Jan. 27, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Blaine's smile never left his face. He practically jumped with excitement in his wheel chair. "I'm so happy. Let's do something! I'm so happy to be out!"
The nurse smiled at the teenager who looked ecstatic as she pushed him down the white halls.
Kurt chuckled. "Well, Your mom wanted us to go stop by her work to see her, then we have to go to the pharmacy to pick up your prescription...But after that we can do whatever you want.
Blaine smiled. "Anything?"
Kurt nodded at his fianc� as they wheeled him out of the hospital and Kurt helped him stand again before they got into the car.
Blaine blasted the radio as Kurt drove them to see his mom.
They pulled up to the offices and Kurt and Blaine took the elevator up to Marissa's office.
Blaine walked in to his mother. "Hey mom!"
Marissa stood up, walking over to her son and hugging him lightly, not wanting to hurt him. "Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?"
"Great!" Blaine said, stumbling a little.
Marissa held onto his shoulders, keeping him stable. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Just haven't been standing much lately," Blaine shrugged.
"Here...Sit down.." She said, keeping her hand on the small of Blaine's back as she led him to a chair.
Blaine sat down. "You can relax now. The stress isn't good for you or Dylan."
"I know...I'm just still worried about you.." She sighed, kissing his forehead.
Blaine's eyebrows kneaded together. "What's there to worry about?"
"Just...It happened when you boys were doing something so simple...Walking through the park...I don't want it to happen again...To either of you.." Marissa said quietly.
Blaine leaned forward. "It’s not gonna happen again. We'll be more careful."
Marissa nodded, "Alright sweetie.." Kurt sat down next to Blaine. "It'll be okay Marissa. We won't let anything like this happen again."
Marissa smiled lightly. "What are you two doing today?"
"Well, we're gonna go get Blaine's pain pills and then it's up to him."
"I don't know. But I feel gross. I need to shower," Blaine said, running a hand through his hair.
Kurt giggled. "Shower it is."
They stayed and talked to Marissa a bit before going to get Blaine's medicine. After that, they started back to Blaine's apartment.
As soon as they were inside, Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. He fell against the door before jumping up into Kurt's arms and hooking his legs around his fianc�'s hips.
Kurt moaned loudly as Blaine leaned into kiss him, reaching down to squeeze Blaine's ass as he pushed him back against the door.
Blaine gasped, his member slowly rising. "Baby...fuck...harder..."
Kurt kissed down to Blaine's neck, squeezing his ass harder before he pulled away a bit. "Baby...You're still sore and I-I don't want to hurt you more.."
"You said we could do anything..."
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Kurt breathed out.
Blaine nodded quickly. "I’ll tell you if I'm not."
"O-okay.." Kurt said before kissing Blaine again.
Blaine moaned into the kiss, rolling his hips onto Kurt's.
Kurt carefully carried Blaine back into the bedroom, laying him down on the bed and attaching their lips again.
Blaine tangled his hands in Kurt's hair, pulling lightly. "Baby!"
"Oh god..." Kurt moaned, kissing down to suck on Blaine's neck.
Blaine gasped. "Kurt...ohhh baby..."
"What do you want Blaine?" Kurt whispered.
Blaine blushed lightly. "Will...will you..rim me?..."
Kurt moaned lightly. "Of course..." He smiled, kissing down Blaine's neck and pulling his shirt off.
Blaine shivered with excitement. "You're so amazing..."
Kurt pulled off Blaine's jeans and boxers before kissing down his thighs. "Turn over baby..." He said softly. He saw Blaine wince a bit as he started to sit up. "Careful.." Kurt said.
Blaine slowly turned onto his knees, breathing heavily as he waited for Kurt.
Kurt leaned over placing soft kissed on the back of Blaine's things before spreading him and lightly licking over his hole.
Blaine gasped. "Ohhh...Kurt...."
Kurt dragged his tongue across Blaine again, moaning softly.
Blaine wrapped his fingers in his own hair, pulling lightly as his breathing increased.
He pushed in through the tight ring of muscle, running his hands down Blaine's thighs.
Blaine moaned loudly, slowly pushing his hips back.
Kurt slowly worked his tongue in and out of his fianc�, moaning softly.
Blaine's breathing sped up. "Baby...oh fuck..."
Kurt reached a hand around, wrapping it around Blaine's throbbing member and pumping just the way Blaine liked it.
Blaine threw his head back, crying out. "Shit! Kurt!!''
Kurt pushed his tongue deeper into Blaine as he sped up his movements.
Blaine's breath came out in short gasps. "Baby....baby....so close..."
Kurt tightened his hand around Blaine and moaned, sending vibration's through him.
Blaine screamed Kurt's name. "KURRRT! oh fuck!"
Kurt pulled out and nibbled lightly at Blaine's thigh.
"Cum baby.." he whispered before licking over his hole again.
Blaine buried his face in the sheets, screaming as he came hard.
Kurt moaned at the sound, kissing up and down Blaine's shaking legs.
Blaine rolled over, wincing a little as he collapsed on the bed. He lay there, panting as he tried to catch his breath.
Kurt lay next to him. "Are you okay? Are you in pain? Do you need your medicine?" He asked, making sure Blaine was okay before anything else.
Blaine shook his head. "No...I just...really want to suck you..."
Kurt made a small noise. "Please baby.."
Blaine got on his knees, pushing Kurt down as he placed himself between Kurt's thighs, looking up at him with innocent eyes.
"Fuck, you're sexy.." Kurt panted. "A-Are you sure y-you're okay?"
Blaine answered by leaning down and licking over the slit, moaning at the taste of Kurt's precum.
Kurt's head fell back "Ooohh...Oh my god.." He breathed out.
Blaine smiled, sucking the tip into his mouth.
"Blaine..." Kurt moaned, his heart racing.
Blaine pulled off. "Yes?" He asked teasingly.
Kurt whimpered. "Please…Please don't stop.."
"Don't stop what?" Blaine asked, sliding his tongue along the slit again.
Kurt gasped, moaning. "Oh fuck...that.."
Blaine moaned, doing it again. "Mmm, you like that baby?"
"Yes Blaine...Unh..." Kurt mewled, arching his back off the bed. Fuck, did Blaine miss seeing those feathers on his perfect hips.
Blaine pulled off again, kissing each feather softly. "God...those perfect hips.."
Kurt blushed looking down at Blaine as he admired his hips.
Blaine kissed over each feather before sucking the head into his mouth, locking eyes with Kurt.
"Aaahh...oh god Blaine.." Kurt moaned, reaching down to pull Blaine's hair lightly.
Blaine moaned, taking Kurt deeper.
Kurt tugged a little harder, moaning as Blaine bobbed his head.
Blaine took Kurt as deep as he could, moaning as the head hit the back of his throat.
Kurt gasped, "B-Baby...I'm not gonna last long.."
Blaine bobbed his head faster, keeping his tongue underneath Kurt's thick cock.
"Oh god..Blaine..Blaine..I'm gonna cum.." Kurt moaned, thrusting their hips up.
Blaine moaned loudly, sucking hard as he awaited that sweet, delicious cum.
"Blaine!" Kurt cried out, pulling Blaine's curls as he came hard down his fianc�'s throat.
Blaine closed his eyes, swallowing every bit of Kurt as he softened in his mouth.
"Baby...Oh god..." Kurt panted as he came down.
