Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2012, 2:09 p.m.
Kurt's eyes opened slowly. "Hmm?"
Blaine smiled. "Good morning."
"Morning.." Kurt said softly.
"Want me to make you some coffee?" Blaine asked sweetly.
"Please.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine got dressed and went downstairs, starting a pot of coffee before pulling out some eggs to make.
Kurt waited a bit before getting up and going downstairs. He saw Blaine in the kitchen cooking. Kurt smiled as he saw him.
."Hey baby.." he yawned, sitting down at the table.
"Hey beautiful," Blaine smiled.
"What are you doing?" Kurt asked watching Blaine.
"Making eggs and blts," Blaine said, turning back to the stove.
Kurt smiled. "You're sweet...Thank you baby.." he said softly.
"You're welcome. I just want to help," Blaine said, turning to smile.
Kurt ran his fingers through his own hair, sighing. "Thank you for everything Blaine.."
Blaine nodded. "It's not a problem."
Kurt watched Blaine cook smiling fondly at they curly haired boy.
When Blaine finished, he made their plates and sat across from his fianc�.
Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand across the table as he ate. "Oh my god...this is amazing." He smiled, taking another bite.
"Thanks," Blaine giggled. He hadn't seen Kurt eat in a while. "I start my job tomorrow..."
"Really?" Kurt asked. "Well I'm gonna be staying with my dad Friday night.."
"Can I come over after work?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah.." Kurt said smiling at his fianc�.
"I'm gonna need to go home tonight though..." Blaine said quietly. "Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah, Finn's staying home tonight with me.." Kurt said before sipping his coffee.
"Alright," Blaine said softly.
Kurt was quiet for a moment. "What do you think your mom will say?"
"I really don't know. Honestly, if I was her, I wouldn't get back with him.." Blaine said, looking down.
"What do you want to happen?" Kurt asked softly.
Blaine shook his head. "I don't know....I...I just want my dad back in my life..."
Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand softly, looking into his eyes. "I know...It's gonna be okay Blaine.."
"I just...I feel like I'm asking too much of her..."
"What do you think she'll do?.."
Blaine shrugged. "I just hope she lets me see him."
Kurt nodded softly, placing is other hand over Blaine's and bringing it to his lips, kissing his fianc�’s knuckles softly.
Blaine gave a small smile. "I love you."
"I love you too..." Kurt whispered, smiling back.
Later that day at school, Kurt stood with Blaine at his locker. They talked for a bit before it was almost time for the bell to ring. "I should probably get to class." Kurt sighed, leaning forward to kiss Blaine's cheek softly. "I love you.."
Blaine smiled. "I love you too." He turned to walk to his first class when Karofsky stopped him. Blaine sighed. "I'm really not in the mood for this...."
"Okay, then I'll make this easy for you…Stay away from Hummel.." Karofsky said threateningly.
"Why do you have a problem that I'm with him? It's not like we're overly affectionate in public," Blaine said, getting an attitude.
"I-I uh.." Karofsky stuttered. "Just- Just stay away from him Anderson." He said, getting his firm voice back.
"See!" Blaine said, getting mad. "You don't even have a reason!"
"I don't need one." Karofsky said, stepping up to Blaine.
"Whatever," Blaine rolled his eyes before walking away.
Karofsky watched as Blaine walked off before storming off in the opposite direction.
Blaine let out a long breath when he sat down in his classroom. He pulled out his phone and texted Kurt.
"Karofsky stopped me in the hallway."
"Oh my God I am not in the mood for his shit today. What did he say to you?"
"Just to stay away from you. I asked why and he couldn't give an answer. So I said he had no reason and walked away."
“I'll take care of it."
"I'll call you tonight okay? I love you." Kurt replied purposely ignoring Blaine's question.
"Kurt. Don't try to fight him or anything. Be safe. I love you too."
There was no glee club after school that day, but Kurt stayed, knowing exactly where to find Karofsky. He strutted down the hallway to the boys’ locker room, shivering at the memory of what happened the last time he was alone in this room with Karofsky.
Karofsky had just finished changing into his hockey uniform when he turned to see Kurt. "What are you doing in here? The girl's room is across the hall."
"Okay, firstly, that insult is getting old...And secondly, leave my fianc� alone." Kurt said harshly.
Wow. That hurt. Dave flinched to himself but didn't let Kurt see. "Fianc�?" Karofsky asked icily.
Kurt held up his left hand, displaying the ring. "Yes, fianc�. I've had with you telling him to stay away from me.."
Karofsky stared down at the floor. "I...I can't stop..."
"And why, exactly, is that?" Kurt snapped, placing his hands on his hips.
Lord! Kurt looked amazing all pissy and in his skinny jeans. "It doesn't matter."
“No David!” Kurt said, his voice rising. “I want ot know why you choose to terrorize Blaine on a daily basis. We already have enough on our plate. Why, David? Why?”
“I…” Dave looked down with flushed cheeks. “I-I…love you…”
Kurt gasped and the empty locker room was deathly quiet. “W-what?”
“I love you,” Karofsky said, walking over and cupping Kurt’s cheek.
Kurt couldn’t move, he looked up at Karofsky speechless.
Karofsky looked deep into Kurt’s eyes as a tear fell down his own cheek. He leaned forward, pressing his lips to Kurt’s.
Kurt’s eyes squeezed shut and his muscles tightened as the memory of the previous kiss paralyzed him. He couldn’t move as the terror flew through him.
Dave felt Kurt tense, making him pull away. He could see the fear in Kurt’s eyes. “Please…” he whispered.
Kurt’s hand slowly raised up to cover his mouth and he was quiet for a long time. “Please what?...” he finally whispered.
“Give me a chance…” Dave said desperately. “You don’t need him…”
“No…No!” Kurt yelled, finally taking enough control of his body to push Dave off of him.
“Kurt, please…” Dave said as the tears streamed down his face. “I love you…”
“I love Blaine.” He said, looking into the taller boy’s eyes.
