New To McKinley
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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New To McKinley: Chapter 6

E - Words: 1,718 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
1,147 0 1 0 0

The next morning Kurt wakes up to Brittany sitting cross legged at the foot of the bed facing them. He almost jumps, but then he remembers Blaine was still asleep on his chest. He looked down at him and oh dear god did he look gorgeous. Slight stubble graced his chin with a few stray curls hanging over his closed, long lashed eyes.

"Hey Kurt!" Brittany whispered.

Kurt gave her a little wave, not wanting to wake Blaine.

"I want to make waffles and jelly! Blaine will understand," She says smiling happily.

Kurt rolled his eyes, smiling a little and looking up at the blonde girl. "When do your parents get home?" He whispered.

"A couple of days. I'm really glad the two of you are here. It's been lonely being here alone..." Brittany sighs. "Lord Tubbington's been mad at me lately..."

"Why is that?" Kurt asked, eyebrows kneaded together.

"I've been spending more time with Blaine. I think Lord Tubbington is jealous..."

"Is he still smoking?"

Brittany sighs. "He refuses to stop."

Kurt tries not to giggle, "I'm terribly sorry.."

"I caught him reading my diary again..." Brittany says, turning to look at her cat angrily.

Lord Tubbington stares at Brittany blankly.

Blaine takes a deep breath, slowly opening his eyes.

Kurt looks down at Blaine smiling. "Good morning.."

"Morning," Blaine mumbles, burying his face in Kurt's chest.

Kurt smiles, rubbing up and down Blaine's back.

Blaine looks back up. "Hey Britt!"

"Jelly and waffles?" Brittany asks smiling.

Blaine giggles. "Jelly and waffles!"

Kurt looks at both of them. "I'm so confused.."

Blaine laughs. "I was nervous yesterday when we were coming to get you. Brittany said that I shouldn't be scared because you and I go together like jelly and waffles," Blaine explains.

Kurt giggled. "Oh.." He says, reaching up to pet Blaine's hair. He loved the way Blaine's eyes would drift closed as he let out a little happy sigh.

Blaine's eyes shot open as he jumped up. "Brittany! I forgot! How did it go with Santana yesterday?!"

Kurt looked at Blaine as he jumped up.

Brittany smiled. "It went great actually.."

"What happened?" He asked excitedly.

"Well we watched some movies and after, she told me what the song was about...Then she wanted to tell me she still wasn't ready...but she told me she loved me.."

Blaine smiled. "How do you feel?"

"Like I can wait a little longer.." She said smiling.

Blaine got up to hug her. "I'm so happy for you, Britt!"

"Thank you.." She said hugging him back.

Blaine kisses her cheek and lies back down next to Kurt.

"I'm happy for you Britt.." Kurt says smiling.

"Thanks, Kurt!" She says happily. Brittany grabs both of their hands and pulls them out of bed. "Now let's go make some waffles!"

Kurt and Blaine walk into the kitchen and Brittany gets out the things to make waffles.

Blaine grabs a big bowl and mixes the flour, baking powder, and salt.

Brittany shushes Kurt and sneaks up behind Blaine with a handful of flour.
"Blaine?" She says. As soon as he turns around, she throws the flour in his face. Kurt's hand flies over his mouth to contain his laugher.

Blaine's mouth drops. He giggles and grabs a handful from the bowl, throwing it at Kurt.

Kurt's mouth drops as well. "I didn't do it!" He laughs. Before grabbing the bag of flower and tossing some at Brittany. "She did!"

"But you laughed!" Blaine said, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Oh don't try to act all sweet now.." Kurt says laughing and wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.

"I am very sweet and you know it!" Blaine giggles.

Kurt smiles, pressing a small kiss to Blaine's flour covered lips.

Blaine grins up at his boyfriend. He looked so cute covered in flour.

"Ugh, this is gonna suck to get out of my hair.." Kurt said, shaking his head and sending flour everywhere.

Blaine smiles widely. "Wanna get Britt?"

Kurt looks at Britt and raises an eyebrow before grabbing a handful of flour..

Blaine does the same as they sneak up on either side of her, throwing it at the same time.

"Ohmygod!" She squeals.

Blaine laughs and hurries to the other side of the kitchen as she reaches for the bowl.

They continue throwing flower and eggs all over the kitchen, trying to hit eachother until they are all completely covered, laughing and lying together on the kitchen floor.

Blaine giggles, looking around the room. "This is going to take all day to clean..."

"But it was fun!" Brittany laughs.

"Yes!" Blaine agrees. He runs his fingers through his hair. "Ugh, I need a shower after this.."

The other two agreed.
"How are we going to clean all of this up?" Kurt asks, wiping some egg off of his forehead.

Blaine looks at Britt. "What kind of cleaning stuff do you have?"

"I don't know, I never had to clean.." she said looking at the ceiling.

Blaine gets up and goes to look under the kitchen sink, pulling out some supplies.

Brittany runs to her room and turns up her music on the stereo, blasting it through the house. "This will make it more fun!" She said happily, as Kurt handed her a mop he found.

Blaine finds some cloths and starts to clean the counters and walls as he danced around the room.

Kurt helped Blaine with the walls and counters, having to stand on some to clean off what got on the ceiling, swaying his hips to the beat as Brittany swept and mopped the floor.

Blaine smiles as Kurt dances. He felt so lucky to be his boyfriend.