Blaine pulled off of Kurt, slowly kissing up Kurt's body and to his lips.
Kurt moaned against Blaine's lips. "God, I love you.." He panted.
Blaine smiled. "I love you too."
Kurt pulled Blaine closer, sighing happily. He got up later bringing Blaine his medicine and cuddling back up to him.
"Thanks baby," Blaine said grabbing his water and taking the pills.
Kurt pulled Blaine back down and cuddled up closer to him. They lay like that for a bit before Kurt heard Blaine's breathing even out. He kissed his fianc�'s curly hair as they both fell asleep, holding each other close.
That Monday at school, Blaine walked inside before starting to his locker. He sensed something different as the hall grew quiet as he walked by. People looked at him as he passed. He started to feel a bit uncomfortable as he had to walk by a group of jocks who were staring at him. What was everyone staring at? He kept his head down staring at the tile when he heard someone muffle the hateful word with a feigned cough.
The dead quiet hallway was filled with muffled laughter as Blaine quickened his steps. He didn't understand, why was this happening now?
Blaine tried to control the burning tears. He walked quickly to Kurt's locker. "Baby..."
Kurt looked up from his locker as he heard Blaine. "Blaine...What's wrong?" He asked, seeing Blaine's eyes were rimmed with tears.
"Why is everyone staring at me? Someone even called me a...fag..." Blaine whispered, wrapping his arms around Kurt.
Kurt held Blaine close. "I-I don't know..." he said. He got several looks that morning as well. Suddenly puck walked up to them. "Blaine...e dude, you gotta see this..." He said pulling out his phone.
Blaine looked at Puck for a minute before turning to look at the phone.
The screen lit up showing Blaine on top of the boy from the park. The scene quickly played out and it led to them punching Blaine in the stomach to right before Kurt pushed him away.
"Oh my god..." Kurt whispered. He vaguely recalled one of the boys holding a phone but didn't think much of it at the time.
"It's all over the school.." Puck said as he pushed the phone back into his pocket.
Tears welled in Blaine's eyes. "No..." he whispered before darting back out to his car and letting the tears fall.
Kurt followed Blaine to the car, knocking on the window. "Blaine...Open the door, please.."
Blaine unlocked the door, leaving his head on the steering wheel.
Kurt got in the car and wrapped his arms around Blaine, holding him tightly.
"Why? What have I ever done to deserve all this? My dad kicking me out. I give up my dream so I can watch my little brother grow up. I have to put off getting married. I do everything I can to keep the people in my life happy..."Blaine sobbed. "Is this what comes with being gay? Or did I fucking do something? I hate this. Every time something limited this happens, I wind up hating myself a little more..."
Kurt sighed sadly, holding him. "Why would you hate yourself?" He whispered.
Blaine broke down, sobbing against Kurt's neck. "Because these things keep happening when all I do I try my best. There's obviously something wrong with me."
Kurt couldn't help the tear that escaped. "You're perfect Blaine...Nothing is wrong with you.."
"Why do they hate me? Why can't I walk down the halls without being called a fag? Why can't it be Luke Dalton? This wasn't allowed there.."
"I know baby...I know...They're just afraid...They're afraid of anything different..." He whispered.
Blaine went quietly, silently crying on Kurt's shoulder.
"I love you.." Kurt said quietly. "I never wanted you to have to go through this again...Like you did before Dalton...I thought it was getting better.."
"It was...but...these people..." Blaine said, calming down a little. "Will you take me home?"
Kurt nodded, kissing the top of Blaine's head.
Blaine smiled lightly. "Thanks."
"I love you so much Blaine.."
"I love you too..."
Later on that day, Kurt lay in Blaine's bed with him, kissing his tears away as he cried for what seemed like the millionth time that day.
Blaine looked at Kurt through the tears. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be Blaine...You didn't do anything." Kurt soothed.
"I just...I don't know what to do..."
"It'll be okay Blaine." Kurt said softly.
"I love you Kurt..."
"I love you too.." Suddenly, Kurt's phone rang. He looked at it and saw it was Brittany.
Kurt answered. "Hello?"
"Kurt? Can you bring Blaine to glee club?" She asked softly.
"Umm, sure. What are we doing?"
"It's a surprise.." She said. Kurt could hear the smile in her voice.
"We'll be there soon," Kurt said, kissing Blaine's forehead.
He hung up and looked at Blaine. "Britt wants us to come to glee club.."
"Why?" Blaine asked, wanting to just lay there.
"She said it was a surprise.." Kurt said, placing a hand on Blaine's tear stained cheek.
Blaine nodded. "Alright..."
They got up and drove to the school before walking down the empty halls to the choir room.
They walked in slowly and Blaine looked up to see everyone waiting for them.
They told Kurt and Blaine to sit down and they all stood in front of them.
"We all heard about what happened today..." Finn said.
"And we just want the both of you...Especially Blaine, to know...You guys aren’t alone...We love you.." Mercedes added, looking at Blaine.
Blaine smiled, taking Kurt's hand.
"So...We picked out this song...Just to tell you...It will get better..." Tina smiled before the music started and the club started humming. Finn slowly started singing.
"Hey you, with your head held high, well
You got em' real good, I hope it feels good"
Mercedes stepped up, looking into Blaine's eyes.
"Hey you, trying so hard not to cry, well
I know you're fed up, but keep your head up"
Blaine gripped Kurt's hand as he held back tears.
Each of the members of the glee club stepped up singing a different verse.
"Cause people only see what they wanna
People goin' believe what they're gunna
They don't understand the life that you choose
They've never walked a mile in you shoes
No, no, no, no
So whatcha goin' do with the haters
Just gotta excuse they're behavior
Just don't give up hope, I just want you to know that"
They all joined in, smiling at the two.
"Maybe today seems cloudy and grey,
So full of sorrow and tomorrow seems so far away
But it gets better, yeah it gets better
I know the world keeps throwing you strife,
But keep on strutting down this yellow brick road called life
Cause it gets better, yeah it gets better"
Blaine couldn't stop the tears that spilled. He was so lucky to have his friends.
Kurt smiled as the tears slipped down his cheeks as well. He looked over at Blaine, squeezing his hand as the club continued singing.
"Hey you wondering who you are, saying,
I don't belong here, there's something wrong here
Hey you don't you know you've come so far
When there's no one to run to
I'll always love you."
Brittany stepped forward, grabbing the boys hands as he sang the final lines.
"Hey you trying so hard not to cry well
I know you're feed up
But keep your head up.
Cause it gets better, it gets better, it gets better, it gets better..."
Blaine got up and pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you Britt."
"I love you too Blaine..." Brittany whispered, Kurt stood and the rest of the glee club walked over, pulling them into a big group hug.
Blaine cried as he hugged and thanked everyone. And somehow he knew it would get better. He had amazing friends and family. Blaine would be okay.
"You guys don't deserve half of the shit you get at this school...We just don't want you to give up Blaine...We'll always be here.." Puck said, placing a hand on Blaine's shoulder.
Blaine nodded, wiping the tears away. "Thank you."
Kurt smiled at the scene...This club really cared about them. They really were a family.
After hugging and thanking everyone, Blaine sat next to Kurt, resting is head on his shoulder.
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's forehead softly. "I love you.."
Blaine smiled. "I love you too."
