Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
"You look like a puppy when you sleep.." Brittany said smiling.
Blaine giggled. "That's what Kurt says."
"I can see why." She smiled.
Blaine cuddled up to his pillow. "How?"
"You just remind me of a puppy.." She said, patting his head.
Blaine laughed. "Did you have any plans today?"
"Nope." She said smiling.
"What do you want to do?"
"Let's go bowling!" Brittany gasped, bouncing.
Blaine smiled at how excited she was. "I'd like that."
Brittany jumped up, giggling. "I have to go get clothes!”
"I need to shower. Meet me back in here?" Blaine asked.
"You bet!" She smiled, giving him a quick hug before slipping out of the window and down the tree.
Blaine went to his car and got his clothes before heading back upstairs to take a quick shower.
Later Blaine came out of the bathroom to find Brittany sitting on the bed. "Hey!"
"That was fast!" Blaine said, surprised. "Let me get dressed real quick."
"Mmkay!" She said smiling at her best friend.
Blaine pulled on his clothes and did his hair. He grabbed his bag with his work clothes. "You ready?"
"Yep!" Brittany chimed, jumping up.
Blaine smiled as they walked to his car. It only took a few minutes to get to the bowling alley. "Okay, you can't laugh if I completely suck," Blaine giggled.
"I rock at this game...The pins stay up the whole time.." She smiled as they went to go put on their shoes.
Blaine stopped, staring at his best friend. He shook his head and smiled. "Well, you'll definitely beat me then."
Brittany laughed before she looked up, her smile fading as she looked behind Blaine.
Blaine's eyebrows furrowed. "What is it?"
"Nothing." She said quickly. "Let’s go to the movies instead."
"No. You want to go bowling, let's go." Blaine said. "What's wrong?"
Brittany sighed, looking behind Blaine again before pointing.
Blaine turned around and saw him. Karofsky. "Britt..." Blaine groaned, starting to turn towards him.
Brittany grabbed Blaine's wrist. "Blaine, No.."
"He KISSED my fianc�!" Blaine said heatedly.
"I know..Just.." She sighed as Blaine pulled his wrist free.
Blaine walked over to Karofsky. "We need to talk!" he yelled.
Karofsky looked over at Blaine away from his friends. And his eyes went wide. "I-W-What do you want Anderson?"
"To talk." Blaine said curtly. "Alone."
Dave's friends looked at him expectantly.
"Fine.." He said, looking down at Blaine.
Blaine was heated. He didn't want to fight again. Kurt wouldn't like that. "What the fuck were you thinking?!"
Dave grabbed Blaine's arm, pulling him so they were out of earshot from his friends.
"Will you keep it down?" He whispered harshly.
"Look. I know. And I'm not going to tell anyone. Just stay away from my fianc�!" Blaine said sternly.
"What exactly did he tell you?.." Karofsky asked.
"I know everything." Blaine said, staring at the towering bully. "But lucky for you, I do not believe in outing people."
"So he told you how he kissed me back?"
"Are you insane?!" Blaine practically yelled. "He would never want you!"
"He told me not to tell you.." Karofsky said in a hushed whisper.
"You're lying," Blaine said, eyeing Karofsky. Kurt wouldn't. He hated him.
"I would say to ask him...But he wouldn't tell you.." Karofsky said looking down at Blaine.
Blaine couldn't believe it. Kurt wouldn't. He couldn't do this to Blaine. "I don't believe you..." he said quietly.
"He doesn't want you anymore Anderson…Give. It. Up.." Dave sneered.
Blaine looked up at him, his rage turning to fear. "No. He loves me! It’s me! It's always been me!"
Karofsky shook his head. "That's not what he told me in the locker room.."
He knew what his lies were doing to Blaine, and he loved it. He wanted Blaine to feel as miserable as he was when he saw them together.
"You're lying!" Blaine screamed. "No! It's not true!"
Karofsky decided to pull out the big guns, going out on a limb as he guessed at this. "Then how would I know how he just loves when you bite at that spot on his neck?"
Blaine gasped, tears gathering in his eyes. "No..." he whispered, mostly to himself.
Dave assumed he guessed right by Blaine’s reaction, smiling smugly to himself.
"STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Blaine yelled, running back to Britt.
Brittany jumped up hugging Blaine quickly. "Blaine what?...What just happened?"
"He...he..." Blaine stammered. "He said Kurt...kissed him back..."
Brittany eyed Karofsky across the alley as he walked back to his stupid friends who were laughing at how upset Blaine looked. "You don't believe him do you?"
"He told me how much Kurt loved when he bit that one spot on his neck..." Blaine said quietly before raising his voice. "Only I should know that!"
Brittany pulled Blaine closer."Shhh...It's okay.." she said, trying to calm him.
"How?!" Blaine cried. "He's my fianc�! I can't lose him again..."
"Come on..Let's get out of here..Come on.." She said softly.
Blaine followed her back to the car. "Will you drive?"
"Yeah.." she said as she drove them back to Blaine's house.
Blaine sighed as she pulled into his driveway. "I'm sorry..." he whispered.
She hugged him tightly. "Don't be.."
"I shouldn't have gone over there..."
"It's okay Blaine...He was probably lying.."
"How would he know though...?"
"I-I...I don't know.." Brittany said, holding Blaine tighter.
