Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
The months flew by until summer vacation was growing near. The last month of school was upon the boys and Kurt felt like he was up to his neck in work. He sat at Blaine's house one weekend, hovering over the desk as he worked on the second rough draft of his paper. His hand felt like it was going to fall off and he glanced at the digital clock.2:30 AM. Blaine had fallen asleep hours ago and Kurt was running on lukewarm coffee from earlier. He rested his elbow on the desk, sighing as he dragged his hand through his hair, closing his red eyes for a moment before continuing his work.
Blaine stirred a little, leaning over to wrap his arm around Kurt. But he wasn't there. Blaine groaned, opening his eyes and sitting up. "Why are you still up?"
"Trying to finish this...Go back to bed baby.."
"How about you come to bed?" Blaine asked.
"Because I need to finish this rough draft before Monday.." Kurt said, yawning.
"You can work on it tomorrow, Kurt. You're tired. Now come lay with me."
"As much as I want to...I really need to get this done baby.." Kurt sighed, looking back at Blaine.
"Are you really going to make me do this?" Blaine said, smirking at his fianc�.
"Do what?" Kurt asked, quirking his eyebrow.
Blaine sighed, jumping out of bed and picking Kurt up. He turned off the light and gently placed his fianc� in his bed before climbing on top of him. "This…"
Kurt yelped when Blaine picked him up. "Blaine!" He giggled as he laid down on top of him.
Blaine leaned down, kissing Kurt's neck. "Do you still want to do your paper?"
Kurt let out a small sigh. "No...But I need to."
Blaine bit down lightly. "How about you do me instead?" he whispered hotly.
Kurt moaned. "Oh God..."
"Would you like that?" Blaine asked, moving to Kurt's ear.
"Yes...Blaine.." Kurt gasped, gripping to his fianc�'s back.
Blaine took Kurt's ear lobe between his teeth. "What do you want, baby?"
"I...Fuck...I want you to bend me over the desk...Please..." Kurt panted.
Blaine growled in Kurt's ear. "We have to be quiet."
"I-I'll try.." Kurt breathed out, looking up at Blaine.
Blaine smiled crookedly. "Get up."
Kurt quickly did as he was told, walking over to the desk and carefully moving his paper to the side.
Blaine slowly removed Kurt's shirt, dragging his nails down his fianc�’s back roughly.
Kurt inhaled sharply, pressing his bare chest against Blaine as he arched his back.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly before kissing down his perfect jaw and to his chest.
Kurt let his eyes slip closed panting as he rested his hand on the back of Blaine's neck.
Blaine smiled to himself, kissing Kurt's hips.
Kurt looked down at Blaine as his fianc� got on his knees. "Fuck..." He breathed out, letting his head fall back.
Blaine undid Kurt's skinny jeans and pulled them down slightly, sliding his tongue from his fianc�’s hips to the small patch of hair above Kurt's boxer briefs.
Kurt gasped, bracing himself on the desk behind him. "Oh God..."
Blaine locked eyes with Kurt as he took Kurt's jeans and briefs off quickly. He lightly licked the head of his fianc�’s huge cock, not taking his eyes from Kurt's.
"Baby..." Kurt gasped, gripping the desk behind him tighter.
Blaine sucked the head into his mouth, sucking hard as he snaked his hands around, grasping Kurt's ass roughly.
Kurt bit his lip, suppressing a loud moan as he tried to keep his hips from bucking into Blaine's amazing mouth.
Blaine removed Kurt from his mouth, pumping him gingerly as he looked up at Kurt. "Tell me how much you want me," he said hotly, adding a little more pressure.
"Fuck Blaine...I ah! I want you so bad...Baby...I...Unh...Please.." Kurt gasped, his hips rocking into Blaine's hand.
Blaine smiled maliciously. "Turn around."
Kurt did so quickly, resting his elbows on the desk.
Blaine gripped Kurt's ass. "Fuck, Kurt...Your ass...You're perfect..." He whispered before lightly sliding his tongue over Kurt's wanton hole.
Kurt gasped, biting his knuckles to keep from crying out. "Oh fuck..."
"You like that, baby?" Blaine asked darkly, slowly pressing his tongue past the tight ring of muscle.
"God yes....Ah!" Kurt moaned, clawing down the wood of the desk.
Blaine curled his tongue upwards, grabbing Kurt's ass hard.
"Blaine!" Kurt gasped. "I need you to fuck me baby...Please...please.."
Blaine gently slid his tongue out and stood. He ran his fingertips up and down Kurt's side as he used his other hand to slide down his boxers. Blaine gently pressed his throbbing member at Kurt's hot entrance. "Is this what you want?" he asked, his voice dropping.
"Yes...Blaine please...I...I need it baby.." Kurt panted, looking back at Blaine.
Blaine pushed in as slowly as he could until he was submerged in his fianc�. "Mmm...Tell me how my cock feels inside you, Kurt."
"So good baby…God...I'm so full Blaine...Your cock is so big...Fuck.."
Blaine let out a low moan, leaning down to nip at Kurt's neck as he slid in and out of him.
Kurt panted. "Baby please.."
Blaine clawed down Kurt's back, thrusting harder. "You love taking my cock like this, don't you, baby?"
"God...Yes Blaine...Ah!" Kurt gasped, pushing his hips back, meeting Blaine's thrusts.
Blaine brought his hand down hard against Kurt's ass, earning a whimper. "Fuck, Kurt..." he panted, slamming into his fianc�.
Kurt groaned low in his throat. "A-again...Please.." he panted tossing his head back.
Blaine slapped Kurt's ass again. "You like the way I spank you, don't you? Have you been bad, baby?"
"Fuck yes Blaine..." Kurt moaned, slamming his hips back into Blaine.
"Kurrtttt..." Blaine moaned, rolling his hips as he grabbed Kurt by his hair and pulled him back against his chest.
Kurt yelped as Blaine pulled him up by his hair. "Oh Fuck yes Blaine!"
Blaine moved his hips faster, raking his nails down Kurt's chest.
"Blaine…Oh shit...I love the way you fuck me.." Kurt gasped, trying to stay quiet.
Blaine angled himself to hit Kurt's prostate roughly. "Like that, baby? You're so fucking hot Kurt..."
“Yes! Oh God Blaine! Harder please..." Kurt moaned scratching down Blaine's sides.
Blaine gasped as he fucked Kurt harder and deeper, repeatedly slamming into Kurt's sweet bundle of nerves. "Cum for me baby...I'm...I'm about to..."
Kurt cried out, his body jerking forward as he came hard on the desk in front of him, moaning Blaine's name repeatedly.
Blaine came with Kurt, his thrusts slowing as he panted heavily above Kurt.
Kurt turned his head, kissing Blaine languidly as he melted against him.
Blaine carefully pulled out of Kurt, leaning down to kiss Kurt deeper. "I love you, baby."
"I love you too Blaine...So much.." Kurt said against Blaine's lips.
Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt softly. "Let's get cleaned up," he giggled.
"But I'm sleepy now..." Kurt sighed smiling.
"But you'll be mad in the morning if you don't," Blaine laughed. "I'll get a rag."
Kurt sighed. "Fine.." he pouted.
Blaine went to get a washcloth and came out, cleaning them both up before tossing it into his basket. Blaine picked Kurt up swiftly, carrying him to the bed.
Kurt smiled as he nuzzled against Blaine's neck. "Look at my strong man.." he giggled.
Blaine rolled his eyes playing. "You aren't heavy. And you've picked me up plenty of times."
"Shush.." Kurt said smiling as Blaine set him down in the bed.
Blaine giggled, crawling in and cuddling up to Kurt.
"Now put your strong arms around me.." Kurt sighed happily.