“Kurt. I am so sorry for what I did for you. Just please, think about it…”
“No…I don’t love you…I love Blaine…” Kurt said, turning to leave when Karofsky grabbed his wrist.
He pulled Kurt against the lockers. “But you could love me.”
Kurt looked up at Karofsky. “Let go of me…” he said, his voice losing the courage it previously held.
Karofsky backed off, leaning against his locker and sliding to the floor as he cried.
Kurt looked down at David. He wanted to leave and run but Karofsky looked so broken. “I’m sorry…” Kurt whispered, still standing as he took a few steps back.
Dave looked up at Kurt with tear stained eyes. “Don’t tell anyone…”
Kurt nodded before quickly pricking up his bag and practically jogging out of the locker room, tears forming in his eyes.
Blaine was about half way home. He sighed to himself, wondering what Kurt had meant in his text. He rushed home, hurrying to his room. Blaine laid down as he waited for Kurt to call him.
Kurt drove home quickly and rushed up to his room past Finn. He couldn’t believe what happened. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Blaine’s number, tearing up as he did so.
Blaine answered quickly. "Hey, Kurt!"
"Hey.." Kurt said softly.
Blaine knew something was wrong by Kurt's careful voice. "What happened?"
"I...I talked to Karofsky..." Kurt said, curling up on the bed.
"Did he hurt you?" Blaine asked seriously.
"Well, what happened?"
"I went to the locker room and told him to leave you alone. He told me he couldn't and I..I asked him why.." Kurt said, his voice wavering. He knew he told Karofsky he wouldn't tell anyone but he couldn't hide this from Blaine.
Blaine got nervous. "What was his reason?"
"He loves me..."
Blaine's eyes grew wide. He had figured as much all along. But to be told it was the truth was a whole different story. Blaine didn't know what to say.
"And...And then he kissed me.." Kurt said, his voice breaking.
Blaine swallowed hard. "W-what?"
"He kissed me.." Kurt said again.
Blaine was silent. He couldn't form words. All he wanted to do was break down and cry.
"I'm sorry Blaine, I didn't kiss him back, I swear, I...He told me to leave you and give him a chance and I told him I only love you. I only love you Blaine..." Kurt said quickly, starting to cry.
"Why are you sorry?" Blaine asked quietly.
"I shouldn't have gone...I shouldn't have said anything to him...I...I just.." Kurt said.
Blaine sighed. "You didn't know."
Kurt got nervous at how quiet Blaine was being. He wiped his eyes, sniffing as he tried to stop the tears.
"I'm not upset with you. I'm...processing...I guess..." Blaine said, trying to be calm.
Kurt nodded even though Blaine couldn't see. "I just can't believe he did that to me...again.." Kurt whispered.
"I know...I know..." Blaine said. "Do you want me to come over?"
"No, baby...You need to stay and talk to your mom tonight…I'll be okay I just...I'll see you tomorrow." Kurt said softly.
"A-are you sure?" Blaine asked quickly. "If you need to talk, I'll listen."
"I just don't know what to do..."
"I'm so sorry, baby," Blaine said softly.
"You didn't do anything.." Kurt sniffed, wiping his eyes.
"I shouldn't have said anything..." Blaine whispered. "You don't need this."
"Blaine, you always said we need to be completely honest with each other, you did nothing wrong by telling me.." Kurt said softly.
"I know. I just...You have enough to deal with."
"Blaine…Please baby...you don't have any reason to be sorry.." Kurt said.
"Yes I do...All I want to do is to go find him...right now...and just..." Blaine trailed off, his voice getting angrier the more he thought about it.
"I know Blaine.." Kurt said, turning over in the bed.
"I can't see him...I don't know if I can hold back..."
"Baby…Please...Don't do anything stupid...that won't solve anything. It will only make it worse." Kurt whispered.
"I know," Blaine groaned. "But he kissed you! He kissed my fianc�! Then tried to tell you to leave me."
Kurt closed his eyes. "I know...I know you're mad.." he said softly.
Blaine could feel the tears stinging his eyes but held them back. "I'm sorry..."
"Don't be. You have a right to be mad. You're being a lot calmer than I would be if I was in your shoes.." Kurt said, hugging his pillow close.
Blaine could feel the tears stinging his eyes but held them back. "I'm sorry..."
"Don't be. You have a right to be mad. You're being a lot calmer than I would be if I was in your shoes.." Kurt said, hugging his pillow close.
"I am. I just don’t want a repeat of last time..."
"Me either...But I don't want him to think he can do that...Just...I don't know what to do.." Kurt sighed.
"Me neither," Blaine whispered, holding back his tears.
"I love you Blaine.." Kurt said softly.
"I love you too, baby."
"I'm gonna go see if Finn's hungry...I'll call you before I go to bed okay?" Kurt said.
"That's fine. I’m gonna talk to my mom..." Blaine said softly.
"I love you."
"I love you too. Always," Blaine smiled before hanging up.
Blaine walked out of his room and heard his mother talking on the phone, sounding frustrated. He stopped at the end of the hallway and listened.
"I don't care Robert...No...You hit me and there's no excuse for that you're-...It's not as if you treated Blaine any better...You're sorry...Of course you're sorry, because those two little words can change everything...Blaine might forgive you but I don't...No...He did because he's your son.."
Blaine couldn't hold it in anymore. He ran back to his room, throwing himself on the bed and letting it all out.
Blaine lied in the bed crying until he heard a small knock on the door.
He quickly wiped his tears away before sitting up. "Yeah?"
Marissa walked in, closing the door and sitting down on the bed next to Blaine. "Are you okay?" She asked, placing a hand on his back.
"I'm fine," Blaine lied, looking down at the floor.
"Blaine…You've been crying..." Marissa said, looking at her son.
Blaine shrugged. "It's not the first time I've cried."
"Blaine...What's wrong?" She said seriously.
Blaine laid his head in her lap. "Everything..."
