me neither.." Blaine sighed. "We really can't thank you enough."
Kurt stood, giving each adult a tight hug as he cried.
Blaine followed suit. "I love you all so much."
"We love you too sweetheart. " Carole said smiling.
"When can we see it?" Blaine asked quietly.
"We can go now." Marissa said excitedly.
Blaine's stomach fluttered. "You want to?" He asked Kurt.
Kurt still looked shocked, but nodded.
They all piled into their cars and followed Burt. They drove for about twenty minutes until Burt pulled into the driveway of a small white house. It was one story and had a little front yard. It was perfect. Kurt couldn't hold back the tears as they got out of the car and walked up to the quaint little home. They walked up the front step and onto the porch and Kurt had Blaine's hand in a death grip.
The outside was so adorable. Blaine couldn't stop looking around until Kurt gripped harder. "Are you okay?" Blaine asked, worried.
"Yeah.." Kurt sniffed. "I just...Had no idea..It’s so beautiful.."
"I know," Blaine smiled. "Do you want to do the honor?" He asked, holding the key out.
Kurt smiled, taking the key from Blaine and slipping in into the lock. He turned it before slowly opening the door to what would be the living room. It connected to a small kitchen and a bar separated the two rooms. They stepped inside and Kurt had his hand over his mouth as he looked over at Blaine.
Blaine teared up. It was small but big enough for the two of them. It was perfect.
They stayed silent, walking through the living room and down the hall. There were three doors. The first revealed a decently sized bathroom. The second was a small guest bedroom. The last door at the end of the hall was another bedroom, but bigger. Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand again as they stood in the middle of their bedroom. "This...This is our home.."
Blaine nodded, pulling Kurt close and kissing him deeply.
"This is our bedroom."
Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder, sighing softly as he closed his eyes.
"We have the best parents," Blaine said softly.
"We do..." Kurt sniffed.
"Let's go back before they think we're up to something," Blaine giggled.
Kurt laughed lightly, before nodding.
They walked back, hand in hand. "Thank you so much. It’s perfect!"
"It’s so amazing..I could never thank you all enough..." Kurt said to all the adults, who were gathered on the driveway, chatting.
"It’s not a problem. The two of you deserve it," Burt smiled.
Kurt smiled. "Well..When can we move in?"
"Whenever you want. It’s all yours. Just let us know and we'll get a U-Haul for you," Marissa said. "That's why I've been extra emotional. My baby is engaged, graduated, and is moving out..."
Blaine hugged his mother. "I’ll always need you mom.."
"I love you so much Blaine...if either of you ever need anything, call me," she said, already missing her son.
"Always.." He said again, kissing her forehead.
Marissa smiled, wiping her tears and looking at Kurt. "What do you think?"
"Marissa..It's so amazing .." He said quietly, trying not to cry again. This was perfect. They would get married and then have a home to come back too.
Blaine turned to Kurt. "When are we going to New York? We should probably move in before."
"Next week.." Kurt said smiling. "We could start."
Carole stared at Kurt. "You told him?!"
Kurt looked at Carole with wide eyes. "I haven't told him anything other than where were going. "
"Oh...sorry..." Carole said quietly.
Marissa looked at Carole. "Don't worry. He won’t figure it out."
Blaine looked confused and Kurt just kissed his cheek.
Blaine just shrugged it off. "Can we stay here tonight?"
"If you want..We just have to bring a mattress..And of course our new coffee maker. " he giggled.
"Is that okay?" Blaine asked their parents.
"It's your house." Burt smiled.
Blaine jumped excitedly. "We have a home!"
Kurt hugged Blaine tight. "I know.."
Blaine squealed. "Let’s get a mattress!"
Kurt nodded before hugging their family goodbye.
Blaine climbed into Kurt's car. "So did you want to go to any of the parties tonight or stay at /our/ house?"
"Hmm..I think I could convince Carole to let me steal a bottle of wine from her and we can just celebrate at home.." Kurt smiled.
Blaine bit his lip, smiling wide. "That sounds perfect."
"So where to?" Kurt asked, pulling out of their driveway.
"Which bed do you want?"
"Well, no offense baby, but my bed is softer." Kurt giggled.
"Oh thank God!" Blaine sighed. "That was my choice. And you could talk to Carole."