The next few weeks were hard. Try as they might the school couldn't find out who recorded the video or the others in it due to low camera quality. March rolled around and the hype the video had caused slowly died down around February. Spring was here and Kurt and Blaine were already planning how to plan the approaching break.
Blaine held Kurt in his lap. "What do you want to do?"
Kurt smiled. His arms wrapped around Blaine's neck. "Hmm...I don't know...I know Brittany said something about all of us glee kids taking a trip somewhere...She didn't say where though.."
"Did you want to go with everyone? That could be fun." Blaine said. "Or did you want to do something with just us?"
"Well if we did go...I'm sure we could get a little time alone...Go out...Take a romantic walk down the...Whatever we're by.." Kurt smiled.
"I think it sounds good. I just hope it's somewhere warm. I'm sick of the snow," Blaine giggled.
"But the best part of the snow is warming each other up.." Kurt said winking as a playful smile slid across his features.
Blaine blushed. "That is true..."
Kurt giggled, kissing Blaine's cheek softly. "You're so cute when you blush.."
That made Blaine's blush deepen. "I love you."
"I love you too..." Kurt said sweetly, kissing Blaine's forehead.
"But then again...if it’s warm, I don't have to wear a shirt..."
"Oooohh..True.." Kurt smiled as his eyes roamed down Blaine's clothed torso. Blaine was still a little insecure about his surgery scar but Kurt was helping him get through it.
"Or I could just not wear anything," Blaine joked.
Kurt shivered lightly at the thought and it didn't go unnoticed by Blaine. "That works.." Kurt breathed out, still smiling.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt tighter. "You wouldn't mind?"
"As long as I would be the only one allowed to see you...Touch you.." he said quietly, kissing to Blaine's ear. "Taste you.."
Now it was Blaine's turn to shiver. "Baby.."
"I want to taste you baby.." Kurt said, his voice deep and thick with lust.
Blaine whimpered. "Please..."
Kurt looked down at Blaine, "I want your big cock down my throat.." he whispered, kissing behind Blaine's ear.
"Fuck...yes Kurt..."
"I really want you to fuck my mouth..." Kurt moaned against Blaine's neck.
Blaine moaned. "Get on your knees."
Kurt complied, looking up at his fianc�.
Blaine took Kurt's hair in his hands. "You're such a fucking cock slut. Tell me how much you love my cock."
"Oh fuck...I love your cock baby...So good...I want it...Please.." Kurt whimpered.
Blaine traced Kurt's beautiful, full lips with the tip. "How much do you want it?"
Kurt shivered at the sensation, trying to flick his tongue out to lick it.
Blaine pulled back. "Nu uh...not yet," he said, taking one hand back and stroking himself softly.
"Baby..." Kurt whined.
"Yes?" Blaine asked darkly.
Blaine looked into those deep blue, pleading eyes and slowly moved closer to Kurt's mouth.
Kurt moaned parting his lips slightly as he waited for Blaine's length.
Blaine brought Kurt's head closer, letting the tip touch Kurt's bottom lip.
Kurt closed his eyes, tilting his head down slightly and letting it slip across his lip.
Blaine watched Kurt intently. "Mmm, you like my pretty cock, don't you?" He asked, trying to hold back a giggle.
"You're an asshole.." Kurt said, unable to hold back a smile.
Blaine chuckled. "Shut up and swallow me."
Kurt moaned, sinking down over Blaine's cock, taking all of him.
Blaine gasped. "Oh fuck!"
Kurt moaned happily, lapping his tongue along the head as Blaine tightened his hands in his hair.
Blaine closed his eyes, lightly thrusting into the amazing heat of Kurt's mouth.
Kurt's eyes fluttered closed as he made these amazing sounds.
Blaine moaned loudly. "Fuck yes...take me huge cock like a little whore..."
Kurt groaned deep in his throat, opening his eyes to look up at Blaine, his eyes dark and lust blown.
Blaine leaned forward, gripping the sides of his desk as he quickened his hips.
Kurt kept his head steady, relaxing his throat as he moaned wantonly.
Kurt's mouth drove Blaine crazy. Blaine moved his hips faster. "Oh Fuck...baby...yes!"
Kurt loved the way Blaine's heavy length felt as it slipped across his tongue. He brought his hands to palm at his own crotch, whimpering.
Blaine brought his hands back to Kurt's hair pulling hard and screaming as he came.
Kurt swallowed happily, relishing the taste of Blaine's cum.
Blaine rested against the desk, panting harshly.
Kurt slowly bobbed his head, letting Blaine go soft in his mouth.
Blaine slowly pulled out of Kurt's mouth. "Oh my God, Kurt..."
Kurt licked his lips, looking up at Blaine. "Yes baby?"
"You are so amazing..." Blaine breathed out.
Kurt smiled, "So are you baby..."
Blaine sank down to his knees to kiss Kurt, tasting himself on his tongue. "What do you want, Kurt?" He asked seductively.
"Whatever you want to do to me baby.." Kurt smiled.
Blaine smiled darkly, moving behind Kurt and pressing his body to his fianc�'s. He leaned forward, kissing his neck softly.
Kurt let his head fall back onto Blaine's shoulder, sighing softly.
Blaine placed a hand on Kurt's chest bringing the other around to lightly stroke Kurt.
"Oh god...Blaine..." He moaned softly.
Blaine smiled biting Kurt's ear. "How does it feel baby?"
"So good.." Kurt whispered, his breathing getting heavy.
Blaine let go, kissing down Kurt's soft back. "Bend over with your elbows on the floor..."
Kurt nodded, giving him a soft kiss before doing as Blaine told him.
Blaine gripped Kurt's ass roughly. "God, you're beautiful..."
Kurt rested his forehead on the carpet, panting. "I love you Blaine.."
"I love you too," Blaine said softly before running his tongue along Kurt's tight muscle.
"A-ah!" Kurt gasped. God he almost forgot how amazing that felt.
Blaine slowly slipped his tongue in, moaning at Kurt's noises.
"Oh god...Oh..Blaiinnee.." Kurt moaned, clawing at the carpet.
Blaine moved his tongue faster, licking as deep as her could as he brought his hand around to firmly pump Kurt.
Kurt groaned, tossing his head back. "Blaine! Oh yes! Fuck..."
Blaine stroked Kurt faster, his moans sending vibrations through Kurt.
Kurt's legs shook with pleasure. "B-Blaine...I'm close.."
Blaine pulled off for a second. "Cum for me baby," he whispered, his voice thick with lust before he fucked Kurt with his tongue.
Kurt's moans grew higher before he let out a sharp cry, shooting himself onto the carpet.
Blaine pulled off Kurt, slowing his movements as Kurt went soft.
Kurt collapsed and rolled onto his back, looking up at his lover with sated eyes.
Blaine hovered over Kurt, smiling happily. "I love you."
Kurt lifted his head, kissing Blaine lightly. "I love you too..."
Blaine lay beside Kurt. "You're so perfect baby."
Kurt's cheeks grew redder as he cuddled up to Blaine.
Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead holding him close.
Kurt brushed his lips against Blaine’s forearm, sighing happily as he closed his eyes.
Blaine smiled at the small gesture. Laying here like this felt so right.
They lay there for a while, hands exploring, and lips touching, but doing nothing more. They stayed quiet as shy smiles graced their mouths and blushes tinted cheeks. In this moment was where Blaine wanted to stay. They were truly in love. And no one could tell them it was wrong.