Blaine smiled, wrapping his arms around Kurt and pulling him close. "Good night, beautiful."
"Good night baby..." Kurt whispered, kissing Blaine's neck lovingly.
The next day Kurt spent at home working on his paper until Blaine called and asked to go visit his father with him. Kurt and Robert's relationship had grown somewhat into the relationship he lost with Marissa, who wasn't nearly as hostile as she was when he and Blaine started dating again. She was civil, and Kurt couldn't blame her. He would act the exact same way in her position. Things slowly back to the way they were since they got back together. Marissa was happy Kurt was there to take care of Blaine since the accident, which left a scar about an inch and a half long across the right side of Blaine's forehead. Blaine hated it and called it disgusting, but Kurt tried cheering him up by calling him "The boy who lived", making him chuckle. The New Directions were a little hesitant about the boy's re-blossoming of their relationship, especially Finn, but Sebastian managed to convince everyone it would last this time, earning grateful smiles from Kurt and Blaine. But now here they were, one month left of school until the summer and Kurt planned on spending his pampering Mercedes and himself at the spa and endless shopping with his birthday money that he received from his family the month before. But of course he would be spending most of his time with Blaine. Summer meant no school, and no school meant more time with Blaine. It was only when Robert suggested the boys go camping with him that summer that Kurt recoiled against the leather sofa at Blaine's father's house. Kurt opened his mouth to object when Blaine answered before him, giving an enthusiastic, "We'd love to!"
Kurt stared at Blaine, mouth agape as he held a slightly bent finger up, prepared to put in his two cents when Robert spoke before him.
"We'd be out there about a week. I remember you used to love going when you were little."
Kurt opened his mouth to speak right before Blaine started talking again.
"That sounds amazing Dad!"
Kurt finally spoke up.
"Camping?" He asked timidly, "Like...Outside?"
"Yeah! It's so fun Kurt. I know it’s not your thing. But trust me; I'll make it great for you! Please come with us..." Blaine said, giving Kurt his puppy eyes.
Kurt weighed his options. Be stuck in the woods for a week and possibly be eaten by bears or have fabulous summer at the spa with his best friend. But without Blaine. He looked at his fianc� for a moment. "You're lucky I love you.."
Blaine jumped in his seat. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Kurt smiled, grabbing Blaine's shoulders to still his bouncing.
"So, where are we going to be having this camping adventure?" Kurt asked, looking at Robert.
"Where we used to take Blaine. Very secluded, very much in the woods."
Kurt stared at Robert with wide eyes. "Really.."
Blaine smiled. "Don't worry, it'll be fun with me."
Kurt looked at Blaine. "I hope so.." he sighed lightly, but smiling at his adorable fianc�.
"I'll explain more later," Blaine said before looking at his father. "Do you still have the four wheelers?!"
"I do." His father smiled.
"Whoa! Nonononono. Must I remind you what happened the last time you were on a motor...bike thing?!" Kurt said frantically.
"Kurt, they have four wheels.." Robert laughed.
"And there will be helmets," Blaine smiled.
"Well you two have fun with that. I will be more than happy, locking myself in the tent and reading Patty Lupone's unofficial biography.." Kurt said matter-of-factly, crossing his legs.
"You'll change your mind," Blaine smiled.
"What makes you so sure?" Kurt asked eyeing Blaine.
"I'll tell you the joys of it later."
Kurt rolled his eyes. "You and your 'I'll explain later's." Kurt sighed.
Blaine giggled. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's cheek.
That night at Kurt's house, Kurt was sitting at his vanity applying his various face creams as he looked over at Blaine who was on the bed. "So what do you need to explain?" Kurt asked.
"We get our own tent. We can go out at night and be alone. And trust me...I just wait until you're on the back of my four wheeler." Blaine smiled crookedly.
“Oh God Blaine, we are not having sex in the woods. That's just...Unsanitary, and I am not going to ride on that thing." Kurt said, laughing lightly.
"I bet you will," Blaine laughed.
"You are so cocky over this four-wheeler thing.." Kurt said, rubbing some product into his skin.
“You'll see why," Blaine said winking at Kurt.
Kurt sighed, turning away to look back into the mirror as he finished up.
Sure enough after school let out they were well on their way to the camp site, a trailer was hitched to the back of the car, containing the four-wheelers Kurt still refused to ride on. He pulled out his phone and texted Mercedes while Blaine and his father chatted enthusiastically in the front seat.
" 'Cedes please...Come save me! I will die out here!"
"Boy...Blaine...possibly shirtless...riding a four wheeler...Trade places with me!?"
"I'm not saying that that won't be nice to watch, but he's trying to get me to ride on it with him! I. WILL. DIE."
"Just hold on tight and make him be shirtless!
"Blaine shirtless is going to be the only good thing about this week... He's taking my phone away from me : ("
"I'm sure he has something planned for you, boo."
"But still, I won't be able to talk to you. Record Project Runway for me?"
"You know it! We'll catch up when you get back!"
"Ugh. We're here. Write something nice on my headstone?"
"lmao! You'll be fine."
"Love you girl."
"love you too. Go have fun!"
Kurt sighed, stepping out of the truck and looking over at Blaine who was holding out his hand expectantly. Kurt clutched the phone to his chest.
"Do I have to?"
"Yes. I'm leaving mine too." Blaine said, still holding his hand out.
Kurt forced himself to place the phone in Blaine's outstretched hand.
Blaine smiled triumphantly. "Thank you."
Kurt nodded before slipping his sunglasses on and looking around. They were in a large circle of loose dirt with patches of grass and surrounded by trees with openings for two trails and the large one they came through in the truck. Kurt thought he could hear water but he couldn't see any.
"It's really quiet.." Kurt said softly.
"I like it," Blaine said softly. "What do you think?"
"I don't know yet." Kurt sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. Blaine had taken Kurt shopping for "appropriate camping clothes" the week before, which apparently consisted of cargo shorts and t-shirts.
Blaine walked to the back of the truck, getting the stuff to set up the tents.
Kurt immediately pulled out his bag and fished out the bug spray, spraying himself thoroughly. "Do you need any help Blaine?" Kurt asked, walking over.
"Nope. I got it," Blaine said smiling at his fianc�. He put up their tent, sweating as he got his dad's tent. Blaine pulled off his shirt and wiped his forehead as he started setting up his dad's tent.
Kurt swallowed hard as he watched Blaine. He wouldn't trade places with anyone right now. He jumped a bit as he heard the start of an engine, snapping him out of his trance. He looked over and saw Robert driving a bright yellow four wheeler out of the trailer.
Blaine ran over, jumping onto the trailer and straddling the second four wheeler.
Kurt watched as Blaine drove the red four wheeler (Aka death trap in Kurt's opinion) off of the trailer and they parked them by the trees. God Blaine looked so amazingly hot like that. Kurt tore his eyes away, pulling bags out to make himself look useful instead of just standing there, staring at Blaine.
Blaine smiled, walking up to Kurt and wrapping his arms around his waist. "Having fun yet?"
Kurt watched as a drop of sweat trailed down Blaine's neck to his chest. "More than you know.." Kurt said, laughing nervously.
Blaine giggled to himself. "So you like the four wheeler?"
"Still not getting on it." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's nose before carrying his bags to their tent.
"We'll see," Blaine chuckled.
Later after they got everything set up, Blaine was getting ready to go take a ride on the four wheeler while Robert went into town to get some ice for the cooler along with more drinks. Kurt sat in a chair next to where the fire would be later that night, reading.
"Please come with me. I'll go slow, I promise," Blaine said softly.
Kurt looked up from his book to see Blaine standing there, still shirtless. He quirked an eyebrow. "Why do you want me to go so badly?"