"What should I do?" Blaine asked.
"That's up to you..."
"I don't know..." Blaine whispered.
"I'm so sorry Blaine.." Brittany said quietly.
Blaine shrugged. "It's whatever I guess."
"No..You should talk to Kurt about it.." Brittany said seriously.
"He's with his dad...He needs time with him..."
"But this is serious..Like..It could affect your future together.."
Blaine looked down. "I know...But...I'm scared."
"Kurt loves you Blaine...He wouldn't...."
"But how did he know that about Kurt?"
"Maybe he guessed?" Brittany said softly, stroking Blaine's curls.
"Maybe," Blaine said quietly. "Just...he looked so serious..."
Brittany sighed. Kurt wouldn't cheat on Blaine....Would he?
Blaine took a deep breath and pulled out his phone to send a text to Kurt.
"We need to talk."
"If this is about your red high-waters then yes, we do. lol. What is it beautiful?"
"No. And not over text."
"Okay..Do you want me to call you?"
"No. I need to see you. It can wait until you have time."
"I have time now. My dad just went to lie down and Finn and Carole are here. Did I do something?"
"I just...I need to talk..."
"I'll be there in ten minutes. I love you."
Blaine didn't respond. He looked up at Britt with tears in his eyes. "He's coming over..."
Brittany pulled him close again, stroking his curls. "Do you want me to go home?"
Blaine nodded. "I'll come see you before I leave. Thank you for being here."
Brittany smiled weakly, kissing the top of Blaine's head. "I'll see you later.." She said, getting out of the car and going back to her house.
Blaine sat on the pavement beside his car, his head in his hands as he waited for Kurt.
Kurt pulled up shortly after and walked to sit next to Blaine, placing a hand on his back and rubbing small circles. "Baby? What's wrong?"
Blaine looked up with tear-stained eyes. "We...ran into...Karofsky..."
"Oh my God, what did he do now? Are you okay?" Kurt asked quickly.
"He...He said..." Blaine tried to tell Kurt but the tears came back faster, making it hard to breath.
Kurt pulled Blaine close but his fianc� pulled away.
"Tell me it isn't true...." Blaine choked out. "Just...please..."
"Blaine...What are you talking about?" Kurt asked, eyebrows kneaded together.
"He said you kissed him back..." Blaine said, falling apart. "He said that you loved it when he bit that spot on your neck...."
Kurt froze. "He....He what?...."
Blaine wrapped his arms around his knees, bringing them to his chest. "He said you didn't want me to know. And that you liked it..."
Kurt couldn't speak as he stared at Blaine. "And you believed him?" He finally said.
"He...looked so...serious...and smug...How does he know you like that?" Blaine asked quietly.
"I-I don't know..." Kurt whispered, looking away in thought. How did he know?
Blaine looked up at Kurt, not knowing what to say.
"That didn't happen...He's lying.." Kurt said seriously looking at Blaine.
"But how does he know?"
"I told you Blaine, I don't know.."
"Okay..." Blaine nodded.
"You don't believe me do you?"
"I don't know...In my heart...I know you love me. But my head...I just don't know how he knows...Only I should know that..."
Kurt stayed silent, looking away. He couldn't believe Dave could stoop so low as to lying about something like this.
"Kurt..." Blaine said in a pleading tone. "Tell me how you feel...about me...please..."
"I love you Blaine.." Kurt said looking at him.
"I know...Just tell me why..." Blaine said in almost a whisper. "I want to forget about him...just tell me..."
Kurt took Blaine's face in his hands. "Blaine...I love you because you make me feel like no one else can...I am one hundred percent in love with you and only you. No one or anything could change that...I didn't kiss him back.. And I don't know how he knows about the spot on my neck, but the thought of his mouth on me makes me sick to my stomach. It's ways been you...I love you.."
Blaine let the tears silently fall down his face. He threw his arms around Kurt. "I'm so sorry. I love you. I'm sorry..."
"I love you too Blaine...It's okay baby...It's okay.." Kurt soothed, rubbing up and down his back.
"I know you do...I just don't understand...you should've seen how confident he was..."
"I know baby...Ugh.." Kurt was disgusted as he pictured the jock in his head, sneering at Blaine. "I'm so sorry he did that to you..."
Blaine pulled Kurt closer, desperately. "Don't ever leave me please...I just...I can't...."
Kurt felt his heart break at Blaine's words. He sounded so scared. "I'll never leave you Blaine...Like I said before...I'm here until you don't want me anymore.."
"I'll never not want you..." Blaine whispered.
Kurt hugged Blaine close. "I love you...So much..."
I...I-I love you too," Blaine sobbed.
Kurt held Blaine closer, rubbing his back softly as he kissed his temple."Shhh...Baby...It's okay.."
Blaine rested his head against Kurt's chest. He didn't know what to believe. Of course Kurt wouldn't cheat. But how did Karofsky know?
Kurt ran his hand over Blaine's curls. He was pissed. He would definitely had some strong words for the jock. Along with some other physicalities that involved his fist with Karofsky's face.
Blaine rocked back and forth, allowing himself to calm down.
"Are you okay baby?" Kurt asked softly.
Blaine shook his head. "That was just the last thing...Kurt...I don’t know what to do..."
"Don't worry about it baby...We'll both just stay away from him.." Kurt said softly.