Blaine brought Kurt closer and smiled happily. "Everything is gonna be perfect."
Kurt smiled up at Blaine. "I love you..."
"I love you too."
Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's neck. "You're so amazing."
"So are you baby," Blaine said, kissing Kurt's forehead.
Later that week at lunch, Brittany bound up to the table, scooting in next to Blaine. "So are you guys coming or not?."
"Have you picked a place?" Blaine asked.
"Miami baby!" She squealed.
Blaine's eyes grew wide as he looked at Kurt with a huge smile. "Do you wanna go?"
"Why not?" Kurt giggled, loving Blaine's smile.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Britt. "We'll be there!"
Brittany hugged him back. "We're all pitching in for the plane tickets and hotel room." Kurt asked her how much and she told him. "I think I can pull a bit out of my savings.." he smiled.
"Me too!" Blaine said excitedly. "Oh my God! I can't wait!"
Kurt giggled, he loved how excitable Blaine was. The next few weeks, they got money, and packed clothes, and when the day came, Blaine could barely sit still on the way to the airport.
Blaine bounced the whole way. "I can wait for the sun! The beaches! Oh and just in case, I bought like four bottles of sun screen for you. This is gonna be so fun!"
Kurt smiled fondly. "You are so cute.." he said as Blaine put on his pink sun glasses. "Really Blaine?"
"What?" Blaine asked. "I think they look hot!"
"Mhmm..." Kurt smiled as they pulled into the airport.
Blaine grabbed their bags and hurried inside. "Come on!" He called back to Kurt.
Kurt jogged after Blaine and they gave the airline their bags before going up to the terminal. Kurt smiled as they saw all of their friends waiting for them.
They all greeted one another before sitting down and waiting for their plane to board.
"So are you guys ready for Miami?" Rachel said excitedly.
"Yes!!" Blaine said happily.
Puck chuckled. "Is Miami ready for us?"
The small group cheered, chatting about what they would do when they heard their plane was boarding over the loudspeaker.
Blaine and Brittany jumped up first, running to the front of the line.
Kurt giggled, linking arms with Mercedes as he stood. "He's so excited.."
"He's adorable," Mercedes smiled.
"He hasn't shut up about it since Britt told him.." Kurt sighed, but smiled fondly.
"Are you okay with going?"
"Of course...Just knowing Blaine, He'll want to go to the beach a lot and you know I burn like an albino baby." Kurt giggled. "But he brought sunscreen."
Mercedes chuckled. "Convince him to stay in."
"That shouldn't be too hard.." Kurt chuckled. They made it onto the plane and Kurt sat next to Mercedes and Blaine sat next to Brittany as they talked excitedly about what they would do.
"I can't wait to get some if my color back!" Blaine said.
"Plus there will be tons of parties for the crashing and hot guys!" Brittany said bouncing.
Blaine looked at Britt. "What about Santana?"
"Just because we're taken doesn't mean we can't look.." She nudged him playfully. "Plus, Santana's still in Ohio. She had to go visit family."
Blaine nodded in understanding. "Miami here we come!"
The club cheered as the plane started moving and took off. A few hours later, they were touching down in Florida, all giddy with excitement.
Blaine squeezed Britt’s hand. "I can't believe we're here!!"
"Neither can I!" She squealed as they stood, grabbing their carry-on's.
They went outside to catch a cab to go to their hotel. "How are we doing the rooms?"
Kurt looked around the large cab. They had Puck, Finn, Rachel, Mike, Tina, Brittany, Mercedes, Blaine, and himself.
"Not sure.." Brittany sighed.
Blaine nodded. "We'll figure it out."
They drove for a while until they reached the hotel where they would be staying. It wasn't amazing, but it was decent, also it was within walking distance from the beach, which Blaine was happy about.
They reached the counter and the young woman asked how many rooms they wanted.
"Uuuuuuuuhhh...Two please!" Brittany smiled. "Connected."
The woman got their rooms ready while they waited.
Mercedes leaned in. "How many beds are there?"
"There are two queen sized in each room and the sofa folds out." The woman informed her.
They checked in and went up to the rooms.
"I'm sleeping with my dolphins!!" Britt said, linking arms with Blaine.
Kurt smiled at the two as they brought all of their bags upstairs.
Blaine collapsed on the bed. "I can't believe we're really here."
Kurt lay down with him as Mike and Tina set up on the other bed.
"It's so amazing down here!" Tina mused, opening the curtains so the warm Florida sun could shine in.
Blaine smiled. "Who wants to go swim?"
Everyone in the room smiled as well, raising their hands. Kurt looked at Blaine. "At the beach?"
"Pool?" Blaine asked. "We don't have to."
"Just let me get ready." Kurt smiled, getting up and starting to rummage through his bags.
"Alright. If you need help with your sun screen, let me know." Blaine said, going to change.
Kurt changed into some swimming trunks, a nice pattern he'd picked out and a white v neck. He grabbed the bottle of sunscreen and applied a generous amount to his arms, legs, neck, and face.
Brittany changed into a cute green bikini with pink ruffles and Tina wore an elegant looking black and red one piece. Mike changed as well into a pair of red trunks.
Blaine came out in his black and green Hawaiian trunks. "You ready?"
Everyone nodded and they grabbed towels, walking out to the pool together to see everyone else had already decided to go to the pool, along with other assumed spring-breakers.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt smiled, giving Blaine's lips a small peck.
Blaine smiled giddily. "Let’s get in."
"I'll meet you in a minute, I'm still a little tired from the flight, so I'm gonna sit in the lounge chair." Kurt said softly as the others got in the pool.
"Alright," Blaine said, kidding Kurt's forehead and turning to jump in the pool.
Kurt giggled as the water splashed him when he jumped in. He walked over to a lounge chair, opening the large umbrella above it, not wanting to take the chance of getting sunburnt. He laid back, closing his eyes and relaxing.
Blaine got in the pool and jumped on Britt’s back.
Brittany laughed loudly as they all played in the pool. Kurt smiled fondly at them when he saw someone come up and stand next to him. "Can I help you?" Kurt asked politely.
"Hi. I'm Shane. I was lying out across the pool over there and just had to come introduce myself. What's your name?"
Kurt took a look at the boy standing in front of him. He was tall, tan, and well-built with blonde hair that was styled in a way that was supposed to be messy.
"Kurt.." he said, extending his hand.
"It’s very nice to meet you Kurt," the tall boy smiled. "And may I say, you are just incredibly gorgeous."
Kurt couldn't help the blushed that graced his cheeks. "Oh-I uh..Thank you.."
"You're welcome," Shane smiled, sitting next to Kurt. "Where ya from?"
"Ohio..Lima Ohio.." Kurt smiled.
"We should hang out. I could show you the best parties."
"Umm..I would..But I'm actually here with my fianc�." Kurt said, looking over at Blaine.
Shane sank but didn't let Kurt see. "He could come too."
Kurt smiled, bringing his knees up to his chest to give Shane more room to sit. "Well that's perfect then."
Brittany looked up at Kurt as she stopped her splashing at Blaine. "Who's that?"
Blaine looked up and saw Kurt blushing as he talked to this beautifully tanned blond. "I...I don't know."
"So where are you from?" Kurt asked, tucking a hair behind his ear.
"Here," Shane said proudly. "I don't know how you handle the snow. I can't get enough of the sun."
