New To McKinley
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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New To McKinley: Chapter 9

E - Words: 2,335 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
1,028 0 1 0 0

Kurt goes into his closet and starts to pick out his clothes while Blaine showers.

Blaine finishes up in the shower before getting out and drying off. He wraps the towel back around his waist and walks back to Kurt's room. "Hey, I'm out..."

"Alright.." Kurt says smiling and setting his clothes on the bed before kissing Blaine on the cheek and going to the bathroom to shower.

Blaine goes back to the guest room and puts on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and an emerald green shirt that clung to his chest.

Kurt takes a shower and changes into a white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up, with a blue tie and grey vest. He slipped on his black skinny jeans and grey and white oxfords before skipping downstairs to see Finn with a giant bowl of fruit loops.
"And you wonder why we have no food.." Kurt sighed.

Blaine finished his hair. He only put a little gel in it today, just enough to keep his curls from frizzing. He walks down stairs and sees Kurt. "Oh wow...”

Kurt looks up at Blaine. "You look amazing..." Kurt said softly.

Blaine blushed. "Thanks. You're so beautiful.."

"Thank you.." Kurt said smiling, a blush grazing his cheeks.

"What about me?" Finn asked laughing.

Blaine giggles, walking up behind Kurt and wrapping his arms around him.

Kurt turns his head, giving Blaine a small kiss.

"Where are you two going?" Finn asked, taking a bite of his cereal.

"I'm taking Kurt to see a movie," Blaine says smiling.

"You should go see the Harry Potter movie, it’s the last one, I went with Puck and Sam, and Sam was like bawling at the end dude." Finn said laughing.

"Is that what you want to see?" Blaine asks Kurt. "We can see whatever you like."

"Sure.." Kurt says smiling.

"Did you want to do anything before we go?"

"Not really.." Kurt says softly.

"You guys are so sweet I can feel myself getting a cavity.." Finn chimed in.

Blaine giggled, kissing Kurt's cheek. "You ready then?"

"Yeah...We'll see you later Finn.." Kurt said, walking to the door.

Blaine says bye as well and they walk out to Blaine's car. Blaine opens the door for Kurt before sliding into the driver's seat.

"Okay...I'm going to tell you now…I have a secret.." Kurt said, looking over at Blaine.

"Umm..Okay?" Blaine says, looking at Kurt.

"I'm a closet Harry Potter nerd.." Kurt admitted, looking at his boyfriend. "I have never told anyone, but I have a deep secret love for Harry Potter."

"Really? You kind of scared me when you said you had a secret," Blaine said laughing.

"I didn't mean to scare you.." Kurt giggles, "But it's a bit of a guilty pleasure.."

"It's not like it's a bad thing or anything," Blaine says, smiling as he takes Kurt's hand.

I'm just letting you know, I am going to cry.." Kurt giggles.

"Well, I'll be there to hold onto you, if that helps.." Blaine says, looking over at Kurt.

Kurt smiles and leans over to kiss Blaine's cheek "It will.."

"So...Does this mean you're going to take me to see Breaking Dawn?" Blaine asks, a shy smile on his face.

"Oh lord..yes.." Kurt says smiling.

Blaine giggles. "I have a thing for vampires..."

"Really?" Kurt asks, smiling and raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah.." Blaine said quietly. "But like you, no one else knows..."

Kurt smiles. "Your secret's safe with me.."

"Thanks," Blaine giggles as they pull into the parking lot.

Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand as they walked into the theatre after buying the tickets. "I'm going to hyperventilate.." Kurt days as they sit down.

Blaine lifts the arm rest between them and puts an arm around Kurt. "Just breathe," he says, giggling.

Kurt giggles, cuddling up to Blaine. "Thank you for this by the way.." Kurt says smiling.

"Any time, Kurt. I like going out with you," Blaine says, kissing Kurt's cheek.

"Next time, I'm taking you out on a date.." Kurt says, looking over at Blaine.

Blaine's heart flutters. "I'd love that."

Kurt leans over to give him a chaste kiss before the lights in the theatre dim and Kurt gives an exited little gasp and cuddles closer to Blaine.

Blaine holds Kurt close throughout the movie. Kurt looked so adorable with all of his reactions.

By the end of the movie, tears roll down his cheeks as he clings to Blaine. The lights come back on and he quickly wipes his tears, sniffing.

Blaine kisses Kurt's tears. "You okay, babe?"

"Yeah.." He says, giving a weak smile. "It’s just that was the last movie...ever...And it was so perfect, and amazing, and." He broke off, tearing up again.

Wow. He really did love this movie. "But once it's out, you can watch them all whenever you want," Blaine says, smiling.

"Yeah.." Kurt says, giving a little laugh, wiping his eyes again. "Ugh, I feel so stupid..."

Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt as they walked out. "Don't feel stupid. It's something you really love. Just about everyone in that theater cried."

Kurt hugged Blaine tightly. "You are so amazing.." He said softly.