"I want to show you something."
Kurt looked at Blaine who gave a small hopeful smile. Kurt sighed, closing the book and standing.
Blaine smiled. "Just hold on to me."
Kurt set his book down in the chair before walking over to the machine with Blaine. Blaine got on first, motioning for Kurt to do the same. Kurt hesitated for a moment before slipping on behind Blaine and holding onto him tightly around his waist.
Blaine looked backed at his fianc� before taking off, feeling the wind surround them.
Kurt clutched to Blaine keeping his eyes squeezed shut as he pressed his forehead against Blaine's back, not looking up.
Blaine drove through the familiar trails until he found the clearing he was looking for. He slowly came to a stop. "We're here."
Kurt looked up before smoothing down his hair. "Oh wow.." he said, looking around.
Blaine smiled, turning around to face Kurt. "What do you think?"
Kurt put his hands on Blaine's knees and smiled. "It's beautiful.." he whispered, looking around the clearing.
Blaine leaned forward, kissing Kurt softly. "The ride wasn't so bad was it?"
Kurt shook his head smiling. "But our definitions of slow are completely different." He giggled, resting his forehead against Blaine's.
"I was just trying to get you on it," Blaine chuckled.
"Well it worked.." Kurt said smiling.
"I know," Blaine smiled.
Kurt leaned forward, kissing Blaine softly as he ran his hands up from Blaine's knees to his thighs and around his waist.
Blaine shivered. "Thanks for coming baby."
"It is actually really peaceful out here.." Kurt said, letting just the tips of his fingers slip under the waistband of Blaine's shorts.
Blaine sighed, leaning in to kiss Kurt again.
Kurt kissed Blaine back, letting his hands travel up and down Blaine's back.
"Baby..." Blaine panted.
"Hmm?" Kurt hummed against Blaine's jaw.
"That feels so good.."
Kurt smiled to himself, crawling into Blaine's lap. "You look so hot like this baby...When you were setting up those tents I couldn't stop staring at you.."
"That's why I did it," Blaine panted. "Kuuurrrrttt..."
"God you're such a tease.." Kurt said quietly, rolling his hips.
"I want you to enjoy this," Blaine whispered.
Kurt smiled, leaning down to kiss him softly, "I will.."
Blaine sucking in a deep breath. "Fuck...baby..."
Kurt ran his hands down Blaine's chest, watching with hungry eyes as they trailed over his abs.
"I need you..."
Kurt nodded, smiling down at a sweaty Blaine. It was hotter than hell outside, but Kurt didn’t care. He pulled of his shirt and sunglasses, tossing them to the side.
Blaine panted as he watched Kurt.
Kurt backed up on the seat a bit, kicking off his shoes before pulling down his short's and boxer briefs. Kurt stroked his own cock to hardness before smiling at Blaine. "Want a taste?" He said cockily.
Blaine gasped. "Please..."
Kurt smiled, scooting back more and pulling Blaine down by the back of his neck, letting the head of his throbbing cock slide over Blaine's lips.
Blaine opened his mouth, letting the head slip in as he swirled his tongue.
"Oh fuck...Blaine...." Kurt gasped, his breathing getting heavier.
Blaine sunk over Kurt's throbbing cock, hallowing his cheeks.
Kurt's hand's flew into Blaine's curls. "Oh God baby...So...So fucking good.."
Blaine took Kurt deep into his throat, bobbing his head faster.
Kurt pulled Blaine off of him, looking down at the curly haired boy. "I want to ride you..." Kurt whispered before kissing him softly.
Blaine moaned. "Fuck...yes..."
Kurt let Blaine sit back up before un buttoning and unzipping his shorts, pulling out his cock and stroking it slowly.
Blaine sighed softly. "Oh, god...Kurt..."
Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand, sucking two fingers into his mouth, lapping and sucking at them happily, getting them wet.
Blaine watched with hungry eyes. "Fuck..." he breathed out.
Kurt lifted himself up a bit, guiding Blaine's hand to his hole.
Blaine slowly pressed into Kurt, letting the tight heat surround him.
Kurt gave a high moan as he felt Blaine's fingers go inside of him. "Fuck!"
Blaine's breathing deepened as he quickened his movements.
"Blaine..." Kurt panted, starting to rock his hips on Blaine's fingers. "I need you..."
Blaine nodded, pulling out of Kurt. "I...I didn't bring the lube out here..."
Kurt quickly backed up and started sucking Blaine's cock sloppily, getting it wet.
Blaine leaned back, moaning loudly. "God, Kurt..."
Once he felt it was wet enough, he straddled Blaine again, gingerly pushing himself down, gasping at the stretch.
Blaine's breath hitched. "Fuck...Kurt, a-are you okay?"
Kurt nodded, keeping his eyes closed as he lowered himself down until Blaine was fully inside of him. "Just ..hang on.."
"Okay..." Blaine said softly, squeezing the sides of the four wheeler to keep from thrusting into the tight heat.
Kurt leaned forward, kissing Blaine softly as he slowly started to raise and lower himself.
Blaine moaned into the kiss, bringing his hands to Kurt's hips.
Kurt leaned back a bit, arching his back as he started to bounce on Blaine's cock, causing the four wheeler to bounce as well "Blaine...Blaine…Blaine.." Kurt gasped, each time brought himself down.
Blaine cried out as he watched Kurt. "Fuck baby...you're so, so amazing..."
"Fuck..." Kurt moaned bracing himself on Blaine's shoulders as he rolled his hips lightly with each thrust.
Blaine screamed Kurt's name, meeting Kurt's thrusts. "I…I love you so much, baby..."
"I love you too..." Kurt gasped before kissing Blaine deeply, continuing to fuck himself on his fianc�'s cock.
Blaine gasped, tightening his grip on Kurt’s hips.
Kurt rocked himself a few more times until he felt Blaine hit his prostate. "Baby! I-I'm close..." He panted, working his hips faster as his moans got higher.
"Oh, fuck! Fuck, Kurt!" Blaine cried out in sheer pleasure. "Cum for me..."
Kurt cried out as his body curled in on itself, shooting his cum all over Blaine's chest. He tightened himself around Blaine, panting as he rode out his orgasm.
Blaine came deep inside Kurt as his muscles clenched around his length.
Kurt panted and gasped clutching to Blaine. "I love you.."
Blaine breathed out Kurt's name. "Kurt, baby, l love you too..."
Kurt kissed Blaine languidly as he pulled himself off of Blaine, wincing a bit as he sat down, but smiling.
"You have no idea how hot you are..." Blaine panted.
Kurt rolled his eyes before kissing Blaine again. "Do you plan on staying shirtless all week?" He giggled.
"As long as you're around," Blaine chuckled.
"Where else would I be?" Kurt said softly, smiling.
"True," Blaine grinned. "Ugh...my dad should be back by now..."
"Well how are we going to clean you up?" Kurt asked, motioning to Blaine's cum covered chest before getting off the four wheeler and slipping on his boxer briefs and shorts.
"There's a pond right over there behind the trees," Blaine said, getting up.
"I thought I heard water.." Kurt said, pulling his shirt on.
"We should come back tomorrow," Blaine suggested.
"That sounds nice.." Kurt smiled, walking over to the peaceful pond with Blaine, watching as his fianc� splashed his chest with the water, washing it off. Kurt bit his lip. Maybe he could enjoy this camping thing.
Blaine turned around once he was finished. "You ready to get back on?"
"I suppose." Kurt sighed dramatically before grabbing Blaine's hand as they walked back to the four wheeler.
"Remember to just hang on," Blaine smiled.
They got on and Kurt clutched to Blaine again, jumping a bit when the engine started.
Blaine giggled. "You okay?"
