New To McKinley
Chapter 34 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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New To McKinley: Chapter 34

E - Words: 10,355 - Last Updated: Jan 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 39/39 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Jan 27, 2012
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A/N: Please bear in mind that this story is mostly about Blaine, and not just Kurt AND Blaine. Have faith in us with this! We won't keep you hanging too long. And the angst is coming to an end soon. Promise!

The next day he felt awful. He put on some sweatpants and one of Blaine's Dalton hoodies. Before combing through his hair once and walking out the door with Mercedes and driving to school.

Blaine had turned his phone off and thrown it in the back seat the night before. He drove around all night, not getting any sleep. Blaine showed up for school in the clothes he had changed into before going to see Kurt. His eyes were rimmed with red as he slowly walked to his locker.

Kurt saw Blaine walking down the hallway, looking like death. "Mercedes.." Kurt whispered, nudging his friend.

"" Mercedes said as she spotted Blaine. "W-what should we do?"

Kurt watched as Blaine opened his locker and slowly took down the picture of them he had hanging up.
"Nothing." Kurt said quickly, turning on his heel and strutting down the hallway away from Blaine.

Blaine took down everything that reminded him of Kurt. He grabbed the books he needed and lazily walked to first period.

Brittany gasped as she saw Blaine walk in. "Oh my God.."

Blaine didn't look up. He didn't move. He just wanted to go home and forget about everything.

"Blaine.." Brittany put a hand on his back as he laid his head on his desk. "Are you okay?"

Blaine shook his head. "No..." he whispered.

"I saw Kurt earlier…He looked almost as bad as you...What happened?" Brittany asked, rubbing small circles on Blaine's back.

"I...broke up with him...I need time but he doesn't understand..."

"What did he say?"

"Just kept saying that he's right and I'm being unfair. But I can't help that I need space. I just...I have things to deal with and figure out." Blaine said quietly.

"You know how Kurt can be when things don’t go his way.." Brittany said softly.

"Yeah...I called him a brat..."

Brittany cringed. "Bet he didn't like that too much..."

"No he did not. But it was true and he knows it. When things don't go his way, he acts like a little kid. When he needed time, I didn't like it but I gave it to him. The least he could do was accept it for me."

"I understand Blaine...It's just the diva in him." Brittany sighed. "So did it turn into a, fight fight? Like, yelling?"

"I love that about him though..." Blaine gave a small chuckle. "But it turned into like screaming."

Brittany frowned. "What about?"

"How I was being unfair and how I just needed space. But he thought I was saying he was just in my way but that's not what I meant. I just have so much going on and I need to deal with it...alone...and he doesn't understand." Blaine said, the tears stinging his eyes.

Brittany rubbed circles on Blaine's back. "It's gonna be okay Blaine.."

"What if we never get back together...?"

"Then it wasn't meant to be.." She whispered.

"But...I...I don't know.." Blaine said, trailing off.

"Blaine…When you think about it, we are only in high school.." Brittany tried to reason.

"I know...But...other than the Karofsky thing...He's perfect..."

Brittany sighed, rubbing Blaine's back. "I know.."

"I'm going to try to get more hours at work...Try to take my mind off things."

"Don't over work yourself.." Brittany said softly.

"I won't," Blaine said, attempting a smile.

For the next two months, Blaine kept true to his word about working more hours. He worked from as soon as he got out of school until he could barely stand.

He and Kurt barely even looked at each other anymore. If he was being honest, Blaine missed Kurt but he worked so much he pretty much forgot about everyone except Britt.
It was a Thursday night and it had been a very busy week. Blaine was worn out. But by now, he had mastered his fake smile and act for work. He went into work right after school and they were even busier today. It was about eight p.m. when he went over to the table in the back corner.
"Hi. My name is Blaine and I'll be your waiter this evening. Can I start you off with anything to drink?"

"How 'bout ye Blaine?" A boy asked, smiling up at him. He looked a bit older than him with shocking green eyes and light brown hair that was a styled sort of bed head.

Blaine was startled by those gorgeous green eyes and that thick Irish accent. "I-I'm sorry?"

"Eh, makin' a right arse out of meself aren't I?" The boy laughed. "Err..How are ye? Yeah, that's it. Sorry, just moved 'ere from Ireland." The boy said smiling.

Blaine's breath caught. "I-I'm good," he said, truly smiling for the first time in months. "And yourself?"

"As weak as a salmon in a sandpit." The boy laughed. "But better now that I have a fine bit 'o stuff like you to talk to." He said winking.

"'Bastian, ye dope, he's prolly doin' a line." The young woman across from him said giggling. "And prolly with a lass!"

Blaine blushed deeply. "Your name is Sebastian? I like it. And yes, I play for your team," he said smiling widely.

"Yeah, me sister thinks yer taken though. A flah like yer'self prolly is." He said, making a disappointed, yet playful face.

Blaine's blush spread as he shook his head. "I'm single actually."

Sebastian smiled and his sister laughed. "Oh 'Bastian ain't nothin but a bloody bouzzie!" Sebastian shot her a look. "Don't let 'im be foolin' ye, he ain't no good!"

"Ara be whist ye eejit.." Sebastian laughed looking at his sister before looking back at Blaine. "When do ye be gettin' off?" He asked, giving that crooked smile.

Blaine looked back and forth at the brother and sister before focusing on Sebastian. "In about an hour," he said, batting his eyelashes a little.

Sebastian smiled widely. "Alright. I'll be seein ye then?"

"I'd like that," Blaine gave a small giggle. "What can I get you all to drink?"

They ordered their food and Sebastian gave Blaine a wink as he walked off bring the order to the kitchen. "Flirting on the job," Another waitress, Julia, laughed. "Don't think I didn't see that."

Blaine blushed again. "He started it!" he chuckled.

"Your face is red!" She giggled. "He's cute!"

"He wants to meet me when I get off.." Blaine smiled.

"Are you gonna?" She asked as the drinks were placed on Blaine's serving tray.

"Yeah, I think I am," Blaine said happily. "I haven't really smiled in a long time...But he's bringing my old self back out.'

"Look at you! Only known him less than five minutes and already smiling again!" She giggled.

Blaine blushed again. "I better get these drinks over to them."

"Go get 'im!" She said smiling as he walked off.

Blaine got butterflies in his stomach as he got closer. "And here's your drinks," he said, not taking his eyes off Sebastian. "Are you ready to order?"

"Thank ye.." Sebastian smiled. They ordered the food, the two never looking away from each other as they did so.

Blaine was deep in thought. "Your eyes..." he let slip out, his own eyes going wide as he realized he said that out loud.

Sebastian's sister smiled and her hand flew over her mouth. "Aye, he really is sweet on ye. Juicy lit'le thing." She said smiling.

Blaine blushed again. "I-I'm sorry...I just...they're beautiful..."

The slightest blush escaped Sebastian's composed fa�ade. "Thank ye..Yer's ain't to bad yerself.."

"They're just brown," Blaine said naturally, regretting it as soon as he did. He thought of Kurt and how he loved Blaine's eyes. But the thought was gone as soon as he heard that amazing accent again.

"Go way outta that! They be gar'juss." Sebastian smiled.

Blaine only caught the last bit of that. "Thank you," he said, batting his dark eyelashes again. "I should take your order to the back.."

Sebastian nodded, watching Blaine as he walked away.

Blaine put their order in before checking on his other tables. He walked back over to Sebastian's table. "Would you like a refill?"

Sebastian nodded. "You're the best mhuirn�n.." He smiled.

"Quit tryin' to sweet talk the poor thing!" Sebastian's sister giggled.

