Jan. 27, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
"Kurt. I can't be late to my first class." Blaine said seriously.
"Well, I can't go to school looking like there's a rat, sitting in my hair." Kurt said simply.
"You look gorgeous," Blaine smiled.
Kurt smiled, but continued fussing with his hair. "You're sweet.."
Blaine sighed, falling back onto the bed as he waited.
"Drama queen.." Kurt giggled.
"Yes, because that is so me," Blaine chuckled.
"You're being one right now." Kurt said matter-of-factly.
"Okay beauty queen." Blaine replied.
Kurt shot Blaine a look before standing. "Come on, let's go."
Blaine giggled. "I love you and that bitch stare."
"Mhmm.." Kurt said, grabbing his bag.
Blaine continued to laugh as they headed to the car.
They headed to the school and got out together. "Ugh, I did not miss this place.." Kurt sighed.
"Me neither. Just one more year," Blaine reminded him.
"True.." Kurt smiled, grabbing Blaine's hand.
"Then we will get married and leave this place."
"I can't wait..."
The first couple of months of school were hard on Blaine, he was trying so hard to keep up with his grades, he barely had time for anything else, except for Kurt and Brittany that was. November rolled around and Blaine woke up to his alarm screaming in his ear, God, he was so exhausted all the time. He slammed his hand down on the alarm clock, causing it to turn off and rolled over, groaning.
Blaine rolled out of bed, grabbing a towel before taking a quick shower and getting dressed. He grabbed all of his books and headed to school. When he met Kurt at their lockers, Blaine had dark circles under his eyes.
"Hey baby."
"Hey Blaine." Kurt said happily, bouncing a bit. He pulled him close and kissed him deeply, "I love you.." he said, resting his forehead against Blaine's.
Blaine gave a small smile. "I love you too."
Kurt held onto Blaine, planting small kisses on his lips. What had gotten into him?
Blaine eyed Kurt for a moment. "Why are you so happy? Are you up to something?"
"Of course not, but you know what today is..." Kurt smiled, smoothing the lapels of Blaine's vest.
"Tuesday?" Blaine asked.
Kurt stared at Blaine for a moment and slowly lowered his hands. "Yeah..Tuesday." He said, keeping up his smile.
Blaine was confused but shook it off. "I have to get to class and study..."
"Alright..I-I'll see you after class?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before walking off. Kurt sighed, opening his locker and staring at the red and yellow roses he had planned to give to Blaine. He would just leave them. They smelled nice at least. He took out the small card that sat between the flowers and shoved it in his pocket before closing the locker and heading to class, trying to hold back the tears.
Blaine walked to class and sat in his normal seat, wondering what was going on with Kurt. Blaine had been so stressed out lately he didn't realize what time of year it was. He sighed and took out his book, starting to study again.
Brittany skipped into class, sitting next to her best friend. "Hey Blaiinnee!"
"Hey hun," Blaine said without looking up.
"What's wrong with Kurt? He looked super happy earlier, but he looked upset when I saw him a second ago.."
Blaine looked up quickly. "I...I don't know..." he pulled out his phone and texted his fianc�.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Why?" He replied quickly.
"Britt saw you. You looked upset. Please talk to me..."
"I'm just tired baby..School and glee club.."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, Wanna come over tonight?"
"Yeah. Can't stay long. I have homework."
"Can you do it at my house? I really want you to stay.."
"As long as I can study."
"Yeah, I'll see you tonight.."
That night Kurt laid on his bed while Blaine sat at the desk going over his work. "Blaine.." Kurt said smiling as he turned on Teenage Dream from his Ipod, hoping it would remind him.
Blaine gave Kurt a small smile. "Kurt, I really need to study."
Kurt's smile dropped completely. "Fine." He said, turning off the song and staring at the ceiling.
Blaine turned his head. "What's wrong? You've been acting weird all day."
"Oh, I don't know, just that I'm the only person who remembered what today was." Kurt said icily.
"What? What are you talking about?" Blaine asked, clueless.
"It's our anniversary Blaine.." Kurt huffed; standing and walking out of the room.
"But our anniversary is the 16th..." Blaine said getting up and following Kurt. He looked down at his watch to check the date. Sure enough, it was the sixteenth. Tears welled in Blaine's eyes. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm an idiot. I've been so busy studying. I'm so sorry."
Kurt turned around and looked at Blaine, tears in his eyes as well. "It's just...I understand how hard you’ve been working, to make our wedding special and go to college..I just wanted tonight to be for us...Special.." Kurt sniffed, wiping his eyes.
Blaine pulled Kurt close as he let the tears spill. "I'm so sorry. Kurt, I love you so much. God! I'm so fucking stupid. I'm so sorry."
"No..I understand Blaine...I..I should have reminded you..." Kurt said, letting Blaine hold him.
"You shouldn't have to. I should've remembered. I don't know how, but I will make this up to you."
Kurt nodded. "I love you.." He said softly.
"I love you too. I'm sorry, Kurt."
Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek. "It's okay baby..."
"I feel awful."
"I know baby, but right now, you could be making it up to me with a lovely dinner and a night at the hotel.." Kurt said, smiling and raising an eyebrow.
Blaine smiled. "You have everything planned even though I forgot?"
"I do.." Kurt smiled.
"What did I do to deserve you?"
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "You're amazing."
"I know." Kurt giggled jokingly.
Blaine laughed. "Well what are we waiting for?"
"I haven't the slightest idea.", Kurt said, kissing Blaine's nose and walking back to the bedroom to change.
"I didn't bring anything special.. " Blaine said as Kurt changed.
"You can wear something of mine." Kurt smiled, seeing Blaine's eyes light up at the opportunity of going through Kurt's closet. An honor very few were offered.
Blaine went through Kurt's clothes until he found his favorite pair of skinny jeans and a form fitting shirt that showed off his muscles.
He walked back out to see Kurt in a black button up, his grey vest and white tie. Also, the pair of skinny jeans that he was wearing that day at the store.
"You look amazing.." Kurt breathed out.
"Wow..so do you..." Blaine said softly.
Kurt walked over to Blaine, wrapping his arms around his neck.
"Just think...Only a year ago...You asked me to be your boyfriend.."
"The most beautiful and amazing person I had ever seen."
"I couldn't believe it.."
"You thought I wanted Santana..."
Kurt laughed. "I'm glad you didn't.."