Marissa pet Blaine's curls soothingly. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"I'll just start crying again..."
"It'll help to talk about it sweetheart.."
"It's just everything. I'm so worried about Mr. Hummel but I'm trying to be strong for Kurt. You and dad are fighting again. It kills me to hear that. And Karofsky fucking kissed Kurt. He kissed him! God! I just want to go to Lima and find his pathetic ass and beat the shit out of him! I don't know what I'm going to do when I see him. Oh! And he also told Kurt that he loves him! He /loves/ him! You don't even know what he has put us through and now he's saying he loves MY fianc�. I can't handle it. Any of this. I want out." Blaine said, his voice getting higher as he cried.
Marissa looked down at Blaine and held him close. "Blaine...I-I'm so sorry.."
"You didn't do anything..."
"I know Blaine...But you just seem so stressed...You're only seventeen...You shouldn't have all of this stress and drama...I wish I could just make everything better for you...I just don't want you to have to feel this way.." Marissa said quietly.
"Well it isn't going away. I'm just going to have to keep it in because I have my first shift tomorrow. Then going to the hospital and praying for some change."
Marissa pet Blaine's hair softly. "It will get better.."
"I don't see how. No matter how everything else goes...I know what's going to happen with you and dad...and I have to make a decision because of it," Blaine said as the tears slowed.
Marissa stayed quiet for a moment. "What do you think is going to happen?"
"You aren't going to forgive him. I don't blame you. So I have to either trust that he's changing and try to spend time with him even though you two won't be able to have a civil conversation. Or just not give him a chance, make you feel better and possibly miss out on having my father back..." Blaine sighed.
"Blaine...I'm not going to keep him from you if that's what you want.." Marissa said softly.
"I just want you to be happy. You deserve it..." Blaine said quietly.
"Blaine...I'll be happy if you're happy.." She said, looking down at him.
"I don't know what will make me happy. But hearing you fighting on the phone isn't it."
"....You heard that?" She asked timidly.
Blaine just nodded, keeping his head in her lap.
"I'm sorry you had to hear that.." She whispered.
Blaine shrugged. "It's whatever."
"No...It's not...I know you want this to work with your father.."
"But I don't know if it can..." Blaine sighed.
Marissa stayed silent, looking at the floor.
"I'm sorry..." Blaine said, biting back a sob. "I'm so sorry for doing this to you..."
"Blaine...No...No baby come here.." She said, pulling him up to wrap her arms around him. "You have nothing to be sorry about."
Blaine shook his head. "I just don't know what to do..."
"I know baby...It's gonna be okay.." Marissa soothed.
Blaine took a deep breath. "I'm just gonna take a bath..."
"Alright hunn.." She said, kissing his forehead.
Blaine gave a weak smile before getting up and heading to the bathroom.
Kurt walked down the stairs to Finn sitting on the couch. "Are you hungry Finn?" He asked quietly.
"Always," Finn chuckled lightly. He looked up and saw Kurt's face. "Dude, are you alright?"
"I'm fine.." Kurt said, walking to the kitchen.
Finn followed Kurt. "What's going on? You can talk to me, you know?"
"I know...It's just...It's nothing.." Kurt said, busying himself with searching through the cabinets.
"Kurt, I'm your brother now. And I know I'm not always the...most observant...But I know something's wrong." Finn said softly.
"It's multiple things.." Kurt sighed, looking at his brother.
"You'll feel better to just let it out, Kurt."
Kurt turned to face Finn and braced himself on the counter. "Just...I know Blaine says he will...But I'm still wondering if my dad is gonna wake up...That and there's just all this drama with Blaine's dad and I can tell he's trying to stay strong for me and I feel so bad because I want to be strong for him too.." His voice wavered as he teared up. "But I can't,...I can't because I'm so worried about my dad...I can't lose him too Finn...And I can see how stressed this is all making Blaine, and today Karofsky didn't help anything.."
"First, I know your dad. Give it a few more days. He will pull through. I know it. I don't know what's going on with Blaine's dad but maybe you both need to stop trying to be strong and just be there for each other," Finn said, looking up at his brother. "And what are you talking about? What did Karofsky do?"
Who knew Finn was so good at giving advice? Kurt swallowed, wiping his tears; he hadn't meant to say that. "It's nothing...He just…The usual stuff he does to me…he's been doing to Blaine.." Kurt lied.
"Want me to say something? I will. Blaine's part of this family too," Finn said seriously.
"It's okay…I'm trying to take care of it myself.." Kurt said quietly.
Finn nodded. "Just know I am here if you need me, bro."
Kurt wished he could tell Finn about what happened with Karofsky that day, but he wasn't one for outing people. He felt bad enough for telling Blaine. He turned around starting to make Finn some dinner.
Finn knew Kurt didn't want to talk about it anymore. "Do you want any help with that?"
"Yeah.." Kurt smiled, motioning to his brother.
Kurt walked over to Blaine's locker the next day and saw Blaine looking angry and alert, like he was looking for someone. Kurt sighed, pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek. "You can calm down.." He said, keeping his arms around Blaine's waist.
Blaine groaned. "How am I supposed to calm down? He knew you were with me and kissed you anyways! Was it not enough getting rejected once?!"
Kurt captured Blaine's lips in a soft kiss. "Please..."
Blaine relaxed a little. "Fine. But only because you asked."
"Thank you.." Kurt said, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder.
"You're welcome," Blaine sighed. "I love you."
"I love you too.." Kurt said softly closing his eyes and sighing.
But then Blaine saw him down the hall, talking to some of the other jocks. He tightened his grip on Kurt's hand, glaring down the hall.
Karofsky looked up, locking eyes with Blaine as Kurt nuzzled against Blaine's neck.
Blaine stared back as he held Kurt close, letting the dumb jock know Kurt was his.
Karofsky looked nothing short of crushed as he saw Blaine pull Kurt close to him. He looked away, making a quick gait down the hall away from them.