"Yeah..Just..Loud." Kurt said, laughing nervously.
"You're adorable."
Kurt rolled his eyes, holding tight to Blaine. "Shut up and drive." He giggled.
"Alright, Rihanna," Blaine giggled, taking off again.
Kurt clung to Blaine still, but he kept his eyes open, looking around as Blaine spend down the trail.
Blaine went a little faster this time, pulling up to see his dad had started a fire.
"Where have you two been? And you finally got Kurt on the four wheeler huh?" Robert asked, after Blaine parked it and hey hopped off. He laughed as Kurt attempted to fix his windblown hair.
"Just showing him around," Blaine smirked.
Kurt lightly pushed Blaine playfully. "Apparently, to your son, 'slow' is like fifty miles per hour.."
Robert chuckled. "I was going to warn you but he told me not to."
Kurt eyed Blaine as he sat down in the chair, crossing his legs.
Blaine giggled. "You know you enjoyed it."
"After I got done being completely terrified." Kurt said as Blaine sat in the chair next to him.
Blaine smiled. "It’s so fun!"
"Kinda.." Kurt smiled.
"Just wait til you get used to it, you'll be begging me to go faster," Blaine said, winking at Kurt.
Kurt blushed, looking away from his fianc�.
Blaine turned to his dad. "Did you bring the marshmallows and stuff?"
Robert smiled, "Sure did." He said, pulling them out of his bag and tossing the bag to Blaine.
Blaine jumped excitedly. "Have you ever made one?" he asked Kurt.
"I've never even been camping...So no.." Kurt giggled.
Blaine shook his head. "Well you're about to," he said, handing Kurt a stick.
Kurt took the stick, examining it before raising an eyebrow at Blaine.
"Put the marshmallow on the stick and put it in the fire," Blaine said seriously.
Kurt rolled his eyes, "I know that, just how do I know this isn't gonna catch on fire?'
"Don't stick it right in. Here, I'll show you." Blaine said, moving his stick to the edge of the fire.
Kurt put his marshmallow on the stick and did the same as Blaine, smiling. "Ah, the clich�s of camping." He giggled.
"You know you love it," Blaine smiled, reaching over for Kurt's hand.
Kurt smiled, lacing his fingers with Blaine's. "I do.." he said softly.
"And if you burn it, I'll eat it," Blaine giggled.
"What makes you so sure I'll burn it?" Kurt said, looking at Blaine.
"Nothing! I'm just saying if you do. We all do sometimes. But I like it that way," Blaine said quickly.
Kurt laughed, smiling at Blaine and squeezing his hand.
"Kurt.." Robert said.
Kurt looked over at Blaine's father who pointed at Kurt's stick. Kurt looked over again and sure enough Kurt's marshmallow was on fire.
"Oh God! What do I do?! Here, take it!" Kurt squealed holding the stick to Blaine.
Blaine laughed, taking the stick. "Blow on it like this," he said, demonstrating it for his fianc�.
Kurt sighed. "I suck at this camping thing.."
"No one gets it on their first try," Blaine said, taking the burnt marshmallow into his mouth.
"Oh ew." Kurt cringed, "That doesn't taste bad?"
"Not to me," Blaine giggled. "I'll make you a delicate one."
Kurt huffed, but smiled. "Delicate?"
"Mhm. Just a little brown but not too much."
Kurt giggled, squeezing Blaine's hand.
Robert stood and stretched. "I'm gonna turn in early…You two don't stay up too late. I have plans tomorrow." He smiled, walking off to his tent.
"Alright. Good night," Blaine said, smiling.
Kurt smiled as he watched Blaine, the fire playing shadows across his face. He scooted his chair closer to him, resting his head on the curly haired boy's shoulder.
Blaine smiled. "I love this."
Kurt looped his arms through Blaine's free one, kissing his shoulder. "Me too.."
"Thanks for coming, Kurt." Blaine said sincerely.
"You're welcome baby.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine with loving eyes.
Blaine leaned down, kissing Kurt softly. "I love you."
"I love you too...Now make me my 'delicate' marshmallow." He smiled.
Blaine giggled, picking up the stick and putting the marshmallow on it.
Kurt planted small kisses on Blaine's cheek as he turned the marshmallow over the fire. "I love you.." He whispered, kissing Blaine's cheek again.
Blaine grinned. "I love you too baby."
"More than nasty burnt marshmallows?"
“More than anything," Blaine smiled.
Kurt smiled against the skin of Blaine's cheek. "Good.."
"Want to sleep out here tonight? By the fire?" Blaine asked.
Kurt nodded, "I would love that.."
Blaine finished Kurt's s’more before going to the tent and getting their blankets.
Kurt examined the s’more before taking a bite. It pretty much went everywhere, he leaned forward, holding a hand under his chin to catch the falling pieces. As he felt the chocolate go all over his mouth.
Blaine giggled when he came back and saw Kurt. He walked over, lifting his chin and licking the chocolate off.
Kurt shivered, "Blaine!" He giggled, blushing furiously.
"What? I like chocolate," Blaine giggled.
Kurt smiled, wiping his mouth as Blaine set up a place for them by the fire.
Blaine laid down, motioning for Kurt to do the same.
Kurt finished his s’more before crawling under the covers with Blaine, "I swear, if a raccoon or something attacks me.."
"I'll protect you," Blaine said, wrapping his arm around Kurt tighter.
Kurt nuzzled against Blaine's chest. "Good...My strong man." Kurt giggled.
Blaine shook his head. "You're silly."
"You're amazing.." Kurt said softly.
"How? I'm just laying here," Blaine whispered.
"Exactly...Being with you is amazing.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine.
Blaine blushed. "I'm happy to be here with you."
Kurt smiled before looking up. "Oh wow..." He gasped. There were so many stars.
"It's beautiful," Blaine sighed.
"See I could do this without the dirt, lack of electricity, animals and bugs.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine chuckled. "You don't like seeing me all dirty and sweaty?"
"I love seeing you all dirty and sweaty." Kurt whispered, trailing a finger down Blaine's abs. "But I don't like being dirty and sweaty."
Blaine shivered. "I love how much you like it."
Kurt smiled to himself, wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist.
Blaine gave a soft moan. "I love you, Kurt."
"I love you too Blaine.." Kurt smiled. "Did I ever tell you that I found out how to automatically make you hard?" Kurt said, giving that devilish grin.
"What?" Blaine asked. "How?"
Kurt smiled, letting his hands trail into Blaine's shorts, cupping his ass before placing his lips on Blaine's pulse point. "Like this.." He said, biting down hard on his neck and squeezing his ass roughly.
Blaine gasped. Kurt was right. "Fuck..."
Kurt felt Blaine's member stiffen and smiled, pulling away, but rubbing Blaine's ass softly. "See?"
Blaine nodded. "I-I love it..."
"Me too.." Kurt said smiling.
Blaine kissed up Kurt's jaw to his ear. "I want you so bad..."
Kurt gasped softly, "How baby?" He breathed out.
"I-inside me...please..." Blaine panted.
"I..I didn't bring any lube.." Kurt whispered, letting his hands roam Blaine's chest nevertheless.
"I-I don't care...I want you..." Blaine said, breathing heavily.
"I know baby...Here, take off your shorts and boxers.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine quickly did as he was told, scooting back towards his fianc�.
Kurt held up two fingers to Blaine's mouth to suck. "Here.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine sucked them into his mouth, closing his eyes as he prepared his fianc�’s fingers.
Kurt's breathing grew heavier as he felt Blaine's talented tongue glide along his fingers.
Blaine moaned, making sure Kurt was nice and wet before pulling off.