"There wasn't ever any competition. You would always win in my heart." Blaine smiled.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "You're so cheesy...I love it.."
Blaine giggled. "I just love you."
"And you have all night to show me how much you love me..."
"Can't wait. Let’s go." Blaine said, taking Kurt's hand.
They went to the car and had dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant, Rosario's. After that, Blaine was expecting the Lima Inn, like usual, But Kurt pulled into one of the nicest hotels in town.
"Really?" Blaine smiled, getting tears in his eyes.
"Only the best for you..." Kurt smiled, cupping Blaine's face in his hand.
"You're so sweet," Blaine said, leaning in to kiss Kurt
Kurt kissed Blaine softly before pulling away. "I love you..." He whispered.
Blaine melted into Kurt's arms. "I couldn't love you more than I already do."
Kurt smiled, holding Blaine close. "God, you're perfect..." he said softly as a tear rolled down his cheek.
Blaine gently wiped the tear away. "You're so beautiful."
Kurt looked down at Blaine and his heart swelled with the overwhelming amount of love he had for this boy. He had managed to stay with him for a whole year, and despite the rocky patches, he was still with him, and they were going to get married. He was going to marry Blaine Anderson, the most beautiful, caring, compassionate, and all around amazing person he knew and would ever know.
Blaine could see the love in Kurt’s eyes. "Let’s go up to our room."
Kurt nodded, kissing Blaine softly before they got out of the car, grabbed Kurt's bag, and walked inside the extravagant hotel. Kurt checked in and they took the elevator up to their room.
Blaine walked into their room his eyes going wide. "Oh my God, baby..."
Kurt smiled as Blaine took in the beautiful room.
Blaine started to tear up again. "Are you sure it isn't too much...this room...it's...perfect..."
Kurt walked over and took Blaine's hands. "Nothing is too much for you.."
"You're so amazing, baby." Blaine whispered.
"Only because I am completely in love with you.."
A couple tears ran down Blaine's cheeks. "I love you so much."
"I love you too.." Kurt said, slowly leaning in to kiss Blaine.
Blaine closed his eyes as their lips met, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck.
Kurt slid hid hands down to Blaine’s waist, pulling him closer as they melted against each other, small noises of approval escaped them, only slightly shaking the beautiful silence around them.
Blaine backed them up to the bed as he deepened the kiss. He tangled his fingers in Kurt's hair, letting out a small moan.
Kurt got chills at the touch as he laid them down on the bed, Blaine on top of him. He slid his hands further down Blaine's body to rest on his hips, rubbing the small piece of skin that was exposed from Blaine's shirt riding up with his thumb.
Blaine sighed happily, pressing his body down to Kurt's.
Kurt moaned lightly as he felt the weight of Blaine on top of him. When they were meshed together like this, legs tangled, hands roaming. It just felt perfect.
Blaine's hands trailed up to Kurt's chest. "Thank you so much baby."
"For what baby?"
"This...everything..." Blaine said softly against Kurt's lips.
Kurt smiled, giving Blaine a small kiss. "You're welcome.."
Blaine reattached their lips, slowly rolling his body over Kurt's.
Kurt moaned lightly, clutching to Blaine's back.
Blaine gasped at the feeling, rocking his hips against Kurt's.
"Oh God...Blaine..." Kurt panted, thrusting up against Blaine.
"Ahh!" Blaine moaned as they grinded on each other. "W-what do you want baby?"
"I need you...Inside of me.." Kurt whimpered, "Please.."
Blaine nodded. "Where's the lube?"
"I-in my bag.." Kurt said quickly. As Blaine stood, Kurt began taking off his vest and tie.
Blaine hurried back, placing the lube on the nightstand and struggling to get out of his jeans.
Kurt smiled at Blaine as he pulled his shirt off. "Do you need help?"
"Please," Blaine said in defeat.
Kurt giggled, getting out of Bed and quickly pulling the jeans down to Blaine's ankles.
Blaine looked at Kurt with amazement. "How...what...how do you do that?"
Kurt just smiled, laying back and slipping out if his own skinnies with ease. "Practice...Now come here he smiled, stretching his pale body out on the dark sheets.
Blaine took a moment to take in Kurt's beauty. "You're gorgeous."
Kurt blushed, looking up and Blaine and hiving the lightest of smiles.
Blaine climbed over Kurt, leaving light kisses on his neck.
Kurt sighed lightly, tilting his head back.
Blaine kissed to Kurt's ear. "Happy anniversary baby."
Kurt smiled, turning his head and kissing Blaine softly. "Happy anniversary.."
Blaine sat back and looking at Kurt with loving eyes. "Do you want me to prep you?"
Kurt shook his head. "I want to feel all of you..."
Blaine slowly slicked himself up before placing himself at Kurt's entrance.
Kurt looked up at Blaine with loving eyes as he wrapped his legs around his waist. "I love you...."
"I love you too," Blaine said as he slowly pressed in.
Kurt inhaled sharply, his head falling back onto the pillow. "Blaine..Oh God..."
Blaine kissed Kurt's pulse point as he buried himself deep in his fianc�.
Kurt panted and gasped, biting his lip as he tried to get used to the feeling of Blaine's member stretching him.
Blaine pressed in all the way. "Are you okay?"
Kurt gave a small quick nod, eyes still closed. "Yeah..Just...God baby.."
Blaine slowly moved in and out if Kurt, gasping at the tight heat.
Kurt reached up, resting his hands on the back of Blaine's neck. He looked up at him, eyes full of love and lust.
Blaine looked deep into Kurt's beautiful blue eyes as he thrust a little quicker.
Kurt bit his lip, making a whining noise as his head fell back a bit and he gripped to Blaine's neck tighter. "Baby.."
Blaine left tiny kisses up and down Kurt's neck. "You're so beautiful..."
"I...I love you so much..." Kurt gasped, rolling his hips up with Blaine's movements.
"I love you too. I love you, baby..." Blaine breathed out heavily.
Kurt moaned softly, trailing his hands down Blaine's back. Kurt usually disliked the term "making love", but that's what they were doing. This was love in its purest form. A tear fell from Kurt's eye as he closed them, gasping again as Blaine rolled his hips up.
Blaine kissed Kurt's tear. "Don't cry baby."
"I just...I love you so much.." Kurt whispered, looking up at Blaine.
"I love you too baby." Blaine said softly.
Kurt leaned up, kissing Blaine deeply as he rolled his hips slowly.