Blaine knew he shouldn't have done that. But Karofsky needed to know there was no chance. Kurt was his and he wasn't going to change that.
When do you get off of work?" Kurt asked softly.
"Seven. I'll leave for the hospital right after," Blaine said, smiling up at the taller boy.
"Alright baby.. I'll see you tonight.." Kurt said quietly, giving Blaine a chaste kiss before heading down the hall to his first class.
Blaine watched as Kurt strutted down the hall before turned and going to his own class.
Blaine's first night of work was good. He wasn't allowed to accept tips yet since he was still being trained, but it didn't seem that bad even though his feet and back were killing him. He thanked his boss before leaving and heading to his car. Blaine had already packed a bag of clothes for the weekend just in case so he headed to the hospital.
When he got there the nurse told him Kurt was in the room. He walked in and saw his fianc� asleep in the chair next to the bed, his head resting against his hand and his legs crossed.
Blaine didn't want to wake Kurt so he went and got some coffee. When he returned, he sat in the chair next to Kurt and started reading a book he had brought. About half an hour later he something caught his eye. Blaine looked up and Burt's right hand had moved slightly. Blaine gasped and he wondered if he really saw it or it was just because he was tired. He watched his fianc�’s father intently, setting his book to the side. A few minutes later, Burt's lips turned upward a bit. Blaine's eyes grew wide. He reached over, rubbing Kurt's shoulder. "Baby...Get up...You need to wake up now..."
Kurt stirred, his hand moving from under his head as he perked up. "Huh?" He asked, his eyes opening slowly.
"Shhh!" Blaine said quickly. "Just watch..."
Kurt rubbed his eyes and looked over at his father. His heart sped up and tears filled his eyes as he saw Burt's hand move, just in the slightest. "Oh my God..." Kurt breathed out, immediately grabbing his father's hand. "Dad...We're here...we're right here..." Kurt said quickly, tears already rolling down his cheeks.
Blaine ran to the door, yelling for Carole and Finn before rushing back next to Kurt. Blaine took one of Kurt's hands, squeezing lightly as tears filled his eyes.
Finn and Carole ran in. "What is it?" Finn asked.
"Dad's waking up!" Kurt said, letting out a sob, a huge smile spread across his face. Carole stuck her head out into the hall and called for a nurse as Kurt squeezed his father and Blaine's hands.
Finn and Carole stood on the opposite side of Kurt and Blaine. They were all saying things of encouragement as Burt slowly started moving more.
Burt finally opened his eyes slowly and looked around at his family before his eyes rested on Blaine. "You and Kurt skipped school?" He said in barely a whisper.
Blaine's eyes grew wide. He looked at Kurt not knowing what to say.
Kurt just laughed squeezing his father's hand. "Hey Dad.." He said, still crying.
Burt coughed loudly. "Hey kiddo. Now seriously...Why weren't you at school?"
"Dad, do we really need to talk about this right now? Just relax.." Kurt said, still smiling.
"Fine," Burt chuckled. "But we will be talking later. And Blaine...I want to talk to you too," he said smiling.
Blaine's eyebrows raised as he looked at Burt. "Really?" He said softly as the nurse came in, checking all of Burt's vitals and removing a few things.
"How are you feeling Mr. Hummel?" The nurse asked.
"Tired," He said. "But so ready to be back at home with my family. How long have I been here?"
"Four days.." The Nurse said, checking his heartbeat.
"Can I go home soon?" Burt asked the young nurse.
"We'll just have to run a few more tests, get you prescribed to a few meds and then you're good to go.." She said smiling.
Burt lit up. He looked up at Carole. "Come here..."
Carole walked over to her husband with tears in her eyes.
Burt kissed her sweetly. "I love you."
Carole couldn't hold back the tears as she kissed him again. "I love you so much.." She whispered.
Burt let a few tears slip from his eyes as he smiled up at his adorable wife.
Kurt watched the two before he hugged Blaine tightly. "You were right...Thank you so much Blaine...I love you.."
Blaine hugged him back. "I love you too. And I really didn't think he could hear me when I was talking to him...Sorry if you get in trouble..."
"I don't care.." Kurt giggled, kissing Blaine softly.
Blaine laughed. "I told you he was strong."
Kurt smiled as the tears streamed down his face and he held Blaine close.
Burt smiled over at the two boys. "So what have I missed?"
"We'll talk about it later.." Kurt smiled down at his father.
"Alright," Burt nodded. "But what do we do now?"
"I guess we just wait for the doctor to come do the tests." Kurt sighed. As if on cue the doctor walked in, politely asking them to wait out in the waiting room.
Blaine pulled Kurt in for another hug. "Now you can relax."
Kurt let out a sigh of relief. He felt like a giant weight had been lifted off of his shoulders as he held Blaine.
"Do you want to go get him something to eat?" Blaine asked softly.
"Yeah...What will he want Carole?" Kurt asked.
"Anything he can't have. You know him, he'd probably ask for a Slim Jim," she chuckled.
“Well what should we get him." Kurt giggled.
"Will you go to Subway and get a veggie sandwich on wheat bread," Carole asked. "He won't be happy but it’s healthy."
"Alright." Kurt smiled, grabbing Blaine's hand.
Blaine took Kurt's hand. "Do you or Finn want anything?"
"I'm not hungry.." Carole said smiling.
"Big Philly." Finn said happily.
Kurt rolled his eyes at his brother. Blaine giggled. "Alright. We'll be back."
Kurt walked outside with Blaine, swinging their hands together. "Thank you for being here Blaine.." Kurt said softly.
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be."
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine before they made it to the car.
"Did you want alone time with your dad this weekend?" Blaine asked quietly.
"If that's okay.." Kurt said softly, looking over at Blaine as they sat in the car.
"It's not a problem," Blaine said, watching the road. "Did you just want me to drop you off after we get the food...?"
Kurt nodded. "What did your mom say last night?" He asked after a minute.