“I try," Blaine giggles.

Kurt smiles and grabs Blaine's hand as they walk back to the car.

"Did you want to go back to your house?" Blaine asks.

"I don't know...I love it just being me and you.." Kurt said smiling.

Blaine smiled widely. "Me too. It feels really good."

"It does.." Kurt says smiling as they get in the car.

Blaine leans over and kisses Kurt softly. "So where do you want to go?"

"Let's go to a drive in...I'll buy you lunch.." Kurt says smiling.

“You sure? You don't have to," Blaine says, pulling out of the theater.

"I want to..We can share a milkshake.." Kurt giggles.

"Sounds good," Blaine grins. "Which is your favorite?"

"I like all of them actually..I'm really picky about everything, except my milkshakes." Kurt explains. "What about you?"

"Vanilla. But I mean which place," Blaine giggles.

"Oh!" Kurt laughs. "There's this little place right off the highway called Roxanne's...Amazing." Kurt says smiling.

"Okay," Blaine smiles. He couldn't be any happier.

They hold hands on the way there and once they pull in, they order a couple of burgers, fries, and a vanilla milkshake. Kurt pays and turns in his seat to lean against the window, eating his burger.
"Well?" He says, after Blaine bites into his burger.

"Definitely the best burger I've had when eating out!"

Kurt smiles taking a bite of his own burger. "Thank you for today.." Kurt says, after he swallows.

"You're welcome. I had a great time!" Blaine says smiling.

Kurt holds out a fry to Blaine's mouth. "Here.." He says giggling.

Blaine smiles as he takes the fry from Kurt.

"You're so cute.." Kurt says smiling.

"Thank you," Blaine blushed.

"C'mere you have ketchup on your cheek.." Kurt giggles.

Blaine leans over, keeping his eyes on the road.

Kurt licks Blaine's cheek, getting the ketchup off and giggling happily.

Blaine gasps, trying to concentrate on driving.

"Got it.." Kurt says smiling.

Blaine blushes deeply. "Do you want to go to a park?"

"Sure!" Kurt says smiling and talking a sip of the milkshake.

Blaine pulls into the nearest park and leads them to the swings.

They sit on the swings holding hands between them as they slowly sway.

"Today has been truly amazing," Blaine sighs.

"It has.." Kurt says smiling. "I love spending time with you.."

"Me too," Blaine grins. "Umm...Britt said something about you knowing French. Do you really?"

"Oui.." Kurt said smiling.

Blaine's heart flutters. "I don't know any French. But it is my favorite language to listen to."

"Il est tr�s beau, comme vous.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine shyly.

Blaine shivers. "What does that mean?"

"I said, it's very beautiful…like you.." Kurt explained, squeezing his hand.

Blaine blushed deeply. "You're so sweet!"

Kurt giggled, swinging their hands. "Just honest mon cher.." Kurt says smiling.

"My love, right"? Blaine asked, his heart racing.

Kurt smiled, "Close.. My dear…My love is mon amour....Mon amour.." Kurt said, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

"Your voice is so beautiful," Blaine sighs happily.

"Thank you.." Kurt says blushing.

"You're welcome. It's really soothing to me," Blaine adds.

Kurt smiles at Blaine and begins to sing softly in French, squeezing his hand gently.

Blaine leans his head against the links of the swing and closes his eyes, listening to his boyfriend sing.

Kurt sings for a little while longer before ending the song and sighing happily.

"I think you just found an easy way to my heart," Blaine admitted, smiling shyly.

Kurt's heart started beating quickly as he looked over at him. "I'm glad you liked it.." He says smiling.

"I love it," Blaine said softly. "And the fact that it's you just makes it feel even better...more...special."

Kurt blushes softly. "Thank you.." he whispered.

Blaine smiles. "It's true."

Kurt smiles standing and grabbing Blaine's hands. "Dance with me.."

Blaine giggled. "There's no music.."

"We'll make music.." He says, pulling Blaine up and pulling him close.

Blaine smiles as Kurt swings him around before pulling him close.

He wraps his arms around his waist and smiles before dancing and starting to sing.

"Des yeux qui font baisser les miens, (Eyes that lower mine)
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche (A laugh that is lost on her mouth)
Voil� le portrait sans retouche (This is the unretouched portrait)
De l’homme auquel j’appartiens." (The man to whom I belong.)

Kurt sings, swaying with Blaine.

Blaine holds on to Kurt as they dance around the park. He was sure he had the most amazing boyfriend ever.

Kurt continues singing softly into Blaine's ear, kissing it softly every once in a while.

"Des nuits d’amour � plus finir, (Nights of love-ending)
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place, (Great happiness takes its place)
Les ennuis, les chagrins s’effacent, (Trouble, sorrow fade)
Heureux, heureux � en mourir." (Happy, happy to die)

Blaine gets chills down his spine as he listens to Kurt. Hearing Kurt's voice completely relaxed him. He was so glad he had met him.