Blaine smiled, going to get drinks and replacing them as he waited for their food to come out.

When it did, Blaine brought out the food. "Oh, thank ye! I've a mouth on me!" He smiled up at Blaine.

Blaine looked down at him, blushing. "Umm... What?"

"Yer just the cutest. It means that I'm hungry." He smiled.

"Oh," Blaine giggled. "Let me know if you need anything else."

"He will.." The girl laughed.

Blaine blushed before telling them to enjoy their meal and walking away.

After they ate, Blaine brought them the bill and Sebastian handed it to him. Blaine took the bill to the register and opened it, there was a note written on the bottom of the receipt.
"Keep the change and meet me in the parking lot when you get off.

Blaine smiled to himself as he got butterflies. He looked up to the clock. He only had fifteen minutes left. He quickly went around to the rest of his tables, getting their bills and cleaning the tables as fast as he could. Blaine was excited for the first time in months. He felt human again.

After work he slipped on his jacket and stepped outside, looking for Sebastian.
"Aye!" He heard someone call out. He turned and saw Sebastian, standing by a motorcycle.

Blaine's eyes grew wide. 'No way,' he thought to himself. He walked over to the Irish boy. "Well hey there."

Sebastian smiled." 'bout ye?" He said."Yer even cuter outta uniform."

Blaine blushed, looking down. "Thank you.. So how old are you?"

"Eighteen. You?"

" have a motorcycle?" Blaine asked, smiling.

"Yeah, wanna go for a ride? Ye can be me backer." Sebastian said, smiling wide.

"R-really?" Blaine asked quickly. "I've never been on one before...I'd love to."

Sebastian grinned handing Blaine his helmet and, straddling the bike, motioning for Blaine to get behind him.

Blaine could feel his heart racing as he swung his leg over. "W-where do I hold on?"

"Go head and snake 'em round my waist." Sebastian giggled.

Blaine's breath caught as he did so. He wouldn't admit this out loud but he felt like Stephanie Zinone when Michael took her for a ride.

Sebastian started the bike and felt Blaine jump a bit as the engine started."Ya alright?" He chuckled.

Blaine was shaking with nerves and excitement. "Y-yeah. I'm good!"

Sebastian smiled and started driving.

Blaine gasped as he felt the cold wind. He wrapped his arms around Sebastian tighter.

"So tell me about yerself!" Sebastian said over his shoulder as Blaine clung to him. He took a back road, slowing down a bit so he could hear Blaine.

"What do you want to know?" Blaine asked.

"Where are you from?"

"Westerville. I used to go to Dalton but switched to McKinley when I moved. Where do you go to school?"

"McKinley!" He smiled.

"Really?!" Blaine asked excitedly. "That's so great! I can show you around if you'd like..."

"Yep! I start on Monday. I'm a senior." Sebastian giggled as he hit a bump and Blaine tightened his grip. "And that sound's great."

Blaine hugged him tighter. "I can't wait!"

Sebastian drove them around a bit longer as they talked and he pulled back into the TGI Friday's parking lot. He helped Blaine off the bike and smiled as he took the helmet off, his curly hair everywhere. Blaine tried to smooth down his hair, blushing as Sebastian smiled at him.
"So, can I get yer number?" Sebastian asked smiling. "I'd love a second date."

Blaine's heart sped up. "Y-yeah," he smiled, taking out a pen and giving his number to the Irish boy.

Sebastian smiled at Blaine as handed him the number. "Are ye busy tomorrow? I'd like to take ye out on an actual date. This one was a bit arseways." He chuckled.

Blaine chuckled. "I work, but we can when i get off."

"Brilliant..." Sebastian said happily. He grabbed Blaine's hand, kissing his knuckles. "Until then mhuirn�n.."

Blaine blushed. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said smiling widely.

Sebastian nodded, squeezing Blaine's hand before walking back to the bike. He pulled his helmet on and rode away, Blaine watching him the whole time.

Blaine immediately pulled his phone out, calling Brittany.

"Hey Blaine!" She said happily.

"BRITT! I met someone!!!"

Brittany smiled at how happy her best friend sounded. "Who?"

"His name is Sebastian. He has gorgeous green eyes. He goes to our school. AND HES IRISH!!" Blaine gushed.

"Is he a leprechaun?" Brittany asked seriously.

"No," Blaine giggled.

"How come I've never seen him around school? Is he new? How old is he? Does he like you? What's he look like? Where does he keep his gold?" Brittany asked smiling.

"No gold. He’s beautiful. I rode on his motorcycle tonight. He starts Monday. And he’s taking me out tomorrow!"

"You still didn't tell me how old he is!" She smiled, clutching a pillow to her chest.

"Oh! Eighteen!!!"

"Oohh, you got you an older man!" Brittany giggled.

"Yes ma'am!"

"Do you like him?" Brittany asked.

"I do. So far at least. He’s amazing, Britt."

"Is he nice? Motorcycle sounds, like bad boy.." she giggled.

"He's really nice. He doesn't seem bad," Blaine said, thinking about their ride.

"That's good then.." Brittany said happily.

"I really like him."

"You deserve to be happy Blaine.. So I get to meet him tomorrow?" The blond asked.

"Monday," Blaine said happily.

"I want some of his lucky charms.."

"I'll tell him," Blaine giggled.

"So, I bet you were swooning.." Brittany said smugly.

"More than you could imagine."

Brittany laughed loudly. "You are adorable!"

Blaine laughed. "I can’t help it."

"Well, I hope you two have a good date tomorrow." Brittany smiled.

"Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow, Britt."

"Bye Blaine!"

"Bye," Blaine said, hanging up and heading to his car.

When Blaine came home his mom was in the living room reading. She looked up. "Hey honey! You look happy!"

"I am," Blaine said, skipping into the room.

"Why so cheery? Not that I'm complaining." She said, smiling wide.

"I met someone...."

"Really?" She said smiling and setting her book down.

"Mom...he’s gorgeous...."

Marissa giggled giddily and patted the spot on the couch next to her. "Come on, tell me more!"

"He's from Ireland!! Amazing accent! He flirted the whole time he was there. Beautiful green eyes! He wants to go out tomorrow," Blaine said excitedly.

"Don't you work tomorrow?" She asked.

"Until six," Blaine said. "But I can change after."

"I don't know...Beautiful Irish boy...Sounds kind of shady to me.." Marissa said feigning skepticism.

Blaine giggled. "I'm not going to lie...there"

Marissa eyed her son carefully. "What is it?"

"Please don't judge him because of this...He's safe and just...I really like him.." Blaine said in a rush. "But he has a...motorcycle..."

"Oh no.." Marissa giggled. "You are not getting on that."

"I kinda did...tonight..."

"Blaine! You know how dangerous those are!" Marissa scolded.

"I know..." Blaine said quietly. "I couldn't stop myself. It was so...thrilling!"

"Oh god..I can feel the teenage rebellion creeping up behind this one.." Marissa deadpanned.

"It's not like that, I swear!" Blaine defended himself. "What if he comes over tomorrow and takes you for a ride so you can see that he drives safe?"

"I don't think that'd be the best idea. I refuse to put myself on one of those screaming metal death traps." Marissa said, laughing a bit.

"Well...Will you please allow me to? I really don't want to wind up doing it without your consent..." Blaine asked with pleading eyes.

Marissa looked at her son for a minute. "Fine.." she sighed in defeat.

"Thank you!!!" Blaine said, jumping a little. "I'll bring him by here before we go out. I want you to meet him!"

Marissa smiled. "Alright.." now go get a shower, you smell like Irish boy and shame." She joked. "Oh! And you never told me his name!"