Kurt nodded, squeezing Blaine's hand as they followed Burt's car back to the Hummel-Hudson household.
They arrived and Blaine asked john to help him with Kurt's bed as Kurt went to talk with Carole.
"Hey Carole.." Kurt smiled. "Question .."
"What's up sweetie?" Carole smiled.
"I was wondering if Blaine and I could..have a bottle of wine? And borrow a couple of glasses. We just want to have a quiet night.." Kurt asked hopefully.
Carole thought for a moment. "Don't tell your dad. Oh and Kurt?"
"I won't tell..And yes?"
"Take the one on the top left. It’s delicious with strawberries. We have some in the fridge," the older lady smiled, lowering her voice. "And we have a spare bottle of whipped cream. I'm sure you can find some way to use it."
Kurt's face immediately flushed red. "Carole!"
Carole giggled. "Don't act like you wouldn't. And don't you dare tell Finn I let you do these things! And I never said this okay? But Blaine's pretty damn hot."
Kurt nearly choked on the air he was breathing. "Carole!" He squeaked again.
"Oh calm down, take it and celebrate!" She smiled.
Kurt looked down but then back up. "Thank you Carole.." he said, opening the fridge and grabbing the wine. He poked up as he saw John and Blaine walking though the living room with the mattress. Blaine's arms straining with the weight if it. Kurt licked his lips as he noticed the veins in his arms poking out. He bit the inside of his cheek before reaching back in and grabbing the strawberries and whipped cream.
Carole giggled. "Have fun boys!"
Kurt blushed again, thanking her as he. Grabbed two glasses and took the items to his old room, and packing a few things into his bag.
Blaine and john finished taking the bed apart and getting it loaded. Blaine slid his shirt off, wiping the sweat from his forehead as Kurt walked out.
Kurt bit his lip, his eyes wandering Blaine's body as he brought the bag to the car.
Blaine smiled sweetly, placing his hands on the hips that drove Kurt crazy.
"You ready, babe? I can get the bed together when we get home. Mom's pretty tired so John's gonna take her home."
"Sounds good.." Kurt said, not taking his eyes from Blaine.
Blaine walked over to say bye to everyone and thank them again. He couldn't help but notice Kurt still standing by the car, looking at him. Blaine got to Carole.
"Is something wrong with Kurt?"
"Oh he'll tell you when you get home." Carole chuckled.
Blaine looked confused but thanked her again before going back to the car. "You ready?"
Kurt nodded, quickly getting into the car as Blaine started to the house.
They pulled up to the house and Blaine jumped out, looking happily at the house.
"You wanna go see where you want the bed while I bring it in?"
Kurt nodded, pulling the key out and opening the front door for his fianc�.
Blaine pulled in the different rails and the headboard, bringing it all to their room. "Where do you want it?" Blaine smiled.
"I think..The center would be best.." Kurt said, watching as Blaine's back and arm muscles.
Blaine got it together in no time. "Just got to grab the mattress and I'll be done. By the way, did Carole give you the wine?"
Kurt had almost completely forgotten. He'd been so distracted watching Blaine set the bed frame up. "Oh! Yeah, be right back." He said, walking out to the car and grabbing the wine. He brought the whipped cream and strawberries in as well, but put them in the fridge before Blaine could see.
Blaine smiled as he passed Kurt in the hallway. "Be right back.'
"Alright baby.." Kurt said smiling.
Blaine got the mattress and set it on the bed before putting the sheets on.
"Do you mind if I take a quick shower? I'm all sweaty."
Kurt walked up kissing Blaine's jaw softly. "You know I don't mind you being sweaty.." he giggled lightly. "But sure, go ahead."
"I know. But it’s our first night here and I don't wanna get the sheets nasty," Blaine laughed, kissing Kurt before walking to the bathroom.
Kurt smiled, going to grab the bottle of wine and the other supplies he brought out of his bag. He carefully lit some tea light candles, setting them in glass jars and arranging them perfectly. He opened the glass of wine, with difficulty, and poured them each a glass before turning out the lights and waiting for Blaine to get out of the shower as he sat back on the bed.