"Kurt....my parents are divorcing...."
Kurt gasped. "Blaine....Oh my God...I'm so sorry.." Kurt whispered, pulling him closer.
"I can’t handle this..." Blaine said quietly.
"Baby...Please don't say that.." Kurt whispered, a tear falling down his face.
"I can't...It's killing me inside..."
Kurt cried quietly as he clutched to Blaine. He didn't want his fianc� to feel this way.
"I...I can’t do it, Kurt..."
"Please Blaine...No...No...I-It's gonna be okay…I swear…Just...Please.." Kurt whispered, stroking Blaine's hair.
"How? You know Karofsky won’t stop...." Blaine stated matter of fact.
“It doesn't matter...We have each other…He can't break us. I love you.." Kurt whispered.
"I love you.."
Kurt turned Blaine to look at him and kissed him passionately. "I'm always going to be here for you, okay? Always.."
Blaine nodded. "Okay..."
Kurt pulled Blaine close again, letting him cry quietly against his chest as he stroked his hair.
Blaine's tears slowly came to a stop. "Kurrt..." Blaine rasped. "Kiss me..."
Kurt kissed Blaine softly, holding his face in between his hands, wiping his tears with his thumb.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck, sliding his tongue across his bottom lip. "Please..."
Kurt opened his mouth to Blaine allowing him entry as he kissed him deeply, pulling him closer.
Blaine lied down, pulling Kurt on top of him as the kiss grew with more passion.
Kurt slid his hands down Blaine's sides, kissing down his neck and back to his lips.
Blaine gasped and moaned at the kisses. "Baby.." he panted.
Kurt looked up at Blaine and then realized where they were. "I'm sorry.." He said softly.
"My...my room..." Blaine said quickly.
"Is your dad home?"
Blaine shook his head. "Not until later."
Kurt nodded, helping Blaine up as they stood and Blaine pulled Kurt into the house.
Blaine slammed the door behind them as they ran up the stairs and into his room.
Blaine pulled Kurt to him, kissing him passionately as they scuffled toward the bed.
Blaine felt the edge of the bed and slowly brought them down. "Kurt...I need to feel you..."
"Baby.. Are you sure? I know you're upset and-" Kurt started but Blaine cut him off with a heated kiss.
"I know how much you love me," Blaine said as Kurt kissed down his jaw. "I just...Ahh...I need to be as close as I can to you..."
Kurt nodded softly before kissing Blaine deeply again.
Blaine wrapped his legs around Kurt, bringing him closer.
Kurt kissed down Blaine's jaw, unbuttoning his fianc�’s shirt and pulling it off.
Blaine sighed, arching his back as Kurt kissed down his chest.
Kurt pulled off Blaine's jeans hooking his fingers under the waistband of Blaine's boxers and pulling them down as well.
Blaine gasped at the release. "Ohhh...Kurrrttt..."
Kurt scooted back, taking Blaine into his mouth and bobbing his head at a decent pace.
"Ahhh! God! Fuck!" Blaine yelled, arching his back.
Kurt rubbed his thumbs across Blaine's hips as he sucked softly.
Blaine breathed heavily, his hips rolling up. "Baby..."
Kurt pulled off of Blaine, stroking him a couple of times before going to grab the lube and returning to Blaine, pulling his own shirt off. "Do you want me to prep you?" Kurt asked softly.
"No...I just need you..."
Kurt nodded, leaning down and kissing Blaine softly before unzipping his jeans and pulling out his length, slicking it up with the lube and positioning himself between Blaine's legs, pressing against his entrance.
Blaine gasped, his hands reaching out to grip the edges of the bed.
Kurt put his hands on Blaine's sides and leaned over, kissing the center of Blaine's chest before he slowly pushed all the way in.
Blaine's breathing hitched as he felt the stretch, gripping the sheets harder.
Kurt grabbed Blaine's hands, squeezing them tightly. "I'm here.."
Blaine looked up, locking eyes with Kurt. "Slow...please..."
Kurt nodded, leaning down to kiss Blaine as he slowly moved his hips, lacing their fingers together.
Blaine's breathing grew slow and heavy as he kissed Kurt, moaning as the slight pain of the stretch subsided.
Kurt kissed down Blaine's neck softly as he squeezed Blaine's hands. "I love you..." He panted.
Blaine moaned lightly. "I love you, Kurt. I love you with all my heart..."
Kurt kissed Blaine languidly as he continued his slow pace, rubbing his thumb along Blaine's.
It had been a long time since they had gotten to do this slowly and just feel each other. Blaine really needed it. He flung his head back as Kurt brushed against his prostate.
Kurt kissed down Blaine's jaw, resting his forehead against his neck and closing his eyes as he panted heavily.
Blaine clenched down around Kurt, moaning loudly as he hit that spot again.
Kurt moaned, sliding his hands down to Blaine's hips as he rolled his body, gasping as Blaine's muscles tightened around him.
Blaine brought his hands up to pull at his curls. "Fuck...Kurt...again, please..." he panted quietly.
Kurt rolled his hips up and hit Blaine's prostate once more, his thrusts going just a bit faster.
Blaine's breathing increased, slightly moving his hips to meet Kurt's thrusts. "Unnghhh...more..."
Kurt moved faster, tightening his grip on his fianc�'s hips as his moans increased in volume.