"You get used to it..Plus, too much sun is bad for my skin..Hence the giant umbrella.." Kurt giggled.
Shane laughed. "True. Your skin is beautiful."
Kurt blushed again and Blaine saw. It made his blood boil and he quickly got out of the pool. "Blaine!" Kurt smiled as Blaine walked over to them. "Blaine, this is Shane. Shane, this is Blaine."
"Hello." Blaine said icily, eyeing the blond beauty. "Hi!" Shane said politely, extending his hand to Blaine.
Blaine ignored the urge to swat his hand away and shook his hand. "So what are we talking about?"
"Well, Shane was telling me about some parties that we could all go to." Kurt said, smiling at Shane.
"Oh? We should go," Blaine said, fully intended on showing Shane that Kurt was his.
"Well, there's one tonight if you guys want to come.." Shane said, not taking his eyes off of Kurt.
Blaine looked at Kurt, searching for any kind of interest in this guy. "What do you think, baby?"
Kurt smiled wide, looking over at Blaine. "Sounds like fun!"
"Alright," Blaine said, leaning down and kissing Kurt softly. "I'm gonna lay out for a bit. Did you want to swim at all?"
"I- Whoa! FINN!" Kurt cried as Finn and Puck grabbed him before carrying him to the edge of the pool. "Noah! I swear to god!"
Blaine giggled. "Puck, you haven't learned your lesson yet? He's gonna get you for that."
"He'll be okay.." Puck said before they tossed a screeching Kurt into the water.
Blaine got up and dove in, bringing Kurt up in his arms. "Are you okay?" he asked his fianc� once they were above the water.
Kurt brushed his hair back. "I'm gonna kill them!"
Blaine chuckled. "I'll help. Let's get them back later, when they don't expect it. Okay?"
"Okay.." Kurt giggled.
"It was nice to meet you Kurt.." Shane said, standing by the edge of the pool. "You too Blaine...I'll see you guys tonight?"
"We'll meet you out front," Blaine said, spinning Kurt around in the water.
Kurt giggled as Blaine spun him and Blaine saw something in Shane's eyes as he walked off.
There was something about Shane. Blaine didn't like it. He felt threatened. Blaine sure as hell wasn't going to let another person come between them.
His thoughts were cut off when Kurt attached his lips to his. "I love you.." Kurt said smiling wide.
Blaine smiled widely. "I love you too. Always?"
"Forever.." Kurt said, grinning.
Blaine kissed Kurt again until he felt a splash hit his face. He turned to see Britt.
"Hey! Not fair! Can I be Kurt for a day?" he giggled.
Kurt laughed. "Sorry Britt, he's mine..."
The blond looked at Kurt with her innocent eyes. "Just one kiss?"
"You had that at the party Brittany...Spin the bottle, remember?"
"Nope. Can he remind me?" She giggled.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "She's determined.." he smiled, wrapping his legs around Blaine's waist.
"Maybe later," Blaine said, winking at her and earning Kurt's famous bitch stare.
"You better not mean that Anderson.." Kurt said against Blaine's lips.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "It got her to stop didn't it? Baby, these lips are only for you."
Kurt kissed Blaine again."Mmm..They better be.."
"I have no interest in anyone else," Blaine said, pressing his lips back to Kurt's.
Kurt tightened his arms around Blaine's neck, deepening the kiss.
Blaine gasped, letting Kurt slip his tongue inside his mouth.
Suddenly they felt a splash of cold water.
"Keep it PG you two!" Mercedes laughed.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Don't act like you wouldn't be all over Blaine if you had the chance. You were right there with me when he first walked into glee club."
"Hush boy.." She giggled.
Blaine blushed. "I'm gonna lay in the sun for a bit."
Kurt nodded. "Alright baby.."
Blaine got out and lay out on one of the lounge chairs, closing his eyes and letting the sun warm him. He was determined to get some color while he could. He looked up a little later to see Kurt sitting on the edge of the pool with him.
Blaine turned over so he could see Kurt without it looking like he was watching. What was up with this guy? He knew Kurt was taken.
"Yeah..We're all in glee club.." Kurt said, smiling up at Shane.
"You sing?" Shane's face lit up. "I'd love to hear you some time."
"Yeah..Maybe I could sing for you sometime." Kurt laughed, nudging him playfully.
Blaine rolled his eyes. He didn't want to cause a scene. It was spring break and they were supposed to be having fun. Blaine got up and went inside to take a shower.
Kurt stayed out, talking to Shane for a while before looking over to the chair Blaine was sitting in. "Where'd Blaine go?" He asked, looking around.
Shane shrugged. "I didn't see him."
Kurt looked over to his friends. "Britt!" He called.
"Yeah?" She called back.
"Where's Blaine?"
"I saw him walk towards the room earlier. He's probably tired," she said.
Kurt nodded before turning back to Shane. "I should probably go check on him.."
"Alright. Meet you at nine?"
"Alright.." Kurt smiled before standing and walking off to the room.
Blaine was laying on the bed when Kurt walked in.
"Hey baby..Why didn't you tell me when you left?" Kurt asked, drying his hair.
"You were talking to that guy. I just needed to lay down for a bit." Blaine said softly.
Kurt changed into some dry clothes and layed down behind Blaine, pulling him close.
Blaine laid there, letting Kurt hold him as he pretended to be tired.
Kurt kissed the back of Blaine's neck softly. "Are you okay baby?.." Kurt asked. He could tell something was off.
Blaine faked a yawn. "Just tired. Will you pick out an outfit for me to wear tonight?"
"Of course baby..Do you want to sleep?" Kurt asked quietly, stroking Blaine's still slightly damp curls.
Blaine nodded. "Please..." he said quietly.
Kurt pulled Blaine closer, nuzzling against the back of his neck.
Blaine took a deep breath, letting his eye slip close.
They lay like that for about an hour and Blaine at least tried to act like he was sleeping. He had so much on his mind.
Did Kurt have feelings for this guy? He couldn't be so oblivious to not see that Shane wanted Kurt.
He didn't understand why Shane kept looking at Kurt like that when he knew they were engaged. It would be different if they were dating, but they were engaged.
Blaine decided to see how tonight went. He'd watch Kurt...watch Shane. He didn't want to start an argument over something that hadn't happened.
Later that night they all went out to dinner before coming back to get ready for the party.
Blaine smiled at Kurt. "So, what should I wear?"
Kurt smiled, opening Blaine's bag and pulling out a dark green, tight fitting button up and a dark pair of skinny jeans.
Blaine tried not to shiver. He smiled. He knew what these outfits did to Kurt. And they'd be dancing? This would definitely be a good night.
Kurt went to change and came out in a pair of white skinny jeans and a grey long sleeved V-neck shirt. He had a light pink scarf draped around his neck and he was in the process of slipping on a black blazer before working on lacing up his brown ankle high boots. Blaine smiled. Kurt would get hot in that, literally, not figuratively. He wasn't used to the humid Florida weather.
"Baby...you look amazing but you'll regret wearing that."
"Why is that?" Kurt asked, pulling on his other shoe.
"It’s going to be hot and we will be dancing," Blaine explained.
Kurt thought for a minute. "I think I'll be alright." He smiled.
"Okay," Blaine said, buttoning up his shirt.
They all got dressed and Brittany and Puck decided to come with them to the party. They walked down to the lobby to see Shane standing there. His eyes lit up as he saw them, well, Kurt, and Blaine really just wanted to punch that smile off of his face.