Blaine got out if the shower and realized he didn't have a towel. He looked around and all he had was his skinny jeans. He used them to get some water off but when he walked out he still had beads of water dripping down his body as he walked back to their room completely naked.
"Hey babe? I didn't have clothes or a towel..." he said, stepping into the room. "Oh my...Kurt...this is beautiful..."
Kurt bit his lip as he saw Blaine walk in. He got off of the bed and walked over, handing Blaine a glass of wine. "Well I don't really see that as much of a problem.."
Blaine blushed, taking the glass. "You're so amazing," he whispered, looking around the room.
Kurt couldn't help himself as he reached out, running his free hand down Blaine's chest. "I just wanted our first night in our home to be special.."
Blaine shivered. "So special..." he breathed out.
Kurt leaned in slowly, capturing Blaine's lips in a soft kiss.
Blaine sighed into the kiss. "I love you so much."
"I love you too.." Kurt said softly as he slowly walked back to the bed.
Blaine bit his bottom lip, following Kurt to the bed.
Kurt sat down on the bed, pulling out the strawberries as he took a sip of the sweet red wine.
Blaine looked at Kurt with a big smile. "Well aren't you prepared?"
"Very.." Kurt said, making a mental note to thank Carole later as he patted the spot on the bed next to him.
Blaine laid next to Kurt, looking up into his deep blue eyes.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly before grabbing a strawberry and tracing his fianc�'s lips with it lightly.
Blaine sucked the strawberry into his mouth, taking a bite as he looked at Kurt with innocent eyes.
Kurt held back a moan as Blaine slowly ate the fruit. "So beautiful..." he whispered.
Blaine licked his lips. "Thank you," he said bashfully.
Kurt kissed Blaine lightly, moaning softly before reaching over the edge of the bed an grabbing the can.
Blaine lightly bit down on Kurt's bottom lip, giving a soft sigh.
Kurt gasped, pulling back. "I brought something else."
"What is it?" Blaine asked.
Kurt held up the can, smiling lightly as a blush colored his own cheeks.
Blaine inhaled sharply before smiling. "And what were your plans with this?"
"You'll see.." Kurt smiled, pulling the cap off.
Blaine shivered with excitement as he watched Kurt.
Kurt sprayed some of the whipped cream on Blaine's neck and licked at it, sucking to clean his skin of the sweet stuff.
Blaine gasped. "Ohhh God..."
Kurt pulled back, licking up the rest with small flicks of his tongue before grabbing a strawberry and taking a bite, he swallowed it before kissing Blaine deeply.
Blaine tangled his fingers in Kurt's hair, pulling lightly as he deepened the kiss.
Kurt moaned deeply as the sweet tastes mingled in their mouths.
Blaine sighed, pulling Kurt on top of him. "You're so hot baby," he breathed out against Kurt's lips.
Kurt smiled, kissing down Blaine's jaw ad spraying a bit of whipped cream on his chest.
Blaine watched Kurt intently, eyes full of lust and love.
Kurt kissed down further before sucking at the skin as he lapped up the topping.
Blaine's breathing sped up. "Kurrrtt...that feels so good.."
Kurt smiled against his skin as he grabbed their wine, carefully setting it on the ground next to the bed before kissing further down Blaine's torso.
Blaine moaned softly. Kurt was so amazing and knew exactly what Blaine loved.
"I love you so much Blaine.." Kurt whispered before sitting up to pull off his own shirt.
Blaine watched as Kurt revealed his chest. "I love you too baby...more than anything..."
Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine again before undressing the rest of the way.
Blaine licked his lips, watching each piece of clothing came off.
Kurt finished and kissed Blaine deeply. "What do you want baby?"
"Tease me...please...no one is holding us back..." Blaine breathed out. "I want you inside of me..."
Kurt moaned softly, diving back to Blaine's lips and kissing him fiercely.
Blaine sighed softly, wrapping his legs around Kurt.
Kurt grinded down against Blaine, running his hands along Blaine's soft sides.
"Ohhh Kurt..." Blaine moaned, pulling Kurt's hair.
"Blaine..." Kurt gasped. He loved it when Blaine pulled his hair.
The younger boy rolled his hips up, his hands traveling down to drag up Kurt's back.
Kurt sucked hard on Blaine's neck, leaving the beginning of a bruise.