Blaine writhed under Kurt. "Baby...fuck! I'm close..."
"God...Fuck...Cum for me Blaine.." Kurt panted.
Blaine came hard between them as he cried out Kurt's name.
Kurt followed shortly after, gasping as he pulled Blaine close, filling him deep.
Blaine panted below Kurt as he felt him spill his warm seed.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly. "I love you.."
"I love you so much Kurt..." Blaine sighed happily.
Kurt pulled out of Blaine and lied next to him, pulling him close.
Blaine snuggled up against his fianc�. "I'm sorry, Kurt."
"Earlier.." Blaine said quietly.
"Don't apologize baby...But, it's okay.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine nodded. "I love you so much."
"I love you too...Do you have to work tonight?" Kurt asked, pouting.
Blaine groaned. "I have to be there at five."
Kurt sighed. "Well.." he said, pulling the covers over them. "Lie with me until then."
Blaine smiled. "I'd love to."
Kurt smiled, nuzzling into Blaine's hair. He loved Blaine so much. Nothing would come between them ever again.
Monday, Kurt stayed after school again, refusing to go to the locker room and waited under the bleachers until he saw Karofsky lumbering towards the field. He set his bag down by the gate before he heard something.
"David!.." Kurt hissed.
Karofsky turned quickly. He knew that voice. It was the voice of the guy he loved. But he couldn't talk out here in the open. He walked over to Kurt. "Yes?"
"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Kurt spat, trying to push Karofsky but failing miserably as he only swayed slightly.
"Umm, Dave Karofsky?" He spat back.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "I didn't kiss you back and you know it!" He said coldly.
"But I do know you want to. Anderson is just in the way. And if I have to scare him away to get you to see it, so be it." Dave said cockily.
"NO I DON'T!" Kurt yelled. "I love Blaine and I'm marrying him. Not you!" Kurt hissed, his neck getting hot.
Dave backed Kurt up underneath the bleachers so no one could see or hear them. Little did he know, Brittany was around the corner heading to cheer practice.
Brittany heard yelling and looked through the metal supports of the bleachers seeing Kurt and Karofsky.
"Why did you even tell him that?!" Kurt asked harshly.
"He needed to know the truth! Anderson needs to move on. Get it over with Kurt! This..." Dave said, bending down and sucking at Kurt's pulse point. "is what you want..."
Kurt gasped, but not with pleasure as Dave snaked his hands around his waist. He put his hands on the jocks chest, trying to push him away as he bit down on the pale skin. "David!" Kurt cried out in disgust.
Britt looked on with horror. She couldn't believe it. The blond ran back to her car, quickly driving to Blaine's house.
Dave looked down at Kurt. "Give in to it. You know you want a strong man like me instead of that little fairy."
Kurt tried to push Dave away again.
"Don’t you dar-!" but he was cut off by Dave's mouth on his, he tried to push him away as the jock forced his tongue into his mouth.
Dave pulled back. "One kiss. Give me one kiss. If you don't like it, I'll back off."
Kurt spit away from them trying to rid himself of the taste of Karofsky. "I've had three already and I can assure you I don't.." Kurt hissed.
"But you haven't tried kissing back," Dave said matter of fact.
Kurt tried pulling away again but failed, sighing. "You'll leave me and Blaine alone?" He asked.
Santana was walking over to the bleachers to find Brittany when she saw Kurt and Dave. "Oh…My...God...No way.." She gasped, bending down to watch them.
"If you don't like it, yes," Dave said seriously. "But it has to be real.”
Kurt looked down, his thoughts racing. If he did this, Karofsky would leave them alone…, and Blaine would have a lot less to worry about. "Fine…But don't tell Blaine.."
"Deal," Dave said, slowly leaning in.
Kurt took a deep breath before leaning the rest of the way, their lips touching.
David took full advantage, bringing his hands into Kurt's hair and sighing as his tongue slid into the shorter boy's mouth.
Kurt's eyebrows kneaded together as he did everything he could not to vomit into Karofsky's mouth as he massaged his tongue with his own, pinning Kurt against a wide support beam.
Santana looked on with shock. She wanted to look away but it was just so terrible, she couldn't. It got to be too much for her and she walked away briskly. Santana needed to find Brittany.
Karofsky deepened the kiss, letting out a low growl as he brought his hands to rest at Kurt's slender hips. Fuck…those beautiful hips....
Kurt whimpered as he felt Karofsky grab him. What if he couldn't get Dave to stop? He was three times his size. He tried with all he had not to break the kiss, in fear that it would be in vain as Dave ground their hips together.
Dave brought his hands around to Kurt's back, trailing down and squeezing his ass. He gasped into the kiss before pulling away and looking down at Kurt.
Kurt finally found his strength and pushed him before rearing back and slapping him as hard as he could, panting as angry tears spilled down his cheeks.
Karofsky's jaw dropped. "What the hell was that for?!"
"I said I would kiss you! Not that you could fucking feel me up!" Kurt raged before punching the jock in the jaw.
Damn! For someone as small as Kurt, he had a lot of strength! "You weren't stopping me!" Dave yelled, bringing his hand up to his jaw.
"You know that if I would have, you would say I 'broke the deal' or some stupid shit!" Kurt said, going to hit him again, but the jock grabbed his wrist.