Shane hugged Kurt. "You look amazing."
"Thank you!" Kurt smiled, "So do you." He said before Blaine laced his arm around his waist.
"So where are we going?" Blaine asked.
"A friend of mine lives a couple of blocks down, He's having a party and said I could bring you guys." Shane said, smiling at Blaine.
Blaine wanted to roll his eyes. "Alright. Let’s go."
They started walking and Shane walked on the other side of Kurt, obviously flirting with him but Kurt seemed oblivious.
What was up with Kurt? He was usually so good at seeing these things.
Blaine was progressively getting angrier each time he heard Kurt give that little laugh. That was the laugh he gave so many times when they first started dating. But he chose to remain quiet.
Blaine hung back and linked arms with Britt. "I really don't like this guy."
He only earned a quick glance from Kurt when he moved back to walk with Brittany.
"Why?" She asked. "He's really nice! And hot."
"He won't stop flirting with my fianc�!" Blaine whispered.
"How do you know?"
"Because I've been watching. And Kurt is doing that little giggle he used to do to me. What if he's tired of being with me?"
"I seriously doubt that.." Brittany whispered. "Kurt loves you."
"But look at those two..."
Brittany looked up and saw them. Shane whispered something in Kurt’s ear and Kurt laughed, shoving him playfully.
"They're....Just friends.." Brittany said, trying to assure Blaine even though she was a bit skeptical herself.
Blaine shook his head. "He wants more."
"Blaine..You don't know that.."
"Britt. Look at him."
"No, you look at him. That's the boy that asked you to marry him. That's the boy you are in love with and he loves you just as much. You aren't gonna let some muscle bound blond steal him away are you?" Brittany said, looking determined.
Blaine squeezed her hand. "Thanks Britt."
“You're welcome." She smiled triumphantly. "And if you stay back here by me, you are just watching them from the sidelines. Go get your man." She smiled.
Blaine smiled, running up to Kurt and kissing his cheek. "I love you."
Kurt giggled, turning to look at Blaine with a wide smile. "I love you too."
Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist, smiling as they walked.
Blaine saw that thing in Shane's eyes again and Blaine smiled to himself.
"So are we drinking tonight?" Blaine asked.
"There will be alcohol there. If you want to drink you can." Shane said, looking straight ahead.
"What do you think baby?"
"I might drink a little.." Kurt said.
Blaine smiled. "This should be fun."
They made it to the party and there were tons of people there. Shane introduced them to a couple of his friends before getting them all something to drink.
Blaine held Kurt's hand as Shane came back and gave each person a drink. "Do you wanna dance?" Blaine asked Kurt.
Kurt nodded, taking a sip of his drink and cringing a bit at the fact that it was beer.
Blaine led Kurt out into the crowd, wrapping his free hand around Kurt's hip and dancing seductively.
Kurt's eyes flashed and Blaine recognized that hungry look.
Blaine smiled, rolling his body onto Kurt's.
Kurt set down the cup, beer is so gross, and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck.
Blaine drank his quickly before setting it down as well. He wrapped his other hand around Kurt's hip and started grinding on him.
Kurt smiled, biting his lip lightly as he rested his forehead against Blaine's.
Blaine looked at Kurt with lust filled eyes as they danced closer.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly before turning around and grinding his ass back into Blaine.
Blaine gasped. Fuck, Kurt was so hot. He grabbed Kurt's hips tightly as he watched his fianc�'s amazing ass.
Kurt looked back at Blaine, smiling playfully.
Suddenly Blaine felt a tap on his shoulder and he looked back to see Shane.
"Yes?" Blaine asked, still dancing with Kurt.
"May I cut in?" Shane asked, smiling as Kurt looked over to see who Blaine was talking to.
Blaine looked down at Kurt. "Do you want to?"
"Do you mind?" Kurt asked.
Blaine was heated but didn't show it. "Go ahead," he smiled. "I'm gonna get another drink."
Kurt gave Blaine a quick kiss before happily going to dance with Shane.
Blaine went and got a drink, slamming it before grabbing another.
Puck walked up to Blaine, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Whoa dude, you're going a little fast." He chuckled as Brittany bounced up behind him.
Blaine set his drink down. "I wanna dance!"
Brittany sat next to Blaine, holding a bottle and some shot glasses. "Well, let's do some of these and then we can!" She smiled, pouring the alcohol into the shot glasses.
Blaine smiled. "Puck? You in?"
"Of course!" Puck laughed.
They held up the shot glasses and downed them. Blaine shook his head. Damn, that was strong.
Brittany was already starting to pour more when Blaine looked over at Kurt.
Shane was all over Kurt. Blaine took another shot, not bothering to wait for Puck and Britt.
It seemed like the more he watched Kurt and Shane, the angrier he got, and the angrier he got, the more he wanted to drink.
They did a couple more shots before Blaine pulled them both into the crowd and started to dance.
As soon as he started dancing between Puck and Brittany he felt the biggest head rush as the alcohol started to take it's effect.
He had to hold onto Britt’s shoulders to keep steady as he danced.
Kurt smiled at the Blaine with his friends before turning back to Shane. "God..He's already drunk.." he giggled, looking up at the tall blond.
Shane laughed. "Light weight?"
"Not really..When he drinks he just drinks a lot very quickly." Kurt said.
Shane nodded. "At least he's with friends."
"I'm probably going to have to carry him to the hotel." Kurt sighs, smiling at the thought.
"Does that ever get annoying?"
"Not really. I just find it cute.." Kurt says happily.
Shane's eyebrows narrowed. "Maybe your friends could be his babysitter tonight and we could hang out. You could sing for me..."
"I would..But..I wouldn't feel right about leaving Blaine.." Kurt sighed.
"Oh...okay." Shane said quietly. "Another time?"
"We have all of spring break." Kurt smiled.
"So I'll be seeing you?" Shane smiled.
"Of course!" Kurt said smiling. He was actually very happy to have met another gay guy. It would be nice to know one that he wasn't in a relationship with.
Kurt looked back over at Blaine who was pressed between Brittany and Noah.
Blaine seemed to be getting a bit too friendly with Noah for Kurt's liking.
Puck turned Blaine around, grinding down on the curly haired boy.
Kurt tried to pass it off as them both just being drunk, but he couldn't stop looking over.
Britt moved closer, almost straddling one of Blaine's legs as she rolled her body onto Blaine.
"Shane, I'm sorry, excuse me for a moment." Kurt said, patting his chest before walking over to his obviously wasted fianc�.
Blaine looked up and saw Kurt. "Heeyyy!" He slurred.
"Hey, come dance with me?" Kurt asked, holding out his hand. It's not that Kurt thought Britt or Puck would try anything with Blaine, but he just didn't like having to see that.
Blaine felt giddy as he wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck.
Kurt guided them away from the glee clubbers who just continued dancing as if he hadn't left.
Blaine grinded onto Kurt. "God...seeing you dance with him was killing me..."
"Really?" Kurt asked. "Why?"
"You're free to dance with whomever..." Blaine said. "But I just can't help getting jealous...especially when its someone who wants him."
"You're jealous of Shane?" Kurt asked.
"He wants you. Of course I'm jealous..." Blaine said quietly, placing his head on Kurt's shoulder.