"Baby...oh God..." Blaine moaned loudly.
"Blaine..." Kurt gasped, gripping to him tighter.
Blaine angled himself to brush against Kurt's prostate as his breathing increased.
Kurt cried out as he felt Blaine hit that amazing spot inside of him. "Blaine! Oh fuck! Harder baby...Please.."
Blaine thrust harder, quickening his pace.
"Oh god...Baby...Shit!" Kurt moaned, the pleasure shooting through him each time Blaine hit that bundle of nerves.
"Baby....fuck!" Blaine screamed as he sped up.
Kurt gasped, moaning loudly as his breaths came out as cries. "Blaine!!"
"I'm so close.." Blaine cried out.
Kurt's back arched as he approached his peak, his legs shaking. "O-oh God...Me too..Blaine.."
Blaine slammed into Kurt's prostate, screaming his fianc�s name as he came hard.
Kurt moaned, low in his throat, but loudly as he dug his nails unto Blaine's back, cumming harder than he had in a while, panting Blaine's name repeatedly as he came down.
Blaine's thrusts slowed as they rode out their orgasms.
Kurt let his head fall back on the pillow as he panted, eyes closed, cheeks pink and sweat beading his forehead.
Blaine kissed those adorable rosy cheeks as his breathing returned to normal.
Kurt slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Blaine and giving him a small, sated smile.
Blaine smiled sweetly before pulling out and pulling Kurt close.
Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's jaw, sighing softly. "I love you.." he whispered, kissing his fianc�’s olive skin.
Blaine smiled lovingly. "I love you too, Kurt."
Kurt stayed silent, smiling to himself as he lie there, taking in Blaine. His scent, the feeling of their sweat laced skin pressed together, everything.
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "Thank you baby, for all of this. I can't believe I forgot. How can I make it up to you?"
"You already have.."
Blaine smiled. "Not to sound overly 'gay,' but that was...magical..."
Kurt giggled. "That was really gay Blaine...But it was.."
"I know," Blaine laughed. "I love you, Kurt."
"I love you too..." Kurt whispered, kissing Blaine's neck.
Blaine smiled, holding Kurt closer.
"I want to marry you right now..."
"I wish we could."
"Me too.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "Less than a year away."
"I know.." Kurt smiled, sighing dreamily. "We have a balcony.." he stated, looking at the sliding glass door he hadn’t noticed before.
"Did you want to go out there?" Blaine asked.
Kurt nodded. "As long as you keep me warm.."
Blaine smiled, "Of course I will. Even though I'm the one that gets cold."
Kurt giggled, "We'll keep each other warm.."
"Sounds good."
Kurt helped Blaine up and grabbed the biggest thickest blanket they had. The scurried out onto the balcony and sat on the cushioned bench, huddling close under the blanket.
Blaine looked at how the moonlight danced across Kurt's face. "You're so beautiful."
Kurt blushed, looking down. "Thank you.."
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt's blush.
Kurt blushed even more at the gesture. "Even after a year, you can still make me do that.."
"I absolutely love it."
"I absolutely love you.." Kurt said, giving a small smile.
Blaine smiled. "I guess it’s my turn to blush."
Kurt kissed Blaine softly, cuddling closer as they looked out at the sparkling lights below them.
They lay like that for a while. Blaine looked up at Kurt. "I love you so much."
"I love you too Blaine...More than anything in this world..."
Blaine got tears in his eyes. "You're amazing."
"Like I said earlier, it’s all because of you.."
Blaine nuzzled against Kurt's neck, kissing him softly.
Kurt pulled Blaine closer, smiling.
Blaine yawned loudly, wrapping himself around Kurt.
"Do you want to go to bed baby?" Kurt asked softly.
Blaine nodded, still clinging to Kurt.
Kurt pulled Blaine closer, carrying him inside with the blanket and gently setting him on the bed.
"Mmm, my strong man," Blaine cooed sleepily.
Kurt rolled his eyes, chuckling as he crawled into bed next to Blaine.
Blaine cuddled close. "I'm cold."
"You're always cold.." Kurt said softly, smiling as he wrapped his arms around the shorter boy.
"I can't help it."
"Well, I like keeping you warm.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's neck softly.
Blaine sighed happily. "Thank you. It’s comfortable."
Kurt smiled, "I love you.."
Blaine kissed Kurt's chest. "I love you too."
Kurt stroked Blaine's hair lovingly. "Good night, love.."
Blaine smiled. He loved when Kurt called him that. "Good night baby."
The next morning Kurt woke up to Blaine's lips on his forehead. He inhaled deeply and slowly opened his eyes to see Blaine hovering over him. Kurt gave a sleepy smile as he looked up at his fianc�.
"Good morning sunshine," Blaine said, smiling widely.
"Morning.." Kurt got out, his voice thick from sleep.
Blaine straddled Kurt. "We're skipping school!"
"So I assumed.." Kurt giggled.
"Whatever you want to do today, we'll do," Blaine said happily.
"Whatever happened to stuffy, school work, "I have to study until my brain disintegrates" Blaine?" Kurt asked smiling.
"Don't remind me of him. He was unfair to you. I'm back and we're going to celebrate today."
Kurt smiled. "I love you.."
Blaine smiled darkly before attacking Kurt's sides and tickling him.
"No! Blaine!" Kurt squealed, wriggling furiously as he tried to escape his fianc�'s grasp.
Blaine giggled as he stopped. "You're so cute."
Kurt crossed his arms, sticking his tongue out at Blaine as he failed miserably to hold back a smile.
Blaine leaned down and kissed Kurt softly. "What would you like to do today?"
"This is nice.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine again.
"Mhm, it is," Blaine agreed, kissing him again.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, kissing him deeper.
Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips, slowly starting to rock his hips.
Kurt inhaled sharply, trailing his hands down Blaine's back.
Blaine kissed over to Kurt's ear, breathing heavily as he rolled his hips down harder.
Kurt moaned as he felt Blaine's breath on his ear. "Baby...Oh God..."
Blaine sucked Kurt's ear lobe into his mouth, biting lightly.
Kurt bit his lip, whimpering as he clawed down Blaine's back.
Blaine gasped in Kurt's ear. "Fuck me...please..." he whispered.
Kurt gasped, "God..Yes Blaine.."
Blaine ground his hips onto Kurt's as he kept breathing in his fianc�s ear.
"Go get the lube.." Kurt said, squeezing Blaine's ass.