Kurt pulled Blaine closer as he sang. When he finished the song he kissed Blaine softly.

Blaine happily sighed into the kiss. Blaine has tears in his eyes after the kiss. He rests his head on Kurt's shoulder. "You are so amazing, Kurt." he whispers.

Kurt holds Blaine. "So are you.." He says, kissing his head.

Blaine nuzzles between Kurt's shoulder and neck. It was starting to get dark. "We should probably go soon..." he whispered.

"Yeah.." Kurt sighed, turning his head to kiss Blaine's temple. "But I don't want to let you go.."

Blaine smiles at Kurt's words. "Me neither. I just want to hold you until we fall sleep again.."

Kurt smiled, he loved holding Blaine. "You make me so happy.."

Blaine kissed Kurt's neck. "I've never been happier than I am right now."

Kurt sighed happily. "We should probably go.." Kurt says. "Before my dad gets home.."

Blaine takes Kurt's hand as they walk back to the car.

They arrive back at the house as Carole's in the kitchen cooking dinner.

Blaine walks in happily, holding Kurt's hand. "That smells delicious!" He says to Carole.

"Thank you sweet heart!" She said smiling. "Where were you two?"

"We went to the movies," Blaine said smiling.

"Did Kurt cry?" Finn called from the living room.

"Just about everyone did," Blaine giggled.

Kurt smiled squeezing Blaine's hand.
"I'm going to kill your son.." Kurt said simply to Carole.

Carole giggled. "You better watch out, Finn."

"Oh I'm so scared.." Finn said.

"You should be.." Kurt said, looking over at his step-brother.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. "It's alright, Kurt," he whispered.

Kurt melted into Blaine's arms. "Okay.." he giggled.

Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's forehead. "You're cute when you're mad."

Kurt blushed, "Well you should see how me and Finn get when we fight over the TV..I must be adorable…" He laughed.

"I can't wait," Blaine smiled.

Kurt smiled again blushing before Finn walked into the kitchen. "Blaine, you've got him whipped.." Finn said laughing.
Kurt glared at him.

Blaine smiled. "You could say the same about me."

Kurt's glare at Finn faded into a smile at Blaine. "You're so amazing.."

Blaine hugged Kurt, pulling him close. "You did this to me," he said smiling.

"It's too much!" Finn said walking out and throwing his arms up.

"Oh hush, Finn!" Carole scolds. "I think you two are adorable.." She smiled.

"Thanks Carole," Blaine giggles.

Kurt smiles, grabbing Blaine's hand, "We'll be upstairs, call us when dinner's ready." He said as they headed towards the stairs.

"Are you and Finn always like this?" Blaine giggles as they reach the top of the stairs.

"Most of the time," Kurt laughs as they walk into Kurt's room.

"I think I'm going to wind up getting on his nerves." Blaine says.

"No, he likes you...he just likes trying to piss me off." Kurt giggles.

"Makes sense," Blaine laughs.

Kurt lies down on the bed and pulls Blaine down next to him, laughing before pulling him close.

Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt. "God, I love this."

"Me too.." Kurt says smiling, resting his forehead against Blaine's.

Blaine leans in to kiss Kurt softly. "Thanks for today."

“You're welcome Blaine...thank you for inviting me.." Kurt says softly.

"You're welcome, Kurt," Blaine whispered.

They laid there for a bit, just looking into each other's eyes.

Blaine smiled. "You have the most beautiful eyes..."

"So do you.." Kurt whispered.

"Mine are just brown," Blaine says. "Yours are this gorgeous blue."

"No, yours are this gorgeous hazel...they change from brown to green to this amazing, honey color...they're gorgeous.."

Blaine shivered. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" Kurt asked.

"Make me feel this way," Blaine smiled.

"You do the same thing to me.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine smiled, nuzzling against Kurt's chest.

They lie like that for a while before there's a knock on the door. "Dude, your dad's here" Finn said through the door.

Blaine sat up. "Thanks, Finn..."

"No problem.." he said before walking off. Kurt stood sighing before bending over to give Blaine a soft kiss.

Blaine sighs into the kiss. "You want to go ahead and go downstairs?"

"Yeah.." He said softly before opening the door.

They reach the living room. "Hey Mr. Hummel! How was work?" Blaine asks.

"Good...What did you guys do today?" He asked, taking off his hat.

"We went to the movies," Blaine says, sitting on the couch.

"Sounds like fun." Burt said as Kurt sat next to Blaine on the couch.

Blaine nods his head, smiling at Kurt.

Later that night Kurt snuck over into Blaine's room again after everyone was asleep, holding Blaine close.

Blaine smiled against Kurt's chest, closing his eyes and falling asleep in Kurt's arms.

Kurt heard Blaine's breathing even out before kissing his forehead and slipping out of bed. He slowly walked back to his room. He was so happy with Blaine, he hoped they would be like this for a long, long time.


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Happy Harry Potter Kurt:-) I love when Finn and Kurt do that.adorable