Blaine gasped. "Fuck...so good..."
Kurt propped himself up, leaning down to drag his tongue over one of Blaine's nipples.
Blaine arched his back, moaning at the touch.
Kurt started kissing lower, down to his lover's hips. He loved this. It was them. And only them...It was their home and they didn't have to hold back for anyone. Not people in the hotel room next to them, not parents, not anyone.
Blaine tried to stay still, but Kurt was so good at this. He had Blaine writhing below him.
Kurt nibbled at Blaine's hip bone, running his hands down his thighs.
"Baby," Blaine gasped. "Harder please..."
Kurt smiled, biting down hard on the tanned skin.
Blaine inhaled sharply. "Holy shit! Kurt! God I love it..."
Kurt licked over the skin before moving to the other and biting down as well.
Blaine whimpered, his hands raking up and down his own chest.
Kurt moaned at the sight, kissing over to the base of Blaine's member, sucking lightly.
"Ahh! Yes!" Blaine moaned loudly, reveling in the feeling of Kurt's tongue.
Kurt planted open mouthed kisses up the shaft, before sucking lightly at the spot just below the head.
Blaine gripped the sides of the bed, moaning and squirming below Kurt.
Kurt flicked his tongue over the slit before sucking the head into his mouth. He rolled his tongue around it slowly, moaning at the taste.
Blaine cried out. "Oh baby! Fuck!"
Kurt looked up at Blaine before starting to bob his head slowly.
Blaine looked deep into Kurt's beautiful eyes. "Oh my God, you're so amazing..."
Kurt smiled around Blaine, hollowing his cheeks as he sucked him harder.
Blaine's head fell back. "Ohhh Kurt!"
Kurt hummed around him before pulling off and pumping him softly.
Blaine moaned, looking up at Kurt innocently.
"So sexy.." Kurt whispered, kissing Blaine's hip.
Blaine sighed softly. "So are you baby...mmm..."
Kurt looked up at Blaine as he stroked him slowly. "Do you want me Blaine?"
Blaine nodded. "Yes...yes, I want you so bad."
Kurt licked at Blaine's shaft again before traveling up his body to his lips.
Blaine whined, clawing up Kurt's back as he kissed Kurt.
Kurt gave Blaine another small kiss. "I'll be right back. Gotta get the lube.."
Blaine smiled. "I’ll be waiting."
Kurt kissed Blaine softly before getting up and walking out to go though his bag and find the lube.
Blaine laid back as he waited for Kurt. It took a little longer than Blaine expected. He trailed his hand down to the base of his throbbing member, stroking himself softly.
Kurt finally pulled it out of the bag and started walking back to the room. He heard soft moans and stopped in the doorway, biting his lip as he watched his fianc� touch himself.
Blaine let his head fall back, his back arching as he moaned Kurt's name.
Kurt walked over to the bed. "So sexy.." he whispered.
Blaine smiled seductively. "You like this?" He asked, moaning as he added more pressure.
Kurt sat on the bed, his eyes trailing down Blaine's amazing body. "Yes.." he admitted, swallowing hard.
"Kiss me," Blaine breathed out.
His fianc� obeyed, bending down to kiss Blaine languidly as Kurt's hand rubbed his abs lightly.
Blaine moaned into the kiss. "Baby...I need you..."
Kurt nodded, climbing on top of the younger boy. "Do you want my fingers first?"
Blaine nodded. "Please..."
Kurt kissed Blaine lovingly, before spreading his legs a bit and lubing up his fingers.
Blaine relaxed his body, kissing his lover as he waited.
Kurt pressed a finger into Blaine slowly.
Blaine gasped, "ohhh Kurt..."
Kurt planted small kisses across Blaine's jaw and lips. "Tell me when.." he whispered.
Blaine nodded, closing his eyes as he felt the pleasure spread through him. "Another..."
Kurt slipped in a second finger, shivering as he felt Blaine tense up.
Blaine moaned, reaching up to Kurt's hair.
Kurt slowly moved his fingers in and out of Blaine, loving the sounds he was making.
Blaine gasped lightly, bring Kurt down for a deep kiss.
Kurt breathed out heavily, crooking his fingers as he massaged Blaine's tongue with his own.
"One more...please..." Blaine panted.