Blaine giggled as he stood and went to the bathroom. "Sebastian!" Blaine called back.

Marissa smiled. "Go wash yourself!" She heard Blaine laugh as he closed the door. This was the first time in two months she saw her son genuinely happy. She wasn't going to stop him from seeing this boy.

Blaine sang happily as he showered. He got out and went to lay on the couch with his mom, telling her all about Sebastian.

"Well he sounds like quite the charmer.." Marissa said smiling as she pet Blaine's curls. He looked up at her smiling from her lap. "You look so happy and you haven't even been on a date with him.."

"I know," Blaine sighed happily. "There's just something about him."

"Well you deserve to be happy.." She said softly, smiling down at her son.

"Thanks," he smiled.

The next day at school Brittany walked up to Blaine at his locker. "Hey!" She smiled, pulling him into a hug.

"Hey!" he said smiling widely.

Brittany giggled. "Wow!' You really are happy!"

"I know!" Blaine giggled. "How are you?"

"Good! I-" suddenly two hands flew over Blaine's eyes from behind him.
"Guess who?" said an unmistakable thick Irish accent.

Blaine's heart fluttered. He turned around quickly. "Oh my god! Hey!"

Sebastian smiled. "Hey! Decided to come today instead of havin' to wait to see ye 'till tonight."

Blaine blushed. "I'm glad!"

"So this is McKinley eh?" Sebastian said looking around.

Kurt looked on from a few lockers down from Blaine, watching as he chatted with this new guy. "Mercedes...Who is that?"

Mercedes looked up. "I've never seen him..."

"He's flirting with Blaine.." Kurt said in a disgusted tone.

"What are you going to do about it?" Mercedes asked. "You still giving him space?"

"There's nothing I can do...He's past the point of 'I need space' and in the point of 'Oh him? Don't worry about him, he's my ex'.." Kurt sighed, staring longingly at Blaine.

"I don't know. It could be a rebound. Someone to show him that he needs you. You had that with Silas. Give it time, boo."

Kurt sighed, "Look at him 'Cedes...He looks so happy.."

"So did you." Mercedes said seriously. "I don't know. There's something not right about him."

Kurt rolled his eyes as the brunette leaned over Blaine, keeping one hand on the locker as he smiled down at him.

Mercedes grabbed Kurt's hand. "Let's go."

Kurt grabbed his best friend's hand as she pulled him down the hall.

Blaine's eyelashes fluttered. "What did you want to do tonight?"

"They're doin one 'o them 'ol drive in movies down town..Would ye like that?" Sebastian asked smiling.

Blaine nodded. "I've never been to one."

"Brilliant.." Sebastian smiled.

"So...Do you have classes today? Or did you just come to see me?" Blaine asked, smiling.

"Me schedule doesn't start till Monday...I really just wanted to see ye.." Sebastian admitted.

Blaine blushed, looking to the side. "Oh! This is Brittany! She's my best friend. Britt, this is Sebastian!"

"Blaine told me all about you and how you are not a leprechaun." She said smiling.

Blaine giggled. "I'll explain later."

Sebastian just chuckled, smiling at the blond. "Nice to meet ye Brittany."

Brittany leaned over to Blaine. "Why does he talk like that...?"

"He's from Ireland Britt.." Blaine chuckled.

"But you said he is not a leprechaun..."

"Look at it this way...Leprechauns are short...He's taller than both of us..." Blaine said, watching as Sebastian giggled to himself.

"So he doesn't have gold?" Brittany asked, frowning.

" 'Fraid not." Sebastian said, feigning disappointment.

"Oh..." Brittany sighed. "I heard you have a motorcycle though! Blaine loves it!"

"Brittany!" Blaine blushed, trying to get her to stop.

"I could tell.. Looked like ye were 'bout to fall out when ye seen it." Sebastian said, looking back at Blaine.

Blaine's blushed deepened. "They're fun..."

Sebastian laughed lightly, grabbing Blaine's hand and kissing his knuckles like he did the night before. "I prolly oughta be goin'...See ye t'night mhuirn�n?"

Blaine nodded. "You never did tell me what that means..."

Sebastian's face went deep in thought. "It's sort of like...A term 'o endearment I su'pose...Like.. darling."

Blaine smiled, taking Sebastian’s hand and giving it a little squeeze. "Meet me after work?"

"O'course.." The Irish boy said giving that dreamy smile.

Blaine's heart fluttered. "I'll see you tonight."

Sebastian gave Blaine's hand one more squeeze before smiling and walking down the hall.

Blaine leaned against the lockers, sighing happily before looking up at his best friend. "What do you think?"

"He's gorgeous!" She giggled, bouncing.

Blaine gasped. "What should I wear tonight?"

"Something simple, that he will also want to rip off of you." Brittany said quickly.

"But what though? I have no idea. You've been through my closet...What do you think?"

Brittany thought for a moment. "That navy blue button up with black jeans. Maybe throw in your white suspenders?"

Blaine pulled her in for a hug. "You're the best!"

"I'm so excited! You're going to call me when you get home right?" Brittany mused.

"Of course!" Blaine giggled.

Brittany bounced happily, clapping her hands together. "Come on, let's get to class.."

Later that night, Julia watched as Blaine rushed around the restaurant. When he stopped by her to refill drinks, she put a hand on his shoulder. "Did you take speed before you came in?" She giggled.

"Nope! Just happy! And excited! And just oh my god!" he babbled as he got the drinks.

"It's that kid from last night isn't it?" Julia said knowingly.

"He's taking me to the drive inn tonight!"

"How romantic!" His manager giggled. "Tell ya what. After table six leaves, you can clock out. It's already five thirty."

"Really?!" Blaine asked, bouncing. "Thank you!!"

She nodded, smiling as the teenager happily rushed off with the drinks.

Blaine happily went about his job, waiting for the family to finish eating. He got their check and grew more and more excited.

He went and clocked out, rushing to grab his bag and went to the bathroom to change.

Blaine sent a quick text to Sebastian.
"Hey beautiful. I got off early. Changing now."

"On my way love, see you then."

Blaine's heart fluttered as he read the text. He did what he could with his hair before walking back out and sitting at a table as he waited.

A few minutes later Blaine saw the messy mop of light brown hair as the Irish boy walked inside, seeing Blaine and smiling. "You look amazin'" he said after he walked up to Blaine.

"Thanks," Blaine said bashfully. "You look great!"

Sebastian smiled. He was wearing a simple white button up with the first couple of buttons undone and some dark, tight fitting jeans.."Ye ready?"

"Sure am! Do you mind stopping by my house really quick?" Blaine asked.

"That's fine, 'ere ye live?" He asked as they walked out to his motorcycle.

"Not too far. You can follow me and drop my car off?"

"Sound's good.." He said, straddling the bike. Blaine couldn't help but shiver slightly each time he saw him do that.

Blaine walked to his car, backing out and waiting for Sebastian before heading to his house.

He pulled into the driveway and Sebastian pulled in behind him, pulling off his helmet and running his fingers through his hair.

"Want to come in with me? It'll just take a few minutes."

"Yer mum home?" Sebastian asked smiling as he got off of the bike.

Blaine nodded. "She knows we are coming."

He followed Blaine up to the apartment and they walked inside. Marissa saw them both. "Hello dear! I'm Marissa Cacalda.." she said smiling. Blaine's eye brows kneaded together, still not used to hearing his mother's maiden name since the divorce was finalized last month.
"Sebastian O'Connor.." he said smiling as he shook her hand. "Pleased to meet ye."

Marissa looked to Blaine and smiled, turning a little to wink at him.

