New To McKinley
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New To McKinley: Chapter 5

E - Words: 2,464 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
1,619 0 1 0 0

He walked down the street and called Britt.

"Hello?" Brittany said, painting her toe nails on the bed.

"Britt?" Blaine says, his voice cracking. "M-my dad...he kicked me out..."

She gasped and sat up straight, a hand flying over her mouth. "You can come stay with me." She said quickly.

Blaine started bawling. "Are-are you sure?"

"Of course.. I'm coming outside.." She said, placing the nail polish on the table and sprinting through the house and out the front door. She ran down the street and hung up when she spotted Blaine.

Blaine dropped his bag and fell into her arms, sobbing.

Brittany held him close. He did this for her before. She just wanted to help him, to make him feel better. She slowly ran a hand up and down his back as she held him.

Blaine clutches onto her as his sobs began to slow. "I...I have to call Kurt...I promised..."

“Let's get you inside first.." she said softly.

Blaine nodded and grabbed his bag.

Brittany grabbed his hand and they walked back to her house. Thank god her parents were out of town until next week. They had the house to themselves.

They walked to Brittany’s room. "Thanks again," Blaine whispered.

"Don't thank're my best friend.." She said softly before pulling him into her arms again.

Blaine hugged her tightly. "You mind if I call Kurt?"

"No, Go ahead, I'll go make us some hot chocolate.." she said softly, hugging him one more time before walking out of the room.

Blaine took a deep breath before finding Kurt's number.

Kurt answered his phone as soon as it started to ring.
"Blaine? Are you okay? Do you need me to come get you?" He said quickly.

"He kicked me out..."Blaine says quietly, trying to hold his tears back.

"Oh...oh God...Where are you? I-I can ask my dad if you can stay with us.."

"I'm at Britt's. She said I could stay the night since her parents aren’t home." Blaine sighs. "I don’t want you to feel like you have to take me in..."

"Blaine…I don't…I want you to come stay with me...If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked. I care about, so much…And I want you to be somewhere safe.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine's heart swelled. "What about your dad...?"

"I'll take care of it…Kurt said softly. I should be able to let you know tomorrow.." Kurt said.

"Thanks Kurt...this means a lot to me," Blaine says quietly.

"Do you still want me to come over?" Kurt asked. "I'll bring Rent.."

"I'd love that!" Blaine smiles. "Just let me check with Britt.”
Blaine goes to find Brittany and asks if Kurt could come over.

She happily says yes.

"She said yes," Blaine says smiling.

"Alright..I'll be over in about ten minutes. And he was true to his word, no less than ten minutes later Kurt showed up on Brittany's door step, copy of Rent in hand.

Blaine smiled weakly as he saw Kurt. "I'm sorry.."

Kurt looked at Blaine, kneading his eyebrows together. "Why?" He said, stepping inside and pulling him in for a hug.

"I asked you out then got kicked out of my house. I feel bad for putting you through this.." Blaine says, wrapping his arm around Kurt's neck.

"Blaine, don't apologize for that. None of this was your fault. Your father is just ignorant. You just didn't want to hide yourself anymore…don't apologize.." Kurt said pulling him closer.

Blaine sniffles. "Thank you," he whispered.

Kurt gives him a soft kiss on the forehead. "Come on...let's go watch this.." he said, smiling and grabbing Blaine's hands.

Blaine smiles. "How'd you know? Rent is my favorite musical!"

"It's my favorite to Wicked...I guess Idina Menzel just has a special place in my heart.." he giggled. They all sat on the couch together, cuddled under a big blanket. Brittany was confused half the time and Kurt would just laugh as he pet Blaine's now unruly curls.

Blaine closes his eyes as Kurt plays with his curls. That was one of the most relaxing feelings for him.

After the movie they all just sat on the couch, talking and playing as Blaine lied back in Kurt's arms against his chest.

Blaine sighed happily. Having Kurt's arms around him made him feel special.

"Kurt, you should stay the night tonight.." Brittany said, tossing a piece of popcorn at the taller boy.

Kurt batted it away before looking down at Blaine. "It is Friday...Would that be okay with you?"

Blaine smiled. "I would love that. Would your dad let you? Since I'm here?"

"He doesn't know. I just told him Brittany was. I didn't want to push my luck since I just told him we were dating."

"What did he say? About us?" Blaine asked.

"He said he was glad I found someone that I could be with that made me happy.." Kurt said smiling.

Blaine smiled and nodded his head. He couldn't get his father's voice out of his head.

Kurt pulled Blaine close and kissed the top of his head. "Do you want to talk about it?.." He asked softly. Brittany ran a hand up and down his arm supportively.
"We're here for you.." she says.

Blaine sighs deeply. "He called me a faggot..."

Kurt at Brittany gasped and Kurt tightened his hold on Blaine. "Blaine..I'm so sorry.." Kurt said softly.

"Wait...I don't understand…Brittany said." Brittany said.

"Britt, that's a really bad name for a gay person…" Kurt explained.