"Ahh!" Blaine breathed out before hurrying to get the lube.
Kurt laid back as he waited for Blaine, slowly stroking his rapidly hardening cock.
Blaine's breathing hitched as he watched Kurt stroke himself. "Fuck! You're so sexy..."
Kurt smiled a bit before gasping. "Come here so I can fuck you..."
Blaine laid down next to Kurt, setting the lube beside them.
Kurt leaned over and kissed Blaine deeply as he continued to pump himself, moaning lightly.
Blaine deepened the kiss, hitching a leg over Kurt's.
Kurt took Blaine's bottom lip between his teeth, biting lightly.
Blaine moaned, pulling Kurt on top of him.
Kurt trailed his hands down Blaine's sides. "You're so hot baby.."
Blaine breathed heavily. "Baby..."
Kurt kissed down Blaine's neck, across his collar bones and down the center of his chest.
Blaine writhed under Kurt. "God that feels so good..."
Kurt kissed down the light trail of hair leading to the base of Blaine's cock.
Blaine sucked in a deep breath. "Kurrttt..."
Kurt licked a light line up the underside of Blaine's member, moaning lightly.
Blaine rolled his body up. "Fuck!"
"Mmm..." Kurt moaned, licking a thicker line up Blaine's cock again.
"Kurt! Baby!" Blaine screamed.
Kurt wrapped his hand around the base of Blaine's length before sucking the head into his mouth, moaning at the taste of Blaine.
Blaine cried out. "Y-your mouth...fuck..."
Kurt swirled his tongue around Blaine looking up at Blaine as he pumped the rest of him.
Blaine locked eyes with Kurt, reaching up to twine his fingers in his own hair.
Kurt moaned around Blaine, removing his hand and sinking down over his cock.
Blaine struggled to stay still. He reached down, finding Kurt's hands and squeezing as moan after moan escaped his lips.
Kurt bobbed his head slowly, loving the sounds Blaine was making as he pressed his tongue underneath Blaine.
"Ahh!! Fuck! Baby...fuck me! Please..."
Kurt pulled off of Blaine with a pop, crawling up to his lips and kissing him deeply. "Get on your hands and knees.
Blaine shivered, quickly doing as he was told.
Kurt kneeled behind Blaine, leaning over and kissing down his spine.
Blaine moaned, arching his back at the touch.
Kurt reached over and grabbed the lube, slicking himself up.
Blaine looked back, watching with hungry eyes.
Kurt placed his member at Blaine's hole, pushing in slowly as he ran his hands up and down Blaine's sides.
Blaine winced a little at the stretch, letting out a small moan when Kurt pushed in all the way.
"Fuck..Blaine, you're so tight baby.."
"Unnghhhh!" Blaine cried out, clutching to Kurt.
Kurt reached up, grabbing Blaine's hair as he slowly started rocking his hips. "You like taking me like this don't you...Bent over...Just...Ah! Just waiting for me to pound into you.."
Blaine panted. "Fuck! Yes baby!"
Kurt released his hold on Blaine's hair and continued his slow pace, kissing in-between Blaine's shoulder blades. "God...Blaine.." He panted.
Blaine moaned loudly. "I love...ahh! Love the way you fill me..."
Kurt gripped Blaine's hips tightly, moaning as he pulled him up so his back was against his chest.
Blaine gasped. "Baby! Fuck!"
"Blaine...You're so hot..Oh my god..." Kurt moaned, running his hands down Blaine's chest and stomach as he sped up his thrusts in the slightest.
"Oh God! Kurt!" Blaine yelled as he pressed his body back onto his fianc�’s.
Kurt kissed Blaine's neck softly "Baby...Oh shit.." he panted.
"Kurt...oh Kurt...fuck me!"
Kurt tightened his hold on Blaine's hips and bent him back over, slamming into him.
Blaine cried out. "KURT!"
Kurt reached up, grabbing Blaine's curls as he repeatedly pounded into Blaine.
Blaine screamed and panted. "Oh God! Oh fuck! I'm so close!"
"Hold on baby...God...Just a little longer.." Kurt gasped.
Blaine nodded, tangling his hands in the blankets
Kurt rolled his hips faster, tightening his grip on Blaine's thick curls. "Blaine...Baby.."
"UNNNGGHHH!" Blaine moaned loudly, thrusting himself back.
Kurt cried out Blaine's name as he rammed into his prostate.
Blaine couldn't hang on any longer. He came hard onto the blanket, screaming Kurt's name as he did so.
Kurt followed suit, burying himself deep inside of Blaine as he came, groaning deep in his throat.
Blaine collapsed against the bed, panting heavily.
Kurt lied on top of Blaine, kissing the back of his neck. "I love you..."
Blaine smiled. "I love you too."
Kurt slowly pulled out of Blaine and lied next to him. He looked over at Blaine. His cheeks were red and his forehead beaded with sweat, causing some of the curls to cling to his forehead. "God...You're beautiful.."
Blaine giggled, burying his face in the sheets. "I probably look a mess."
Kurt turned Blaine's head and kissed him softly. "You look amazing.."
Blaine blushed. "I love you."
"I love you too.."
"Was there anything else you wanted to do today?" Blaine asked.
"Do you have any ideas?" Kurt asked.
"I just want to be with you."
"That sounds good..." Kurt smiled, wrapping himself around Blaine.
Blaine held Kurt close. "But where? Checkout is probably soon..."
"We check out at twelve thirty.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine nodded, bringing Kurt closer.
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's shoulder.
"You're adorable."
"I just love your arms." Kurt admitted.
Blaine smiled. "I love when you touch them."
Kurt smiled, bringing a hand up to rub down the firm muscle of Blaine's arm.
Blaine shivered. "that feels so good."
Kurt kissed Blaine's bicep softly. "It does for me too.."
Blaine smiled, wrapping his arms around Kurt tighter.
Kurt made a small nose of approval as he felt Blaine's arms pull him closer.
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt softly.
Kurt kissed Blaine back. "I love you.."
"I love you too."
Kurt nuzzled against Blaine's shoulder, sighing happily.
"Wanna get in the bath?"
"That sounds amazing right now.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine smiled, getting up to get the water started.
Kurt lay back, watching Blaine walk to the bathroom. He was so happy. He had a beautiful, kind, all around amazing fianc� that loved him. That was more than most people his age could say. He felt so lucky.
Blaine got the water ready before returning to carry Kurt to the tub.