Kurt did as Blaine asked, pulling his fingers out before pushing in a third.
"Unnghh baby!" Blaine whimpered. "So good...fuck..."
Kurt kissed Blaine's neck softly as he pushed deeper, sliding over Blaine's prostate.
"Ahhh!!" Blaine shouted, moving his hips with Kurt's fingers.
Kurt kissed up to Blaine's lips, speeding up his fingers slightly.
Blaine started to tremble. "Kurt...I need you! Oh God!"
Kurt pulled out again before slicking up his member and leaning down to kiss Blaine.
Blaine looked up at Kurt, licking his lips. "You're so gorgeous..."
Kurt smiled, thanking Blaine with a light kiss before slowly starting to push in.
Blaine closed his eyes, making the sexiest noise Kurt had ever heard as he wrapped his legs around his lover.
"Oh god.." Kurt breathed out, resting his forehead against Blaine's as he pushed in to the hilt.
Blaine leaned up, kissing Kurt deeply. "So...full..."
The elder moaned deeply as he stayed still, not wanting to hurt Blaine.
Blaine let himself get used to the stretch. "Y-you can go..."
Kurt slowly started rocking his hips, gasping at the feel of Blaine clenching around him.
Blaine scratched up Kurt's back. "Oh my God...baby..."
Kurt shuddered at the feel of Blaine's nails. "I love you..." Kurt whispered, his lips less than an inch from Blaine's.
Blaine smiled. "I love you too," he said quietly, kissing Kurt softly.
Kurt moaned against Blaine's lips, bringing his hands up to pull lightly at the younger's dark curls.
Blaine gasped, breaking the kiss. "Kurrrtt!"
Kurt buried his face in Blaine's neck as he ran his hands down the shorter boys sides to his hips as he thrust a bit harder.
"Baby...fuck me...ahhh!" Blaine cried out, tightening his legs around Kurt.
Kurt practically growled, digging his nails into Blaine's hips as he thrust even harder, sliding over his prostate nearly every time.
Blaine screamed Kurt's name. "Fuck! So fuck...so fucking good!"
Kurt kissed and sucked at Blaine's neck as he rolled his hips. "God..You're so tight...So amazing.."
Blaine moaned at Kurt's words. "Oh God baby! Faster please..."
Kurt sped up, moving his head so he could watch Blaine's face as the pleasure made him make the most gorgeous faces.
Kurt pressed against Blaine's prostate, causing him to cry out in sheer pleasure.
Kurt almost tried to hush Blaine, but then it registered in his mind that this was their house. They could be as loud as they wanted, he grinned wickedly as he started slamming into Blaine.
Blaine's hands flew to the sheets, tangling in them as he screamed. He had never been able to let it all out. This was so amazing. "Kurt! Oh fuck baby!"
Kurt groaned at Blaine's screams. He was so sexy like this. He pulled harder on Blaine's hair as he fucked him.
Blaine whimpered loudly, his back arching as Kurt rammed into his prostate. He wrapped his legs around Kurt as tight as he could, flipping them over skillfully so he was on top.
Kurt gasped as Blaine flipped them. "Fuck, I love you.." Kurt panted.
"I love you so much..." Blaine panted, bouncing on Kurt's hard cock.
Kurt let his head fall back as he squeezed Blaine's bruised hips. "Oh shit.."
Blaine groaned, "talk to me baby..."
"Fuck..So fucking sexy Blaine..I..Love the way you take me..."
Blaine moaned, leaning down to nibble on Kurt's ear. "I want you to fuck me in every room of our house," he growled.
"Fuck..I will baby..Oh I will..Ah!" Kurt groaned, thrusting up.
"Unnghh! Fuck! Take me to the kitchen..." Blaine moaned, biting Kurt's neck.
Kurt gasped, grabbing Blaine before standing and carrying him to the kitchen. He laid him down on the bar, thrusting into him quickly.
Blaine tangled his fingers in his own hair. "You're so fucking good!"
"You like this don't you?" Kurt growled. "You want the first memories we have in these rooms to be of me fucking you senseless in them.."
Kurt's words drove Blaine crazy.
"Yes! Oh fuck me Kurt!"
"Where do you want me after this?" Kurt asked darkly.