"No, I know what it means…I just don't understand why Blaine's dad would call him that..."Brittany said, tearing up.

Blaine looked up at her. "He thinks I chose to be gay...He doesn't approve of this lifestyle.."

She leaned over pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry.." she said softly.

"Thanks Britt," He says quietly.

She sat back, wiping her eyes.

"Blaine.." Kurt said softly. "You can stay with long as you need.. I'll explain everything to my dad…just...I'm so sorry." He said pulling him close.

Blaine cuddled up onto Kurt. "Thanks. And I'll find a job to help out and everything."

"You don't have to do that Blaine." Kurt said.

"I want to. I want to be able to do something in return," Blaine said softly.

Kurt rested his chin on Blaine's shoulder. "You are so amazing.."

Blaine kisses Kurt's cheek. "So are you," he said smiling.

That night Kurt and Blaine lied on Brittany's bed while she slept on the couch. They debated about if for a bit until she threw herself on the couch refusing to move.

Blaine tried to reason with her some more but it was useless. He and Kurt went to her room to lie down. "A-are you okay with this?" Blaine asks quietly.

"I am..are you?" He asked softly.

Blaine smiled. "Yes. I'm really glad you came over, Kurt.."

"Me too.." Kurt said smiling. "Blaine?...Is it okay…if...if I hold you?" Kurt asked carefully.

"Please," Blaine whispered.

Kurt pulled Blaine close to him on the bed, Blaine's back to his chest. God, he smelled so good. He was perfect and he was Kurt’s, he couldn't believe it..
"Thank you.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine shook his head. "No...Thank you. I really needed you tonight," Blaine says quietly.

Kurt smiled and nuzzles into the back of Blaine's neck. "I'm glad I could be here for you.."

Blaine giggled. "That tickles."

Kurt smiles, nuzzling into Blaine's neck more, earning more giggles from Blaine.

Blaine laughs grow louder. He turns around to face Kurt, putting a hand on the back of his neck. "Thanks for this," Blaine said, staring into Kurt's eyes.

"You're welcome.." Kurt says smiling lightly.

Blaine looks up at Kurt. This was his boyfriend. Someone that wanted to be with him. They had only been dating for a day but Blaine felt truly special, lying in Kurt's arms.

Kurt leaned forward, kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine sighed against Kurt's lips, kissing him deeper.

Kurt pulled away softly. "I'm sorry if I'm going too fast, I know we've only been dating a day and most people don't even kiss yet and if this is too fast for you I'm really sorry I just.. Ijustreallylikekissingyou.." he breathed out.

Blaine smiled. "I think if this was with someone else, it would be. But I don't know how to explain it. The way you make me feel. It feels right..."

Kurt gives a sigh of relief. "Good, it's just...I've never had a boyfriend before, so I'm not very good at this.." he giggled.

"Well you're doing great! I've never had one either. You're the first person that I've ever kissed..." Blaine admitted.

Kurt looked at Blaine. "Really? Well, you were my first kiss…that I count anyway.." Kurt says smiling.

Blaine giggled. "Was Brittany your first?"

"Yes.." Kurt sighed, laughing a bit.

"So were there any other females before me?" Blaine asks laughing.

"No..there wasn't." Kurt said smiling.

Blaine leaned in and softly kissed Kurt again.

Kurt smiled into the kiss, sighing softly as he pulled Blaine closer.

Blaine's hands slowly traveled down Kurt's back and innocently rested on his boyfriend's hips.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine’s neck. He felt his heart speeding up as he kissed him.

Blaine lightly traced Kurt's bottom lip, earning a gasp from him. Blaine quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry, Kurt...Are you okay? Was that too much?"

"I..I don't know.." he admitted, letting out a breathy laugh. "I mean I liked it, but, I don't want to mess anything up with you by moving too fast.."

"I...I'm sorry," Blaine says quietly, pulling away a little.

"'t be sorry." Kurt says, slightly pulling him back.

Blaine smiles. "I didn't even know what I was doing. It just...sort of...happened..."

"It's okay.." Kurt said smiling.

Blaine sighed and nuzzled against Kurt's chest.

"I'm glad...that...I'm your boyfriend Blaine.." Kurt said softly, reaching up to pet Blaine's curls.

"Me too, Kurt," Blaine smiles against his boyfriend's chest. "That feels really good.."

Kurt kissed the top of Blaine's head. "You have really cute curly hair.." Kurt giggles. "Why do you gel it down?'

Blaine shrugged. "Thanks. I don't know. Everything was so proper at Dalton. It's what I'm used to, I guess."

"I like it either way.." Kurt said smiling.

"I go through so much gel. It's ridiculous," Blaine laughs.

"I'm the same way with hairspray...I am the main reason for the hole in the ozone layer.." Kurt giggles.

Blaine laughs with Kurt. This was nice. "Hey, Kurt...Can I asked you something?" Blaine whispered.

"Yeah.." Kurt says softly.