Kurt smiled up at Blaine. "I love when you do that.."
"I love doing it," Blaine said sweetly.
He set Kurt down and got into the warm water. Kurt followed, laying back against his chest. "So, Blaine?..." Kurt asked timidly, looking down at the water.
Blaine was nervous about Kurt's tone. "Yes baby?"
"I know we already have a lot of stress on our minds about money...How we're gonna go to college and the wedding...But I was thinking about this the other day and it just seems unavoidable..."
"Thinking about what?" Blaine asked carefully.
"Where are we going to get the money for an apartment? And on top of that, the money to fly to New York?" Kurt asked, looking back at Blaine.
"That's why I work as much as I can. I want everything to work out. So I'll, I mean we, will work our asses off and get money from graduation and birthdays. It will work out."
Kurt nodded, looking back down at the water. "But what if it doesn't?" He asked in barely a whisper.
Blaine turned around, cupping Kurt's cheek. "I'll make it happen."
Kurt gave a weak smile. "I just...I feel like all of this is too good to be true, and eventually it's all just going to be yanked out from under me.."
"I understand. But it will work."
"And I don't want you to feel like you have to be the one to make it work. You're already so stressed about school, work, the wedding, college..."
"I know baby. I'm just trying to make you feel better. It’s going to work because we will work for it."
Kurt nodded, sinking a little lower into the water. "I love you.."
"I love you too," Blaine smiled.
Kurt let his eyes drift closed, smiling.
Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek before relaxing against him.
They lay like that for a bit, just reveling in the feel of being so close.
They washed each other before getting out and getting dressed. "Is there anything you want to do?"
"Well, you could tell me what you want for Christmas." Kurt smiled.
Blaine pulled Kurt close. "You," he said charmingly.
Kurt's heart fluttered. Blaine would never fail at making him swoon. "Seriously.." he smiled.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "Seriously, I don't need anything but you."
Kurt practically melted, giggling before he composed himself, clearing his throat. "I'm still buying you something."
Blaine shook his head. "There's no stopping you. What do you want?"
"You.." Kurt said, lowering his voice, mocking Blaine. He giggled, kissing Blaine's nose.
Blaine chuckled. "Seriously," he said in a slightly higher tone.
"I sound nothing like that. You have offended me." Kurt said, smiling.
"I'm just kidding. I love your voice," Blaine said sweetly.
Kurt blushed again. There was something about Blaine today that just seemed...for lack of a better word…Swoon-worthy.
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt softly. "I love you."
Kurt let out a small flustered breath. "I love you too.."
Blaine smiled. "You're so gorgeous."
Kurt's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. "There's something about you today.."
Blaine batted his eyelashes. "What is it?"
"You're just so...Charming.." Kurt smiled.
"I just decided not to stress today," Blaine shrugged.
"I love it.."
"And I love you."
“I love you too.." Kurt said softly, looking into Blaine's eyes.
"You're perfect."
"If you don't stop, Blaine Anderson, I might just melt.." Kurt giggled breathily.
"It’s the truth baby," Blaine beamed.
Kurt smiled, blushing as he looked at Blaine from under his lashes.
"I just can't get over how beautiful you are," Blaine said, cupping Kurt's cheek.
"I'm nothing special Blaine.." Kurt said rolling his eyes, but smiling at the compliment.
"You're everything and more," Blaine whispered before touching his lips to Kurt's.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, sighing into the kiss.
Blaine rested his hands on Kurt's hips, pulling him close.
Kurt gasped as his and Blaine's bodies met. He slid his hands from around his neck to run down his arms.
Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips, gripping his hips harder.
Kurt moaned lightly, clutching to Blaine's shoulders.
Blaine let out a low growl. "Baby..."
"I'm sorry it's just...You're so amazing Blaine..." Kurt panted.
"Why are you sorry?" Blaine asked, confused.
"I don't know.." Kurt laughed breathily.
Blaine giggled. "You're cute."
Kurt smiled, nuzzling against Blaine's neck.
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "I love you."
"I love you too..."
"I don't want to leave..."
"Me either.." Kurt sighed, looking up at Blaine.
Blaine gave a small smile. "Thank you for all of this."
"You're welcome, love..." Kurt whispered, placing a small kiss on Blaine's neck.
Blaine smiled. He couldn't be happier.
"So...Do you want to accompany me to a lovely movie?" Kurt smiled.
“My, oh, my. Well I'd love to, my dear gentleman caller," Blaine said in an old southern accent.
Kurt bit his lip, trying to hold back a laugh. "Wow Blaine.." he chuckled.
Blaine chuckled. "Sorry. I watched the glass menagerie the other day."
Kurt smiled. "I thought so.."
Blaine just laughed. "You ready?"
Kurt grabbed his bag and grabbed Blaine's hand with the other. "Yeah.." he smiled.
The walked to the car hand in hand, settling in before Kurt drove them to the theater.
"What do you want to see?" Kurt asked as they walked up to the theatre.
"Anything," Blaine smiled.
"Hmmm...Paranormal Activity 3.." Kurt said timidly.
"Really?" Blaine asked excitedly. "I didn't think you'd go for that!"
"I usually don't.. but I know you like scary movies.."
"You're sweet!!"
Kurt giggled, squeezing Blaine's hand as he bought the tickets.
"I love you so much baby!' Blaine said happily.
"I love you too." Kurt smiled.
They walked into the right room and found their seats just before the lights went out.
Kurt swallowed hard. He never liked scary movies. He didn't like being scared period. He never really understood why people thought it was fun. Haunted houses and things like that never really appealed to him.
Blaine jumped excitedly as the movie started.
Kurt tried to keep straight face. It started out kind of slow...This wasn't that bad...
About twenty minutes into the movie there were strange noises coming from a closet upstairs. When the door was opened, Katie's mom jumped out wearing a mask, causing Kurt to jump almost out of his seat.
"OHMYGOD!" Kurt gasped, as the other moviegoers looked back at him laughing lightly.
Blaine giggled, lifting the armrest and pulling Kurt close.
Kurt gave a sigh of relief, getting as close to Blaine as he could.
Blaine tightened his grip on Kurt as they continued to watch the movie.
Kurt jumped at even the only slightly scary parts, causing Blaine to smile fondly to himself.
Blaine leaned over, giving Kurt little kisses when he got scared.
Kurt smiled up at Blaine. "Thank you.."
"You're welcome baby."