"He's taking me to the drive inn if that’s alright.." Blaine said.

"That's perfectly fine. Just be careful on that motorcycle!" She said smiling.

"Yes ma'am." Sebastian said nodding.

Blaine smiled that goofy grin. "Thanks mom!" he went to his room to put up his uniform and checked his hair one last time before walking back to Sebastian.

Sebastian smiled as they walked out of the door over to the bike. He got on and Blaine got behind him, putting on the helmet Sebastian brought for him before wrapping his arms around his middle tightly. He tightened up a bit as the engine started, making Sebastian smile to himself as he started down the road.

Blaine closed his eyes and relaxed for the first time in what seemed like forever. It was weird to him. To Blaine, this felt right.

They pulled into the drive in and Blaine looked confused as Sebastian helped him off.
"Now I know what ye be thinkin', ye need a car at the drive in. But just watch." Sebastian got one of the speakers and hooked it up to the bike before digging in his bag and pulling out a big clich� red picnic blanket, spreading it across the grass by where they were parked in the back of the lot. He pulled out a couple more blankets and grabbed Blaine's hand. "Perfect view." He said as they sat down, not taking his eyes off of Blaine.

Blaine giggled, sitting down next to the charming Irish boy. "This is perfect."

"I'm glad ye like it.." He said smiling. They sat talking for a bit until the movie started and Sebastian leaned against Blaine, smiling at the screen as the old black and white movie played.

A little while into the movie, Blaine started to shiver. "I-I'm cold...." he said resting his head against Sebastian's shoulder.

Sebastian smiled fondly at Blaine. "I come prepared for evr'ythin'." He said grabbing another one of the blankets he had and draped it over Blaine's shoulders, pulling him close.

"Mmmm, thank you," Blaine grinned, nuzzling against Sebastian’s neck.

Sebastian rubbed up and down Blaine's back until he pulled back a little, looking into Blaine's honey hazel eyes.

Blaine knew what Sebastian was thinking. He smiled lightly, giving a small nod.

The Irish boy smiled widely before leaning in a bit, their lips less than an inch apart.

Blaine took a deep breath, calming himself as he closed the space between them.

Sebastian inhaled deeply through his nose as he felt Blaine's lips touch his. He kissed him softly, placing one hand on the side of Blaine's face, pulling him closer.

Blaine gasped, kissing Sebastian as his hands found the other boy's hair.

Sebastian made a small noise of approval. They kissed for a bit longer until Sebastian reluctantly pulled away.
"Wow.." he whispered.

"Huh?" Blaine breathed out, leaning against him.

"That was just...Wow.." Sebastian giggled.

Blaine kissed Sebastian's cheek. "I thought so too." Kissing Sebastian wasn't like kissing Kurt. He felt that instant spark with Kurt. But then again, it isn't like he felt nothing with Sebastian.

Sebastian smiled, pulling Blaine close as they watched the rest of the movie.

As the movie ended, Blaine smiled up at the taller boy. "That was lovely."

"I'm glad ye liked it.." Sebastian said smiling.

"I loved it," Blaine grinned.

Sebastian helped Blaine up and shoved everything in his bag before they got back on the bike and Sebastian drove him home. They shared another kiss at the door and Blaine smiled happily as they bid each other good night. They went out again Sunday to take a ride on Sebastian’s bike, stopping by an open field to lay and talk, kissing a bit more. Monday came and Sebastian stayed by Blaine most of the time, earning looks from a boy he didn't know. They went out every weekend, for the next three weeks. Blaine taking him out and he taking Blaine out. They took turns until one night as Blaine walked Sebastian to his door.
"Blaine...I want to ask ye somethin." Sebastian said grabbing Blaine's hands.

Blaine smiled. "What is it, Sebastian?"

"I was wornderin'...If'd be wantin' go with me..Be me boyfriend?" Sebastian asked shyly.

Blaine smiled giddily. "I'd love to!"

Sebastian smiled wide, placing his hands on either side of Blaine's face, kissing him deeply.

Blaine blushed as Sebastian pulled away. "Amazing..." he sighed.

Sebastian smiled. "You are.."

Blaine giggled. "Thanks for tonight."

"Thank ye Blaine..." Sebastian smiled, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.

Blaine kissed him once again. "I’ll see you tomorrow?"

"O'course." He said smoothly. That accent would never fail to make Blaine melt.

"Good night, Sebastian."

"G'night.." He said, kissing Blaine's cheek and walking inside.

Blaine smiled widely as he walked back to his car. Maybe things were really going to start working for Blaine.

The next day at school Blaine felt a pair of strong arms wrap around Blaine's waist from behind. "Hello beautiful.."

Blaine pressed back against him. "Well hello there, boyfriend."

Sebastian smiled. "I love that.."

"Me too," Blaine said, turning so he was facing him.

Sebastian leaned down and kissed Blaine softly, pulling him closer as he did so.

Kurt gasped as he saw them from down the hall. So this guy was fine with PDA? And since when did Blaine like making out in the hallway?
"Mercedes...I can't do this...I just want to move. You and me, let’s go to New York."

"We will," She assured him. "Don't look. Come on."

Kurt teared up as he felt Mercedes grab his hand. "He told me he loved me...He said that I just needed to wait for him and we'd be together again..."

Mercedes pulled him in for a hug. "I know, Kurt. I'm so sorry. You'll find someone."

"I don't want someone...I need him."

"Show him," Mercedes sighed. "Sing to him in glee."

Kurt sniffed and wiped his eyes, nodding.

"It's gonna work out, Kurt. If not I'll kill him for you." she giggled.

Kurt smiled weakly. "Best friends don't get better than you.."

"Oh, come on. You'd do the same for me. Except you'd slash him with that bitch stare first," Mercedes said, chuckling.

Kurt put his arm around her shoulder. "I have the perfect song for today...It doesn't hurt that our assignment is Adele this week either.." Kurt said smiling. "Also I am not doing a 'sad sad, cry for me' song. Confidence is key right?"

"Now there is the Kurt I know! I thought I lost him. Let's go prepare and get your man back!"

Kurt giggled as they walked off to the choir room.

Blaine smiled up at his boyfriend. "So...I think I found a song to sing..."

Sebastian smiled. A couple of weeks ago Blaine convinced him to join Glee club. "An' what is that?"

"You're just going to have to wait and see," Blaine giggled.

"Can't wait.." Sebastian said softly, kissing Blaine again.

"Do you think this song is good enough?" Kurt asked Mercedes quickly as they sat in the choir room, the first two in glee club.

"It's perfect," She smiled.

"Ugh...Mercedes...Be honest with me...How am I supposed to compete with this swoon-worthy Irish teenage dream?" Kurt sighed, resting his chin in his hand.

"Kurt. Do you remember Blaine's first day? He didn't know you and sang Teenage Dream to you."

"But now he's got this gorgeous foreign guy...and I'm just...Kurt." He said softly, getting second thoughts about the song.

"I'm positive it's not going to last. I haven't told you this...." Mercedes said carefully. "But once in a while...he still looks at you."

Kurt looked up at his best friend. "Really?" He asked, perking up a bit.

"Let him get this out of his system. He will see that he only needs you."

Kurt nodded, smiling a bit until Blaine and Sebastian walked in hand-in-hand.

"So...Did you find a song?" Blaine asked, looking at his boyfriend.

"I 'avent yet, but I'll find somethin' for ye." He smiled as they sat down.

Blaine smiled. "I can't wait."

The rest of the glee club walked in and Mr. Schuester walked in."Mr. Schue?" Kurt said quickly, standing.

"Yes, Kurt?" The teacher replied.