"Brittany said the people at school weren't so nice to you...How did you deal with that?" Blaine asked quietly.

"Well 'not nice' is a bit of an understatement.." he said laughing a bit. "And there isn't much you can do but, just take it all in stride.."

Blaine sighs, resting his head back against Kurt’s chest.

"They won't mess with you as badly though.." Kurt said softly, continuing to stroke his hair.

"Why do you say that?" he asks.

"In case you haven't noticed...I'm a bit more...Effeminate. That doesn’t blow over well with most people."

"I love how you are," Blaine says sweetly, kissing Kurt's chest.

Kurt smiles, blushing a bit. "Thank you.." he said softly.

"You're welcome," Blaine says, cuddling closer. "Do they still do that?"

Kurt was silent for a moment. "Yeah..." He finally said.

"I'm sorry," Blaine says sadly. "At least we have each other now.."

"We do.." Kurt said pulling Blaine closer.

"Promise you won't keep it from me if someone's messing with you?" Blaine asks.

"I promise.." Kurt says softly.

"I just want you to know that you can always come to me...with anything..."

"There is this one...idiot...but...It's nothing new.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine looked up. "Who?"

"His name is...David Karofsky...he's this...Neanderthal jock...It's really not important, just forget I said anything." Kurt said softly.

"What does he say?" Blaine asks.

"Just...he doesn't really say anything...he mostly just...slams me into the lockers and...there was this one time…I confronted him about it...and...I-I'm sorry.." Kurt broke off, trying to hold back the tears.

Blaine sits up, taking Kurt into his arms. "You don't have to try not to cry in front of me. It's okay, Kurt." Blaine says, rubbing small circles on Kurt's back.

"I's just...I never told anyone..." he said softly.

"What happened? When you confronted him? If you don't mind me asking..."

"He kissed me.."

“Oh my god. Kurt...I'm so sorry that you've had to hold this in...Is there anything I can do?" Blaine asks.

"There's not much to do.." Kurt said.

Blaine sighed. He was right. " you want me to talk to him?"

Kurt froze up. "Blaine...that'll just make him come after you too.."

"I really don't care if he comes for me. You're my boyfriend and you do not deserve that."

Kurt pulled himself close to Blaine and let the tears flow.

"He'll wind up coming for me anyways. Once he finds out I asked out. But it's something I'm willing to go through. And I will stand up to anyone to protect you, Kurt..." Blaine says, running his hands through Kurt's hair, soothingly.

"Blaine…I don't want you to get hurt.." Kurt says shakily.

"But I don't want you to be hurt to protect me. We can do it together. But if he is physically doing things to you, it needs to stop."

"I'll be fine."

"I know you can deal with it. I don't doubt that. I would just rather go through it together," Blaine says softly.

Kurt pulled Blaine closer. "Thank you.."

"You're welcome. I'm always here for you."

Kurt smiled, looking up and kissing Blaine softly.

Blaine wipes Kurt's tears away. "You don’t ever have to go through that alone again."

Kurt looked up at Blaine. "Thank you so much Blaine.."

Blaine tilted Kurt's chin so he could see his eyes. "Any time, babe," he says smiling.

Kurt lets out a small smile at the pet name. Good lord, how was he so dreamy? He would never let anyone call him that, but with Blaine, it just made him swoon.

Blaine looks at Kurt as he smiles. "How are you so gorgeous?"

If Blaine kept this up someone was going to scoop Kurt off of the floor.
"I could ask you the same thing.." Kurt says, sounding a bit flustered.

Blaine smiled widely, kissing Kurt's nose. "Are you sure you want me to stay with you? You're going to get sick of me.."

"How could I get sick of you?" Kurt asks, as if the question offended him. He giggled. "I could never get sick of you.." he said placing a hand on Blaine's cheek.

"Do you want me to name some of the reasons?" Blaine asked laughing.

"Go for it.." Kurt giggled, "Nothing will change my mind.."

Blaine thinks for a moment. "I overplay Disney movies. I name EVERYTHING and get attached to things very easily. Brittany says that I'm like a puppy. Oh and I am a huge cuddler, especially in my sleep!"

"That only makes me want you to stay more.." Kurt says smiling.

Blaine giggles. "Oh and I constantly sing. People say I sing to the point where it's just annoying sometimes."

"I love your voice.."

"Let's see for how long," Blaine laughs.

Kurt lies down on his back, pulling Blaine over to lay his head on his chest. "You're so cute.."

"Thanks," Blaine says, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. "Do you really think your dad will let me stay?"

"If I explain the situation, yes. He's really just a big softie.." Kurt said chuckling lightly.

Blaine giggled.
"Hey, Kurt? Thanks for everything.."

"You're welcome.." Kurt says, softly running his hand over Blaine's curls.

Blaine yawns loudly, nuzzling onto Kurt's shoulder.

"Goodnight Blaine.." Kurt says softly.

"Mmm, goodnight babe," Blaine says, kissing his neck before letting his eyes fall shut.


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I'm glad he had a boyfriend and friend that would help him