By the end of the movie, Kurt had his face buried in Blaine's chest , jumping and whimpering each time there was a loud noise, which was very often at this point.
Blaine giggled. "Baby, it's over."
Kurt looked up, seeing the credits rolling. "Oh thank god.."
"Are you okay?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah.." Kurt sighed, sitting up and composing himself.
"You're cute." Blaine giggled.
"That was terrifying.."
"It wasn't that bad."
Kurt looked at Blaine. "You…Just...Oh my god, how were you not screaming?"
"I like these kinds of movies," Blaine shrugged.
Kurt just rolled his eyes smiling as he stood, grabbing Blaine's hand. "I'm ready to get out of here."
Blaine giggled. "Let’s go."
Later that night, Blaine was lying in bed, watching a movie on his laptop when his phone lit up.
“It was Kurt. "Hey baby. What's up?"
"Ohmygod, Blaine..There'ssomethinginmyroomIsweartogod..."
Blaine held back a laugh. "Kurt, you're just creeped out from the movie."
"No, Blaine!" Kurt whined. "There was something standing at the edge of my bed and it was gone when I looked away but I'mfreakingout!" He said in a whisper.
"Kurt, baby, you're fine. I promise."
The other end was quiet for a moment. "Did you hear that?..."
"Oh my God. Do you want me to come over?"
"No...I just...I'm freaking out, just...tell me something to distract me from the demon in my room.."
Blaine couldn't stop the giggle that escaped his lips. "Think about our romantic night last night."
"It's not funny!" Kurt whined, "But that was nice..."
Blaine stifled another laugh. "It was."
"I can hear you trying not to laugh.." Kurt pouted.
"I'm sorry," Blaine said seriously. "There really isn't anything there."
"Blaaaaiinnee.." Kurt whined.
"Yes baby?"
"I'm really scared..."
"Are you sure you don't want me to come over?" Blaine asked.
"Okay, yes, please come over, please, please.." Kurt said quickly.
Blaine turned his movie off. "I'll be there soon."
"Okay.." Kurt said in a small voice, curling up in a ball under the blankets.
Blaine grabbed his keys and headed to Kurt's house, singing to him as he drove.
When Blaine told Kurt he was there, Kurt told him where the spare key was and Blaine let himself in.
He quietly walked up to Kurt's room and crawled into bed with him. "Hey baby."
Kurt clung to Blaine before he even made it all the way into the bed.
Blaine kissed Kurt's forehead. "It's gonna be okay."
"Thank you for coming...I just...I don't really do scary movies.." Kurt whispered.
"I know, baby. I'm here for you." Blaine said, cuddling closer.
Kurt nuzzled under Blaine's jaw. He felt so safe when Blaine was with him. He knew he was being irrational, but that movie really got to him.
Blaine rubbed small circles on Kurt's back, trying to sooth him.
Kurt kissed Blaine's neck softly. "I love you baby.."
"I love you too," Blaine smiled.
Kurt flinched as he heard a small noise, cuddling closer to Blaine.
"Babe, that was the heater kicking on."
Kurt nodded. He needed a distraction, having Blaine here helped, but he was still paranoid.
Blaine lifted Kurt's chin, leaning in to kiss his fianc� softly.
Kurt gave a small sigh of relief. He swore Blaine could read his mind sometimes.
Blaine brought his hands down Kurt's back and to his hips as they kissed deeper.
Kurt let out a small noise, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.
Blaine smiled to himself, tightening his grip on Kurt.
"Baby.." Kurt breathed out, rolling his body.
"Yes?" Blaine asked innocently.
"Fuck me.."
Blaine rolled on top of Kurt, his lips moving to Kurt's neck.
Kurt gasped softly, letting his head fall back. "Blaine.."
Blaine sucked at Kurt's pulse point. "You're so hot baby."
"I love you baby.." Kurt moaned, digging his blunt nails into Blaine's back.
Blaine moaned. "I love you too."
Kurt rolled his hips up against Blaine, biting his lip.
Blaine kissed down Kurt's beautiful chest, paying special attention to each of his nipples.
Kurt whimpered and gasped, tangling his hands in the sheets as Blaine flicked his tongue over the sensitive nubs.
Blaine nipped his way down to Kurt's hips, kissing them softly.
Kurt gasped, "Oh my fucking god baby..." Kurt moaned. These past two days had been amazing. They hadn't had sex that often because Blaine had been so caught up with his school work. Kurt was so happy Blaine was back to his old self.
Blaine looked up at Kurt from under his lashes as he pulled Kurt's sweat pants down just a little as he continued kissing down Kurt's body.
Kurt rolled his hips up lightly, looking down at Blaine.
Blaine lifted Kurt's hips a little more, pulling his pants off and throwing them to the side.
Kurt ran his hands down his torso moaning softly.
God! Kurt looked so sexy like this. Blaine kissed down to the base of Kurt's cock, smiling up at his fianc�.
Kurt moaned as he looked down at Blaine. "Fuck, you're so hot Blaine..."
Blaine teasingly licked the slit. "So are you, baby," he said before sucking the head into his mouth.
Kurt whimpered, his head falling back. "Blaine..."
Blaine moaned as he took Kurt deeper.
Kurt couldn't help as his hips jumped up. "Oh god...Oh fuck.."
Blaine bobbed his head faster, sucking harder.
"Blaine...I-Ah! I need you to fuck me... Please.."
Blaine pulled off with a pop. "Where's the lube?"
"In my drawer.."
Blaine undressed and reached for the lube, slowly slicking himself up.
Kurt looked up at Blaine, giving him those innocent eyes.
"Fuck...how do you do that?" Blaine breathed out.
Kurt smiled. "About a year of practice.."
Blaine giggled. "You're so fucking sexy..." he said hotly as he positioned himself over Kurt.
Kurt gasped as Blaine lifted Kurt's legs, placing them on his shoulders. He'd never taken Blaine like this before. "God...Fuck me baby.." Kurt breathed out.
Blaine ran his hands down to Kurt's thighs as he slowly pressed in.
Kurt arched his back, whimpering lightly as Blaine stretched him.
Blaine pressed all the way in. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah.." Kurt gasped, laying there for a moment. "You can go..."
Blaine kissed Kurt's inner thigh before slowly moving his hips.
Kurt moaned. God, he felt so full. "Blaine!"
"Shh...your family doesn't know I'm here..." Blaine said softly.