"I...I have a song for our Adele assignment.." Kurt said, keeping his posture but giving a quick glance to Blaine.

Blaine caught the look and quickly looked down.

"Alright, the floor is yours," Mr. Schue said.

Kurt motioned for Tina and Mercedes so they would harmonize behind him and handed the pianist the sheet music.

Blaine watched Kurt, silently begging for this to not be about him. He hadn't told Sebastian about Kurt yet.

"A couple of months ago...A promise was made…And until that promise is fulfilled...I'll be waiting.." Kurt said, giving a small smile.
The music started to play and Kurt took a deep breath before starting to sing.

Hold me closer one more time,
Say that you love me in your last goodbye,

Please forgive me for my sins,
Yes, I swam dirty waters,
But you pushed me in,

I've seen your face under every sky,
Over every border and on every line,
You know my heart more than I do,
We were the greatest, me and you...

Blaine sighed to himself. He did feel terrible about leaving Kurt. He knew that though what Kurt did was wrong, he had good intentions. But Blaine wouldn't allow himself to think about that. Since he met Sebastian, he'd been happy. And he knew that thinking of Kurt would bring all that back. Blaine sighed to himself, occasionally looking up at his ex-fianc�.

But we had time against us,
And miles between us,
The heavens cried,
I know I left you speechless,
But now the sky has cleared and it's blue,
And I see my future in you,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,

I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,

I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you.

Kurt sang as he danced slightly around the room with a determined face, occasionally looking at Blaine.

Blaine tried to focus on anything but Kurt. He didn't want to think about this. Getting up and singing his song was going to be much harder now.

Let me stay here for just one more night,
Build your world around me,
And pull me to the light,
So I can tell you that I was wrong,
I was a child then, but now I'm willing to learn..

Kurt sang, looking right at Blaine.

I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll do everything different,
I'll be better to you,
I'll be waiting for you when you're ready to love me again,
I put my hands up,
I'll be somebody different,
I'll be better to you.

He finished softly before looking away from Blaine as the club applauded.

Blaine felt the tears stinging behind his eyes. He sniffled before pulling himself together. He could feel Sebastian looking at him but he couldn't talk about this right now.

Sebastian finished clapping and grabbed Blaine's hand. "Ye a'right love?"

“I...I'm fine," Blaine nodded, leaning back in his chair.

Sebastian kissed Blaine's cheek and pulled him closer.

Kurt quickly sat down as he saw the gesture. "Mercedes..." He sighed under his breath.

Mercedes took his hand. "It's going to be alright. When you weren't looking, he was looking at you. You have him thinking at least."

Kurt nodded, squeezing her hand.

Blaine stood. "C-Can I sing my song now, Mr. Schue?"

Kurt head turned quickly and his heart sped up as he looked at Blaine.

"Sure Blaine...Let's see what you got." Mr. Schue said smiling.

Blaine stood in front of the club. He looked at Kurt as he started to sing.

I thought I told you, he’d be home soon
Couldn’t help myself, you’re too good to be true!
I fall short each time,
Every time he ain't here

He switched his eyes to Sebastian.

You and your charm creep closer
Closer in here
Like a fool for fire I fall, with my pride and all!
Like a bomb before explosion,
Ticking by your call,
You’re the wiser one, disguised from greed,
And I’m just a child who longs on her knees.

Kurt's heart dropped to the floor as he realized what song Blaine was singing. "No.." he barely whispered, squeezing Mercedes' hand.

Blaine could feel the tears again but he had to hold them back. He knew these words weren't completely true. He just couldn't give up Sebastian. Not yet at least...

But I found a boy who I love more,
Than I ever did you before,
So stand beside the river I cried,
And let yourself down!
Look how you want me now that I don’t need you!

So, you thought that I'd crumble to my knees
At the first sight of you crawling back to me
To whisper "will you leave your man?"
You sweared that this time you can stand by me.
I won’t stand by you!

Cause I found a boy who I love more,
Than I ever did you before,
So stand beside the river I cried
And let yourself down!
Look how you want me now that I don’t need you!

Kurt felt the tears rapidly gather in his eyes. He looked away, squeezing Mercedes' hand tighter.

Blaine's voice got lower as he got closer to the end of the song. He looked up at Kurt.

I ain’t yours for no taking,
You must be mistaken
I could never look into your eyes, and settle for wrong
And ignore the right

Well I found a boy who loves me more,
Than you ever did me before.
So stand beside the river you cried
And let yourself down!
Look how you want me now that I don’t need you...

Kurt kept his eyes away, keeping his grip on his best friend's hand as she glared at Blaine. The club clapped and Blaine went to go sit back by Sebastian.

"Blaine...What's going on?" Sebastian asked, looking towards Kurt.

"Nothing...I'll explain later..." Blaine said in a whisper.

"He's...Just my ex...Can we please, leave it at that? I don't want to talk about it right now.." Blaine said softly.

Sebastian nodded, still looking at Kurt, who just looked...completely broken.

Blaine couldn't look at Kurt. He couldn't be here. He looked at his boyfriend. "I have to go. Call me later?"

"A'right.." he said giving Blaine a small kiss.

Blaine grabbed his bag and quickly walked out of the classroom and to his locker. He couldn't be in that room. He felt like he was going to break down again.

Kurt waited for a minute before slipping outside while the rest of the club was practicing choreography. He saw Blaine at his locker and took a deep breath, walking up to him.

Blaine swallowed hard as he saw Kurt walking to him. He hadn't spoken to him since they broke up. "Why did you sing that?" Blaine asked quietly.

"Why did you sing that?" Kurt asked softly.

"I...I don't know.." Blaine whispered...

Kurt looked away, crossing his arms and leaning against the lockers.

Blaine sighed. "I know I'm not being fair. I can see what this is doing to you. Thank you for giving my time. But time wasn't working. It made me miserable. And then I met Sebastian...I know how I feel about you... But I don't know what this is...between me and him...You had your chance with Silas to see that it was me you wanted...And trust me, this is not me trying to get even or anything...I just, I want to be sure before I come back to you..." Blaine said, letting a tear fall down his cheek. "I hate myself for doing this to you. You deserve much better than this...than me...But I just...I want to know what this is first..."

"But....What if you fall in love with him?" Kurt said, still not looking at Blaine.

"I believe that you can only be in love once..." Blaine said softly. "And I have an idea of who it will be in the end...I just want to be sure..."

"I don't want to be an option Blaine..." Kurt said, staring at the floor.

"You've never been one...Put it this way...Mercedes isn't as quiet as she thinks she is. Listen to her...Just...I need a little more time...Not long, I promise..."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Kurt asked, finally looking up at Blaine, his eyes red as the tears approached.

"Kurt..." Blaine said, starting to reach out to him but thinking better of it. "I need to do what you did. This is the second time we've been pulled apart. I need to make sure this is what we both wouldn't be right to just leave him if I wasn't 100 percent..."

"So you want to have sex with him? See if he's better than me at that too? Make sure he can fuck you better than I can before you stay with him because he's already so fucking perfect?" Kurt asked bitterly, his voice breaking.

"No! This has nothing to do with that! I gave you this chance when you didn't know. I let you do whatever it was you wanted. Just...give me this. I'm not planning on doing anything that far...This is about feelings not sex..." Blaine said, letting the tears fall. "I know this isn't fair. But I wouldn't do that." he said, running down the hallway.

Kurt ran after Blaine, grabbing his wrist. "Blaine, stop!" Kurt said, pulling him close. "I'm sorry, okay? You know how I get when I'm hurt...I just...I didn't mean that.."