"Not much..." Blaine said, still looking straight ahead.
"Are you okay?" Kurt asked, sensing something wrong.
"Yeah. I just really don't want to talk about that right now..."
Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand. "I'm sorry.."
"Don't worry about it. You need to focus on making sure your dad is okay," Blaine said softly.
"Alright baby.." Kurt said, squeezing Blaine's hand.
Blaine gave a small smile as they pulled into Subway. They got the sandwiches for Kurt, Finn, and Burt. "You ready?" Blaine asked.
"Yeah.." Kurt said. He was happy his dad was awake, but he could still see how stressed Blaine was about his father.
Blaine took Kurt back to the hospital. He sat in the parking lot alone for a while. He didn't want to go home and Kurt needed time with his dad. Blaine took a deep breath and started his car, driving to his dad's house. He pulled into the driveway of his old house, staring at it for a little bit. He was still kind of nervous. Blaine sighed heavily before walking up to the door and ringing the doorbell.
A few seconds later Robert opened the door, surprised to see Blaine standing on the doorstep.
"Hey dad..." Blaine said quietly.
"Hey son.." Robert said, stepping aside to let Blaine in.
"Sorry to come over without any notice..."
"Oh no, it's perfectly fine." His father said, closing the door behind Blaine.
"I-I need to talk..." Blaine said, looking down at the floor.
"Let's go sit down then.." Robert said placing a hand on back Blaine's back as they walked to the living room. They both say down and Robert looked at his son. "What did you want to talk about?"
"I need you to be completely honest with me..." Blaine said seriously, looking up at his dad.
He nodded at his son. "Alright."
"What's going to happen with you and mom? I just...I need to be prepared...if it isn't good..."
Robert looked at the ground. "Yesterday...She was...talking about...divorce.." Robert whispered.
Blaine took a deep breath, holding it as he squeezed his eyes shut. He nodded, not able to speak without breaking down.
Robert looked at his son. "I am so sorry.."
Blaine let out his breath, doing anything he could to keep from crying.
Blaine's father walked over to him, holding him lightly, and Rubbing his back softly as he sat next to him.
"I'm sorry..." Blaine said through the rapidly falling tears. "I just...thought things would...get better..."
"Shh...It's okay.." Robert said. He grew more comfortable as he saw Blaine was comfortable enough to cry. He held his son tighter.
"I want things back to how they were. I want my mom and my dad. I want us all to live here and be happy..."
"I know son...I know.." his father tried to soothe.
Blaine wrapped his arms around his father tighter. "I...I love you dad..."
"I love you too son.." Robert said. He couldn't believe what he'd done. Going this long without this relationship with Blaine and causing him all of this heartache. It was all his fault Blaine felt this way.
Blaine stayed in his father’s arms until his tears slowed. "I-I didn't know where to go..."
"I just want you to know Blaine...I am committed to this change…For you.." Robert said softly.
Blaine nodded. "Thank you..."
"Are…are you and your mother fighting?" His father asked.
Blaine shook his head. "No...But I could hear her on the phone with you..."
"I-..I'm sorry you heard that.."
"I-It's fine," Blaine said quietly.
"How do you feel about...all of this?" Robert asked softly.
"It sucks..." Blaine whispered. "But...it feels good to be here..."
"I'm sorry you have to go through all of this Blaine.." his father said, looking down at him.
"I know," Blaine nodded.
They stayed like that for a minute and Blaine realized how easy it was for him to say he hated his father, but how much easier it was to forgive him. He felt like a scared little boy every day, and not having a father to go to with these things really hurt him. But now he had a chance to get that back.
"C-Can I stay the night?" Blaine asked carefully.
"If you want.." Robert said softly, giving the slightest hint of a smile.
"Would you mind? I just...It's been a long day and I don't feel like driving home..."
"It's fine with me...Would your mom mind?" His father asked reluctantly.
"She doesn't mind if I see you...She understands because you are my father..." Blaine said quietly.
Robert nodded. "Alright then...How’s...Kurt?" He asked, remembering his son's fianc�’s name.
"Good," Blaine said, a small smile forming across his face. "His dad just woke up."
"That's good.." He replied smiling. "So…You two are…uh...Planning on getting....married?" He asked slowly.
Blaine nodded. "Sometime after high school. Probably after college..."
"So you two are pretty serious huh?" He asked, looking at his son.
"Very," Blaine said, looking at his dad. "We've...been through a lot together..."
"I'd like to get the chance to...actually talk to him." His father said.
"Really?" Blaine asked, his heart swelling. "That would mean so much to me."
"Yeah...I'd like that."
Blaine smiled. "Thank you, dad."
"You're welcome son.." Robert said softly.
Blaine hugged his dad again before relaxing on the couch.
Suddenly Blaine's phone vibrated as Brittany's face lit up his screen.
Blaine looked up at his dad. "Sorry, I need to get this..." he answered his phone quickly. "Hey Britt!"
"Blaine...I think someone stole your car...It's in your dad's driveway.."
Blaine chuckled. "No, Britt. It's me. I'm at my dad's house."
"Oh.....Why?" She asked, confused.
"Long story. What are you doing tonight?" Blaine asked.
"Nothing...Lord Tubbington and I aren't speaking.." she sighed.
Blaine giggled. "Hold on." He turned to his dad. "Is it alright if Britt came over to hang out?"
"That's fine." He smiled.
"Britt, do you want to come over?"
"Always! I'll be right over!" She said happily.
Blaine laughed before hanging up and turned back to his father. "Just to warn you...She's not all...there...."
Robert's eyebrows rose. "Really?"
"Right now, she's fighting with her cat..."
Robert looked at his son. "I knew we should have kept you in Dalton.." he joked.
Blaine laughed. "It’s fun though."
"No one gives you any trouble there though right?" He asked.
"I have had one person messing with me...But I'm pretty sure that's over..." Blaine admitted.
"Are you sure?" His father asked concernedly.
"I think so," Blaine said.