"I wouldn't do that again if I were you," Karofsky said darkly, staring into Kurt's eyes.
Kurt looked up at Karofsky, chest heaving as the tears fell and the anger faded into fear. Dave tightened his grip on Kurt's wrist and Kurt winced. "You're hurting me.." He said helplessly.
Dave backed off, his eyes going wide. He hadn't meant to hurt Kurt. He just wanted him to stop. "I...I...I'm sorry..."
Kurt grabbed his wrist., looking down at the bruised skin. "Just....Leave us alone.." Kurt said, walking off.
Dave took a deep breath trying to hold back his tears. He didn't mean to hurt Kurt. And now he knew he had completely ruined him ever having a chance.
Brittany sped home before running to Blaine's house and quickly climbing up the tree. She grabbed an acorn off the tree and threw it at the window.
Blaine was packing his bags to go back to his mom's house when he heard something at the window. He looked out and saw Brittany. She looked panicked. He ran down the stairs and out to her. "Hey. What's wrong?"
Brittany jumped down and walked up to Blaine. "I was at cheerios practice and I saw Kurt...With Karofsky…He looked really mad and Kurt said something like 'Why did you tell him?' And Dave said that 'Anderson needs to know the truth that you want me'...And then he started kissing and sucking on Kurt's neck and Kurt said his name...I...I'm so sorry Blaine.." Brittany let out in a rush.
Blaine stared at the blond in disbelief. "W-what?"
"I saw it Blaine...They were under the bleachers.." Brittany said, tears filling her eyes.
Blaine dropped to his knees. "No...No...He told me it wasn't true..."
Brittany sat down pulling Blaine into her arms. "I know...I'm so sorry.."
"Why would he do this to me?" Blaine asked as the tears fell. He looked up at Britt when her phone started to ring.
"I'm sorry.." she said pulling out her phone. "Santana, I'm sorry I can't talk right now, I'm with Blaine."
"Britt...It's about Kurt..." Santana said in a hurry.
"What is it?" She asked, putting the phone on speaker.
"I was looking for you. But you weren't there. And...And...It was disgusting!" The Latina said, not knowing she was on speaker. "He was making out with him! Karofsky had his hands all over Kurt's body. God! If he wasn't so fucking huge, I would've kicked his ass!"
Brittany looked down at Blaine. "Was...Was Kurt kissing him back?"
Santana's voice broke. "Yes..."
Brittany closed her eyes. “Thanks San...I...I'll call you later...I love you.."
"I love you, Britt. And please tell Blaine I'm sorry. But he has a right to know.."
"I-I'll tell him.." She said before they exchanged goodbyes and hung up.
Blaine had collapsed completely. He couldn't move. He couldn't speak. This couldn't be true.
Brittany held Blaine close petting his curls as his body went lax in her arms.
Blaine laid there in his best friend's arms. He jumped up quickly, running to get his things and keys before getting in his car.
Brittany ran to his car window. "Where are you going?'
"To see Kurt." Blaine said, looking up at the blond with tear stained eyes.
“Call me tonight..."
"I will," Blaine said before pulling out of the driveway and speeding off to Kurt's house.
Kurt took a hot shower and just got done changing when he heard a loud banging on the door he rushed downstairs and walked out to see Blaine. He stepped outside and closed the door. "Blaine, my dad is slee-Baby...Are you okay?" He asked, placing a hand in Blaine's cheek.
Blaine pushed his hand away. "Don't touch me, Kurt."
Kurt recoiled. "What the hell is your problem?"
"I don't know. Maybe the fact that you KISSED Karofsky?! Or the face that you let him touch you?!" Blaine yelled. "Any of that ring a bell?"
Kurt was shocked, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What?....Who..?"
"Brittany and Santana saw both of you under the bleachers." Blaine said curtly.
"Blaine, no, you don't understa-" Blaine cut him off.
"Don't understand what?!" Blaine asked. "You kissed him!" he held up his left hand. "See this? Remember this?! You said I was the only one you wanted!"
"You are!" Kurt said quickly.
"Why the fuck would you let him do that then?! You shouldn't want someone else touching you like that! I should be enough!" Blaine said, the tears creeping back.
"Blaine if you would just-" But then Blaine saw the bruise on Kurt's neck. The one he didn't make. All he saw was red as his anger grew.
"You want ME to listen?! What the fuck is that on your neck? It wasn't there this morning!" Blaine said, starting to turn away.
Kurt put his hand over the hickey. "Blaine no!" Kurt said desperately as Blaine started back to his car.
Blaine took a deep breath before taking off his ring. He placed it in Kurt's hand, noticing the bruise on his wrist. Blaine pointed to it. "This...This is what you want? You deserved better. I thought you loved me..." he said, letting the tears fall as he got in the driver's seat.
"Blaine I do love you! Let me explain please!" Kurt pleaded, holding the ring out, begging for him to take it.
"Kurt." Blaine said sternly. "At least...give me time...I can't hear it right now. I can't even look at you..."
Kurt froze and the tears spilled over as he stared at Blaine, completely motionless.
"Look. I promise I will let you explain...I don't know what's going to happen or if I will or will not take the ring back...But I will talk to you...Just let me calm down..." Blaine said quietly.
"O-...Okay.." Kurt said in barely a whisper, bringing his hands that held the ring back to his chest.