"He doesn't want me.." Kurt chuckled. He thought Blaine was being ridiculous. He and Shane were just friends.
"Kurt, he does. And I don't blame him. You're amazing..."
Kurt rolled his eyes as he held Blaine close. "Alright baby.." He really didn't think Shane liked him like that.
"I love you, Kurt."
"I love you too Blaine.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's curls as Blaine swayed slightly in his drunken state.
Blaine kissed Kurt's neck softly. "You're so beautiful."
Kurt smiled, tilting his head slightly. "Thank you baby.."
"Can we go back soon? I wanna lay with you." Blaine asked quietly.
Kurt nodded, kissing Blaine's temple softly. "Come on..Let's go say bye to Shane.."
Blaine sighed. "Okay."
Kurt helped a staggering Blaine over to Shane.
"Hey, sorry to leave so early, but this one's ready to go.."
Shane looked up at Kurt. "Already?"
"Yeah..I gotta get him back to the hotel." Kurt said, looking over at Blaine who was glaring at Shane.
"Call me if you want to hang out," Shane said.
“I will." Kurt smiled. "Come on baby.." he said to Blaine.
Blaine held onto Kurt. "Where's Britt?"
"Let's go look.." Kurt said, as they started off.
Blaine stumbled up to his best friend. "Hey...we're going back. Are you ready?"
"BLAIIINNNEE!" She slurred happily. "I don't know where my shirt is, but okay!"
Blaine giggled. "Do you want mine?"
Brittany nodded as Puck walked over.
Blaine clumsily unbuttoned his shirt and gave it to Britt. "Let's go. I wanna cuddle."
Brittany slipped the shirt on and Kurt helped hold Blaine up. Puck was sober enough to help Brittany.
Blaine traced Kurt's lips as they walked. "God...so...beautiful..."
Kurt giggled, keeping his hand on the small of Blaine's back as they walked.
"You're silly."
Blaine shook his head. "Nu uh! You're just like a...a...Greek God!"
Kurt bit his lip to hold back a giggle. "Oh god.."
"What?" Blaine asked. "You're so hot..."
Kurt giggled lightly. "You're so cute.."
Blaine shook his head again. "Nope."
Blaine almost tripped but Kurt caught him, helping him walk again. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine!" Blaine smiled.
Kurt couldn't help but smile at Blaine's big grin.
Kurt helped Blaine as they stumbled up to their room. He collapsed on the bed instantly. "Baby...Will you help me with my jeans?"
Kurt nodded, smiling as he walked over to Blain and grabbed the waistband of his jeans, pulling them down as puck worked on the fold out sofa.
"Shhhh...Don't wake Mike and Tina .." Brittany giggled, gesturing to the couple who was sleeping on the bed next to them.
"You Shh!" Blaine giggled, turning over.
Kurt smiled. "Okay you two, bed time."
"Nu uh!" Blaine smiled. "Cuddle time with my baby!!"
"Shhhh!" Brittany scolded again, pulling off Blaine's shirt.
"Baby come here..." Blaine whined.
Kurt smiled fondly at Blaine before turning off the light and slipping into the bed before Brittany did the same, Blaine in between them.
Blaine hooked a leg over Kurt's hips. "Mmm you're warm.."
Kurt smiled, wrapping an arm around Blaine and resting his chin on top of the curly haired boy's head.
Blaine moved his lips to Kurt's ear, biting softly.
Kurt gave a soft sigh. "Blaine.." He whispered. He had almost forgotten how much of a horny drunk Blaine was.
"Yes baby?" Blaine asked, moving to Kurt's neck.
"We can't.." he said softly, tilting his head nevertheless.
"Just kiss me," Blaine said quietly.
Kurt moved in slowly, sweetly pressing his lips against Blaine's.
Blaine moaned lightly grinding his hips against Kurt's.
Kurt inhaled sharply, pulling away slightly. "Blaine...Everyone's in here.."
"I just wanna kiss..." Blaine said. "It’s fine." He whispered, turning around.
Kurt sighed, turning back around and reattaching their lips.
Blaine pulled back. "You don't want to."
"Blaine...Shh..I want to, now kiss me.."
Blaine looked up at Kurt, slowly leaning in to kiss him.
Kurt placed his hand on Blaine's cheek, kissing him softly as he lightly traced Blaine's bottom lip with his tongue.
Blaine gave a little gasp, opening his mouth to allow Kurt entrance.
Kurt slowly worked his tongue over Blaine's, loving the way it felt as the two muscles slid over each other, working together so smoothly. Blaine tasted like pure alcohol, but it didn't bother Kurt.
Blaine deepened the kiss, moaning slightly as he felt a pair of lips on his neck. But wait, Kurt's lips were on his...Was that Brittany? He continued kissing Kurt, not really thinking too much of it as the alcohol had blurred his senses. Blaine hooked his leg around Kurt, moaning softly as the lips bit down on him.
Kurt loved the small noises Blaine was making, he bit down lightly on Blaine's bottom lip, unaware of the other participant.
Blaine gasped. "Baby..."
"Yes?" Kurt whispered, running his hands down Blaine's chest as another hand tangled in his curls.
"Feels...mmm....so good..." Blaine moaned. "Pull my hair again..."
The hand complied, pulling again, but Kurt lied there looking confused. "What?"
Blaine gasped. "M-my hair. Kurt...please.."
Kurt shrugged, reaching for Blaine's curls but freezing as he felt another hand in the curls and a head resting on his shoulder, kissing his neck.
Brittany froze. "Yeah?"
"What are you doing?"
"Laying here," she said innocently.
"Why is your hand in Blaine's hair?...And your lips on his neck?..." Kurt asked quietly.
Blaine looked back and forth. "Wait? What?"
"I want to join the dolphin sex.." She slurred, obviously still drunk.
"Britt, we're not having sex. Just kissing.." Blaine said.
"Can we please all have dolphin sex? Pleeeeaasse?" Brit asked sweetly.
Blaine felt bad for his best friend. "Britt, you know Kurt would never go for that."
Britt trailed her fingertips down Blaine's chest. "It would feel so good though. I promise..."
Kurt stared at the two incredulously.
"You're joking right?"
"Well, I wouldn't actually have sex with her...that's just weird," Blaine said.
"Then what would you do Blaine?" Kurt asked, his tone getting slightly bitchy.
"Hey...don't be like that." Blaine said softly.
"I can't believe you would actually even consider- I'm going for a walk." Kurt snapped quickly, pulling on a shirt and sweatpants before strutting out of the hotel room. It was quiet as Blaine tried to process what just happened when Puck spoke up from the sofa.
"You fucked up dude..."
"But...I..." Blaine sighed. He rolled over trying to hide his tears as Britt tried to hold him. He shrugged her off, not bothering to find a shirt. Blaine grabbed a pair of shorts and left.
Kurt sat by the empty pool on one of the lounge chairs, staring at the blue, chlorinated water. The pool was the only thing illuminating the area and Kurt would have appreciated the ambience any other time.
Blaine didn't know where Kurt went. So he did the one thing that always calmed him down. He walked out to the pool, not bothering to look around and slipped off his shorts. He dove into the water, vigorously doing laps.
Kurt watched as Blaine swam. After a while, he stood, pulling off his clothes as well as he saw Blaine stop and rest. He slowly walked down the steps and into the cold water. No doubt this had sobered Blaine up. He tried to stay quiet as he approached Blaine but the water made a small nose, causing him to turn towards the sound.