"Hey Blaine...Blaine's dad." Brittany said from the top of the stair case. Robert nearly jumped out of his seat, turning to look at the blond.
Blaine laughed. "You could have used the front door."
"I like your window better." She smiled.
Blaine's dad eyed him. "She used to sneak up to my room when she needed to talk..." Blaine explained.
Robert nodded as Brittany trotted down the stairs to hug her best friend.
Blaine hugged her tightly. "I've missed you."
"I missed you too.." she smiled, hugging him tight.
"What do you want to do?" Blaine asked.
"Do you want to go for a walk? I wanna hear your long story." She said happily.
Blaine told his dad he'd be back later and walked out of the door with his best friend.
They walked for a bit before Brittany spoke up. "How's Kurt's dad?" She asked, "Finn told us what happened the other day."
"He actually woke up a few hours ago," Blaine smiled.
"That's awesome!" She said smiling as she swung their conjoined hands between them.
"He actually woke up a few hours ago," Blaine smiled.
"That's awesome!" She said, smiling and swinging their conjoined hands between them.
"I know. Kurt's not so tense now."
"How are you?" She asked, kicking off her shoes as they reached the park.
"I honestly don't know.." Blaine admitted.
They sat in the grass and Brittany grabbed Blaine's hands.
"What do you mean?"
"Karofsky is an ass and just this stuff with my parents..." Blaine said quietly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" The tall blond asked, squeezing Blaine's hands.
"Mom wants to divorce him," Blaine said. "But I don’t know. I just...I can’t lose him again..."
"I'm so sorry Blaine...But, just because they get a divorce doesn't mean you can't see your dad.."
"I know but I think it makes her uncomfortable."
"Well I understand why she would be worried...Why are you over there anyways?" She asked.
"Kurt wanted to be alone. I didn’t feel like driving. It's nice to see you too," Blaine smiled.
"No, I meant...I thought you hated your dad..." Brittany said timidly. "But I am happy to see you.."
"He apologized...and I guess...I just miss having a dad..."
"Well I'm glad he apologized.." she said, laying back on the grass and motioning for Blaine to do the same.
Blaine lay beside her. "He too. I just don't want to make my mom unhappy..." Blaine said, cuddling up to the blond.
Brittany nodded, playing with the shorter boy's curls. "I understand...What happened with Karofsky?"
"He's alive," Blaine said, instantly regretting it. "He's just an ass. He glares at me when I'm with Kurt."
"Why?" She asked, looking down at Blaine.
Blaine wanted to tell Britt so badly. No matter how much he hated Karofsky, Blaine knew it wasn't his secret to tell. "I don't know. I guess because we aren't afraid for people to know that we are gay.”
"It shouldn't matter...I mean…Why can't people fall in love with someone without it always being wrong?"
"That's how I feel," Blaine agreed. "But not everyone sees that."
"I don't understand…You loving Kurt, or me loving San isn't hurting anyone.." Brittany whispered.
Blaine knew Britt wouldn't understand since she didn't know. "It's just...complicated..."
"It shouldn't be..."
"I know...It’s just...I'm not supposed to tell anyone..."
"Tell anyone what?" She asked.
"You can’t tell anyone...."
Brittany quickly linked pinkies with Blaine. "Promise.."
"He...loves Kurt..."
Brittany looked down at Blaine with wide eyes. "What?...O-Oh my God.."
"Yeah..." Blaine said quietly.
"How do you know? I didn't think he was...Oh my God.."
"He told Kurt...then kissed him..." Blaine said, almost in tears.
Brittany was speechless as she looked up at the night sky.
"I can't believe it.."
"I know...I'm still shocked."
"What are you gonna do?" Brittany asked.
"What is there to do?" Blaine asked just above a whisper.
"If I was you, I would have fought him...But I know Kurt probably told you not to.."
"I was looking for him but Kurt got me to calm down. I just...I want to fight him...Make him realize Kurt is mine..."
"Yeah.." Britt sighed, pulling Blaine closer.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" Blaine asked softly as the blonde played with his dark curls.
"Of course…I missed our sleep overs." Brittany smiled.
"Me too. So why are you and Lord Tubbington fighting?"
"He still refuses to stop smoking.." Brittany sighed.
"How do you know?" Blaine asked, his eyebrows knitting together.
"He told me.."
"Oh," Blaine said, holding back a giggle. "Will he be mad if you don't come home?"
"I really don't care. If he wants to be his own person I should be able to too." She said matter of factly.
Blaine giggled. "That's true."
"Where are the stars?" Brittany asked before all of a sudden the rain started pouring down on them.
Blaine jumped up, pulling Britt with him as they ran to his house.
Brittany laughed as they went under the porch to his house, soaked through their clothes.
Blaine walked into the door and ran to get some towels. Robert came out, laughing at the two. Blaine turned to his dad. "Umm...Would it be okay if she stayed?"
Robert nodded. "Yeah, that's fine." He said smiling as the teens dried off.
Blaine motioned for Britt to follow him. "I'll let you borrow some of my clothes."
Brittany smiled and followed Blaine upstairs to his room.
Blaine had left some of his things and clothes there. He opened his bottom drawer and pulled out some clothes before starting to change. "You can pick anything."
Brittany opened up Blaine's drawer and pulled out a t shirt and sweat pants, slipping them on and tossing her wet hair up into a messy bun.
Blaine lay on the bed, waiting for Britt to do the same. "So what’s going on with you and San?"
Britt plopped down across from Blaine and sat Indian style. "I think she's getting more confident about us.." She said smiling.
Blaine smiled. "Really? That's fantastic!"
"Yeah.." She said smiling.
"What has she been doing to show you that?" Blaine asked.
"She's just been more…Lovey and...I don't know how to describe it.."
Blaine grinned at the tall blond. "I'm happy for you."
"Thanks.." She said smiling.
"You're welcome. What do you want to do tonight?"
"I miss our Disney movies!" Brittany smiled.