Kurt turned Blaine around so his back was to Kurt's chest and he slipped one of his fingers inside of Blaine. Blaine bent one of his legs at the knee, giving Kurt better access.
Blaine gasped as Kurt entered him. His breathing hitched. "Baby..."
Kurt slowly slipped a second in, scissoring his fingers and stretching his fianc� slowly.
"Ahhh...Kurt..." Blaine moaned, working himself on his fianc�’s fingers.
"Shhh.." Kurt soothed, kissing the back of Blaine's neck as he ran a hand up and down his side softly.
Blaine's breath deepened. "A-another...please..."
Kurt slipped a third finger into his fianc�’s spit slick entrance, stretching him more.
Blaine rolled his body as Kurt stretched him. "I-I'm ready..."
Kurt nodded, pulling out of Blaine and reaching down to pull out his member before licking his palm and stroking himself to slick up his length.
Blaine turned over, watching Kurt with hungry eyes before wrapping a leg around Kurt's waist.
Kurt moaned softly before rolling on his back and pulling Blaine on top of him.
Blaine gasped as Kurt guided is cock to his entrance. He slowly lowered himself until Kurt was completely inside him.
Kurt stroked Blaine's hips with his thumbs softly, allowing him to relax.
Blaine braced himself, spreading his hands on Kurt's chest as he slowly brought his hips up.
Kurt gasped, squeezing Blaine's hips as he tried not to move.
Blaine balled his fists, wincing at the stretch as he slowly slid back down.
"Are you o-okay?" Kurt panted.
Blaine let out a breath he was holding. "Y-yeah...Just...hold on..."
Kurt nodded, trying to control his breathing.
Blaine gingerly worked himself over Kurt as he felt the pain subside. "O-okay..."
Kurt held Blaine's hips, slowly rolling himself up into Blaine.
Blaine let out a soft moan. "Oohhh baby...."
Kurt pulled Blaine down, kissing his neck softly as he slowly worked in and out of him.
Blaine sighed into the kiss, rolling his hips down faster.
"Blaine..." Kurt panted, cupping Blaine's ass and squeezing lightly.
"Oh god...yes!" Blaine cried out as Kurt brushed against his prostate.
"Shh baby.." Kurt gasped, kissing Blaine deeply to quiet him.
"You...ungh...just feel so, so good..." Blaine whispered as he fucked himself on Kurt.
"God Blaine... So do you.." Kurt moaned.
Blaine leaned down, sucking at Kurt's ear lobe. "I love it when you say my name."
Kurt moaned, clawing down his fianc�’s back. "Blaine..Fuck.."
"Damn baby...you're so fucking sexy..." Blaine breathed out.
Kurt clutched to Blaine, speeding up his thrusts as he clawed down to Blaine's ass.
"Fuck...Kuurrrrtt...I'm gonna cum..." Blaine panted, attaching his lips to Kurt’s before he could scream.
Kurt groaned low in his throat as he slammed up into Blaine before he came deep inside of him, buried deep.
Blaine came all over his fianc�’s chest with Kurt's last thrust. He kissed Kurt languidly as they rode out their orgasm.
Kurt moaned softly as he felt Blaine's cum splash onto his chest, massaging his tongue with his own.
Blaine slowly slid off of his fianc� as he lightly bit down on the tip of Kurt's tongue.
Kurt moaned softly, tangling his hands in Blaine's hair.
Blaine smiled against Kurt's lips, a low growl escaping his throat.
"God Blaine.." Kurt panted after pulling away, keeping his hands in Blaine's hair.
"Yes?" Blaine smiled crookedly.
"I just love you so much.."
Blaine kissed the tip of Kurt's nose. "I love you too, babe."
Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "You should probably put at least your boxers on.." Kurt said, pulling off his shorts but leaving on his boxer briefs. "Your dad said he was going to wake us up.."
Blaine groaned. "True. I have no idea what he has planned for us..."
"How early is he gonna wake us up?" Kurt asked, cuddling against Blaine's neck.
Blaine shrugged. "He didn't say."
"I hope we sleep in a little bit..."
"We should get to sleep now then," Blaine giggled.
"Yeah.." Kurt whispered, nuzzling under Blaine's jaw.
Blaine sighed, kissing the top of Kurt's head. "Good night."
"I love you.."
Blaine smiled. "I love you too."
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's neck before they slowly fell asleep.
Blaine woke up a few hours later. His dad was standing over them telling them they needed to get ready
Kurt stirred. "The sun isn't even up yet..." He whined, wrapping himself around Blaine.
"It's so early.." Blaine groaned. "What are we doing?"
"We're going fishing." Robert said, clapping his hands together, smiling. "Get up!"
Blaine sighed, sitting up before Kurt pulled him back down. "Kurt, come on. It'll be alright."
Kurt made a disapproving noise, tightening his grip on Blaine.
Blaine giggled. "I'll make it up to you when we get home."
"How?" Kurt whimpered pitifully.
"Your choice," Blaine sighed, trying to get up.
Kurt finally released Blaine, throwing the blankets over his own head and curling up in a ball.
Blaine sighed. "Please Kurt. My dad's waiting."
Kurt whined before pulling the blankets off and giving Blaine his bitch stare.
Blaine chuckled. "Whatever you want when get home, it's yours."
"Fine.." Kurt sighed, sitting up.
Robert eyed Blaine.
Blaine laughed. "He's not a morning person."
“I can tell.." his father laughed.
Blaine turned, giggling as he went to change.
Kurt got up, stumbling a bit before he trudged over Blaine, rubbing his eyes. "Baby.." he said groggily.
"Yeah?" Blaine asked softly.
"Where's the bathroom?"
Blaine knew Kurt would object to this. But it's all he could do. Blaine dug out a roll of toilet paper and pointed to the woods.
Kurt's eyes grew wide.
"It's the woods. There isn't a bathroom..." Blaine said quietly.
"There's not like a-an outhouse or-or a strategically placed port-a-potty at least?" Kurt asked quickly.
Blaine shook his head. "Just the woods..."
"Why did I not see this coming?" Kurt sighed. "Wait, how am I supposed to shower? At least you look hot dirty. I cannot rock that. I just look gross."
"You can wash off in the pond or creek," Blaine suggested. "And I think you look cute."
Kurt sighed, putting a hand on Blaine's stubbled cheek. "You look cute.." he smiled, kissing him softly.
Blaine kissed Kurt back. "You ready for some fishing?"
"I don't know...I've never gone fishing.." Kurt sighed, pulling his shirt off.
Blaine watched Kurt, his eyes roaming down his fianc�’s slender body.
Kurt looked over at Blaine as he dug through his bag. "Enjoying the show?" He smiled.
"Very much," Blaine smiled. "You're just so perfect."
Kurt giggled, kissing Blaine's cheek. "Far from it...But I love you.."
“I love you too. I brought you something," Blaine said, going through his bag and handing Kurt sunscreen.
"Oh my God thank you so much baby, you're amazing!" Kurt said happily, hugging Blaine. "I forgot to pack mine.."
"You're welcome. I just know how much your skin means to you."
"You are so sweet and thoughtful and amazing and I love you." Kurt said smiling.
Blaine kissed Kurt. "It’s not a problem baby."
Kurt smiled wide, putting the sunscreen in his bag before slipping on some shorts.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt. "I love you."
Kurt leaned down a bit, kissing Blaine softly. "I love you too.." he whispered against Blaine's lips.
Blaine grinned that smile Kurt loved so much. "You ready?"
Kurt smiled. "Let me get a shirt on.."
"Alright," Blaine smiled, grabbing his bag.
Kurt slipped on a t shirt, even though it was tight fitting, he still didn't see the appeal. He quickly rubbed the sunscreen on his arms, legs, neck and face before putting on his sunglasses. He grabbed his hairspray and comb and opened the passenger door of the truck. Sitting inside and flipping the visor mirror down before starting to work on his hair.