Blaine couldn't look at Kurt. If he did, he knew he'd stay, listen, and pretend nothing happened. But if he left, he was giving Karofsky what he wanted. Blaine didn't know what to do. He left Kurt standing there and went to the place where Kurt proposed. He sat there a while, just thinking before he pulled out his phone and called Britt.
"Hello?" Brittany answered quickly.
"Hey Britt..." Blaine sighed heavily.
"What happened?" She asked, concerned.
Blaine hesitated. "I gave him my ring..."
"Are...Are you broken up?" Brittany asked.
"I don't really know...I told him to let me calm down and then we'd talk..."
"What’d he say?"
"He said okay. He just stood there, crying and holding my ring to his chest..." Blaine said, not understanding. "What if there's something I'm missing. Something that I don't know? He looked so heartbroken..."
"Then talk to him.."
"But how long should I wait? Or should I not wait? I don't know what to do.." Blaine said quietly.
"Well...what does your heart say to do?" Brittany asked quietly.
"I want him, Britt..." Blaine said, resting his head in his hand. "But I'm hurt...I mean...He cheated..."
"I know...I just can't believe he lied about it..." Brittany sighed.
"Britt..." Blaine sighed. "What would you do?"
"Well to me...cheating is cheating.."
"I know..." Blaine groaned.
"And with Karofsky of all people..." She said softly.
Blaine took a deep breath. "I think I'm just gonna go home. Oh god...My mom is going to hate Kurt..."
"Just...take a hot shower...Wash your face. She shouldn't notice a thing." Britt said.
"Thanks, Britt, for everything," Blaine said, a little calmer.
"Any time...Call me if you need anything.."
"I will. Bye Britt," Blaine said before hanging up and heading back to his house.
When he got home he immediately jumped in the shower, letting the hot water calm him.
Blaine was glad he had the day off. He got dressed and went to the kitchen to cook dinner for his mom.
A little while later Blaine heard the door open. "Blaine?" Marissa called. "Are you home?"
"In the kitchen," he called back, finishing up the rice and checking the chicken."
Marissa walked in, kissing the top of his head. "Hello dear..How was your father's?" she asked.
"Good. He's so different," Blaine smiled. "How was work?"
"Long…Thank you for making dinner honey...It looks amazi-" She paused. "Blaine.."
"What?" Blaine asked. "Is something wrong? I can make something else."
"Where's your ring?'
Blaine's eyes grew wide. "Oh...Umm...with Kurt..."
Blaine sighed. "I...I don't know if I want it."
Marissa stared at her son. "What happened?"
"You don't want to know..." Blaine said quietly.
Marissa bit her cheek and placed her hand on her hip. "Blaine.." She said in a warning tone.
"I don't even know the full story." Blaine said, trying to get out of telling her.
"Well then why did you give him the ring back?" She asked.
Blaine sighed. "Karofsky kissed him. Kurt kissed him back..."
Marissa was silent for a moment, nodding.
"Kurt wanted to explain...Just by looking at him, I know there's more to it...I just couldn't talk to him at the time."
"You're not going to." She said sternly.
"What?" Blaine asked.
"I've had it with this Blaine. He cheated on you. That's it."
"That's. It."
"I love him..." he said quietly.
"Well he obviously doesn't feel the same way. Remember how quickly he moved on when you first broke up? And now he's cheating on you.." She sighed.
"Why are you being like this? He said there's an explanation..."
"I'm tired of him hurting you Blaine.." She said looking at him.
"Just... Let me find out what happened..." Blaine pleaded. "I won't be able to stop thinking about it if I don't know."
Marissa looked down, thinking. "Don't let him take advantage of you Blaine."
"If...I get back with him...it won't be now. I can't forget it. But I just need to know why..." Blaine said, turning the oven off.
Marissa nodded. "Alright...When are you going to talk to him?'
Blaine sighed. "I don't know..."
She walked over to her son, holding him close. "I'm sorry..."
Blaine tried everything he could to hold his tears in. He didn't want his mom to see. "I'm okay."
"Blaine..I know when you're okay, and I know when you're not.." Marissa said.
"I know...I'm just..trying to be okay..."
"It's better to let it out sweetheart.." His mother said softly, petting his curls.
"You've seen me cry enough," Blaine said seriously.
"I know Blaine...But It's not good to hold it in." She said, looking down at him.
"I'll just wait until I lay down and let it all out..."
Marissa sighed, kissing the top of Blaine's head. "I love you...okay?"
"I love you too, mom," Blaine said, fixing their plates. "But you have enough to worry about."
"I'm more worried about you.." She said softly.
"I know. I just...you don't need more stress..."
"I'm fine sweetheart. Don't worry about me." She said sitting down.
"But I do," Blaine said, sitting across from her.
"What...What all did your father tell you this weekend?" She asked sipping her water.
"He really wants to try. And he hopes your divorce doesn't get in the way of that..."
She looked up. "He told you about the divorce?" She asked quickly.
"Only because I asked him and told him to be honest..."
"Oh..." Marissa said softly. "How do you feel about this?"
"I don't blame you..." Blaine said quietly.
Marissa nodded. "I'm so sorry sweetheart...I can't even imagine what you're feeling right now.."