"I know…I'm sorry...Just…Oh my god..." Kurt panted.
Blaine thrust faster. "Fuck baby...you're so tight!"
Kurt moaned loudly, unable to hold back as Blaine hit his prostate each and every time. "Oh fuck!"
Blaine slammed into Kurt, earning moan after moan.
"Blaine! Oh god!" Kurt practically screamed, pulling at his hair.
"Blaine! I-I'm gonna cum!" Kurt gasped, his back arching.
"Fuck! Me too, Kurt...just hold on...a little longer..." Blaine breathed out.
Kurt nodded quickly, tossing his head back continuing to moan loudly. This was the most intense pleasure he'd ever felt. "Fuck...Blaine.."
Blaine's breathing sped up as Kurt's muscles clenched down around him. "I can't hold on...fuck!"
Suddenly the door bust open and Kurt's eyes flew to the sudden light. "Dad!" He gasped.
Blaine froze for a second before quickly pulling out and covering them.
"Get dressed... I want both of you downstairs...Now.." Burt said, slamming the door. Kurt buried his face in his hands."Ohmygod.."
Blaine stared at Kurt with wide eyes. "I...I...I'm scared..."
"I'm so sorry...This is all my fault.."
"I started it..." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt looked up. "It was both of us.."
"Let's just get this over with..." Blaine said. They got dressed and walked downstairs, liking down as they sat across from Burt.
Burt looked at the two who kept their eyes glued to the floor.
"How long has this been going on?"
"Kurt was scared...we saw a scary movie...it just happened..." Blaine tried to explain.
"No, I mean how long have you been sneaking over here in the middle of the night? Is it often?" Burt asked sternly, but calmly.
Blaine shook his head. "A couple times. Not often. Not lately..."
Burt stayed silent, nodding lightly and looking over at Kurt who still kept his gaze on his feet.
"I'm sorry.." Blaine whispered.
Kurt looked up at his father. "Dad, you know we have sex.." Kurt tried to reason.
"Doesn't mean I need to hear my son screaming," Burt said, cringing a little.
Kurt flushed a brilliant shade of red, looking back down.
"And I don't appreciate the sneaking around either. I had rules for this house and they were not followed." Burt said.
Blaine's heart raced. "I'm so sorry Mr. Hummel. It won’t happen again..."
"You're right. I'm sorry Blaine, but you can't stay the night here anymore." Burt said simply. "Dad!" Kurt said in protest.
Blaine swallowed loudly, trying to hold back his tears. "I...I understand."
"Dad!" Kurt said again. "Why?!"
"He broke the rules." Burt said in a final tone.
"I'm the one that asked him to come over, he didn't do anything!"
"Kurt! He can't stay anymore. You both know the rules."
Kurt crossed his arms looking away with angry tears in his eyes.
"Can I at least say bye to Kurt alone real quick?" Blaine asked, on the verge of tears.
Burt nodded. Standing and walking out of the room.
Blaine turned to Kurt as the tears rolled down his face. "I'm so sorry. We shouldn't have seen the movie...I'm so sorry baby..."
"Blaine, no. We didn't know all of this would happen.." Kurt said quietly, bringing his hands up to wipe Blaine's tears.
"How are we going to see each other?" Blaine asked, looking down.
"He didn't say I couldn't come stay with you.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine nodded. "True. I just don't want to go back to how things were...how I was..."
"What do you mean?" Kurt asked, cupping Blaine's cheek.
"Studying nonstop and not having time for anyone else. I want to spend time with you..."
"It won't be like that baby.." Kurt soothed.
"It's just so easy for me to lose myself when I stress. And now I can't come here...I just...I don't know...."
"I'm so sorry Blaine..."
"It isn't your fault," Blaine said through the tears.
Kurt pulled Blaine into his arms, kissing his forehead softly.
"I love you so much..."
"I love you too Blaine..." Kurt says quietly.
"I don't wanna go..."
"I don't want you to either.."
"I'm so sorry..."
"Don't be, love.."
"I have to go...."
"I love you.." Kurt said softly, kissing Blaine.
"I love you too baby. I'll be at Britt’s." Blaine said. "See you tomorrow?"
"Yeah.." Kurt said. "I hope I'm not grounded.."
"Good luck. I hope you can talk your way out of this one."
"I will.." Kurt sighed. "We just both need to give each other time to cool off.."
Blaine nodded. "True."
Kurt kissed Blaine again. "I love you.."
"I love you too baby."
"Drive carefully..."
"I will. I’ll see you in the morning baby."
Kurt nodded, watching as Blaine left. He sat back on the couch, sighing deeply.
Burt came back into the room. "Look kid. I'm sorry. But you didn't listen."
Kurt didn't say anything, keeping his eyes glued to the armrest.
Burt sighed. He hated seeing Kurt like this. "I'm sorry."
"Why?" Kurt asked, still not looking at his father. "You didn't do anything wrong...You're just being the responsible parent..." He said softly.
Burt sat next to his son. "I hate seeing you this way..."
"I'm fine.." Kurt sighed.
"No you're not. Now, I'm not going to ground you. I know this will get to you enough." Burt said softly. "Why didn't you just ask if he could come over? We always say yes..."
"Because it's midnight.." Kurt said, finally looking up at Burt.
"You couldn't wait until tomorrow to see him?"
"We went and saw a scary movie...And...you know how I am with scary movies...I freaked myself out and called him.." Kurt said quietly.
Burt nodded. "Look, give it some time. I just don't want you two to think you can do whatever you want."
Kurt nodded before looking up at Burt again. "So you and mom didn't do whatever you wanted when you were our age?" He smirked.
Burt chuckled. "How do you think you got here?"
"Dad!" Kurt scolded.
Burt giggled. "Good night son."
Kurt rolled his eyes before pulling his dad into a hug. "Night dad.."
"I love you, Kurt."
"I love you too....I'm sorry for all of this.."
"I know," Burt said softly.
Kurt nodded, releasing Burt and standing. "Night dad."
"Goodnight son."
Kurt walked up the stairs and lied in his disheveled bed. He pulled out his phone and text Blaine. "Call me when you get to Brittany's."
Blaine smiled at the text. Britt already knew he was on his way. He texted her to let her know he was outside before calling Kurt.
"Hey baby.." Kurt smiled.
"Hey beautiful. How did it go when I left?" Blaine asked.
"Good...He said I'm not grounded and I apologized, but the punishment still stands.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine sighed. "Maybe if we stick to these rules he'll let me back over."