"Kurt, really? You don't have to do your hair..." Blaine laughed.
"Just because we're in the woods, doesn't mean I have to look a hot damn mess." Kurt said, concentrating on his hair.
"You're so adorable," Blaine said sweet.
Kurt smiled, making quick work of his hair before stepping out of the truck and spraying it once more with hairspray. The sun was starting to rise and Kurt assumed they would be going soon.
"You ready?" Kurt asked smiling.
"Yup!" Blaine said excitedly, grabbing Kurt's hand.
Kurt quickly picked Blaine up, tossing him over his shoulder and carrying him over to his father.
Blaine giggled. "What are you doing?"
"Carrying you." Kurt said simply.
"And you call me the strong one," Blaine chuckled.
"You're light!" Kurt laughs as he walked up to Robert, setting Blaine down.
"You're lighter than me!" Blaine laughed.
"Lies." Kurt giggled. "So, where are we going for this?"
Blaine shook his head. "There are all sorts of lakes and ponds out here."
"We're going to rent a boat and go out on the lake a couple of miles down the road." Robert smiled.
"Is it the small boats?" Blaine asked.
"If you want." Robert smiled.
"They're fun. You can kind of sway in them," Blaine giggled, looking at Kurt.
"Uhmm...I'd rather not drown today." Kurt laughed nervously.
"I won't tip it. I used to do it all the time!"
Kurt eyed Blaine suspiciously through his sunglasses.
"I'm serious," Blaine said, putting a hand on his hip.
Kurt smiled at the gesture Blaine rarely used. "Okay.." he giggled.
Blaine took Kurt's hand as they walked to the truck to go rent the boat.
They reached the lake and Blaine helped Robert pull the, much too small for Kurt's liking, boat off of the trailer and set it in the water of the lake.
Blaine took his shirt off, determined to get some sun while he could. He walked Kurt over to the boat and gently helped him into his seat.
Kurt sat down quickly, not wanting to rock the tiny boat and tip it over.
Blaine climbed in behind Kurt, holding him close. "It's alright, baby."
Kurt leaned back into Blaine, relaxing a bit. Robert got on the boat with the poles and tackle box.
"You two ready?"
"Yup!" Blaine smiled, squeezing his fianc�’s hand.
He started the tiny motor and they rode out to the middle of the lake.
Blaine slightly rocked the boat from side to side, smiling as Kurt tightened his grip on Blaine's arms.
"Blaine!" Kurt squealed, as, by his judgment, the boat tipped further than he felt it should.
"Calm down, baby. I was just kidding." Blaine giggled.
“I know.." Kurt sighed.
Blaine decided to push his luck one more time, doing with enough force to almost tip them.
Kurt squealed again, clutching to the sides of the boat trying to even it out.
Blaine couldn't stop laughing. "Are you afraid of getting wet?"
"Why?" Blaine asked, resting his chin on Kurt's shoulder.
"Because my hair, and I just put sunscreen on earlier, and who knows what's in that water?" Kurt said, composing himself.
"What would you do if I jumped in?" Blaine asked, smiling.
"Pray that you're kind enough to not splash your fianc�?"
"You won't get in with me?" Blaine sighed. "Damn."
"Nope." Kurt said simply.
"Alright..." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt looked over at Blaine and sighed. "If you really wanted me to I would." He said smiling lightly.
"Well...I was just kind of thinking...maybe we could go skinny dipping tonight..."
"You do realize your father is in the boat with us correct?" Kurt blushed, but Robert just laughed.
"I know. And you're adorable when you blush," Blaine giggled.
Kurt shook his head, blushing harder and fixing his sunglasses. Robert handed them each a pole and held out a small plastic container filled with dirt. "What's this?" Kurt asked, staring at it liked it was a gun.
"Your bait." Robert smiled, reaching in and pulling out one of the biggest worms Kurt had ever seen. "Oh my God.."
Blaine pulled on out next and put it on the hook, watching as Kurt looked on in horror. Blaine moved the string closer to Kurt. "It's just a worm."
Kurt recoiled. "It's disgusting!"
Blaine moved it closer. "It’s how you catch a fish."
Kurt held his hands up in front of his face in defense. "Well I can't."
Blaine laughed. "Really?"
"I am /not/ touching one of those things.." Kurt said finally.
"Okay," Blaine giggled, throwing his line into the water.
Robert laughed, baiting Kurt's hook for him and showing him how to cast it. He actually did pretty well casting off his first time. He smiled proudly to himself.
Blaine laughed. "Feel better now?"
Kurt nodded, giggling happily.
Blaine looked at his fianc�. He looked so adorable.
They sat there for a little bit. Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder smiling at the peaceful silence.
Blaine looked up when he saw Kurt's line moving. "Baby! Reel it in!"
Kurt sat up quickly. "What?!"
Blaine told Kurt how to reel in the fish. "You got it, Kurt!"
Kurt pulled it up and stood quickly, jumping up.
"Kurt! No-" but it was too late the boat tilted which caused Blaine to jump more and the boat quickly tipped over, all three falling into the water.
Blaine came up first, searching for Kurt. He came up at the same as Blaine's father. Blaine grabbed Kurt, giggling.
"OH MY GOD!" Kurt gasped, "I am so-so sorry!"
"It's okay," Blaine laughed. "I wanted to get wet."
Robert was laughing hard at the two. "What did we do?" Kurt panted, looking at the overturned boat.
“You stood too quickly then Blaine jumped and we just tipped," Robert said through his laughter.
"What do we do now?" Kurt asked.
Blaine flipped the boat over and jumped in. "Give me your hand," he said to Kurt. He tried pulling Kurt up but wound up flipping again. Blaine came back up, laughing. "I have no idea."
Robert got the boys to help him pull the boat back to the grass. They climbed out of the water, pulling up the boat with them. Kurt collapsed on the grass, panting heavily. "I told you we were gonna flip."
"Wasn't my fault," Blaine breathed heavily.
"I never said it would be your fault." Kurt breathed out, giggling.
Blaine laughed. "Just saying."
Kurt looked up at Blaine and started laughing. "I really am sorry Robert.." Kurt said to the taller man who was laughing as well.
"It's not a problem," Robert replied. "It was fun."
Kurt laughed, sitting up. "We should probably get back and dried off." He smiled before his eyes drifted to Blaine who looked incredible dripping wet and shirtless.
Blaine looked up at Kurt and smiled. "Yeah, probably."
Kurt swallowed and stood, smiling back at Blaine. They made it back to the campsite and Robert dropped the boys off before starting a fire for them to dry off around and leaving to return the boat. "Well that didn't last long. Kurt giggled, looking up at the sun that was now high in the sky.
"I enjoyed it," Blaine smiled.
"So please explain why you felt the need to ask me to go skinny dipping in front of your father?" Kurt asked. Pulling the towel tighter around himself.
"I thought it was funny," Blaine giggled.
"Hilarious.." Kurt said flatly, but still scooting closer to Blaine and nuzzling against his neck.
Blaine chuckled. "So...How am I making this up to you?"
"By letting me punish you in that hotel room. Even though I know you would anyway." Kurt said, looking over at his fianc�.
Blaine blushed. "Really?" he smiled.
"Why are you smiling?" Kurt said, smiling devilishly. "It's called punishment for a reason.."
Blaine shivered. "I just remember how hot you were like that. And just...mmm...I bet you'd be sexy as hell punishing me," he explained.
"It's not like you'd see me." Kurt said smiling and looking away.
Blaine's breath hitched. "Waiting is going to kill me."
"I told you I have plans...And I plan on carrying those plans out.."