Blaine nodded. "I've been in your situation...I know how it feels..." he said through the tears. "I just want to be positive you are the one...I mean...You broke up with me the week you proposed...I waited...Then this happened...I don't blame you...I blame him...I just...I need to be sure...But you have to know...I would never do that to you...."

Kurt nodded, holding Blaine close. God, this felt amazing.

Blaine couldn't deny it. He had missed this so much. "I'm sorry..." He sobbed into Kurt's shoulder.

Kurt held Blaine as he cried. He knew he still loved him. And he was pretty sure that Blaine being with Sebastian was just a phase. But it still hurt, seeing them in the hall...everything.

Blaine wiped the tears from his eyes. "Did...did you really mean what you sang in there?"

"Yes..." Kurt said softly.

Blaine nodded. "I really am sorry, Kurt..."

"It's okay.." Kurt whispered.

"Can...I ask one more thing...?"

Kurt nodded softly.

" isn't too much...Can I have..." Blaine paused, knowing he would regret this. It would only hurt them more. "One more...kiss?"

Kurt gasped, looking into Blaine's eyes. "But...Sebastian.."

"You're right..." Blaine said quietly, looking down.

Kurt put his hand under Blaine's chin, tilting his head up to look in his eyes as he leaned forward slightly.

Blaine pressed his lips to Kurt's, gasping at the familiar touch.

Kurt sighed, placing his hands on either side of Blaine's face as the kiss grew deeper.

Blaine breathed heavily. This felt amazing. He slid his tongue across Kurt's bottom lip, asking for entrance.

Kurt opened his mouth to Blaine, gasping as his ex-fianc� pushed him against the lockers, their hands roaming each other's bodies.

Blaine kissed Kurt passionately. He found his hands lifting the hem of Kurt's shirt when he pulled away, tears in his eyes. "I...fuck!...I'm so sorry, Kurt..."

Kurt looked up at Blaine, tears in his eyes as well. "It's okay.." he whispered, his arms still wrapped around Blaine's neck.

"I-I have to go..." Blaine said quietly as the tears spilled.

"I know.." Kurt said softly. "I love you.."

Blaine hesitated. "I love you, Kurt..."

Kurt watched as Blaine walked away down the hall before sliding down the lockers to sit on the floor.

Blaine sat in his car for a while, letting the tears fall. He felt horrible yet amazing at the same time. He had just cheated on Sebastian. But it was with Kurt. Blaine took a deep breath and started his car, heading to work.

After work that night he saw a text from Sebastian.
"Want to go out tonight?"

Blaine really didn't want to go out. But he wanted to see Sebastian. The quicker he sorted his feelings, the better.
"Do you mind just coming over and hanging out? I don't really feel like going out..."

"Sounds good! I'll meet you at your house?"

"See you then."

Blaine got home and saw Sebastian's bike in the driveway. He went inside and saw him inside talking with Marissa on the couch.
"'Ey love.." he said, standing and pulling Blaine into his arms, smiling wide.

"Hey," Blaine said carefully. "How long have you been here?"

" 'Bout ten minutes. Why?"

"I've actually never seen a Disney movie.." Sebastian said, his eyebrows kneading together.

"OH...MY...GOD...WE ARE WATCHING THE LITTLE MERMAID! Come on!" Blaine said, sitting him on the couch as he got the movie.

Marissa smiled and told them she was going to bed. Sebastian smiled up at Blaine as he scurried about the room. "Ye are..Just the cutest lit'le thing."

"You don't even understand. This is the best movie ever!" Blaine smiled, sitting down next to his boyfriend.

Sebastian pulled Blaine close, sighing happily as they started to watch the movie.

Blaine leaned against Sebastian, getting lost in the movie when his boyfriend interrupted.

“So why can't she just kiss 'im 'erself?"

"The spell. It says she has to get the gorgeous Prince Eric to fall for her without her voice." Blaine explained.

"Who says he won't fall for 'er if she'd just kiss 'im? And I don't get the fork in 'er hair?" Sebastian scoffed. "Also I don't 'precciate bein' named after a crab." He joked smiling.

"But Sebastian is great! Didn't you like 'Under The Sea'? And she doesn't know what a fork is. And it’s the spell. He has to kiss her for her to get her voice."

Sebastian giggled, stroking his boyfriend’s hair. Later in the movie he started up again. "That Ursula is a bit o' a right ol' cow! She's not nearly as pretty...Why would he want to marry 'er?"

"Ursula has Ariel's voice. So Eric thinks Ursula is Ariel. She wants to get him to marry her so Ariel is stuck as a human without a voice. If she did that, then she could get King Trition to give her the crown in exchange for his daughter," Blaine argued.

Sebastian just shook his head smiling.

"You don't like it?" Blaine asked.

"It's a'right...But I love how adorable ye look watchin' it." Sebastian smiled.

Blaine blushed. "I love it."

Sebastian ginned widely before leaning over and catching Blaine's lips in a kiss, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Blaine sighed, kissing him back. But his mind was on Kurt.

Sebastian moved his hands down to Blaine's waist, sliding his tongue across Blaine's bottom lip, asking for entrance.

Blaine opened his mouth a little, allowing him to massage Blaine's tongue with his own.

The Irish boy moaned softly, pulling Blaine on top of him as he lay back on the couch, rubbing up and down Blaine's sides softly as he kissed him.

Blaine pulled back. "I...I'm not ready..." he whispered.

"You're a virgin?" Sebastian asked, sounding surprised.

"No..." Blaine said. "Just...I'm not ready..."

Sebastian sat up, putting a hand on Blaine's cheek. "It's okay love…That's fine…I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried..."

Blaine looked down. "I'm sorry..." What Kurt said earlier popped in his head. Blaine didn't want this with anyone else.

"Don't be.. It's okay.." Sebastian said, planting a small kiss to Blaine's lips.

Blaine gave a weak smile. He knew what he wanted but he also knew how much Sebastian liked him. "Take me for a ride?"

Sebastian smiled. "Any time love.."

Blaine smiled, getting up and grabbing a jacket. "Thanks."

Sebastian slipped on his jacket and they walked out to his bike.

Blaine climbed on behind Sebastian, holding on tightly.

Sebastian pulled out of the driveway and found one of the back roads he knew Blaine loved driving down.

Blaine held on tight, getting lost in the feel of the wind surrounding him.

These were the moments when he thought about staying with Sebastian. When he held tight to him as they drove down the dark road. He leaned into a turn with his boyfriend as he learned to do, when suddenly there was a flash of light, a loud screech and a clash of metal Blaine felt himself hit something hard, and he heard a snap as an intense pain shot through his right arm and head. He rolled onto his back on the cold pavement, panting as he felt a warm throbbing on his forehead, he lifted his left arm to touch it and felt it was wet. His arm flopped back by his side and his vision blackened around the edges as he heard Sebastian call out his name. He felt strong arms surround him and the pain shot through his arm again, causing him to cry out as hot tears rolled down his cheeks. He heard Sebastian say something, but it sounded muffled as he closed his eyes and everything went black.

When Blaine woke up, there was bright white lights above him. He tried to sit up but could barely move. He turned his head to the side and saw his mom bent over in her chair with her head in her hands. "Mom?" Blaine said with a raspy voice.

Marissa looked up with tears in her eyes. "Blaine! Oh thank God.."

"W-what happened?" Blaine asked, bringing his hand up to his head. It was throbbing.

Marissa grabbed his hand, moving it away from his bandaged forehead. "Blaine...You have stitches.." She wiped her eyes and looked up at him. “You and Sebastian got hit by a drunk driver.."

"What? How?" Blaine asked frantically. "I don't remember anything..."