About an hour later they all stood back and admired their handiwork.
"Flour is really hard to clean up.." Kurt said, wiping his forehead.

"Very!" Blaine agreed. "And we still have to get it out of our hair..."

"True.." Kurt says."Icallfirstshower!" He yells laughing, as he started to run to the bathroom.

Blaine giggled and turned to Britt. "Want to watch a movie? I have a feeling he's going to be a while," he chuckled.

"Sure!" She says smiling and grabbing Blaine's hand.

Blaine cuddles up with Brittany on the couch as they watch Finding Nemo.

Kurt comes out about twenty minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Shower's open for whoever's next." He says. "And Blaine, do you have any like, sweats I can borrow?" He asks holding up his flour covered clothes.

Blaine's eyes grow wide as he sees Kurt. God, he was beautiful. "Huh...? Oh...Right...In my suitcase...Take whatever you need..."

"Alright, thanks." He says smiling and walking off to the room.

"I saw that.." Brittany said, smiling wide.

"What?" Blaine asks, turning red.

"You were totally checking him out.."

"Can you blame me?" Blaine laughs. "He's gorgeous!"

"I was too, it's okay.." She laughed.

Blaine chuckled. "Well, I'm going to take a shower real quick."

"Mmkay!" She said, turning back to the movie.

Blaine goes to get a towel before walking to Brittany's room to get some clothes.

He walks in just as Kurt was slipping on his boxer briefs, catching a glimpse of his ass. Kurt turns around and nearly jumps ten feet in the air. "Oh god!"

Blaine turns quickly. "I'm so sorry Kurt!" he says, walking out as fast as he could. He felt bad for walking in on Kurt. But he had to admit, the little glimpse that he got was amazing!

Kurt places a hand over his heart before he starts to laugh. "Blaine it's fine you just scared me.." he called, slipping a shirt on and opening the door again.

Blaine turns around, his face completely red. "I...I just needed to get some clothes.."

"You didn't...see anything did you?" Kurt asked, noticing Blaine's shade.

Blaine looked down. "A little..."

Kurt turns red for a moment before he starts to laugh."Oh god.." He giggles."I'm sorry, I've probably traumatized you.."

"Not even close..." Blaine admits, blushing a deeper red.

Kurt smiles, blushing more before walking into the room and grabbing some sweatpants and slipping them on.

Blaine sighs heavily. He grabs a pair of jeans, boxers and a shirt before heading to the bathroom.

Kurt goes to watch the movie with Brittany while Blaine took a shower.

Blaine uses Brittany's strawberry body wash after washing all of the flour from his hair. He gets out and puts on his clothes before walking back out to Brittany and Kurt.

Kurt looks up at Blaine, as he walks in. His hair was still damp and the way his shirt clung to the moist skin of his chest made Kurt shiver slightly.

Blaine sits next to Kurt, leaning against him as they watch the end of the movie.

Brittany gets up and goes to take her shower and Kurt smiles at Blaine. "You smell like strawberries.."

"I used Brittany's body wash. I like it!" Blaine says, smiling.

"Me too.." Kurt says, pulling Blaine close to him.

Blaine gets goose bumps on his arms as Kurt pulled him closer. He wrapped an arm around his boyfriend and sighed happily.

"Lay with me.." Kurt says smiling, pulling Blaine down with him as he lies down on the couch.

Blaine shivers and cuddles close to Kurt.

Kurt smiles at Blaine, and pulls him closer. "You do smell really good.." Kurt said softly, chuckling a bit.

"Thank you," Blaine giggles shyly.

Kurt nuzzles into Blaine's neck, sighing happily.

Blaine laughs louder. "That tickles!"

"I know.." Kurt said smiling and continuing to brush his nose against Blaine's neck.

"Kkkuuuurrrrttttt!" Blaine squeals, his body wiggling against Kurt's.

Kurt smiles, holding him down and continuing his work. He loved Blaine's laugh, it was so musical.

Blaine laughs loudly until he can barely breathe. His body writhes beside his boyfriend as Kurt continues tickling him.

Kurt finally has mercy on Blaine and stops tickling him, smiling widely as he watched Blaine's laughs die down.

Blaine pants next to Kurt. "You're so mean!" he says playfully.

"How am I mean?" Kurt asks, smiling.

"I don't know," Blaine laughs, resting his head against Kurt's chest.

"Exactly.." Kurt giggles.

"So...tell me something..." Blaine says.

"What would that be?" Kurt asks.

"How are you so adorable in sweatpants?"

Kurt laughed. "I suppose it's a talent that I refuse to put to use often."

"Well, just saying, you look amazing in anything!" Blaine says.

Kurt smiles down at his boyfriend. "You're so sweet.."

Blaine kisses Kurt's jawline. "Just telling the truth, babe."

Kurt gets chills at the touch and smiles.

Blaine sighs happily and snuggles close to Kurt.

"When do you want to go to my house?" Kurt asks.

"Umm, it doesn't matter. Do you need to go talk to him first...?"Blaine questions.

"Yeah..I'll call him now..he's probably at the shop.." He said, digging his phone out of his pocket.

" you want some privacy?" Blaine asks.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I'll be right back.." he said softly, climbing off of the couch and walking out on the front porch. He dialed his father's cell phone.


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Waffles and jelly, I like that. Kurts family is great