Blaine's body rolled. "I seriously can't wait."
"Well you're going to. Think of it as part of your punishment." Kurt smiled, raising an eyebrow.
Blaine whined. "Fine..."
Kurt chuckled, kissing Blaine's neck sweetly. "You love me."
"I do," Blaine giggled. "But now I'm thinking about all the possibilities..."
"Think all you want. We still have this fabulous week in the woods, and a couple of days for me to prepare." Kurt smiled sweetly.
Blaine let his head fall back. "This will be the death of me."
Kurt smiled. "Well at least we have tonight. I'll take you up on your offer of skinny dipping." He said giggling.
Blaine lips started to turn up. "You're serious?"
"It's on my bucket list.." Kurt smirked.
Blaine smiled, leaning against Kurt. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt said softly kissing the top of Blaine's head.
Blaine nuzzled into Kurt's neck. "You should've seen your face when we flipped."
"I probably looked scared shitless.." Kurt laughed.
Blaine giggled. "You did. But I'm glad you could laugh about it afterwards."
"Did you expect me to bitch about it?" Kurt asked smiling.
Blaine looked up at his fianc� from under his lashes. "Kind of..."
Kurt giggled, looking down at Blaine. "You are so gorgeous.."
Blaine's lashes fluttered as he blushed. "Thank you."
Kurt put his hand under Blaine's chin, lifting it to kiss him softly.
Blaine didn't understand how Kurt could still give him butterflies. But he did and Blaine loved it. He sighed into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Kurt’s neck.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist, smiling as he felt Blaine shiver in the slightest. "I love you.." he whispered against Blaine's lips.
"I love you too," Blaine grinned before reattaching their lips.
Kurt pulled Blaine closer so their bodies flush against each other as he kissed him softly.
Blaine moaned against Kurt's lips, rolling his body onto his fianc�’s.
Kurt pulled away, planting several more small kisses on Blaine's lips. "Your dad is gonna be back soon." He said softly.
Blaine groaned. "I know..."
"We still have tonight.." Kurt smiled, giving Blaine another small kiss.
Blaine smiled. "I can't wait."
Later that night, everyone was in their respective tents as Kurt and Blaine cuddled close. Kurt insisted on waiting until Robert fell asleep to go skinny dipping even though he knew that the boys would be doing it. Kurt nuzzled against Blaine's neck, smiling. "Do you think your dad is asleep yet?"
Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek. "Probably. He falls asleep pretty fast."
Kurt giggled. "Let's go then!"
Blaine stood up, taking Kurt's hand as they walked.
Kurt couldn't stop giggling and laughing the way there. "Oh my God I can't believe we're doing this!"
"You've done a lot this week that you've never done before," Blaine smiled.
Kurt laughed again, squeezing Blaine's hand as he pulled him along.
They reached the pond and Blaine stripped quickly before running into the chilly water.
Kurt followed suit, squealing at the temperature of the water. "It's cold!" Kurt gasped.
Blaine motioned for Kurt to come to him. "Come here. I'll hold you."
Kurt quickly waded over to Blaine, the water only up to his waist. He wrapped himself around his fianc�, smiling wide.
Blaine ran his hands up and down Kurt's back and sides. He admired the way the moon was shining off his fianc�’s beautiful skin.
Kurt sighed happily, nuzzling against Blaine's neck.
"I love you, Kurt," Blaine whispered softly.
“I love you too Blaine.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine with loving eyes.
Blaine leaned in, kissing Kurt sweetly.
Kurt kissed Blaine back, wrapping his arms around his neck and pressing their bodies together.
Blaine gasped, his hands clawing down his fianc�’s back.
Kurt let out a small moan, his head falling back at the touch.
Blaine kissed down Kurt's jawline to his neck, sucking lightly at his pulse point.
"Blaine..." Kurt breathed out, letting his hands slip over Blaine's shoulders.
"Yes baby?" Blaine asked, his voice dropping a bit.
"God..I just...I love you so much..."
"Mmmm, I love you too, Kurt..." Blaine moaned, his hands trailing to Kurt's ass.
Kurt rolled his hips back into Blaine's hands, gasping.
"Baby...What do you want?" Blaine breathed out.
Blaine nodded, kissing Kurt's neck again. "Do you want me to prep you?"
"No...Please...I need to ah! I need to feel you.." Kurt whimpered.
Blaine kissed Kurt deeply as he placed himself at his fianc�’s entrance.
Kurt lifted himself and wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist, keeping his arms wrapped around his neck.
Blaine moaned, slowly pressing inside.
Kurt gasped, tightening his legs around Blaine and wincing slightly at the stretch.
Blaine gingerly pushed all the way in, pausing to let Kurt get used to him.
Kurt panted for a second before nodding. "O-..Okay.."
Blaine locked eyes with Kurt as he slowly moved his hips.
Kurt moaned looking deep into Blaine's eyes as he slid in and out of him. "Baby..." Kurt panted.
"Kurt..." Blaine breathed out. "You're so...so good..."
Kurt buried his face in Blaine's neck, panting heavily. "Oh God.."
"S-save my name...please..." Blaine moaned, dragging his nails down his fianc�’s back again.
"Blaine! Fuck! Blaine..." Kurt gasped, starting to work himself on Blaine faster.
"YesshitKurt!" Blaine cried out. "Baby!"
"Blaine..Don't stop..Oh God!" Kurt moaned loudly, clutching to Blaine.
Blaine panted, thrusting hard and fast as he hit that sweet spot inside Kurt.
Kurt's body quaked with pleasure. "Blaine!" Kurt cried out before biting down on his shoulder.
"AHHH! FUCKKURTYES!" Blaine screamed, throwing his head back.
Kurt felt himself getting close but he tried to hold on, this felt so amazing.
Blaine gripped Kurt's ass. "Oh, god...baby!"
Kurt tightened himself around Blaine. "Fuck...Baby...Unh!"
Blaine whined, biting down on Kurt's neck roughly.
Kurt cried out tossing his head back. "BLAINE! Oh fuck baby! I'm so close!"
Blaine was on edge as he took the lobe of Kurt's ear between his teeth. "Cum for me, baby."
Kurt's entire body tightened as he gasped, letting out a cry that echoed through the woods as he came hard.
Blaine yelled Kurt's name as he felt his fianc�’s muscles clench down around him. He came with Kurt, holding onto him tightly.
Blaine lowered them down in the shallow part of the lake, reveling in the feel of the cool water against their hot skin as they panted. Kurt cuddled up to Blaine. "I love you.."
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head, breathing heavily. "I love you too."
Kurt pulled himself close to Blaine's chest, kissing the damp flushed skin.
Blaine sighed happily. "You ready to go back? I'm getting cold..."
"Yeah.." Kurt said. "So much for swimming though.." He giggled.
"We can stay if you want to swim," Blaine said softly.
"I'm getting cold too...We have all week and I really want to cuddle with you in the tent.." Kurt said smiling.
Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "You're the best."
Kurt smiled as they got out of the water, shivering. "Baby? W-where's our clothes?" The paler boy asked.
Blaine squinted. "Over there, right?" he asked, pointing to a tree.
Kurt quickly scuffled over to the tree in question, searching for the garments. "No..."
"Well they have to be here somewhere, Kurt..."
"They're not! Oh God..I swear if we have to walk all the way back naked.." Kurt sighed.
Blaine took Kurt's hand. "Let's just keep looking."
Kurt smiled at the touch. He swore Blaine could calm him down like it was nothing.
They walked around for a few more minutes until Blaine saw the familiar rope swing. He lead Kurt over there, and sure enough, their clothes were there.
"Oh good." Kurt giggled. Picking up the clothes.