"You two were going around a curve and they swerved into you.." She said softly.

"Where’s Sebastian? Is he okay?"

"He's fine.. Just scraped up…You hit a lot harder than he did, she said, motioning to his arm that was in a cast. "Why weren't you two wearing helmets?" She scolded.

“We weren't?" Blaine asked, "I always wear mine."

"That's how you got that gash on your head sweetie...You weren't wearing one...How much do you remember?" She asked.

"We watched the little mermaid. He kissed me and...." Blaine paused. She didn’t need to know that... "I wanted to go out to get my mind of things..."

"How are you feeling?" She asked softly.

"It hurts...How long have I been out?"

"A few hours." She sighed.

Blaine nodded. "Is anyone else here?"

"Sebastian, your father, and Brittany.." she said.

"C-Can I see them?" Blaine asked.

Marissa nodded kissing her son's cheek before walking out to get her son's best friend and boyfriend first. They came in and Sebastian looked broken his eyes were red and he looked like he'd been crying for hours as they walked up to the bed.

Blaine looked up at Sebastian. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to take me..."

"Blaine, no this is all my fault love, I was goin' too fast. Please don't blame yerself. I am sorry..." He said, his voice breaking.

"No...I asked you to take me...It was stupid...I just didn't know what to do...I don't know..." Blaine babbled.

Sebastian grabbed Blaine's uninjured hand. "It's okay love..Just relax.." he said. Blaine noticed all of the gauze and bandages on Sebastian's arms and some cuts and bruises on his face.

"Look at you..." Blaine whispered. "I'm so stupid..."

"Blaine...Ye didn't do nary a thing wrong…That bloody drunk eejit did.." He said scowling.

"We were out because of me!" Blaine said, tears falling down his cheeks.

Sebastian put his hand on the side of Blaine's face. "Blaine...It's a'right love.."

Blaine nuzzled into his hand. "Do you mind if I talk to Britt for a few minutes?"

Sebastian nodded, giving Blaine a small, soft kiss before walking out.

Blaine smiled at Britt. "We need to talk."

Brittany sat in the chair next to Blaine's bed. "About?"

"I kissed Kurt..."

Brittany's hand flew over her mouth. "When?"

"Remember when I left glee club today? He followed me..." Blaine said quietly.

"What'd he say?" She asked softly.

"We kinda fought. But wound up against the lockers and kissing..." Blaine explained. "I think I want him back.."

"What about Sebastian?" She asked, looking at Blaine.

"I don't know...I like him...But Kurt...He's Kurt..." Blaine sighed. "I don't know though.."

Brittany sighed. "I don't know what to tell you Blaine.."

"Me neither...I'll figure it out..."

Brittany grabbed Blaine's left hand. "It'll work out.."

Blaine nodded. "D-does anyone know I'm here?"

"No..Just us..Your mom called me and told me."

Blaine nodded. "I'm sorry you have to see me this way..."

"Blaine..Don't apoligize.." She said, smiling weakly.

"I can't believe this..." Blaine whispered.

"It's gonna be okay.." she said, rubbing her thumb across Blaine's knuckles.

"My mom was right about the motorcycle..."

"She's not mad...She might be later but she's more worried than anything.."

"I know. Just...maybe I should've listened to her. And god...I don't even know what my dad is going to say..."

"Do you think he'll be mad?" Brittany asked.

"Probably..." Blaine sighed. "I should probably talk to him..."

Brittany kissed Blaine's cheek. "Alright, I'll tell him to come in, she said standing and walking out.

Blaine gave a weak smile as Robert walked into the room.
"Hey dad..."

"Hey...How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting down next to the bed.

"Sore.." Blaine said. "Guess it's what I get though."

"You didn't deserve this...That driver was an idiot.." Robert sighed.

Blaine nodded. "Thank you for being here..."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else.." Robert smiled.

Kurt sat in his room thinking. How long was Blaine going to take to make his decision? He put his hand over his chest, feeling Blaine's ring. He kept it on a chain that he wore around his neck under his shirt. He sighed, laying back on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

Brittany sat in the waiting room, thinking about what Blaine said about Kurt. She pulled out her phone and texted him.
"Hey...There's been an accident...Blaine’s in the hospital..."

Kurt gasped as he read the text.
"Oh God, is he okay? What happened??"

"...Motorcycle accident. They were hit by a drunk driver. He wasn't wearing a helmet..."

"I'm coming."


Kurt quickly drove to the hospital, running into the emergency room where he saw Marissa and Brittany.
"Where is he?" He panted frantically.

"Kurt.." Marissa said sternly. "Why are you here?"

"Please...I'm sorry, I-I just need to see him...Is he okay? I'm sorry...I just.." Kurt said quickly, tearing up.

"He just woke up. He has a cast and some stiches. Blaine will be alright. But he is with his father right now." She informed him.

Kurt sat down across from them, bending over in his chair and resting his head in his hands. "Oh God..."

Britt went to sit by Kurt, giving him a tight hug. "I got to see him. He's going to be okay."

Kurt nodded into his hands before looking up at Marissa. "I'm sorry....I'm probably the last person you wanted to see.."

"Maybe not the last. But I'm not going to lie. I haven't forgiven you." Marissa said coldly.

"Did he tell you what actually happened?"

"You kissed Karofsky but he didn't have the whole story. He said he'd talk to you but never said anything else about it." Marissa said, looking down at him.

"Alright.." Kurt sniffed before telling Marissa everything that happened, wiping his eyes as he finished.

Marissa sighed. "I don't think you handled it right. But I see why you did it..."

Kurt nodded, laying his head back in his hands. "There's a million better ways I could have handled it.."

"No need to stress about it now," She said softly.

Kurt sat back in his chair, sniffing and wiping his eyes. "Yeah..."

"You can see him next."

"Where's his...boyfriend?"

"Getting coffee..."

Kurt nodded as Mr. Anderson walked down the hallway. Kurt stood and said hello to Robert before making a quick gait to Blaine's room, knocking on the door lightly.

Blaine looked up and saw Kurt. "Hey..."

Kurt rushed to the side of the bed, grabbing Blaine's hand. "Are you okay? Why would you go o-on a motorcycle? You know how dangerous that is Blaine, something worse could have happened and why the hell were you not wearing a helmet? Oh my god your arm, your mom said you have stitches, I just can't believe you would do that..." He let out in one breath.

Blaine had tears streaming down his face. He missed how much Kurt cared. "I just...I needed to stop thinking..."

Kurt pulled Blaine's hand to his lips, kissing his knuckles softly. "I'm just so happy nothing worse happened...I don't know what I would do..."

Blaine gave a small smile. "Thank you from coming...It means a lot..."

"Is...Is Sebastian okay?" Kurt asked, trying not to cringe at the name.

Blaine nodded. "He's fine."

"Good..." Kurt said, looking down as he held Blaine's hand in both of his, resting his lips against his fingers.

Sebastian poked his head in, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight.

"I love you..." Kurt said softly. "And...I'm willing to give you as much time as you need...If you decide to stay with him…Then I hope you two are happy.."

"Kurt..." Blaine whispered. "I love you."

Tears quickly gathered in Kurt’s eyes and he closed them turning his head away. "I don't want to be the reason he gets hurt..."

"I know..." Blaine sighed. "I'll figure it out somehow..."

Kurt nodded softly, squeezing Blaine's hand.

Sebastian slowly closed the door, sighing. Blaine still loved him.. He walked back to the waiting room, trying not to break down.

Blaine held Kurt's hand tightly. "I am so sorry."

"Don't be.." Kurt sighed, looking into Blaine's eyes. "I'm sorry about everything I said that night.."