"Maybe.." Kurt sighed happily.
"So let’s just be good for now and see what happens."
"Yeah..But baby.." Kurt sighed.
"Yeah?" Blaine asked.
"What we got to do was...Amazing.." Kurt breathed out.
"You've never been that vocal...that was so hot..."
"That felt so amazing...I couldn't help it.." Kurt said softly.
"Next time we'll be able to finish. I love that position.." Blaine admitted.
"Now I know why you love it so much.." Kurt breathed out.
Blaine smiled. "It feels pretty great."
Blaine heard Kurt let out a small whine. "Fuck.. Blaine I need you.."
"Trust me, I know. I was so close! I need to finish..."
"I want to hear you baby..." Kurt panted.
"Kurt...Fuck...I'm outside Brittany house..." Blaine pouted, wishing he was somewhere more private.
Kurt whimpered. "I'm sorry..I'm just so fucking hard...Baby.."
Blaine's breathing sped up. "No...I want to...I'm just outside..."
"I know...I'm sorry.." Kurt breathed out.
Blaine saw Britt open the door. "Just...hold on..."
"Hey! I really have to pee. Can I use your bathroom?" Blaine asked Britt.
"Yeah, go ahead." Britt giggled, opening Blaine's car door.
Blaine ran upstairs and into the bathroom. "Hey...I'm back..."
"Good...Are you alone?.." Kurt asked, his voice deep with lust.
"Yes...talk to me baby..." Blaine breathed out, pulling out his hardening cock.
"I need you so bad Blaine...I've been fingering myself...God.."
Blaine sucked in a deep breath. "You're so fucking sexy..."
"Oh god....Blaine...Fuck..." Kurt breathed out, pushing his fingers deeper inside of himself.
Blaine slowly stroked himself. "Fuck I wish I could watch you..."
"Me too baby...But i really wish this was your ah...your cock instead..." Kurt whispered.
"I know baby...just imagine me..." Blaine panted, adding more pressure.
"Ohh...Baby...You feel so good...Fuck me.." Kurt whimpered quietly, speeding up his movements
Blaine pumped himself faster. "Baby.. oh God..."
"Fuck Blaine…I need to feel you...pounding into me...Making me your slut..." Kurt whined.
"Shit....Kurt...I'm gonna cum..."
Kurt wrapped a hand around his own leaking cock as he fingered himself. "Me too baby...Call me your slut...please.."
"You're my little fucking slut..." Blaine panted, on the verge. "You love taking my cock like the whore you are, don't you?"
"Oh god..Fuck yes Blaine..Give me your cock hard baby, cum all over me Blaine..Fuck!" Kurt panted inching closer.
Blaine gasped loudly as he spilt his seed. "God damn baby..."
Kurt followed, panting has heavily as he came, his hips rolling as he rode out his orgasm.
Blaine breathed heavily as he listened to his fianc�.
"I Love you.." Kurt whispered.
"I love you too baby."
Kurt lie there for a moment, catching his breath before grabbing a rag from his nightstand and cleaning himself up.
Blaine cleaned himself up before going to Britt’s room. "You're so hot, Kurt."
"I just really needed that.." Kurt giggled breathily.
Blaine chuckled, "Me too, baby."
Britt was on her bed, smiling at Blaine. "Is that my dolphin? Tell him I said hey!!"
Kurt heard Brittany and chuckled. "Tell her I said Hello.." he smiled.
Blaine told Britt, who was laying on her bed. "Blaiinneerrrsss come to bed. I need time with my best friend."
"Alright.." Blaine chuckled, sitting on the mattress. "Good night Kurt..I love you..." Blaine said softly into the phone.
"Good night love. I love you too." Kurt said sweetly. "Just make sure she knows you're mine and this dolphin bites!" He giggled.
Blaine laughed lightly. "I'll always be yours and only yours.." he said lovingly.
"I know," Kurt chuckled. "But she is your hag."
"And I love her, but I'm in love with you, so you have nothing to worry about...That and I'm pretty positive I'm gay.." Blaine smiled.
"Pretty positive, huh?" Kurt laughed. "I'll make sure to change that next time."
"Can't wait..." Blaine said in a slightly deeper voice.
"Fuck...I love that voice..."
"I know baby.." Blaine smiled devilishly.
"Blaiinnneeee..." Kurt whined. "You're gonna make me hard again..."
"I'm sorry baby.." Blaine chuckled.
"It’s okay. Good night love."
Blaine smiled. "Night babe.."
Blaine hung up the phone and cuddled close to Britt. "Thanks for letting me come over so late."
"You know you can always come over...What happened anyways?" Britt asked.
"Umm...we got caught having sex after I snuck over..." Blaine admitted.
Brittany’s hand flew over her mouth. "By who?"
"His dad..." Blaine said, shaking his head.
"Oh my god...Did he shoot you?" Brittany asked, eyes wide.
Blaine giggled. "Thankfully no. But I'm not allowed to stay the night anymore."
Brittany frowned. "That sucks.."
"I know," Blaine sighed.
"Well, I know Kurt's dad likes you..So, he can't keep it up that long."
"Hopefully. Kurt's good at getting his way too."
"I know." Brittany giggled.
"How are you and San?"
"We're kind of fighting.."
"I asked her if she wanted to tell her parents...about us...She kind of freaked out and left.." Brittany said quietly.
"I'm so sorry, Britt," Blaine said pulling Britt closer.
"I just thought after this long....I wasn't trying to force her into anything..." Brittany whispered.
"I know honey. Some people just take longer." Blaine tried to explain.
Brittany pulled herself closer to Blaine. "It's just hard..."
"I know. I'm sorry you have to go through it. You deserve to be out and proud."
"I am...It's just..Santana isn't.."
"I know sweety. I love you, Britt."
"I love you too Blaine.." She sniffed.
Blaine held her close. "It’s gonna be okay."
"What if she leaves me?" Brittany whispers.
"She won’t. Santana loves you." Blaine said softly.
"I know..I'm just scared..."
"I know. But she'll come around."
"Thank you Blaine..." Brittany said cuddling closer.
Blaine kissed her forehead. "I'm always here for you Britt."
"You are seriously the best friend I've ever had.." She said, looking up at him.
"Thanks Britt. You're amazing "
Brittany gave a small yawn, nuzzling into the pillow. "So are you.."
"Good night, Britt." Blaine said softly.