Blaine laughed. "You're so cute."
"How?" Kurt asked, slipping on his shorts.
"You just are," Blaine smiled.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and kissed him softly. "Did you enjoy yourself?" Kurt smiled.
Blaine placed his hands on Kurt's hips. "Sure did. The way you scream my name...just...wow..."
Kurt smiled against Blaine's lips. "Good...Because we're not doing anything else until we get to the hotel.."
Blaine pulled back. "What? Why?"
"Because you'll appreciate it more.." Kurt said, smiling smugly to himself as he reached down, picking up his shirt.
Blaine sighed. "I was wrong earlier...This will be the death of me."
Kurt giggled, putting his hands on Blaine's chest and kissing him softly. "But it will be so, so amazing when we do it."
Blaine gave a small smile. "Although that is true, I know you. And you're going to be a tease until then. Even though I will love that too, it will kill me."
Kurt giggled, kissing Blaine's jaw softly. "You know me so well.."
Blaine shook his head. "You're so much better at this," he chuckled.
"Why do you say that?" Kurt asked, smiling against Blaine's neck.
"I didn't really know what I was doing..." Blaine admitted. "But you have this all planned out."
Kurt licked a small line over Blaine's Adam’s apple. "I do.."
Blaine sucked in a deep breath. "Kuurrttt..."
Kurt bit down on his neck lightly, sucking on it a bit.
Blaine gasped, tightening his grip on Kurt's hips.
Kurt smiled before pulling away and slipping his shirt on.
Blaine whined, letting his head fall back before grabbing his clothes.
"I love you.." Kurt smiled.
Blaine glared at Kurt. "I love you too."
"Oh don't pout...You'll thank me later.." Kurt giggled, watching Blaine get dressed.
"But I'll be all deprived until then," Blaine retorted.
"So will I." Kurt said smiling.
"But you know you are better at handling this. You're just too good to stop having..."
Kurt looked at Blaine. "See, now you're making me feel bad about this." He pouted.
Blaine sighed, wrapping his arms around his fianc�. "I understand why you want to. It will just suck until then."
"Well...How about I suck you one more time when we get back to the tent?" Kurt asked softly.
"Only if you want to," Blaine smiled.
"You know I love doing it.." Kurt said happily.
"Well, you are very talented...just saying..." Blaine giggled.
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine softly. "Well let’s get back to the tent so I can show you how talented I really am."
Blaine shivered. "Let's go."
They hurried back to the tent and practically dived in, Kurt zipped up the door and laid on top of Blaine kissing and sucking on his neck.
Blaine whimpered. "Baby..."
"Hmm?" Kurt hummed, biting down lightly on his pulse point.
"I-I love you..."
Kurt pulled off and looked at Blaine. "I love you too.."
Blaine smiled as he locked eyes with those gorgeous blue eyes.
Kurt smiled back, leaning in to kiss him softly.
Blaine sighed against Kurt's lips, tangling his fingers in his fianc�’s hair.
Kurt gave a small moan, taking Blaine's bottom lip in between his teeth and biting lightly.
Blaine rolled his hips up, moaning as Kurt bit down a little harder.
Kurt pulled back until Blaine's lip slipped out from between his teeth. He kissed down his neck, sucking lightly at his collar bone.
"Oh god, baby..." Blaine breathed out.
Kurt kissed down Blaine's chest, licking his nipple lightly before sucking and nibbling at it.
Blaine gasped. "Kurrttt..."
Kurt kissed down further, ghosting his tongue over Blaine's navel before sucking on his hip and biting down lightly.
Blaine lifted his hips at the touch. "Fuck..."
"You're so hot baby.." Kurt said softly, rubbing his nose against the bulge in Blaine's shorts.
Blaine couldn't respond. He knew he'd be too loud. He reached up, pulling his own hair slightly.
Kurt unzipped Blaine's shorts, pulling them down enough to free Blaine's growing erection. Kurt kissed up the shaft of it softly before nuzzling against the base of it. "Such a pretty cock..';" Kurt purred happily.
Blaine's eyebrows furrowed before he started laughing uncontrollably.
Kurt looked up at Blaine, beet red as he realized what he said."Ohmygod.."
"Pretty?" Blaine giggled.
"Shuddup.." Kurt groaned, burying his face in Blaine's hip. "I didn't mean to say that.."
Blaine leaned down, lifting Kurt's chin. "You're adorable."
Kurt kept blushing as he looked away from Blaine. "I feel stupid.."
"Don't. I just didn't expect it. I didn't mean to laugh," Blaine said softly. "But instead of being embarrassed, you could just make me forget about it by sucking my...'pretty cock' like you were born for it..."
Kurt giggled, giving Blaine a soft kiss before moving back down between Blaine's legs, licking a firm line up the shaft.
Blaine's head fell back as he moaned, pulling his hair again.
Kurt kissed the head of Blaine's member, sucking the tip into his mouth and teasingly licking over the slit.
"UNNGHHH!" Blaine groaned, his hands trailing down his body.
Kurt pulled off looking up at Blaine. "Shh..." He said softly.
Blaine nodded, whining at the loss of contact.
Kurt sank his mouth over the head, swirling his tongue around it as he sucked softly.
Blaine gasped, his hands finding his abs as he raked his nails down his own body.
Kurt watched as Blaine's hands roamed his own body. God if that wasn't hottest thing Kurt had ever seen. He moaned softly, sucking all of Blaine into his mouth.
Blaine grasped his abs to keep from crying out.
Kurt moaned at the sight, bobbing his head slowly as his cheeks hollowed.
Blaine gasped. "Fuck, Kurrttt..." he moaned arching his back.
Kurt kept his tongue pressed to the bottom of Blaine's member sucking harder as he watched him.
Blaine writhed below Kurt, sliding his hands down to his hips, tightening his grip on himself.
Kurt moaned again, placing his hands over Blaine's and squeezing tightly as he sucked harder.
Blaine's breath deepened as he arched his back more. "Baby...fuck...unghh!!!"
Kurt relaxed his throat and took Blaine as deep as he could, letting his eyes slip closed.
Blaine felt himself inching closer. He looked down at his eager fianc�. "I-I'm close...baby..."
Kurt nodded, sucking Blaine more as he looked up locking eyes with him.
Blaine broke the contact, his head flying back and his back arching fully as he came hard.
Kurt moaned, swallowing around Blaine as he sucked him through his orgasm, stroking his hips softly.
Blaine panted as he went limp in Kurt's mouth.
Kurt pulled off of Blaine and kissed up his chest to his lips. "That was so hot baby.."
"You...just...fuck..." Blaine breathed out.
"You're just so sexy.." Kurt whispered, kissing Blaine's jaw.
"That was...the best blowjob..." Blaine said, still breathing heavy.
Kurt smiled, "I'm glad you liked it.." he said softly.
Blaine smiled. "Kiss me."
Kurt kissed Blaine languidly, letting his hand run up and down his arm.
Blaine's breathing hitched a little. "I love you, Kurt."
"I love you too.." Kurt said softly, looking up at Blaine as he continued to feel Blaine's muscles.
Blaine shivered. "That feels good. I love when you do that."
"Do what?" Kurt asked softly, kissing Blaine's shoulder.
"Run your hands over the muscles on my arms and stomach," Blaine explained.
"Oh.." Kurt giggled. "I hadn't even realized I was doing it.."
Blaine smiled. "Well, I love it."
"Me too.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine yawned, stretching his arms before turning and wrapping them around his fianc�.
Kurt smiled at Blaine through the darkness, curling up to him and sighing happily. "I love you.." He whispered, nuzzling under his jaw.
Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head. "I love you too. For always."
"Always.." Kurt agreed before slowly drifting off to sleep.