"Which do you want to watch?" Blaine smiled.
"Sleeping beauty!" She smiled, cuddling up to Blaine.
Blaine got up and put the movie in before cuddling up with Britt again.
They watched the movie for a bit before Blaine's phone vibrates with a text from Kurt.
"Hey baby "
Blaine gave a quick response.
"Hey there."
"What are you doing?"
"Watching a movie with Britt."
"I wish I was there with you"
"You should be with your dad."
"Yeah, but he's asleep."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay...I just want you here in my bed with me..”
"I know, babe."
"I need you baby.."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong…I've just been laying here thinking about you.."
"Oh. Well, I'd tell you to sneak over. But I really doubt that you can make it up to my window. Lol."
"How do you know? I can be very athletic." Kurt replied, smiling to himself.
"You'd have to be quiet. So my dad doesn't know you're here..."
"You're at your dad's?"
"Yeah. I didn't want to go home."
"Do you want me to come over?"
"Only if you want to."
"I'll be there in about ten minutes. Love you."
"Love you too."
Blaine turned to Britt. "Do you mind if Kurt comes over?"
"No, it's fine." She smiled. "Will he be able to climb up the tree?" Brittany asked.
"He says he can. But I don't know," Blaine giggled a little.
"We'll see!" She smiled.
Blaine chuckled, curling back up with her as they waited for Kurt.
A little later there was a knock on the window and Blaine got up to open it and saw Kurt standing on the limb and leaning against the trunk, one hand on his hip. "Hey.."
Blaine was impressed. "Hey beautiful."
Kurt, climbed into Blaine's window and gave him a small kiss.
"How's your dad?" He asked, guiding him to his bed.
Kurt cuddled up next to Blaine. "Good, he's been tired, and I've been keeping him off of his feet. Hey Britt." Kurt said, smiling at the blond.
"Hey Kurt!" Britt said excitedly.
Blaine lay back on the bed, holding Britt again as he motioned for Kurt to lay behind him.
Kurt pulled Blaine close. "So what have you two been doing?"
"Watching Sleeping Beauty!" Britt said before Blaine could answer.
Kurt giggled, smiling at his fianc�'s best friend. "Sounds good.."
Blaine leaned back closer to Kurt. "I'm really glad you're here."
Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's neck softly. "Me too.."
"My dad wants to talk to you sometime..." Blaine said quietly.
"Really?" Kurt asks.
"Yup. He asked about us getting married and about how serious our relationship is. Then he said that.."
Kurt nodded. "I'd like that."
"Just...When he actually knows you're here," Blaine giggled.
Kurt smiled. "Yeah." They lay like that for a bit, watching the movie. When Kurt leaned down, kissing Blaine's neck softly.
Blaine sighed quietly, leaning his head to the opposite side to give Kurt more access.
Kurt kissed up Blaine's neck to his jaw, licking the spot behind his ear softly.
Blaine bit back a moan, pushing his hips back onto Kurt.
Kurt smiled to himself, taking the lobe of Blaine's ear in between his teeth.
Blaine's body tensed as he let out a sharp breath.
"Is Brittany asleep?" Kurt whispered in his ear.
Blaine lifted his head, looking at the blond sleeping peacefully. He pressed himself back to Kurt, nodding lightly.
Kurt gasped, licking a light line up Blaine's ear.
Blaine sucked in a deep breath. "Baby..."
"Yes?" He asked before kissing down his neck.
Blaine let out a soft moan. "W-what if she wakes u-up?"
"Do you want to move somewhere?" Kurt asked.
Blaine nodded. He grabbed a blanket and spread it on the floor, motioning for Kurt to lay with him.
Kurt laid down on top of Blaine, kissing him softly.
Blaine wrapped his legs around Kurt's waist, pulling him closer as he sighed into the kiss.
Kurt traced his hands down his fianc�'s sides, pushing his hips down into Blaine's.
A strangled moan escaped Blaine's lips. He trailed his hands down Kurt's back, grasping his ass roughly.
Kurt bit his lip, holding a moan back as he grinded into Blaine again.
Blaine's head fell back, fighting the urge to moan loudly.
"What do you want baby?" Kurt asked in his ear.
"R-ride me...please?" Blaine breathed out heavily.
Kurt moaned softly. "God...Yes.." he breathed out, getting up to quietly grab the lube and lied down back on top of Blaine.
"I-I want to watch you...prep yourself..." Blaine said quietly.
Kurt nodded, giving a small smile before slowly pulling off his pajama pants and boxer briefs, letting Blaine take off his shirt. He slicked up his fingers, leaning back and slowly pushing one inside of himself.
Blaine panted as he watched his fianc� add another finger. "Baby...you are so damn sexy..."
Kurt whimpered lightly, letting his head fall back as he saw Blaine pull out his cock, stroking himself softly.
Blaine moaned softly as he watched Kurt with hungry eyes.
Kurt added a third finger gasping sharply as he hit that spot inside of him. "Blaine.." He panted.
"Fuck, Kurt..." Blaine moaned, grabbing his fianc�’s hips lightly.
Kurt pulled his fingers out and positioned himself over Blaine before slowly lowering down on Blaine's length.
Blaine gasped, holding Kurt's hips tighter, focusing on his breathing so he didn't thrust up into the amazingly tight heat.
Kurt splayed his hands on Blaine's chest before he slowly started rolling his hips.
"Ahh!" Blaine gasped, his eyes rolling back. "Shit, Kurt..."
Kurt kissed Blaine deeply to keep him quiet as he started bouncing on his cock.
Blaine grabbed Kurt's ass, whimpering against his fianc�’s lips.
Kurt moaned into Blaine's mouth, tangling his fingers in Blaine's curls, working his hips faster.
Blaine couldn't help it; it felt too good. He broke the kiss, moaning Kurt's name as he thrust up hard.
Kurt yelped, clutching to Blaine's shoulders as he thrust up into him.