"Mom...you can't just forgive him for what he did to you. Of course I want my family back. But even I can’t forget that...I understand..."
"I don’t want you to have to go through this.."
"But if not, you have to stay married to him. Mom...Its life. I know..."
Marissa stayed quiet. Blaine was only 17. He shouldn't be thinking like this.
"Why are you so quiet?" Blaine asked. "It worries me."
"I'm just worried about you.." She sighed.
"About the divorce?"
She nodded lightly.
Blaine put a hand on hers. "It'll be hard. But I'll be okay as long as you two don't fight all the time."
Marissa gave her son a weak smile, turning her hand over to hold his.
"I love you mom."
"I love you too Blaine.." she smiled.
"Somehow it will all work out," Blaine smiled.
After dinner Blaine had a missed call from Kurt and a text.
"If you're going to come and let me explain, I suggest waiting until later tonight, Mercedes is over and she's on the rampage. Love you.
Blaine sighed as he hit reply.
"I hope Mercedes is okay. And we'll see about tonight. Crying wears me out."
"Alright. I'm sorry."
"I'm going to take a nap. I'll tell you when I wake up."
"I love you."
"Love you too."
The text gave Kurt a little more hope as he watched Mercedes strut around his room.
"Who the hell does he think he is, thinkin you cheated on him? Oh hell no, who are you textin? It better not be him. Kurt Hummel I swear to God if you are textin that boy!"
"Mercedes, calm down..please." Kurt sighed. Kurt listened to Mercedes rant a bit longer before she held him as he cried for a bit. He asked her to stay the night and a couple hours later as they were cuddled up on the bed watching My Bloody Valentine, Kurt got a text from Blaine.
Blaine felt like an idiot for sending his last text. Of course he loved Kurt but he also knew Kurt would get too hopeful. Blaine knew what he had to do though.
"When do you want me to come over?"
"Now is fine." Kurt sent before Mercedes could see who he was texting.
Blaine grabbed his keys. "Do you mind if I go stay with Britt?" he asked Marissa.
"Go ahead sweetie, drive safe."
Blaine grabbed a bag and headed to Kurt’s, hoping Britt wouldn’t mind if he came over.
Later Kurt got a text from Blaine saying he was here. "I'm gonna step outside...Fresh air.." He said to Mercedes, standing.
Blaine was leaning against the hood of his car when Kurt walked up. "Hi..."
"Hey.." Kurt said, looking down, fiddling with Blaine's ring in his pocket.
"So..." Blaine said after an awkward silence.
"I did it for us..." Kurt said looking up at Blaine. "He said if I kissed him.. He would back off. For good."
"And you just let him feel you up?" Blaine asked quietly.
"I was afraid if I stopped him he would say it wasn't good enough and keep messing with you.." Kurt said ashamedly. "I didn't enjoy it.."
"And when he gave you the hickey?"
"He grabbed me and started kissing and biting my neck…saying 'you know you want me'.." Kurt said, self-consciously rubbing the bruise and making a disgusted face.
Blaine looked down. "Britt...said you said his name while he did it..."
Kurt sighed. "I did it like an...Exclamation...Like I was opposed to it...It was a way of telling him to stop."
Blaine nodded, holding out his hands and motioning for Kurt to place his in Blaine's.
Kurt took Blaine's hands, looking up at him in the quiet night.
Blaine swallowed hard. "I do love you...And I'm not saying we won't ever be together again. But I need time...alone...to figure some things out..."
Kurt slowly shook his head as Blaine spoke, squeezing Blaine's hands. "Do...D-Do you not believe me?" He asked desperately.
“I didn't say that. I just need time for myself. This is the second time Karofsky has come between us and I just don't know. It shouldn't be this way..."
"Blaine he's going to leave us alone now...Please…Blaine I need you.." Kurt begged.
"You didn't need me last time..." Blaine said, looking down. "And now he's had a taste. He's going to want more..."
"Blaine...Please...No...I love you...Please.." Kurt gasped as the tears gathered in his eyes.
"I-I can't...I just need to be alone for a while...I do love you...I just need to figure out if this is right...I gave you your chance. Please give me mine.." Blaine sighed, letting the tears come. "I'm sure Mercedes will hate me and so will the rest of the glee club...But please..."
Kurt looked down, closing his eyes as his shoulders shook with repressed sobs.
Blaine pulled Kurt close. "I love you..."
"I-I love you too Blaine...So much..."
Blaine took Kurt's face in his hands, both of them with tear-filled eyes. "Don't ever think otherwise, okay? I just need to think, okay? I love you."
"I love you too..." Kurt whispered, looking deep into Blaine's eyes.
Blaine rested his head against Kurt's neck. "I have to go..."
Kurt panicked. "Kiss me…Please.."
Blaine knew he shouldn't. But he needed one more. What if it was their last? Blaine leaned up, pressing his lips to Kurt's as he sobbed.
Kurt put his hands on either side of Blaine's face, kissing him deeply. He loved Blaine so much. He didn't know if he could take goodbye.
Blaine pulled back, looking at Kurt's beautiful, blue eyes. "This isn't the end..." he whispered.
"Then why are we stopping in the middle?"
"I need time to myself. It's too much to handle right now with the divorce and Karofsky...I just need a break. But it won't be the end..."
Kurt nodded, closing his eyes as he looked away, wiping his tears.