"I'm sorry for calling you a brat..."

"I was being one...You gave me time when I needed it...I should have respected that.." Kurt said softly.

"But you did. And thank you for that," Blaine said squeezing Kurt’s hand.

Kurt gave a weak smile, nodding.

"This is gonna work."

"What is?"

"Us. I'll make this work." Blaine said.

Kurt closed his eyes, smiling as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand again. "I promise."

"I love you..." Kurt whispered.

Blaine smiled. "I love you too."

Kurt kissed Blaine's hand before standing.
"You should rest.."

"I have too much to think about..." Blaine said quietly.

"You should think about it.." Kurt said softly. "Just...I'll come back in a little bit.."

"I know my decision..." Blaine said softly. "It's just...figuring out how to do it."

Kurt nodded softly. "I know.."

Blaine tried to reach out to Kurt but winced when he felt the pain. "Come back later?"

"I will.." Kurt walked towards the door when there was a light knock. He opened the door and saw Sebastian standing there.

"Hi..." Sebastian said to Kurt, trying to hide his pain.

"Hi..." Kurt said softly, stepping to the side so Sebastian could walk inside. Kurt looked at Blaine and gave a weak smile before walking out.

Blaine gave a small smile as his boyfriend walked in. "Hey..."

Sebastian sat in the chair next to Blaine's bed, grabbing his hand and giving a small sigh. "Hey.."
He was quiet a moment before looking up into Blaine's eyes.
"Ye...Ye still love 'I’m..."

Blaine's heart skipped a beat. "I...I'm sorry..."

Sebastian closed his eyes, trying not to cry. "Don't be....Ye can’t control who ye fall in love with.." He said, barely a whisper.

"I really like you, though..." Blaine said quietly.

"But...Ye love him.."

"I-...." Blaine didn't know what to say. "I know..."

"It's okay Blaine....It...It hurts...but I'll be a'right..." Sebastian said softly, tearing up.

Blaine felt terrible. "Sebastian...I am so, so sorry...I didn't mean for this to happen..."

"I know...I'm not going to keep ye from being happy...Ye love each other.." Sebastian said, smiling weakly.

"I don't want to hurt you..." Blaine said as a tear fell down his cheek.

Sebastian wiped Blaine's tear."Yer not a bad person for this Blaine...Don't think for one second ye are...Ye can't choose love.." he said sincerely, looking into Blaine's eyes. Sebastian just wished he could have told Blaine how he really felt about him. He felt he could have loved him. But telling him that would only make everything worse.

"I just...You're amazing and I just...I'm sorry..."

"It's okay..." Sebastian said softly. "I'll be okay..."

Blaine could tell he was breaking Sebastian's heart. "Just please know it wasn't you. You're so amazing and treated me perfectly. I just gave my heart away before i met you..."

Sebastian nodded. "Can...Can I kiss ye?....Just one last time?"

Blaine nodded. "Yes..."

Sebastian gave a weak smile before placing his hand on the side of Blaine's face. He leaned forward, pressing their lips together, kissing him softly as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Blaine kissed Sebastian back languidly, sighing as he started to cry as well.

Sebastian pulled away before giving him another small kiss. "Please don't cry...Yer so beautiful when ye smile.." he said, wiping Blaine's tears.

Blaine smiled lightly. "You're too sweet..."

Sebastian smiled, giving Blaine one more small kiss. "I'll see ye around Blaine.." He said, running his hand down Blaine's cheek.

"I'll see you," Blaine smiled weakly.

Sebastian looked into Blaine's eyes for a moment before standing and slowly walking out.

The tears came faster now. Blaine was in pain and he felt horrible for hurting Sebastian.

Marissa walked inside and sat by Blaine's bed. "Sweetheart...are you okay?"

Blaine shook his head. "We just broke up..."

Marissa grabbed Blaine's hand. "What happened?"

Blaine hesitated. "He could tell that...I'm still in love with Kurt..."

Marissa nodded lightly. "How are you feeling?" She asked softly, rubbing his knuckles with her thumb.

"I'll be fine," Blaine said quietly.

"Are you hurting?" She asked.

"Yeah..." Blaine admitted.

"I'll get the nurse to bring you some pain meds.." Marissa said, looking at her son.

Blaine nodded. "Thank you."

Later after the nurse brought Blaine his medicine and Marissa left, letting Kurt come in and sit next to Blaine.
"Sebastian told me what happened.."

"What he say?" Blaine asked.

"He said...That he knew we still loved each other and that...He didn't want to get in the way of our happiness.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine nodded, looking down. "He looked so...broken..."

I know..."

Blaine looked at Kurt from under his lashes. "How do you feel...?"

"I feel bad for Sebastian...But happy that I have a chance with you again.."

Blaine looked up. "This isn't a chance. This is it."

Kurt smiled, tearing up. "Really?"

"I don't care who tries to get in the way...You're mine forever," Blaine smiled.

Kurt leaned over and kissed Blaine deeply as the tears spilled over.

Blaine wrapped his arm without the cast around Kurt, kissing him deeper.

Kurt slipped his tongue into Blaine's mouth moaning at the taste of him. He missed this so much.

Blaine sighed, leaning back as Kurt kissed him passionately.

Kurt pulled away smiling wide as he reached around his neck, undoing the chain that he kept Blaine's ring on and pulling it out from under his shirt.

Blaine's breath sped up as he watched Kurt take the ring off the chain.

Kurt was glad Blaine's left arm wasn't in the cast as he grabbed Blaine's hand, sliding the ring on his finger.

Blaine grinned his goofy smile. "It feels so good to wear that again."

"I never took mine off.." Kurt said, wiping his eyes as he smiled wide.

"I am so sorry, Kurt. I shouldn't have left you. I was so stupid." Blaine said, looking at the ring.

Kurt looked down at Blaine. "No...Because now we both know we'll never want anyone else.." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's ring.

Blaine's heart swelled. "I just don't know what happened because I knew that the first time I saw you."

Kurt smiled wide, kissing Blaine again softly. "I love you so much.." he whispered against Blaine's lips.

"I love you too, my little grease monkey," Blaine giggled.

Kurt laughed lightly, kissing Blaine again. "What made you think of that?"

"I thought of when I first saw you. Then asking Britt about you and she brought me to your dad's shop. And there you were, covered in grease, looking so, so sexy and beautiful....and just perfect." Blaine said, squeezing Kurt's hand.

Kurt blushed, smiling. "I looked gross.." he laughed.

"Really now? Do you not remember making me fall apart the next time I saw you like that?" Blaine chuckled, blushing as well.

"I do, but I don't understand the appeal...I just know you like it.." Kurt said smiling.

"I don't know either...But damn..." Blaine giggled. "I've missed you, Kurt."

Kurt hadn't smiled this much in a long time. "I missed you too.."

"How's your dad? I'm sure I'm not too popular around your house right now..."

"He's upset...But I'll try to calm him down before the next time you come over.." Kurt said softly, fixing Blaine's pillow.

"Does he know you're here...?" Blaine asked quietly.

"I don't even know if he knows I'm not home…I just kind of left."

"Oh," Blaine said, nodding a little. "How has he been? After getting out of the hospital?"

"Much better. He's on a strict diet and work schedule." Kurt said, smiling to himself. Kurt noticed Blaine's eyelids start to droop a bit. "Your pain meds are kicking in aren't they?" He said, smiling fondly.

"Yeah," Blaine said lazily. "But..I want to be with you.."

"I'll be right here.." Kurt smiled, placing his hand over Blaine's.

"I love you," Blaine whispered, drifting to sleep.


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