Blaine thrust harder, whining as Kurt leaned down, sucking harshly at his pulse point.
Kurt bit down softly on Blaine's neck, moaning against the skin.
Blaine thought he heard a noise from the bed. He paused before Kurt hushed him.
"Just fuck me baby.." Kurt panted.
Blaine rolled them over, remaining inside his fianc�. He kissed down Kurt's jaw, pounding into him.
Kurt grit his teeth together, trying not to scream as Blaine hit his prostate. He clawed down Blaine's back panting harshly.
Blaine attached his lips to Kurt's before he moaned too loudly.
"Are you two having dolphin sex?!" Brittany asked, rolling over in the bed.
Kurt froze, clutching to Blaine as he held his breath, looking up at his fianc� with wide eyes.
Blaine couldn't hold back his laughter. He stayed on top of Kurt, pulling the blanket over them.
"Don't laugh!" Kurt whispered harshly."Whyareyoulaughing?!" His face a deep red.
Blaine couldn't stop. He rested his head against Kurt's neck as he continued to giggle.
"Well don't let me be a rooster block. I'm going back to sleep." Brittany chuckled before rolling back over.
"Oh my god Blaine.." Kurt panted, completely mortified as Blaine continued to thrust.
"Do you want me to stop?" he asked darkly, thrusting against Kurt's prostate.
Kurt whimpered, "God..No..fuck harder please.."
Blaine smiled to himself, pounding into his wanton fianc�. "You're so fucking hot, Kurt."
Kurt bit his lip, trying to stay quiet for Brittany's sake as Blaine fucked him harder.
Blaine kissed up Kurt's jawline to his ear, sucking the lobe into his mouth as he struck Kurt's sweet bundle of nerves.
Kurt's hips jerked upwards as he felt Blaine hit his prostate again."OhgodI'msoclose.." Kurt whispered.
Blaine thrust harder, "Baby, cum for me..."
Kurt bit down on Blaine's shoulder as he came hard, his hips rolling upward as he rode out his orgasm.
Blaine came deep inside Kurt, moaning his name repeatedly.
Kurt panted before kissing Blaine softly. "You just fucked me with your best friend awake in the same room.." Kurt whispered.
"It only makes us closer." Brittany laughed.
Kurt blushed again, burying his face in Blaine's neck.
Blaine chuckled. "It's not a big deal."
"It will be if you can't keep it down!" Brittany giggled.
"Oh my God..." Kurt breathed out, embarrassed.
"Don't worry about it, Kurt. It's not the first time I've heard the two of you," Britt said as the boys cleaned up and got dressed.
"When was the other time?" Kurt asked.
Brittany bit back a laugh. "When Blaine punished you..."
Kurt blushed to his scalp as his eyes opened wide. "Oh my God..." Kurt groaned, sitting next to the blond, but pulling the covers over his head.
"It's okay," Britt said, pulling the covers back down.
Blaine slid in next to Kurt. "She was with Santana... Why are you freaking out? It's just Britt."
"I know...It's just…knowing someone else heard...It just makes me a little self-conscious.." Kurt admitted.
Blaine pulled Kurt close. "I understand. I'm sorry."
"Kurt, it was actually kind of hot..." Brittany confessed quietly.
Kurt blushed again, burying his face in Blaine's neck, but laughing.
"Hey Blaine?" Brittany asked.
"Yeah?" The brunette replied, looking over at Brittany.
"I know you sort of explained once before...But I still don't understand..." Brittany said, her eyebrows knitting together. "How does dolphin sex work?"
Kurt groaned, laughing again and Blaine just laughed. "Um It's pretty simple actually.."
"Oh my God Blaine please don't." Kurt laughed.
"But I really don't understand..." Brittany said innocently.
Kurt buried his face in his hands as Blaine slowly explained the mechanics of what they were doing for his friend, using plenty of hand gestures to make it clearer.
Brittany seemed more confused now. "And...you...like that...?"
"It feels better if you're a boy..." Blaine started, explaining prostates to the blond.
"Oohhhh. Okay," Britt nodded. "Now I know why you're so loud."
Kurt laughed again as Blaine blushed slightly.
Blaine shook his head. "I can't help it."
Kurt smiled to himself and whispered in Blaine's ear, only loud enough for him to hear. "Because you love the way my cock fills you? Is it too good not to scream?"
Blaine swallowed hard, choking as he did so. When he calmed down, he was blushing and leaned back to whisper to Kurt. "It's way too good to be quiet...But let's not forget how easily I can make you fall apart."
Kurt shivered and smiled at his fianc�. "You're right.."
"And just warning you...If we don't stop talking about this...Britt might get another show.." Blaine giggled.
Kurt laughed. "Blaine Anderson, Exhibitionist Extraordinaire."
"You enjoyed it," Blaine said, kissing Kurt's cheek.
"Mhmm.." Kurt giggled. "I should probably start getting ready to go.." he sighed.
Blaine pouted. "I know...But I don't want you to..."
"I know baby.." Kurt said softly, pulling Blaine close. "I'll see if I can maybe see you tomorrow.."
"I work tomorrow night. I'll be here until 4," Blaine said, getting up to walk Kurt to the window. "Thanks for coming over."
Kurt smiled getting up and kissing Blaine softly. "I love you...So much.." He whispered.
"You only came over for sex and you know it," Blaine giggled. "I love you too, Kurt."
Kurt laughed, giving Blaine another small kiss. “Bye baby…” He said before slipping out of the window and climbing down the tree. He blew Blaine a kiss before starting to walk to his car.
Blaine was impressed with how easily Kurt climbed down. He waved back and went to cuddle with Brittany. “Sorry about that,” He chuckled.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not the first time it’s happened to me.” She giggled, cuddling against Blaine’s chest.
Blaine wrapped his arms around the blond. “You and I really do need to have more sleepovers though. Good night, Britt.”
Brittany smiled, giving Blaine a tight hug before relaxing. “Night Blainers.”