"I'm sorry, Kurt..." Blaine said quietly.
"Don't be...I get it" Kurt sniffed, looking up at him."...It's a lot easier to get rid of your fianc� then your parents." He said, his voice breaking as he turned to go back inside.
Blaine ran after him, pulling him back. "I'm not getting rid of you. It's not just you. I just need to be alone. Away from everyone. I don't know what to do and this shit with Karofsky isn't helping."
Kurt refused to look at Blaine. "Well I'm sorry I'm such an inconvenience in your life Blaine." Kurt said quickly, trying to break free from Blaine's arms.
Blaine held on tighter. "You're not! Why are you doing this?! You know if I don't do this, I'm going to become distant and you'll get sick of it and say you can't handle it. I'm just saving you time." Blaine instantly regretted saying that. "Look. I do love you. I just need to be alone. I don't reach out for help. I...I can't...I handle my issues alone..."
"Oh, So we were bound to break up anyway? That's it? Fine Blaine, go handle your issues I always tried to be there for you but I guess it wasn't enough."
"You didn't think it could happen when you kissed him? I can't handle knowing you've been with two other guys since we've been together. Granted one was when we weren't dating. But when YOU needed space, I gave it to you. But you want to act like a little brat when you don't get your way. If you really loved me, you'd let me do this and respect it, like I did for you." Blaine said before walking back to his car.
Kurt huffed, stomping after Blaine. "I kissed him for us Blaine! You know that! He said he would leave us alone! And yes, I'm acting like a brat because I don't think this is fair!"
"Life isn't fair! We could've dealt with him together! You didn't have to kiss him!" Blaine yelled back.
"He said if I didn't he wouldn't stop! And you're one to talk! Life isn't fair...Deal with your problems instead of running from them!!" Kurt screamed.
"I am not running! I am taking time to get things straight! You have enough to deal with! And if I don't do this...I'm going to keep it in because I want you to be happy and not stress because you have enough going on with your dad. You need to be with him and you don't need my parent issues dragging you along. Not all of us are lucky enough to have parents like your dad and Carole! No, I'm not blaming this on my parents. I just have to do this alone." Blaine said, getting angrier. "Just....please...don't get rid of that..." he whispered, pointing to Kurt's pocket.
Kurt stared at Blaine. "Fine.."
Blaine couldn't do it anymore. He had to leave. He turned towards his car as the tears came fast and hard.
Kurt couldn't be here, he turned at the same time as Blaine storming into the house as the tears fell.
Blaine didn't know where to go. He couldn't go home. He didn't want Britt to see him like this. He didn’t want to see anyone. Blaine climbed into the car and just drove.
Kurt ran inside and stormed into his bathroom, locking himself in when he heard Mercedes knock lightly. "Please Mercedes...I can't right now.." Kurt sobbed.
"You better get out here right now before I wake up your dad!" Mercedes called. "Come on Kurt. Just talk to me."
Kurt sighed, opening the door and not looking at his best friend.
Mercedes guided him to the bed. "Take a deep breath and tell me what happened."
"Blaine broke up with me..." Kurt whimpered.
"Ima kill 'em!" Mercedes practically yelled. "Why? Why would he do that?!"
"H-he said that there was too much stress in his life.. A-And everything that happened with Karofsky was too much...He s-said he needed time alone and we started.." he sniffed, started fighting and he...He just left.."
Mercedes pulled Kurt in for a hug. "I know. I could hear you two. Maybe he just needs a few days to relax."
"Mercedes, he practically called me a whore..." Kurt sobbed.
"What?" She asked in disbelief. "How?"
"He was all..'You're the only one who's been with two other guys since we dated'...I wasn’t with Silas when we dated and I only kissed Karofsky to keep us safe.." Kurt gasped.
"You have to be twisting his words...Blaine would never say that," Mercedes said softly. "Maybe something is really wrong with him like last time and he just is scared to talk about it?"
"He told me he wanted to work out his issues alone." Kurt sniffed, resting his head on Mercedes' shoulder.
"Well obviously something is seriously wrong with him," Mercedes said, rubbing small circles on Kurt's back. "You know that boy won't ask for help. He's stubborn when it comes to admitting he has an issue."
Kurt nodded, sniffing. "Well he told me to leave him alone...That's what I'm going to do.."
"I think that's best Kurt," she said softly. "He'll be back though."
"I just love him so much.." Kurt said, his voice breaking as the tears started again.
"I know, Kurt. I know. He loves you too. What's been going on with him lately?"
"Just everything with K-Karofsky and...And his parents are getting a…a divorce.." Kurt whispered.
"I thought they were already...But he's been with his dad lately right? Has he mentioned how it’s gone?" Mercedes asked.
"They're separated...but they aren't divorced yet...And he said everything with his dad was going fine.." Kurt said softly.
Mercedes sighed. "I don't know. But there's something wrong and he needs to talk to someone."
"Yeah...He's a jerk.." Kurt said under his breath. "That's what's wrong with him."
"Kurt..." Mercedes said in a warning tone. "You know he's not. He's the most caring guy and you're in love with him. Just give him time."
"I know..."
"You'll be back together in no time."
Kurt nodded, pulling Mercedes close. "You always know what to say..."
"It's what I do," Mercedes giggled.
Kurt smiled kissing his best friend's cheek.