Blaine panted harshly. "L-living room..."
Kurt smiled, biting down hard on Blaine's sweat laced neck.
"Shit!" Blaine cried out. "So good!"
Kurt lifted Blaine up again and hurried to the living room. He carefully laid them down so Blaine was on top of him again.
Blaine rode Kurt hard and fast. "Fuck! Oh Kurt, you're so big!"
"Oh god baby...Shit.." Kurt gasped, gripping Blaine's bruised hips.
"I love the way you fill me.." Blaine breathed out, whining as Kurt hit his prostate.
"So fucking good..." Kurt moaned loudly. He didn't know how much longer he was going to be able to last. Especially with Blaine mmaking those noises.
Blaine leaned down, sucking Kurt's ear lobe between his teeth. "I'm so close baby...fuck...fill me please..."
Kurt thrust up a few more timed before he was on edge. "Blaine..Fuck..Scream..I want to hear you..Don't..Don't hold back.."
Blaine grabbed Kurt's hands, riding Kurt harder as he completely let go, screaming louder than he ever had.
Kurt felt the ball of heat in his stomach explode at Blaine's cry. He came, hard. Spots of white filled his vision as he curled in on himself.
Blaine spilt his hot seed on Kurt's stomach, panting harshly. He bent down, rubbing Kurt's back. "Baby? Oh God...are you okay?"
"Shit..." he clutched to Blaine, breathing raggedy. "I-I'm good..."
"Kurt.." Blaine said softly, gingerly getting off of him. "D-did I hurt you?"
Kurt layed back on the carpet, his chest heaving. "No..of course not. Now..C'mere.."
Blaine laid next to him. "What's wrong? I've never seen you like this..."
Kurt pulled Blaine close. "Nothing's wrong...You just...Wore me out...That was so amazing Blaine.."
Blaine blushed. "It was for me too...you're so hot."
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine sweetly.
"Do you want to go take a bath?" Blaine asked.
"Yes.." Kurt smiled, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "I’ll be right back."
Kurt nodded, rolling onto his back as he still tried to catch his breath.
Blaine got the bath ready and went to get Kurt, picking him up and holding him close as he carried his future husband to the bathroom.
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's chest. The tub was a small shower/bath, but they fit in it. Kurt sighed happily, laying his head against Blaine's chest as he let the hot water soothe him.
"I don't see how this could be any better,” Blaine sighed happily.
"Everything's so perfect.." Kurt whispered.
"I just have to find a job closer to home when we get back. Then we'll be set."
Kurt nodded. "I think I need something that pays better than Chuck E Cheese's.."
Blaine giggled. "I can't believe you've lasted this long."
"It took a lot of determination...But I can barely even look at pizza anymore..." Kurt said, pulling a face.
"I bet. Luckily we can both cook," Blaine smiled.
Kurt giggled, kissing. Blaine's neck lovingly. They sat in comfortable silence until Kurt spoke up. "This is our house.." he said in disbelief.
"I know," Blaine sighed happily.
"We..We live together now Blaine..." Kurt said. The realization just hitting him.
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "It’s perfect."
Kurt looked up at Blaine. "I love you...More than anything..I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you..."
"I love you too," Blaine said softly. "It all starts here."
"It does..." Kurt whispered.
"So...I don't have any clothes for tomorrow..." Blaine giggled.
"Just wear what you wore yesterday." Kurt said. "We have to start bringing in furniture and everything..."
"Can I change at your house? I got sweaty in those..."
"Of course baby.." Kurt said quietly, closing his eyes.
Blaine leaned back, relaxing in the warm water.
"You're perfect." Kurt yawned.
Kurt was so adorable. "Are you ready for bed?" Blaine asked.
"I don't wanna get up..." Kurt whined.
"I can carry you baby," Blaine smiled. "After all, I did wear you out."
"You're comfortable..."
Blaine chuckled. "Come on, you can lay on me in bed," he said, standing and picking Kurt up.
Kurt grinned softly, but clung to Blaine.
Blaine took Kurt to their room, laying him down and cuddling close.
"I love you.." Kurt sighed.
"I love you too," Blaine said softly, kissing Kurt's forehead. "Good night."
"Goodnight Blaine Hummel..." Kurt said, half asleep.