"Oh...I didn't know anyone was here..." Blaine said as he looked away. "Do you want me to leave?"
Kurt walked up behind Blaine, wrapping his arms around his torso and spreading is palms across his chest while resting his head on the back of Blaine's shoulder. "I'm sorry.." Kurt whispered.
"Why? You're not the idiot."
"You're not an idiot....I guess I just feel like I over-reacted.." Kurt said quietly.
"It’s just...I know you don't see it, but Shane likes you Kurt. And look at him. He's tall, muscular, blond, gorgeous, fun...he's everything I'm not." Blaine whispered. "And you may think I'm crazy, but if I ever lost you...I just...I couldn't be with another guy...you're the only one for me..."
Kurt looked up at Blaine. "Blaine...Even if Shane does like me, I am not even remotely interested in him. I love you...I love everything about you...But are you saying that if we lost each other again...You wouldn't be with men?" He asked quietly.
Blaine shrugged. "I couldn't. If another one held me, kissed me...I'd think of you."
"God...I love you so much.." Kurt whispered, tightening his hold on Blaine.
Blaine looked back at Kurt. "Always?"
"You're perfect.." Blaine said softly.
"No...I...I'm not...I get upset too easily...I'm sorry about that Blaine...I just…I've been...Forgotten for girls forever...And just seeing Brittany on you like that...I guess it just triggered something." Kurt said quietly.
"Oh God...baby, I didn't think of that. I'm so sorry. I would never leave you. I can't. You'd have to leave me for that to happen. Even though I'd probably just become celibate."
Kurt nuzzled against the back of Blaine's neck. "It's okay baby.."
Blaine turned around with tears in his eyes. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt whispered, looking up at Blaine before kissing him softly.
Blaine wrapped his legs around Kurt. "I'm sorry for tonight."
Kurt held Blaine close, kissing his temple. "It's okay baby.."
Blaine lifted his head, kissing Kurt deeply.
Kurt rubbed up and down Blaine's back, sighing softly.
Blaine moved to Kurt's ear. "I love you so much."
Kurt backed up so his back was against the wall of the pool. "I love you too Blaine.."
Blaine smiled, resting his head on Kurt's neck.
Kurt smiled, running his fingers up and down Blaine's spine lovingly.
Blaine sighed softly. "You know just how to relax me. I love it."
"I just know how you like to be touched.." Kurt said quietly.
"Mmm, I know," Blaine smiled against Kurt's skin.
Kurt turned his head attached his lips to Blaine's. Kissing him softly and slowly.
Blaine sighed into the kiss, tangling his fingers in Kurt’s hair.
Kurt moaned, pulling Blaine closer.
Blaine bit down on Kurt's lip.
"Blaine..." Kurt moaned once Blaine released his lip.
"Baby, I need you..." Blaine whispered.
Kurt nodded, pushing their lips together as his hands slid under the water to cup Blaine's perfect ass.
Blaine gasped. He loved the way Kurt touched him.
Kurt moaned loudly against Blaine's lips as he reached down further, pressing a finger against Blaine's entrance.
Blaine sucked in a deep breath. "Oh Kurt..."
Kurt kissed Blaine's jaw softly as he pushed the digit inside of his fianc�.
Blaine gasped. "Baby...."
"I love you.." Kurt whispered, slowly fingering Blaine.
"I-I love you too.." Blaine moaned in Kurt's ear. "Ohh kurrt..."
Kurt moaned at the sound, pushing his finger deeper inside of Blaine.
"Ahh...more please..." Blaine pleaded.
Kurt slowly added a second finger, stretching Blaine slowly.
Blaine clung to Kurt, moving his hips with his fianc�'s movements.
Kurt kissed along Blaine's jaw to his ear, sucking on it lightly as he added another finger.
Blaine tightened his legs around Kurt, shaking with need.
Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's, crooking his fingers to brush over that spot inside of him.
Blaine's body jerked forward. "Shit! Mmm!"
"I love you so much baby..." Kurt panted.
"Fuck...I love you too...please...I need you to fill me..."
Kurt nodded, kissing Blaine softly before pulling his fingers out and repositioning Blaine so the tip was at his entrance.
Blaine breathed heavily, patiently awaiting Kurt's thick member.
Kurt placed one of his hands on Blaine's cheek, deepening the kiss before slowly pushing in.
Blaine's breathing hitched as he felt Kurt stretch him. "Ohhh, Kurrrt..."
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine before turning them around and pushing the shorter boy against the wall of the pool, kissing his forehead as he slowly started to work his hips.
Blaine gasped. "Fuck! Ahh!"
Kurt looked down at Blaine, admiring the way his fianc� looked as the pleasure danced across his face, illuminated by the pale blue light.
Blaine bit his lip, tangling his fingers in Kurt's hair as he moaned.
Puck decided he really needed a cigarette after hearing all of that drama and decided to step outside for one.
He heard a small noise coming from the pool. What was that? He walked closer to see what it was.
"Baby...Mmm! So good!" Blaine breathed out.
Kurt leaned down, biting Blaine's neck roughly.
Puck peered around the corner. Was that...Kurt and Blaine?
Blaine's head flew back. "Kurt! Oh fuck!"
Kurt sped up his thrusts. "Fuck...Blaine...So fucking good.."
"Unnghh!" Blaine cried out. "You're so big Kurt! Oh God!"
Kurt moaned, burying his face in Blaine's neck.
Blaine let out a sharp whine as Kurt brushed against his prostate. "Ahh shit! Kurt! I love your huge cock..."
"Oh fuck yes...Tell me how much you love it baby..." Kurt growled.
Blaine moaned loudly. "Ahh! It’s so big, Kurt...I love the way you fill me. So thick and long...oh fuck!"
Kurt groaned, resting his forehead against Blaine's as he thrust harder, pressing him into the wall more.
Puck watched intently. Damn, Kurt was really giving it to him.
Blaine cried out. "Fuck! Oh baby! I'm close..."
"Me too baby..Shit..." He moved to Blaine's ear. "Say my name..." He whispered, his breathing ragged as he squeezed his fianc�'s ass.
"Kurt!" Blaine cried out. "I love you...oh God! Kurt!"
"I-I love you to...Fuck..Blaine..I-I'm..Oh fuck!" He cried out as he came deep inside of Blaine.
Blaine came as Kurt said his name, crying out as he rode out his orgasm.
Kurt slowly pumped in and out of Blaine as they both came down, gasping and panting heavily.
Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder. "I love you so much," he breathed out.
"I love you too Blaine...More than anything.." he whispered, leaning in to kiss him softly.
Blaine kissed him back, getting high from the feeling. He loved Kurt. Kurt loved him back. He was happy.
Kurt let Blaine nuzzle against his neck as he held him close, kissing his temple gently.
"You're so perfect..."
Kurt laughed lightly. "No.."
"Perfect for me," Blaine whispered.
Kurt looked down at Blaine. "You look tired." He said, smiling sweetly.
Blaine nodded. "It’s been a long day."
"Come on baby..Let's go to bed.."
Puck saw them getting out of the pool and quickly went back to the room.
They got dressed and went inside to lay down.
Kurt pulled Blaine close, kissing him softly. "I love you Blaine..."
Blaine smiled. "I love you too."
Kurt sighed happily, kissing Blaine again before they both fell asleep.